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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  May 18, 2024 7:00pm-8:21pm MSK

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live on central television. so, the main topic of the week could be summed up in just one phrase: there is a new government in russia, although, of course, there is no way to do it with just one phrase. yes, the government will continue to be led by mikhail mishustin. the structure of the cabinet remains the same, there will be 10 deputy prime ministers and 21 ministries in the white house, but there will also be changes. and such that the discussion of new appointments became the main topic this week not only in russian, but in western media. and, of course, in the west they pay special attention changes in the russian ministry of defense and the figure of the new minister. andrei belousov’s speech in the federation council, which the new minister ended with the phrase: “you can make mistakes, you can’t lie,” was immediately dismantled into quotes, and this is not surprising, since western experts are in a reshuffle in the russian government. at
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least they caught me, it seems to me, by surprise. yes, vadim, and some were completely shocked, one might say, as eloquent headlines from the leading western media speak about this. for example, an article in the new york times calls economist andrei belousov, appointed head of the military department, has a lot of new weapons by putin. and, of course, by analyzing these changes, western experts are trying to understand how all this will affect the course of the ukrainian conflict. most people agree that western countries. is preparing for a so-called war of attrition, in which the one whose defense industry is stronger will win. yes, in this regard, experts agree that the appointment of a good economist to the post of minister of defense is a pretty strong move vladimir putin, to which the west has no answer yet. alexey petrushko monitored the reactions of politicians in washington, brussels, paris and berlin, who in turn monitored the changes in the russian establishment. in this new
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political passage, just like in tarot cards, they tried to discern the future. anthony blinkin, a similar phrase that anthony blinken, as usual, was greeted in kiev like some kind of rock star, ceased to be figurative this wednesday, may 17, choosing for the performance a neil young song released shortly before the fall the berlin wall, the american... seems to be calling on ukraine to enjoy life in a free world, this is how the main line of the chorus is translated. instead of peace negotiations , the us secretary of state hangs out in a nightclub, but rocking in the free world is by no means a patriotic song or a hymn to freedom, as it is often mistakenly called, it is a sharp criticism of the west. in general, if this was blinkin’s session exposing washington’s policies in general, then the song came in handy more than ever, by the way, because the fronts and the reshuffle in the power bloc of the russian government does not add joy.
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continuity, the task of the new head could be considered some kind of defense department andrei belousov could be described by this one phrase of the russian president: we need to open the ministry of defense as much as possible. everyone who is more or less in the know
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understands the context of this statement: the military, not even the economy, the military, industry, the military machine, it is all within us because of the existing secrecy regimes, because of the existing strict restrictions in principle on work in the military-industrial complex system, there is a crisis of scale, that is, yes, we must learn to attack not with battalions and brigades, but...
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this is still the fact that in the last year and a half he oversaw the priority national project on drones, it is easy to notice, what importance do drones have in this war now, well... come to any military hospital, out of ten wounded, nine are lying with defeats from drones, in this sense, how strong we are in drones and anti-drones depends not even on this, whether we win or not, we don't care we will win, how many lives of our fighters we will be able to save depends on this, perhaps never before in modern russian history has the appointment of a government caused such a stir in the west, if some saw in this almost a long-awaited split in the russian government. some others unexpectedly spoke out loudly on the topic of a new defense minister who could prepare russia for a long war. moreover, when introducing belousuv in his new position, putin explained this appointment by the need to integrate guns and butter into the overall strategy of the state. if to talk about the white house in general, in the very first
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week of the new government’s work, he missed almost half of it, because six of the ten appointed deputy prime ministers and key ministers went with the russian president to china. and probably based on these footage from... the west tried to predict the fate of the chinese peace plan, although the main meeting of putin with the participation of belousov and shaigu took place without cameras, also, what was really important at that moment for ukraine was china’s refusal to participate in the swiss conference on zelensky’s formula, zelensky stated that if you do not support zelensky’s entire plan, even if you support two points, you still come and we will discuss these two points, this is a deception, of course, cheating, because the main point... zelensky , it is russia that must withdraw to the borders of the ninety-first year on its own, that is, this is actually capitulation, that is, zelensky is not a peace plan, this is a war plan, and this point crosses out everything, if we take this point, then sit down now at the negotiating table
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it is forbidden. but what will be left of ukraine itself by the summit scheduled for mid-june in switzerland, since the advance of the russian army in the kharkov direction has already been dubbed by western leaders as almost the fastest in history. this even forced zelensky to urgently cancel all international visits and rush to the east. but just recently, walking through these settlements in the kharkov region and almost personally building a notch line from dragon teeth along the contact line, zelensky assured the ukrainians that the border was locked, but now he finds himself in a difficult situation when, after the military front, the political front may also collapse. in a week, the russians recaptured up to 100 km of ukrainian territory, which in theory should have been powerfully fortified. now it arises. there are serious questions about whether the necessary defenses were built at all, but in this case, kiev’s military tactics generally look like some kind of suicide, because the russian offensive began in response to the shelling of belgorod, i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create safety zone, sanitary
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zone, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans today; another question is that the assistance approved by washington clearly does not keep up with the russian offensive, and this may be the pause that has arisen. this is exactly what blinken wanted to fill with his performance at rockbar. in the russian government, however, there is now a person who can answer this challenge. the new minister of industry and trade, anton alekhanov, seemed eager to fight even in his old position as kaliningrad governor. i used to work in ministry of industry and trade. i remember the negotiations that ukraine was conducting about association with the eu, the so-called eastern partnership. and at the same time we were negotiating with ukraine about,
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well, where the vector of russian foreign policy will be aimed in the coming years became clear from vladimir putin’s first foreign visit after taking office as president. many western media immediately noticed how solemnly the meeting of the russian leader was arranged at the great hall of the people in beijing. putin and cityzin pin walked along the long red carpet under the fireworks display. children also took part in the ceremony with flowers. performed not only the anthems of the two countries, but also quite popular evenings in the moscow region in china. well, here, of course, it’s worth remembering
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how cool it is in beijing, they recently met western politicians, the same german chancellor scholz, for example, or the us secretary of state, anthony blinken, agree, vadim, that... china saw neither an orchestra nor red carpet at the ramp, here's putin and sidin pin face to face talked for 2 and a half hours, after this meeting, the leaders of the two countries signed more than... a dozen agreements on cooperation in various fields, in a press statement, vladimir putin thanked the head of the prc for the warm welcome, and sedin pin, in turn , noted that for 3 /4 centuries, relations between china and russia have become even stronger, chinese families even read pushkin and tolstoy. yes, and the importance and significance of the visit was emphasized by a magnificent and gala dinner. the menu included, for example, peking duck, tripunk with leek and spotted perch in broth. from shrimp, well, our reporter, tatyana proskuryukova, who closely followed this visit, was, of course, more interested in
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the political sauce to which all these dishes were generously seasoned. and while state visits always follow protocol, the details of that protocol often speak louder than statements from the stands, with a red carpet as a sign of special respect. honor guard, artillery salutes, parade on tianyan menn square, greeting handshakes that last almost 10 minutes, because this is not only a meeting of two leaders, almost the entire government of the two countries. even the flowers in the meeting room speak volumes; anthuriums are considered popular in china. russia and china are truly
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united by the common objectives of national development to ensure joint prosperity on the principles of mutual respect, good neighborliness and mutual benefit. trade turnover between the countries has crossed a record level of $240 billion; russia and china have 80 joint investment projects in the field. sino-russian relations today represent the standard of relations between major powers and neighboring countries, which are distinguished by mutual respect, trust, friendship and mutual benefit. most of the negotiations between vladimir putin and sidzinpin took place without media observation; perhaps some of the journalists tried to at least read their lips what the leaders were talking about during a walk through the gardens of the government residence. however, with such a farewell, everything is already obvious. discussing the warm reception
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given to the russian president, western media recall how the us secretary of state was met in beijing a month ago. for a couple seconds before shaking hands with anthony blinken, xi throws a question at his protocol desk. when will this one leave? but how could this video from an official meeting end up on the internet? experts believe. that beijing leaked it deliberately to demonstrate its true attitude towards washington, this week tensions between the countries reached the level of a full-scale trade war. president biden has taken a tough stance on chinese imports. the us president signed a decree that dealt a new blow to the chinese economy, sent to the purchase of solar panels from china doubled for steel and aluminum tripled, the tariff on electric vehicles rose from...
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the united states seeks to jeopardize the strong industries of other countries, practices protectionism, violates market principles, we call on the united states to refuse. hypocrisy and double standards. the cold trade war, according to the washington post, may turn into a hot one, but it will not end because of new tariffs or even because of the dispute over taiwan. but what could be the fate of a decommissioned warship? retire with honors in veteran status, serve as a museum, like the submarine, novosibirsk komsomolets, but the american landing ship sierra turned out to be different.
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return the islands from japan. during this period , the philippines, indonesia, malaysia were not independent, there was no disagreement, so the islands in the south china sea historically belong to china. beijing claims its rights to almost the entire south china sea, which categorically does not suit the philippines. the disputed territories are 11 billion barrels
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of oil and 190 trillion cubic meters of gas, 10% sea ​​fishing and... routes, the only thing more important than the suede canal. these territories are very important from a geopolitical point of view, trade routes with an annual turnover of 5 trillion dollars pass through them, making the south china sea a potential hotspot for world war iii. until now, china has followed laudza's wisdom. sit on the river bank and you will see the corpse of your enemy float by, that is, you just watched the philippine ship fortress turn into rusty dust, but this year beijing moved on. "this is the chinese coast guard, you are in our waters, adjust course, the chinese coast guard is blocking philippine ships that are carrying provisions from yaramadra, military lasers and water cannons are entering, american intelligence has discovered that among the disputed islands , new islands have also appeared, built artificially
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from sand and stone. there are more than twenty of them, they have military ports, an airbase. " in the chinese sea will mean the application of our mutual defense treaty. stingers, patriots, haymars, americans delivered their most powerful weapons to the philippines, built four more military bases, now nine of them
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, held the largest exercise in history. perhaps this is how the fire in the pacific ocean will flare up, and not from a spark. tatyana broskurikova, anastasia lunkova, yaroslav, vladimir sharykin, central television. let's move from the east to the west, to paris, which unexpectedly also found itself on the threshold of war, and war on its own territory, even overseas, new caledonia is an overseas territory of france, shots are already ringing with might and main, the number of deaths during the riots today has risen to six people , well, what’s going on there, i hope yulia bekhtereva will tell you, yes, well, the main problem
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is that new caledonia no longer wants to be an overseas territory of france, the residents are speaking out. changes to the constitution, paris wants to give voting rights to those who have lived on the island for 10 years. supporters of the island's independence fear they will become a political minority if all europeans who move to the island are given the right to vote. on monday, peaceful demonstrations turned into pogroms, killing five people, including two gendarmes died, today it became known that another man died during the shootout. french president emmanuel macron announced in new caledonia. paris believes that the protests were organized precisely through this social network. anyway, we will continue the story about the events of saturday of this week immediately after a very short pause. and this is what will happen next, don’t switch. europe's new powder keg is now slovakia. what forces are behind
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the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitz, who in the west was called a pro-russian politician. bishembaev's case - his unexpected finale: a former minister who killed his young beautiful wife for several hours and filmed this murder on a cell phone camera, escaped a life sentence, how and how he managed to pity the jury and the judge, nuclear weapons for the poor, is it really lyme disease and other terrible fatal diseases that carried by ticks, in fact, weapons of mass destruction, created in secret military laboratories, and so... a special guest of central television, singer valeria will tell you why her most famous hits will soon sound in a new way.
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central television continues its work live, the first information show about the events that are being discussed and the people that are being talked about. it’s shocking that the prime minister comments so briefly and at the same time so succinctly on the assassination attempt. may europe no longer seems quiet and cozy, that is, the way many imagined it, and yes, perhaps the minister internal affairs minister of slovakia matu shutae stock does not exaggerate at all when he says that after the assassination attempt on robert fitz, the country was on the verge of civil war. there was an attempted political assassination. on the geographical political outskirts of the european union in almost the most provincial european country, however, the prime minister of slovakia robert fitz was mentioned in political news as
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often as, for example, macron or scholz, that is, politicians who are trying to be the first violin in the european orchestra. well, fitz was the same politician who, under this i didn’t want to dance pan-european music. now someone compares this assassination attempt with the murder of swedish prime minister olaf palma in the mid-eighties, well, someone digs even deeper and draws analogies with shots in another european province in sarajevo. at the end of june. they will grab him by the arms and quickly carry him into the car, he will barely be able to move his legs, then all of europe will freeze in anticipation. experts
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will analyze those few seconds when the offsite meeting in the provincial town of gandlova ends. here's robert pitsy comes out to the people and even manages to shake someone’s hand. this man on the right will shout: “come here, robo” and will pull out a pistol. five shots, in the head, in the chest, in the stomach, only one missed, into this tree.
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his name is juraj cintula, he is 71 years old, an opposition activist, ironically, one of the founders of the slovak committee against violence. every normal person rejects violence. also a poet to boot. i no longer cry over life, i no longer cry over guilt, i no longer cry over chains, i no longer cry over the dead. in general, even the neighbors are shocked. after i was shocked by 40 years of good neighborly relations. what happened to this man? investigators are now asking the same question, this is the minister of internal affairs of slovakia. as the suspect himself said, the reason was the information from the media that was at his disposal. i say this to all the masters of the world sitting behind the keyboard, think carefully about whether it is right to threaten someone with death? indeed, the opposition press, bloggers, those who are called influencers in english, did not
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mince words about fitso. some ill-wishers were not embarrassed throw it in his face, or, for example, in the back, as in these shots, where he went out practically without security, to go rollerblading, so that you smash your face, you fool. such inscriptions on fences, death of fitz, seem to be the norm for slovakia, despite the fact that he came to power 100% democratically. the liberal party lost the election, they started.
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ceased to be truly significant for european music, what really stood out about it was the part played by robert fitso. naturally, many in the eu to put it mildly, they did not like him, because at first glance, he only spoiled their symphony, but one can say it differently, during his lifetime those who are trying to reach out are rarely recognized. will there be another chance? we are shocked by this shooting. this violates all our ideas about democracy. however, as it turns out, not everyone is capable of expressing even formal sympathy. this society is divided because of robert fitz and his party, they are the ones who are radicalizing society. and
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this is the result of all this. a young man in the center of bratislava, now almost a word in the word repeats the thesis of many european media. in germany, he is accused of attacking fitsa himself, but the newspapers write that it was not him.
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they brand our voters as misguided, as rabble who should be banned from voting, and i'm just waiting for this frustration, so amplified by the newspapers, to lead to the murder of a leading politician. now these words sound like a prophecy, however, robert fitz is still fighting for his life. anton chichulinsky, oleg baranochnikov, yuri rabakon, central television. these days all newspapers, including many in russia came out with exactly this. the question is, who is behind the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia? today the suspect in the assassination attempt was brought to court. i hope yulia bekhtareva will tell you all the details right now. yes, indeed, juraj tsimtula,
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the suspect who shot robert fitz, was taken to a special criminal court in the city of pezinok, in the west of the republic. there centula fully admitted his guilt, he himself claims that he did not want to kill anyone, but only tried to... harm about what he had done. regrets that the pistol with which centula shot at the prime minister was kept at home legally for more than 30 years; the slovak ministry of internal affairs says that the man acted alone. and now to the news of our country. russians have been warned about a new trick by telephone scammers. now they are offering to extend the term of a bank card, which is supposedly coming to an end. to do this, you need to dictate a code from an sms; with its help, scammers gain access to your personal account online.
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for the first time, a russian court has returned an apartment to a victim of telephone scammers. already in several of our on air, we told stories about how overly gullible citizens, having fallen into the bait of telephone scammers, are left with nothing, that is, without accumulated money. without housing, and even with debts on multimillion-dollar loans, and the swindlers, having pulled off their scam, disappear, this is usually how it all seems to happen. well, yes, vadim, this is a classic scheme, now i’ll tell you about an almost unique case in judicial practice.
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the moscow district court preserved the pensioner’s only housing, which they tried to take away from her according to the traditional scheme, let’s say, the scammers introduced themselves as police and central bank employees and... well, what makes this case unique from the whole series of similar stories is the fact that the law took the side of the deceived pensioner. mikhail bogdanov tried to understand whether this meant that other victims of telephone scams also had hope. this is my bed, these same ones are everywhere here. tatyana aleksandrovna nazarova’s bed, as you go to the right, the first one is against the wall, in the nightstand she keeps the gospel, which she constantly reads, whispering the words out loud. and tatyana alexandrovna also has
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a little space in a common closet and nine roommates, two beds, while they stand empty, waiting for other women who found themselves, as they say here, in a crisis situation, some drank, some sat, everyone was homeless for years before ending up here , only nazarova, who worked as a boiler room operator for half a century out of her seventy years, until recently lived in her apartment in tyumen and with money in her bank account, so they called and told me how to do it... money, these are savings banks, they say these are the same as scammers, we need to transfer them to something else place, in general, they began to transfer it to themselves, transfer it, in general, i say that you are transferring this, this is mine here, my savings were already there, we will give it to you later, she will tell them everything herself, in tyumen, having bought an apartment , i arrived recently, having sold three rubles in urengoy, the account contains the difference between the cost of apartments, and these are millions, after talking with a naive pensioner, the scammers understood, they stumbled upon a gold mine, i wouldn’t have transferred it myself, i don’t know, i still don’t even pay sotik i don’t know how, so he dictated to me what to do and i’m there
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called points, what did he say? carefully following the instructions, she will start, as if going to work after the bank branch is closed, so that there are fewer people around, go to the atm to withdraw her savings in parts, at once and a lot is suspicious, she diligently sends money to scammers, she thought she was saving her savings, then, as usual, it will come to the sale of the apartment, and then they will call her again, then they tell me that there is nothing left, we will also put a loan on you, i didn’t have a residence permit then, then, that’s why they won’t do anything else for us did, robbed and intimidated, it seems, having lost everything, even such a naive person will draw conclusions, but just at the moment when tyumen journalists arrive to film a story about a pensioner who gave 12 million to the scammers, they will call her again, you must bring him 15,000 in total, he asks for 15,000, tax, tax, is this a scam? i don’t need it, it’s not a lawyer, this is a scam, in fact, let’s
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do it all, she’s about to transfer money again, don’t do this, she’s trying to persuade her , let’s try 15.647 journalists are calling the caller’s number, scammers, it’s clearly written they offered to send a thousand rubles, scammers, well , they are invited, look at other people who were deceived.
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tried to convince a pensioner that he was being deceived, after which he would say that he was like a zombie, but how do scammers manage to hack our minds, let's conduct an experiment, hello, how are you feeling, great, we are gathering a group of people under the casting legend, we are now recruiting actors for a major project , which will launch soon, we hope, we are placing volunteers in the hands of our personnel officer evgeniy idzikovsky, a professional psychotherapist and hypnotist, under his whispering, a dozen of our subjects...
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evgeniy, can you get more heat, and evgeniy adds, once the hands are intertwined, two, hands, as if we have superglue, the tension is growing, try to give birth with your hands, the more.
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but you can’t get enough for every hypnotist, and this is not necessary, says zikovsky, having sensed his client, the fraudster, even if he is the last poor second-year student, can work according to a standard scheme, script, step-by-step instructions for deception, with such a guide sales expert roman beryukov meets, and he notices in this script a standard, and therefore effective, scheme that underlies all sales; they do not use this type of customer care, then the clients were guided. like, like, yes, exactly in this way, that is , this is the second stage - this is collecting information, and then the third stage, they tell you how we will continue to work with you, i will pass it on, i am collecting information now, i am handing over your phone number to the senior manager, he contacts you and then tells you how to do something, and after all, tatyana aleksandrovna nazarova from tyumen
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was scammed according to a similar scheme, now she has lost 12 million, the center for the development of social projects of the tyumen region has opened a targeted collection in order to at least withdraw. apartment while the investigation and trial are ongoing, and this is not a quick matter, because everything is complicated, she sold the apartment, even at the direction of telephone scammers, but not at all to them. tatyana alexandrovna could be identified without, so to speak, certain knowledge that she was suffering from these mental illnesses, but all this was not done for the sake of in order to make a transaction as quickly as possible and make a profit. true, such sad stories at least once had a good ending. recently, the court returned the apartment of an eighty-five-year-old moscow pensioner. she talked to us on the phone, she seemed to agree to the interview, but while we were driving, she began to doubt whether we were really journalists or maybe just another scammers, so we stood with flowers near her door in vain, she would also stop answering the phone, and that’s probably a good sign, it’s better not to believe when they tell you the truth and not receive a bouquet,
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than to lose everything by believing a lie. mikhail bogdanov, alexander karlov, yaroslav felatov, ksenia politaeva, central television. now, according to tradition, we must pause briefly to immediately after the pause talk about the events that everyone is discussing about the people they are talking about. there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so stay with us and don’t switch. the bishimbayev case and its unexpected ending, the former minister, who killed his young beautiful wife for several hours and filmed this murder on a mobile phone camera, escaped a life sentence, how and with what did he manage to pity the jury and the judge? i...
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by decision of the president, the federal project "professionalism" was launched. it aims to create a fundamentally new model for training qualified personnel in the secondary vocational education system in accordance with the needs of the real sector of the economy. one of the key initiatives of this project is the involvement of business in the partnership management of educational organizations. the training is focused on practice as much as possible; specialists are trained for in-demand professions in a very shortened terms. today , more than 1,200 colleges and more than 1,600 enterprises and employers in 79 regions of the country participate in the professional training. thanks to the national education project, students at colleges and technical schools have the opportunity to study in-demand professions in
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professional workshops with modern equipment. this allows not only to improve the quality of student learning, but to make learning more interesting and practice-oriented. for students , it is not only the learning itself that is important, but also the exchange best practices and competency development. for this purpose, in russia, thanks to the professionalism project, an all-russian championship movement has been created. very soon, at the beginning of summer, applications for admission to the vocational college will open. in the meantime, you can study information about the program and companies participating in your region, as well as learn about in-demand professions that you can master during your studies. all. all this can be viewed right now on the website yaprov.rrf. well, we’ll take a break for a couple of minutes and come back on air, for sure. wait. this is a star show, grand finale,
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that's it, finale, in this finale i will do what i do best, get divorced, participate in the show, until nevli again, moscow and beijing have become very close lately. and he says the last beijing, very moscow friendship, i want to understand why in our village people are dying, well, because you paint them, what are you, oh fool, who is this, yes, i got microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i’m a vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as i don’t want to blow dmitry away during sparring malikov, bravo, bravo, your performance is simply complete. merchant. stars. the final. today six finalists will perform before us, but only one will be the winner. today at
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21:20 on ntv. every day sophia's life is excruciating pain and suffering. the girl has the most complex scoliosis of the fourth degree. the spine is literally folded in half. her organs are compressed and displaced; due to her illness, sophia cannot not only walk, but also sit. at night the girl cries in pain. moscow specialists can help and cure the child. doctors are ready to perform an operation to install metal structures and straighten sophia’s spine. but the cost of treatment is more than one and a half million rubles. the girl's family doesn't have that kind of money. i really ask you for help. my daughter, sophia, become healthy, enjoy every day, communicate with your friends, only together we can give
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sbicard, favorable deposit rate cashback. how many does anyone have? for whom is alena apina getting young? i look bad that i have a distorted face. you will not believe. today at 20:20 on ntv. and again live on central television. we continue. zlime's disease - a terrible, painful, and sometimes fatal disease, carried by
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ticks, may now turn out to be nuclear. weapons for the poor, which were created in secret us military laboratories. such an unexpected and revealing statement was made by not just anyone, but the most famous american journalist, tucker carlson. the experts he interviewed claim that lyme disease was not a serious problem for people. a problem until the states launched a program to develop biological weapons. well, the essence of this program was that it was possible to drop not only conventional or atomic bombs from airplanes, but also biological bombs, so ticks could be chosen as the most cold-resistant carrier of infection, because a potential enemy for those who worked working on the creation of such weapons during the cold war, as indeed russia was now, well, it would not be superfluous to note that if from tick-borne encephalitis, which also carries these bloodsuckers can be protected with a well
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-functioning vaccine, then there is no vaccine against lyme disease... there is still no vaccine, or i’m wrong, yes, vadim, indeed, the number of cases of infection with lyme disease is growing rapidly, and all over the world this infection is also called bareliosis, more than 10 million people are infected with it every year, but this infection is caused by a special type of bacteria called spirachetes. a person can get sick if he is bitten by an infected tick, but in the early stages , redness like this appears at the site of the bite ring-shaped. forms, at this very moment the disease can still be cured with antibiotics, but the problem is that the site of the bite may not be noticed, and already advanced boroliosis leads to very, very serious consequences, well, this is exactly the question that arises, so are these really scary the proliferating blood-sucking parasites were to become carriers of weapons of mass destruction. our reporter alexey semakhin
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studied all the currently available evidence, but... at the same time checked whether there are biological weapons from this effective and affordable means of protection? this is a tick that carries the deadly bacteria that causes lyme disease. and this is the small american town of lyme in the state of connecticut, in honor of which this terrible disease was named. it was here that the so-called patient zero appeared in 1975. lyme disease has completely taken away my life and my independence. according to the us centers for disease control, about half a million people in america become infected with this infection every year. ticks bite everyone
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analysis of ordinary americans.
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there are three truly dangerous tick-borne diseases that have emerged in the area around the town of lyme, which is directly opposite plum island, which was the headquarters of the us biological weapons program. an assumption in an interview with carlson was made by the author of books on medicine, chris newby, by the way, who herself had suffered from lyme, she refers to the swiss scientist avil burgdorfer, who discovered the disease, he allegedly let the writer know that he discovered this scourge not by chance, because it proliferation is the result of faulty military experience. hmm, this sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory to me. yes, i would say that the number of cases of the disease is growing. the cdc estimates that the average is. despite the cold spring in
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the central part of russia, ticks are already on the warpath with humans, so when walking in parks, especially when going into the forest, you should use protective tactics , remembering that they are always nearby. there are experiments ahead of us, during which we will try to find out what ticks are afraid of. fire, and what means are effective in the fight against an invisible enemy, oh, crawl, crawl, look, but first you still need to find a tick, they say, you need to know your enemy by sight, let's catch them and look at them, try, in this forest near moscow in search of ticks, we went with the most famous mushroom picker in russia, dmitry tikhomirov, he seems to be a fearless person, for his blog he runs around the forest with a bare torso. guys, it's good, you can walk around in it in any way, and today he's not dressed in uniform, are likes on the internet more valuable to him? own health, why do i usually go into the forest like this, i just have a vaccination against
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encephalitis, we raise the white flag, and although selena’s opponent is kovarina, no, we are not going to capitulate to a deadly insect, we want to dissect it, well, consider one caught, yes, yes, they caught one, it needs to be in a jar, so in a jar, carefully. wrap it up, chick, they say that all products are good on water, it is believed that ticks, oil, cloves and lavender oil are afraid like fire, is this true, now we’ll check! for the experiment we took a piece of fabric and draw a circle, treat its perimeter with lavender and clove oil as evenly as possible. and now, for the purity of the experiment , let’s leave our canvas to dry for 30 minutes, that’s exactly how long we need to get to the forest. now we are releasing the first bloodsucker into the circle. crawl, crawl, look, having gotten a little used to the fabric, the brazit begins to act and quite quickly rushes to run to the left sector of the circle, well , as soon as he reached the area of ​​​​the fabric treated with oil, he immediately stopped, look, he doesn’t like it, he turned, he turned away,
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really, no, he can’t cross the circle, but he can’t overcome it, yeah, cloves are stronger than prayer and lavender, so the tick moves, tries to find a weak spot in the line of the circle, exactly 8 minutes later the parasite still manages to get out. it seems that he succeeded, he broke through, so to speak, our defenses, yes, that means the system is working, lavender and cloves, and also these predatory arthropods seem to like the smell of ash or a fire, this made us assume that liquid smoke, which sold in any supermarket, it repels ticks extremely effectively, let's check, treat the fabric with liquid smoke , release the same tick into a circle, and here it crawls ... now we will see whether the tick can break the circle and break free, here it is, crawling to the edge , treated with liquid smoke, first backs up and then backs up, but exactly after a minute and 7 seconds the tick, having accelerated in advance, nevertheless skips
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the area treated with liquid smoke. it seems to be a folk method, but i’m always skeptical about it, it works, it seems to work, so maybe even i will use it, of course, the liquid smoke of the key does not kill, but it is effective in repelling. repellents containing alpha. permethrin should not repel, but kill, leading to killing and then death of the parasite. now we'll see how it works. so, let's apply our repellent to our clothes, oh, and now we'll put a tick there. less than 10 seconds had passed before the tick stopped showing signs of life. he rested, yes, he died, he doesn’t move at all. that is, now clothes can be processed not only as potentially hazardous to human health chemistry, such as alpha. mitrin, but with harmless essential oils, lavender, cloves and even liquid smoke. this way you can spend up to 4 hours in the fresh air and not be afraid of these killer bloodsuckers. alexy semakhin, evgenia gerecheva, yuri rebokon,
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igor kirillov, denis gerasimov and anton yanchenko, central television. what disgusting! well, now, let's go back to the news of this saturday, in taiwan, the working day of members of parliament ended like a real action movie with insults and a fight.
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this monday the court put an end to the case, which was watched by millions of people in real reality show mode. former minister of national economy of kazakhstan uandyk bishembaev will serve 24 years for the murder of his wife, saltanat nokenova. perhaps everyone has already heard the monstrous story of how beshimbayev beat him up during a quarrel. wife to death,
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and then a clairvoyant friend called and began to ask for advice on what to do next, what kind of alignment for such a case in life, tarot cards and stars give. the details of this harsh and sometimes absurd drama were discussed, as i have already said, without pretension. behind by watching a live broadcast from the courtroom these days, you could catch both a saleswoman in a store and a taxi driver parked in the parking lot. videos on youtube and news reports could secretly pro...
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be found guilty of committing criminal offenses, he will stand motionless for 9 minutes and 40 seconds, exactly how long it will take to announce the verdict, and finally sentence bishimbayev to 24 years in prison. with his eyes downcast, kaundyk bishimbayev will only whisper something under his breath, whether he was praying for himself or asking for forgiveness from saltanatnukenova for the grief-stricken relatives of the deceased girl. this doesn't seem to matter at all anymore. coming out of the courtroom, father soltanat amangeldy nukenov gave only a short answer to journalists: 24 years for the murder of his daughter is not enough. we are not making amends, you wanted more punishment, but why did bishimbayev manage to avoid a life sentence, and how did he commute it?
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new in 2016, already in another office in the chair of the minister of national economy, he will not ignore himself, so i remember myself at... i think i only had one b at the end of the first semester, in 2018 already ex-minister beshimbayev will enter the courtroom with a confident, confident gait with a slight smile on his face and convince themis of his innocence. i did not ask or receive a bribe
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for the construction of a glass factory. and in 2024, having served time, having been released under udo , he again found himself in the dock, but... not for a bribe, but for murder, bishimbayev will still be as convincing as when he was a minister, when he was imprisoned for a bribe, when he killed his beloved, for some reason i wanted to believe his words, if you believe the highest principle in god, and i believe, then he is testing us, i pursued only one important goal for himself: to convey to at least ten people the truth about that tragic evening about our saltanata... but it seems that all his words decayed when he unlocked his mobile phone with the recordings made on that last night. did you film this yourself?
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there were almost no arguments left in beshimbayev’s defense when this eternal document was brought into the courtroom. during the trial, the prosecution accumulated a lot of evidence against beshimbayev. at some point , the jury was presented with the heaviest ironclad argument. the same ten-kilogram professional tripod in which kuandyk smashed through the door to the toilet in which his beaten wife was hiding. putting that same tripod on themis’s scales and detailing it. describing how beshimbayev knocked down the door, the prosecutor, willy-nilly, forced the jury to remember the famous scene from the film directed by stanley kubrick, the shining. this tripod was used to make a hole in the door
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using 25 blows. perhaps it was at this moment that the jury finally realized that the defendant sitting in front of them was not confused. in his testimony, a man, a real killer gone crazy. what was bishimbayev thinking at the time the verdict was announced, perhaps he wanted to use the right to a telephone call and get through to his clairvoyant in order to imagine his life 24 years later, when he will already be 68. but don’t go to fortune-telling here, you can build your own prediction based on to an already known story. colin thatcher, the former energy secretary, is accused of murdering his ex-wife. in 1983, quite elderly, as opposed to young bishimbayeva, a sixty-two-year-old former canadian minister of energy, first severely beat and then shot his
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wife, joanne, in the garage of his home. he served 22 years in prison and was released in 2006. 2 years ago, the 84-year-old killer was invited as a guest of honor to the provincial parliament. founded a foundation in her name, but today , six months after that terrible night, he again asks this question: why saltanat did not escape from this cruel killer, why did she choose this life in a golden cage, which became fatal for her.
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he died alone. and it seems that the stars did not deceive. on may 15, soltanat nokenova was supposed to turn 32 years old, but now she is forever 31. klim sanatkin, natalya usenko, denis anikin and mark zlenko. central television. yes, this is too dark a story for a saturday night, so let's quickly change the subject right now. moreover, today we have a wonderful guest, or rather an incredibly beautiful guest. amazing, i don’t know what other epithets can be used, singer valeria, i really want thunderous applause here, we don’t have spectators, but there are - these are such beautiful flowers. i wanted
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to start right away, today there were a lot of stories on our broadcast, well, one certainly story related to fortune-telling, predictions, readings in sessions, with tarot cards, so you heard, i got carried away by tarot cards, what do i mean , let’s do everything at once... let them continue to lie that you are my abyss, and everything will be fine with us, this is my attitude, the main thing is that the very
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person who is a wall for you is nearby, so i noticed a silhouette there , judging by the silhouette, this is definitely not joseph prigogine, who was there, what kind of person was he, i mean, how was it not from prigozhin , he was there in the video, in the video, in the video, i thought somewhere behind the scenes, i mean, this is not a video at all, this is some kind of cut, i didn’t even notice, maybe he wasn’t there, or maybe he was, let’s do it again... listen, well, the song, by the way, it seems to me that it will fly right away, here you go, i wanted once again, get it, it’s not him, not him, but the song, the song is cool, we’ll hear it and download it very soon, i also wanted to say that damn it, sometimes every year i forget to congratulate you on your birthday, just recently you celebrated not an anniversary, but a very beautiful date. i still imagine you as a grandmother, but why does
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valeria’s grandmother immediately come to mind, because the first thing i saw was the congratulation of your granddaughter celine, show us, lila, my dear, the removal of you, be healthy, happy, cheerful, joyful, seductive, from that we will then be happy, i join her every word, say, as you noted, this is firstly, secondly, well, everyone is probably asking you, you’re already used to this word grandma, to the status, to the status, you’re used to both the word and the status and in general i feel great in this role, it’s some other page of my life that has opened, this is happiness with nothing incomparable, not transferable, everyone who has grandchildren, probably i’m great...
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they decided, why don’t we all get together on one stage? on october 3, we
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will do something grandiose online, i, of course , will also perform and sing, and accordingly everything the artists who participate in this tribute are now i just can’t help but miss someone, this is marie kraibrary, this is klava koka, this is imon, instasamka, there are a lot of artists there, cool interesting ones and hollyday, well, here you go, there’s a list, we’ll all be there...
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what are you talking about, yes, yes, you have such a round date, yes, my anniversary was also on april 2 this year, i became an excellent student, so this year i exactly correspond to this excellent student with a gold medal, i congratulate you too belated, happy anniversary, damn, i forgot about all the birthdays, now this is no longer it’s important, you know, after 25 it’s no longer important, i’m with this, i agree with this, but about the strap, show us this very interesting fragment? has anyone seen how a people's artist knows how to work, what is this gurney called, a rolling pin, a rolling pin, yes, roll it, a gurney, a gurney - these are different things, yes, it turned out delicious, tell me honestly, you don’t understand how she cooks, actually first, we invite you, no, you don’t understand, first, we invite you as my wife to visit us, i will ask valeria
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to cook on this day, she cooks the same way, as he sings, really, we will be very glad to see you, indeed. lera and i are now going to bake something, so i made cookies, she also talks about it and takes part in this in this process, you know, everyone got a little, she’s basically all of them, listen, we have a little time left, i i also want to say about this figurine, you became the winner of the heat award in the artist category. generations, you know, when i heard about this nomination, for some reason i immediately imagined that such a respectable grandmother should come out, well, i don’t know, stanislavno piekha is going there, but then i caught up with what this means, that is , an artist of a generation - this means, you are applauded, you are always relevant, you are relevant now, it was relevant then, you will be relevant in the near future,
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because there are no boundaries either for genres, or for duets, or for collaborations, it’s so, you know, i received a lot of congratulations after i was awarded this wonderful prize, and that means one message was like this, says: you really are the bridge across generation because it says: my mother listened to your songs, i listen to them with pleasure, and my children, who are now 5-7 years old there, listen to them too, so i’m very pleased, i want to thank you so much for visiting us again with the past all holidays, birthdays and see you not from...


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