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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a five-day mourning period has been declared in iran in connection with the death of the president of the republic. a unit of the southern group of troops completely took control of the village of belogorovka in the lpr. almost 15 billion rubles
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will come from the federal budget. beram, to whom the duties of chief executive were temporarily transferred after the death of ibrahim reisi in a plane crash. vladimir putin expressed condolences to the authorities and people of the islamic republic and noted that he knew and appreciated risi well as a reliable partner who made a personal contribution to development of relations between moscow and tehran. both sides emphasized their commitment to further strengthening these ties. the helicopter carrying ruisi and a number of other government officials crashed the day before in the mountains in the north. in western iran, after a wave of conflicting media reports about the fate of the president, an official statement was made this morning that reisi suffered martyrdom. in iran , flags are lowered, cinemas are closed, and all cultural and sporting events are canceled for a week. several other countries also declared mourning. details from inna osipova. officially , the authorities of the islamic republic
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announced the death of the president of iran and everyone who was on board with him at 7 a.m. moscow time. servant of the iranian people, president of the islamic republic of iran, and this is alladoktor ebrahim raisi who achieved the high title of martyr on the path of serving the people. it took more than 16 hours to get to the site of the helicopter crash, rescuers did not have exact coordinates, and the search was complicated by extremely bad weather, thick fog, rain turning into snow, the ship was found after dawn, these shots are published by the iranian media, on a stretcher
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at... 212, the tasmin agency claims that the board was american-made, 212 was an outdated model. according to unconfirmed reports , the country purchased the helicopter on which the president was flying in 1971. the reason for the operation of such old equipment is the sanctions under which the country has lived for decades . the helicopter with the iranian president on board disappeared last evening. at first they said that one of the survivors had made contact, then this information was denied. to the search mission russia and other countries joined.
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our ministry of emergency situations decided. send 50 people and special equipment to help their iranian colleagues. in the helicopter, along with president raisi , was the head of the iranian foreign ministry, as well as other high-ranking officials. the delegation was returning after the discovery of platinum on the araks river in azerbaijan. on the same day there was another official event. this recording was published by iranian media. the video was recorded an hour before the president's death. ibrahim resi was 63 years old. he was born. resident in public service since 1980, for the first time reis ran for president in 2017, won the 2021 elections, and now, after the death of ibrahim resi, according to the iranian constitution, the powers of the president will pass to his first deputy. iran hopes that the death of risi will not have a negative impact on the internal political situation, will not affect the course and stability, especially since in the republic the bulk of power belongs to the spiritual leader, ali khamenia.
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inna osipova, anton talpov, television company. tv. vladimir putin discussed today in the kremlin socio-economic development of kabbardino-balkaria with the head of the republic kozbek kokov. the key attention was paid to the conversation. of course, you need to pay additional attention to the condition of kindergartens, schools, timely repairs, new construction and clinics need to be carried out. and fap. since 1918, we have introduced 55 new preschool education buildings, and accordingly, we will continue with a truly major overhaul, a very serious program. the head of kabordino balkaria also reported
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to the president that by the end of the year, capital repair and construction of clinics and medical and obstetric centers; over 7 billion rubles are allocated for the supply of modern medical equipment and vehicles in the republic. in the far east , the situation with natural fires has become more complicated; today there are 11 forest and dry grass fires in the amur region. almost 400 people and over seventy pieces of equipment are involved in the fire extinguishing effort. in the amur region , about a hundred air forest protection paratroopers were transferred by mi-8 helicopter to the camps located in the mountains. today our teams are already putting out the hard-to-reach fire. amur region, they work only manually, it is impossible to lift the mountain, the equipment is impossible, no help is expected from the weather, but our paratroopers have special training and experience. over the past 24 hours, four fires have been extinguished; today
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the wind is expected to increase in the amur region, which will certainly complicate extinguishing. let me note that a special fire regime has been in effect throughout the entire amur region since april 11. also, the chess regime was introduced in the khabarovsk trans-baikal territory, as well. in jewish autonomy, novosibirs was also at the mercy of bad weather today, a downpour with large hail and squally winds hit the city, it lasted only about half an hour, it ended as suddenly as it began, but left behind torn off roofs, fallen trees and washed out parking lots, well, she it’s still collapsing, don’t come close, take the car away, this is it, it’ll go away now, some streets have literally turned into rivers, well... weather forecasters said that similar phenomena in mid-may were promised to be the norm for novosibirsk residents there is still rain this week, although not as heavy. the ministry of defense reported that
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russian military groups south liberated the village of belogorovka, lpr, and units of the dnepr group of troops destroyed a ukrainian sabotage group on pereslavsky island. in addition, the team meeting was eliminated along with the meeting. composition of the 92nd and 95th assault brigades in the ssu. the total enemy losses per day exceeded 1,200 military personnel. four ammunition depots and an anti-aircraft missile radar station were destroyed arist complex manufactured in germany. and in the southern donetsk direction, the advance of the russian infantry is covered by crews of akatsiya self-propelled artillery mounts. our correspondent evgeny golovanov is on the front line with the soldiers. her crew prefers race walking. well, after just 15-20 minutes of waiting, the crew of the self-propelled gun received the coordinates of the next target and
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moved to the firing position. having found a small area in a forest belt, mikhvod, with the call sign colonel, parks the armored vehicle. it is necessary to operate the levers in order to point the gun in the right direction without causing any damage in the literal sense of the word. then aim the gun and wait for the command to open fire. basically, we work on strong points, we are given installation goals, we work on them, roll over, then continue to work. acacia shoots out from the acacia thickets, covering itself with petals, enemy positions, and high-explosive fragmentation shells. this weapon has already hit more than a hundred targets. the rate of fire of acacia is 3-4 shots per minute, but the speed. hitting a target depends not only on loading, but receiving corrections after the sighting shot, in order to at the same time mislead the enemy during radio interception, the artillerymen use a little trick. we mostly communicate in russian, but sometimes, well, because of some situations when
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it is necessary, well, to quickly attach a position, we sometimes use the buryat language, buryat counting, respectively numbers, as in buryatsky it sounds from one to five, you can count, noga , choir, gurva, durvo, talo, counter-battery forces are constantly trying to figure out the position of acacia ukrainian. calculations, the enemy is now on the defensive, not taking any offensive actions, based on this we can conclude that now he is not hoarding shells, the ukrainians are sending reconnaissance drones and attack drones to search for weapons. and the acacia is protected from them by a reinforced body kit and a garland of ordinary chains, i look at the grill, but it’s not standard, but they welded it themselves, why are these chains hanging from the drones, so that, accordingly, it would detonate in good time, here we have ammunition in the car so as not to there was direct contact and no detonation occurred, one of the enemy drones once even flew into an open hatch, managed to leave the vehicle in time, only
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the equipment inside was damaged, there was damage from the cumulative jet, we were lucky that it was below the ammunition rack, which we have here here, the entire body of the tower from the inside, it was burned, they installed part of the wiring and replaced the breech, which we need for work, and there is still a lot of work to be done, the more accurately they work, the more active and safer the infantry will advance. evgeniy golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv. with his chinese counterpart in ostan, tomorrow there will be a ministerial meeting of the shanghai cooperation organization, in early july the sco summit on the sidelines of which vladimir putin and xi zenping will meet again. wang yi today expressed gratitude that the russian president, after taking office, chose china for his first state visit. lavrov, in
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turn, said that the inauguration of lai qingde, the new head of the administration of the island, which beijing considers its own, took place in astana on taiwan. an integral part. the son of a miner, who grew up in a large family, a harvard graduate, a successful doctor, began to engage in social and political activities 30 years ago. calls himself. sum for the independence of taiwan,
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but at the same time, in his first speech after the inauguration ceremony, he stated that he hoped for dialogue with the authorities of mainland china. ksenia nekrasova, about the prospects for the development of the situation in the region, which has become a field of confrontation between beijing and washington. in her farewell speech on bbc television, the now former head of taiwan dedicated to the results, naming the extension of service in the army as one of her main achievements. taiwan must increase its deterrence against a possible attack from china, the price that will have to be paid for capturing the island will be huge. and this despite the fact that taiwan's defense budget has already reached a record, almost $19 billion. the money is spent on constant exercises, preparing the civilian population for war, and most importantly on the purchase of american weapons, while not a single promise to improve living standards
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has been fulfilled. i hope that the prc will look squarely at the existence of the republic of china, will respect the choice of the taiwanese people, and will be guided by sincere thoughts together with the democratically elected and legitimate government. the new leader of taiwan was welcomed by blue horses and a military parade, a supporter of the lgbt movement and a fighter for the island's independence.
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taiwanese independence is doomed to failure. according to taiwan or use force to achieve foreign policy information, taiwan sent a letter to the pentagon asking for komikaze drones, which the local military want to use it against chinese ships trying to cross the taiwan strait. moreover, as the press writes, taipei and washington have already begun joint work. naval exercises back in april, the us navy and taiwan conducted secret maneuvers in the pacific ocean. they were not announced in advance; they agreed to call the meeting of the ships random. understanding. beijing opposes any military contacts with taipei and intends to take decisive measures to punish separatists who challenge the country's sovereignty. a new one is already under personal sanctions deputy head of the island administration. however, as the prc authorities emphasize, no matter
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who is in the taiwanese leadership, the main thing will remain unchanged. this is the one china principle. ksenia nekrasova, especially for ntv. the parameters of the upcoming adjustment of the tax system were discussed today in the expert committee of the state duma, business news and denis talolaev, denis and what proposals were made? anton silanov said that it is important to ensure that progressive taxes do not affect the majority of the population, only those with high incomes? the upcoming
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changes to the tax system were discussed today. according to the head of the duma budget committee , andrei makarov, the fairness of the system is determined not so much by tax rates, but by how the state spends these funds? and the head of the ministry of finance, anton sulanov , said that a fair tax system will provide resources for solving social problems. we are still finalizing the parameters of changes for different income categories, they are still being determined, but we can already
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say that it is important that they stay within the framework. almana. the russian stock market at these moments began to fall, but because the ruble is strengthening again. exporters are soon due to pay taxes. as a result, now the dollar is 90.68, the euro is 98.54. russian railways wants to distribute russian smartphones on the domestic aurora operating system to all conductors.
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as the vedomosti newspaper learned, the company has already purchased the first batch of 7,000 devices, and another 9,000 will be purchased by the end of this year. it is reported that there are more conductors in rjd, but the devices will not be tied to each specific employee, but only those who check tickets and documents of passengers will need them. according to the newspaper's interlocutor, rjd is purchasing gadgets with the memorable name r570e. they are made on the aurora operating system by the domestic f+ holding. as the publication notes, such a smartphone costs approximately 48,000 rubles. but now in retail they can be found approximately. 1500, but this price was only the first batch. if we take into account the discount for a wholesale order and the number of gadgets purchased, it turns out that rgd will spend at least 600 million rubles on domestic smartphones. egor is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with business news.
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viewers of ntv capital will continue to watch the episode today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. russian scientists have created a unique antibacterial drug that can not only stop the development of infection in the body, but also improve the effect of antibiotics, and sometimes eliminate them altogether. these are those cases when, against the background of long-term use of antibiotics , resistance develops; they simply stop working, and this is where it is especially necessary new drug. for what diseases


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