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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  May 18, 2024 5:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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the russian crookedness in which we are accustomed to living, well, of course, this is all lyrics, momentary weaknesses, in fact, ulitskaya continues to throw mud at her homeland, openly sponsors nationalists and wants independent prosperity and a speedy dissociation from everything russian, that is, the problem is actually the realization of the ukrainian nation , so that it rallies around the language, around the culture and dissociates itself from the russian one. why do you think that they should be afraid of russian justice, they consider themselves outside its field, they believe that having gone there, they absolutely cannot be, well, roughly speaking, punished by russian law, they see themselves under the jurisdiction of western law, western values, where there is russophobia. this is the norm, where
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support, so to speak, for the benderra regime means positive qualities, and so on, so on. however, echoes of common sense can still be traced among the fugitive writers, although most likely, the sense of self-preservation simply kicks in, because all their dirty statements are not loud at all, nasty things about their homeland are written down either by accident, or somehow in a low voice, these literary figures seem to be speaking out, but they are trying to veil their thoughts, today we actually find ourselves... in a state of terrible timelessness, one time has ended, and another, as if it has not yet begun, we we don’t know exactly the rules of the game that will be dictated to us, they will be dictated to us in a day, two, three, to a friend, well , in general, very soon, who and what should dictate to them, we can only guess, one thing is clear, even deserved traitors are not needed anywhere , they ran away with their heroes, they ran away with their readers. they are not here, some spirit still
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remains, something else stinks, i say, let’s open the window, ventilate russia, everything will be fine. where the wind will take the fugitive literary figures is still unclear, but no matter how they boast and compare themselves with writers, emigrants of the 20th century, nothing connects them with them, except the very fact of moving abroad. none of the authors who left their homeland then spread nasty things about it, poisoned their own people or insulted their faithful readers. and the current ones, so the so-called masters of words, who turned their backs on russia at a difficult moment, cannot spend a day without servings of caustic poetry and prose. and, of course, they are unlikely to even realize that people of their profession were among the first to support both russians in general and our fighters on the front line in difficult times, to find the right words to help the country that gave them everything. right now there is a new detective
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from leonid konevsky, in this story the basest human instincts are closely intertwined, a series of mysterious crimes , an attack on kindergartens, thousands suspects, when there is no sign of anyone to look for, and only one piece of evidence. who kills old people, women and even children? he ran over there. for the first time on screen, a unique case about a young killer. all these are the victims of one single young scoundrel, a bloody boy, a film from the investigation series was conducted. and when i was young , they also guessed that i would spend all my money on women. watch it now.
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eighty-second year perm, that early morning the head of the kindergarten came to work with surprise and noticed that a window on the first floor was broken. the front door is open nastizh, aleftina, where are you? the kindergarten watchman leftina krylova did not respond. the manager looked around the room, wondering where the security had gone, when suddenly, aleftina was lying dead on the floor in the locker rooms.
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kindergarten that day. they were closed for a while, the parents were indignant about what to do with their children, the detectives explained, a crime has been committed, citizens, please go home, where should i put the child, i have to go to work, people were perplexed, who could have been bothered by a woman who was not a young woman, why was it happening to her... . so cruel, no one expected there would be other victims, that’s all. is just beginning, in this story the basest human
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instincts and the thirst for blood are closely intertwined. experts determined that the criminal entered the kindergarten building by breaking a window. storzhe was killed with a nail puller, which he found in the security room.
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and before that he brutally abused a woman. well, of course, it was immediately clear that this crime was extraordinary, very creepy. stanislav shklyaev, 1982, senior inspector of the criminal investigation department of the internal affairs directorate of the perm regional executive committee. with such cynicism, detectives before have not encountered. a plate with bones was found in the game room. the killer did not hesitate to dine on boiled chicken right at the crime scene. in the premises of the kindergarten, as if a hurricane had passed through, the office doors were opened, personal belongings of the teachers and children's toys were scattered on the floor, what
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the killer was looking for, apparently money, but where did they come from in the kindergarten? izulik is the only fingerprint. nothing more, until retirement, aleftina worked as a warehouse picker, then got a job as a watchman in a kindergarten, mother of two children, grandmother of three grandchildren, happy woman, who dealt with her, what if it was someone from the guard’s connection, one of her acquaintances, what if it was one of the children’s parents, and aleftina krylova’s ex-husband was the first to come under suspicion. igor. the krylovs' married life
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was long and happy, until one day a shameful fact was revealed. for many years, her husband cheated on aleftina. not with just anyone, with her friend. the krylovs did not have time to understand this situation. igor ended up behind bars after hitting a man to death with a car. aleftina filed for divorce. igor wrote letters of repentance from the colony settlement, asking understand, forgive, planned to start a new life, but after aleptina’s release she did not accept him. detectives found out on the eve of the murder. igor came to his ex-wife at work and asked to let him in. alya, open it. go away, we have nothing to talk about. could he have killed his ex-wife, and even raped her?
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officers found and questioned the suspect. he returned home in the evening and drank until morning in the company of his neighbors. and what happened? his alibi was confirmed. dealt with aleftina krylova, and even ate without embarrassment literally a few steps from the dead bodies. per is a city with a population of one million. wooden houses are disappearing, new neighborhoods are growing. the perm region is known not only for its geographical location. position at the junction of two parts of the world - europe and asia.
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there are dozens of prisons and colonies in the vicinity of perm. and the local forests are an excellent refuge for the blazes. hungry prisoners are capable of much. rob, beat or even kill for a piece of bread. could they have abused an elderly woman? however, the only trace for an effective search was too small. and just a week
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later came disturbing news. in neighboring salekamsk, a similar murder was committed, late at night again in a kindergarten. an elderly woman was hacked to death by a watchman with an axe. traces of blood are everywhere. before his death, the victim desperately resisted. experts have established that the same person was operating here as in perm. in the first case, he used a nail puller, in the second, an ax taken from a firefighter’s inventory, that is, he used the tools that he found at the crime scene and used them as a crime weapon. vasily reva, in eighty-two, prosecutor, criminologist , prosecutor's office of the perm region. this time... six more fingerprints were found at the crime scene, one of them matched
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the one left in the feathers, but then a complete surprise happened, the experts found another trace, and it belonged to another person, as it turned out later, the second fingerprint belonged to a child, a child in a gang, does this happen, but there could be no mistake. this trace belonged to a notorious hooligan known in solikamsk, it was impossible to believe the sexual to the rapist. egor dmitriev was detained for 12 years for petty theft, and also committed crimes of a sexual nature against minors. was he really involved in the rape and murder of elderly women? and why, after so many
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crimes, was he still at large? criminal liability in the ussr began at the age of 14, and dmitriev was only 12. he lived, as they say, to the fullest, raped, stole, robbed, got caught, but was released, an unjustified juvenile monster. at that moment he found himself homeless and clearly it was that he knew the killer. the district police officer knew yegor dmitriev well. his parents died from drunkenness, the boy had no permanent place of residence, and his grandmother, also a well-known drunkard in the area, kicked him out of his own apartment. yegor often spent the night in the attic of his own house. the operatives waited for several days for his appearance. well
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, hello, egor. the young criminal was not at all happy about this meeting. and then he tried to escape, but to no avail. at the very first interrogation, the police realized that they needed to get him to talk. it will be very difficult, in your eyes he looked at the operatives impudently with a grin, sometimes he was openly rude, he understood that they would not do anything to him. “did you kill the old lady in kindergarten? and you can prove it, if we could split this boy, whoever worked with him, and school teachers, psychologists, the boy persistently played in silence, not realizing that the games were already over, he is an accomplice to the cruel crimes, but he
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didn’t care at all, a 12-year-old boy kills this watchman in front of him, eats here, the corpse lies, and he has no emotions, only once he. literally changed his face when at the next interrogation he was asked, “old lady, aren’t you sorry?” the boy’s eyes narrowed, his gaze suddenly froze, that’s where she belongs, the old toad! don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. the new powder keg of europe is now slovakia, what forces are behind the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz, who in the west was called a pro-russian politician. oyster in duck sauce, peking duck, spotted snapper in
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shrimp broth, what kind of political sauce were flavored chinese dishes that were served in beijing. mobile phone, escaped his lifelong wife, filmed this murder on a punishment camera, how and how he managed to pity the jury and the judge, this will be on your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. everyone, everyone wants to win millions. but not everything is tinder in the right place. rub in the right places and play the stoloto instant lottery. the super prize of 35 million has not yet been drawn. hurry up to buy in stoloto branded stores.
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your dream, super prize from 100 million, buy tickets by mail and online, register on one of the four cars can be yours. vacation is a joy to the point of tears, but yandex travel is also profitable. yandex travel. book now, pay later. apply for a loan from sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it. and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. more profitable with sberp prime. try hit comba 3 for 150 rubles. in rostix. via superstar premiere. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. soviet union. the country of our childhood, we fondly remember going to demonstrations, pioneer detachments, campfire songs and friendly subbotniks. we are proud of our common homeland,
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its endless fields, labor exploits and scientific achievements. we come from a country with a great heritage. in honor of the centenary of the founding of the ussr, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal covered in pure gold. workers and collective farmers against the background of the ascendant. cash today at 21:20 on ntv. the attic where yegor dmitriev spent the night was under
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surveillance. they thought that this killer should come to him, and began to wait. at the same time, detectives searched for the killer throughout the perm region. the best forces were thrown into this - hundreds of police officers, a circle of thousands of suspects. a crime has been committed, without meaning to, the criminal has left fingerprints, all of which will be discovered and used to solve the crime. the pattern on a person’s fingertips is unique, like the palm of your hand, inimitable, the lines of life, health, destiny, they can tell a lot about their own. owner, oh, hello, neighbor, hello, can you lend me a couple of rubles, i can’t, i gave all the money to the gypsy,
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and what did it tell you that i won’t die soon, here’s fortune telling, this is a gift from a person, but many who do not have this gift try his use to make money, scammers, they make good money, and in my youth they also guessed that i would spend all my money on women, wow, so what, it happened, i spend it on my wife, on two dodgers, three granddaughters, bravo, in in our story, the operatives did not turn to fortune tellers; they searched for the criminal using fingerprints themselves, so far to no avail. experts manually checked hundreds of thousands of fingerprint cards of criminals, you have to sit there in the information center, there are a thousand of them
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each folded and leafed through, mikhail looks sidinin, in 1982, deputy head of the forensic department of the internal affairs directorate of the perm regional executive committee. perm experts worked day and night, meanwhile the operatives sat in ambush, as it turned out, not in vain, soon guests came to the attic, stood, two guys were detained, one 18, the other 20 years old, are these really dmitriev’s fakes, biographies of young people. spoke for themselves. ivan fedorov, sentenced to 2 years for burglary, was released on parole. mikhail gavrilov
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sentenced to one year in prison, suspended, for complicity in burglary. but could they kill and rape an elderly woman? the guys said that they had been friends with yegor since school, they stole together, but recently their paths had diverged, dmitriev began to rape schoolgirls. i have no idea, this is a citizen-boss. why did they come to him? young people sometimes brought yegor food and warm clothes. while the detainees were interrogated by operatives, experts checked their fingerprints. alas, they did not match the traces left at crime scenes in perm and salikamsk. and then another emergency happened.
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eighty-second year, the city of solikamsk. meanwhile, detectives continued to work with the teenager. egor dmitriev, a thief, rapist and hooligan, was still a child at heart. we accidentally found out that the boy is interested in motorcycles. there was a chance to get the teenager to talk. he was taken to the street where the broken one stood. iron horse. well, will you fix it? yes, easily. the boy was given tools. dmitriev set to work with pleasure, unscrewing something, tightening it, trying it on. finally, a motorcycle started up. the operatives looked
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at yegor with approval, suddenly. gave it to the gas, remember what your name was. the entire perm police joined the search for the young hooligan, and the boy did not waste any time. by evening a message arrived. the fugitive robbed a grocery store, but didn’t stop there. he caught a girl in the entrance and raped her. contain your emotions, a real good boy, he was caught a day later while trying to steal bread from a store, they caught him, but you won’t beat him, he’s small, puny, white, handsome, the detectives had to keep yourself in control, talk, hoping
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that dmitriev will break down at some point. and betrayed his accomplice, the killer of the rapist, but soon another emergency happened, it completely turned the course of the investigation upside down. in the city of berezniki , a woman was attacked; the victim was taken to the hospital with stab wounds; her condition is extremely serious. perm operatives went to the crime scene and found three more fingerprints. they completely coincided with the traces left at crime scenes in salikam feathers. it became clear that a serial killer was at work, but the last victim survived, which means there is hope of obtaining a description
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of the criminal. we are starting a superstar topic today is out of place, such a transformation of these artists, of course, i did not expect, but where is the transformation before.
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miraculously survived. the detectives waited patiently for her to come to her senses and be able to describe the criminal. and then the girl woke up, the moment of truth had finally arrived, but then the detectives were in for severe disappointment, she would not be able to give evidence, she only showed that there was some guy, a black one, which means that’s all, nothing more, it was hard to explain to her , the criminal acted alone, but how old is he? “the victim could not say this, a young man with dark hair, there are hundreds of thousands of them in the perb region, where to look for him, another pattern was discovered here, this became
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a new serious clue, all three crimes were committed along the same branch railway, his accomplices are 30 km from him, perm is 200 km away, a bit far, but this is if you travel by car, and if the criminal traveled by train... all the murders were committed not far from the station, the maniac acted in a swoop, boldly, cynically, with each during the day he moved further and further from perm to the north, but why exactly there, was the choice of route spontaneous, or did he understand that they were already looking for him and was constantly moving? the detectives... didn’t have answers to these questions, just like an identikit,
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there was only one sign - dark hair. police patrols at railway stations were intensified, people's vigilantes were involved in the search, and they decided to detain and check all suspicious guys no older than 25 years old, with dark hair. we assumed that committing theft for the sake of one, two or three rubles, and even killing a person at the same time, raping an old woman, was serious. the detectives assumed that the criminal would go north from the prisons, but the message came from the south from the udmur autonomous soviet socialist republic. the killer acted according to the usual pattern: he entered the kindergarten through the window and immediately attacked the woman. he beat her raped her, and thought that she had...
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toborin in 1982, head
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of the department for especially important cases of the criminal investigation department of the internal affairs directorate of the perm regional executive committee. the circle of suspects inexorably expanded. this time it included everyone registered with psychiatrists. meanwhile, one thing became obvious: the criminal moves freely around the country in any direction. where will he strike next? just a few days later in kirov, the duty control panel received a call: help, we are being robbed, they called from a kindergarten, a police squad left immediately.
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this is how the identikit turned out, but that ’s not all, at the crime scene, the killer left important evidence, a briefcase in all times... this accessory was a sign of social
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status. you can always tell from your portfolio who you are dealing with. well, this is clearly a simple engineer. he has a briefcase made of the cheapest leather, sometimes even substitute leather. a metal lock always breaks, but it could have been repaired at any metal repair shop. the worker is outside the curtain, they have briefcases made of expensive beautiful leather, often overseas animals, from a crocodile, for example. a business briefcase, simple, shabby, but how much it could hold, a towel, soap, a toothbrush, a razor, a change of underwear, but most of all
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soviet children loved briefcases; in winter it was convenient to ride down the hill, and in the fall to fill it with apples from the neighbor’s orchard. there was nothing interesting in our suspect’s briefcase, an empty bottle of vodka cost up to 2 rubles in change, but the main thing was something else. there were clear fingerprints on this briefcase, all 10 of them from both hands. it seems that things are nearing resolution. experts have established that all the traces belong to one person, the one who killed the elders in kindergartens. he already has three corpses to his name. but
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who is he, where is he hiding? time passed and they were already interrogated. he stops where he spends the night, the criminal moved to the south of the country, but where the kindergarten guard, an elderly man, was killed with a crowbar, food and money were stolen, he used electric trains, what is an electric train, you can travel there without a ticket,
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that’s all, that’s it skated, soon he appeared again, this time in krasnodar. krasnodar is located at the same latitude as the french capital, which is probably why it is sometimes called our little paris, and just like paris, krasnodar is a city of contrasts. two steps from the city center, behind the main street of the city, red and noisy.
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its victims were two people who managed to survive. the ivanovs worked together as elders. that night they walked around the school grounds, locked the front door, but suddenly heard strange sounds. wait, who are you? the watchman did not have any weapons; the criminal threw him down the ground and started kicking. when the man lost consciousness, the attacker removed his belt and tied the helpless victim with it. the watchman woman tried to hide in
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the toilet at that time, but the killer did not plan to leave. he easily broke down the door. beat an elderly woman, and then cynically raped her, the woman wondered how she could resist him, fear, fear strikes a person, he loses the will to resist, then the killer walked through the offices, but did not find anything interesting, then he began to delve into personal belongings of the victims. found 1 ruble 17 kopecks, put it in my pocket and went home. the old people cried, thank you. that he did not kill, and there, too, he left fingerprints by which he was identified, the victims were shown a photo identikit of the perm
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maniac, they confirmed, yes, it was him, when will this nightmare end, it was difficult to count him, you know, that is, he the actions were spontaneous and unpredictable, and then the detectives decided to take another desperate step: to put the squeeze on yegor dmitriev, the killer’s young accomplice. on that day, preparations were underway in one of the offices to interrogate a juvenile offender. photos of murdered elderly women. aleftina krylova, 60 years old. the raped woman was killed. the deceased from salikamsk. however, dmitriev had already seen this woman. watchman from izhevsk and oksay, also
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murdered by rape, killed with a crowbar, separate photos of the survivors, they were lucky, but psychological trauma remained with them for the rest of their lives, imagining that all this was the victim of one single young scoundrel is not easy, the detectives were counting on him, a boy, an accomplice murderer, breaks down when he sees what his friend has done, speaks, but something happened completely unexpected, photographs of murdered women were laid out on the table, admire what your counterfeiter had done, yegor looked at the bodies of murdered women with an undisguised expression...
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he said: that’s what they need, old rats, no sympathy, no repentance, the detectives realized that in front of them was the future a maniac, and what to do with him like that, now he is not under jurisdiction, it is useless to appeal to the conscience of a young monster and... it’s too late to educate him, who is to blame for the child growing up so cruel, parents, alcoholics and a drinking grandmother who kicked
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him out to live on the street . the investigation continued and yegor was sent to a special detention center under heavy security so that he would not escape. it's a star show, grand finale! moscow and beijing have recently become very close, he says the last beijing, very moscow friendship, i want to understand why people are dying in our village, because you extinguish them. yes, i collected microloans, this is their collector, the money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner,
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saishhouse 169,999, five to the rescue. it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch, the choice of a professional, exactly amilatex gel acts exactly at the source of pain with care for the most loved ones, the exact solution is free movement. the results of an examination of fingerprints left by the criminal at the sites of the attacks have arrived. fingerprint traces belong to vladimir egorov, 19 years old, previously convicted. and again disappointment. was at construction sites
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of the national economy in the city of kungur, from where. escaped happily. vladimir egorov was already on the all-union wanted list. this is a turn, but where to look for it? we decided to ask our mother. she turned out to be a modest , short woman. my husband died a long time ago. two offspring turned out to be normal people. but volodya became a disgrace to the family. nikola is not in the yard and there is only one person in... him, so he went to his sister, they interrogated his mother, she said that he was with his sister, her daughter, which means he was in taganrog, but what did he do? i had to tell the unfortunate woman, she raised a real monster.
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the next morning, the operatives were in taconrog. the door of the apartment was opened by the sister of the criminal, but he himself was not at home, he had left yesterday, where yegorov did not dedicate his plans to his sister. they left an ambush in the apartment, forbade the woman to pick up the phone and go to the window, an anxious wait began, suddenly at that very moment egorov rapes and kills another victim, after 3 days the apartment door swung open, a killer was standing on the threshold, i came, who is it? come on in now you’ll find out, then egorov pushed the operative and jumped out of the apartment, but
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they were already waiting for him there. fortunately, the maniac did not manage to escape. during interrogations, egorov behaved arrogantly, cynically and impudently. he flaunted what he had done. to the question, why? what is the role of a twelve-year-old teenager in this whole story? some believed that he was not involved in the murder of the elderly woman, and
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left his fingerprints by accident during a burglary. others were sure the boy was egorov’s accomplice. but both were silent on this issue. and an unjust boy sent to a special school. soon the killer confessed to several more crimes. these were thefts from stores, from other kindergartens and schools. however, he had already done enough to receive his well-deserved, harsh sentence. this scoundrel was sane, he was shot. his accomplice egor dmitriev, a smart, daring boy beyond his years, did not live long, grew up to be a real little animal, after
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a special school he immediately went to the zone for the murder of two people, and was soon shot dead while trying to escape. a wasted life, strength and determination. if only these qualities to be used for a good cause. however, that would be a completely different story. right now, leonid konevsky and the cruel wedding story.
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and why everything ends in death. a unique story about how scary and dangerous men are. chases, shootouts, hand-to-hand combat. from another thing, a man of soviet training, escape from uryupinsk, watch right now. eighty-four, balashovsky district, saratov region, that day a man
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came with his son to the forest to pick pine cones for crafts, the child saw a large pile of leaves, i wanted to run up, but my father suddenly stopped me, don’t come closer, and he carefully approached. to see under a pile of leaves lay a terrible dead man, instead of a face, a grinning skull. soon the police were already working at the scene of the incident, a dead body in the forest is not always a crime, sometimes a mushroom picker loses his way or a person becomes ill, but there is no place to wait for help, hands and feet are tied, clearly not an accident, did someone tie up the person and he died in the forest from hunger and thirst? stab in the neck on the right, and this is already
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the most important clue, the killer is most likely left-handedness, a special sign, sharply narrows the circle of searches, what happened, reprisal out of jealousy, revenge or banal robbery? find out, it was a wedding story, a deadly pursuit of a deceiving bride.
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psychologists assure that in order to understand family relationships in any country, you just need to listen to jokes about a husband and wife; there were many of them in the ussr, for example, “dear, do you remember, you felt bad, and i fed you?”, the husband responded: “ no, dear, you fed me, and then i felt bad. in soviet jokes, the husband is either henpecked, or he is always dissatisfied with his wife, in a simple robe and constant curlers. prolatiki, curlers - it’s true, family, how many kind and noble feelings this word evokes in the heart of every person. the family, its well-being,
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strength, have always been the center of attention of the soviet state. soviet men did not often talk about love; they expressed their feelings with actions, obtained a deficit or money for it, and were glad that their wife was happy. in our story, quiet family happiness was destroyed in one day. maria alexandrovna remembers this story well, it unfolded before her eyes. kolya prokudin, yes, yes, they lived next door, he had two children, his wife worked in a store. nikolai prokudin was not of the breed of husband, but of gold, he did not drink, was hardworking, friendly, and was always very helpful.
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if you go from the store, he will help you carry your bags. nikolai worked as an electrician, did not squander his salary, slowly saved it, and finally there was a family holiday. we bought a car. sit down, i'll take you for a ride. organized travel by car are becoming widespread in our country. in the summer, the whole family planned to go to the sea in their muscovite. dad, dad, can i take the net? certainly. but one day nikolai disappeared. i called acquaintances and
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friends, and in the morning i showed up at the police station with a statement about my husband’s disappearance and did not at all expect that they would refuse her. the wife came and said, the man is not there, yes, he was on a spree, he will come tomorrow, but the search has slowed down due to the fact that no one was looking for him. yuri torgashikov, 1984, deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the internal affairs directorate volgograd regional executive committee. nikolai didn’t come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, he wasn’t in the hospitals either, evil tongues whispered, there are devils in quiet shoes, as if he was on a spree, he ran away,
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her husband ran away, a week after nikolai disappeared, his wife met a friend, she sang, she saw yours in volgograd in a car with... some blonde, don’t wait for him, svetlana believed her, she lost her head, tore up the wedding photo in tears, and a few days later a policeman came to her and brought a terrible photo. it was discovered in a forest in the saratov region a murdered man, a blood-stained driver's license was found in his pocket. rights, criminologists restored the document a few days later, finally read nikolai prokudin, this is your husband and at the prime of his life 36 years old, family, wife,
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children, of course, he had to live, the investigation had many questions, but the shocked widow could not help , for her it was a mystery why her husband suddenly left the volgograd region for the saratov region, he never had enemies, what happened to the man, what secrets he could hide from his wife, very soon the operatives they find out, we start with superstar. today's topic is out of place. of course, i did not expect such a transformation of these artists, but where is the retransformation? in
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a nightmare, i couldn’t imagine the song the louboutins would sing. the passions of the premiere are boiling tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. final stars. today at 21:20 on ntv. if you have hemorrhoids, three active components of hypothrombing relieve pain for one time,
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the villainous chef dreamed of in the movie the diamond arm. and on the advice of friends, i want to purchase the bonus that is legally due to me. yes, at that time he was a muscovite. not competition, but what a biography, half of all cars were sold abroad. during official tests in paris, it was recognized that our moskvich fully complies with all modern safety standards. they didn’t laugh at moskvich, so there are almost no jokes about him, and if there are, it’s harmless.
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muscovite nikolai prokudin was found in saratovskaya area almost 60 km from the body of the killed driver. someone drove it through the fields for a long time, when the gasoline ran out, they hid the hay in a storage facility. the criminal needed a car, but its driver did not. detectives found
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dirty men's clothes in the car and two cans of herring in asi. they assumed that the car was driven here for a reason; perhaps the killer lives not far away. the state farm machine operators led the competition among the region's farmers in the decisive year of the five-year plan, taking on new, increased responsibilities. it is possible that lyulkin went to volgograd region, i met nikolai prokudin there and asked him to bring it up. in the forest, the muscovite himself stole it, the detectives went to the tractor driver.
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received an unexpected rebuff, he didn’t disappear, i was joking, my wife didn’t even let me get close to the novel, we were sick, the detectives decided to watch the house and saw how in the evening two shadows slipped out of it, looked back and went towards the storage room, where the stolen muscovite was hidden , the detectives follow. the couple began tearing up the hay, and a man’s voice said: it’s gone! the operatives understood that the spouses thought that the car is still here, what's lost? the flashlight illuminated both lyulkins. the husband and wife got scared, the tractor driver blurted out, we are after
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the herring, it’s a pity to leave. and i realized that i had let it slip. what kind of tongue were you in, they threw a herring into the pond, where the crucian carp sat down, the crucian carp took a walk with the herring, it turned out delicious, soviet purity, and the most delicious fatty and tender appetizers, for those with potatoes and onions, can i, please, be full. these shots were filmed in the sea of ​​okhotsk, in places where selge, far eastern fishermen, and their they celebrate the holiday roebuck's day with good catches. the willows had an amazing taste, but in fact, they were not a herring, they were a sardine, in japanese, a maiwashi sardine. who
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wants ivasya like a student? oh, i love this, please. but i have nothing left, it’s good when there is a reserve, such a bank also appeared in our history, 10 days ago, on that day tamara lyulkina found out that her husband had a mistress, her rival was given away to ivosi, it turns out,
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she ran to the homewrecker to return her husband, but he wasn’t there, tonka deceived him, naive tamara believed, she even went to the police, maybe he killed? antonina rejoiced, now she will have a husband, and lyulkin suffered, after a week he realized that something... was not to his liking, even her potatoes are not as tasty as her wife’s, this is impossible, in the end the traitor could not stand it, i ran away at night, wanted to go straight to my wife, but was ashamed to wake her up, decided to spend the night in a haystack, and in the morning when i got home i suddenly found
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an abandoned car. sat in it overnight , came to his wife in the morning: forgive me, but she has already forgiven me, the detectives carefully checked alya belyulkina, it was confirmed, which means he was a cruel killer before still at large, and no one knows what he’s up to? the detectives did not know, the criminal is eager to kill the woman, he is trying to get close to her, and he is not alone, this is a star show, a grand finale, a finale, in this
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finale i will do what i do best. very close, he says, the last beijing, very moscow friendship, i want to understand why in our village people have abandoned, because you are extinguishing them, what are you, airak, who is this, yes, i collected microloans, this is their collector, money - it's dust, and i'm a vacuum cleaner, i'm a little worried, like a sparring match, not i want to screw over dmitry malikov, bravo, bravo, bravo, your performance is simple.
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as if amillat gel acts precisely in the area of ​​pain with care for those closest to you, the exact solution is free movement, stars, final today at 21:20 on ntv. intuitively feels whether you have what she needs, one glance is enough. real masculine energy drives you crazy. it attracts and attracts like a magnet. tankatali premium is a natural remedy for men that gives bright and unforgettable sensations. sexual energy, maximum confidence, maximum endurance,
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of male success and maximum sexual energy. get the atali premium tank now for free. find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. via superstar. premiere. tomorrow at 20:20. the weather is great! morozik, what 's new in our world? the soviet people followed events closely, especially if it was a leap year. oh, hi, are you going on a hike? what a trip to the store for milk? why a suitcase? oh, a suitcase, there are bricks in there so that the hurricane doesn’t carry me away. hurricane,
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lifeline in case of flood, right? exactly, it’s a case of flooding, a rainless year, don’t expect anything good from it, remember in 908 the tunguska meteorite collapsed, and 4 years later the titanic sank, in the eightieth olympics in moscow, what’s bad, what ’s an enviable machination of imperialism? the opponents of the olympics began their subversive work with efficiency, the poor little bear cub, he was even chosen as a target, they are conducting aimed fire. eighty-four was a leap year, it was in this year that a terrible hurricane died took dozens of human lives, but nature is blind, unlike the criminal from... our
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story. saratov detectives continued to investigate the murder of nikolai prokudin. the bloodthirstiness of the criminal was suggestive. he had killed before, so they decided to pick up old cases. at that time there were no computer files; we had to review hundreds of cases manually, and such a crime was found.
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a couple of millimeters, and the woman would not have survived, the detectives did not believe that you could accidentally stick a knife into your neck, kruglikova resisted, there was no need to look for anyone, soon it became clear that she was hiding her secret love, his name was evgeny noskov, he had an athletic body, a well-drawn tongue, a charming smile, and was over...
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he loved me so much, studying archival files, she justified him, he was just making a bad joke, detectives they became interested in naskov’s personality, because he was a lizard, like the killer of nikolai prokudin, they found out, then naskov was arrested, he was in a colony in uryupinsk, which means that it was not he who killed nikolai prokudin with a similar blow to the neck. saratov operatives did not know, two weeks ago, prisoner evgeniy noskov planned an escape. now the word is very fashionable, it’s so fashionable now, life hack, exactly, life hack, the birthplace of life hacks was the ussr,
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soviet people sent their ingenious tricks, science and life magazine, to the little tricks department. why are you tormenting this unfortunate jar, but it doesn’t open, it doesn’t open, oh, young people are not adapted to difficulties, it’s another matter, a man of soviet training, now let’s see what needs to be done, so as to open a jar of gutolin, here, here, we need to put on its edge and roll it with your foot, come on, come on. opened, of course surely the knife has become dull, what needs to be done with it, sharpen it, of course, sharpen it, any man in the ussr knew how to sharpen knives, no,
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you will dull it, not sharpen it, but now we’ll find out how to sharpen it, to sharpen a knife, put it down for half an hour in salt water, come on, it will sharpen faster and sharper, amazing, by the way, in the old days they sharpened braids in villages, life hack, just like a life hack, knives also appeared in our history, very sharp and very dangerous, 2 weeks ago, in that day in the uryupinsk colony everything went according to schedule. nobody knew in the territory in the production area in the vocational training workshop , preparations are underway for the escape. five homemade
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knives were sharpened like razors. this took several months of secret work. rope 5 m. the rope was also homemade, woven from scraps of towels and sheets. there were knives if you had to finish someone off, there were ropes if you had to tie them up, and so on. there are wigs, even wigs were ready so that no one would notice the shorn heads. the criminals were planning to escape from prison.
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in tenths, marriage registration has turned into solemn ceremony. the most famous wedding in the ussr took place in november 63. it was the wedding of cosmonauts, valentina terezhkova and andrian nikolaev. the ceremony was even broadcast on tv. today is the astronauts' wedding. valentina terezhkova and andrian nikolaev had different space orbits, but the earthly orbits converged.
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the groom in a standard prison robe was serious, and the bride in a modest white dress was very embarrassed when she had to kiss in front of the guards. congratulate each other as spouses. and finally, after the ceremony left alone. and here the nightmare began for the bride. quickly into a jam. tatiana did not
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know that her strange marriage would lead to the death of three people in just a year. at 84. saratov detectives. boris tsvetkov, in 1984,
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deputy head of the internal affairs directorate of the volgograd regional executive committee. volgograd detectives knew from experience that usually fugitives hide with relatives or friends, few people will hide in the forest in the cold season, so they sent task forces to the addresses of family and friends of escaped criminals. day and night shifts. operatives worked day and night. saratov detectives learned from their colleagues that one of the fugitives, evgeniy noskov, was left-handed and was in prison for a knife wound to the neck. everything coincided. this means that nikolai prokudin was attacked by escaped criminals. they needed a car to get away from the colony. criminal investigation. volgograd and saratov united,
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moscow came to the rescue. the commander of the division of internal troops of our ussr ministry of internal affairs came here. with him came about a regiment of soldiers from the internal forces. valentin kulaev, 1984 year, deputy head of the internal affairs directorate of the volgograd regional executive committee. the soldiers combed the forests, but nowhere. traces, detectives assumed that criminals were probably acting in a proven way, stealing cars, asking for cases of thefts, the version turned out to be correct, in the saratov and volgograd regions unknown persons stole cars and abandoned them when they ran out of gas or had a flat tire. the police believed that the thefts were the work of teenagers, but everything turned out to be much worse. it was the killers who confused their tracks and moved towards their main target.
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all women are evil. every effort was made to search. the atc management even obtained a plane for the employees. at that time, the incident was unheard of. they put all of us, about five or six, in a car and arrived at kukuruznik airport already. stood ready, loaded and flew. the police understood that the escaped criminals, like driven wolves, would tear to pieces anyone who stood in their way. no one suspected that ordinary people would stand in the way of the murders. capturing criminals in a movie is the most spectacular part of the film. chases, shootouts, hand-to-hand combat, just oak captivating. in life, everything is often different.
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an attacker may not encounter the police, but ordinary civilians. someone is sleeping, at that time the entire volgograd seratov region was covered with wanted posters . not so that civilians would help catch the murderers, but so that they would report to the police if they noticed... from the fugitives, the darlings were caught, but our people often rushed at the criminals with their bare hands. come on, i'm on the left, you're on the right. the reckless collective farmer was lucky.
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a cautious comrade kept him from being stupid. he persuaded me to call the police. the outfit arrived immediately. they figured it out, guys, they caught them , they thrashed them properly, they confiscated about five or seven knives there, they were huge, the dangerous killers were detained, by that time they already had the blood of three people on their hands, the day of the escape, the convicts were not going to dig under or climb on barbed wire. they intended to calmly get out through the checkpoint. call someone. comrade senior lieutenant. suspecting nothing, officer udenko entered the workshop. skov attacked him with a knife. having killed rudenok, the bunnies began to take off
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his clothes. noskov pulled out the officer’s documents and... i began to paste my pre- prepared photograph into it. chumak looked with disgust at the soiled shirt. the next one needs no blood. they did so. we put on wigs and uniforms, took knives and headed towards the checkpoint. if they don't let us out, we'll have to carry out a massacre. miss central television's first information show about the events and people of the week. there is a new government in russia, a new minister of defense in the new cabinet. what tasks did putin set for the head of the military department, why new ones? appointments scare the west so much. the curse of the kennedy clan. why is
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america's most famous family haunted by murder and tragedy? and could it be a mere coincidence that the brain of the murdered man’s nephew was put into the president’s head? the usa was eaten by a parasitic worm. nuclear weapons for the poor? are lyme disease and other terrible, deadly diseases carried by cells actually weapons of mass destruction created in secret military laboratories? this will be your central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. stars - final. today at 21:20 on. tv to make money on my savings, i open a deposit with tinkov with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% per annum. tinkov, he’s the only one. the cycle calendar is useless. it grabs you so much that it makes your eyes dark. these symptoms may
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be caused by adhesions, i.e. fibrosis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrosis, reducing pain in the lower abdomen. longidaza against adhesions. just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you with a 300 discount rur for your first order you can not leave the house all weekend relax as you want and finally succumb to the impulse by clicking on play you can be yourself online cinema premiere for people like you the secret of an excellent grill we reveal everything in a magnet we buy the application game grill prizes, we get , the formula for an excellent grill in a magnet, i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program, select the desired
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whatever you want do it when you get some sleep, go to sports, with velson you can fall asleep in 20 minutes to enter the new day full of strength, these are the hands of masha petrova, they think that in the future in the spring they will introduce a new crop in a large agricultural complex and they think correctly, because masha is a graduate of professional education, we let's teach you to think for yourself.
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they were very trusting, so somehow, well, they didn’t ask for identification or anything. two dangerous criminals were released and immediately began voting. to his misfortune , nikolai prokudin was the first to stop; how could he not let the officers down? the criminals forced him drive 300 km. then they took me into the forest, tied me up and put a gag in my mouth. chumak considered this
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enough. enough blood for today. but noskov did not want to leave witnesses. when the fugitives were almost out of the forest, he returned. i defended the knife. i'll go look. and he stabbed him. helpless person. the criminals set off in someone else's car, each fugitive trying to get to his woman. woman noskova. noskov was surprised. his mistress lyudmila kruglikova began writing letters to him in the colony, because he tried to kill her, and she asked him. "i'm sorry that the police are done i found out, i’m so ashamed that you’re in prison,
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the woman sincerely believed, the young lover just wanted to misbehave and overdid it, it didn’t occur to her that he didn’t need her, but her money. i’ll be waiting for you, i have a lot of money, and we can go together wherever you want. i thought about it, what if i escape from prison to lyudmila, then go somewhere far away together, and there it will be possible to get rid of her, this time quickly and carefully stay in freedom with her money, but it’s difficult to escape alone, you need a partner, he turned up immediately. are you with me? valery chumak was also eager to see his woman and punish her. chumak woman.
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chumak was imprisoned for robbery for 13 long years and very soon realized that he could not stand it without a woman. i decided to meet in person. few people start texting. to register a marriage , only after this they give a personal meeting. tatyana metroshkina worked as a finisher. my personal life didn’t work out, my husband turned out to be a slobbering mattress, he agreed with his mother, finally, her mother-in-law ruined their marriage with her nagging, i didn’t cook soup well, i didn’t wash the floors well, tatyana decided to find a simple, decisive a man, and it’s better without a mother-in-law, one was found, though behind bars, i’m sitting innocently, they hanged it
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on me... someone else’s business, now i’m paying, the naive woman didn’t know, this is the usual lie of experienced criminals, she agreed to register the marriage, she was sure, her fiancé, a good, kind man in trouble, she would save him with her love and tenderness, but soon realized, she was mistaken, quickly to bed, her husband did not need her tenderness, the 3 days of the date after the wedding became not a honeymoon, but a living hell . tatyana left, firmly deciding will never return again, but her husband warned her sternly. just try not to come again. he told her, if you don’t go on a date with me, i will run away and deal with
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you. she was terrified of her husband, zek. but she sincerely believed that he would never run away in 13 years, he would forget about his threats, but he did not forget anything. chumak rushed towards her to deal with her, but it didn’t work out. a criminal case of escape and three murders was opened against two people at once, but only one had to answer. naskov understood that they would put him against the wall, because it was he cut and strangled. murderer. did not wait for the verdict, he was found in a pre-trial detention center with his veins open, but the chumak hoped that he would be convicted only for escape, because he was not the one who killed, he was mistaken, the highest measure, the most amazing thing in this dramatic story of women, they wanted to love, to see their men as reliable companions life, but
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met scum, if not for... blind female love and gullibility, it would have been a completely different story. it was a traditional program for the evening since saturday, the investigation was carried out, but right now it’s live central television about the events that are discussed and the people they talk about. so, there is a new government in russia, a new minister of defense in a new cabinet. what tasks did the president set for the new head of the military? today is saturday, may 18th, in most cities where we are watched, the exact time is 18:57, and we begin! the new powder keg of europe, now slovakia, what forces are behind the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz, who in the west was called a pro-russian
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politician. oyster in duck sauce, peking duck and snapper. in broth from shrimp, what kind of political sauce was seasoned in the chinese dishes that the russian president was treated to in beijing, will the chinese peace plan for ukraine work? the bishimbayev case - its unexpected ending, the former minister, who killed his young beautiful wife for several hours , filmed this murder on a mobile phone camera, escaped a life sentence, how and how did he manage to pity the jury and the judge, nuclear weapons for the poor, really? lyme and other terrible deadly diseases that ticks carry are actually weapons mass destruction, created in secret military laboratories, as well as a special guest of central television, singer valeria will tell you why her most famous hits will soon sound in a new way. assalamu
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live on central television. so, the main topic of the week could be summed up in just one phrase: there is a new government in russia, although, of course, there is no way to do it with just one phrase. yes, the government will continue to be led by mikhail mishustin. the structure of the cabinet remains the same; there will be 10 deputy prime ministers in the white house and 21 ministries, however, there are also enough changes, and such that the discussion of new appointments has become the main topic this week, not only in the russian, but in the western media, and of course, in the west, special attention is paid to changes in the russian ministry of defense and the figure new minister. speech by andrey belousov. “you can make mistakes, you can’t lie, they immediately dismantled them into quotes, and this is not surprising, because western experts in the reshuffles in the russian government,


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