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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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iran is saying goodbye to president risi and others killed in a government helicopter crash.
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experts are studying the circumstances of the disaster; according to the turkish press, which cites sources in the iranian intelligence services, changes were made to the list of passengers on the helicopter at the last moment, in particular , the head of mit was initially supposed to fly on a different board. the crew consisted of ordinary military personnel, although previously the helicopter was piloted by members of the islamic evolution guard corps of a closed elite formation. there were three types on board tracking devices, but despite this, according to the monitor lizards, the crash site could not be immediately located. was american,
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developed back in the late sixties. iran has not renewed its fleet for decades due to sanctions, and the head of the press service and the american state department was asked to comment on the opinion that it was restrictions on the supply of spare parts that could have caused the disaster. we are absolutely not going to apologize for the sanctions regime. the iranian government used aircraft to transport cargo in the interests of terrorists, so the sanctions will remain. ultimately exactly. the iranian government is responsible for the decision to fly a forty-five-year-old helicopter in bad weather. as the american newspaper writes about politics. during the long search for the helicopter and the prolonged information pause, the white house seriously feared that iran might blame the death of risi, the united states or israel, which in turn would provoke the third world war. at that moment, such a scenario no longer seemed crazy. this is the wording of one of the officials with whom the publication spoke. about 2,000 residential buildings in
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ten regions of russia, including the omsk, tyumen, and kurgan regions remain flooded as a result of the flood. emergency situations ministry employees are providing assistance to residents of the affected areas. in the tyumet region, the waters are receding, but almost 200 people still cannot return home and are still in temporary accommodation centers. temporary earthen embankments are being strengthened along the irtsh riverbed and water is being pumped out from flooded areas. in the omsk region in the affected areas.
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to call it an embankment, the spring floods characteristic of the republic have always bypassed this village, but now, due to strong ice jams, the lena river has overflowed so much that this settlement is also unlucky . under water... literally all residential buildings and rural institutions were here, rescuers on boats took the victims to relatives in temporary accommodation centers, people left their homes lightly, no one expected such a blow from the elements, only a few managed to remove valuable property in advance. rescuers organized targeted assistance to the population, evacuation to temporary accommodation centers, removal of livestock and strengthening of the dump. grandma, is it normal, have some more water. in the neighboring village of madut, horses needed emergency assistance. the owner, apparently, drove them to a safe place in advance, but the river flows surged even stronger, and as a result , the animals found themselves in a water blockade. the only way to escape is to move to the dry area in plav. under the supervision of caring fellow villagers, the frightened herd set off on its way to the burn elements. it rises and falls, he
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flooded the garage. the residents of the village of partizan are more familiar with the consequences of the ice drift; they were drowned in previous years, but this time they say it’s a complete ambush. volume. pensioners solovyovs, like an island in the wake of an endless lake, after the second wave of flood, the garden was gone, agricultural equipment was damaged by the water, the floors in the hut were damp. with the help of their grandchildren, the elderly couple managed to lift up the upholstered furniture, but all the homemade preparations that were handed over to the family before the next harvest disappeared in a matter of minutes. it will be like this all summer water, we will have to repair all this, do everything again, we need to buy materials, but now yes... together with the employees of the assessment commissions, they are photographing houses and garden plots damaged by the flood to calculate compensation, great damage has been caused not
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only to the private sector. in addition to houses, we have two social facilities: a hospital and a veterinary station. and one substation. and six municipal roads. experts are observing dangerous ice drifts in other regions of the republic. due to the difficult flood situation throughout the region a state of emergency has been declared. this will allow us to mobilize all our resources to combat the consequences of the disaster. where the problematic ice drift has already passed, the emergency situations ministry teams began restoration work. rescuers are pumping water out of flooded courtyards and basements and helping to bring the lives of injured victims back to life as quickly as possible. the former course. sergey antsigin, maxim mintsev and roman kutukov, ntv far eastern bureau. the ministry of defense reported the successful destruction of strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces of the russian army aviation in its zone. the combat mission was carried out to support the infantry of the center group.
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the crew of the k-52 helicopter struck at the given coordinates with unguided aircraft missiles, after which, releasing heat traps, they returned to the departure airfield. to donetsk. the direction of the artillery of the southern group of troops destroyed camouflaged fortified fortifications and manpower in the ssu. reconnaissance reported the massacre of enemy personnel, after which the crews of the d-31 howitzers of the army corps took over. thanks to the precise operation of the guns, the supply of ammunition and the rotation of personnel were also disrupted enemy. and in the south donetsk direction , heavy snipers of the pacific fleet marine brigade provide support to assault units, blocking the enemy in combat positions. reporting from the front line by evgeniy golovanov. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, contrary to the stereotype, snipers do not always move on their bellies, covered with maskhalats, sometimes like this, as part of an assault group in short dashes. we prefer to work closely with our guys, the stormtroopers. that is, there is no
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such thing, roughly speaking, how to say that they are attacking, we are waiting. two pillars, accepted. so, guys, i’m observing the target, the landmark is two pillars. there is an observer sitting in the bushes, let's go green, command green from the group commander , permission to open fire when ready, there is a hit, all the guys, let's go, then change position, they work more often in pairs or threes, covering each other, they are called heavy snipers, not by weight of course, we differ from ordinary snipers in our operating distance; our operating range ranges from minimal to double.
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they say, everything was set up and done, the basements, well, such lameness, how deeply entrenched, it was very difficult, stressful, but nothing, they knocked out. here are our marines, we are putting up a flag, here is our flag, our new mikhailovka, they are a real headache for ukrainian militants, if snipers appear in their sector, they prefer not to even... stick out of the trench, even one shooter with good optics can pin down an entire enemy unit . as the snipers themselves say, the most difficult thing in their work is not only to reach the line of combat contact unnoticed, not to run into an ambush, not get blown up by anti-personnel minis, not fall into the field of view of a reconnaissance drone, find your target and hit it from a long distance. the most difficult thing is the waiting, sometimes you have to wait for the goal not for hours, but for days. snipers work with both foreign captured and domestic ones.
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after every combat outing, and after today’s sortie, they will first of all take up rifles, only after that, for a break , the order to move to the front line again can come at any minute. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv. v in kaliningrad, more than 137 sailors of the baltic fleet received the keys to new apartments, the house, built using advanced technologies, is connected to an autonomous gas boiler room, automatic energy-saving lighting systems are installed in the entrances, and the apartments themselves are already renovated, each equipped with a fire alarm and individual utility billing units . already this fall, it is planned to issue warrants in another apartment building;
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next year , the next 407 sailors should celebrate housewarming parties. shanghai organization cooperation remains one of the pillars of a multipolar world order and may well become the driving force behind the transformation of eurasia into a single space of peace of mutual trust and development. this statement was made by sergei lavrov. after the meeting of the council of heads of the mid shos vostane. security on the continent can only be ensured by the efforts of the countries of the continent themselves, without interference from outside, and there are such attempts, lavrov said, in particular, he recalled how the united states is trying in every possible way to dangle the issue of creating a palestinian state, without which it is impossible to ensure stability in the region. the palestinian-israeli conflict is also our continent, so the task is to develop common approaches.
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sergei lavrov also had a conversation with the head of the iranian delegation, who confirmed the continuity of relations between tehran and moscow. the government announced that it had temporarily lifted the ban on gasoline exports from russia; it was introduced on march 1 to avoid fuel shortages. business news and denis talolaev. denis, did you manage to achieve results? the igor government says that the plan is even is oversupplied and the russian market is now oversupplied with fuel. the government again allowed the export of gasoline from russia, but only temporarily. the decree was signed by
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prime minister mikhail mishustin, it has already entered into force and is valid until june 30. the fact that everything is moving towards a temporary lifting of the export ban became clear 2 weeks ago, when deputy prime minister alexander novak announced that the export ban introduced on march 1 had worked in full, and now quote: the market is saturated and even oversaturated, and izminergo reported that russia in april. managed fully compensate for the volumes of fuel production that were previously lost due to the shutdown of the refinery for unscheduled repairs. now, when commenting on the temporary permit for the export of gasoline, the government says that this was done because the motor fuel market in russia was saturated, and also so that refineries would not reduce processing volumes due to overstocking, and so that ports could be freed from fuel that was planned for export . but the government clarifies that the ban on gasoline exports will continue.
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ninety-second increased in price during this time by but if we compare with the beginning of the year, then 23%, ninety-five by 34%. true, retail gasoline prices, according to rosstat, have increased since the beginning of the year by about only 1.5%. cheaper oil, the ruble is becoming more expensive again, apparently exporters have increased the sale of foreign currency, preparing to pay taxes, as a result , the dollar is now 90.42, the euro is 98.39. russians have become less likely to repay their mortgages early. in the first quarter, they closed housing loans for 397 billion 400 million rubles ahead of schedule. and this is
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the minimum level since 2022. for comparison, from january to march last year, russians paid. 10% more, this is data from the central bank. the amount of early repayments began to decline at the end of last year, after the central bank raised the key rate from 8.5 to 16% in the second half of twenty-three. deposit rates followed suit. as sergei grishunin, managing director of the rating service of the national rating agency, explained to rbc, for the population who have free money, it is now more profitable to send it not to pay off the mortgage. on deposits, where rates reach 15-17%. sergei grishunin also notes that due to high inflation expectations, people will follow a strategy something like this: consume now before money becomes worthless. egor is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, for business news. in moscow these days, more than 3.0 specialists from
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all over russia, as well as from abroad, discuss the problems of endocrinology. this is one of the most developing areas of medicine at the time , closely related to its other areas, from cardiology to oncology. in recent years , the number of diseases of the endocrine system has been growing, for example, in the capital alone , more than a million such patients are registered, every tenth child, diseases of the thyroid gland, metabolic and reproductive system disorders, diabetes mellitus, all these are the most pressing problems of endocrinology, how to solve them using the most innovative approaches and technologies, and are discussed gathered at the national congress in moscow, leading scientists, doctors, representatives of related specialties. at the same time , there is also an exhibition where pharmaceutical companies present new drugs. endocrinology has become such a powerful and developing area as science, healthcare, medicine, well, for the last 40 years. and not because, so
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to speak, someone smart brought this up, because...
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the official siul decided to fight enemy viral music with the help of strict censorship. from today, all media resources broadcasting a friendly father are blocked in the country, and for reposts you can get a fine. the video clip was called aggressive propaganda and psychological pressure on south koreans. further the emergency program and marat sedikov, with us marrat, over to you. and egor, the number of victims of the serial killer alexander spesivtsev has increased, he operated on the territory of kuzbass in the mid-nineties, 27 years ago, investigators proved that spesivtsev killed four people, three of whom were children, the identities of the victims were established, and then human fragments were discovered bodies, but the research methods of those years did not allow us
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to determine who they belonged to, now this has become possible, it took 250... examinations that answered all the questions, where are the arrogant people now, why is it nicknamed mommy's maniac, will the new circumstances affect the verdict, we'll tell you about this in a few minutes, egor, yes, thank you, emergency, further, and that's all for now, i say goodbye to you until 16:00, see you, this is sasha , it’s important to him. so that his friends are close, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer
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exit, premiere today at 22:15 on ntv, on ntv the program is an emergency in the studio marat seddikov and we... live, scary footage taken at a playground in mytishchi near moscow is now being studied by investigators, showing storekeeper dmitry shchetinnikov stabs his wife. all this happened in front of numerous witnesses, for quite a long time people simply watched what was happening, then someone intervened, perhaps this saved the woman’s life. olga is now in the hospital, the doctors say that the worst is behind her, meanwhile her husband in court... asked to be left free during the investigation, the elderly mother and daughter say they need him. during daylight hours, the incident is recorded by a surveillance camera on the playground.
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the man is dressed in black. several times a day pushes a woman, knocks her to the ground, and then -


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