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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 21, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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fire, fire, our assault groups of ivanovo paratroopers, who are fighting right now on the outskirts of the microdistrict.
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different, because there are surface boats, as it were, yes, there is also infantry, there is also enemy equipment that these targets discover and transfer to us. usuri paratroopers stormed a stronghold in the area of ​​​​andreevka and kurdyumovka, where active fighting is now taking place, first our military suppressed firing points in the ssu, after which they entered ukrainian positions, some of the militants escaped, the rest surrendered . a difficult situation for... is developing
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in the area of ​​solidar and chasovo yar. there the tula paratroopers are pushing back the enemy. they operate mainly at night in order to remain invisible to reconnaissance drones. ilya lyadvin is on the front line with our fighters. the firm advance of the attack aircraft north of solitara must be supported by fire at night. the bmw-4, the so -called airborne warhorse, is in operation. the guys' task is to process the firing points of a fairly large enemy stronghold. under disarray in her direction, our tula paratroopers are now actively developing an offensive, advancing in the area became much easier after taking the main dominant heights, north of vesyoly. from our forward positions there is already a little more than 10 km left to the strategically important seversk, now the entire enemy group holding the ledge of the same name, the tula winged infantry with its attacks creates a threat of envelopment from the south. everything here rests on the rest of the commanders.
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like the call sign of a battering ram, he was among those from whom the enemy broke his teeth in this direction during a failed contour offensive, a strong spirit did not i’m even overwhelmed by longing for my little daughter, who regularly sends her drawings. in any case, you think about the family, you miss it, you understand that you need to sort of finish things to the end, since you are already here. every trip is now a big risk due to the huge number of drones in the sky, armored vehicles in positions are constantly covered with electronics, guys are equipped with drone detectors and suppression systems, sometimes small arms help out. a hunting rifle that shoots. because the drone is very small, maneuverable, without attention the enemy did not remain our exit, literally a few seconds ago we discovered a small ray of light, a bird came out of the clouds, some kind of reconnaissance, it may be sweeping the area, given that the enemy could see in which direction we were leaving the firing position, they are working on the drone with a suppressor , and then we break away from the reserve position to the rear area, moving to chasovoyarsk. direction, especially hot
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today, the guys don’t save ammunition, a full salvo package goes through a large fortified area enemy on... the western bank of the seversky donets canal, rocket artillery is especially active in this direction , supporting our assault groups of ivanovo paratroopers, who are right now fighting on the outskirts of the novy microdistrict, covering it from the north and south. the enemy regularly brings up reserves and launches counterattacks with the support of equipment, especially active in the krasnoye area. one such attack buried this hail calculation. columns are coming, we are working along the columns. even western ukrainian military experts have already recognize the desperate situation of the chasovo yar garrison, because our aviation artillery is covering not only enemy positions in the city itself, but also the supply routes of the enemy group. ilya lyadin igormichkin, ntv. donbass. in yakutia
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, four more villages are under threat of flooding. they are located downstream from the namsky district, which suffered a disaster a few days ago. there. 16 settlements were flooded, hundreds of people were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. now the water is gradually receding, local authorities have begun to damage assessment. sergei antsegi on the scale of the disaster. embankment 14. in the yakut village of khatyryk, any street is now called an embankment. spring floods, characteristic of the republic, have always bypassed this place, but now, due to strong ice jams, the lena river has overflowed so much that... it’s bad for this settlement too . literally all residential buildings and rural institutions were under water here. rescuers on boats took the victims to their relatives in temporary accommodation centers. people left their places of residence lightly. such no one expected the impact of the elements to remove valuable property in advance; only a few managed to do so.
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rescuers organized targeted assistance to the population, evacuation to temporary accommodation centers, cattle removal and strengthening of the dam. grandma, what's normal there? have some more water. in the neighboring village of madut. the horses needed emergency help, the owner apparently drove them to a safe place in advance, but the river flows surged even stronger, as a result the animals found themselves in a water blockade, the only way to escape was to move to a dry area in a swim, under under the supervision of caring fellow residents, the frightened herd set off in defiance of the elements, it rises and falls, it flooded the garage, the residents of the village of partizan are more accustomed to the consequences of the ice drift, they were drowned in previous years, but this time...
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to us, but now in at this time we know that all materials are very expensive. in total , more than half of the settlements in the namsky ulus of yakutia were sunk. heads of municipalities, together with employees of assessment commissions, photograph houses and farmsteads damaged by floods areas for calculating compensation. it is not just the private sector that has suffered great damage. in addition to houses, we have two social facilities: a hospital and a veterinary station. and one station and six municipal roads. experts are observing dangerous ice drifts in other regions of the republic. due to the difficult flood situation , a state of emergency has been declared throughout the region. this will allow us to mobilize all our resources to combat the consequences
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of the disaster. where the problematic ice drift has already passed, the emergency situations ministry teams began restoration work. rescuers pump out water from flooded yards and basements and help as quickly as possible. return the lives of the affected patients back to normal. sergey antsigin, maxim mintsev and roman kutukov, ntv far eastern bureau. a farewell ceremony has begun in iran for ibrahim raisi and others who died in the helicopter crash. thousands of people gathered at the funeral procession in the city of tabris. many came with photographs of the president and chief meade. during prayer, people mourned politicians. tomorrow the leader’s body will be transported to the capital of the islamic republic. this day in iran announced over the weekend. the last ceremony will take place in raci's hometown on thursday, where the president's funeral will also take place. the day before , the country declared a five-day mourning for the victims, as a sign of solidarity with iran; pakistan, india, turkey, iraq, syria and lebanon joined the mourning. meanwhile, the media
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published new footage from the scene of the tragedy. the video shows the first minutes after the helicopter was discovered. the wreckage of the burnt ship is scattered among the trees... after the plane crash, they are not going to lift sanctions against iran, including in relation to aircraft used by the government of the country. meanwhile , a huge scandal erupted in the states themselves, as well as in israel, this happened after
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the prosecutor of the international criminal court demanded to issue an arrest warrant for the prime minister and minister of defense of the jewish state. the organization said it was not tanyahu and galland who were responsible for the war crimes and crimes against humanity they committed in the gaza strip. we are the accused and gallantovites. didn’t cause it, that’s why he’s in charge for israel the ally began to intercede. the situation
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was personally commented on by joe biden, who said that the decision was outrageous, because washington does not consider the idf’s actions in the enclave to be genocide. and the us congress chose its favorite tactic: it began to threaten an international organization with sanctions if an arrest warrant was issued for the israeli leadership. netanyahu called the court's decision a manifestation of anti-semitism, and there was also a reaction from europe. france supported the decision of the prosecutor, who intends to seek the issuance of warrants. the head of european diplomacy, barel, said that everything countries are obliged to comply with the decision of the mus. our ambassador in washington, anatoly antonov, pointed out that the united states is exploiting human rights issues to achieve its own geopolitical goals. the un council rejected the russian draft resolution on the non-placement of weapons in outer space. it confirms.
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maintaining a peaceful situation in outer space. emmanuel macron is sending a thousand more
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troops to new caledonia to stop the unrest that has engulfed the french overseas territory. 2.0 security forces from paris are already on the territory of the archipelago and cannot cope with mass riots and pogroms. indigenous people have barricaded airports and roads and are destroying french shops, restaurants and government buildings. all because of electoral reform. it's not just macron who wants to give voting rights. islanders, but also numerous europeans who chose the local lagoons and reefs. the natives fear that this will strengthen the influence of the french authorities, they will remain in the minority and will lose the opportunity to legitimately defend the right to independence. detach from france, new caledonia has been trying for a long time, in the first referendums the votes were divided almost equally, in the last one, which was held in the twenty-first year, the majority spoke out against independence. supporters of the independence of the archipelago, these elections. were not recognized because they were held during a period of mourning for those killed by the coronavirus and only with a forty percent turnout. paris
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believes that the independence movement is fueled from outside. even azerbaijan was accused of organizing the protests, as they allegedly saw the flag of this country during the protests. in baku they called it slander and advised french authorities should pay attention to the right policies that led to people's dissatisfaction. it will appear in russia. another method of dealing with those who do not want to pay child support. the state duma has already adopted a law creating an open register of such debtors. information about all defaulters who have been involved will be entered there. to administrative or criminal liability. according to the new document, those who ignore their obligations may face additional problems, for example, when finding employment. ksenia ignatova found out everything nuances. solnechnogorsk, moscow region, another visit of the bailiffs to the alimony debtor. of course, he is not at home, only his elderly mother.
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the man finally makes contact with the authorities after his mother calls. why don't you pay child support?
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according to bailiffs, in april of this year, the department had 762 thousand cases of defaulters, not only irresponsible fathers, but even mothers of adult children, disabled parents, these people are closed. abroad, they are deprived of their rights, they have their property is seized, they are sued, but apparently this is not enough, at the beginning of may the state duma approved a draft of a new law on creating a register of metal evaders, in general, they decided to fight them with the power of public opinion, so that they understand what will be in the register, this is a very very shameful board of shame, many called it a board of shame,
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this is for employment, yes, who will have a relationship with him, and is it even possible to enter into some kind of civil petition with him there? as recruiters note, employers are very carefully studies the reputation of applicants, so the security service in a large medium-sized business can easily block an unreliable applicant, especially for positions of top management or in the financial sector. well , there will be only one way out of the blacklist: to completely repay the debt, that is, to start providing for your child or... the government announced that it had temporarily lifted the ban on the export of gasoline from russia, it was introduced on march 1 so that there would be no fuel shortage, further business news, marina pimenova is with us, marina, well it turns out that we have achieved results, well, the government says that the plan has even been exceeded, and the russian market is now
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oversaturated with fuel. government again. allowed the export of gasoline from russia, but only temporarily. the decree was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin, it has already entered into force and is valid until june 30. the fact that everything is moving towards a temporary lifting of the export ban became clear 2 weeks ago, when deputy prime minister alexander novak announced that the export ban introduced on march 1 had worked in full, and now quote: the market is saturated and even oversaturated. and energo reported that in april russia was able to fully compensate for the volumes of fuel production that... had previously fallen due to the shutdown of oil refineries for unscheduled repairs. now, commenting on the temporary permit for the export of gasoline , the government says that this was done because the market for automobile fuel in russia has become saturated, and also so that refineries do not reduce their processing volumes due to overstocking, and so that ports can free themselves from fuel that planned for export. but the government
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clarifies that the ban on gasoline exports will continue to apply from july 1 to august 31. now. current prices in the european part of russia for ninety-second and ninety-five gasoline are approximately the same as they were in early march, when exports were banned, but if we compare with the beginning of the year, ninety-second has risen in price during this time by 23%, and ninety-five by 34 %. but retail prices for gasoline, according to rosstat, have increased by about 1.5% since the beginning of the year. ban on export of gasoline from in order to stabilize prices, the government introduced it in september last year, then it lasted 2 months. the russian stock market begins the day falling, investors are pressured by corporate news, falling oil prices and the ruble becoming more expensive again. obviously, exporters have increased the sale of foreign currency in preparation for paying taxes. dollar now.
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hepatitis at the end of the last century, this was stated following an investigation that lasted several years, it was noted that, starting in the 70s, the authorities purchased low-quality blood from the united states, where the donors were
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including homeless people and drug addicts. british politicians and doctors knew about the critical situation, but for many years they did not admit their mistakes. elizaveta gerson studied the case materials. last week , thousands of people in britain complained of contaminated tap water. today they are complaining about contaminated blood, this is a day of shame for britain, independent, times, guardian, telegraph are published today with carbon copy headlines, the newspapers simultaneously engaged in self-flagellation, they quote prime minister sunak. sir brian langstav published today results of the investigation into contaminated blood transfusions. this is a day of shame for the british state. his investigation speaks to our moral decay as an entire nation, from our healthcare system to... this investigation concerns cases dating back almost half a century, the consequences of which are still felt today. britain, not having enough
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of its own at the end of the last century, bought blood for transfusions from the usa. in the usa, in turn , homeless people, drug addicts, prisoners in prisons and other people from groups were paid for blood to be sent to britain risk. plasma from the blood of one infected with hiv or hepatitis c'. patient, and the risks of getting hepatitis from someone else’s blood have been known since world war ii, hiv since the early eighties, but imported american blood was not
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tested for hiv until the end of the eighties, and for hepatitis until the ninety-first year. since the beginning of this bloody story in 1970, britain has had 12 prime ministers, and the current leader was not yet alive. the crimes of the local system continued for 21 years. during this time in britain there was a change four prime ministers, an investigation was carried out, and what is the result of this long work, there will be apologies, plaques and compensation for the survivors who suffered at the expense of taxpayers, and not a single person will go to prison. elizaveta gerson, a short advertisement and in a couple of minutes we will tell you about the achievements of our polar explorers who
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are celebrating their professional holiday today, don’t switch. built in antarctica, made in russia, alexey kuvashenkin will tell you how the most modern polar station, nzk vostok, was created. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a superkick in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable. alpha is profitable, you locked us all here, why, let's play the game, kolimbo, only in the okka online cinema, the secret of the excellent.
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we open the grill, we buy everything in a magnet, we play in the app, we get grill prizes, the formula for an excellent grill is in a magnet, it’s not easy to catch a firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a grill rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on i love the moscow coffee shop on the fields, i’ll tell you why, the moscow coffee shop on the fields, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure! moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. what unites us? bright emotions, good traditions and your favorite lottery. in the russian lotto we will play in country houses in honor of the anniversary; a golden barrel is an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. buy tickets on the website in company stores. come out.
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a smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow, share it all i pat mine, she will come back to you more than once. "hello, me, hello, i have a capochina, please, please pay, please, or you can smile, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely, conveniently with savings, cool stuff, thank you, central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. i love
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i'll tell you why: moscow coffee shop is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. mom, write us a message. why? we found out that the phone was working. even prinula. in fact, you didn’t listen to the end. how's that? it's safe, with beeline you 're safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, enable support for zero in the belay application, girls, let's talk about security, so we already have belline, beline is the safest operator, just a couple of clicks yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you, with a 300 ruble discount on your first order, moscow coffee shop on the waist, taste, pleasure, love,
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recommend, dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this program today. we are continuing production. residents of italian naples spent the night on the street. people were afraid to stay in houses that began to collapse due to tremors. three earthquakes, the strongest in the last half century, were recorded in the region. the epicenter is located 15. from the city where the supervolcano is located, the eruption of which 4000 years ago led to global climate change and the extinction of neanderthals in europe. residents fear that a major disaster could happen again; more than million people. today in russia they celebrate polar explorer day. this is a professional holiday for geologists, builders, sailors and pilots who are involved in the development of the arctic and
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antarctic. on this day. life there turned into a very difficult ordeal. in the nineties, when the soviet union collapsed, science was no longer funded at all, no fuel was allocated, and tractors that were supposed to do this were not imported. as a result, over the years, the vostok scientific station, where our polar explorers still work, has gone under snow. a new wintering complex was needed for a long time, but the project began to be implemented only at the end of the last decade; every nuance was important, for example, how to make
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grounding. april 12 , 1982, short circuit, one person died, the station is de-energized, there is no heat, there are 2/3 of the winter ahead, evacuation is impossible, in winter it can be -70, even -80, sometimes even colder, wheeled equipment is not able to , to work in such low temperatures, this is the first thing, aviation will also not fail, the wintering complex is obliged to withstand any threats, both natural and man-made, it took a long time to decide what to make the outer panel out of... the panel had to be studied from scratch, this is a shell that should retain heat and not let in a large amount of snow under pressure. we have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create new materials for structural elements, conduct tests, and look for
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solutions that have not yet existed anywhere in the world. specialists from the institute of experimental mechanics at mgsu came to the rescue. what a person can stand, he often can’t stand. material. the steel that was chosen, and the one that... is already in use, thank god, it will probably be in use for another 50, or maybe 100 years, it can withstand temperatures down to -90° stably, when finally all the elements were ready , it was necessary to find a site for test assembly of the module, now the site of the pilot plant of building structures in st. petersburg is filled with such residential modular houses, there are a lot of them, a real labyrinth, it’s not even difficult to get lost, but... in the summer of 2020 , all this space, the whole site was occupied by one single object, this is the new wintering complex vostok. the most difficult thing in this project was the logistics; a lot of non-standard solutions were used there,
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that is, no one had ever transported anything over such distances with such difficulties. a company in st. petersburg received an order to produce snow melting machines, but just ordinary ones. melts snow at temperatures down to -30, in the technical specifications these are the warmest operating conditions. but not all equipment could be placed in a standard container. a competition was announced for a special sled six times larger in size. the winner was to be determined by tests in antarctica. large-capacity sleds from three manufacturers, two russian and the famous liman company, took to the track. the german sleigh traveled about 100 km. ended their life ingloriously, these sleds, which successfully reached almost the east, returned back, which means that these sleds transported cargo 92, which is an absolute record
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for the conditions of antarctica. nzk vostok required unique solutions from special generators developed on the basis of camas diesel engines, to construction equipment. all this together made it possible to build a polar station in just 3 years. and what is most surprising for me personally is the speed of implementation of this project, because the concordia station, for example, which is french-italian, is about 500 km closer to the coast, it took almost 10 years to complete. and yet, as you could see for yourself, we can confidently say about inzykavost that it was made in russia. alexey kvashenkin, ilya mesyuchenko, victor khudiy, sergey vorobyov, vlada kopyllovskaya, vladimir sharykin and anastasia marchukova. ntv television company. about the people who carried out the most ambitious project in the history of russian polar research - they built a modern station in the middle of antarctica, and also erected a new wintering complex. watch the ntv documentary. vostok station
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russian heart of antarctica. it was filmed with the support of the russian geographical society. premiere at 0:40 minutes. and by this time we have everything. stay with it. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes levels. acids. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. the cold front continues to move south across europe towards end of the day.


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