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tv   Sekret na million  NTV  May 18, 2024 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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and my god, how beautiful, how beautiful and how unusual, what a class, listen, and we have a large room, oh, who can guess what it is, this is your closet, my favorite color, just updated, wow, wow, this is probably the leader, you can live here, your dressing room, i feel a little bit, you know, when there are tours of the estates. not at home, but somewhere at chekhov's, very beautiful, liza will go crazy with you, very beautiful, of course, this is your space, now, not space, room, yes, because you have, look, your curtain closes like that, fox, your curtain closes, look at what a cool lamp, wow, they made an air conditioner, mom and shelves. and the table and most importantly the view from
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the window, here is liza, it seems to me that novels can be written at such a table, in general the best room, it seems to me that everything is so sad, acutely acute for a feeling of envy, let’s let liza sleep there on the bed, how convenient, here lie down quietly, how comfortable, comfortable, wonderful, wonderful, if the partition is open, he will have enough for this room, so well here of course the most capacious.
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hurray, congratulations on your complete interior, then i walked in and immediately realized that the apartment is ours, it’s ours, ours, so we’re probably lucky, we’re just the lucky ones, because in my opinion, it’s wonderful, there’s a lot of mirrors and then that the space seemed to be expanded, but at the same time it was... very capacious and cozy, there was a lot of space, i was afraid that because lisa would have a room, a common living room space, well, her it won’t, but everything is thought out very cool, i really envy lisa, i really like it, but it seems to me that we just came to visit, that this is not our apartment, so what, are you going to harass your sister and let me show you, what a nightmare? while
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some celebrities torment themselves with diets, others are making a dizzying career in plus size. today there are million-dollar stars who value every kilogram of theirs. how the star of the tv series cops from the ruble ended up on tv. roman popov, 39 years old, has overcome cancer in some places. this was the third stage. how many times was there a reward?
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i think it's time, and maybe why not, if it turns out, what's the difference with the older one, but in my opinion 7.5 years old, yes, how is your day going today, with daniil, for example, depending on what kind, yes, if it’s a building, then i’m basically not, a working day if i’m at home , i get up at 7 in the morning, because... the eldest needs to be taken to school,
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and i get ready with him, we have breakfast, i take him to school, come back, then danya wakes up with his dad, we went to wash, ta-na- but when we ate at 6 in the morning, at 10, that means we had porridge or cottage cheese there. and by 12 he falls asleep, you can go for a walk, or with to stick with him, because the eldest is still at school here, the father goes to work and just like that, if i’m not in a car, then i take the stroller and we go and the good weather allows it, and we pick up david from school and come back home, i have to do homework, i don’t do homework with him, because my relationship began to deteriorate when i started doing homework with him, i didn’t hear everything that you just listed in your schedule, if. there is a place for our beloved, no, it certainly exists when our beloved comes bath, here's my mother-in-law, yes, that is, i have manicures, and trips, well, that is, manicures, are basically a kind of vacation for mom, yes, when you
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go to the salon and no matter how you think about anything, you relax, on your own in reality, this is not the case, you are already constantly on the phone, that you are solving some issues, you are not resting, it seems to me that i am even resting more, but if we talk about my own personal situation. time - this is somewhere on tour, that is, i’m flying away to the hotel, you go 1-3 hours, oh, wow, either after a performance there or after a concert there, you you come to visit, oh, in general it’s just, well , as many people don’t understand, nadya, let ’s meet, i say, and guys, let’s next time, now you want to read a book there, i don’t know, or just sleep, daniila planned, i really wanted to have a second child, maybe a third, and a fourth, who doesn’t know when we’ll stop, but somehow everything didn’t work out, didn’t work out, whether it’s a secret or not, but well, i had a relationship before my current marriage, it didn’t work out, but for two years and somehow well, it didn’t work out, i think, well, okay, it
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’s like it wasn’t fate, yeah, but then it worked out and how did you find out that being pregnant in general is a very amazing story, in fact, i sometimes joke that that’s when we tell our story , we met like that, he proposed to me there, yes, then the child woke up, all that, fountains, everything so beautiful, romantic, such a pink cloud in the sky, it’s actually not like that, everything the first time, somehow simple , well, that’s it, well, we started dating in august, well somewhere, probably in mid-august, he invited me on a date, there was a first, some second, and then 2 weeks later there was a positive pregnancy test, i... said, oh, well done, this happened before, yes, but this it was very funny, in fact it’s true, we go out to hotels, i’m a grown-up girl, i can afford to walk around the hotel with men, in short, we leave the room and opposite, the door opens and a stroller with a baby rolls out, the mother and grandmother are leading, and
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he tells me, this is a sign, i still, then when sign. pregnancy at 33 and 39, who am i asking, this is a big, this is a difference, a big difference, it seems to me, judging by the photographs in general that i looked at just recently, what i looked like when i was 20-25, at 30 and 40, i want to say that it seems to me that i’m even getting a little younger, then for me they proceeded in principle equally easily, i gained a lot during the first pregnancy, for the second, it seems to me the same, for the first 20, for the second... 2025. in these pictures there is an important event in the life of nadezhda angarskaya. husband nikolai eldest son david takes her from the maternity hospital. newborn daniel was born a real hero, weight 4 kg 358 g, height 57 cm. and today he is already one year old. and
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the teeth came out, and we went. nadezhda angarskaya was a big girl both before and during pregnancy. therefore, journalists and colleagues did not immediately notice that there were comedians in the family.
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that pregnancy in february at the beginning of march, i responsibly go through the screening process and they say that there are five diagnoses, the first was down syndrome, with the words - i would look in a week. but no, well here everything is clear, and i’m standing like this in my inner feeling of what you’re bringing to me here, and how can you, looking at me right now , do everything, even a blood test, i don’t know, like another specialist, but like me, yes, and she gives me the phone number of a specialist already in the center, and with the words they ate the dog at this, our communication began with the fact that i came in general, well, in general, she looked at him for a long time, i say, he doesn’t like it. why are you poking around there, and i see on the screen that he is already moving away with such a handle from me, he says, but i don’t like him,
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literally, the doctor said so, this is dr. uzi, i got into the car, wrote a message to this doctor, and his just smiley face saved me at that moment, he wrote a message to me, ok, come to me today, like we’ll see everything, but i read this on the phone that the person didn’t write: “oh, of course, you thought how old you are, well, he didn’t write that to me, yes, that is, he told me so with an open soul and a good mood in the morning, as if he said that everything, hope, everything it will be good, what are you doing, and i come the next day, he didn’t recognize me, the nurse recognized me when i came in, he said, why didn’t they tell me there, like where you are from, otherwise you’re just sitting there in line, everyone is staring at you , well, somehow he had such a little understanding that i, confused in my feelings, showed him this paper, he looked, said, lord, who wrote this to you, well, in general. and he looked and said, everything is fine with you and in general it’s too early for you to take a screenshot, come in a week, i’ll come in a week, he says, you can tell me at work,
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that you are pregnant, everything is fine with you, i say, but the intestines have entered the abdominal cavity, he says yes, i say, but this can happen in a day, he says, no, well, these are all, but i say, he has a nose , he says the nose, well , there is cartilage, well, that is, i’m already a little bit normal to say this in general, and every month i only went to see him, did the doctors tell you? that you can’t gain weight, of course, these are risks, blood pressure increases, there are risks for the child and so on, but when i’m constantly at the station, nadya, nadya, watch your weight, when i arrived at the maternity hospital, i said, i’ve gained so much, and my massia vladimirovna tells me, well, you ’ll lose weight, i say, well, yes, she, well, that’s it, now i’m already the eleventh i’ve been losing weight for a month, well , they diagnosed you as... some stage of obesity , obesity in childhood, of course, but now i think that i have the first kind of
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obesity, in childhood i had the third, well, that is, we went straight to the maximum, yes , yes, i was always a big child, listen, but for you in general the problem is to lose weight, in fact it’s it’s not a problem when i don’t want my family to be offended, when you live alone, you just have an empty refrigerator, even when i... lived only with david, he had food, i had nothing, and i was like- that was normal, but the problem is that all the time, already at our age , friends come who we don’t run to play volleyball, yes, we sat down, why, come on, what is there, and talk, waste -that, three nights, four nights, you need to sleep, tomorrow morning, you wake up, it starts again, but you haven’t gotten enough sleep yet, it also affects what you want some kind of candy, well, not candy, i have a cookie, i have bread and butter. i have porridge, that is, this is my favorite, but for me it ’s advisable not to eat carbohydrates, what
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was your minimum weight of 89 kg, and maximum 136, how did you get yourself to 89, the first time the doctor told me, you won’t lose weight, you won’t give birth, i was my motivation, i went to the gym, but i’ve always been involved in sports, this is not my first experience, i went to the gym to the coach that my girls from the team went to and that’s it, and he me... i sat down straight and hard, i didn’t drink there in the evening water, i trained five times a week, but i didn’t lose weight, i went to the endocrinologist, yeah, when she was the first to say that nadya, this is insulin resistance, your insulin is 30, with that kind of insulin no one will ever lose weight, i didn’t know at all , what is it, and what is it, glucose does not see all the insulin that a normal person produces, well, roughly speaking, one is the onset of diabetes or is it pre-diabetic or is it such a condition, the person next to you will eat a bun, and you will gain weight, you simply speak from the sight. the fact that you're walking along the spine, you're already gaining, then she told me what are you doing, i said it all over again, she says, so remove
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carbohydrates altogether, from carbohydrates you leave one small green apple until four days, everything else is fish, chicken, meat, salads, green and red we remove everything, if you are shaking, then here is one apple, and the weight has moved, this is so borderline, that is , diabetes should have happened to me, it didn’t happen, why, because sports, because there was a lot of sports in my life, i when then... i came to one clinic, the therapist told me, we i’m generally shocked, we’re looking at your tests, but we understand that you played sports every day, it saved you, nadya, and so attention to the question, yeah, how old are you? do you remember yourself, you were a big girl, in your school years you weighed about 100 kilos, but unlike your miniature peers, who only made eyes at the boys, you did not expect mercy from fate, you hit on handsome gentlemen, you charmed them with your jokes, boisterous laughter and spontaneity, do you remember the name of your
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school crush? listen, i'll open it now secret, she was probably not the only one with me, reveal the secret. so what desk did andrei rodionov sit at during algebra lessons? i could be wrong, i hope he will forgive me, go out and draw a desk, let’s do algebra, algebra, tatyana georgievna wanted, i don’t know in which class, it doesn’t say in which class? no, it’s not written, no, we probably had three rows, no, i remember russian language literature, why, maybe i ’m drawing incorrectly now, will he say that you have angarsk literature? i don’t have any memory, did you have complexes at all, complexes, they develop when they call you names when you are constantly told about this every day, they didn’t tell me about this in my class, well done, yes, i love and respect them very much for this, but others said, i dare to assume that somewhere here here, i accept your answer, thank you very much, of course, you didn’t find your happiness...
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on the first try, i think so, where did fate bring you together with your first husband, what was his name? bani akhmat raid ali mohamed, oh-oh-oh-oh, i can’t say it, he’s from jordan, so he wrote to me, and i thought for a week that he to answer, well, first of all, in english it’s like this, my name is nadia, london is the capital of great britain, well, what we taught in yakutia, as we knew, of course, there is something to talk about, i at least know where london is, yes, and i wrote, in my opinion, nimashki kravchenko, i say: well, translate it to me, so that the translator does not translate, he says congratulations to you, then you tell me everything that he is there wrote, i answered him, but no, he wrote to me, firstly, like there, i saw you in some public, there was some group, we were there for music, for kvwell, that’s all, all, all, and he came up to me, in short, i answered him something, we started communicating word for word, so i said, we want to fly to egypt on vacation there, but
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that’s it the most common thing was that for 4 days he could fly off to the spear to rest and return. he says: why come to egypt, it’s good here too, that’s who i am, in short, i arrived, jordan, the hashmite kingdom, i’m flying to the kingdom, i’m the queen, the plane is half empty, we land, i see everything there is black, where -that there are lanterns burning, well, that is, this is not moscow at all, not even neryungri, so here he is, me, and among all this crowd that stood, he was in light-colored, jeans, a light-colored shirt, shorts, i think they were some kind of denim- then here he is and i look, well , i saw him right away, of course, and so i think that you’re such a small damn again, in general, all men are like that, he’s just really small, well, no, not really, well, yes, he’s smaller than me, of course, smaller , of course, that’s it, and we came to him home i think, wow, you guys have apartments
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well, what’s there, it was very possible to get confused in this apartment, and we were sitting in the living room, and his brother also came. here we are, which is very similar to vin diesel, and we’re just sitting there, thinking what kind of people they are, and then we went, it’s to the dead sea, but that’s not the point, the point is that, well, the apartment was very big, but by our standards, well, here’s just a man who was born in a wooden one-room apartment without water, and then moved to nere, he speaks in three rubles, that’s where he is, and what did he do, he studied, he was a student, as he told me, v basically they have... there's a farm, olive oil, something like that, well, that's all, i flew away, he says, i'm arriving, come again, i've arrived, you liked him, later or not of course, i liked him before, i didn’t go because maybe i’ll look at him, he ’s handsome, let’s be honest, he’s handsome, well, yes, that’s what i’m saying, let’s be honest, well, he’s handsome, handsome, he played the guitar, sang something,
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he hurt there , i built it all on myself, well, how we love girls, of course, we went to petra with him, that is, everything happened at the same time, everything is like that. everything happened very quickly in august, then everything arrived, his parents knew about me , the wedding was with you, we signed in moscow very quickly, because all these documents, migration services, invitations, he flew away, returned, we had a ceremonial signature, we signed , went to st. petersburg for 4 days and returned, i flew off on tour, that is, without this, without pathos or anything like that, but when the problems started the next day after the wedding, right here in st. petersburg, right here in the hotel . he just blew my mind and i was not exactly in i’m shocked, i think, god, you’re a complete fool, but how did he get his brains out, i mean? i have a friend, so, he comes into our house, he is your friend, you brought him and he’s just there. but he didn’t like your friend, yes, he didn’t like my friend, i didn’t like his attitude towards him, i didn’t like his attitude towards my life, because i told you who i am, you saw me, i was already on tv , i’ve already
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been filming with a bunch of men next to me, we sang, they dance, of course there’s some flirting, of course there’s some poses, that’s all how it just turned into some kind of mess in general, and we really didn’t sleep at night, sorting things out, i think, lord, this is what a mess, he wanted you to sit at home and no, he didn’t like it, he... asked for forgiveness , i think, well, that’s it, the little man probably understood something, and it continued with intense frequency, you know, like once a month, once a month, once, okay, i would give it and it was very, that is, i was i’m to blame for everything, for the fact that i ’m leaving, for the fact that he doesn’t work, for the fact that i, he doesn’t earn money, for the fact that i i earn money, in short, everything, everything, everything, that’s all, there was some kind of, wait, and you lived in moscow, he came here, he needed to get an education there, learn russian for starters, yes, but he learned a lot quickly russian language when we stopped living together, but i understand that in this sense i am of course to blame, because i somehow
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seemed to protect him from everything, but i am such a person in life, i have never been given anything on a silver platter with a golden border, they never brought me anything, i realized that if i i want, i will go and do it, i have no other choice and no choice, well, either don’t do it, well then just sit and watch tv series, well , yes, well, well, at least he helped with the child? he helped with the child, but i always now, if so, i can afford to sleep in a hotel, come home there at 2:00 in the afternoon, then i took the earliest flights, you know, your concert ended there at 9:00 evening, you ran to the hotel, got out there at 2:00 a.m., which means you leave the hotel at 11, still abroad with you, or there at 12, you, that is, you don’t sleep at night, that’s it, it’s 6 in the morning you’re already home, that’s it, you’re already a mother, you know, this rhythm when you go a little crazy, it bothered me in new york, in australia, in belarus . i think what have i done in my life to get into such a situation, i constantly asked myself the question,
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who did i cross, how long was it enough for you? 5 years, the first 3 years i just waited, believed, endured, hoped, this is when this love lasts, when this chemistry lasts, this addiction, and then i began to understand that it’s impossible when you have failures began there, i don’t know about work, about career, you are already... retransformation in a nightmare, i could n’t imagine the song would be sung by louboutins
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millions nadezhda angarskaya admitted that she big girl, how did you find out that he was laying claim to half of your property, but he didn’t claim it, didn’t say anything, i just when i filed for divorce, i was already a lawyer from the outside, from his side, he said, nadya, he still wanted well, how to squeeze some property from you, i say, but how will he do this if i bought all this, well, how did he have an apartment before him, i got a house not so long ago, this apartment is married, but we already had a prenuptial agreement and... it was recommended to me by a girl from mortgage lending at a bank thank her very much for this, she said: nadya, well, i say, well, how i love love, she says: nadya, i was the only one here who had a divorce case, when a woman and a man, having lived together for 25 years, they had three children or 18 years, how long they lived, he left without anything, because there was no prenuptial agreement, and please, make a prenuptial agreement, this is your apartment, you pay for it yourself, he signed it, i had
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a serial - i didn’t have a russian one a woman who was married to a syrian, she knew arabic, she had the right to translate, she so i came up and said, you are doing everything very correctly, he is seeing the child, now he has left, he is not in the country, they communicate on the phone, i don’t mind communication, david sometimes breaks up right now , he talks to him for a very long time on the flute, they will play him, what’s there learned some music, he’ll tell you something , he’ll draw a birthday recently, he drew him a card, sent it, i say, it’s dad’s birthday, let’s go, oh yeah, that’s it, i went to draw a card, well, that is, he
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says, i don’t know, like he says, nadezhda angarskaya, he says, and then i almost fell, why? well, because he, well, seemed to be thinking all this time, he says, i was looking at you, i think, what a cool girl, i say, seriously, there seems to be a situation happening here that he, through my child, just,
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well, this is fate , well, probably yes, then it happened that we went to a training camp in sochi, and we didn’t have, i’ll say right away, there was nothing there, except for one party with everyone together. parents, when we were seeing them off, well , it was closing, the training camp was closing, everyone seemed to be leaving, we had such a fun drunken party there was, well, somehow we talked something there, opened up something there, that’s it, from then on it was as if we were in touch, we even got a ride outside the airport, we flew away with david, that’s what it was it was already the beginning of august, and then there was a hotel and a pregnancy test, well, it’s all so fast, of course, but i hope that nikolai ivanovich will not be jealous. you to the past, and is he also ready to meet his ex? ex? who is this with? meet? okay, come on, which one of them?
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oh, my god, he’s not an ex, he’s just my first love, oh, i don’t pay attention, oh, wow, andryukha, you were so thin as a child, but what happened? life is like that, life, well, he’s handsome, handsome, an excellent student, andrei, did you know that you are nadya’s first love? yes, i knew about it, oh you brute, i knew, at the beginning i thought that at first it was just sympathy, and then these signs of attention, and what signs of attention she showed, she saw you off with her partner, that didn’t happen, it’s not like that, i remember how i gave ice cream there, but i passed it on through my... through a classmate, well, i was always into food, you know, this is so, this is the most important thing for me, what is the ice cream, the waffle has expired, yes, you tore it from the heart, tore it from the heart, constantly, well, a man feels when a woman likes him, and the most important gift,
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she gave me a musical cassette player, do you remember where i got the money from, so i also wondered where you got the money, and no, wait, i actually took part in all sorts of matinee productions from the sixth grade, i always had an addition. andrey, tell us the secret, at which desk you were sitting in algebra lessons, please go to the board and mark: look, i was sitting here, it looks like it’s against the wall,
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well, i was practically right, you didn’t reveal your secret, and the money remains in our bank, okay, fine, that i shouldn't. let's see who the other heroes of the program helped.
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miroslav had a cardiac arrest, they managed to run to the intensive care unit, they managed, well, he was already breathing, in principle, but even a few minutes without oxygen led to... as a result , miroslav retained his intellect, but his legs do not obey, and his movements are stiff, characteristic of patients with cerebral palsy, accompanied by excruciating, painful attacks, he gets down on all fours and begins to scream heart-rendingly, his eyes are closed, that is, this is in a dream, when he was already waking up and from shock he could not straighten up, he could not straighten his legs at all, then yes, they were stone, after bone marrow surgery, attacks happen less and less, but for...
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baka is participating in the show again, not vlikh, moscow and
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beijing have recently become very close, he says: the last beijing, very moscow friendship, i want to understand why in our village people are dying because you are extinguishing them, are you a fool, who is this, yes, i got microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried.
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well, or we’ll call, we found out that the phone works, even with zero, they canceled the account, you didn’t listen to the end, but this is like, it’s safe, with beeline you’re safe even with a zero account, calls, messengers and cards work, connect support with zero in the belaine app, girls, let's talk about security, so we already have b, belaine is the safest operator, some impressions remain forever, and some only. for a while, with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many
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moisture and mold. ceresid is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use ceresidit grout glue together. without hot spices fagot sirloin ham, a taste that you recognize from a thousand, panic, let's do without panic, there is belain's internet, we will find better motels, with belain's smart network, you will be connected in a variety of situations. again, i’m sparing everyone, with the internet on your side. when i have a pollen allergy, i always have citrine on hand. it is quickly absorbed and protects against allergens. there is no reason to tolerate citrine allergies. personal life of a dictator. do any of you have oil rigs? are there palaces, are there
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vineyards? palaces and yachts that the zelenskys are hiding? maybe you have a yacht or some kind of bank? his billions, which he stole from his own. you only have loans, eat something in the evening and now mobilization, what awaits him this sunday, if you want to live, run, tomorrow at 6 pm on ntv. in the video footage, alexander petrov and sergei borunov are cheerfully fraternizing with their colleague in the series, a policeman from the ruble, roman popov. but in at that moment, all the participants in the meen scene did not know whether they would ever see each other again. the famous mukhic will undergo brain surgery. this was the third stage of astotoma. and after such operations, people lost their sight and lost their hearing. how roman popov beat cancer, is it easy to lose weight and gain weight at the director’s command. and how many years did he build his house? watch it now. the body
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is in action. rum, who else but me. a lot of girls and guys think so. that a career can only be made if you have ideal parameters, and i refute that when at auditions or auditions there are professional actors present, they usually say: konstantin ivanov is 24 years old, graduated from the local school, a workshop of this kind, and as you said, and i say, roman popov is 39 full years, in some places very full in 2010. graduated from kvn, maslyakov’s workshop. i have no acting education. you have no acting education, but how do you know? i’m done, valeria lvovina, of course. at the age of 17, after school, i entered the pedagogical institute to study psychology and wanted to enter gitez. so. and
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he came to his senses in time, although it would have been more correct i should say i was scared. i got scared. yes, well, i thought, who am i trying to deceive, a burry boy from the provinces, how... and that on the contrary, we talk so many times about textures and completely characteristic ones that i went to the media institute, because there i started playing big kvn , and my life has never been the same since then, well, it’s true, how you were offered the role of muhichea in a policeman from the ruble, no one offered me anything, but as it happened, i went to the casting, to the audition, and these were the first auditions for me in a big television series. oh yeah, 2 minutes have passed reading the text, such a sketch from the serial script, ilya vyacheslavovich kulyakov did this in 2 minutes, and it was, guys, come on, that’s it, you are free, they pay for the series now, decently, when i started there in the fourteenth
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year, with animating, i there was a certain rate, now this rate is higher, because experience has been gained, yes, gained. and as a result, now i am satisfied with my rate. okay, roma. so, attention, question. yes. when you were 5 years old, you dreamed of becoming a policeman. the dream came true in 2016, when you, after after graduating from a pedagogical university, he won the third season of the comedy battle, and received the role of an investigator in the tv series, a policeman from the ruble. true, yours. one thing: appetite: reveal the secret, what did your hero igor mukhich eat in the first episode of the policeman from the ruble? we filmed this scene very coolly, it was there,
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of course, because it was a cool shot to depict the eating mukhich eating his standard lunch, so it was all laid out on a glass table and the camera was under the glass like a bird, as if from the face of the plate, you know, so it was difficult forget it, it was smoked chicken. some lettuce leaves with frishka, in my opinion, i accept your answer, does your weight soar you or not, not at all, even when i was at my peak, my peak was my peak, that’s how much it was 164, well damn, seriously, even when i was at my peak in my ideal ball shape, they told me, roman, you are overweight, i said, why did you get the idea that i suffer, i enjoy it, you have always been such a charming chubby guy, until for 20 years i was charming, but not chubby, and after twenty began to somehow grow in width, this is a thyroid gland that collapsed after 20 years, due to
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genetics, on my mother’s side everyone there has problems with the thyroid gland, it’s just that after years i learned how to work with weight, i need to lose weight, give me a month and a half, let’s go into the frame, like this, but sometimes they ask to replenish, of course, i call such producers angry, but recently, well, relatively recently, i... four years ago they asked me to gain 50 kg, i say, in your own mind, why, so then my colleagues who were injured at one time they said, well, yes, no, guys, give me twenty, i can do it, 20 plus, 20 minus, wait, tell me, everyone can do 20 plus, they say, we need more, i say, okay, not me, not you, 30, dialed 30, lost 16, we’re still working on 14, how much do you weigh now, 134 kg, you need, you say, to lose 16 more to get in. your 120 is ideal , your 120 is ideal, where you feel comfortable and your knees don’t move and
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you don’t experience shortness of breath from shortness of breath, well, yes, everything is fine, how are you losing weight, rum? unfortunately, humanity has not come up with anything new, don’t eat, well, it’s also bad to consciously eat and exercise, well , due to my large number of various types of injuries, i can’t afford to do cardio and run, because running... this is a line in the dictionary of antonyms yes i have antonimov’s dictionaries, there are words like stairs, on foot, far, let’s run, there is no elevator, that you don’t eat when you lose weight, yes, i eat everything when i lose weight, yes - yes, in principle , everything is the same as what i eat usually, i eat everything now, just in doses, this is what you ate today, what did you for example, you will eat in the evening, i had a standard breakfast in the morning. with our breakfast, one egg, so, two strips of bacon, so, a glass of orange juice, toast, and in the evening,
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perhaps, we will sin a little with the whole family and buy some small honey cake for tea, after all, but the tea will be without sugar. let's find out the correct answer, and then continue our conversation, pay attention to the screen. in the first episode , mukhich, a policeman from the ruble, eats according to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. on his plate there is a chicken leg, a side dish of fresh vegetables and bread. hi, i have not seen you for a while. you revealed your secret and the money in your bank. thank you. 6 years ago, doctors gave you a terrible diagnosis. like any diagnosis related to oncology, it sounded scary, it sounded that way, but it turned out that it could be dealt with. what made you get tested? the fact is that nothing bothered me, it’s just that on the night of october 3-4, 2018, i
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woke up at one in the morning with an ambulance crew standing around me, and my beloved wife standing next to the bed, pale, frightened, and being pregnant, with our third child, youngest daughter, and she tells me what happened, that is, after midnight i... when i was apparently in a deep sleep phase, i began to shudder and twitch my body, as if i had an epelectic seizure. why the star of the series, a policeman from the ruble, roman popov , believes that his diagnosis is just flowers, how he pulled his wife out of depression and why he delayed the housewarming for 2 years, we will continue in a couple of minutes. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of everything or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs. and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for business, ural sip bank, nothing extra, stars, final!
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who in the west was called a pro-russian politician. oyster. which the russian president was treated to in beijing. will the chinese peace plan for ukraine work? the beshimbayev case has its unexpected ending: the former minister, who killed his young beautiful wife for several hours and filmed the murder on a mobile phone camera, escaped a life sentence, how and how did he manage to pity the jury and the judge? this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. this is a secret worth millions. actor roman popov openly talks about how he defeated cancer. let's continue our conversation with your wife julia, who has been fighting for your life with you all this time. hello yulechka,
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glad to see you vara. how did roma have this attack in the first place? at night? "we went to bed, the light was turned off, and i heard that some kind of movement was happening, that is, some kind of movement, i felt that the person was shaking, i didn’t understand anything, i turned on the light, uh-huh, but i saw that roma , that something is happening to him, that is, i can’t wake him up, i can’t understand what it is, i start calling an ambulance, a team arrives, they recognize him, they laugh so much, well, that is, apparently they thought that he probably , under what?" "
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brain, i must say that this trip was a bright event for the driver twice, because well, firstly, recognition, and i can take a photo with you, i say, no problem at all, this is part of my profession, we’ll definitely take a photo , but a little later, and as you might guess, it was my night sleepless, you fell asleep, so i fell asleep , everything happened again, i wake up to the fact that there is a business class car on the training ground in which i am sitting, in the rearview mirror, i see a big-eyed... driver who sat for a while, who called an ambulance, so - and they did an mri, so they said, you have a surprise there, the temporal frontal lobe, as it
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sounded, a glioma, that is, just a formation, but what good or evil can be established only later, when the operation is performed, we began to think where to undergo surgery, there were few options, russia, israel and germany, but obviously the states... couldn’t afford it, it’s too expensive, i wasn’t ready to sell everything that belonged to me, the real estate there, and we started looking for access to germany, and i’m an artist, i’m a stung fool, we’ve already made an appointment there on october 9, but you need to be in berlin on october 9 to meet with a person whose waiting list for a meeting is only 2 years, 2 months waiting, and i’m on the 8th shift. muhiche was just playing, we were filming the fourth season, about what happened on the night of october 3-4 ilya kulyakov found out, looked at me and said, you’re a fool, go ahead, what a shift, of course, i
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say ilyukh, but there’s a very important scene, the final episode, he says, i’m not only a director, but a producer and screenwriter, i’ll write and figure out how to do it in order to film it for ourselves, we filmed it with a stunt double, but you can still see it as if mukhich was standing there, and we flew to germany. to the meeting, for the first half hour i pinched myself on the arm from time to time, so that, because it seemed to me that i was now filming some kind of american tv series about medicine, he is so charismatic and cool, well, besides everything else, he is of course an absolute genius of neurosurgery, a genius who managed to remove 99,985 thousand tumors from my tumor, what the operation consisted of, they opened my skull and removed it.
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everything went well after which a wonderful adventure called radiology, the radiology department and chemotherapy awaited me, so that these remnants were chemistry, like lipovene or what? brain oncology tablets. chemistry, how you felt, great, vigor in every cell, no, of course, there was a certain ritual, i woke up in the morning, ate a special pill that suppresses, yes, yeah, urges, yeah, after which
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i threw myself with chemistry, and took the chemistry three times a day, my friend called me, you know him, edik matsaberidze, who he also beat oncology, he supported me very much, edik, if you see me, thank you very much. he went with valerchik, that’s what he called the stand for kaplin’s chemistry, and he says: how’s the chemistry going? i say, well , it’s probably easier than yours, he says: you have a tablet, i say, yes, no, no, brother, he says, i also understand that you’re not swallowing vitamins, how much did the operation cost? a lot, 55,000 euros at that time 4.5 million rubles. is it just the surgery or plus living with everyone along with business? no, it’s just an operation, but we had savings that were spent renting an apartment, and so on and so forth, and friends helped, but there was fear, of course, but there was no such thing, that’s it, i give up, no. i give up, it wasn’t, i saw
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my pregnant wife, i, uh, remembered my children, damn, we traveled around germany, for example, when roma had a good state, that is, you were positive, you forced yourself, yes, well, not to think about the bad, positivity and euphoria are slightly different things, yes, that is, we still relied on reality, on what is happening, yes, what is happening now something very important for us is happening in our lives, now there are no problems, we have a task, we have a task to solve it, yes. and what can we do right now, how can we help ourselves? we can help ourselves by, for example, let’s get on the bus and go to the neighboring czech republic, for example, and let’s see, you and i have never been to the czech republic, let’s go now, i don’t know, and eat some delicious food that we ’ve never tried before. yulia, why did you become depressed? this is a completely natural rollback. yes, that is, when
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you are in a collected state for a certain period of time, yes, that is, in any case, i turned on and absolutely all the forces of the body were activated, that is, i needed to bear a child, i needed to support my husband, and naturally i lived at the limit of my capabilities, what is your depression, yul expressed herself, you get up every day, it’s hard for you to get up, you don’t know why you get up in the morning, nothing makes you happy, nothing makes you happy, nothing new or old makes you happy, you don’t understand why you live at all, well, i think that you came out of this and defeated depression, and defeated oncology, you also built a house, at the end of 1919 i sat down and thought, these were obviously two difficult years for me, therefore, according to the theory of the balance of energy in the universe, which i believe in, i think, well, everything in the twenties should fill me with lowlifes poppy, when if not now.
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but the twenty-second year began, a special operation began, i looked at the prices, at my construction site i thought, and brain cancer, maybe it was a bright spot, because well, this is a nightmare, it took 3 years, finally this year we completed the construction hurray for this three-story townhouse for 14 million rubles. roman popov put in everything he had. saving strength and nerves.
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the famous mukhich received the keys to the concrete box 2 years ago, all this time he was engaged in repairs, and it’s finally ready. there will be a seal rookery here. leshbiche kotikov, ours the parent bedroom includes a dressing room, access to the winter garden and jacuzzi, fingerprint entry. why a combination lock on the parent's bedroom and parent's area? in order for none of the children to use the king size hydromassage bath, roman popov decided not to skimp on water treatments, they must fit, and soon roses will bloom in this winter garden, but for now the ficus is taking root in the new living space. we have gloves, they’re nice, here you go, but i don’t see my size. on 330 squares there will be three children's rooms and guest rooms. spacious living room and, of course, a kitchen with a full load of household appliances. “i
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needed a good hood, a good oven, enough refrigerators for our entire small family, your daughter lisa is visiting us, let’s meet her, yes lisa, hello, hug dad, sit down with mom, so, lisa, tell me “who is stricter in your family, mom or dad, mom?” than mom, well, excuse me, but that’s how mom always punishes you, or dad some time punished? and you tell your mom, you know, it’s fashionable now that you need to set boundaries in relationships, well, mom probably says more, but i also have an older brother and a younger
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sister who very often liked to come into my room without knocking, so i i made a homemade castle, that is, we won’t just be a designer using what you have. your own room, well, no, but your parents are knocking? yes, okay, but are you depriving yourself of your pocket money? no, yes, but we are increasing the financial literacy of our children in every possible way, something that we were deprived, due to the soviet post-soviet, that is, they must plan that elizabeth is an absolutely conscious child, she has her own bank account, a savings account, she wants to save and wants to spend. her laptop, she said: and if i buy myself a laptop, will you take it? i said: no, daughter, this will be your laptop, how much have you saved already? 20,000, wow, 20,000 already, yes, for what period, rubles, i understand that rubles, you don’t
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understand that this is a lot of money, to save a child for for you yes, for them no, let's let's see what good causes the guests of our program spent their earned money on. fourteen-year-old: gulakova has not been in her native sevastopol for six months. my favorite picture is this deer. the girl and her grandmother live in a medical dormitory a few steps from the hospital. olya is waiting for a donor organ; she desperately needs a liver transplant. here is an alarming suitcase for us, so that at the first call we could leave immediately. everything is here for a month. the first time olya was hospitalized with pneumonia was when she was just a month and a half. the disease caused complications in the kidney. that’s what the doctors thought at first: the girl was treated for nephrocalcinosis for several years, they bought expensive medicines, had the stones surgically removed, but olya didn’t get any better, by the age of six her kidneys stopped growing completely, a person grows, a child grows, the kidneys grow, just like any other person , they stopped
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growing for her, because they are very heavy, they are filled with this calcium and are not very heavy, the exact diagnosis of olya was made only in moscow a year ago, it turned out that the reason was not in... in the liver the child has a rare genetic disease in which the liver does not cleanse the blood of toxins and salts, hence the kidney stones , developmental delay, sometimes i have a good day, i’m doing great, but sometimes i’m a jerk, damn it, well, i forget, the only way out for olya is to transplant the patient organ, but the parents are not suitable donors, the mother just gave birth to her third child, the father... has fatty liver, the grandmother has diabetes, all hope is for a transplant, but you can spend several years waiting for a donor, a month's rent for a room costs 46 thousand rubles for family girls, this is an unaffordable sum, there is hardly enough money for medicine and food, this is our
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mini-fridge, there is sausage for a sandwich, that’s all and milk, the singer svetlana razina helped olya with her secret winnings for several months ... take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to tips. transport experts know everything about varicosities. tablets troxaktiv and gelitroxyvosin against heaviness and pain in the legs. tablets help strengthen the capillary veins from the inside, and gels fight varicose veins from the outside. troxactiv
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had a heart speedometer showing the maximum 200. his wife was puzzled, would you go to diagnostics, but semyonovich said: don’t get under the hood, woman. guys, don’t slow down, get a medical examination, health is important here now. and where is the cheese, the cheese is here, try chiba pizza, even more juicy filling with tender mozzarella. baked chicken, mega-shirishche, chipu pizza from the hot thing, only until may 31, golden falcon rings with a discount of up to 80%. write benefits in the ozone search bar, look for different discounts. cornelia mango is a centner of positive charm, she teaches the whole country to dance firmly, if you have a butt, you need it use, feel free to show. your luxurious body in a bikini, if you have something to show, you need to show it. the kilograms
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did not prevent cornelie and mango from becoming stars of the star factory and achieving their own personal happiness. however, there were difficult times in the lives of cornelia and mango. how, in pursuit of slimness , the singer almost said goodbye to life. let's find out right now. so. the theme is weight suits her. yeah, that's exactly it, that's it. definitely about you, because i can honestly tell you, i don’t imagine you at all subtle, it seems to me that you will not be at all , you will lose your charisma, you are satisfied with yourself, i love myself madly, my mother raised me in such a way that there is no one better than you, that is, my mother always said, you go on stage there or wherever you no matter what, you have to be so bright, so interesting that no one even thinks that you or her are overweight... and then she turns and says: what excess weight, you have it no, that is, i was always
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raised like this from childhood, and of course, thanks to my mom, thank her very much, it was always like this, and until i was 16 years old , of course, i had complexes, let’s start with the fact that i didn’t go to kindergarten, and of course before kindergarten they told me that i was the best , the most beautiful , the most chic, i came to school and was surprised that it turns out i’m black, i’m fat and i’m ugly. you went to prove something to someone, i wanted them to stop calling me names, they called me names all the time, there’s some fat-assed woman, i don’t know, there’s an african woman walking, they kept shouting after me forever anything except cornelia mango, horror, and my only dream was that i would walk, and they would shout after me, cornelia mango, cornelia mango, but in the end i achieved it, that is, my task was to have people shout after me. so that i stood on the stage above, everyone around below looked at me with admiration. how
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did the selection committee receive you at the factory? i come, it means i’m on the street, i see a huge crowd, i think i can’t. i made such a huge circle around me and started dancing so that all the cameras started filming me, some commission with microphones came up to me there, they said, can i interview you, i said, of course, and i had such a good speech, i told everything, everything that i think, they say, you know, because you are so bright and interesting, we let you go another 300 people ahead, somewhere in the evening i already went into this house, where probably about 100 people came in at once, everyone was singing the same song, i think, i won’t sing the same song with everyone, they sing, it means that there is nothing, well, they all sing the same song in chorus,
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well, how can you stand out? they all sing the same way, so one person walks around like this, like this, and sort of listens to who sings better. and i think, i don’t let go, don’t let me go, they were all like my backbone, that is, i had spirituals so jazzy, and they were all like my backbone, very cool, they said, thank you all, it remains, i’m like that yes, today we are visiting your colleague from the star factory georgy ivashchenko, we meet, wow, hello, hello,
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she has the right proportions in the frame, but it’s as if i’m entering the frame, my face is here like this, my legs are like this, my body is like an apple, and my arms are thin, i think, oh my god, my voice is also disgusting, i couldn’t hear myself from the outside, i think, what a combo, what horror, and after that i realized that it was urgently needed. .. do something - since we have already become media, have you become some kind of crap now? no, i play sports, i have pumped up arms, i am friends with sports, i run 35 km marathons, i don’t eat mammals, i have cornelia there, tell me, he needed to lose weight, what do you think, well, that’s everyone you are everyone's choice, that is, i love myself so much that i am for i could cut out money for myself,
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you know, well, anything, but i love and accept myself so much, i see myself in the mirror, i see. cornelie has a lot of ways to love herself, besides food, that’s why she’s so chic, charming, and i’m kind of like that, you know, i didn’t perceive myself at all, and i just started fasting for 20 days, i found pills, diet pills, yes, diet pills, they contain prohibited substances, i bought them, and they block the feeling of hunger, they enhance the work of the heart and cardiovascular system, i... back then i was drinking, i haven’t drunk for 6 years, this is also my secret of good shape, by the way, i also don’t drink alcohol, this is very, very important for i also don’t drink alcohol, it was the three of us who got together, as if then, then i drank these pills that suppressed my appetite, which increased the work of my heart, i had tachycardia, i woke up once on the eighth day in bed, i dreamed that i was eating oranges, i woke up in
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tears, on the bed, i sat for what night, and i probably 2 minutes , sat, cried, and thought: why did i eat oranges, my legs were cramping? nights, my left hand didn’t feel chalk, and i still have these consequences, but as for at least a limb left, it’s very hard, wait, it’s good that you didn’t die, excuse me for the expression, but you know, otherwise there is and you actually went on a straight starvation for 20 days, i went on a fast for 20 days, how much did you lose, and you know, at the factory i weighed 82 kg with a height of meter 78, then i reduced my weight to 59. cornelia. so, attention, question. look at the screen. thank god that everything was caught in time. and now i'm surrounded by magical walls hospitals. nurses help doctors. yes. you are recording this video from the ward of the alexander-mariinsky regional clinical
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hospital in astrakhan. where were you transferred from intensive care after diabetic retinopathy? you brought yourself to type 1 diabetes with extreme diets, because you, no matter what, wanted to lose weight, reveal the secret, in which photo is that same astrakhan... well, the same as for losing weight, it turns out that everything is there anyway time the body wears out, that is, you seem to have no, you have strength and you play sports. i worked out for a minute five times a week, twice a day, that is, i just drove myself with these enormous physical activities and the fact that i ate less, even
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probably 800 calories a day, that is, i ate very little, yes and i, of course, like everyone else, it’s fashionable now, it’s called a keto diet, but before i didn’t know what a keto diet was, i just decided to remove all carbohydrates for a while, carbohydrates, and i thought it was normal to eat meat and vegetables, nuts, i saw the effect of this diet and decided to sit i’ve been on it for a year, but it’s impossible to sit through a year without carbohydrates, yes, even on the day when i was admitted to intensive care, i was at the gym in the morning, that is, i felt basically fine, but there were such precursors, such as i had there from my nose was bleeding every day, that is, i couldn’t even leave the house for about 2 weeks, and i was bleeding every day, and what did you think, what did i think, i don’t care, everything is fine. yes, that is, i was very strange, then my mother said: you look very bad, come home, i feel that you urgently need to me home, and that’s why this
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happened in astrakhan, i came home, we went to the bathhouse with friends, we started talking, i wake up in the morning, i don’t see anything, that is, i didn’t see you, just like i didn’t see you, that is, right here there was fog in my eyes, and i said, i see very poorly, i need to see an ophthalmologist, i go to the ophthalmologist, she says, so let's check my sugar. checks my sugar, and my sugar level was 18, she says, well, we have diabetes, she says, type 1, most likely, she says, we need to go to the hospital urgently, and why she understood right away, she said that i had retinal edema, i was immediately admitted to intensive care, and i remember that i didn’t want to eat anything for three days, i said, i won’t eat, they, they force me, she says, you need to eat carbohydrates, i say, i won’t eat, these are carbohydrates, they say, of course, carbohydrates, you have diabetes, he says, you need to eat carbohydrates for breakfast, lunch, dinner and podka... well, i don’t eat carbohydrates , that's it, so on, what and how were you treated? and i immediately got insulin, that is, my head turned so much,
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they put me in intensive care, they started putting in iv drips, my mother started coming, everyone started forcing me to eat, i didn’t eat anything at all, then on the third day i started eating buckwheat, as they said, i started eating rice there, so of course i learned again live with it. because indeed diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease, it appears on its own, that is, it can appear either in a baby or in an adult, why they say what reasons, but no one knows, but most often it is severe stress, then there is if before if you, let’s say, have diabetes, you start to analyze it, then most often it’s high cortisol for three to four months, maybe even a year, because now i’ve been walking around with an insulin pump like this my whole life. which shows what kind of sugar i have, by the way, i’ll check it right away, and what kind of sugar you have right away, now it ’s 6.9, and where is it, it’s attached to my tummy, it gives me insulin, there’s a needle in
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my stomach, oh, what a needle, always and the hole in my stomach that supplies me with insulin, the fact is that a diabetic must inject himself a day though well, as much as you eat, you inject so much, but i don’t want to inject my stomach so much, that’s why... they came up with this insulin pump that constantly supplies you with insulin through this tube, and inserts a needle it hurts, well, in general, all this is unpleasant, of course, all these manipulations, not only is this a very expensive whole story, but also this little remote control, and everyone says: i have a phone for 150,000, i say, guys, i have 350,000, this is a piece of cake, what are you talking about? you say, and the consumables for it cost 50 per month. i have to accept your answer. which photo shows the same astrakhan hospital where the doctors saved you? two. oh wait,
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wait, wait. i think it's six. i accept your answer. we will find out the correct answer very soon. it can be difficult to control the situation, especially when emotions take over. emotocin can help cope with them. the action of its components is aimed at combating nervous tension and supporting the immune system. ematacin is iron nerves and strong immunity. when your legs get tired, they hurt. swell we take izkuzan drops, izkuzan for the five symptoms of varicose veins, effectiveness is comparable to compression hosiery, izkuzan, favorable price, stars, final today at 21:20 on ntv. hmm, she smiled, that means she recognized him, she smiled, that means she’s real, they’ll recognize her.
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viewers, who torture themselves with diets, who don’t eat, who are losing weight, is this correct? i can say that first of all you need to exclude the word diet in general from your slang, because diet is a certain period of infringement, our psyche perceives it that way, that is, 2 weeks i have good willpower, i can, in 2 weeks, as we already know, yes, give up food, anything, if i need to lose 10 kg there, but then we think, we have achieved the goal, we need to give thanks. and you think, okay, i’ll eat everything i can, then i’ll be able to pull myself together again, so if you want to find a new form, you need to make a choice once and for all, the most important thing is probably really right.
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understand that you have diabetes, you drink a lot of water, you drink about 5 liters, bottle 5 liters, 5 liters of water and you can’t get drunk, the thirst is such that you want to drink water endlessly, yes, of course, frequent urination, of course diabetes translates, that is , exhaustion, the second is vision, the smell of acetone from the mouth, there is such story, when high sugar is always a flash of anger, that is, i am a very... loving person, very kind, i am always in a good mood, but when i have high sugar, i become a miguera, i can throw things around, i can get angry, that is , the worst thing is that my husband is the first thing that
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he says, he knows me, he’s the first one that immediately says, check your sugar, check your sugar, and there’s 15, i’m like, how do you know me like that, that’s how it is in general, you’re a man, by the way. i immediately said that you have this kind of story, right away, and he was like, he told me, you have the first or second type, i said, how do you even know this, i said, i have the first type of diabetes, and he he says, it’s not passed on to children, that’s it, he didn’t say anything else, well done, how did you meet him, oh, it was a very interesting story, we we met on a television project, it was a television project where you had to learn in a week. and i can show you how it is, what beatbox is in general, i show you, he taught me, well, in short, he taught us , somehow we became friends very well, how long were you friends before he proposed to you
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, we started to be friends for about 2 weeks, we were friends we talked and talked and i then told him that i was a believing christian and my man with whom i was... dating, it would be my husband, he said, it’s me, i’m talking, i mean, he says, god given, by god given, after 2 months he already said, you will be my wife, six months later he proposed to me, like he proposed to you, oh, it was so romantic, we were in crimea, we met his parents, that is, they had to to appreciate how i am, by the way, very good parents, believers, they treated me very well, it was very pleasant for me to communicate with them and... and he took it, said, i ’ll go for a swim, i said, okay, he went swim in the sea, returns with a shell in his hand, opens it, water pours out ring, and he says, you will be my wife, i say, of course, of course, yes, oh, i love
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such stories, everything, how long have you been together, 10 years, living together, very, no, we live very friendly, because that we are believing christians and there are many things that unite us. until recently, the star of the series dayarka from khatsapetovka looked like this: a wasp waist, slender legs, half-faced eyes. i’m standing there , applying eyelashes, i say: bah, oh, what a beauty i am, she says, yes, some kind of beauty, i say, bah, how can i not be a beauty, since childhood i thought that i was the most,
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that she is not. evgenia and iosipova were destined for a successful career as a model, but she became an actress and got her main role. and my name is katya, and today you won’t recognize her, flashing on the screens. when you woke up after the first episodes of the series, i know the series was breaking some
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unimaginable records, i remember, i was on the subway , two girls were sitting opposite me, they were so, well, it was clear that they were talking about me, but they didn’t fit nothing, they’re pointing there, it means they’re somehow pointing a finger at me, and so it was kind of strange, i turned around like that, i think, this is generally for me, and i see that i began to get out there along the escalator, and i understand that these girls are following me, well, that is, yes, it feels like, well, it would seem that we are heading towards this. actor, but it’s impossible to be prepared for this and impossible to be when it was in such quantities, i still react very strangely when they recognize me, but somehow it’s still awkward, easy, but in general i got used to this role , here is the role of a village girl, well, since i myself come from tula, from the outskirts of tula, in general, i had moved by that time relatively recently, i moved. with the same qualities, naivety bordering on
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stupidity, that is, some kind of, i don’t know, gullibility, some kind of insolence and so on, then of course this situation was very clear and familiar to me, and i remember that i i’m auditioning, we auditioned with the actor who played the main male role, kirill zhandarov, and i see the director’s reaction, which i understand that everything is not the same at all. not there, me, i just have a cold sweat running down my back, my hands are sweating, my voice and lips are starting to tremble, i just see out of the corner of my eye, that i was doing exactly everything wrong, i left the audition, i understood that they told me, yes, thank you, it was very good, we’ll call, this is this wonderful phrase, classic, we’ll call, and you understand that they will never call you, and i came out just a blur, these were there, i ’m doing nothing at all, i was by accident, then they called me, said that they approved me, they paid me. well, in general, for me then it
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was cosmic money, but in fact now they paid me 500 dollars a day, that is, up to of this i received, for example, 50 dollars, in total there were, in my opinion, 26 shooting days, in general, almost all of the project was mine, where i spent the money that i earned, but in fact i lived in moscow, i never lived in a hostel, i i rented an apartment here, and by that time my mother also had debts and so on, so in fact i didn’t make any big purchases, we paid off some debts, just everyday life, just everyday life, improved a little for some time again until the next call. zhenya, so, attention, question, you grew up in a family of simple workers in tuli near moscow, at the age of 17 you came to conquer moscow , entered gitez on your first try, and already at 19 you woke up as a real star, after the main role in the series dayarka from khatsapetovka. but you are the odd man out of your heroine, while the simpleton katya
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shocks and gags, sips tea from a saucer and chews on her bifrot, after 20 years of living in the capital, you have probably mastered the rules of etiquette; the question will be asked by etiquette expert marie boucher, good afternoon, hello, so mari to you word. oh, dear evgenia, i propose to play a game with you with the proposed circumstances. let's pretend you're on a first date, are you ready? please come to the table. evgeniya, i ask you, please show me how to sit on a chair and sit at the table correctly. well, probably the young man will help me in this sense, he will probably push back his chair, at a minimum. and if there is no young man, i’ll probably sit like this, okay, the next moment, you just
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got ahead of me, how to put a napkin correctly, in fact, excellent, if you need a napkin get wet in your mouth, how do you do it? great, which side of the plate should the phone be on, right or left? the phone should not be on the table, no, i don’t know, your answer is accepted, and the last two questions, please show me: how to eat bread and spread butter on it? there should be a separate plate, of course, excellent, and you can even break it off with your hands, yeah, and i’ll ask you, if you don’t mind, to eat a piece of this bread, thank you, and imagine that we have water in a glass, in which one she was and how would you take a glass? great, pretend
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that you've had a drink, i accept your answer, in fact everything is not bad, so with... let's say three out of six, that's already fine, how to sit down at the table correctly, if they don't give it to us, we 'll come to the chair on the left side on the right leg of the chair, turning it 45° from the table, we sit down, if necessary, we can put it back in its original place, we always put the napkin with the fold towards us, yeah , on our knees, without unfolding it completely, it seemed to me , that you laid it out, and the clarifying there was a question regarding how to properly wet your mouth, and here it seemed to me that you did everything right, we take the only thing that is with our fingers, not in our hand, and just like that, with our fingers and we wet our mouth from one side to the other, uh-huh, the fourth is tricky the question, but here you didn’t get caught, was about the phone, and you really answered correctly
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that there was no place for the phone on the table, because we came to communicate after all, regarding bread, i wanted to catch you, if you saw it, i asked you to eat . the last one with water, you also did everything right, this is a glass of water, you took it by the stem, so congratulations, you are a princess, thank you, great, we can count it according to... thank you, a whole science in fact, we thought you came to us today, good luck to you, why is it very interesting, marie, thank you so much that you began to gain weight, well
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, there were circumstances in my life in which my body reacted in this way, stress, yes, stress began to eat up, in fact, everyone who knows me... uh, goes with me to filming or on tours and they know that i eat very little, and i haven’t eaten sweets for many years, after my child was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, i don’t eat it at all, but i also had hormonal changes, and actually visual ones, and it seems to me that in general the whole story with weight is connected with the head, my son’s illness, my husband’s betrayal, how he accepts blows of fate star? dayarka from khatsapetovka, she will tell you in a couple of minutes: every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit, based on real developments. it's its own game! this year our program turns 30 years old, 172,000 questions, the topics are more beautiful than ever, let's play
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this is a secret worth millions, actress evgenia osipova admitted that after her starring role she gained 30 kg. how did you find out that your son has
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diabetes? it happened like this. 2.5 years ago, my eldest son was diagnosed with diabetes. at that moment i was not filming in moscow. i arrived for the weekend and my mother was with the children, she began to say that her son was 9 years old. at that moment that he began to pee in the night, sorry, and this began to happen every night, i thought that he was already too big to not get up, well, in toilet, that something was wrong, but i thought it was the end of october, and i thought maybe he had a cold, something happened, and we took a urine test, all the indicators were normal, except for glucose, which should be in urine zero, he had 323, and from the clinic they called me at 2:00 in the afternoon and said, and say, do you have a glucometer, i say: i say: no, they say, but could you drive up to the clinic? we drove up, they measured his sugar, he was 12, they told us
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that they couldn’t let us out of the hospital, that we needed to call an ambulance, a day later he came the doctor said that we were being put on insulin, i didn’t know anything about it, and i just remember some echoes of some, i don’t know, such superficial knowledge that... for some reason we don’t need to be put on insulin , then it’s impossible to get off it, and in general i thought, no, this is some kind of mistake, yes, no, this simply cannot be, but we donated blood in september, yes... yes, this is some kind of nonsense, and i remember that, in general, when i was in the emergency department, there was one doctor there, she recognized me, but she didn’t show it at all apparently, she found me on social networks and said: tomorrow at 80, come to me for a consultation, uh, she told me this phrase that you now,
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the sooner you accept this situation, the easier it will be for the child, but now you... will look for all the ways there, i don’t know, nutritionists, some other endocrinologists, some old grandmothers, some even worse, yes, but our intensive care unit is overcrowded, we will dig him up in the intensive care unit, during this period - from me and a lot of husbands are leaving, who, it seemed to me, that we were perfect relationship, everything is fine with us, why did he go, but i don’t know when i found out that the child had sugar. diabetes, or what? yes, i don’t know at all, well, probably the love ended, we were filming in different cities, he was filming one project, he was a cameraman, i was filming in another project, we had some kind of disagreements at that time, let’s call it, and but not to that extent, yes, but when, when this illness happened, i thought that this thing would now unite us, because we need to somehow
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pull it out, he just ran away. and he became very behave strangely, come home late there, for example, someone be very active there, say, yes, i’m working, somehow i didn’t really delve into this one at all, but that another one appeared, but i don’t know, at some point i told him to leave, and he left, rented an apartment next to us, and then for 2 years, we didn’t just communicate, we went on vacation together, lived in the same room, we stayed all day long. well , i would have returned it, we drove around, but he didn’t come back , although he has the keys to my apartment, to my car, he is part of my things, and he is constantly with we've been together all weekend, we're celebrating new year's eve together, we're relaxing together, and i thought, well, we're just in a crisis, now he has someone, now i saw, just the other day, i left the house, well, since he lives nearby , this was also
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incomprehensible, i just asked many times, maybe you have someone, no one... said anything to me, and i went out, the children were at school, i went out to the store, and he was driving past me a car in which a very young gazelle sits, and i said, why not tell me this, that is, how the brain works, that yes, this is a crisis, it happens, we have to get through it somehow, so at some point we even went to a psychologist, already a family psychologist, i just cried for 2 hours, because...
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well, i have a terrible resentment, no, i love him, but my love now i already have amazing friends, who only pulled me through with their quality support, that is, at some point i just realized that i was dying physically, i just felt physical pain, and i thought that a person should be allowed to live, and but the whole problem is the fact that since we have children, a person still believes that we... he can call me every day or write something about children, but the children are already adults, they each have their own phone number, why do you need an intermediary in the form of me so often write to him, i say this, but that is, the person lives in a rented apartment, i say, maybe you would move, i just don’t know, i understand that i evaluate everything through my own prism, but - it seems to me that if you’re so in love, that those who were
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there, that every day these children are like that, well , isn’t it? well, you can be a backup option, it won’t work out there with a young woman, he’ll come back to you, where everything is smooth, no, no, all the red lines have already been moved back, i heard everything, they told me everything, how old are the children already, but 11.9, he loves them very much , he helps, he’s great financially, in principle i don’t have to work, uh, there are no questions for him here, evgenia iosipova doesn’t refuse anything to her children maxim and sonya, they wanted to go to the water park, please, mom frolic with the children on equal terms. evgenia osipova gave the children a dog and literally planted a pig on her son when maxim discharged. from the hospital with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, by the way, she really likes to kiss hands, in these shots the mini pig is only 4 months old, the actress thought that caring for the pig would distract her son from worries about his health, and
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we’ll find out directly what happened to the star’s exotic pet now. maxim and sofia simchenko are our guests today. hey guys, hi, have a seat. well, guys, tell me, where do you see your mother more often, at home or on tv? most often we see her at home, well, sometimes we see her on tv too, you help your mother around the house, well, before there for, in my opinion, 500 rubles, dad, if we wash the dishes, then they helped, but no, okay, but tell me where your mini-pik lives, and we gave it away a long time ago, well , about a year ago, well we gave it away for a reason. the fact that she grew very big, and our apartment is not very big, that’s why i just had to go to the online store , as it were...


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