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tv   Ti ne poverish  NTV  May 18, 2024 8:20pm-9:21pm MSK

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thank you for visiting us, once again happy holidays, birthdays, and see you soon, thank you very much, well, our time on the air ends here, in a few seconds the program, you won’t believe it, that’s what it’s about she 'll tell you, yulia, come on, she'll tell you who stripped the singer shaman danitka, who took off the crown without a doctor, and we'll see you in exactly the same time. stay with us, stay
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with your central television, see you soon, for the first time the widow of valentina yudashkina will tell you which monument is worth more than 2 million rubles will be installed on the grave of the legendary fashion designer, but this is never about anything...
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dashkina brings flowerpots to the grave, her daughter galina helps her. with her husband peter, she specially flew from dubai to honor the memory of her famous father. friends remember the fashion designer with marble holva with walnuts and lean chocolate. valentin yudashkin loved these sweets very much. all friends gathered to remember valentin, everyone remembers him, everyone misses him. marina yudashkina confesses after the death of her beloved. which in the center remained the same, because only they know our dna at home. galina and her team have changed completely; the team, her husband and three children live in two countries. yudashkin’s heiress opened a showroom in the emirates; her father dreamed about this during his lifetime. amadeles of almost all the participants in dubai blink, such a show from netflix that will now be.
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is shown next season, our dresses are already worn by all dubai actresses and singers, in moscow on the red carpet, dresses from yudashkin, actresses ekaterina klimova, agata mutseneviitsa, singers sevili, shine, klava koka is considered an honor to wear a dress that cannot be called anything other than a work of art. i thank valentin yudashkin, his entire dynasty, this entire brand, today the couture dress is valentin yudashkin, it’s a great honor to come into contact with history, it’s light, to be honest, it’s very light, comfortable. the heiress of yudashkin went even further, she relaunched the line of household goods and introduced a unique handmade floor lamp. valentin made a large collection of furniture, these were sofas, these were coffee tables, there was a chest of drawers and a bar with chairs, it was very beautiful, i hope that my daughter will also return to this and continue it, and i’m very proud that she’s doing this, we’re
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all happy, our whole team, our home is being rejuvenated. galina yudashkina plans to create selective perfumes. mom doesn’t take part in anything, mom has already earned her rest, she’s enjoying her grandchildren. marina yudashkina spends almost all her time with eight-year-old tolya, six-year-old arkasha and agata, who will turn 2 years old in july. in moscow they go to the circus for children's rides, in winter they build snowmen and ride down the hill, huh. abroad they visit the museum, when there is no ice and me, so they pick the cucumbers themselves, i do this, in my greenhouse, they love buckwheat, pancakes, they love the russian one, and sausage, period , they are our athletes, so that there is less they ate sweets, so sometimes i spoil them a little bit, and little by little we give them a little. anatoly trains in one of the best football schools in the world, his team is already winning. in the cup, arkady became the champion
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of the united arab emirates in karate, little agatha sings. all my plans and dreams connected exclusively only with their grandchildren and co'. reveals the details, the monument to the legendary fashion designer is made of bronze and granite, for six months i couldn’t think about it at all, everyone always asked me what i wanted, i finally decided, it would be a full-length sculpture, i invited there was a beautiful monument, his friend, by the way, valentin’s friend, with whom he also... even began to serve in the army, the honored sculptor andrei kovalchuk, this is also very important, he knew him, i want to show him the real way he was, so that people saw that this was yudashkin, that this was not just something, that this was him, a person. marina yudashkina hopes that the grand opening of the monument will take place in mid-
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june. now it’s just being prepared, it’s being done, and then we’ll be ready to install it, i’m approximately planning on june 15th. only in our program, why does the singer shaman wash cars? don't be lazy, come on! how does yaroslav dronov earn extra money as a street musician? thank you! god bless you! and who stole the artist’s underwear? and i just woke up, they caught the wind! yaroslav dronov on tour in in ryazan in a hotel room, the first thing he does is unpack his suitcases and laugh. fans who sometimes steal celebrities' underwear from their bags can rest easy.
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do you want to see about the light, how much i am driven, that is, i ask the guys, they do this in advance in every hotel, that is, not just a curtain covered with foil, because well, i don’t like it when the light penetrates from above and that with ordinary curtains we close everything, the sunlight in the car is a little annoying, i have these little things there too everything is closed, but i need light, i get light from the people. at his concert, the singer shaman shocks even more when he takes on the task of washing his socks; it’s not in his rules to burden the hotel staff with this simple task, so you take one sock on your hand, put on the second one, as if you could do it, and then take the soap, here so you rub it, and you
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just push your socks in, well, here’s the t-shirt, now i’ll wash it, you can calmly wash your pants, they washed it at home too, of course, sell such a small thing, start throwing the machine, i’m very like that... something already there is not enough time, the artist does not have time for shopping, yaroslav dronov buys clothes in prog, and in the most ordinary stores, a hat costs 400 rubles, i’m already wearing it, there are so many, many already, and i bought this at a gas station instead of a scarf, it’s inexpensive, but very warm.
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good luck to you guys, otherwise you're in our company, i loved it alone, hearing street musicians, the shaman suddenly takes off his hat and goes to the people to collect money, we'll chip in for the guys, don't be stingy for the musicians, how much anyone has, the residents of ryazan to their eyes don't believe in front of them is a singer, a shaman, himself, the artist is immediately surrounded by fans on all sides, can i hug you?
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street musicians are not lost either, but would you like to sing with us? yes, well, i’ll succeed, i’ll definitely succeed, friends, make some noise, the shaman performs his hit live, i’m russian, hearing the voice of his favorite artist, more and more people flock to the square. shaman, he rejoices more than the people who, by chance, ended up at his free concert. this is a street musician, it has its own charm. i hope that i i tossed them a little bit, picked up spectators and earned some money. and in ryazan, yaroslav dronov has another important matter. on social networks, the singer saw a video where a local boy was washing cars in order to buy a ticket to his concert. there is a dream, he says . go to a shaman's concert. how much does a ticket cost? 1.500. yes, this is the cheapest. seventeen-year-old fedor is now at his combat post. expensive suvs pass by,
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but the guy does not despair. beautiful girl. i have a dream to go to a shaman's concert. can i give you something, will you give me a penny? thank you, girl. if you have arms and legs, you can make money. where do you study? at a multidisciplinary college for pastry chef, first year. don't you have competitors popping up here? if there was a competitor, well, so to speak. i would have driven him away myself, but the competitors are not asleep, and what kind of uncle is this, young man, great, shaman, hello, i didn’t expect it, and here i also got a little stuck, here’s the car, but i haven’t really made any money yet, but i’ll teach you, don’t worry, the surprise was a success, fedor is happy to see you unconsciousness, who else would be so bothered? the shaman himself washes cars with him, and by the way, no matter how much you take, how much they give, it’s not a pity,
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yaroslav dronov, who has been earning his living since he was 15, admits that he has never had such experience before, cars are never small, here i am work, the divorce was not removed, the main thing is to use a dry cloth, well, how much they gave us 200 rubles, and 100 100 rubles are half yours, the main thing is 200 rubles in your pocket, well done, you won’t get lost, the shaman invites. the singer is getting ready for the upcoming concert, and yaroslav dronov is already at the local sports palace, like this, sitting at the drum set, 10 minutes is enough for the shaman to put his thoughts in order, drums are just my favorite instrument, at home there is musical, there is really electro, and so as not to hear, this is such a hobby, yes i do, so shower. take everything away, nothing more. the people of ryazan also give their hearts away. the singer-shaman, as always, gives the heat
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and gives his best. the artist has concerts ahead in murmansk, arkhangelsk, penza, samara. who knows, maybe the residents of these cities will see yaroslav dronov on their streets, selling souvenirs or giving a tour of local museums. in the meantime, the artist is thanked by fedya’s relatives from ryazan to languish, my aunt, hello, my sister. very nice, this is just a wizard, thank you very much, thank you for your songs, for your badness, i’m not a wizard, i’m just learning, no one expected this, maria poroshina and yaroslav boyko are preparing for the wedding, we want to take a walk at your wedding, who are you will invite you, and you will come with cameras, it’s yaroslav buik’s birthday, the actor is celebrating his fifty-fourth birthday at work, so he’s not at the parade.
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dynamo, maria poroshina gives football swords, well, probably, by the way, i should write to give a football ball, maria poroshina is next to the actor, she is in the theater setting a festive table in the firebox and is waiting, can’t wait for the butcher to raise a toast, i like it, i’m coming, just a second, urgently, yeah, smiling shyly, yaroslav boyko officially declares that he and maria poroshina are a couple not
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only on stage, but in life, everyone is interested in when you will marry marina paroshnaya. happiness loves silence for this couple for more than 20 years years, for the first time they started talking about the office romance of poroshina and boyka on the set of the series “always say always”. the screen stars stubbornly pretended that they were just colleagues, because both were not free. poroshina assured that she lives soul to soul with actor ilya drevnov. yes, yes, now we can, we can, we can. i’m writing to tell him to come down, you always go together, well, we try, i go with him to nice, cannes to france, then to london, it’s nice to indulge. foroshina filed for divorce when she became pregnant with her fifth child. her son andrei was born. everyone started talking immediately that this is boyk’s heir.
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the boy really looks like an actor. how many children have you raised? yes, in different ways, who knows? buik has a son from his first and only marriage. he has children in general in life or in the world somehow i don’t know, but how many movies are there in general, i meet someone like this, dad, hello, i played for you, that’s how i was, that’s how i grew up, i can’t count it now, but boyka exceeded the plan on planting trees, you are like a real man, how many trees have you planted, listen, i’ll be honest, i’m just in a pandemic
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there was a record of about 20 planted, apple trees, cherries, pears. maria poroshina, most likely boyka is engaged in gardening there, we have a house there in the village, and there is already complete communication, everything else, fans don’t understand why they had to hide their relationship for so many years, perhaps poroshina and boyka were afraid of hurting their spouses and.. . to numerous children, but now certainly a feast and for the wedding. miroslav, well , basically, your heart is now, i don’t know, beating, that is, soon we will walk at your wedding, i have a first degree, a diplomat, but we can come alone, invite us, we’ll see, life will show, only in our
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program, why does leonid agutin need his own island, everywhere, you know, there are programs everywhere, you won’t believe who will film? the crown of celibacy shaking the beginning, yes, yes, why does the singer's fame disappear in strips from clubs, everyone thought that i was singing panties, an oligarch's chick, we'll see in just a couple of minutes, we're starting, superstar, the topic of today is not at ease, such a transformation tech artists, of course, i didn’t expect, i couldn’t imagine the transformation in a nightmare the song will sing louboutins what you did, it was more than i expected, hooligans,
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boys, soft in the throat - this is the song of our time now. via superstar, this is not fair, this was planned, our passions are always running high, the premiere is tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. stars, final. today at 21:20 on ntv. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a game. ki, if you knew how tasty it is, you wouldn’t be such a fad. star combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles. say no to silicone and yes to shaoma shampoo - 90% ingredients of natural origin for
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he was obsessed with saving the patient, everything got out of control because of him. you find the patient, you will understand what happened. colimbo - the series premiere only in okko online cinema when you are cooking with pleasure, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet is just right. with an intensive cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on dirt, let you have a delicious meal together, and take care of the dishes yourself, when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, and it does not need a reason, joy can be found in every moment see there , where you don’t expect it, the holy spring fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, choose your favorite one. shampoos with natural ingredients, nourishing masks, aromatic shower gels and much more, a large selection of new and time-tested products body hair care products with
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discounts on wildberries for organizing terrorist attacks hold hired a ghost, an excellent fighter, how to catch him, major thunder game in the cinema from may 23, every master wants to know what grout to take? cereside grouts - a wide palette of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. ceresid is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use ciresidite grout glue together. they have a certificate, not again, the basis, the basis, yes. the cough was so wild that i could not sleep. the chest opens and it’s as if the shoulder has gone away. it turns out that you have torn yourself. why people's artist.
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how is leonid agutin preparing for anzhelika varum’s anniversary? don't skimp on a gift - that's the last thing. in a week, anzhelika varum will turn 55, and her husband still hasn’t figured out how to please his beloved. i hate it, i don’t... trouble, trouble, it’s just a nightmare, that is , you are not the kind of man who can go with his wife, why is it that our married life will end here, you mean angelica goes without you, so that of course. and i’m
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without her, by the way, otherwise he’ll say that it’s for me something doesn’t work, but i, for example, only like this, well, well, what should i do with this information? leonid agutin admits that in 27 years of marriage he hasn’t even bought a handkerchief, let alone beautiful underwear, you ’re crazy, i look like this man, well, there’s beautiful underwear, let’s say, choose her for her anniversary, you she likes it and, well, she’ll figure it out somehow, of course, if i see something in a store and i... really want something, i know when, when my husband should participate, but i’m one of those women who appreciates and loves independence and independence. at one time, agutin did not even know grief; he handed expensive jewelry to his wife. shapard, it comes to the rescue at this moment, at this difficult moment for the family. true, after this interview the thief scolded his husband; it turns out that the barefoot boy made a mistake about the brands. by the way, when i blurted out about shapard,
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it was then my wife. “what a shapard, what are you, it wasn’t a shapard, but i don’t understand very well, besides, varum outdid her husband by giving him the keys to a brand new foreign car on his fiftieth birthday, to be honest, dear, but you know, everything is learned by comparison, but since in america there is such a unique way of lending, lysine, it was quite affordable for me, guys, “i persuaded my wife not to do this for a whole year.” i say: “machka, please don’t do this, because it’s wrong, i’m the man in the family, i give cars to everyone.” the musician kept his word, but angelika varum was not impressed with the car. listen, a car is a very impermanent thing, there was one car, it became a new one, you know? a film crew comes to the aid of leonid agutin of our program, maybe a whole island, really, a whole island, let’s say, i’m trying
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to understand what program you’re using? you’re asking so much, now you won’t believe it for sure, yes, that’s what i said, and i’m already mechanically saying something, i’m thinking to myself, where can i insert it, you won’t believe this phrase, agutin likes such an unusual a gift, you won’t believe it, leonid agutin gave his wife an island, cool, i gave my wife an island, there was a small ownerless island, here’s an ownerless island on the kama river, just...
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i knew about psychics during the project. the singer is skeptical about sorcerers and clairvoyants, so he decided to check the participants in the battle. if we talk about isoterics, fortune telling, cards, then do you believe this? when it’s profitable, yes, when it’s not profitable, i don’t believe it. when bilan was informed that he clearly had a crown of celibacy, he brushed it off, because all this was from the realm of superstition, but the singer was seriously frightened when the predictions of psychics began to come true one after another. it was said that i would pass nearby. with my relative, grandmother, we had to fly from mineralnye vody, but our flight was changed and we had to go by train, and i completely accidentally ended up in my city, literally passing through the city of maysky, i came out stunned, because we had not planned to go by train at all, and not far from the railway there is such a royal farm, and there is my grandmother’s grave, and of course i was surprised, i wrote to everyone, i called my mother, said that my god, my god, what a coincidence, and
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after that it’s impossible not to believe yours? bilan recalls finding pins, twisted nails and other objects in his house, with the help of which it allegedly causes damage to the eyes, you can’t put all these things in the spotlight, yes they exist, but there are also some rational considerations, psychics said that the crown of celibacy is a greeting to bilan from his distant past, in in his youth he had a sweetheart who performed this terrible magical rite, the abenets of celibacy were removed, we are looking into this option. i don’t rush into all seriousness right after what i heard there, so i sort it all out somehow, then i start somehow figure it out, but girls flock to bilan like bees to meth, so olga buzova, barely hearing the singer’s voice, climbs onto the table and tries to seduce her colleague on stage. in the footage of this video, bilan is completely flirting with alesya sudzelovskaya, they are like lovers holding hands, hugging, the singer even tickles the actress, where is her husband
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sergei looking? they're not jealous of their exes dim, but do you generally like flirting? i love it, what about you and alesya sudilovskaya? i’ll just take you and break you off, very good friends, very good and we have been friends for a long time with... with her family. at the russian music awards ceremony, dima bilan is spotted wearing a massive silver ring on the ring finger of his right hand. the singer laughs it off, this doesn’t mean anything, because it’s comfortable to wear here, comfortable, really comfortable, and so you hold the microphone, it still shines well, you know, it shines. forty-two-year-old bilan is still single. how can i marry you? it is very important that she is not maximally socialized in terms of social networks. once upon a time family over something you work and why are you trying so that the crowd doesn’t take it away, this is very important, i would like to meet someone like this, if she is not on social networks, a national republic, perhaps there is also, you know, not a metropolis, where, in principle
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, girls exist, live, who do not know their worth in the good sense of the word, that is, not everything is for sale, dima bilan does not hide, he had his heart broken more than once, there were happy relationships that fed me for many years, in the sense of emotionally, he wrote a lot of music , it was on this powder on gunpowder here those previous relationships, fell into depression after such a relationship, fell into depression, depression occurs precisely in these moments, when you have not processed all this in yourself, bilan does not turn to psychologists, his strong point is spiritual practices, for the first time in my life i set myself a weekend three things, what are you going to do, i’m hugging with...
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but very professional, he sort of straightened out all my joints, and sang at that moment, that is, yes, something about myself, i think so,
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well, it’s necessary, i even went to see an osteopath who sings, but what’s wrong, music follows me everywhere, bilana or a personal energy practitioner who helps the singer achieve his goals and overcome life's obstacles is... that after such powerful therapy his crown of celibacy will blow away like the wind, so the psychics predicted that very soon the singer will become a father, you will have children in a few more years they guessed for 2 years, this is very good, why does the singer slava need a crypt in a country house, this is my house, i will say that everything should be my way, for whose sake the young woman alena apina, her body wants to go to rest, but they tell him no, to stand. how much do furry actors earn, in my hand there has always been sausage, is it really that animals have a cooler rider than their two-legged colleagues, the famous wolves who played in the game of thrones, we’ll see for ourselves in a couple of minutes, the personal life of a dictator, some of you have
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oil rigs, there are palaces, there are vineyards , palaces and yachts that zelensky is hiding, maybe you have a yacht or some kind of bank, his billions that he stole from his own, you only have loans. eat something in the evening and now mobilization, what awaits him this sunday? if you want to live, run, tomorrow at 6:00 pm on ntv. via superstar premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on sunflower seeds from martin, the quality is always top notch! there are classics that people like more and more,
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don’t do fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, don’t create fashionable things, give you the opportunity to be the center of attention. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbank, huh. we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. stars. the final. today at 21:20 on ntv. carbon deposits on metal, grease on plastic, dirt on sneakers. enough! universal cleaning paste - just shine from liamax. simply and quickly, you will defeat the dirt on white leather sneakers. clean congealed fat from plastic kettle and metal surface of the toaster. there is a new look with a stainless steel product, just the shine will clean
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the tv presenter is celebrating her anniversary; it has been 20 years
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since she has been on the silver screen. well, olya, wonderful, my eldest daughter came to congratulate me, but the youngest didn’t even go to school, and i said, let’s go together, kolya, my youngest daughter is shy, but today she wanted to go out in public, i’m so pleased, because today is my birthday, singer valeria and joseph prigozhin congratulate my stage colleagues, happy birthday, you are so good, why don’t you congratulate me? i thought to her, i was amazed how time flies, girls like that what girls, look how sweet they are , mother. but where is the common-law husband of fame , businessman anatoly danilitsky? he gave me a lot of money so that i could buy myself a gift. i want everyone to be healthy, especially me, so i will probably spend all the money on health. the day before, slava said that anatoly did not make her happy at all. the singer so wants to feel like a woman, her
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bedroom is filled with arctic cold, how much do i need? 44, yes, he, i don’t even know how much, is 73, of course we have a huge difference in... fame there’s more than enough energy, even on rare weekends she doesn’t sit still, the singer has started renovations in her country house, your secret room will be like a crypt there, not really a crypt , you know, when it’s cold, you’ll climb in there and just sit there for a while in in the crypt, think about the future, freeze a little, come out with a different mood, maybe i’ll do it, and at night the glory disappears in a striptease with clubs, girls, guys, dance, love, relax,
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in a hurry in prokhovnits, slava assures, i’m having sex , but you don’t, it’s a joke there was someone for whom to be young, alena apina, the village wants to retire, but they tell him: no, you can’t stand, your wound and your body are resisting you, fifty-nine-year-old apina does not hide the fact that she has taken herself seriously, a singer, otherwise the legends have already they don’t call it a legend, a legend of the domestic stage, but this has status. you have to live up to it, if you chose this profession, you have no other way, nowhere to go, but thank you for the compliment, i think it could be better. apina is tired of listening to constant reproaches from fans who believe that the singer i’ve neglected myself, i look bad, that i have a distorted face, i’m somehow especially
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wounded, now alena apina is disappearing in an aesthetic medicine clinic, the singers had laser rejuvenation, thanks to which... sapin had a chin lift, the star of the nineties was given local anesthesia laser lipolys, they made a puncture on the face, inserted a probe that killed her fat cells within 20 minutes, such a procedure costs a quarter of a million rubles, but, as experts assure, the result lasts forever... maybe even go to a plastic surgeon? you do you think it's necessary? no, i don't need anything. alena apina has already gone under the plastic surgeon’s knife. 3 years ago, the singers underwent abdomenoplasty, formed a thin waist, and pumped all the collected fat into the buttock. there is only one diet, don’t eat, don’t eat, you need to put this sign on the refrigerator and don’t
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eat, that’s it. the ex-soloist of the group is too lazy to go to fitness, but she found a way out. apina lifts dumbbells without leaving the sofa. “i hate dancing, i hate sports, now she ’s got me so worked up that i’m just waiting every day, we’re with her every day we practice every day and everyone tells me: “oh my god, you’ve become so flexible,” but i forced them on myself, i’m great, i’m about to get into dancing, alena apina assures me that she made such sacrifices for her anniversary concert, daily rehearsals with a choreographer, with a coach, with an arranger and so on, in general, life - from bell to bell, it is beautiful, full of those moments for which you really, really want to live on and please yourself, you all, in show business they whisper like that.. apina also tries for her beloved musician . alexei tumanov, 2 years younger than her. he never leaves the singer's side. this is my
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sound engineer. meet my sound engineer. who is not a sound engineer, almost your husband? no, i won't. until recently , apina assured that the musician is just a friend to her, who goes with her to the cinema, concerts and birthdays of friends. how do you feel about being considered? guys, i have a family. “but tumanov is divorced, which means nothing prevents alena apina from considering him as a potential groom, a lot of good things should happen, y’all you say in such riddles, yes god, no, well, no, if i was going to get married, they knew about it first, no, it’s not that i don’t dream about it, i don’t need a dream about it, personally everything is fine for me, i i definitely don’t need to get married, apina’s only daughter is also in no hurry to get married, although the twenty-two-year-old has a boyfriend.
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how much do animal actors earn, excuse me, please come here, i always had a sausage in my hand, what kind of rider do four-legged animals have and how do they pass the casting, why is it so hard for celebrities to compete with furry partners, these are just alpha males, georgy dronov was lucky, in the thriller rabies he starred with hollywood stars, these were wolves, famous wolves who played in the game of thrones, we had several. from dating, so that the wolves can sniff us, when an animal approximately knee-high with a head
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almost like a bear approaches you, you understand that your chances are minimal, stars from america, who in their homeland receive crazy fees from 500 dollars for one filming day, in russia they immediately showed where the crayfish spend the winter, the wolves were filmed in altai at -35, the wolves got scared a little, of course, when they were brought to our territory, the trainer said that the cage...
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among filmmakers this rather rare breed is worth its weight in gold . land is landland's closest relative, he is both a rescue companion and,
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as it turns out, a talented actor. so i play him, so to speak, the partner of an assistant and police officer, captain klimov makar. he bathed under a project, specifically the bim project, he came to me at 7 months, we started with him study, in a year, a year and two, they began filming the first episode of feodosia, he was such a butterfly, fluttering around, shuffling half the group. the director of scenes with animals, andrei dolgov, admits. his dog and nikiforova were united not only by their love of cinema, denis and nikiforov have a special love for cheesecakes, denis occasionally treats him with cheesecakes, the grandmothers from the entrance watch the series and treat him to cheesecakes. the pound, as befits a screen star, has a ryder; on the set he requires a separate grimwagen. he has his own big booth on wheels, which is all his, let's go to. ammunition, a bunch of all sorts of goodies,
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liquid food, dry food, loose food, how about... it starts, about a couple of three kilograms she loses, she gets in shape so that the fat goes away, so that it is in a ton, once a month and a half to two months you need to go to to the groomer, professionally, we, the fees of the shaggy stars of the biam series are a trade secret, for one shift, the shift there is no more than 6 hours, but in 6 hours you can buy four or five twenty-kilogram bags of food there for him. a bag of elite dog food costs 20,000 rubles. means for one shooting day a pound earns almost 100,000. some two-legged stars never dreamed of this, this year they celebrated his fifth anniversary, the film crew gave him a large local cake, the cake was entirely made of meat, beef and with candles, like yuri kuklachev’s cats put valery zolotukhin himself in his belt, he said splash , splash, shoo, who helped agatha mutsaniyatse get alimony out of her ex-husband, bear cub, why the singer maxim
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was accused of ill-treating stepan the bear, marks were left on my back. became very close, he says, the last beijing, very moscow, friendship, i want to understand why people are dying in our village, because you extinguish them, what are you, a fool, who is this, yes, i collected microloans, this is their collector, money is dust, and i vacuum cleaner, i’m a little worried, as i don’t want to blow away
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dmitry malikov before sparring, bravo, vobra, your performance. just a complete merchant, stars, finale! today six finalists will perform before us, but only one will be the winner, today at 21:20 on ntv. the general partner of the show is vtb bank, everything will work out. via superstar, premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. every day sophia's life is excruciating pain and suffering. the girl has the most complex scoliosis of the fourth degree. the spine is literally folded in half, the internal organs are compressed and displaced. due to her illness, sophia cannot not only walk, but also sit. at night the girl cries in pain. moscow specialists can help and cure the child. doctors are ready
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cat boris, known throughout the country from advertising cat food, as soon as it sees the camera, it immediately begins to work for the viewer. boris shows who's boss. yes, yes, baby, yes. boris the cat has many heirs. she's already over 50 there. we leave it. we give ourselves the very most talented ones, and we give the rest into good hands. yuri kuklachev's son dmitry shares: in their theater of cats, no matter where you throw them, you will come across a screen star. sailor cat also came to us, he is also the star of an advertisement for one of the cat foods, that red cat is also a movie star, he starred in the film domovoy, his name is peter, he played a film with cherkov, that’s right, exactly, seryozha, and how much does such a shooting day cost, that’s a thousand. rubles up to several tens of thousands, depending on the task, the theater receives money to make their life comfortable, they present a separate dressing room, of course, the cat comes out, the frame itself, does what he needs to go back to rest
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in his dressing room, kuklachev’s pets come film set prepared inside and out, trainers in advance rehearsing every scene with them, when everyone is sitting in the studio, i think it’s strange, wow, how cool, wow, cat. what did she do, wow, she ran, wow, she turned, wow, she looked, in fact, all this is achieved in advance, so she leaves - one or two takes for each frame, the actors are actually uncomfortable being with the animal in the frame, cats such creatures, you can’t beat them, even seasoned actors will never be able to cope with them, kuklachev’s son recalls how valery zolotukhin himself envied the cat that played with him in one performance, because all the applause, as a rule, went to her, and he said: splash, splash, shoo, dima, take the cat and leave with it, i say, why? he says: then i can’t play anything, as soon as i left, i took everything, the hall, the hall with me, and that’s evgeniy.


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