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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 18, 2024 5:35am-6:21am MSK

5:35 am
well, citizen belov, take your property, as they say, everything is safe, well, thank you, you know, while the relevant employees were picking their noses, the killers uncovered the theft, well done, thank you, alexey, this is for you, oh you, oh- oh-oh, oh, thank you! huge, the whole department will definitely drink to your health and to the safety of your paintings, well, yes, so that they don’t steal, oh, i completely forgot, the breath of spring, the breath of spring, a masterpiece, i’m used to you, i’m used to it, but how easy it is in the spring, yes , it’s just amazing, don’t be upset, sobbing, we'll order a copy for your birthday, yeah.
5:36 am
thank you, a copy, i really like it, well , i like this picture so much, you know, a copy is a mirage, you don’t need a copy, take it, seriously , take it, i don’t mind for you, take it, thank you, it will be fun in the department us a masterpiece, no, no, no, take it home, such a picture is not for the department, go home, home, home, home, i understand.
5:37 am
who are the goods and what? open, i'm from the redhead, he said you'll take it, 18th century! oh, comrade general, i wish you good health, how are you, how is the detection rate, well, that’s all ok, seven murders have been solved, one is true, not solved, but i’m sure to the end.
5:38 am
well, you know, when the head of the criminal police service comes to you and personally proposes a person, it is somewhat suspicious, i would like to say, exciting, the name of your new opera is dmitriev, she is 23 years old, she has just graduated from police school, but i would like her to my new employee had at least some work experience, we have serious departments, experience is needed here, well, you teach me about... from training, don’t
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worry, i personally sent her to the section boxing well, in short, ella dmitrieva, the daughter of my late sister, that is, my niece. oleg, personal request, make her a real opera, real, not parquet. i'll try, dmitrieva. “comrade general, lieutenant dmitriev has arrived to serve in the department, well, comrade lieutenant, i welcome you to your new place of work, i am colonel sylovets, head of the interdistrict department, comrade colonel, i promise that i will try, well, where can you go, now wait for me in the corridor, there is, well, me, oleg, in a year i will leave for a deputy position.
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minister, i really want you to be appointed to my position, who will approve me? i will do everything to make this happen, i promise you... uh-huh, good, all the best, and hello igor, i wish you good health, comrade general, wonderful, well, it’s good that it happened, he called me by name and greeted me hand, he brought his niece to work in your department, he thinks that if she is kinder to us, then we will treat her well accordingly.
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no, this is not an intern, this is our new staff member, lieutenant dmitrieva, meet me, oh, how nice, such a nice new staff member, well, let's get acquainted, captain rodanov, for colleagues andrey, for such
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charming girls like you, andryusha, it means that lieutenant dmitrieva came to us immediately after training, she has no operational experience yet, so i ask you all to show up. that’s enough, you’ll tell me the rest during work, the meeting is over, everyone is free, yes, in my opinion, this is the shortest meeting in our lives, and a fun one, well, ela, let’s show you your office,
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elochka, wait, wait , let me i’ll help you carry your purse, oh what, well then you know that if you need professional help, the help of a reliable mentor, always contact me, fine, but... if he asks you to get married, don’t agree, she’s very pretty, you can feel what it smells like, love and affection , like this, this table is free, you can take it, please, we address each other strictly by name only, i’m igor, this is andryukha, this is margot, there’s also pasha potapov, but he’s getting enough sleep after night duty, of course, so , well, to the salad, of course, by name, patronymic and new. there you go let me tell you something about yourself, what can i tell you about myself, i graduated with honors from police school, with honors, who has a diploma with honors, me, wow, but i don’t have any work experience and thanks to my uncle, general merzlyakin got into to the mav department, who wants what general merzlyakin, merzlyakin, your uncle
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or something, you are the niece of general merzlyakin, i ’m not going to see you by chance, thank you very much, what else can i say, i went in for sports, boxing, swimming, volleyball, i can stand up for myself, good, to be honest, nothing at all i don’t know how to do it, but i always dreamed of doing opera work, take me to your team, but to tell you the truth, that opera has not yet been born who, when he came to our department, would immediately be able to do everything, although on the other hand georgivich is not for me either are born, well , guys, we work, that’s how it is almost every day, andryukha, margo go out, but i can, well, of course i would take you, but you’re in shape, and it’s better to work as a citizen. i’ll change everything myself, let’s take it, yes, well, let’s change clothes in a moment, alli, we won’t interfere, elochka, change clothes, don’t rush, we’ll help you let's wait, thank you, hello, lesh, hello,
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hello, dear, hello, who is this intern, but not an intern, and who is bulkin? abulkin is a donut. yeah. bulkin is a follower from the investigative committee. now you'll meet. the killer shot him in the head, there are signs of a search all around. on the face - robbery. yes, it's not scary. why be afraid? well, usually on the first trip everyone is turned out, even strong men. and i'm watching you. why are you holding on, well, i knew where i was going, i went to the morgue, i was at autopsies,
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i got the hang of it, of course, i have a trained stomach - this is the professional quality of the opera, just look, don’t lose, what not to lose, don’t lose your zeal, because at first everyone’s eyes light up, and 2-3 years will pass, where does everything go, tell me again, our opera, they are not like that, well, ours, ours are the exception, so i will be the exception. well, god forbid, meet our new operative, hello, hello, investigator bulkin, ivan alekseevich, ela dmitrieva, operative in the inter-district military department, very nice, mutual, bublik, there are traces of a break-in, there are no traces of a break-in, well, you can assume that he opened the door himself, or that the killer had his own key, a strange place. valuables, well, could the murdered person be a collector or just a wealthy person? yes, but
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why wasn’t anything stolen? a reasonable question, parry my investment, i assume that they were looking for something specific, they were probably looking for something specific, for sure the barrel was dropped, yes, the barrel was dropped, fingerprints, you are new here, and you don’t know that if the barrel is dropped, then there are probably no fingerprints on it, well, van, van, more favorable to young people, more favorable.
5:48 am
in the apartment where the murder took place, there were many valuable things, but the killer did not take anything, although he was clearly looking for something, perhaps cash, but now lieutenant dmitrieva will tell us everything in detail, after examining the scene of the incident, i got the impression that he was killed a fairly wealthy man, in the apartment we found fur coats, smartphones, not to mention...
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so we need to get to know this wolfson specifically, i don’t think it will work,
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because liv gennadich 2 weeks ago escaped from a colony in mordovia, where he was serving his sentence behind the murder that he committed a year ago, well then all the more you need to look for acquaintances, well , that’s your business, well, actually, he said what he wanted, lesh, you said a lot, thank you very much, there is something to work on, well then work. you and i nikitos, well done. listen, run for some tea, grab something to eat, grab your loved ones, okay, come on, more tea, okay, come on, come on, where are you going, nikitos, get some tea, take it for everyone, ritka, what have we dug up, and we’re almost everything was solved, yes, what a coincidence, we also almost solved the case, let’s compare, so, of course, the killer is volson, absolutely right,
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please, ellie, zlatnitsky was a buyer of stolen goods, volson killed him in order to rob, absolutely true, zlatnitsky really was a buyer of stolen goods, very cunning and careful, he managed to never get into the zone, but about a year ago zlatnitsky was a witness in a murder case, the killer was wolfson, it was wolfson, and he killed someone, a police officer, wolfson came to zolotnitsky, brought him stolen things, oper was waiting for him there, in fact, whom he killed wolfson, from the same pistol that we found in the apartment today, and zolotnitsky was an agent of the murdered operative and he pointed it. well done, andryukha, that’s absolutely right, he was an agent, which makes it clear why zlatnitsky was never caught, but here’s the thing, zlatnitsky said that wolfson had, so to speak, a partner, but he never caught him i didn’t see him, but wolfson didn’t turn him in at the trial, didn’t turn him in, can i say, please, but if wolfson knew that zolotnitsky turned him in, and zolotnitsky
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was a witness in his case, that means a motive it’s clear, he ran away to kill him, besides, if he had a partner working with him, whom we never... identified, exactly like that, exactly like that, this will be our main version, write operplan, great, so, why? i, well , why, because you are the smartest, the most handsome, the most well-fed, the most moderately well-fed man, okay, i’m the most well -fed man in the world in full swing, that is, i’m practically carlson, okay, let me make an up-plan , by the way, this volson passed us through another murder, that is, another alone, yes, it’s true that they weren’t able to prove anything there, but some...
5:53 am
listen, can i ask a question? of course you can, incorrect, incorrect, i’m not married, but i’m actively searching, i dream of marrying a girl, so you can calmly pester me, but i’m serious, i’m serious too, calmly invite me to a movie, to a restaurant, okay, okay , excuse me, ask what interests you, do you have a bad relationship with ritka, why, where did you get the idea, well, i don’t know, constantly tease each other. yes, it’s just our way of communicating, but in general we really love each other, yes, yeah, that’s good, you think, of course, the team should be friendly, that’s true, and in general in our department there is an atmosphere of universal love and mutual understanding, listen, i’ll talk to the agent, there’s someone waiting for me in the yard, but you stop here and wait, yeah.
5:54 am
elik, shame on you, i told you to stand here and wait, why did you follow me and spy on me, well, excuse me, i was very interested in what you were interested in, well , to see how the cops meet with the agents. looked, looked, don't do that again, if my agent noticed the surveillance, would shrink and stop giving important information, i agree, it’s not the point, but as you noticed me, the opera’s eyes should be in the back of his head, and the first rule of the opera, the agent’s safety is first of all cut off, cut off, i agree, that’s not the point, it won’t be like that anymore i will, well done,
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do you have a close relationship with your agent or not ? yeah, clearly, oh, i heard what, they were shouting, help, please, don’t take me for a fool, that you want to hide the lock, yeah, if only. not your uncle, i already told you, i'm not going to knock on him, come on, that's fine, then stand on the shooker, uh-huh,
5:56 am
here she is our beauty, let's wake her up, both of them, both of them! someone broke in well, elsa, it was a tough night, i see, she was actively violating the sports regime, drinking
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is not prohibited by law, drinking is not prohibited, but attacking a police officer while on duty is prohibited, i didn’t know, he sees, in the apartment, i need an id it would be nice to ask, yes, it would be nice, a police officer, but you have an article for harboring, what are you doing, chief, i didn’t harbor anyone, i didn’t shelter anyone, no, velson came to see you, but you didn’t turn him in, i haven’t seen him for a long time since then since he was imprisoned, oh, what are you going to do, but elno, look, a beautiful woman, drunk and cheerful, refuses to cooperate, okay, we’ll file a criminal charge for assault... the police have all decided, how many? pour some water,
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he was with me, but the peel kicked him out, because he’s a jealous guy, uh-huh, i understand, if you tell everything well, he ’ll only get 15 days for the jealous guy, okay, there’s such a person, a hindu clique, why, really an indian, as i say, a clique, what kind of guy is he? yes, some small pimp, he has girls that are cheap, for the people, so to speak, not exotic, there are from asia, from africa, that is, this is volson, maybe there, yes, as an option, okay, write the address of this indian, hmm. i don’t know the address, well, that ’s how it starts, no, citizen, things won’t work out that way, we didn’t agree like that, okay, i know where the house is, i know the front door,
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i don’t know the apartment, okay, then show me, you know him by sight, no, ellie, run to knikitos, you’ll beat that indian there, but we have nothing but a nickname, so that’s the point, no, show operational savvy, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, elie, run. maybe there is something stronger, drink water, well listen, margo, how do you like the new girl, so i wanted to ask, listen, the devil only knows, it ’s hard to say, i haven’t worked with her yet, yeah, i should ask andryukha, what do you think, but you understand, i have no complaints about her. well, it’s clear, it’s just that some kind of situation is opaque, how to treat it, the nightingale said to break through it, oh well, let’s figure out what kind of niece this is
6:00 am
, no, well, if georgievich said it’s necessary, that means it should be, well, what am i even talking about, listen, you’re a normal girl, i’m arguing or something, but she’ll get used to it, she’s just still young, and so i ’ll help her first. you know how to calm margot down, that’s why i love you, yes, i love you krymov, just like that, colleagues, hello, bon appetit, as always , there’s plenty of everything, but i didn’t take anything to eat, thank you, i’m on a diet, seriously, well, yes, you’re in vain, no, no, we need calories, a good opera, you should eat well, eat well, like the captain of the sobs, take an example from your older comrades. colleagues, pay attention, here this is her lunch. yes, this is my lunch. andryukh, what do you have? yes, while everything is silent, neither vols was found, nor the indian was found. let me
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help you. thank you. there are actually a couple of addresses of attraction, all this needs to be checked, checked, checked, checked and checked, margot, that means take it, and go to an indian, if you suddenly find him, we don’t take much risk, after all, you have a new employee with you, you understand , who doesn’t have a weapon, bastard, well, you’re offending me, you know me, i know you very well, so i say again, don’t be a hero, it’s understandable if you find indian, call me right away, i ’ll send someone to help, it’s clear, yes, now let ’s go, and now everyone in unison wish me pleasant things. tita, hello, once again, uh, i asked for the case this morning, uh-huh, it’s ready, yes, yes, here it is, uh-huh, thank you, very good, and this is for you, for the urgency, oh, well, you shouldn’t have, comrade major , please take it, comrade captain, take it, thank you, thank
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you. all the best, goodbye, how are you doing? can you imagine, they once offered me marriage, they swore at me a couple of times, and they also promised to call the police if i didn’t i’ll stop asking the country questions, well, you see, that means i’m done. okay, well, yes, but seriously, what should you do in such situations? well , seriously, in such situations, they sit and wait, sometimes they sit in the entrance for 3 hours, uh-huh, but he lives here, sooner or later he will come, let's go, get some air, stand, indian, what
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do you need, listen, well, we are this wild hotel, well , why do we want to work, she said, you can help, well, my clients are demanding, i need to be able to do a lot, but honestly, i’m afraid that we can, well, you seem to be experienced, but you’re young you know how to do something, she, listen, take it and check it, in fact, we work in tandem, well, go. far from it yet, lately he’s been asking about bdsm, especially by gesture, you can, bdsm, well, well, well, this is our favorite thing, at our last job they called us that, killer bdsm, why, call cherdintsev, inter-district
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killer. return, hello, comrade major, yes, well, in general, i hit our new employee, as they say, to the seventh generation and what is it, can you imagine, she is really the niece of general merzlyakin, and you know, i’m even glad for him, it would be worse if she seemed to be his mistress, well, in any case , ours, to be honest, are a little nervous. doesn’t know how to behave with her, well, she’s the general’s niece, you understand? well, i don’t know, rydanov, in my opinion, has already gotten quite comfortable , rydanov is a different story, i told him to be a little more careful with her, but in general, to be honest, my opinion is that she won’t stay with us, but not for her this job, well, a glamorous girl, you’ve seen her, well, georgivich, well, i don’t know, igor, well, really, well, she’ll run away on her own, well a warmer place, let’s see, let’s get busy, come on, just make sure it doesn’t work out like last time, but no, no, then
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it’s a different matter, georgievich. i’m sorry, to argue with you, you know, but in general he’ll leave, change my word, we’ll see, i’m asking calmly again, you know wolfson, fuck you, oh, i wouldn’t be rude if i were you, but you can’t do anything to me, no you have rights, yes, yes, we won’t do anything except put you in jail for your dirty deeds, for what kind of deeds, i’m not some kind of sucker, me... what are you you're scamming me, i know my rights, well, there will be a fine, well, a maximum of 3 years, yeah, listen, and if it suddenly turns out that you are harboring a fugitive criminal, and you first prove it, even if volson came to me, then what i didn’t have it at home, that’s it, i have no business here and in general, even talking to chicks, it’s their business that they’re in the crib, i just
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don’t have the patience, my hands are itching. firstly, not chicks, but women, and secondly, if you don’t want to communicate with women, now let’s talk to you like a man, girls, andryukh, let me do it myself, herself, come on, amazon. ellie, let's leave them for 5 minutes, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, i'm telling you, i won't talk to women, where are you going, where are you going, hey, communicate, thank you, dear, andrey, what are you doing? you’re going to beat him now, are you crazy or something, no one is going to beat him, she ’ll just talk to him like a woman, you’re sure she looked at him like that, ritka is an experienced opera, simple rudeness won’t make her angry , what? "don't worry, ellie, no one is hitting anyone, it's light psychological pressure, sometimes it helps a lot, for some, that’s all, now it’s possible, please, well, retulya,
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we talked, after a light massage session, the client is ready to talk, i didn’t help wolzen hide, i only gave him two women. women, uh-huh, i promised him only to bring women, you said that you know the address, yes, yes, yes, he and his friends will relax in a group in the bathhouse, and i will have to bring women there, women, you see eli, how intelligent he is, flexible and talkative, what kind of friends, how many of them there will be, i don’t know, but women, he asked for two, women, okay, indian, let's check your information, but for now write your address, by the way, why are you indian, you look more like a korean, so i am a korean, they just gave me a push, indian, they don't catch
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a damn thing, i'll call him from here, where are the chicks, you did he promise? what do you mean soon? when? that's it, we're waiting! girls, let's go take a steam bath! yeah, mom doesn't let us! ok we will wait! so rita ella, watch the windows, guys follow me. listen, why did oleg georgievich go on a mission, is he supposed to?
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because georgievich is a real field commander. just don't tell me, uncle. how many times does he speak? listen, i wish they would give me my report card as soon as possible. we're walking straight to the right, well done, here and there, but how did you walk, come on, come on, go, nothing, cops, run after me some more, let's go , don't gurgle, that's it, catch up, i'm telling you, georgichk, field , exactly. oh, ohlson, you got into a serious situation, seriously, not only did you escape from the zone, but you also did a dirty job, totaling life imprisonment, oh,
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listen, an intelligent man, but i didn’t kill zolotnitsky, although i should have, i didn’t see him at all , this morning where was, in the morning, in sauna? come on, stop pouring, who goes to the sauna in the morning? yes, not in the mornings, but in the evenings. last night the boys and i took a sauna, then extended it, then again. yes, you want to say that you steamed in the sauna all day? yes, the girls were ordered three times, when you arrived, they were waiting for the fourth batch. your health is excellent, i envy you. otherwise, sir. yeah, we’ll check it thoroughly, please check it, i ’m asking you, okay, let’s say you didn’t kill, but how can you explain the fact that the gun that
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was previously on you started working quite recently, but well, who participated with you in the murder of a policeman a year ago, who are you covering for? i was alone, i don’t know anything, but it’s starting, the old charming, i don’t know anything, i don’t know anything, this is my sauna. i’ve been working since yesterday evening, when these three arrived, i personally served them, and are you sure that this whole gop company hasn’t left your sauna since yesterday evening? yes, i personally meet and see off guests, i also have the keys to the sauna, i can confirm this under oath, you will confirm under oath in another country, but it’s customary for us to be confirmed by some kind of facts, i don’t know why i should shield someone then, they got me so tired of this time.
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georgivich, why don’t wolfson take drugs, no, it’s clear, who wants to go to life for life, you understand, here his friends, whom we took with him, claim that he really hasn’t left the sauna since yesterday evening, you think they’re lying, at least one of them.
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police officer, i was alone, sit, i am the head of the interdistrict police department, colonel solovets, i have very little time, so i will speak quickly and clearly, and you, citizen wolfson, listen and make a decision, well , speak up, colonel, i say, that means, we have the corpse of zolotnitsky, your pistol, we need to close the case, you understand, you for...
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then he nobly not they handed you over, but he didn’t appreciate it, in zolotnitsky’s apartment he threw off the gun that had your prints on it, he knows that you are on the run and deliberately, i repeat, deliberately set you up, how is it, like this, that you had it in your head before didn't come, good payment for your silence from his side, yes, you are right, colonel, but if i am right, where is the justice, lifelong or? lyokha is a big-eared one, he still had a trunk
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when i was accepted, that means he was with you a year ago when i killed a cop, yes, well, that’s what you had to prove, continue, well, ellie, i saw it, even i’m learning a lesson now i got it, well, otherwise i don’t know, i don’t know. well, how are we going to lure them out? maybe elka and i can work? no, my girls, stop exploiting women’s labor, go relax, and i’ll work. come on, show us your class, and open up, scum, bastard, bastard, vile, steal! rita, rita, rita, come out, come out, rita, for your soul with your own hands, come on! where's the man?
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what kind of guy? take it, girls, pick it up! oh, andryusha, and i’m just coming to you, well, here’s a conclusion for you, so that, well, in short, there are traces of powder gases on ushakov’s hands.
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it's true, i didn't kill anyone. well, a year ago, when volson killed a policeman, was he alone? are you saying that you weren't with him? i don’t understand at all, why are you asking me here? well, of course, so much the worse for you. you had a chance to make a sincere confession, to ease your fate, but you missed this chance. look here. the examination showed that it was you, exactly you, who killed zolotnitsky. i studied it and realized that this is the maximum period? i want to make a sincere confession, i’m ready to make a deal, i’m mature, well then we ’re listening to you carefully, zolotnitsky brute, he’s a huckster, we know that, let’s sing more specifically, a year ago, in general, artemmon and i, well , wolfson, in i mean, they slammed one hut,
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they handed over zolotnitsky, i didn’t go upstairs, i i was on watch downstairs; until today, he had never even seen me in his life. it’s clear, it’s clear, then, then the day before yesterday he came, so businesslike, like, i’m on the run, i didn’t turn you in in court, thank you, i say, like, he says, 10 tons of bucks, but i don’t have that kind of money, but i knew , that there are his fingers inside the trunk, i rubbed the trunk from above to zlatnitsky, he didn’t see me,
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i just had to say the password, i’m from the redhead, i came in, i said from the redhead, oh, he met me, he opened the door, and i immediately pushed him out. he fell, i quickly picked up the money hut, he threw off the barrel there, apparently for a setup, well, yes, he was on the run and i knew about the barrel, i decided that you wouldn’t think about him, well , like, i decided to take revenge on zolotnitsky, but he turned him in, what a good fellow you are , but you didn’t succeed in becoming a criminal genius, it didn’t work out, let’s go to another office, the investigator is waiting for you there, yeah. what are you doing, it’s cool, or there will be more, in general, for now we’re getting acquainted with the case of this, uh-huh, citizen,
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investigator, brought you citizen ushakov for interrogation, and with a sincere confession, have a seat. let's not interfere, work calm down, yes, thank you, let's go talk, let's go, listen, igor, do you happen to know, our new opera, the beautiful elenora, is not going to register for the first working day, i haven't heard anything like that, like, just let's not what to hint at, she herself will want to put it down, okay, well, okay, i won’t hint to her, i’ll tell her about it straight to the forehead, well, were you afraid that we wouldn’t have time, somehow? let's go, what is it? and today is my first day, i introduce myself, they were just about to pick you up, well done, that’s our way, in our opinion, we need to call the others, they’ll be there soon, comrade general probably wouldn’t approve of this, that’s all, and we sinfully doubted that our comrade in arms would be marked down,


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