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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 21, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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they are a real headache for ukrainian militants, there is a hit, that’s it, guys, let’s leave, about the work of heavy snipers in the southern donetsk direction and what contribution they made. during the assault on novomikhailovka. evgeny golovanov. difficult flood situation in yakutia. people are evacuated on boats, herds of horses are saved by swimming. which region of yakutia suffered the most from the spring flood? why did the dangerous flow of water take some residents of the republic by surprise? - sergei antsigin found out. farewell ceremony begins in iran dead president. what is known about this disaster? board of shame for laborers:
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deputies propose to motivate stepparents with public censure, will the new mechanism work? ksenia ignatova found out. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. the artillerymen of the southern group of troops destroyed camouflaged fortifications and infantry in donetsk.
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trying to cross the dnieper. the main working hours, yes, start from dark until dawn. they have different goals, because there are surface ships, like boats, yes, there is also infantry, there is also enemy equipment that these targets discover and hand over to us. musuri paratroopers stormed a stronghold in the area of ​​​​andreevka and kurdyumovka, where active fighting is now taking place, first. the military suppressed the ukrainian armed forces' firing points and then entered the ukrainian positions. some of the militants escaped, the rest surrendered. and in the southern donetsk direction, our snipers blocked the enemy in combat positions. the marines of the pacific fleet worked both closely with the nationalists and on distant approaches. evgeny golovanov will continue. contrary to the stereotype, snipers do not always move.
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there is a hit, that's it guys, let's go away, then change position, they work more often in pairs or threes, covering each other, they are called heavy snipers, not by weight, of course, we differ from ordinary snipers in the working distance, our working distance is from a minimum to 2 km, we are also always on the sharpest attack, our work is not always safe, this sniper group covered the infantry during the assault.
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militants if they appeared in their sector snipers prefer not to even lean out of the trench; even one shooter with good optics can pin down entire enemy units. as the snipers themselves say, the most difficult thing in their work is not only to reach the line of combat contact unnoticed, not to run into an ambush, not to be blown up by anti-personnel minis, not to fall into the field of view of a reconnaissance drone, but to find their target and hit it from a great distance. the most difficult thing is the waiting, sometimes you have to wait for the goal not for hours, but for days. snipers work like
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foreign, trophy, and domestic rifles, for example, this is the raptor - the latest development of russian gunsmiths. a good rifle, quite ergonomic, boring.
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providing us with the opportunity to demonstrate our skills and knowledge, not only in the military sphere, but in the civil service, not only a hero of the russian federation, but many more worthy officers, having such a colossal experience that we received there, when we receive our education under the program time of heroes, it all adds up, everyone will already prepared for public service, all those guys will make great efforts, respectively, for the development and improvement of our state. on different days. time of heroes is a large-scale educational program for participants and veterans of the northern military district who have higher education and management experience. its goal is to prepare qualified managers for the civil service of large companies. participants will undergo training at the presidential academy. the project was created on
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behalf of vladimir putin, it will constantly. to take part, you need to register on the website and pass the test. for those who are now on the front line. there are 45 remote centers. in nikuta , four more villages were under threat of flooding. they are located downstream from the namsky district, which suffered a disaster a few days ago. 16 settlements were flooded there, hundreds of people were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. now the water is gradually receding, local authorities have begun assessing the damage. sergey antsigin, o scale of disaster. embankment 14. in the yakut village of khatyryk, any street is now called an embankment. the spring floods characteristic of the republic have always bypassed this area, but now, due to strong ice jams, the lena river has overflowed so much that this settlement was also unlucky . literally
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all residential buildings and rural institutions were under water here. rescuers on boats took the victims to their relatives in temporary accommodation centers. people left their places of residence lightly; no one expected such a blow from the elements. caring fellow villagers, a frightened herd set off in defiance of the elements, it rises and falls, it flooded the garage, the residents of the village of partizan are more accustomed to the consequences of the ice drift, they were drowned in previous years, but this time they say it’s a complete ambush, the house of the solovyov pensioners, like an island
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in the middle of an endless lake, after the second wave of flood, the vegetable garden was gone, agricultural machinery was damaged by the water, the floors in the hut were damp, and with the help of their grandchildren, the elderly couple managed to raise it. we need to do it, we need to buy materials, but now we will have to repair it all again , at this time we know that all the materials are very expensive, in total more than half of the settlements in the namsky ulus of yakutia were sunk , the heads of municipalities together with the employees of the assessment commissions are taking photographs. houses and garden plots damaged by floods for calculating compensation. it is not just the private sector that has suffered great damage. in addition to houses, we have two social facilities, a hospital and a veterinary station, one substation and six
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municipal roads. dangerous passage experts observe ice drifts in other regions of the republic. due to the difficult flood situation, a state of emergency has been declared throughout the region. this will allow us to mobilize all our resources to combat the consequences of the disaster. where the problematic ice drift has already passed, the emergency situations ministry teams began restoration work. rescuers pump water out of flooded yards. and basements help to return the lives of the affected patients to their previous course as quickly as possible. sergey antsidin, maxim mintsev and roman kutukov, ntv far eastern bureau. today at iran will begin farewell ceremonies for ibrahim raisi and others who died in the helicopter crash. they will take place in several stages in different cities. residents of the city of tabriz will be the first to say goodbye to the president. tomorrow the leader's body will be transported to the capital of the islamic republic. this day was declared a holiday in iran. the last ceremony will take place in rais's hometown on thursday.
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the president's funeral will also take place there. the day before, the country declared five days of mourning for the victims. in solidarity with iran. pakistan, india, turkey, iraq joined the mourning, syria and lebanon. special presidential elections in iran will be held on june 28. this was announced at the election headquarters of the islamic republic; registration of candidates will begin in a week. currently, the duties of the head of state are performed by the vice president. meanwhile, the media published new footage from the scene of the tragedy. the video shows the first minutes after the helicopter was discovered. the wreckage of the burnt ship is scattered among the trees along a perimeter of several meters. islamic republic news agency, the crash has occurred.
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"we accuse netanyahu and gallant of
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committing these crimes. israel, like all countries, has the right to defend its intention, has the right to return hostages that have been taken, these rights, however, do not exempt israel from respecting international humanitarian law. the deliberate infliction of suffering on civilians is a criminal means to achieve military political goals." the us chose its favorite tactic and began to threaten an international organization with sanctions if an arrest warrant was issued against the israeli leadership.
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the uk was accused of the death of 3,000 people from hiv and hepatitis at the end of the last century. this was announced following an investigation that lasted several years. they noted that, starting in the seventies, the authorities purchased low-quality blood from the united states, where donors included homeless people and drug addicts. for more than 50 years, british politicians and doctors knew about the critical situation, but for many years they did not admit their mistakes. elizaveta gerson studied the case materials. last week
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, thousands of people in britain complained of contaminated tap water. today complain of infected blood. this is a day of shame for britain, the independent, times, guardian, telegraph, newspapers are publishing carbon copy headlines today, and they simultaneously engaged in self-flagellation, they quote prime minister sunak. sir brian published the results of the transfusion investigation today. this is a day of shame for the british state, his investigation speaks to our moral decay as a nation, from the health system to civil servants. this investigation concerns. type half a century ago, the consequences of which are felt and today. britain, not having enough of its own at the end of the last century, bought blood for transfusions from the usa. in the usa, in turn , homeless people, drug addicts, prisoners in prisons and other people at risk were paid for blood to be sent to britain. plasma
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from the blood of one vichili infected with hepatitis c infected the entire batch. thousands of britons along with their blood. seven volumes and this conclusion: children and adults in hospitals and homes across britain received blood transfusions, as a result, 30 people were infected with deadly viruses, about 300 people have already died, and this figure is growing day by day. blood was also transfused in situations where it was inappropriate, for example, after a minor operation, they were transfused, knowing that they could infect the patient, and the risks of getting it from someone else's blood... epatitis has been known since the second world war, hiv since the early eighties, but hiv imported american blood was not tested for hepatitis until the late eighties until the ninety-first year. since the beginning of this bloody history in 1970, britain has had 12 prime ministers, and the current rishisunoka, this was not a thing in the world back then.
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the crimes of the local health care system against their patients continued for 21 years: calls for an investigation were rejected for 28 years, since 2018, during which time britain has had four prime ministers, an investigation was conducted, and what is the result of this long work, there will be an apology, plaques and taxpayer-funded compensation for survivors, and not a single person goes to jail. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, natalya markevich, anastasia konarovskaya and vladimir vypritsky. ntv television company. london. another method of dealing with those who do not want to pay alimony will appear in russia. the state duma has already adopted a law on the creation of an open register of such debtors; information about all defaulters who have been brought to administrative or criminal liability will be entered there. it is expected that their names will be removed from the list as soon as they
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fully repay their debts. however, those who will continue to ignore their obligations.
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according to him, this happened to me just something unexpected happened with the property, then the car was scratched, then it was filled with paint, then there were screws in the wheels, then fake pages were created, then they wrote statements against me that i didn’t live at home, that i was unsuccessfully struggling with alcohol, that i was a fraudster, and muscovite tatyana vinogradova, after her divorce , watches with surprise on social networks how her ex-husband travels around the world, again, her son is not paid any money, although he is definitely not without work, he manages their common business. according to bailiffs, in april of this year in the department's work included 762,000 cases of defaulters, not only irresponsible fathers, but even mothers of adult children, disabled parents. these people are prohibited from traveling abroad, their rights are deprived,
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their property is seized, and they are sued. but apparently this is not enough. at the beginning of may, the state duma approved a draft of a new law on the creation of a register of coal draft dodgers, in general, they decided to fight them with the power of public opinion, so that they understood what would be in the register - this is a very, very shameful board of shame, many called it a board of shame, this is employment, but who will have a relationship with him, and is it even possible to enter into some kind of civil relationship with him , to conclude an agreement there for some kind of work , to hire him for the civil service, and for law enforcement agencies, as recruiters note. they are very attentive to studying the reputation of applicants, so the security service in a large medium-sized business can easily block an unreliable applicant, especially for top management positions...
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