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tv   ChP  NTV  May 18, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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another day is very warm in kara or in the arkhangelsk region in murmansk tomorrow it will get colder, well, in the center the weather is almost normal in mid-may. while it is supposed to be cooler in the volgovyadsky region in tatarstan on the middle volga, and there the clear sky at night in the morning still provokes frosts. the yoga of atmospheric calm of the anticyclone is not enough, local rains are again on... in the kuban, in the stavropol region there is sleet in the mountainous regions , the temperature is behind the norm, but now only by 2-3°. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +24, another day without precipitation, in moscow without precipitation and +20, monday will be a little warmer, with a slight chance of rain starting tuesday.
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the scandalous writer mikhail weller has joined the ranks of foreign agents, and now social activists are trying to have another criminal case opened against the publicist, this is specifically the person who encroached on our integrity, security and further development. we are talking about these frames, in which weller, hiding his exact location against the background of the screen with st. isaac's cathedral, discusses the topic.
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now they dedicate all their creativity rabid russophobia, they express their hatred of their homeland and its people in prose and poetry, the webbed grandchildren cry loudly, the mixture of their hatched ones complain, the legions of beaten overdue, unloved, offended by fate, but most of all, fugitive writers love to spread anti-russian demagoguery. our population, first of all, is distinguished by its indifference, if you don’t call it something else, it’s this... hoptism of soot that is spread throughout the country. the collapse, the fall of the dark times of the fatherland, which actually raised them as writers and gave the opportunity to publish their books, such as weller, shenderrovich, erofeev and ulitskaya, is now predicted from every iron. darkness is coming, and russia has never been a free country, so what can we do, well, it’s our historical destiny, apparently, to be such a monster for the whole world. dirty rhymes, caustic aphorisms and... and unflattering epithets about
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russia, now this is their main form of income, and relaxation writers work off their stay abroad not only with words, glory to ukraine, but with their wallets, openly financing kiev militants, my fees are going to ukraine, among our intelligentsia, including the ethnically colored intelligentsia, there is a paradox that needs to be clarified not by publicists and not by television people, but by doctors. it’s hard for doctors to even imagine where their prose went or their rhyme slipped, and all as one, the escaped authors reinvented themselves as geniuses, they are confident that they stood in the same ranks with bunin, solzhenitsyn and nabokov, all their statements boil down to one thing: russia was left without masters words, and russian culture has come to an end, you know, whales are drowning stuck, here is our domestic literature, it has already sunk, some have sunk, because these stuck, they wrote, excuse me, they...
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write in russian, publish here with us, receive royalties here with us, but write the most vile dirt about our russia about our people, they wrote, published and earned huge fees. the shelves of libraries and stores were filled with their books, and many of them continue to receive royalties from sales of their works in russia. this, of course, doesn’t fit in my head, because it turns out that with the money earned in our country, they, in fact, finance the armed forces of ukraine.
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the author's handwriting, but in fact, these were the first alarm bells, by which even then it was possible to understand that in reality these literary figures experience at least indifference towards their native country and readers, and the maximum task for them was to instill hatred in the minds of their fellow countrymen, doubts and dissatisfaction with everything in russia, the quality of life, education, medicine, but no matter how hard they try, they cannot achieve their goal they were able, so people, having realized who these so-called masters of words really are, at first they simply... the entire liberal public trembled at her name alone, screenwriter, translator, russian writer,
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as recorded in the biography of lyudmila ulitskaya, born in bashkiria, but lived all her life in moscow, in her ninth decade, the winner of numerous literary awards suddenly decided that her homeland disgusted her. went to live in germany. i can tell you that my suitcase weighed 7.5 kg, that is, it didn’t even reach ten. well, actually, in basically, i never travel with a lot of things. that's why i got ready very easily in 15 minutes. in other words, after the start of the svo, ulitskaya fled moscow, her heels sparkling. otherwise, how else can i explain it, it’s easy for her, because she has a craving for minimalism. has never been different, in hated russia, for example, he owns at least six real estate properties, five apartments are located in the moscow residential complex, a soviet writer, residents who were always proud of being neighbors with a famous writer, now they don’t want to hear about her, i don’t want to know, i don’t
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i know, i don’t want to know, that is, your opinion is categorical about this, my opinion is categorical about this person, natalya ivanovna, has known ulitskaya for more than half a century, they studied at the same institute, says the protest. i don’t know, in her old age, lyusichka, she’s sitting now, the writer celebrated her eightieth birthday in israel, it was the very beginning of her shameful tour, like many other representatives of the so-called creative elite, ulitskaya pretended to be a pacifist and ardent love for ukraine in every possible way
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hid. many relakant writers were involved in a sensational incident in the sale of the so -called almanac, which included short stories, notes and remarks. those who fled russia in difficult times. the list of authors includes familiar names of foreign agents. scandalous poet arlusha, journalist seva novgorodtsev, musicians andrei makarevich and nomsi. at the presentation , one of the books was pompously presented by several masters of words, including ulitskaya, with their autograph, to the same foreign agent, collector, gallerist and art manager, marat gelman. and he put the almanac up for auction in vilnius. the publication went under the hammer for 5 million rubles. and the proceeds. went to the needs of the neo-government rdk battalions and the russian freedom legion, a terrorist organization recognized in our country. they were the ones who took part in the killing of civilians in several regions bordering ukraine. the writers were then accused of financing ukrainian militants, and representatives
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of the public organization call of the people filed statements with the iskai prosecutor's office with a request to check the writers for promoting terrorism. the authors, in turn , began to make excuses. we think similar. the accusations are absurd and we declare that we have never supported or financed any military organizations, combat units or armies, the book was presented to marat gelman, his property, which he has the right to dispose of himself. in addition to ulitskaya , two more russian writers left autographs for books for auctions in support of the kiev junta: vladimir sorokin and viktor erofeev, who stated that the russian spirit supposedly has long been left him. i was married to a beautiful polish woman for 30 years.
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for a long time now, i’m still, you know, a holder of the honorary region of the homeland, so my homeland doesn’t have any orders on my neck, mostly it was only pomorze, that viktor erofeev of russia was underestimated, his brother also says, such a gift from god from him, and he really is, he is an outstanding writer, quite, in my opinion, still underappreciated here in russia, it seems to me so. art critic andrei erofeev more than once got into scandals, was fired in disgrace from the tretyakov gallery, and for organizing the exhibition was banned
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on art in 2006 he became involved in a case of inciting hatred. the court then found erofeev guilty and gave him a fine. he himself did not agree with this decision. moreover, he called the population of russia ignoramuses and went abroad, and judging by the conversation with the journalist of our program, he is still offended by everyone around him. people don’t understand what to look at, how... they don’t know and therefore prefer to either ignore or laugh, so he and his brother are geniuses, but many of their statements make your hair stand on end, for example, that the master... words stated about the history of our state, i don’t believe in russian history at all, it seems to me that russian history did not
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take place at all, because history in itself, this is movement, this is progress, this did not happen in russia, well, that erofeev russophobe, the fact that he is biased towards our history, well, how can you call the failed history of a country that defeated fascism. who was the first, so to speak, to send a man into space, i can also name there, who has sholokhov there, who has tolstoy chekhov there, well, it’s funny just to listen, it’s funny to listen to, but from a young age he lived from foreign lectures, and there was always a price there, there was a phobia, and also the promotion of western values, in fact, what some of ours did... writers did an excellent job, for example, the already mentioned mrs. ulitskaya,
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a biologist a geneticist by training entered the cultural community not with a book, but with a script. she wrote the story of two twin sisters, which is a mishmash of elements such as orgies, black magic with sacrifice, the destruction of all family and emotional ties, murders, sadomistic perversions, so to speak, on the very first outing she collected all the liberal solitaire, having found this gold mine, the writer... began to use similar ingredients in her other works, even though she doesn’t know what’s going on in these people’s heads, i sometimes i’m amazed myself, it seems like i’ve been talking to him for 20 years, he was a normal person, now you think, well, what is this, he got used to the role so much in order to earn money, or there really were some irreversible changes, by the way, after the treacherous escape from russia and an endless stream of anti-war statements, ulitskaya was stripped of the title of honorary professor. russian mendeleev university of chemical technology, and, judging by this document, the academic council voted
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unanimously. in addition, russian theaters have suspended the production of performances based on ulitskaya’s works, and the publishers with whom she collaborated for many years have stopped all payments and are currently trying to set the record straight. according to it , for example, we suspended deductions after the statements that were made there. her on the air, and which raised doubts in us, we are waiting for some kind of explanation from her today, a letter or something like that explaining her position after all. the fact is that they always had a different homeland, a different mother and a different honor, everything, everything is different. they grew up here, they grew up under siege, in an environment hostile to them, they were going to take it over. writer and publicist zakhar prilepin, a true patriot of russia, not only in words, of the residents of donbass. supports since 2014 , has been to the north-eastern military district more than once, it’s not surprising that for former colleagues in the shop who fled
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the country, he is now an enemy, this is the frank admission ulitskaya made during a conversation, as she believed with representatives of zelensky’s office, he has long ago renounced this title of a person, so let’s leave zakhara stuck to the side, in fact, lyudmila evgenievna’s interlocutors were russian pranksters vavan and lexus. at some point, they asked what ulitka’s attitude was towards the ukrainians’ attempt to assassinate prilepin last year. i can't say that i like it very much position, but you have. right to this, i never hid my views, just like them, we were always opponents and they took me to the same meetings there in london and in paris, what is called this chicken bear, and we also have this one here’s a russian, all the russians have arrived and are talking about gulak, and there’s also this crazy russian guy from amon who will now tell you that the russians are tough and tear everyone to pieces. an assassination attempt on russians and even
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murder committed by the kiev regime, in fact, viktor shanderovich, a satirist writer with an israeli passport, also supports it. showed his true essence during a conversation with pranksters, my position here is completely clear: there is a war and any, that means, everything, any military target on any territory, yes, any russian deputy there, yes, any military man, yes, these are legitimate military goals, i wrote this about the prilepin case, and about the dugin case, and about tatarsky, i say that prilepin was blown up not... as a writer, but as a political instructor of an illegal military formation. it’s surprising that such statements are made by writers, many of whom have been awarded state prizes, favored by the attention of readers, they were never carried in their arms, how did they get to this point? this is a desire to please their interests, their interests, that ukraine will win, will
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parade through red square, these are all their dreams, they write about it everywhere, they hope that they will give there... a statement to the world to irmak, iermak will give his word to zelensky, he will say to them: “oh, come on, writers, well done, come, we’ll give you a lot of money here and you oppose russia, and this, as it turned out, they can do better than anything else, over the last 2.5 years, they have not chosen any epithets for russia, they have not compared the people, the government and the army with anything, we are marginalized, if we didn’t have there was such an army and an atomic bomb, and well, well, there are still rogue countries." there is some uzbekistan, there is turkmenistan, yes, but there is and there is, they are rotting somewhere on the side of the world, the west cannot change anything there, yes, he is very sorry, but we are approaching this status. shindorovich left russia. before the start of svo, now lives in warsaw, says to take a one-way ticket, his wife persuaded him. true, for some reason lyudmila chubarova herself
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is still in moscow. we managed to meet her in one of their many apartments in a luxury residential complex. agent back in 2021, he doesn’t even hide the fact that he misses moscow , sokolniki, where he wrote many of his works, there are alleys, houses, a park, sokolniki, friends, my favorite places, and in moscow, from time to time, attacks of rage about that that i cannot come, and that i depend on... a certain number of scoundrels. mikhail weller, or rather the writer, is nostalgic for russia and finally realized that without the russian reader he is nobody and there is no way to call him. he himself admitted this to the same prankster to vavan and lexus, who got the publicist talking, introducing themselves as the head of the office of the president of ukraine andrey yarmak. and i don’t have the slightest desire to fall under
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publication bans. yes. yes. yes. several parts, there will be an area that will become oriented towards northern european culture, this is st. petersburg and the surrounding area, having heard this, social activists, of course, immediately demanded that a criminal case be opened against the writer; if they were talking about an open split, then block all social networks, block all informational
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opportunities to broadcast, block funding and deprive them of income from literature, and here it turns out. the most interesting thing is that almost all escaped masters, criticizing the army, the government and the entire people, still receive so -called royalties, their books remain on sale for everyone marketplaces in stores, and social activists categorically disagree with this, if he sponsors the enemy with these royalties, then accordingly this is an article of the criminal code, that is, everything seems to be logical here. if you sponsor the enemy, that’s it, you’re a sponsor of terrorism, that means prison, but in fact, the law of relaxation of writers, so to speak, is clearly sparing for now, the only change is that they were affected by books by authors who are recognized as foreign agents, they are packing up the age limit cens. my opinion is that books by such authors should not be on the store shelf, banned
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completely, recognized as extremists, terrorists, because their essence is the influence on mass consciousness, this is an ideological struggle. former comrades and writers share the same opinion.
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what other tricks do fugitive writers use to avoid communicating with russian journalists? don't miss central television's first information show about the events and people of the week. the new powder keg of europe is now slovakia, what forces are behind the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz, who in the west was called a pro-russian politician. oyster in duck sauce, peking duck, spotted snapper in shrimp broth. what kind of political sauce was used to season chinese dishes ? which the russian president was treated to in beijing, will the chinese peace plan for ukraine work? the beshimbayev case, its unexpected ending: the former minister, who
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killed his young beautiful wife for several hours and filmed this murder on a mobile phone camera, escaped a life sentence, how and with what did he manage to pity the jury and the judge? this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. via superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps. a million people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers has created an award-winning favorite small business for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any
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4:45 pm
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recently awarded a medal of the order for services to the fatherland, second degree, the secretary of the russian writers' union was personally convinced of the atrocities of ukrainian neo-nazis, having gone to the combat zone as a volunteer, i fought near kherson and artyomovsk, was seriously wounded, we were covered by a bomb, i was one of those few who were lucky enough to survive, that’s why there was embarrassment, there was a shrapnel wound to my arm.
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well, the head of the tangent, a fracture of five ribs, by the way, members of the writers' union of russia were among the first to rush to help russian fighters in the northern military district zone, at first they supported with words, spoke in hospitals on the front line, organized charity events, and then, as they say, putting down their pen, they stood up to bayonet, we are together with the soldiers and that’s why today we have somewhere around 15 members of the russian writers’ union at the front, we have six people, six writers died. we have one person missing, these are our writers from our union. they couldn’t do otherwise, says nikolai ivanov, chairman of the russian writers’ union, because their patience had long since run out. the fact is that the russian organization includes several authors living in ukraine, but they are forced to hide this. they live in nikolaev, they live in odessa, members of the russian union live in lutsk. we don't call them today because it's dangerous.
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in a month, thank you, and lyudmila ulitskaya, apparently, has finally decided to break ties with russia, so she changed all her phone numbers, but we managed to contact her son, we would like to talk to your mother, yes, she does not want to give you an interview , thank you, why, doesn’t she want to, no, she’s not in the mood, viktor shenderovich’s daughter answered a call from the editorial office in approximately the same vein, please tell me, do you really think that i will help you, where did you get such an idea, and why don't you want to help? okay, okay, i understood you, thank you for answering my questions, goodbye, is there any doubt that the ukrainian media would have turned to valentina chubarova, she would have immediately organized a meeting with her father, just like shendyrovich himself conveys greetings to the leader of the kiev
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junta , words of respect and sympathy for the president, who grew up before our eyes, and this is how the fate of a person is, and fate offers him a choice and he chooses this choice. now he will lie down, not with his face, but with his muzzle, in the dirt, and he will answer, in the final part programs, why viktor shenderovich is offended by his homeland, why his masterpieces were not appreciated by the russian public, and how fugitive authors
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are now looking for inspiration in a foreign land, 1984, saratov region, a man’s body was found in the forest, clearly not an accident, has someone connected man and he died in the forest from hunger and thirst? why was the collective farm electrician killed? reprisal out of jealousy, revenge or banal robbery? how did canned fish become evidence? ivosi had an amazing taste, but in fact they were not herring. this is a sardine. and how criminals were stopped by vigilant citizens. it will become clear later. it was a wedding story. deadly chase. for the deceiver bride, the investigation was conducted with leonid kanevsky today at 17:00 on ntv. stars - final. today at 21:20 on ntv. series premiere. i saw that victor was having problems with
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anzhelika varum's anniversary. you won’t believe it, leonid agutin gave his wife an island, a class. who screwed up dima bilan? have you been stripped of your blessed venus? let's look at this option. why does the shaman singer wash cars? don't be lazy, come on. and he works part-time as street musicians. don't skimp on the musicians. how many does anyone have? for whose sake is young alena apina? you won’t believe that i’m with a distorted face, today at 20:20 on ntv. chairman of the national association of playwrights yuri polikov worked with shendyrovich in the same theater for a long time. i am sure that for the most part the writer says nasty things about the country, because he is very offended by the russian public. in the satire theater, supposedly a production based on his book more than once turned into empty halls, because, well, i’m great, it’s no coincidence that he called his first book shinder. masterpiece, that is, well, the pun is of course so dubious,
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but nevertheless, but it speaks about the level of aspiration, as a result of the season, and then with empty halls, it’s a shame, it’s a shame, who is to blame, the author, no, the people are to blame, the audience, unfortunately , i will say that these people are very it was the authorities who greatly spoiled them in the nineties, they were supported, they were given many literary prizes, they were given good fees, they were taken to international book exhibitions and fairs. people, but they imagine themselves to be not all of whom in their old age they lost their minds, having everything, fame, recognition, apartments, houses, their own publishing houses did not care about everyone and escaped from the country at the most difficult moment, and now they are looking for inspiration in a foreign land, but only melancholy comes pain, i look at this neatly cleaned yard, everything is so square-rectangular-regular and terrible i miss our crooked yards, for...
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why do you think that they should be afraid of russian justice, they consider themselves outside its field, they believe that having gone there, they absolutely cannot be, well, roughly speaking, punished by the russian law, they see themselves under the jurisdiction of western law, western. values ​​where russophobia:


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