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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  May 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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well, before, my dad paid us 500 rubles, if we washed the dishes, they would help us, but no, okay, tell me where your mini-peak lives? and we gave it away a long time ago, well , about a year ago, well, we gave it away because she grew very big, and our apartment is not very big , it’s just that we had to go to the online store , as it were... put her out, and she was taken away, well
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, about a week later, where they took her, zhen, she lives better than us in new riga, in a private house, in fact, the children were terribly worried this story, but the whole point is that i really don’t have carpets in my house, she has a hoof, wait, was it a mini peak or was it a pig, well, we didn’t wait until we found out to what size, but she grew, you need to understand that she has pigs do not feel full, that is, here is a bucket. will eat a bucket, she, that is , you go to the kitchen, she lay straight, guarded when someone goes to the kitchen, she bit children on the legs, begging, bit, once she actually bit me until i bled, it happened to me too, well overall it was a bad idea, bad purchase, let's see what good purposes the guests of our program spent the money they earned on. masha leonteva from the moscow region is 5 years old and loves to dress up and paint her nails. mash, please, just put your hand down. but just recently, my mother fought with... for every breath
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of her daughter, the girl has a terrible diagnosis: spinal muscular atrophy. it was new year, masha was lying under the christmas tree, and lay on her back. in general, children suffer due to the fact that their muscles are weak, when they, for example, you put them on your back, they lie on their back, they, and since they can’t support their legs, their legs are like this fold out like a frog, one of the symptoms, this is a manifestation of sma. with this diagnosis, muscle weakness first increases, then internal organs fail one after the other. without a life-saving injection, children with sma rarely survive beyond 2 years, but one injection costs 160 million rubles. masha’s mother remembers how they announced a fundraiser, and she did not leave her sick daughter’s bedside for days. it was absolutely terrifying, i actually remember even now, well, this state, i don’t know, as if it was made of wood or something. money for an injection they collected money for masha, the disease no longer progresses, but the damaged neural connections are no longer...
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this money will go to charity, watch the million-dollar secret every week on ntv, see you.
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there was a business from scratch, it became as dreamed, every third business develops with an ecosystem outline, based on real developments. hello, good afternoon, this is its own game, we continue our anniversary tournament, and today we have the fifth game of the second round, the 18 strongest players play two games each with different opponents, at this stage so far...
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no one is eliminated, the winner will receive 1 million rubles. today they play alexander liber, st. petersburg program. first round: topics: scientists, just one letter, windmills, toy games, not only about birds,
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fingers. andrey, choose, there is only one letter 400, it starts with this letter. seeds of all students at pan blob's academy. panaklyaksy academy. children's book by jan brzechwa. all students' names began with the letter a. let's play further. just one letter 300. the charitable society - white cross was founded in the russian empire in 1881. initial em.
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building of the international monetary fund. mills for 300. this reserve museum includes the building of the former hergart steam mill, left in ruins in memory of the war. here is the museum of the battle of stoliningrad? 400. in this capital of the former soviet republic there is a pond and park valya-morilor valley melnets. maybe moldova, absolutely right, this is chisinau, milnitsa 500, bag code 1.700 for you, zero for andrey, 500 for evgeniy, let's give it to andrey, andrey, thank you, the topic is for the golops in europe 100 or 500, 500, attention to
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the screen, in front of you is a well-known household item, only of gigantic size, installed in one of the parks in belgium. “maybe this is a clothespin, this is a clothespin, absolutely right, just one letter 200, the russian master ilya shumov dedicated a chess problem to the military engineer totleben, the hero of the defense of sevastopol, the peculiarity of the initial position was precisely this, apparently, the pieces were arranged in the form.” letters t. bravo. games, toys 500. in 1829 , goette’s grandchildren were given a toy copy of this locomotive. rocket. stephenson's rocket. right.
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games toys 400. you get it. evgeniy has 500, you have 1200, alexander has 1700, bet all-in, all-in, let's play. the action of this fun is based on the principle of maxwell's pendulum and gyroscope. in the nineties of the last century, a bearing was added to the design, which significantly increased the playing time. maybe a top? no, it's yoyo. not only about birds 500. in this country, the song fried chicken has turned into a lyrical fugue of love. very popular in 1960 in japan, it was sung by
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a female duet, which, in my opinion, was called the peinats, fingers 500, auction, zero for you account, 500 for evgeniy, 1,200 for andrey. he can’t outbid, because the question costs 500. andrey, what do you think? 600. let's play. the town of point hope, in the north of alaska, is located on a long narrow cape, and has a second name, tikarak, which is translated from the eskimo language. thumb. no, index finger. andrey, games, toys 300. with this environmental goal, one
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of the dutch companies created a remote-controlled boat from children's bath toys. can i collect garbage? you're right? 400. honey guides, african relatives of woodpeckers, often lead humans or animals to the nests of wild bees. for the sake of this product, which they eat with pleasure, in my opinion, they eat bee larvae, this product does not exist, they eat wax, one of the few animals that are able to eat and assimilate wax, fingers 400, this is precisely the phrase one of the pique vests in the novel the golden calf expressed his attitude towards british politician philip snowden. i wouldn't put my finger in his mouth. exactly. fingers 300. give the question.
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let's go alexander. thank you. alexander, the topic, i’m an artist, i see it that way. bid. 500. a slightly modified version of this famous painting was depicted by a street artist on a support. the oxford university natural history museum houses the only surviving head of this extinct bird. dodo, right, scientists 200.
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11 years old, quiet don, right, game, toys 200, you get a question from russian national projects: young scientists from mipt have developed humanoid robots based on artificial intelligence. in this sports game, they masterfully control the ball, even winning the brazilian open championship. maybe something. that’s right, uh, not only about birds
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200. by opening their wings, black herons create shade and coolness over the water, where the coveted fish swim. another name for black herons is given in honor of this household item. i would say an umbrella. absolutely right. umbrella heron. evgeniy, fingers 200. where are you now, who is kissing your fingers, alexander vertinsky addressed this actress. on december 7, 1730, he received a passport at the kholmogory voivodeship office and a few days later went to moskvusov, right,
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just one letter 100 our work is not. demolition: we we’ve been mastering it for 6 years already, the 16th century scientist françois lametel complained, about the difficulties of working on this publication, on the dictionary, on the dictionary of the french language, right? mills 100. to preserve the aroma, it is recommended to grind this seasoning immediately before use; it is often sold in special mills. evidit, further.
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raven, raven, absolutely right, fingers 100, the ring finger is usually chosen for this procedure, the skin is thinner, the wound heals faster, blood tests, you are right, this was the last question of the first round, let's summarize, after the first round evgeniy has 800.
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i’ll do what i do best, get a divorce, participate in the show, until it hits again, moscow and beijing have become very close lately, he says the latter beijing is very, moscow is friendship, i want to understand why there are people in our village they’re dying, because you’re extinguishing them, but are you a fool, who is this? pro-loans were collected by their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m worried a lot, as before sparring i don’t want to blow off dmitry malikov, bravo, vobra, your performance, just complete, merchant, stars, final, today six finalists will perform before us, but only one will be the winner,
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today at 21:20 on ntv, via. superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in an economical package of 96 capsules. don't put pressure on me. well, it's locked. hurray, slovika. constipation requires a delicate approach. quickly, is everything ready to go? for children of mothers and fathers with constipation, slabikap. catching a firebird feather is not easy. and here receive a deposit rate. gazprom banks can offer a rate of up to 17.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit at what are men silent about? painful urination, erection problems? these are symptoms of prostatitis. langitaza
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promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longitaza against prostatitis. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure, love, recommend. for headaches there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. magnet, price - what you need. tomato and chari 999. trimidate can eliminate the cause of pain and discomfort in the abdomen, targeting spasm or impaired motor skills. trimeda, feel life, not pain in your stomach. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it can help at apppt. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get our head working. via superstar, premiere. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can destroy one small detail. papillomas and
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other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them. its special. touching the skin around. the gel will help soften the top layer of growths and promote intensive cleansing and restoration of damaged areas. regain
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your confidence and comfort in communication, do not put off your favorite activities for later. live with a full life, forget about these ugly growths once and for all. the special formula of clareol will help you cope with the problem yourself at home. and included in the deon gel. will promote rapid recovery. i recommended clareol to my husband, and you know, it works, i can use it myself, at home, it’s very convenient. now there’s even a gym or a swimming pool. attention, special promotion for the fastest, call right now. 8800 200 exactly, 7 5 6 7 and get clareol for just 1 rub. 8.800, 200 exactly, 7. 5 6 7 free call within russia the stars aligned tomorrow immediately after via superstar on ntv this is our own game we are in
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the studio we are playing the second round, here are its topics: composers, be healthy, questions from: cinema book, glass and shoes, evgeny, the choice is yours, glass for 600. in 2021 , glass beads produced in this republic back in the 15th century were found in alaska. it is believed that the beads came here from asia during trade through the bering strait. venetian. that's right, from the venetian republic. there are a thousand composers. his first opera, adelson et salvini, premiered at the naples conservatory in 1825. the orchestra and singers were
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students of the conservatory. this is vincenzo bellini. let's continue. something is not going well with composers. come on, be healthy, a thousand. last year, chinese scientists obtained from the secretions of these gastropods a natural biological glue that can heal wounds. the glue is non-toxic and is easily removed from the body. snails, right. be well 800. march 27, 1914 belgian. carried out this process indirectly, using sodium citrate as an anticoagulant, blood transfusion, that's right, let's
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glass for a thousand, as a result of this event the so-called alamagordo glass or trinitite arose, a mineral first described in 1948, atomic explosion, nuclear tests in new mexico, spain the portuguese film adaptation of this comedy by lopad was released in 1996, almost 20 years after the soviet television version, and in spain it received seven national goya film awards. nasenia’s dog is true, shoes for a thousand. medieval plate boots, sabotons could have the most different. form, the one that before you received a nickname in honor of the beak of this bird, a duck, that's right, a duck's beak, andrei, movie book
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600, even monroe, even scarlett o'hara did not collect as much money as rybina, the hero of the novel mr. wilder and i was indignant , meaning by fish this film, already jaws, absolutely right, let's glass for 800, auction 800 from evgeniy, 4.5 from andrey, 4.300 from andrey, pass, alexander, you won't pick it up, no, let's play, in the soviet cartoon hedgehog finds in the forest is exactly this, he learns a lot new and interesting things about the inhabitants of the forest. maybe a magnifying glass? that 's right, that's what the cartoon is called, a magnifying glass. alexander. let's get
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some shoes for 800, once he showed up at a poetry evening in valenki, zinaida egipius pointed lurnet at him and said: what interesting leggings do you have? yesenin, are you right? let's find out who the questions are from today? let's! hello, i'm photographer dmitry iskhakov and i want to ask you a few questions about famous photographers and photographs. question from a photographer for a thousand. court photographer. russian analogue, simply translating both roots. this word, by the way, was part of the name of his atelier. the question is, what is this word? light painting. suggested replacing the word photograph with his bravo! questions from a photographer for 800. this photograph, taken in 1858, is known as alice lidle as a beggar woman. name the author of this photo.
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in one of the photos of the famous soviet journalist lev borodulin , the referees are sitting at the referee's table with a completely unsportsmanlike appearance, sitting and yawning, he captioned this photo with a question from the play grief from the mind, what? condemn who? be healthy beyond 600. a recent study by japanese scientists showed that in families with dogs and cats, cases of this ailment in children under 3 years of age
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are much more common. oshlivergia, right, shoes 600, this porcelain hero of the story of leo tolstoy, as expected, is shod in bast shoes, the figurine was made at the leningrad porcelain factory, filipok, exactly - composers 400, if. austrian composer richard heuberger did not live up to the customers' expectations and the contract for this operetta was transferred to franzjugar, the premiere in anderwin theater passed in triumph, the merry widow, right. be well 400. this
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book doctor conscientiously treated pirates, jokingly declaring that he considered it his duty to keep his patients safe for king george and for the gallows. doctor lives, from treasure prison. you're right? questions from photographer 400. in 1932, one of the founders of photojournalism in copenhagen made a series of photographs of one soviet figure, who was exiled from the soviet union 3 years earlier, call him trotsky, that’s right, movie book 400, in search of materials to prepare for the exam, this student was so carried away that he even looked into the huge stone book on the monument, shurik, that’s right. its
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fibers often break and form fine dust from sharp fragments, so when working with it you have to be especially careful. in 2022, scientists from the university of california created shoes from bioplastic obtained from algae, unlike conventional plastic , the material has this important property, apparently does not pollute the environment, most likely decomposes easily, right, composers 200. maurice ravel wrote this work at the request of the dancer ida rubenstein. blaro. right. be healthy,
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200. code in the bag. 10,200 for you, 1,800 for evgeniy, 6,700 for andrey. to whom? evgeniy. evgeny, the theme is folk crafts, the rate, let's go to the maximum, a thousand, pay attention to the screen, in front of you are four types of russian painting, find gorodets among them, in my opinion, the second one. no, the second is boretskaya, the third is khoklomskaya, the fourth is zhostovo, the first is gorodetskaya. evgeniy, so the glass is 200. some models have open
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there were two of them, separately for the front rear seat. stained glass. shoes 200. in 2021, an austrian company made shoes for such people, capable of independently detecting obstacles in the path and informing the owner, blind, that's right, a question from a photographer over 200. in 1858, one of the pioneers of photography, nadar, a frenchman, took the first aerial photograph in history , the question is: what did he use to rise above paris? meet orson welles, a book he co-wrote with director and screenwriter peter bogdanovich, well, apparently orson himself wrote it, that's right, orson wells himself.
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well, let's summarize. after the second round, evgeniy has 1. andrey has 6.700, alexander is in the lead, he has 10800. ahead. third round. stars. the final. today at 21:20 on ntv. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps to millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbank, and we
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will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. what a broth. the secret of taste is in the broth. attention, butterfly, oh, buy it. cheap air tickets on aviiales avias i'm something good the best and i'm useful oh yes and you manage me regularly and i'm a new vtb loyalty program you choose the right categories every month for example clothes products sporting goods you get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card thanks in rubles, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, one of my friends is getting ready for a new party, why isn’t anything ready, the costumes need to be more modest, more modest, did you enter the wrong door, dad,
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of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you with a 300 rubles discount on your first order. savings banks are beneficial for retiring. for pensioners - free savings card, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. television today at 19:00 on ntv. are your feet buzzing after walking? sneakers are very expensive and difficult to clean. enough! liamax presents stylish and comfortable bris sneakers that are suitable for women and men. the minimum weight makes them almost imperceptible. put your sneakers on and take them off in one motion. suitable for any size of legs. the flexible sole makes contact with any surface comfortable. the sneakers can be washed in a washing machine, they dry very quickly, the mesh cheat upper
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provides good ventilation, no more rubbing shoes, a wide range of sizes, a large selection of colors, stop wasting money on expensive shoes, order universal bris sneakers for only 1,499 rubles, and if you buy two pairs of sneakers , you will get just for 799 rubles for a pair of leamax purchases with a plus
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, we wanted to gasp eugene, but not fate. andrey, thank you, the theme is under the stone sims, the rate is one and a half, friend for god's sake, not a swarm, but...
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andrey, you get the auction, you have 5200, 10,800 for alexander, thousands for evgeniy. yes, i'm afraid that only potent drugs can be used against alexander vitalievich. all in. alexander, do you mind?
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in the olympic triathlon, athletes ride a bicycle 40 km, run 10 km, begin swimming for this distance, 15 km further, and swam for 1,200, this ancient philosopher, idealist singled out the first voyage, floundering in the sea of ​​life circumstances, the second voyage, then there is conscious management of one’s life, isn’t this plato? right! in the 1930s, the compilers of english navigation guides discovered that astronomers had not yet given a name to the brightest star of this constellation, and the star peacock peacock peacock appeared on the celestial map,
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quite right, peacock is peacock in english 1500 since 1950. here is an aerial view of this city in the pskov region , island, this city is called island, island, in fact, in person, the affairs of the spirits 2500. auction 5200 5 200 don’t want to let your rivals play at least a little, i understand you, in the capital of this state, seven dealt with trade matters judges, two for muslims, two for jews,
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two for christians, and one dealt with pagans, khasaria. khazaria, absolutely right, and the capital was called etil, spiritual affairs 1200, until the 18th century the abazas who inhabited abkhazia professed christianity, according to legend, at the beginning of the first century this apostle, andrey, preached here, right, golden theme 1500.
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cloud, golden fish, right , flowers 1500, one of his first stories, belated flowers, was published in 1882 by chekhov, quite rightly, under the pseudonym chekhante. alexander, flowers 1.200. in his painting spring, he is believed to have depicted 190 types of flowers blooming in florence from march to may. according to legend, on the way to buddha, the animals had to swim across the river, it was she who decided not to get wet, asked the bull to move her, jumped off the bull on the shore and ran to buddha first, well, before the year of the bull comes the year of the rat,
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that’s right, the cities of russia 900, during the great years patriotic war, many members of the writers' union. were evacuated to chistopol, a city in this autonomous republic, here lived pasternak, fodeev, oseev, arseny tarkovsky, in tatarstan, probably the tatar autonomous soviet socialist republic, spiritual affairs 900. the netherlands of the 16th century were distinguished by religious tolerance; in the maurits-stad, founded by the golans on the territory of modern brazil, the first such structure in american style appeared.
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in 2010, in italy they completely deciphered exactly this in the golden delicious apple variety, golden delicious. absolutely right. at that time, it was the largest genome deciphered. 600. in 1975, american lyn cox, the first woman to swim across the cook strait, separating these two new zealand islands did not bother. homer
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says about this bright star that the sons of men call it the dog of arion, sirius, sirius, quite rightly, the constellation canis major, the greeks considered it the dog of the hunter orion, the city of russia 600. the name of this town near novosibirsk coincides with the name of the river on which it it’s worth it, maybe that’s what it’s called, oops, oops, yes, there is such a town, spiritual affairs 600, bear code, 39400 for you, 3.100 for evgeniy, 7300 for andrey, evgeniy, evgeniy. topic - athletes 300 or one and a half 300 sport is not my thing in kungur, that in the perm region they recently erected a monument
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to just such an athlete, the monument caused an ambiguous reaction, a swimmer, no, evgeny, alas, this is not a swimmer, this is a skier, just such a skier, flowers 600, botanical dictionary 1872 . years give its popular names: sosonka, blush, romanets, chamomile, right, golden theme 300, i love the magnificent nature of seeing, pushkin admitted, describing ilisa, dressed in exactly this. ah, i love lush nature , taking me to bogrets and gold-clad forests. right. flowers 300 in many varieties of
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the floribunda group, this is completely absent, which prevents you from enjoying the flowers to the fullest. the smell, for sure. spiritual affairs 300. in the middle of the 16th century , morians and chuvash who wished to be baptized. for the role of this star, astronomers predict a nova outbreak in the fifth year bc and
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halley’s comet, which approached the earth seven years earlier. 300. you are receiving a question from the general sponsor of the ecosystem program for business, kontur. kontur offices are located in more than 70 cities. from russia kaliningrad to vladivostok. more than 28 thousand partners throughout the country cooperate with the company, which allows businesses to quickly and conveniently purchase circuit services. and here’s the question: in terms of the volume of the urban economy, this ural city ranks third in russia, after moscow and st. petersburg. ekaterinburg. certainly. this was the last question of the third round, and i'll sum it up. 3400 for evgeniy, 8200 for andrey, 40.300 for alexander,
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the final round awaits us, everything was on its own, the deputy began to cope, every third business develops with the ecosystem outline, based on real developments, foreign literature. there will be no future, the state is dead, the country will disintegrate. eropeev, ulitskaya, weller and shenderrovich, where did they find a new homeland? they always had a different homeland, a different honor, everything, everything was different. why do they hate russia? and russia has never been a free country. what is our historical destiny, apparently, to be a monster for the whole world. and their books can still be found in ruins. every penny they earn here can shoot at my comrade on the line of combat contact. who now lives in five apartments in the ulivskaya residential complex, a soviet writer, well, she was judgmental for a long time, she didn’t like everything, how the foreign citizen
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shenderrovich left his wife to look after the moscow real estate, and you are resettling vasikovsky?
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from the inside, and the gels fight varicose veins from the outside. troxactiv troxyvosin - an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. buy at a discount in pharmacies in the capital. midea robot vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning function at a 42% discount. and silver sergius sokolov with 81% discount. on yandex market. catching a firebird pyro is not easy. but anyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit with gazprom. what were you doing 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it can help with abeppt, it helps restore memory and attention to opel so that the head works. magnet - the price is what you need. break off candy 179.99. just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you. with a discount of 300 rubles. for the first order. hemorrhoids are in the way
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write benefits in the search bar ozone, search once... discounts via superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. confidence and strength. this is how she wants to see you. brutal, reliable, stylish. like a set of hermes men's accessories from lyamax. volumetric cross and chain armor weaving, massive hermes cross. jewelry steel, noble shine and spectacular, voluminous design. three crosses in one. the powerful cross fits perfectly. with a chain of armored weaving, the color of real gold, a durable lock and reliable links, hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you can buy it for only rub 1,999. but.
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that's not all, everyone who orders a set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax, purchases with a plus. stars. the final. today at 21:20 on ntv. final round of the topic. people and animals. words words words. what should we call you now? glasses, well, you took out the radio. and professors. evgenia, remove any topic. people are crazy. thank you, andrey. well, you got it. alexander vitalievich, radio. evgeniy, what should we call you now? andrey, professor. alexander, choose. glass. the chosen theme is words, words, words. dear players, please place your bets. rates
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done, topic words, words, words, that's the question. bulgarians call it a nose, israelis a tongue, latvians a horn, in many languages ​​of western europe it is called a word derived from the latin head, what we are talking about, time.
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time is running out, let's find out what our players answered, the answer. what are we talking about bad answer spire incorrect bet 3399 thanks andrey's answer hat also incorrect bet 688 thanks andrey alexander capital this is the wrong answer bet. 9700 alexander liber convincingly wins our game today, despite the fact that he just lost 9700 is the correct answer. mouth, nose, tongue,
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something long and protruding forward, this is a cape, because in the russian north a cape is called a nose, a canine nose, a holy nose, from the latin kaput head, such names as cape come from. north cub or cape verde islands. cape let me sum it up. evgenia takes third place, it doesn’t mean anything. andrey, second place, alexander wins convincingly. i just hasten to remind you that in our second round, each player plays two games with different opponents. so with evgeniy, with andrey, with alexander we are still see you in the second round. dear friends, thank you very much for your attention. hello, see you, bye.
4:00 pm
under reliable cover, how the tor surface-to-air missile systems work in a special operation zone. drone racing in the moscow region, inventors from all over the country present their developments. but i myself don’t know how i can, i can’t explain, i ask this question every day, financial self-defense in kusbas teaches residents not to fall for the tricks of telephone scammers. about the main thing for this minute in the fodorovtsev studio, hello! aktivistilo, who is suspected of committing assassination attempts on the prime minister.


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