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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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under reliable cover, how the famous thor missile systems work in the special operation zone. invent drone racing in the moscow region.
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centula himself claims that he did not want to kill anyone, but only tried to harm, and does not regret what he did. the ministry of internal affairs says that the man acted alone and had previously participated in protests against the authorities, but was not a member of radical groups. authorities call the crime politically motivated. tsintula faces 25 years to life in prison. the fic himself is now in the hospital, the day before he suffered the second one. the operation, according to the head physician of the clinic, quote: they cleaned the wounds. the politician is in serious condition; doctors will need several days to make sure that the prime minister is recovering. the russian military liberated another settlement in the kharkov region, this is the village of staritsa , southwest of volchansk. a unit of the north group of troops took control of it. this was reported by the ministry of defense. they added that our troops continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses. in... the yuzhnodonetsk direction, russian
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military personnel have also improved the situation along the front line; our infantry and artillery are protected from air strikes there by crews of the tor anti-aircraft missile system. missiles are intercepted, intercepted, and destroyed any targets at a distance of several tens of kilometers. evgeny golovanov observed the work of the anti-aircraft gunners. from the outside it may seem that the torus machine is slow and reluctant to go into combat work, but first impressions are deceptive. let's go, reaching the point and taking a shooting position, torus opens up like a transformer, bristles with radar station locators, turn on a pair of turks, these are his eyes, scanning the sky and horizon at a distance of over 30 km, the torus can detect, recognize, capture and track a target even without the participation of an operator, all he has to do is press a button. the operator
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with the call sign yurich is laconic when answering questions from journalists. he answers succinctly, in a military manner , clearly about the principles of work using a ethereal vehicle , we solve problems, we cover up, in general, about the car, it’s a very reliable car, very not a reliable car breaks down speaking briefly and quickly is a habit developed over the years when a fast-flying target appears on the horizon there is no time for talking only clear commands. the speed of a vertically launched supersonic missile with ammunition. 16 pieces almost 1 km per second. it’s not for nothing that thor is called the god of the clear sky; he can shoot down any high-speed air target, even a cruise missile, even an airplane, or even a ufo. there is a hit. thor works simultaneously on four targets, and is capable of firing even while moving, covering a column on the march. the largest target was an unmanned one.
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we are warned about this, naturally our intelligence works well. then we look into this sector, we find it, we destroy it, let’s go a little further, now air defense crews along the entire front are preparing to meet the american missiles and f-16 fighters promised to ukraine, we are sure they will be shot down like flies, for now they are in standby mode, in full combat readiness , continue to work on long- studied targets. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction special military operation. at the airfield
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of the country's main aircraft institute, mai, in the moscow region, a new stage of the aerial logistics technology competition is taking place these days. engineers from all over the country are testing their unmanned systems in real-world conditions. true, while the flight of technical thought is hampered by legislative prohibitions, the use of russian drones is seriously limited, but inventors are ready to provide their already working models as soon as their use for civilian purposes is regulated. mikhail plokhotnik got acquainted with the developers flying unmanned trucks. drones have recently been associated with dual use, but in these competitions. this is what they assure everyone about the citizen here, the fourth stage of the aerial logistics technological competition is taking place here, and the technological competition is an engineering competition, within the framework of which we announce a problem that no one in the country, or better in the world , knows how to solve, studies and studies well, so such
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a kid can easily take away a can of soda and carry it around for, well, about 20 minutes, make a mess of it, of course, it’s a toy, this big guy will carry it away already 15 kg at 400. this is still a test, while the competition stage, the devices must do a lot, and they can already do a lot, for example, take off vertically, and after the flight you need to land in a certain place, which is unknown in advance in automatic mode, but even if someone... then one of the participants will achieve the ideal, while in the real logistics sector, for which they are designed, they cannot be used, today drones with a take-off weight of over are starting to fly. 30 kg, whose task is delivery, drones are widely used today in aerial logistics is beginning in the agricultural sector, this is the potential, it is measured in hundreds of billions of rubles, if you ask about the prospects, then in the current state of regulation the prospects are very weak, because today our legislation does not correspond to the specifics of
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unmanned aircraft, when the legislation catches up with the technology, these devices will already have to be able to deliver cargo, then there will be more teams with unmanned aerial vehicles. weighing more than 30 kg will compete in transportation over a distance of up to 7 hundred km at changing winds at different altitudes within a given route. the drone learns about landing directly when performing a flight mission. this is the first time this has happened using russian technologies. in order to get to this competition, we underwent localization examination accordingly and we satisfied it. while we can consider this a prototype, we cannot say that this is a prototype, it already has serial documentation, it can be produced, it’s just that now there are few logistical tasks for this aircraft, the operator, who in russian legislation must be present if
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he does not start to fly himself, in case something goes wrong, he will take the flight himself, but then the team will be disqualified, and now the most interesting thing is, how much does it cost? here the price is complicated, if you, for example, need something related to cartography, a good camera there, well, that is, the price will be more expensive, if we talk about basic ones, if my memory serves me right, somewhere in the area there 4.5 million the problem is solved, in the next stages the drone should be fully automatic, work without an operator, it will have to see. in quotation marks another air traffic participant and evade him. all this is part of the national technology initiative, this is a big event, a program that includes various support measures aimed at ensuring that russian
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technological developments are as competitive as possible and look good on the russian and world markets. mikhail polokhotnik, ulyana talpa, artemy chinkov, anton. ntv television company. meeting two-time olympic medalist in swimming clement kolesnikova and young athletes held a meeting today in the gazprom pavilion at vdnkh. they talked about the opportunities for sports and personal development that the gazprom project promotes for children. polovets said that he often travels around the country to various competitions and is happy with how many sports facilities are being built. if i'm not mistaken, we also had competitions with gazprom. stage of the russian cup or russian championship in saransk, until recently, i probably had no idea how many sports facilities had been built, how many had been reconstructed, and as soon as i realized that i
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had already been to most of the swimming pools, i was surprised by this, because it’s very good, it’s great that there is something that is being built, that pools are being built where the guys can... come, train, swim. we have a very comfortable building itself, very comfortable water temperature, water, locker rooms, everything is very convenient, everything is suitable for us. project gazprom children. helps the younger generation get closer to their dreams and creates comfortable conditions for training future champions. russians warned of a new trick by telephone scammers. now they are offering to extend the supposedly expiring term of the bank card. to do this, you need to dictate the code from the sms. with its help, scammers gain access to a personal account in an online bank and can withdraw funds or apply for loans. in the kemberevskaya region, they created a special headquarters to counter such criminals and spent the day. vladimir bogomolov will tell you how to protect yourself from losing money. but i myself don’t know how i can, i
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can’t explain, i ask this question, i ask every day i ask him. lydia selinnik spent more than a month under the influence of telephone scammers, during which time she lost two apartments and 2.5 million rubles in savings. it all started with a call from an unknown number. the interlocutor introduced himself to the investigators and warned: scammers are trying to steal money from the pensioner’s accounts. then he turned around. an attack performance, when you were at the notary, i say, i haven’t been and am not going to go there, but what are you doing, well, of course i was tense, and why were you so tense, we don’t ask you for data, passports, codes, they say, we already have it, we have everything, the pensioner’s interlocutors changed, law enforcement officers, central bank employees, each criminal played a memorized role, the elderly woman was indoctrinated, the elusive swindler forges signatures, has access to accounts, therefore, all funds need to be cashed out and sent to a supposedly safe account, they were forced to take out loans and even sell
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personal belongings. the pensioner was prohibited from disclosing information about a fake special operation to save savings; the victim’s daughter spent a long time seeking recognition of why her mother became like this closed, but the truth was revealed when everything was already lost. if they start scamming a person, they find out everything about him. to protect the residents of kuzbass, the regional government organized a marathon. warning posters are posted at factories. financial literacy corners have been organized in government agencies. prevention is carried out among all ages, because scammers select their own key for everyone, from schoolchildren to pensioners. nowadays, fraud using the neural network has become popular, when they fake a voice by asking for a certain amount of money. only for the past in a year, residents of kusbas gave more than 2 billion rubles to scammers. and this is, for comparison, the budget of a small city, we can see a decrease in registration based on the results of the past, well
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, compared to last year, while the damage from crimes committed has increased by 100 million; currently it is 722 million rubles. the kusbass government, together with the police, analyzed thousands of statements and compiled a portrait of the average victim: a man, blue-collar workers, and a woman from the budget. spheres from 45 years old, communication with cyber fraudsters can be compared to card a game in which you don’t even know about participating, but at the same time you make a move, while schuler has all the trump cards in his hands, for example, a dossier compiled in advance on you; if necessary, he can pull out a spare card from his sleeve. the fraudster’s trump card in the case of tatiana belchik was blocking her banking application. a false law enforcement officer convinced an associate professor at kemerovo university that unknown people were trying to steal her money. it turned out that the mobile phone is blocked...
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hang up, the longer the communication, the higher spring issue, at the first suspicion of being out of balance, all because of stress , the scammers’ chances to deduce the potential victim are blocked by all the basic psychological processes, and the main process is critical thinking, yes, it is the lack of critical thinking that contributes to the fact that scammers resort to tricks. now the victim lydia selinnik lives with her daughter in a one-room apartment with her husband, but does not lose hope that the criminals will still be found. vladimir bogomolov, vladislav rybakov, svetlana zakharova, mikhail kapustin, ntv television company,
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kemerovo region. that's all for now, go to our website, see you. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases for free. get cash, not just profitable, alpha profitable. what do you want to do when you get some sleep? go to sports. swelson, you can fall asleep within 20 minutes so you can enter the day full of energy. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but everyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank, the fire rate is up to 17.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months, receive real income in a reliable bank, open a deposit at on lucky days
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15:00 on ntv, but i myself didn’t think that i would become a driver, i didn’t have time to look back, it’s already the third year, the schedule is open, there are orders, it works out decently for the money, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried then, i wouldn’t have realized that this is mine, just like that, dad, the taxi driver's path begins with yandex pro, mom, write us a message, why, or we'll call you, we knew that the phone works, even with zero, with zero account, you didn't listen to the end, but what is this, it's safe, you're safe with beeline even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, connect support with zero in the beeline application, girls, let's talk about security, we already have beeline, belain is the safest operator, moscow coffee shop on the ground,
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favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbank, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. via superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - pain-free movement. joints, take rheumeflex, it helps reduce pain in joints, without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid, rheumoflexalar - movement without pain in any weather. and now about the weather for tomorrow, almost the entire european territory of russia is now in the grip of an anticyclone, and spring and summer anticyclones usually try to make the weather sunny and warm, ours is no exception,
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the temperature is rising, albeit not very rapidly, but promising, above normal for now only... it’s still a very warm day in korea or in the arkhangelsk region, in the murmansk region it will get colder tomorrow, well, practically in the center normal weather in mid-may. for now it is cooler in the volgovyatsky district in tatarstan on the middle volga and there the clear sky at night in the morning still provokes frosts. yoga lacks the atmospheric calm of the anticyclone. local rains again in donum, kuban, and sleet in the stavropol region in the mountainous areas. temperatures are behind normal, but now only by 2-3°. in petersburg. tomorrow +24 another day without precipitation in moscow without precipitation and +20. monday will be a little warmer, with a slight chance of rain starting tuesday.


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