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tv   Glavnaya doroga  NTV  May 18, 2024 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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tomorrow it will get colder, well, in the center the weather is almost normal in mid-may , there is no threat to it yet. while it is cooler in the volgovyad region in tatarstan on the middle volga, the sun is shining, there are a little more clouds in the black earth region. the south lacks the atmospheric calm of the anticyclone; local rains are again on the don, kuban, and sleet in the stavropol region in the mountainous regions. the temperature is still behind normal, but now only by 2-3°. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +24, in moscow +20. there are no cold and wet plans yet. you know what i love most of all, when your gaze lights up with this special light, come, fall in love, be surprised, be inspired, your moscow.
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rain leashes, you can catch a water hammer even in a shallow puddle, how not to kill the engine? this is the main road on ntv, i’m andrey fedortsov, i’m denis yuchenkov, hello, oh, look in the program, drugs are prohibited, i already said
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that this is deprivation of rights, prepare the mustard plasters, a deadly chase, the boys were killed, but is it possible to chase motorcyclists ? the traffic cops drove them in, they drove them in, we cut them wet, we i thought that we tore off the bottom of something there, no, peter kislov fits into the wet turn, more on that after the news. news, my hair went back. the careless young lady did not dismount from the scooter and rolled under the wheels of the bus. the driver did not have time to brake. the impact sent the lady flying to the side of the road and hitting her head hard. concussions and bruises will be treated at home. flew into a puddle, drowned
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the phone and became a local sorceress. if it weren’t for the drunken arina in the black volvo, the deep hole in the road would never have been removed. people complained about the failure for more than a month, but patched up in almost an hour. when the blonde gets her license back after the scandalous somersault for her cell phone into the water, she will ride along the road again and evaluate the repairs with a sober head. oh, let's go, i was driving. entered, a truck on a zebra crossing rammed the nexia at full speed, the owner of the car was taken away by doctors, the cause of the accident was the thoughtfulness of the driver of the dump truck.
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, this is a show of stars, a grand finale, that’s it, the finale, in this finale i will do what i do best. very close he
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says: the last beijing, very moscow friendship, i want to understand why in our village people are in our mouths, because you extinguish them, what are you, fools, who is this, yes, i collected microloans, these are collectors, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as i don’t want to blow dmitry malikov away with re-sparing, bravo, wow, bravo, your performance is simple. the student, the merchant, the stars - the finale. today six finalists will perform before us, but only one will be the winner. today at 21:20 on ntv.
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general partner of the show, vtb bank. all it will work out. via superstar, premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. oh, that’s nice to me, so 64.900, well, yes, of course, oh, pamda is for sale, yes, it is for sale, psb credit card double cashback, increased cashback on everyday purchases, in the whirlwind of life, successes, failures, hope fills you with raglanch, in there are many tasks in the rhythm of the worker, your break fills the luncheon, the meat sauce is satisfying, hot, fills with meat and noodles,
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subscribers are a priority, no matter what kind of person you are, the main thing is tv2 subscriber, each client will receive three gifts to choose from, i also receive i want gifts, so i’m flying to earth, monday, gifts for each subscriber, tele2 other rules, who said that only cats can purr, your car can also purr with pleasure when it has a motor inside... teboil diamond oil. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? te boil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. the legend
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is back. the one that was cooked from 100% malt. the same taste. which the whole country loved. baltika 3 non-alcoholic. taste the revived taste. benefit from the eldorado generator, super discounts and interest-free installments. we approve of everyone. smart split system kara for only 21,999 and also in installments in bemdio and eltora. spring came. we rejoice in the sun and the sound of the stove. we are raffling off country houses, cars, laptops. spring is waiting for you. streams and cash prize, catch your bird of luck, because we win, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. you can perform in single skating, but play football with the team. you can put out fires at work and burn in the field,
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dress stylishly in the right colors. you may be tired after training, but you will never be tired of football. you can be a blogger. but i’m ready to score goals, because you have real football, a real cup, backgroundb russian football cup, medicine is prohibited, the doctor immediately told me that this is deprivation of rights, prepare the mustard plasters, where is the waterline in the car, good, wait, wait, wait , what are you doing, hold the water hammer. i now understand what is a hydraulic strike, a deadly chase, the boys were killed, but is it possible to chase motorcyclists, traffic cops chased them, drove them, sawing them in the wet, i thought we
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tore off the bottom of something there, no, kislov fits into a wet turn , more about this after the news. the news blew the roof: in the moscow region , the boom of a manipulator caught on a road beam, the structure, along with cameras and signs, collapsed on a passing person. lada was lucky, he only received bruises, he coveted someone else’s property, a biker lost his wallet on the moscow ring road, an attentive driver of a gazelle noticed a wallet, i slowed down, jumped out of the car and ran for my wallet along the highway. there were almost 4,000 rubles in the wallet. when he was detained , the gazellist didn’t have that amount of money, he managed to spend every penny, and there he was. styles in yekaterinburg decided to teach the impudent driver a lesson. for several years in a row he blocked
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the passage of others with his car. as a result, his car was also blocked by neighbors. the man had to squeeze into the car in a very unusual way. catch up or let go. chasing a motorcyclist. in the trans-baikal region, a racer crashed into a cow, running away from the police. the driver and passenger were killed. now their parents want to hold the police accountable. they called me and said that your son crashed on a motorcycle. ruslan malyshkin and nikolai shilkovnikov died in an accident with a cow while fleeing from the police on a motorcycle. the traffic cops drove us in and drove us in. they crashed, i arrived there at the scene of the accident with my husband, he was already taken to the hospital, and the driver
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was dead, lying on the highway. that evening ruslan visited his parents and on the way home he met an acquaintance, nikolai. friends decided ride a motorcycle. unfortunately, he didn’t have a license; he was going to study for a license. look, these are the last seconds of a motorcyclist's life. at great speed, with a passenger, he flies down the street, followed by the pogo.
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mia bikes are the envy of the average motorcyclist. experienced motorcyclists know that it is useless to compete with them; novice riders, mostly without licenses, try to escape. and the factory stuff, what i don’t have, well , this is some kind of nonsense, it’s not needed, you read the internet, forums, schools, races. already very a little, mostly it happens, well, on
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small-displacement, so to speak, scooters, yes, it happens, yes, it happens, but rarely, there is this check for it, years, excuse me, the first time, i got caught, maybe the first, the last, in the regions, where many traffic cameras are installed, inspectors have not been chasing motorcyclists for a long time, stop, because the consequences can
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be completely fatal, ruslan malyshkin, the deceased motorcycle passenger, might not have been driving with a drunk, and driver nikolai shelkovnikov, if you were reprimanded, should be in transbaikalia threatened only with a fine, but they paid with their lives. what's the worst thing about rain? first, it’s wet, second, you can’t see anything, the most unpleasant thing is water hammer. the depth of the puddles on ours.
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at the testing center on mi, the main road will test how to avoid water hammer, for this we had to catch a real ichthyander, good, yes, guys, you, in my opinion, are little animals, guys, you just, you just did, they sailed, they arrived, no only his pilot. blue old rusty samurai, but also a design engineer, his car is not afraid of any water, we are such good fellows, and how come? but because the air, the high intake, is brought under our roof, all the electrics and control unit are also under the ceiling, but what about the poser? water should not get into the air intake and
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electronics, but cars are different and their design is also different, mainly for passenger cars? the air intake is located in the area of ​​the level of the headlight, or the wing, or sometimes above the front panel, the electronic control unit is located approximately somewhere in the area of ​​the front panel, and where is the waterline, what line cannot be crossed dive, well, if we take this car, then since we have an intake here at the bottom of the headlight, it is accordingly undesirable to drive water above the bumper of the car, that is, along the edge of the headlight, but firstly, if we have a manual transmission, we need choose in advance. we can no longer change gears; secondly, we must move at such a speed that we do not accelerate the wave in front of us and do not allow it to flood. unfortunately, many modern drivers do not understand the principles of operation of the engine and its design; they kill them with water, and not only our own, but also strangers. well done, come on, that's it,
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that's it, that's another water hammer. the flag of friendship is water getting into the engine, that is, water passes through the air duct pipes, reaches the filter, the air manifold rises, then enters the combustion chamber, when the valves are closed , an impact occurs in the rise of the piston, because our liquid, unfortunately, does not compress , this is a syringe, no, a large syringe, a piston and a cylinder, and we cut off the top and attached it back, why? but imagine that this is the head of the block cylinders, which should be in the combustion chamber, and gasoline and air, air, and some also have oil, it happens, yes, yes, but imagine that water got in there, water hammer.
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i now understand what a water hammer is, without an oncoming wave, at least go, the second mercedes has become, don’t start it, don’t drive the wave in front of you, yeah, oncoming traffic, that oncoming wave , just turn off the engine, that’s it, it’s so simple, so simple, well, okay, okay, let's try, now we'll give you a tsunami, vlad, what are you doing, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, good, wait, wait, stop, what are you doing, there is an air leak, which in normal operation we may not replace or not pay attention to, through these cracks, loose seals, water can still
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get in, oops, i managed to, well, sort of, yes. even if you managed to turn off the engine, you shouldn’t try to start it right away, you need to check the engine right away, but there is a nuance, now get out, as i get out, water can flow in when you open the door, but it’s logical, that means through the window, and why, i’ll climb out through the window, who will remain in the car, no one, and you will get off roofs and you'll go. for help, so how? here's the point: don't drive through puddles and you won't have to get out. as soon as you manage to pull the car out of the water, you immediately begin self-diagnosis. how to determine? whether we got some water or not, we definitely need to check the engine oil, take out the dipstick and look at the ends, if the oil is clean, good, but if the oil has acquired a white
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tint, this is the first sign that water has entered the engine, no here, excellent, the second second is air filter, yeah, open it up, it opens easily enough, see if it’s dry or not, yeah, it’s dry, which means it’s not here, not here with you. there is no water, and if everything is dry, then you can drive, but if the engine runs unevenly or with some interruptions, then, of course, you also need to check the electrical systems, contact 100 and check all components and assemblies, contact all 100, well then you will be 100% confident, maintenance, overcome even not deep puddles slowly, so as not to drive a wave, you see that someone is driving it towards you... turn off the engine, turn it off, turned it off, even if it seems that everything went dry, it’s better to double-check that there is no
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water in the engine, everything, oh, by the way, a breathing tube, a snorkel, a device for operating the engine under water in the form of... a pipe with an air intake placed on top, translated from german is like a breathing pipe. snorkels are installed on suvs and military equipment to overcome fords. such tubes were first used in russia, but they began to be installed commercially in germany. on submarines, so that the diesel engine can operate without the vessel surfacing at the same time charge electric motors that were used when moving deep underwater . we saw a turn, floods, downpours, mudflows , and just rain.
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you can fly off the road on a flat, but wet place, especially on a bend. today we will cut a turn. if you enter a corner at too high a speed, the car drags outward and the front wheels begin to slide. we'll show you how to saw through. turn with peter kislov, good morning, good morning, good morning, hello, morning, good, sasha, good morning, good morning, kicker kislov knows how control people and cars, you talk about the plague without anyone there, yes, yes, i understand, go ahead, but he communicates with cars more politely, and you need to change your face, otherwise you’ll suddenly get ragged, from whom will i rake that you ’re twitching? , a? sawing - are we these lumberjacks or lumberjacks? this is such a special term: saw steering, drift reaction, turned, reduced, the type of drive will be
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chosen by the guest, denis likes this car, he will drive it, and you peter, you will like this, classic, classic of the genre, yes, why not if it is front wheel drive, you’ll drive this car, okay, that’s it, andrey to the left, denes to the right, great, good, at what speed should you go, try it? get to maximum speed, attention, let's go, at first they said carefully, i heard, yes, yeah, let me out, let me out of here, unfasten, no, guys, you're used to it, now wa, that's it, that's it, i thought we were there, what's that -that. tore off, no, all three, like ordinary drivers, turned the steering wheel even more towards the turn on the turned wheels only intensified the sliding, i’ll tell you what, i pressed
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pedal-brake, because i really realized that i was being carried away, the sum of the forces acting on the wheel increases with the angle of rotation of the steering wheel, and personally, i also pressed the brake, the car began to plow even more, hello, ask for ice cream, no, that’s how it works the instinct of self-preservation. show me. another feature of all-wheel drive is that the rear axle begins to push the front axle when drifting. as soon as your front axle slips, you begin to reduce the steering angle of the front wheels. this is called saw steering. when i slid front axle, you need to act contrary to the instinct of self-preservation. and remove the steering wheel from turning, straighten it. the contact patch will increase, tires. will catch on the road, then you need to turn the steering wheel again, to be honest, i surprised you because i didn’t allow myself to press the brake pedal, go wider,
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turn early. and if there is a drift, then i react to it, and i slightly release the gas, what are you doing with the gas, let ’s go, but i entered, now we ’ll take off, we’ll fly out, we’ll fly out, we’ll fly out, we’ll fly out, reduce the angle of rotation. we'll go faster, we'll get out faster, if the turn is frozen, that's it guaranteed drift, so i’ll turn it immediately, reduce it, yeah, yes, this is worthy, good, yes, sasha, okay, let’s go, i
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’ll go, so, we are convinced that the first reaction of drift, regardless of the type of drive, is the same, decreasing the angle of rotation front wheels, and when you release the gas pedal, but then after this, different types of drive begin to have nuances, which, we’ll talk about them in the next gear, the feeling is amazing, you understand that you are not working with the brake pedal, but with the steering wheel with the gas pedal, let go, added if the front wheels were slipping... don’t panic, slightly release the gas pedal, don’t be afraid to reduce the angle of rotation of the front wheels, but better not drive, especially on a wet road, look at the main road, we asked, we answer, i receive fines with photographs of another car, but with my state signs, friends advise me to change the license plates , but i don’t want to spend money, because i didn’t violate anything, how
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can i challenge it? if in the photo there is a car with your license plates, but in fact it is different, you can appeal these decisions, however, each decision must be appealed separately, and this is not guarantees no new fines in the future. in your case, the only reasonable option would be to contact the gi to replace the plates with new ones, in this case there will be no more fines, and the car with your old invalid plates may be detained. under the wheels, excuse me, you are being treated for a cold, forget about the car, take sleeping pills at night, call a taxi in the morning. the ministry of health has published a list of drugs prohibited for drivers. it turned out that most of the medications we are used to should not be taken while driving. in
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list of almost all the most popular drugs that we are used to treating the same cold. we have already told how drivers are deprived of their license for taking medicine. the staff offered me to go with them for a medical examination. they suspect that i am taking some kind of drugs because they don't like the color of my face. traces of cetalopram were found in dmitry ovcharenko’s mother. this is an antidepressant that he took according to a doctor's prescription. it is impossible to deprive the truth for this. the decision of the constitutional court of the twenty-second year, which in fact prohibits bringing people to administrative responsibility under the first part of article 128 for being intoxicated. in the same decision , the constitutional court actually prohibited the deprivation of the rights of drivers in whose blood traces of drugs containing narcotic substances that are not included in the approved list were found. now such a list has appeared. drivers who
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have been drinking should not be confused. the list of the ministry of health is still advisory, we tried to find cold medicine in the pharmacy that drivers can take, for drivers, yes, so that it was possible for drivers, but he won’t show it, no, no, there’s not even alcohol here, neither is there, the pharmacist assured that these pills can be taken while driving, but they contain iboprofen, a substance that is part of that... from the list of the ministry of health , but today we have such high-quality equipment that allows us to detect the presence in the body of those substances that got there two or three weeks ago; the presence of these substances in the body today does not negatively affect the driving of vehicles. today it is a fact: the presence of a prohibited substance in the body - a reason to deprive a driver’s license, although, by analogy with alcohol, it has long been proposed to establish a maximum threshold for the permitted content of narcotic substances in tests.
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then practically now chemical and toxicological laboratories often cannot determine the concentration of a narcotic drug and another drug, because there is no technical possibility for this. there is equipment, there are reagents, but there are no standards for narcotic drugs in order to calibrate the equipment, there are no standards, eliminate gaps and uncertainty as required deputies are planning a constitutional court next week, but lawyers fear that the adopted list of medications will create new problems for drivers, people will be stopped more often, most likely, to look at whether there are signs of, let's say, colds, there will naturally be an increased workload. both from traffic police officers, from courts, and of course from medical institutions. perhaps this time the deputies will be able to force manufacturers to at least label packages with drugs prohibited for drivers, otherwise we will have to treat ourselves with mustard plasters and herbs or forget about the car. tinkov is
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car loans on the same day, fast issuance of a helmet and osaga, cashback when purchasing fuel from the service, a platform for purchasing new cars. tinkov. stars final today at 21:20 on ntv. you will recognize its taste from a thousand. and no hot spices. vyazanka, sirloin ham, a taste that you can recognize from a thousand. the czech town of zadec is famous for its good things. non-alcoholic, register the codes and collect enjoy the žatec goose beer your collection of mugs to relax good, the zhatets goose is non-alcoholic, collect good mugs, tele2
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presents, carefree subscribers do not notice how their minutes disappear, i called across russia, there is only one operator, where do these costs come from, okay? that tele 2 has different rules, calls within the network do not consume the package of minutes within russia. it’s not easy to catch the firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on some impressions last forever, while others last only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel. it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short wash cycles. losk. there are no stains, who said that only cats can purr, your car can also purr with pleasure when it has tyboil diamond motor oil inside it. advanced
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motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under any operating conditions. sounds just as comfortable. teboil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. sunflower seeds from martin, quality is always good altitude, benefit from the eldorado generator, super discounts and interest-free installments, we approve for everyone a washing machine for only 24,999 and also in installments, and eltorato, hunting, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your chance to get yours in 15 minutes for only 100. hunting, come out to win. mom, write us a message. for what? or should we call? we found out that the phone was working. even prinula. if
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the count is zero, you didn’t listen to the end. how's that? it's safe, with beeline you're safe even with a zero account. calls, instant messengers and cards are working. enable support for zero in the application. let's talk about safety, so we already have beline. beline is the safest operator, the legend returns, the one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple techniques installments. magnet - the price is what you need. lomi candy 179.99. are your items faded after washing?
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use lasca gel, it maintains fabric strength and restores color. things look like new three times longer. new? no, i erase with affection. in the next program: can a wife issue a license for an atv? more on this in the next program, they’re catching up, i’m chasing, i’m going around, i’m going around you on the left, on the left, i’m going around, come on!
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good morning, this is living food, and i am sergei molozomov, medical education is fighting in me with the love of delicious food, which, by the way, you can enjoy it without harmful consequences if you know how, that's what. we will have today, melted, creamy, curd, which is what the cheeses that we spread on bread are made from, why don’t we melt this cheese, we weigh their pros and cons: cold coffee with condensed milk and tea, syrup and nitrogen bubbles, this is not beer, is it worth refreshing yourself with such drinks in the heat, what will happen to your health, how much sugar is in the ready-made canned versions? cold coffee from a common pita, we conducted an examination, as well as
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stores are fattening, broccoli saves, birch and barberries share their benefits, the latest news from the world of food science, and, as always, at the end of the program, the recipe of the week, something beautiful and original that you will see very soon; in our family we really love spreading cottage cheese on bread. cheese, especially with pickles, and we always thought that it was super healthy, but then recently my eye fell on the packaging, which says about sixty percent fat content, how can this be, now we will evaluate all the pros and cons with the help of our scientific scales and decide, always is the cheese that we spread on bread deserves to be called living food, people... love spreading cheese on bread so much that
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they invent the most amazing things for this. in america, for example, cheese spray is popular. cheese, cheese, cheese. 1 2 3 4 i declare a cheese war on you. russian stores also have something. the variety of tastes is such that we cannot help but put the first plus on our scientific scales. however, many people are afraid of unknown ingredients in the composition. bloggers say: complete chemistry. and here some strange emulsifiers come in. these substances, they have the ability to accumulate. and fatigue the body also accumulates. therefore, by the age of 30-40-50 we have those problems with the body, with improper metabolism. what is all this chemistry doing there anyway? the technology for making processed cheese was invented at the beginning of the 20th century.
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the base is ordinary cheese, for taste and softness - butter and heavy cream, then magic powders are used, for example, sodium citrate, citric acid salt, this is one of the common options for the so-called melting salts, it is they that turn the cheese into a paste, should be a certain acidity, in which what happens inside us when heating is the connection between the protein that is contained in our cheese, long live food chemistry. the next scary-sounding name is modified starch.
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there is no danger in it, it is just an option that is easier to swell.


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