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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 21, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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a general regime colony, where the court sent him for the next 7 years. daria vezovay, oksana goncharenko, nadezhda zypkina, alexey berulev and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. more news on our website in the chipentv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. the battle for europe, the far right threatens to demolish the old brussels order, where they will lead europe in the 21st century, we are at the finish line, vague doubts, the sudden death of ibrahim reisi has left too many questions, who was thwarted by the iranian leader, the threat that iran poses to... and the black
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mark, what high-profile assassination attempt could happen before the end of this year? trump is dangerous to our democracy, he must be removed, watch now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i'm andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we're working live, like... we understood from our announcement that today we have such, you know, conspiracies, some kind of political ones, not forecasts, but predictions, in general, as they would say before, scandals, intrigues, investigations, intrigues, scandals i'm investigating, this thing just runs out of me, but can we do something with it so that it doesn't creak so much? when we're on vacation, we'll start, you know what, we'll probably start with a fresh polish scandal, well, it's a big scandal , probably not very attractive, well, if you take it seriously, but in poland.
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great attention is paid to him, because in fact, the detention of a group of russian agents, or rather agents who worked for the russians, was announced not by anyone, but by donald tusk himself, that is, the head of the polish government, in theory, he should not throw around some nonsense, which means that donald tusk informed the public about this, which means that a group of saboteurs and saboteurs, those detained, committed acts of violence and arson on instructions from moscow.
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various representatives of the kiev regime, and indeed zelensky himself, have been making many statements in recent days, sometimes actually slipping into hysterics, this is due to the extremely unfavorable position of the forces of the kiev regime on the fronts, this is of course due to the difficult situation in which we are now the ukrainian military is staying, despite everything... the promised help, the desired rhythm is not there, to agitate for the protection of the ukrainian sky, the german foreign minister, anna lena berbak, also came to kiev, the visit, as ukraine likes to do, was not announced in advance, allegedly for security reasons, so that all these shots would become some kind of surprise, well, as spiegel magazine writes, frao berbakh even planned to visit kharkov, but at the last moment this item of the program was abandoned, at the station mrs. berbak, you see, was showing off in such a frivolous... mustard
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-colored raincoat, which did not stop her from demanding that her western colleagues urgently transfer air defense systems to ukraine. germany itself, according to berbak, has already scraped together almost a billion euros for these purposes. however, the main concern of western politicians now is not related to the work of the ukrainian air defense, but to whether the terrorist zelensky is even capable of controlling what is going on in his troops, here is the publication ikonomis, with a link to high-ranking, anonymous, of course, ukrainian sources, reports: that zelensky feels that he is not being told the whole truth about the situation near kharkov, and even, as the publication continues, shouts at his generals, feeling that there is some kind of catch. the ukrainians will talk directly about this. the military and their confession are, of course, discussed with alarm by foreign agents in publications. ukrainian special intelligence officer denis yaroslavsky really produced something like an information bomb. in a recent interview with the bbc, he said that the first line of defense simply did not exist. there should
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have been minefields there, in 2 years they could build fortifications there minus three floors. the russians simply walked in. and further. one piece of news from the european union, they expectedly approved the transfer of income from frozen russian assets to ukraine. the head of the czech ministry of foreign affairs reports that this year this will make it possible to transfer approximately $3 billion to kiev, and 90% of this amount, that is , the absolute majority will go to help the armed forces of ukraine. according to bloomberg, russia's blocked assets will annually bring in around 5 billion euros, unknown, all five.
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the german magazine spiegel decided to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of democracy in germany by releasing a cover with a giant swastika covered with the german flag with the words “ we learned nothing.” the issue is dedicated to the post-war history of germany, the authors come to the conclusion that instead of leaving the nazi era behind, the germans are returning to right-wing extremism. cdu, grün oder spd.
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the threat to democracy is felt in the european parliament; they promptly released a propaganda video for young people voters, in which older europeans remember the terrible totalitarian regimes and... fico himself may become the second viktor orban, together they will shake the foundation
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of the european union and nato. will the slovak prime minister turn the page or seek revenge to consolidate his power? some european officials fear that fitz could become a more disruptive force within nato, like orban, who cobotted the entry of finland and sweden. well, as you undoubtedly know, friends, our program fully and completely supports conservative values, methods, traditions, so if we choose at the beginning from two news, bad and good, we of course start with the bad, because this is such a tradition in jokes, it has existed for many, many years. andrei vladimovich, you always come out with forecasts, if not apocalyptic, then so frightening, please tell us, based again on your contacts with your many friends in europe, there is some kind of threat.
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you understand how, all their disagreements regarding russia will fade into the background, because for it’s more important for both of these ladies to fight migration, for example, so here, in general, of course, it’s interesting to follow this, of course, there, well, everyone will root for those political forces that are closer to them, but in this case , international experience
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undermines my sincere, naive faith in the ideals of democracy. this is how they will begin to explain that nothing really changes, andrei vladimirovich, of course, doesn’t allow me to read the european press, but we read it, the countries will change, you know, if the party, well, marine lepen gets a list, how now it’s 33%, and macron is 16 or 17 - this is a political disaster for a specific faction, okay, let’s do it then, despite the fact that maxim anatolyevich says that these are different factions and so on, here recently in madrid all these european rights. let's take a look at all this. the day before, the leaders of the european far-right gathered to confer before the elections to the european parliament. marine lepin, viktor orban, giorgia meloni, mateusz morawiecki and others embraced in madrid and unanimously criticized
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the european elites. true, it looks like all this was for eurovision, only with decent performers and a slogan for brussels. brussels unleashes mass and illegal migration, poisons our children with gender propaganda, abandons rural areas and destroys traditional families, we cannot allow this. the time has come for the patriots to occupy brussels. together we are in the home stretch to make june 9th a day of deliverance of hope.
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these are austria, belgium, czech republic, france, hungary, italy, the netherlands, poland and slovakia, in nine more countries they will be in the top three, thus a right turn will cover 2/3 of european countries.
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ukraine, for example, will not completely cancel it, but when they want to allocate 10, roughly speaking, billion euros, they will allocate five, and this will be a compromise between the right, which
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cannot be ignored at all, those rights that are against the armament of ukraine, and those who are wants weapons. this is all to our advantage, if it’s so rude it’s to our advantage, not quite like that, it will be the same garbage, only slower, slower is right to our advantage, slower is better than faster, it’s still to our advantage, explain to me, here why you no one can explain to me why it is necessary to scare the population of all european countries, without exception, with the rise to power of some monsters, such as this meley, who moved there before, because they are already accustomed to moving strictly in one direction. probably a little deeper, so that your question is clear, it is not not not quite simple, in fact, the process of breaking down the ideological machine of the european
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union is underway. where does the european union stand? destruction of national identity, yeah, taking away the sovereignty of states, into binding them into one manageable tool. what is happening now is what i hear now, right-wing, right-wing extremists. repeating these clichés that right-wing populists hang, well, let’s not be enemies of the normal process there, a return to self-determination, he is right, love for his homeland, she is right, well, here i am in russia, well well , everyone is right, everyone loves everyone, they are proud of the country in which they live, and we are gradually coming to the same understanding in europe, and this will destroy the doctrine of the european... parliament, union, ideological state, and i am 100% sure, it is very good when germany is pro-german, austria is pro-austrian,
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russia is pro-russian, and there is no need to say, they won’t, they won’t be pro-russian, they don’t have to be pro-russian, they have to protect the interests of your people and reach a level of relationships that will allow you to start a contract normally. the process of good neighborly relations, this is an excellent strategy, which we are now very much and maybe one more question then, because here is one of the most important points in these disputes are migration policy, but as i understand it, those forces that are gaining more and more popularity are probably planning to lead the political processes in one way or another, they are the migration policy that has been in recent years , they don't approve.
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they scare their voters with the coming of a new hitler to power and by publishing swastikas on the covers of the magazine, it seems to me that these are not very democratic methods, and there is a feeling that these rightists and the right turn will simply not be allowed by people who sitting in their seats now, in the words of zara vagen knecht, right?
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specifically europeans, these are tales of the vienna woods. anton vach, why are you sitting there so sad? no, he's a bird, are you worried about democracy? oh, leave it, are you for the communists or for the bolsheviks, vasily ivanovich, you know, it seems to me that the key story is why this whole discrediting campaign is going on against right-wing eurosceptics, in general , my colleague says correctly, these are all these markers, right, left, eurosceptic, populist, it’s all so propaganda history has recently become, because really.
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other issues, accordingly they call law - this is a common place, unlike migration, indeed those who say: no, this won’t work, that means we need more sovereignty, naturally, we see now over the past few years there are objective problems in the economy there and from country to country, there may be more in germany, somewhere less, there is some england, which now has no relation to the european union. well, in a european country everything is bad there, of course people they ask the question, why did we feel bad? so every politician answers in his own way, which means that they say in europe, because you are assholes, what have you done, including those who support, i mean russia, they say, well, you yourself did all this, accordingly, the sanctions boomerang back and so on and so forth, so these people say, it means that no, the problem is that we need to press on, that is, there will be some means, that means, the numbers that
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were announced today are 55%. they want to kill me, we’ll figure it out, but what’s wrong? to figure it out, they want to crash, let them crash, sergei zharkov, are you under a spell or something, and we are generally dead, scary people, dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00
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on ntv, emergency exit, premiere, today at 22: 15 on ntv, national lottery, buy dreamlion at the post office and online, register. ru one of the four cars could be your dream leon promotion second chance click on your dream catching a bird pie is not easy, but everyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on for the marinade charcoal and tomato lemonade for salad, the whole family will be very happy, discounts of up to 50% on vegetables and herbs are delivered to the supermarket in 30 minutes. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to
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another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles, and withdraw cash from any atm for free. not just profitable. alpha.
2:34 pm
there have never been such norms, it’s normal for me to wake up earlier than before, rise above myself and circumstances, find strength for what i’ve been putting off, devote time to the most important things, when sports are the norm of life, everything is normal for me, find energy for , dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. sinaden - ease of movement. oh, our terminator is running. petrovna, wait, where are you going this time? when my grandson took me to music, i’ll drop by home, now i’ll feed the cat and go back to get my grandson, look at the record, in the morning my grandson will go to the garden, then to social security, then to the post office, grandson from the garden,
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evening scandinavian walking to the music, and also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, what kind of joints do you need to have to live on the fifth floor? she runs so briskly like a liquid terminator, an ordinary person’s legs would have broken his back long ago, and i’m telling you, her means are from the future, there’s no other way to explain it. sinoden - ease of movement, call right now to quickly get detailed advice on the drug sinaden. everyone who called our line when ordering a course, except for the detailed consultations, will also receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, at the same time. you won’t even have to pay for delivery, yes, yes, you heard right, delivery is also a gift, okay, we were arguing around the house, oh, petrovna is already scratching back for her grandson, the girls, the ski track,
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by the way, and you’re so casual with her - then ask what kind of sinoden this is, call now find out detailed information about the drug sinoden, because today everyone wants... to receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, as a gift, and you do not have to pay for delivery, order sinoden course directly from the manufacturer right now by number. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, and this part, let's start with the loud scandal around the international. criminal court, which , to everyone's amazement, is considering
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issuing an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the organization's chief prosecutor made corresponding demands, and this is the first time that an american ally has come under the court's radar. with exclusive and sensational court prosecutor karim khan made a statement on cnn, he noted that all the evidence collected suggests that netanyahu, and... the elected leaders of the countries directly told me
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that this court was created only for africa and for thugs like putin, that's what one of the big leaders told me, but we look at it differently. israel's reaction, more like hysteria, was not long in coming. netanyaku did not mince words in saying that the accusation, quote, is false and absurd, and the prosecutor’s decision is directed against everything the israeli state, and, of course, used the main trump card, calling the whole thing a manifestation. new anti-semitism. as prime minister of israel, i reject with disgust the comparison of democratic israel with the mass murderers hamas. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti-semitism looks like, which has moved from university campuses in the west to the hague court. what a disgrace? did netanyahu and his american comrades stand up for him and how did they stand up? biden says no matter what moose does
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i thought there was nothing, nothing in common between israel and hamas, secretary of state blinken called such a comparison shameful, but the french mit, prosecutor mus’s desire to achieve justice supported, regarding hamas, they say everything has been clear to them for a long time, but the investigation needs to deal with israel, how they say, it will show, well, it seems to me that andrei vladimirovich is here, there is no need to wait for benjamin netanyahu. this will happen only on the condition that it is led by this united europe,
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and well, initially, probably, by every country in separately and then united by europe, there will still be people with completely different political preferences and ideas than now. i said we would like to introduce you to some of them. let's do it. this twenty-seven-year-old blue-eyed blonde is one of the new mouthpieces of anti-immigrant sentiment in the netherlands. her name is eva vlardi. in amsterdam now 56% of the population are migrants, in the hague 58. in rotterdam , almost 60% of the residents are migrants, and of course, the majority are from countries of the non-christian, non-western world, from africa and the middle east. the conclusion is that the dutch are a minority in their own cities. look further : 54% of london residents are migrants, the conclusion is the same,
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locals are in the minority. brussels shocked 70% of migrants; locals are in the absolute minority. and other european countries, of course, are next in line, if not already there. the right is also vigorously fighting the green agenda, which is persistently imposed from brussels. romania's mep candidate, forty-five-year-old cristian, is convincing voters that the fight against climate change - campaigns have been going on for decades, designed to make people believe that anthropogenic co2 is the cause of climate change, it is obvious that the goal is...
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to push this young guy, he has, i think, a brilliant career, waiting for him, there really are a lot of them in europe, this one is growing up they’ve grown up, why then don’t you give them the right to a successful political career and say that nothing in general will change anyway, in this case i
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’m starting from the informational reason, and these are elections to the european parliament, that’s where everything is captured, there, everything is decided by factions, you know, there...
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that is, unfortunately, our strong point is to react, humanity has survived to this day because we have always made the right decision on how to change our habits, unfortunately, it seems to me that both the right and the europeanists use virtually the same threads, painting a catastrophe, as if in green, a catastrophe in brown. in fact, no one knows how to react, because now it’s easy to throw overboard the migrants who we exist, of course, this is impossible, because many of them...
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we are simply correct in russia, we don’t like populists, but in general populism, and what else does the opposition say, anyone, right, left, it happens, antonich, in my ideal world there is some kind of populist part, forgive me for this word, but there is some constructive part, well, we criticized these, let’s a, b, c, d, e, f. and here we hear, let’s i ’ll give a popular, wait, a popular example, everything is clear to everyone, which means that for
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many years, we have had a relationship with vladimir zhirinovsky felt like some completely uncontrollable person there, who can only talk, throw populist slogans, now we’ll go there to wash our boots in the indian ocean, every woman gets a man, every man gets a bottle, and then... you in me you can’t shut your mouth so condescending, it’s a mythological
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construction, in fact, everyone likes it , okay, but any opposition everywhere, when they go to elections, they try to engage in populism, because what else can they present to them, they say migration to expel there the officials are bad, what happens next is speculation. which yes, which officials, when they say that all right-wing eurosceptics, now hitler will come, but this is not, and this is not speculation, speculation, also speculation, all, all foreign, all public policy, it is mixed up with speculation, moreover , when these populists, who promise to send away migrants, that means, or fire someone, comes, becomes in power, and even ours, even even here in russia, yes, that’s when some kind of opposition becomes governor, he begins to behave completely differently, because he has a completely different responsibility, which means they are all moving...
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to the root of the problem, where did it come from? it came from the fact that western european civilization , at least for half a millennium, existed due to the exploitation of third world countries, and it was precisely the issues of solving the problem of these countries that europe and the united states never raised. moreover, they started a mess with russia solely because of the need to dominate and maintain access to cheap the resources they received for nothing more. everything else is demagoguery. and when we talk, is there any solution to the problems of...
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all the permafrost, there is snow here, it’s like sand, you’re like on another planet, where even metal crumbles, in my last seventh winter the station began to break, cracking , snow does not turn into water, here they are just pieces of foam plastic, you need to water it with water so that it melts in order to get water, russian conquerors of antarctica live and work, yes
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the city of mishkhet, that’s where the funeral will take place. the un security council today honored the memory of the iranian president with a minute of silence. the opportunity to remain silent was missed by the representative of israel, who recorded an angry video in response to this minute of silence, where he compared reisi to hitler. advice un security today observed a minute of silence in memory of the mass murderer iranian president risi, who was responsible for the assassination. what's next for the security council? a minute of silence on the anniversary of hitler's death? the security council has simply become a threat to world peace. in company with tel aviv was an imitator of latvia.
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the head of the department expressed his irreconcilable position on social networks, refusing to express condolences after the death of the iranian president. but there are other reasons. it is allegedly inconvenient for him to express condolences due to close cooperation tehran and moscow. at the same time british. because of them, spare parts for airplanes and helicopters that were produced in the united states do not arrive in iran, and supposedly it was a technical malfunction, but now only one of the versions led to the crash of the presidential helicopter, where racey actually was, and this helicopter was made in the united states states almost half a century ago, the state department responded that they were not concerned about the sanctions problems of the iranians.
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in short, there is no official iranian version yet, but what the press writes is as the main thing, this is bad weather, but i , to be honest, i don’t really understand yet whether some kind of big investigation will be ordered, did you hear something like that, van, and of course there will be an investigation, but the iranians are, as always, quite informed the public, that is, in short, because of all this, of course, more and more.
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there is more fog and many say that it was an assassination attempt and that the president of iran was killed, and there are a lot of reasons, from foreign policy to domestic policy. the helicopter carrying ibrahim raisi, along with minister of foreign affairs, governor imam, crashed in inaccessible mountains, the situation was complicated by heavy rain and poor visibility, while two other helicopters without top state officials on board flew quite safely in the same area and in the same weather. in the western press they started saying that there was some sabotage, especially since the white house national security advisor, jake salevan, just the other day said that iranian leaders are very disturbing to everyone. hezbollah attacks daily. the threat that iran and its the proxies are for israel, regional stability and american interests, obviously. the public in tehran is almost sure that the rsi was dealt with on the orders of israel, and although the anonymous officials there immediately. tehran,
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reports that baku is considered the executor there. the logic is this: azerbaijan cooperates closely with israel in the military and security fields. the israelis, more than any other country in the region, want the fall of the islamic republic because of the revolution. 1979 was a disaster for israel. before revolution, iran and israel had good relations, and after the islamic revolution, iran decided to become israel's biggest enemy. experts remind that israel has been attacking iranian military officials and nuclear scientists for decades. in april, the countries entered into open confrontation after an israeli airstrike on the iranian consulate in damascus. columnist bilt julian röbke. calls
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the death of the iranian president a gift to masad. if the reports are correct and racey was flying a forty-five-year-old bel-212 in weather conditions, which are not suitable under visual flight rules, the iranian regime could do masad a big favor. it's just suicide. there is a popular version in russian social networks that the death of rysi was arranged by the west; they see the cia as a british mi-6. the death of the iranian president is comparable to an attempt. murder, an attempt on the head of serbia and the prince of saudi arabia, as well as an attempted coup in turkey. they say all these leaders oppose western policies in ukraine and maintain close ties with russia. western conspiracy theorists offer a version middle eastern showdowns. they are under suspicion from local radicals from ksir and hamas, who do not like the idea of ​​peace negotiations with the west. the helicopter crash with iranian president raisi on board occurred at a delicate moment.
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just days after senior us and iranian officials held talks through mediators to try to reduce the threat of wider conflict in the middle east. time recalls that ibrahim reisi was not only the president of iran, but a potential successor, the de facto ruler of the country, the eighty-five-year-old supreme leader ali khaminiya. the economist magazine agrees with this, hinting that risi was the victim of a banal power struggle. in the state. risi's death will create a succession crisis in iran. he and motstabaha minii, the son of the eighty-five-year-old supreme leader, are the only candidates being discussed for the succession thrones. in iran's conspiratorial political culture, few would believe that rsi's death was accidental. some huge number of factors, you know, that’s all converges in one place. as dmitry konstantinovich kiselev says, i don’t think it’s a coincidence. but it's real. so you, georg valeevich, in
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the pre-interview you generally told us that this was an attempt on lynx and those who were with him, that is, here you see some general, please explain, three super vips of the country were flying in the helicopter, that is, president risi, which everyone is talking about, foreign minister abdalohian, who, as it were , determined the entire foreign policy as a strategist, was called the next president, and the third person you named.
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iran was killed in this destroyed, died, name any verb in this fall. now here 's the really interesting part. in iran , the absolute majority believes that this is not an accident, it does not happen, that this is really an external assassination attempt and indeed among, the most likely candidate is called israel, because it is beneficial for israel, not even so much for the americans as for israel, but there is a subtlety here, very great subtlety, iran, there is a big difference between who did it and what they will officially say, because if iranian authorities will now say based on the results of the investigation.
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in a helicopter, as here was this formulation of flights, well, when you see where you are flying there is not in the skies, if the weather was such bad weather, why was the decision made to fly, that is , it is also not just a decision made to fly, but to fly with three vips on one board, so israel made such a decision, why is this whole government tokva.
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until the last moment he does not know which of the three helicopters president risi will board, he can board any of them, and that israel had to blow up all three at once, if these were such important, good people, there would have been no need to take off on a bell 212 helicopter, which is not structurally designed for flights in the
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absence of direct visibility, but there was no need to do this, and indeed, let’s look at the conspiracy theory, let's say israel did this, why any de...
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they drove him into such a trap with the hamas attack on israel, now israel is forced to be stuck there for months.
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when this helicopter was being prepared for canada, it was prepared for it back in the eighties, flight by instruments, that is, in almost zero visibility and so on, everything is duplicated there, everything is fine, moreover, this is a twin-engine helicopter with a ceiling of 5 km, so it simply took off above all these clouds, probably for the head of state. what factor makes you think that something is wrong here, the turks said about this, they
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say: we monitor the airspace and we monitor the radio broadcast, as soon as something happens, everything can be, engine failure, although there are two of them, it can continue on the second, icing of the blades, he starts to fall, the pilots always transmit the sos signal, broadcast some problems and the motorcade, and this is called an air motorcade, they would have planned it there, would have accompanied it until the moment of its fall, so most likely like...
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as i already said, an air motorcade , this is a change, that is, someone had access to aviation assets, and we know that american documents leaked online, the theory of political assassinations, how to destroy leaders, something else, they have made a huge amount of tools for non-professionals , they make strangers hands that are camouflaged as ordinary objects, for example, there are things that look like a lighter, bait, you throw into a tank, cars or means dissolve into fuel and are guaranteed... after 30 minutes it blocks access - if they just crashed into a mountain, too there would be no sos signal,
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there would be no may messages, and the other two, who are nearby for years, that they haven’t flown nearby, there is no nuance, no matter how much they would not fly at these altitudes, gps works, it is impossible to turn it off locally, everything else, they are always rise higher, they are going above the clouds, he stuck there when he was already falling accordingly, no pilots will go there between the gorges, it just doesn’t make sense, he has power reserves and they would have given him a higher flight level, it’s like... the pilots didn’t explain , he says, in the mountains we always fly much higher, of course, well, it makes no sense, but that’s why someone had access to these helicopters and could, i repeat again, this could be an accident, could gain access in this situation, moreover, he knew which helicopter and where, how people landed there, what concerns domestic or foreign policy events, here, in fact , besides america and israel, there are still a number of actors who may also be interested, that... in order to obtain direct
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railway communication with iran, destabilization of relations along the line of azerbaijan, which means iran is is also very beneficial, it destabilizes this entire region in general, it reduces the activity of these two states in the form of turkey and azerbaijan, there are many nuances there that might be of interest, but i agree with colleagues that internal destabilization is barely visible, because the distribution of functions in iran is very serious, firstly, this was the second person, in fact, this is the prime minister.
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this is really an external influence, because if you look at the handwriting of the same americans who are accused of wanting to thereby destabilize the situation in iran, then they have long since stopped fighting any specific characters, they always hit the system , they destroy the system, after which they destroy the character who was a symbol of this system, be it iraq, be it libya or some other countries, here - it doesn’t look at all like someone was trying to really destabilize the system, the system is already very stable.
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yes, the conclusion is, i would rather believe that this really is a piloting error or something else, those who were in the mountains and got into a cloud understand you perfectly well, you stretch out your hand, you can’t see your fingers, and if you are in the mountains fly in a helicopter in this weather, climb into this mountain, it’s elementary, you don’t believe the internal iranian conspiracy either, i i’m ready to consider this, well, we have a clear advantage in external matters.
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inside, and he also had opponents in some other chats of the middle east, when and until now, literally until now , the final answer to this question: who stood for, or no one stood, maybe his plane just crashed, what- that happened, it remains open, how many 35 years have passed, 40 years have already passed, it is quite possible that in this situation, that is, you want to say that ryisi, who, as far as i remember, was a judge.
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from reality, what it means, what it means, that the announcement of what happened to the helicopter would not come from what happened to the helicopter, but that the iranian leadership would consider it important for iran's interests to announce when france would have killed ferdinand, if austria-hungary had not wanted war, it would have said , that this is crazy and the principle said, and serbia has nothing to do with it and there is no
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need for war, that is, there is an event and let’s separate the political consequences from it, this is the first thing. an important figure in iran, but a change of president in iran will not lead to a change of course, so in this sense, there is no point in destroying the head of iran, just as the potential murder
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of the head of slovakia will not play a leading role either in the european union or in nato. these, dear friends, are two signals sent to those who make much more serious decisions in much more important positions in much more important countries. this is a demonstration of possibilities. we can kill or almost kill two of our opponents in one week, we show you tv series, this is for you, let’s do it, and so on and so forth, and they show it all to the heads of all countries of the world, we can do this, they show, that’s the point, okay, let’s now continue this idea that nikolaich was here just now, let’s look a little about how this all happened before, and what the reaction was, what the consequences killed.
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just a little more and we'll get to grips with some kind of underwater cartel, guys, you're in trouble, i'm a policeman, sit still, where are you going, my friend? dolphin, today at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday 2020 on ntv. this is the security service, give me the code from sms, come on.
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue. nikolai viktorovich starikov in the last part remembered 1914 and assassination of franz ferdinand erzger of austria. now we will also remember it in our plot, there will be not only this example, where we will try, and after this plot, we will try to answer the question to what extent the murder of a political leader can somehow change the course of history, or is it rather like this, bookish romantic belief. june 28. in 1914 , the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, ertz-duke franz ferdinand, was shot in the neck in the serbian city of sarajevo. shocked vienna announced serbia's involvement in the assassination attempt and issued a harsh warning to the country. an ultimatum that essentially violated serbian sovereignty. belgrade did not agree to these demands, and a few weeks later the first world war began, which redrew the european map and destroyed four empires. when it became known that evening that the heir to the austrian throne had been
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assassinated. europe was plunged into a state of shock; in every capital, in every embassy, ​​people wondered: what could this mean? it was september 11th for old europe, a moment that would change everything. in just a month, the entire continent will be covered war. in november 1995, in the square of kings in tel aviv, a jewish religious fanatic shot and killed israeli prime minister yitzhak rabit. the politician spoke at a rally of thousands for peace between israel and palestine, and shortly before that. signed an agreement with palestinian leader yasser arafat on a gradual settlement of the conflict, but not all jews and arabs liked it. after the assassination of rabin , the well-known benjamin netanyahu came to power for the first time, who began to curtail peace initiatives; after 30 years, his army will be equal to land gas sector. the assassination attempt on rabin was one of the most effective assassinations of the 20th century. his killer, yigal amir, wanted to destroy
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the palestinian-israeli peace accord. by shooting the only israeli politician capable of putting this agreement into practice. and golyamir achieved all his goals. theoretically, murders that never took place can influence the course of history. in 2015, in germany, the world saw the film blow up hitler 13 minutes. it tells the story of carpenter georg elser. on november 8, thirty-nine, he decided to kill adolf hitler. knowing that the fuhrer celebrates the beer pusch in munich every year with a traditional address to supporters.
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it still somehow critically changes the course of history, because in the case of the first world war, well, let’s be honest, read a couple of books and you will understand that if there had not been the assassination of franz ferdinand, there would have been something else, because before that it was there four or five crises in europe, which almost led to war, in general everyone was already expecting something like this, well, that’s absolutely right, regarding the first world war there are guns of august, there are samnambula’s book, which perfectly tells how the continent itself approached this war, in fact, you know, back in school textbooks.
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there is a cause-and-effect relationship, now kennedy has been killed, that the war has begun, there are two types of assassination attempts, yes, an assassination attempt when it is some single idiot, which we see most likely happened in the case of mr. fitze, while we do not know when the assassination attempt is organized by you, for example, some special service or some power, it does this for some purpose, and here we see that there is no purpose after death raisi has not been achieved, the murder of the leader can really push the course of history at the last moment, but it never changes it about...
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this measurement, they all flew away somewhere, dissipated, and what we see now is rabin, saddath, we have there is a very long history of such political murders of people that really change history, and sorry for the taftology, look, well, i won’t talk about reisi now, we have already closed this topic in
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the last part, it’s just that reisi was not the second person in iran in that form in which you are about you say this, of course, this is complicated, because raisi had a huge influence on the xir, and let’s say it was. yes, they closed it, let’s do this, there have been a huge number in history, throughout human history there have been a huge number of murders of leaders who really changed history, we remember alexander the great, yes, who was going to go to the west to conquer the emerging roman state there, maybe there wasn’t then would be the roman empire, we remember caesar, whose murder completely changed the course of roman history, led to to civil soldiers and well, to the subsequent collapse of rome, let’s say, we remember modern history: radat, rabin, assassination attempt and so on, indeed, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, our history is determined not only by processes, but also by people, their views , their decisions, from the fact that, for example, they killed paul i, we, if we had not killed paul i,
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perhaps we would not have been drawn into the war with napoleon in the country of england, which, by the way, was the organizer of the murder of our emperor, if , the organizer, well, one of the organizers, okay, let's do it. cooperates not only with brussels, but with the hague, accompanies the deportation, in fact, to the hague tribunal of various serbian statesmen, former ministers, generals and so on,
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part of the military leadership of serbia does not like this very much, part of the old military leadership of serbia ultimately organizes assassinations , he dies and after him, after a very short period of time, becomes the new prime minister... kostunica, who stops open cooperation with the hague, stops sending serbian military political figures there to stand trial, declares a completely different, different position on kosovo, a different position on cooperation with the european union, completely and very seriously changes the political trajectory of serbia, so yes there is, you know, when we try this question, what does history determine?
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“grandmother, we need to make ourselves beautiful, i think we’ll take an orphan, a girl with peaches as a reference, what’s going on with you again, isolya stepanovna, the young man doesn’t want to recognize his grandmother, the last name is krupina aleftina nikolaevna, well, that’s what she is, it’s not mine grandma, who would should i say, did he work on his face?" "sirov, i don’t understand what he didn’t like, emergency
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bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. this is the meeting place on ntv, and we don’t have much time left, we’ll do without a plot here for now, just like the scale the personality of this or that politician does or does not influence the course of history, if there is an attempt to eliminate this person. while our guests will now be...
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the death of one politician changes the life of mankind, the death of another does not, the same kennedy, i already asked, well , the world somehow turned upside down when he was killed, you know, well, relatively speaking, there is a short story about iran, there may be different events there, the times wrote, for example, that this is beneficial to israel, because it is such a quiet response,
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as if to the blow that iran made, because the drone that was there was not weak, it seems like israel is saying, we have nothing to do with it. but if a big war doesn’t start, then no significant changes will happen. as for trump, here , of course, everything is more global, after all, this is the internal political situation in the united states and there is something to share there. nowadays the term social engineering is very often used when influencing large groups of people, as an example, the servant of the people series, when zelensky had not yet run for office, but the image of the president was already formed in society through this picture. then he just entered this image, everyone voted for him, and what series is now starting to gain popularity in america, the civil war, this america, which has been constantly being cultivated for the last decades, post-apocalypse, computer games, survivalists who build bunkers for themselves there, everything the rest suggests that this scenario is being written for america, the trigger may
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be the death of trump, because texas has already said, if something happens, we will start here, what they say, they say, we are ready we will defend these rights of ours, moreover, we are building the largest plant for the production of shells in texas now, if a conflict breaks out, it could be against you and what could lead to, well, again, not wanting anything to anyone, the death of us presidential candidate donald. out of nowhere, trump is in demand, if not for the inevitable, but look, trump appeared without a request for trump, he would never have arisen in the united states of america, also hitler in germany, if it were not for, if
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there was no request for hitler, he never trump, no, it doesn’t matter, you’re talking about a person in history, here both are outside. depending on the denominator that we put in front of him, this is a person in history, so if trump is killed, shot, he will die there or something else, just another character will appear, tucker carlson will take and... take his place, that's all, because in the united states, yes, indeed, you will forgive me for my cynicism, but then it turns out that political murder loses its meaning, that is , it turns out that it leads to nothing, a new francin will appear, of course not, that’s it look, a very good example was given, yitzhak rabin and yasser arafat killed both of them, yasser arafat was poisoned by... his wife then did the relevant examinations, that is, what happened, two politicians, antagonists, agreed on peace at the point where the globalists
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needed eternal war, eternal conflict, we see it now, what should they do, they kill one, kill another, yastrib netanyahu comes to power in israel, and what happens to the movement for the liberation of palestine, it splits, the west, together with israel, creates hamas, continues to play off between ourselves, then the americans help. i would like to look at all these fantasies with a fair amount of skepticism, as for trump and as for politicians, when there is
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a movement behind a politician, it gives birth to a new leader, isaac herzog was not popular in israel, what do you see in israel now, god, thank god everything well, he was not popular in israel, but we now see that israeli society rejected this peace with palestine, as a result , now there is not a single politician there who is in favor of peace, he was against it.
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a man reported his partner missing he started looking for her via the internet, girlfriends, friends, acquaintances, the first days he walked around the yard, shouting her name, soon body parts were discovered in the orenburg region, two hands were found, the head was 10 meters from the hands, he threw out the body and legs. in the trash, the neighbors believe that the horrific murder was committed by the cohabitant himself, he said that he worked in the morgue, and he can cut up corpses, but his relatives are sure that he physically could not kill, because he is terminally ill, very weak, since october he has been lying in hospital, when they took him there, he didn’t even could walk, he was so weak, so who brutally dealt with the woman, and my father was in the hospital, she led a very riotous lifestyle, why do you think that she was found?
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to talk all this out? victor zhezavich, what do you think? well, most likely iran will say what? iran, in principle, accordingly, will not have any global benefits, it will not be beneficial for it to enter into a direct conflict with israel, a full-fledged war, so it seems to me that iran will really say that this is an accident, and then by chance an israeli helicopter will crash, that is, there will be something else -unfortunate, by accident, for sure also. though not with netanyahu, we collectively decided that the murder of netanyahu would be a great gift for the united states, the iranians don’t serve food on fridays, kind, of course, the direct murder of two high-ranking military leaders of iran did not lead to anything, the same thing will happen here, it will the weather is to blame, after the murders, even somehow question it, let's check what
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will happen, but in my opinion it will be better after the death of the leaders. he’s laying it all out now, that ’s it, let’s breathe out, there were a lot of conspiracies today, so the story is simpler, there’s a trial going on, they’re being judged rabinovich, says: defendant rabinovich, do you have an alibi? and what is it? well, did anyone see you at the time of the murder? oh, thank god no. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, all the best to you,
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goodbye. 3 billion euros already this year. the european union...approved the transfer of income from frozen russian assets to kiev and did not deprive itself. iran is saying goodbye to president roisi and others killed in a government helicopter crash. why did emmanuel macron decide personally go to new caledonia, where anti-french unrest has been going on for a week. why don't you pay child support? due to lack of money. a board of shame for child support workers. deputies propose to motivate negligent parents with public reprimand. this is very very shameful, will the new mechanism work? ksenia ignatova found out why the friendly northern father did not please the south koreans?


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