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tv   Operetta kapitana Krutova  NTV  May 21, 2024 2:35am-3:26am MSK

2:35 am
shall we go? yes, yes, yes, definitely, go, do everything that is supposed to be done there, x-ray, that’s it, you didn’t drink, by the way, yes, valery vasilyevich, i’m sober, doc, confirm, well, no alcohol detected, natasha, let’s add another fracture questionable for the sake of credibility, good, that is , bad, i left my mobile phone there, let him look, yes, yes, yes, of course, now i’ll tell nikolai vasilyevich, he’ll look through everything, the main thing is health, well, let’s go, right? the subscriber is unavailable, leave messages.
2:36 am
yes, listen, darina romanovna, what kind of game is this, where is my client? i've had her for a long time let me go, what are you saying? keep in mind, if it turns out that this is not the case, you will earn an article for illegal detention, i guarantee you that. all the best. denis, it’s great that you’re praying, but you flew off the hook, you hung around all night , you don’t pick up the phone, dasha kept calling, listen, but he lost his phone, but kolka, such a thing, maybe you don’t need all this, but what about the computer? gave it away,
2:37 am
what happened? nothing happened, i just thought, why is everyone like this? okay, have you visited already? no, i understand, okay, think, decide, you the man is an adult, if you don’t recognize your girl, dasha will have big problems, she’s under special control in the internal security service, at best , dismissal, at worst, nizhny tagil, but why illegal detention, your anyuta is still sitting in the closet, so what do you think. you recognize it, sign off, decide, meet you.
2:38 am
comrades, i am an investigator of the shvarskop investigative department, i am conducting an identification parade in your presence, and i ask you to familiarize yourself with your rights and obligations to write off.
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victim, look carefully at the real ones. will you find out from someone, yes or no? well, what kind of pantomime, speak clearly. whether you find out yes or no, it’s her, what are you sculpting, i ’m seeing you for the first time, i’m serious, i ’m seeing him for the first time, calm down, we’ll decide everything, decide, denis, thank you, but you’re welcome. what will happen to her
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now? so what? formally, this is robbery, she is denied. 2 days in temporary detention center, then arrest. ivs, what is it? why doesn’t your hero know this? yeah, i see.
2:41 am
good morning, hello! let's talk, excuse me, i'm in a hurry, listen, people's artist, you'll be super smart on tv, understand? denis, we seem to have agreed, we don’t agree on anything deal. i think you'll just pay for everything. you hear that you pushed, stop playing a comedy on you here, this is not theater, only one circumstance can interfere with a noble cause, lethal, the rest is all
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speculation, so tomorrow you go to the investigator, say that you made a mistake, this happens, well, no matter. .. sleepy night, leg injury, you understand everything, belmando is a sin, let’s go out, what did you understand, but didn’t understand, who is this, and you think, i remember how many of them i filled up there. come on, take it away, it’s fine, but almost imperceptible, the main thing is that there is no fracture, but the tumor will go away in an hour, you yourself decided, i think, i, i think,
2:43 am
listen, you consult with your this, and before that, the witness protection program, what kind of program, they don’t even have cars, really , yes, well, i don’t know, then, change the play, it’s correct to speak, testimony, wow, opera, listen, a telephone call is as legal as a summons, okay, i’ll wait for you at 6, all the best, yeah, they’re already on their way, do you hear, you are so brutal, kostya, the jokes are over, let ’s go out, but don’t get distracted.
2:44 am
kohl, why was dasha taken away, i have no idea reported who it was? best friends of osb girls, why are you back, i’m going to the investigator, to the schvascope, where is he? but he has an office, there weren’t enough places in the investigation department, they transferred him to us, come on, come on! hello!
2:45 am
hello! so what, there will be a conversation, you have no one to talk to, buy yourself a parrot and talk to him, great. idea, let's take a walk, here, slow down, listen to me, calm down, i even understand you in some ways, avenge dad. a completely normal human desire, but does dad need it? in this world everything is interconnected, well, i hope you
2:46 am
you know what i mean, take off your bracelets, philosopher, why? it suits you very well, mind you, everything is within the law, you exceeded your authority, i reacted, but to put a girl in the closet, even a suspect, what the public will say, i did not take this money, alas. the situation is such that even if you didn’t take them, you will have to return them, although you took them, and you know it, and we, i wanted to tell you this, consider this a rehearsal, the last one, as they say in the theater, run-through, you seem to want to become an artist, your play is mediocre, kostya! papi, hi, hi,
2:47 am
hi, there's no one there, he's sleeping, you're probably fine, right? fine. did you call genka? yes. listen. looks like i messed up. what? for cognition. that's not her. not anya. hm. and your epiphany is not connected with a broken nose. no, this is during rehearsal. well? you know better, genka will be glad, less
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writing, wait, wait, they threatened me, they asked me to change my testimony, i understood that, they introduced themselves, no, what should i do, denis, i’m not going to deceive you. we will not provide protection, we also appeal to civil conscience i won’t, so decide for yourself, i won’t be offended, sorry, can i.
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schwartz is sleeping and left you a statement, okay,
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i’ll tell you, look, please, i wrote everything correctly, i’ll take a look, i’m filming.
2:51 am
wait, listen, i invited her to the performance, who, who, who, upperite, the security gave, well , what for then, just wait, what do you need, you and bykov, as a matter of fact, agree, he’s just playing an unknown person, well, yes i agree, there is no one there to replace me except me, and if we assume, he would get drunk. and it’s you, as it were, instead of him, ladies and gentlemen, attention, i give second bell, 10 minutes before the start of the performance, i ask everyone to take their seats, olga alekseevna, olga alekseevna, let’s go quickly, there’s something like that, give him some water, drink it, sprinkle it,
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let’s go to the tent, wake up, no help. look, what's wrong with him? got drunk, what? well, what should we do, but cancel the performance? is this a scandal? well, i don’t know, for example, i haven’t drunk for 2 months, wait a minute, denis, you rehearsed the unknown, ivan petrovich, when was it, but do you remember the text? well, denis, help me out, instead of bykov, i got drunk, my good fellow, denis, you see, it’s full of tweezers, guys, i have my own, my own affairs, after all, meetings with the producer, a role is offered, you know, a full house, and the tickets are sold, denis, help me out, why change the performance, are you an artist or not, well, i need to
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cancel the meeting, cancel it, the theater is more expensive, cancel it, chickpeas are good, thank you, thank you, i won’t forget, let’s hurry up. in your place, i called artomna, once a spectator in the hall, i am leading the performance, i will answer, everyone says that you are a very kind person, i have this, only this quality is hereditary, from my parents, there is no work of mine here, well, if it weren’t for this kindness, where would i be good for, no, i’m good. this quality is good, cheap, it doesn’t cost me any work, it’s dear to everyone, that’s as you wish, i don’t dare argue, i’m a person limited to any occupation, even capable of economics, i thank you sincerely, generous mountain dweller, yes, no question, we’ll figure it out, but why does a
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mountain dweller carry it a kilometer away, look. and he mocks me, and he’s right, and i’m nothing, i’m below any magnitude, but he has a title, he has a look, he’s lucky, he’s everything can look straight into the eyes, can tell anyone who he is and what, but what joy do i
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have to stay in this town, they are driving me out of the theater and kicking me out, what kind of figure will i make of myself? “i am not a robber, i am not a murderer, i have no bloodthirsty instincts, but still i feel, i feel that due to some kind of wealth, without the participation of my pain, i am irresistibly drawn to the fire, it is better not to touch such people, good deeds embitter there are even more of them. but he’s better than bykov. “definitely better, and the suit fits like a glove, now there’s art and suits.” they don’t really know how to carry, and they don’t know how to play either, yours
2:56 am
is good, and tomorrow again the fifth dwarf of snow white, they are raising, listen, remember i told you about the actor who was robbed, kolugin, but so what? in general, he eventually wrote a statement, i promised not to give any information for now, don’t rush to publish, okay, no problem, thank you, please, edik, let’s not today, i didn’t understand, well, we’ll say goodbye, it was such a hard day , i really want to sleep, you got enough sleep. so - just a couple of minutes, maybe something happened, well , really, i’m just tired, yeah, bye.
2:57 am
hello, denis, this is darina. hi, thank you very much for the performance, i really liked it, yes, i didn’t expect it, you’re welcome, please
2:58 am
come tomorrow, or you have a filming, listen, i have a matinee performance, a big role, and then i don’t know, dash, who i was with you today, a familiar face, and this is my friend, a journalist. “don’t talk about colfilin, of course, don’t worry, thank you again, good night, and to you. ivan petrovich, malkin will see, there will be a scandal. whoops, has he been resting like this since yesterday evening? she’ll probably try? yes ,
2:59 am
of course, she tried, she swears. attention, the third bell has been rung for the start of the performance, i will ask the actors to get ready for the stage and production part. i’m ready, valya, you see, and he mocks me, and he has the right, i’m nothing, i’m less than anyone else. children, children, a boy from another fairy tale has come to us, hurray, remember, this is the last
3:00 am
warning, did you hear me, leonid? nikola arkaevich, my body is weak, remember once and for all, the smell of fresh beer is better than yesterday’s cognac, everything is from my eyes, just a minute, denis, thank you for yesterday.
3:01 am
dad, if you don’t admit your guilt, your way out is impossible, america has opened, we won’t be able to do anything if you sit here proudly, it’s okay, i’ll sit. i think the navat themselves should have been foreseen, dad, that’s it, it’s too late, i’ll prove that i didn’t take any money, i know, take care of yourself.
3:02 am
hello, hello, the police are bothering me, a criminal, your daughter is at home, it’s urgent, let her run to the department, we can’t get excited without her, what don’t you understand, i repeat, get excited, that’s it, i’m waiting. well, the people are stupid, in the sense of getting excited, literally, we need to do something excite, the patient cannot find a trace, the patient is the victim, eh, is there a record? damn, i have a problem that
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i officially decided to go on a binge in the morning, i am sending the case to the court regarding counterfeit money, i started counting it, half of it is missing, so you sleep more, they will soon steal you, where they were, well, where is everything else in the sofa in the safe didn’t fit, here’s denis, police everyday life, the truth of life, the sofa. to do what? are the banknote numbers rewritten in the protocol? no, what's the point? well, why are you worrying then? print new ones on xerex, it's just regular paper, us xerex died last week, there’s a xerex in the shopping center, fork out the cash, you have to pay for everything, gene, insert it into the script,
3:04 am
name the episode: from the sofa, do you know what the realest movie about cops is, here ’s the most real one, it’s coming operas to the crime scene, swears and throws up his hands, that’s it, the end of the film, if he even gets to the crime scene, cool movie, a bit drawn out, though, uh-huh, yes, uh-huh. okay, we’re leaving, and there’s a car, yeah, let’s go, we need to go to soltami for a ride, they’re fighting again, well, you heard, my people have been called.
3:05 am
do you want news? come on, svarskov let anya sign up, well, i was faced with temptation, the man is weak, get ready, it will interfere with your life, the sixth floor, hello, hello, what is it, oh, horror, how they shouted, what? i can’t hear you, but you just calmed down, open the police, i have the key, call the ambulance, i’m in the stomach, damn, hush, hush, hush, hello,
3:06 am
soon, and i’m from the police, i’m wounded , what a boulevard seven apartment 35 35 35 yes, let's, yes, sixth floor, leave me, do you hear, leave me, don't come, i want to die, you won't die right away, leila, you'll break your spine will remain disabled, in those seconds that you fall, you will have time to regret a million times that you did it, i know this for sure, from those who survived, and no one will need you, for what reason, they will kill me anyway, who , husband, his relatives, no one will touch you here, i promise you, but... “you have your own relatives, do not approach, you are a citizen of a foreign country, you will cross the border , no one will bother you there, we will now take the documents, we will go to airport, you will board the next flight, home or to a visa-free country, money
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yes, this is the best option, believe me, we will personally put you on the plane, go ahead, we are not deceiving, you are not a murderer"? "you were just defending yourself, we understand everything, right? come on, lela, we are not deceiving you, be afraid, don’t be afraid, give us the documents, leila, your passport, how are you?” you want a drink, why did he take offense at you, that he reported it to the police, but i didn’t report it, but he was offended, but you said the truth, darina,
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what’s going on at the airport? well, you promised her the airport, but no, what airport will she go there? penetrating, serious harm to health? i don’t understand, it was all a ruse, or what? dasha, did you
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want her to jump? she ’ll thank me later, damn, she was just defending herself, she even did everything right, but let the court decide who defended herself from whom, and we’re not judges! maybe i can just help you somehow and calm down, at least her husband won’t get her in prison, it’s clear, in general, you didn’t really talk to those who survived, you didn’t talk, it was an improvisation, great, no, really , very very professionally played, by the way, you never wanted to become an actress, you wanted to, seriously, yes, you worked in the studio, so that’s okay,
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they said that i was mediocrity, a zero option, oh well, bro, you know me, how many times have they said that , they say now. you’re an adult, and i was 15 years old, you’re working tomorrow, and you’re a chain worker, so what? let's go to my set, you'll see how he makes a movie, come on, it's hard, good, what's good, it's easier for him to burn the car, easier doesn't mean better, let him suffer with the repairs, the bastard, he's in trouble, but what the... they let her out, like, yeah, before the trial, she gets at least an a, and most importantly , he took the money, he's a freak, it's okay, he'll choke on it, that's it, i passed, i have a back, let's spread it,
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take it, let's go , fine. like the back. oh, where now, leave everything, there he pulled up, as soon as he gets out of the car, leave it. but we won’t get far,
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it will go in an arc, physics, come on, bring it, andrey, here, come on, circle it, why? i mean, don't you? no one has been circling for 100 years, but the expert must have a film autopor, digital ones don’t work in court, so well what is it, why are we circling so slowly, and what? they say they haven’t circled for 100 years, who said? hello, boris sergeevich, director of our film, darina, a rare name, very nice, and denis said that you are his personal consultant, you even went to a real murder, actually, i just work for the police, so we’re just... filming, don’t be angry, if you’re happy, we’re lying a little, 90% of cinema
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viewers are not aware of the intricacies of your work, this can be said about any profession, why show nonsense, well, that’s why we denis to they sent it to you, but he doesn’t disgrace the acting workshop there, he doesn’t disgrace, great, sergeevich, it’s cold, can i go, lie down, you won’t find you later, well, come back again, denis will be there, let’s get into the frame, come on! so where is the tracer, let's trace, let's listen, yesterday they dropped a battery on me, what kind of battery, cast iron, probably, hello from anya, well, from her friends, probably, because it's hardly heavy, they didn't hit, but i understood, if only there was another meter, you could outline my car with chalk, yeah, but there were no calls , nothing, just a battery, yeah. the one who threatened, don't you remember? i took
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a photo of one guy, i assume this is ganaev’s bodyguard, but who is ganaev? ganaev is a former bandit, now the main sponsor in the theater, in general, he takes care of our prima, and such a serious uncle, by the way, he has a rehearsal today, he usually meets her, let's go to the theater, as security, firstly, this your duty, secondly, you have a weapon with you, i feel somehow calmer, i have a neighbor there, a lump of russian drama, an artist. a lot, let's go, let's decide, maybe humanly, but we'll catch we'll punch him in the face and that's it, bro, remember, creativity is important in any business, this will blow him away better than any massacre, like in the movies, remember, when a man's horse's head is in the bed. they threw him in, he almost shit himself out of fear, in what movie, in this, the expectation
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of death is worse than death itself, psychology. tash, i’m not going, i changed my mind, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, look, here’s the exit stage, oh, hello, denis, hello, victorious hero, well, yes, i’m fighting dragons and drinking with dwarves. "hello, hello,
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i'm home, can you give me a ride, i have business here, well, good luck you, hero, actress, no, costume designer, we have a purely business relationship, i understand, 5 minutes now, okay, can you make it?"
3:17 am
are you looking for someone? no, yes, denis, kolugina, well, let's go. i'll live, let's hurry her up let's throw it in, my whole car stinks, but it doesn't stink at all, it's a normal pig, come on quickly, and this is our rehearsal room,
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where about... don't drive me, here's this door, but here all the doors are the same, listen, my memory is fine, mine too, call sanch if you don’t remember, but i called him, he didn’t answer i took, apparently drunk, a pig, give me, in fact, i paid for it, so, let’s talk, god
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knows the truth. ivan petrovich, i’ve been looking for you for half an hour , come to me, i need to discuss something, hello, hello, i’m sorry, but you, this is with me, nikolai arkaevich, uh-huh, not an actress by chance, no, in a sense, very nice , nikolai artamonov, artistic director.
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do you always park here? some kind of vigilance, maybe you can take me to the door, otherwise they might be waiting there, and i’ll give you some tea. i think your battery is just an accident. you know, sometimes it seems to me that nothing happens by chance in this world.
3:21 am
you know, it seems to me that nothing happens by chance in this world.
3:22 am
dash, sales, what happened? you know, denis, like criminals, you have your own handwriting, this handwriting is ugly, i don’t understand, in the sense of seagulls. i didn’t brew it too strong, thanks for the tour, hello, tanyush, hi, it’s me, how are you, good, i missed you, and i.
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i forgot my phone, let's go back. sit next to me, fold your arms, rustle the chocolate wrapper, be brave, jump into the topsy, i know where to lead now, in vain you hide your eyes, we fly to big cities, people are looking there , i know what will happen ahead.
3:24 am
and we are on the river again, in the city for now, for
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three, after all the coffee, again on the reef, and we are on the light, again on the light, whom for now, on the cut, we are on the light, again on the land.


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