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tv   Odnazhdi  NTV  May 20, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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money down the drain! kiev launched hundreds of drones towards russia. who was this expensive fireworks display for? not an accidental death. the iranian president died in a helicopter crash. what versions are being put forward by the western press and who has already been blamed for this tragedy. this is where mr. raysit and the maximum security school crashed . in russia they can return grades for behavior, but for...
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as you know, of course, from the news, this was all yesterday evening, the first messages began to appear, these are the frames that we will now show you, this is the morning and today's picture, absolutely all news agencies showed it, this is the office of the president of the islamic republic and an empty chair with a mourning ribbon, his funeral will take place on tuesday in tabriz, rescuers found the wreckage of the presidential helicopter at an altitude of almost 2,500 m in the mountains, and found it 12 hours later after that...
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with a thermal imager and broadcasting his flights online on the flight radar portal on social networks, over a million people watched. if there are heat signals, it means there are living people, but there is no such signal. bodies, which are visible are cold, the cabin is completely burned out. moscow was one of the first to respond to the alarming news from iran, on the instructions of the president on monday night, when the fate of reisi and his associates was still unclear. two planes of the ministry of emergency situations were sent to iran. 50 rescuers are our search helicopter. in the morning, when everything had already become clear, vladimir putin expressed condolences over the death of the iranian president and other members of his delegation, he called reisi an outstanding politician and a true friend of russia. readiness to provide comprehensive assistance to tehran, the president said the day before, during a meeting with the iranian ambassador to moscow kazem jalali, it was reported that defense minister andrei belousov, chief of the general staff valery gerasimov and secretary of the security council were present at these negotiations. the iranian presidency
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has just begun, but there are countries that are already trying in every possible way to deny their involvement in the incident. the israeli authorities, through their channels on social networks and in the press, have already made it clear to other countries that tel aviv has nothing to do, as they say, with the crash of risi’s helicopter. the us state department refrained from making assessments, saying that the department was monitoring the situation, while the influential publication time was trying. there is no other way to put it, turn the tables on azerbaijan, calling it iran’s least friendly neighbor, which also has close ties with the israeli massacre. the european union promised to provide iran with data from the copernicus satellite surveillance system at tehran’s request, but it is not reported whether it was eventually used; it has already been brought to brussels condolences to iran in connection with the tragedy. with passion, the western press is now studying reisi's replacement, albeit temporary until the next elections, which will take place in the next few years. for 50 days he
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will become first vice president mahamad mahber. what do we know about him? western publications describe him as a conservative politician close to the spiritual leader of the islamic republic, aitali khaminiya. the rating agency writes that makhber, who is 68 years old, is a hardliner in relations with the west, and personally promoted the issue of supplying iran with russian weapons, allegedly for this purpose he came to negotiations in moscow in october 2022. in parallel, the mainstream western press is trying in every possible way to rock the boat in iran, spreading fake news about the joy of local residents when they first learned the news about the death of the president. we see mixed reactions to his death in iran. people celebrate on the streets of tehran. many mock his death on social media, but those who supported the regime head to the shrines to pray. the authors of this stuffing were members of the iranian opposition, who released
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footage online in which the iranians, you see them, allegedly set off fireworks in honor of the death of the president, in fact, people really took to the streets of iranian cities en masse, but... in order to pray for the head of the islamic republic and everyone who accompanied him, picked up the topic in ukrainian social networks, rejoiced at the death of raisi, even ukrainian officials, albeit the most frostbitten ones, the president of iran, raisi, the president of iran, reisi, it would have been necessary to travel by the ukrainian railway, everything would have been good, and so, you know, they buried my mother-in-law, tore two button accordions, we hope for good news, they are already celebrating in tehran, posting photos and video fireworks. well, there is, of course, a lot of conspiracy theories regarding what happened to the iranian president, because there was a fiza last week, i would divide it into two parts, one is, as it were, with such an international flavor, that’s what you said , there is israel, allegedly there is massat-azerbaijan, the second conspiracy theory, well
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, these are the internal subtleties of the structure of the islamic republic, the code of islamic guards revolution, here is their relationship and so on and so on, but this. a lot of honor, it’s just that iran is structured in such a way that yes, of course, the president of the country is a very high-ranking person, but he doesn’t determine, well, foreign policy issues, he meant that the death will be confirmed, it’s him even before everything ? then the good news is that there will be a different relationship between iran and russia, what kind of thing are they, that they exchanged blame, that iran, therefore, supplies the russians with drones, but now this will not happen, then we justify it, this is an animal just waiting for death, in any case, in any case, we will probably
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return to this topic in the coming days, because of course, one way or another, the established configuration in the world is changing a little, now that we’ve talked about drones, let’s return k... here we must pay tribute to andrei vladimorovich, there was, well, such an infrequently occurring event, when andrei vladimirovich’s forecast was confirmed, although he made it a year ago, about the fact that ukraine will use drones, drones on a massive scale
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they’ll just fly to us, like a swarm of some kind of mosquitoes, he talked about this last year, so we waited, because on weekends, there are several nights in a row. well, if you do the math, there’s really just talk about hundreds of drones that are being launched into the crimea, the krasnodar territory, well, belgorod, bryansk-kursk - this is also traditional. let's look at our first story. on sunday night , russian air defense forces destroyed more than 60 ukrainian drones. as told in our ministry of defense, the main blow fell on the krasnodar region. 57 drones were shot down there. one of the targets was a military airfield in the kushchovo district. three more drones were shot down in the belgorod region, one uav and nine atacoms missiles were intercepted and destroyed over crimea. there were no serious injuries. kiev made an even larger-scale attempt to attack russian territories on
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friday night. according to the russian military department, more than 100 ukrainian drones were shot down. fifty drones were destroyed over crimea, another 44 in krasnodarka. region, six uavs were also intercepted in the belgorod region, another in the kursk region. the ukrainian armed forces attacked not only from the air, the ministry of defense reported the liquidation of 25 enemy unmanned aircraft. the authorities of novorossiysk also reported local fires. in the belgorod region , a fuel tank at a gas station caught fire due to a drone strike. another blow hit a civilian vehicle.
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that is, an air defense system and hit strategic targets in russia. the bloomberg agency writes that such raids allegedly brought out almost 15% of our country’s oil refining capacity is already out of order. against this background , the terrorist zelensky became so embarrassed that he promised western sponsors a new counter-offensive. there are prospects for such a counteroffensive. to do this, we must first stabilize the situation at the front. i would say so, now it’s their turn. and they must be stopped in order to calculate the next counter-offensive steps. well, about plans for
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a counteroffensive a little later, let’s now return to this forecast from andrei vladimorovich last year: first, why we’ve been preparing for so long, secondly, the assessments of your contacts, preferably more serious than this goncharenko, who climbed through here again, as they estimate, this is really a great success, because so far there really aren’t any results. more, that is, what is their idea: send as many drones as possible to deplete our
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air defense system, this is the first, second, of course, so to speak, this is preparation for new actions, next week a new massive drone strike is planned on crimea, and this tactic will continued, it is very effective from this point of view, again, that is, to force russia, in addition to causing damage to our air defense system, what should it be like? including, by the way, oil refineries, because indeed, today there is slavyansk and so on, almost every oil refinery in the zone of 300-400 km of the ukrainian border has now been subjected to attacks, and many, unfortunately, have actually either failed or suspended work, and so on further, namely the refineries, not a single one failed, they suspended work for several days, but again we won’t, we won’t exceeding is the task.
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it’s surprising that kharkov, which is now several dozen away from the line of combat contact, has ceased to be such a center. bogdanich, first of all, i would like to say that strikes with such drones are, of course, very effective in terms of media and pr. they cannot disrupt logistics, a military operation, so we just, excuse me, blew up a gas storage facility there, on belchego street, one of the two largest ones, and in general now energy generation in ukraine, thanks to the attacks that i always, by the way, called on the energy infrastructure, it will now gradually fade away, secondly, as for anti-aircraft missiles and air defense in general, let's look at the other side, just now an american specialist, he stated that
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a crisis has arisen for ukraine due to the depletion of missiles, they are asking for a patriot and they are asking... using low-speed propeller-driven aircraft and so on, that is, we will minimize this expense and so that no
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why, just like when it comes to beat with an inexpensive rocket absolutely right several small arms shots. here i agree, or an aircraft like the yak-52 or even a wartime fighter, it is much cheaper than one combat helicopter by tens of times, with the advent of the era of jet aviation, this whole system, it actually went well to the periphery, but we don’t have it now produces shilki or something else, in fact it is effective against drones, it is effective, the last point: yes, of course, they can strike with these drones? they may even set something on fire somewhere and so on, but this will only cause more a big reaction on our part, we didn’t bomb either the infrastructure or transport logistics, so in an amicable way, not the distribution stations at nuclear power plants, which remain the last powerful ones, but it’s time, so this will eventually come to the point, it will come to the point that russia will simply give an even more powerful answer, transport logistics there will be completely disrupted, including fuel
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and energy, in this case no drones, hamass, he lives, excuse me, on the territory of two... so that the media can simply feed him some picture, show him to the west, what did you give weapons, that means we are trying, because this gives you the opportunity to start talking about a new counter-offensive, they don’t have any plan for it in this particular direction, because what was said today is some kind of nonsense, well, look , let me briefly reproduce one sentence, yes, they are trying to take out our air defenses, the question is, why, in order to strike with f16,
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yeah, all 50 of them, but the maximum. when we do this we actually use gyraniums and missiles there to take out the air defenses in ukraine, because after that we actually use our missiles and our aircraft to strike at the energy infrastructure, at the military infrastructure, at these idiotic workshops where they make drones, it’s clear to us why, why they are there, they will then be there in the krasnodar region f16, let’s just do it again, you probably didn’t hear me, so... we just showed you this picture, a picture for a non-professional person, of course, it ’s impressive, yes, when we have all this there, then it’s upsetting , yes, that means zelensky shows the same picture, there to the conditional blinkin, as he says, look, you see how, come on, now we need a little more, and we, what did he say, then go on a new offensive, here
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you have an explanation, no, it doesn’t explain anything, because the counter-offensive is unrealistic.
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is it time for the united states to reconsider ukraine's ban on the use of american weapons for offensive purposes? we do not encourage or tolerate attacks using our supplied weapons systems. for this purpose, kyiv demands to send western instructors directly to the front line. journalists note that nato allies are getting closer to sending military personnel to ukraine; the alliance itself does not exclude this option. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. brown said sending nato instructors to ukraine is inevitable. it is obvious that discussions on this topic are already underway at a very high level. we must
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do everything we can to help ukraine without entering into direct conflict with russia. however, some allies of kiev are already ready to send their soldiers to die for ukraine. the other day, the french press reported that paris is testing a new reconnaissance group, which - quote: will be useful in ukraine. this is interesting for us, because now these trainings are more relevant than ever. germany can also come to the aid of kiev. on saturday , bundestag defense committee member jo wein garten called for protection. the sky over ukraine from the territory of nato countries, that is, the alliance should place patriot systems in poland, slovakia and hungary and try to shoot down something in the ukrainian sky from there. other deputies, however, are here
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they opposed it, because this is direct participation in the conflict; they are in no hurry to directly fight with russia in britain. ukraine is waging a war against russia, which now threatens nato itself. we do not want to be in direct conflict with russia, but we will supply weapons and resources to kiev, we do everything for ukraine, but we... the ukrainian military, it is clear that these are not two people, and the united states, helping to choose targets deep in the russian territory, to what extent any of this may correspond to reality, everything is first, everything corresponds by 10 percent, key quote from the last speaker, we are not going to fight the minister of defense.
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to understand, well, when there are frank conversations on the sidelines, you know, much more than what people say from television screens, well,
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they don’t want to fight and... they don’t want to fight and they won’t fight, that is, everything we heard from macron, over the course of several weeks, there were several waves: we send troops, we send to odessa, we send, it was all such fuss, this is psychological warfare, this is pressure, this is so that life is not honey it seemed that this was so that there would not be that comfortable situation that, as they believe, the kremlin had and remains, when the kremlin knows in advance all the moves of the opponent, in this case the western opponent, knows where the red lines are, so for...
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a show per capita per unit of airtime we have the maximum, nothing like that in france, they have special channels dedicated to this, here is lsi, we sometimes let you stand from there, listen, once it was raining , i had a telephone conversation there, i returned to the hotel early, i turned it on at 4:00 pm and non-stop continued non-stop until one in the morning, the plots work, well, in principle, well, i’m not taking your program, after all, we’re 2 hours, well, that’s how...
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fluent, listen, this can actually be a dissertation there write, i was immersed in all this, in short, why am i saying this, those who are eager to fight, they are mainly on these talk shows, and normal people, listen, in all this time there has not been a single negative moment at all not even a half-hint, because i didn’t hide it anywhere, but it’s not clear why there’s such media pressure on the french woman if she doesn’t give in
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management, some are needed. i was unpleasantly surprised by how much their hosts, well , the main political talk shows, how much they do not hide the fact that they are not journalists at all, that they are activists, we showed a piece when they plowed for there was also an lci, a man in different windows, well, he was sitting there yes, there are six people there, so they saw pavel zarubin in china and began to discuss him, what he is like - they most carefully monitor everything that is happening.
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what's there? you made a fool, or what? so, you can have a heart attack. sergey zhirkov, captain, chatting with the fish. dolphins are not fish, and his dolphin is returning. andrey, there is still time to wind down the operation. well, i can’t, i’ll just sit around doing nothing. what's there? yes, it looks like murder. to get everyone out. to be clear, here in the south sea, what doesn’t happen here, but here’s a murder with a crossbow arrow for the first time, like that, andryukha, they’re knocking down one by one, it seems to me that this is a hook, a dolphin, a new season, i’ll contact you, how long will it take? just don’t get it, soon on ntv, via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv,
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people to assassinate the prime minister. they, apparently, were trying to cover their tracks. about 2 hours after the attack, strelka’s social media account posted the history of correspondence and messages has been completely cleared. and this could not have been done by the attacker himself. the question of the involvement of tsintula’s wife in the assassination attempt still remains open, the woman was detained by the police, here is her photograph, you see in the background, she covers the face of the newspaper when she is being taken for interrogation. it is with her figure that the possible participation of the ukrainian special services in this case is associated. let's talk about this in more detail. according to data that is now being actively discussed in slovak social networks, the writer’s wife was a refugee from ukraine, a typical westerner. even a euromaidan activist, this was allegedly found out from screenshots
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of correspondence that fell into the hands of the slovak police. it is noted that tsintula’s wife not only could have known about the impending assassination attempt, but was also, if you like, its ideological inspirer. she actively incited her husband to kill and called for revenge on the prime minister for refusing to supply weapons to ukraine. however, well, for the sake of objectivity, let’s say that the slovak investigation has not yet provided official confirmation of all these rumors on social networks. as for itself. tula, then him acquaintances say that in recent years the man was literally filled with anger and hatred, he said that he hated gypsies, made anti-russian statements, and other details of his biography were revealed, according to the slovak press, the investigation found a dossier on tsintulu, it is dated 1989, he came to the attention of the special services, he then came not just because of anti-communist views, but for subversive...
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tsk transferred almost 100,000 requests to the ministry of internal affairs
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search among the colonists. most of those who avoid mobilization are in the dnepropetrovsk region. there were almost 40,000 of them. another 9.0 draft dodgers in the chernigov region, almost 5.00 in the kharkov region. at the same time , not all regions of the country were included in the statistics, which means, the local press emphasizes, there may be much more draft dodgers in ukraine. mostly, evaders use bypass roads and go around the checkpoint. now only those who have it go through checkpoints. if we talk about the rezerv plus application, about
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the new service that launched on may 18, and in fact, it immediately caused a great stir, about 260 thousand ukrainians clarified their data, updated their data, in fact. as for the reserve plus application itself, the ukrainian authorities did not bother themselves much, and as the press found out, they simply copied it entirely from the application for schoolchildren maria, which... ukraine's figures were presented in february. they also did not change the options for logging into the application, either by fingerprint or by scanning a face. they even forgot to remove terms in the program code, where homework assignments, teacher grades, missed classes are indicated , notifications for parents. at the same time, even ukrainian media doubt that residents will voluntarily install reserve plus on their phones. and they joke bitterly that to do this they need to somehow attract potential recruits. for example, stories that through this application you can watch
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sports broadcasts for free, such as the recent fight for the world title in boxing between the ukrainian and british fury. i'll return it, are you ready? everyone has updated their details in reserve plus application. while in ukraine they are looking for cloners, the western press admits that radical mobilization has already become a real threat. stand up as dck employees pick up bus drivers straight from their workplaces. no, but nevertheless, the pictures seem to be fresh, it’s nothing like people walking along the streets, from the front to the bottom, still explain what ’s happening there, because the theater is absurd ; i haven’t seen any videos from dnepropetrovsk, kharkov, or kiev , but from many cities
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where empty streets are actually peopled, and the shops are empty, the streets are empty, and this is at one o'clock in the afternoon, beautiful weather.
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you see, if zelensky, he says that a counter-offensive, something like that, some factors that, but first, as he said, we need to stabilize the front, i just saw it over the weekend, in my opinion, that means , this is kharkov, well, in the sense of the region, dnepropetrovsk region, they are removing
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these dragon teeth, these ones, which should actually be placed, like these anti-tank barriers, but you can imagine, even at least...
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there are soldiers sitting there with rifles and fighting back, in fact this is not so, it is very multi-level, yes, it is a very expensive pleasure, there are minefields, anti-tank ditches, depending on what you compare it with there was also a stenaka and it’s worth it, and it’s very worth it considerable financial resources, if we are talking about the kharkov direction, the price of the issue is 1.1 billion dollars for the construction of fortifications, in fact it turned out that in fact there is nothing there, well, partly, maybe there is in that short area. where they brought zelensky, showed him, he was pleased, he tymoshenko’s friend, who oversees all, everything, all of this construction, and yes, to understand, in ukraine there are no engineering troops within the ministry of defense, all these structures are built exclusively by private companies, businesses, all these structures
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are built by businesses, this is yours there are engineering troops that can attract business, equipment for the construction of fortifications , and all that. managed by the presidential advisor without the right to sign, but he manages all finances, exclusively business is involved, that’s it, the money has come in, here’s one company there is, yes, the founder of this company, a man convicted of stealing a bottle of whiskey in a store, how much do you think this company received for the construction of fortifications, 18 million hryvnia, 18 million hryvnia, that’s all, well, what can we talk about, well done, good they work, alexander nikolaevich, taking into account all this, because from the front. also, he didn’t come up with all this himself, it’s all one way or another transmitted through russian and ukrainian social networks, they will collect the required number, people know that they will be sent to slaughter, they see that...
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all illnesses allow us to serve, that’s exactly how the deputies explain to us, if you’re not fit, you won’t be sent, for everyone else - it may be different work, but still
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closer to the front line, even, finally, there is one more thing, which means directors enterprises were required to submit lists of military registration and enlistment offices, so in connection with this, many people had to quit, they seemed to disappear from the field of view. well, now the following: on the 27th, as everyone well knows, zelensky’s term of office ends, today, today, in short, on the twenty-seventh they planned hypothetically, again i don’t presume to predict, they planned hypothetically some speeches in order to still declare zelensky illegitimate, who was it who was dreaming this, i didn’t hear what they had...
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to telegram channels these are all the horrors while i was on the trip, i somehow, due to forced mobilization, well, i always think a little, you never know, suddenly propaganda called my ukrainian friends there, girlfriends, acquaintances for a long time, we haven’t communicated for almost 3 weeks, and here are two two stories, they just told one in their immediate circle i won't. which cities are big or do you understand how afraid i am now how many details will you say big cities or small cities no about kiev i’ll call history and this i’ll say one of the large russian-speaking cities the person had a military id, which means he has hypertension so seriously that there’s a white ticket and that’s it he went, well, somehow the registration took away his ticket, wait, check, check , they bring in 40 minutes a new ticket, he
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will be sent to the front, he has been there for 2 weeks, one story, another story, a seventeen-year-old girl goes with her boyfriend, classmate, well, obviously her boyfriend is in the kiev metro, they are both tall, she plays basketball there, he’s probably even taller than her, the people from the shopping center are straight up wringing the guy face down. she screams, but can’t do anything, they take him away, they scream, he’s only 17 years old, no one hears anything, his parents pulled him out of the basements of this shopping center for three days, pulled him out, thank god, they pulled out the guy, but well, these are the stories , here is the french tv, since you were in france now, about this about something says, well, at least a little bit like that, maybe some video will show a beautiful one, as for the fact that all these videos are the worst thing in journalism - these are black and white pictures of the world, that’s where it got out of
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the black and white picture of the world, this is what the french correspondent does. he sat on television in donetsk and from donetsk he still conveyed his feelings when there were ukrainian shellings, he talked about this, this is the only one, here are these stories that andrei vladimoyich says that this is all nonsense, no, no, another story, me i just returned from donbass, i was in mariupol, i was just traveling from mariupol to donetsk by bus and the ukrainian radio invaded there, i don’t know why they didn’t jam it, but it doesn’t matter, and two people were sitting there and were just discussing the new law on mobilization , it already came into force on may 18, one said: well, well, people should be sent for re-examination there, that’s exactly what maxim anatolyevich was talking about, the second one started to fuss and said: you know, well, yes, but after all, these medical certification commissions, they will now be overcrowded, there are also a lot of military men there who have recovered, they also need to come, well, in general , there will be no re-examinations, perhaps there won’t be such real ones at the treatment and medical commissions, as i understand from the ukrainian broadcast, because they will refer to their
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overload, to the fact that doctors are overloaded with the military, so here you are... what time to waste right away, what time to waste, here is a military man ahead of us for training, maxim apisal, that’s it, yes, yes, yes, we need to take a break, a short break, let’s move on to the next topic , via superstar, today we will sing our songs empress, irina allegrova, the fifth member of the jury, everyone’s favorite irina olegrova, will also give marks, let’s go.
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and receive cashback for purchases up to 25% in rubles vtb together everything will work out, in order to make money on my savings, i open a deposit in tenki with a rate of 17%, i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission, open a deposit with tenki with a rate of 17% per annum. tinkov, he’s the only one. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, then we will have such a topic related to the struggle for discipline, but the next information block is dedicated to news from georgia, i have
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such a section, not even so much from georgia, andre lich, these columns are crazy, so what? here the politician's publication tells us that the united states is preparing sanctions against georgian government officials who promoted the law on foreign agents in the country . rapprochement with russia, all this, all these sanctions are going to be introduced to protect democracy. the text of a bill being prepared by the american congress fell into the hands of journalists from this political publication. the bill suggests that officials from the ruling georgian dream party, as well as security forces who suppressed protests in tbilisi, could face asset freezes ban on entry into the united states. it is explained this way: belisi, i will quote here, openly attacked the united states and other western...
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the holder of a french passport and part-time president of georgia, salame zarubeshvili, on saturday imposed, imposed, excuse me, vetoed the scandalous law on foreign agents, called it russian and unconstitutional, now in order to overcome this veto, the parliament must once again vote for the document, the majority of deputies must support the document, but with one signature, one veto to mrs. it didn’t seem enough for zarubishvili, she wrote a letter to her, well, that is, the french president.


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