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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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3 billion euros already this year. the european union approved the transfer of income from frozen russian assets to kiev, and did not deprive itself. iran is saying goodbye to president reisi and others killed in a government helicopter crash. why did emmanel macron decide to personally go to new caledonia, where anti-french unrest has been going on for a week? will the new mechanism work, ksenia ignatova found out, and why did the north’s friendly father displease the south koreans? the official force
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banned the demonstration of a video clip dedicated to kimchen-rino. hello, you watch the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, today the eu countries approved a plan to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets to provide ukraine with weapons. this was announced by czech foreign minister jan lepavsky. after the start of the special operation, the eu and g7 countries froze almost half of russian foreign exchange reserves amounting to about 300 billion euros. most of them are in the accounts of the belgian euroclear, one of the world's largest settlement clearing systems. according to the scheme described in the depository manual, the european commission can count on approximately 90% of the net profit from frozen assets after taxes. the depository preferred to keep the remaining part for itself in case of possible risks associated, for example, with lawsuits from russia. the european commission plans to receive at least two from euroclear this year. up to 3 billion euros, then
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again 90x10. most of this amount will go to weapons for kiev, and the rest to support the european military-industrial complex. meanwhile, in the northern military district zone, units of russian military groups continue advancement into the depths of the enemy's defense. in the kharkov region , units of three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were defeated. in the territories of the dpr and lpr, this is the longest front line. immediately 10 enemy brigades suffered significant losses. loss trying to counterattack russian forces. as a result , in one day the ukrainian army lost over one and a half thousand military personnel. today in the kremlin, vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of kalmykia. it was about the development of the republic, especially. khasikov noted that natives of kalmykia , together with representatives of other regions, defend the interests of russia in their zone, provide those who have already fulfilled their military duty with new opportunities for implementation in civilian life, and are promoted.
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tourist potential of kalmekia. at the end of the meeting, vladimir putin wished batu khasikov successful re-election to a new term. in the village, a farewell ceremony is being held for president ibrahim resi, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, and other members of the official delegation who died in a helicopter crash last sunday. this is morning footage from the city of tabritz, the center of the province where the incident took place. catastrophe. cars carrying coffins drove extremely slowly, surrounded by thousands of mourners. then the bodies on air force one. taken to
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tehran for public prayer, here is a meeting at the airport at the airport of the country's authorities, a guard of honor, funeral processions outside the gates, risi will be buried on thursday in his hometown of meshhet. we haven't slept since yesterday, raisi has been a good president. this is a big loss, i hope that other fighters will take his place. to participate in the mourning events tomorrow.
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pin sent condolences to the first iranian vice president mahber. well, in iran itself, military and technical experts are studying the circumstances of the disaster. according to the turkish press, which cites sources in the intelligence services. in iran , changes were made to the list of passengers on the helicopter at the last moment; in particular, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs was initially supposed to fly on a different helicopter. the crew consisted of ordinary military personnel, although previously the helicopter was piloted by members of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the helicopter, by the way, was american, developed back in the late sixties. iran has not been renewing its fleet for decades due to sanctions, and the head of the press service of the american state department was asked to comment on the opinion that restrictions on the supply of spare parts could have become a problem. we are absolutely not going to apologize for the sanctions regime. the iranian government used aircraft to transport cargo for terrorists, so the sanctions will remain. ultimately, it is the iranian government that is responsible for the decision to fly
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a forty-five-year-old helicopter in bad weather. and as the american newspaper writes politics, during the long search for the helicopter and the prolonged information pause, the white house seriously feared that... it might blame the united states and israel for the death of the flight, which in turn would provoke the third world war. at that moment, such a scenario no longer seemed crazy. this is the wording of one of the officials with whom the publication spoke. the meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the shanghai cooperation organization in astana began with a minute of silence in memory of ibrahim rossi. today is the second day of work for the ministers of the kazakh capital. following the meeting more than twenty decisions were made in various areas. russia, china, kazakhstan, india, iran, kyrgyzstan, pakistan, tajikistan and uzbekistan.
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opening the ostana meeting, the minister of foreign affairs of kazakhstan invited the meeting participants to discuss current issues on the regional and international agenda. after this, the meeting continued behind closed doors. we confirmed our readiness.
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fits into the sco space. over the past years, the geography of the organization and its sphere of influence have only expanded. 2 years ago six new ones joined the sco dialogue partners, four of them are arab countries: the emirates, egypt, bahrain and kuwait. and last year iran became a full member of the union. in total, the sco
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, taking into account observers and dialogue partners , already has more than twenty states, this is most of the territory of eurasia and already about 3 billion people, that is, the sco countries are united by... kron decided to personally go to new caledonia, which is covered unrest in overseas french territory. the day before, at a meeting of the security council in paris, it was adopted the decision to send thousands of military personnel to the islands. there are already 2.0 french gendarmes on the archipelago, but they cannot cope with mass pogroms.
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according to macron, the military contingent should ensure the security of government buildings and key infrastructure facilities. indigenous residents cordoned off the airport, blocked roads, and destroyed french roads. shops and restaurants, mass protests against french influence in new caledonia broke out a week ago over an electoral reform project. france wants to give the right to vote not only for indigenous islanders. but also numerous foreigners who have chosen the local lagoons and reefs. the natives fear that they will remain in the minority and will lose the opportunity to legitimately seek the right to independence. new caledonia has been trying to secede from france for a long time, but referendums have not yet brought the desired result. digital agronomist ivan advised members of the russian government. the conversation took place in nizhny novgorod, where the conference and exhibition are being held. implementation of digital developments. the spheres are different from rosatom, where high technology has long ruled, to housing and communal services.
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alexey prokin about how smart machines are taking the lead in production processes. for 9 years now, the conference on digital industry and industrial russia has remained a platform where vectors of digital development are determined. the most important thing is that we are moving from the stage of developing our own, let’s say, home solutions, to the stage of their commercialization. this. having examined the stands of china and iran, the russian prime minister expressed condolences to the iranian delegation in connection with the tragic the death of president risi. he was a great friend of russia, and did a lot to strengthen our trade, economic, and simply friendly relations. mikhail mishustin got acquainted with the operation of the sarus full life cycle management system, which was developed by rosatom; such systems are worth their weight in gold, providing complete control from the project to...
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they will have the opportunity to show themselves in action. gazprom neft specialists, for example, switched to monitoring the quality of petroleum products, taking into account reagents, equipment and even the effectiveness of management decisions to a unified laboratory information system. big changes await the housing and communal services sector; there are still many pain points here, but smart housing and communal services will help utility workers work better and more efficiently. today it turns out that this is primarily a solution for operating organizations. because they do not have such a common environment of data on their objects and the state of objects in a single format. and so mikhail
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mishustina and denis manturov tested the capabilities and ingenuity of ivan, a digital twin-agronomist. without false modesty the potential impact of digital agronomist ivan on agriculture is called revolutionary here; by training artificial intelligence on large amounts of industry data , the developers created a tool that can collect and analyze information about itself. the main thing is to build models of what is better to sow and when it is better to reap. well, of course, participants at the digitalization conference rely not only on artificial intelligence when they think about how to strengthen the country’s technological sovereignty. from year to year , leading specialists in the field of high technology come to nizhny novgorod. technologies, all national projects and development programs are connected in one way or another with the implementation of digital solutions. over 4 years , sales of russian software products, you know, all solutions have increased by... twice and even more than doubled, and ready-made package solutions by five times. particular attention
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to critical infrastructure, all the software that is responsible for the functioning of payment systems, communication services, transport and energy sectors. the government is now preparing standards for standard solutions, and for industries there will be the deadline for the transition to domestic software has been established; the corresponding bill, according to mikhail mishustin, has already been submitted to the state duma. and evgeniy kanavalov, ntv television company, nizhny novgorod. the state duma adopted a law that limits bank transfers without opening an account to the amount of 100,000 rubles. next, business news, denis talolaev. denis, what does this mean in practice, and who will it affect first? well, this means egor that new problems may arise, for example, for those who do not live in russia, but translate money here or in the opposite direction. now russians will be able to make a bank
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transfer without opening an account and with simplified identification for a maximum of 100 thousand rubles. the state duma approved the bill on this today in the second and third readings. now the russians can. authorities indicate that all this should reduce the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing. now, without any personal identification, you can transfer up to 15 rubles at a time, if more than 15 thousand, then you need simplified identification, that is, the bank or the money transfer system should provide passport data, such identity verification can be carried out electronically. the maximum amount of such transfers is not limited; for complete identification, the client must personally come to the bank branch. without opening an account, as experts say, transfers are now mainly made by migrant workers, as well as russians who have left the country; the latter will
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, of course, be difficult to complete this full identification at the bank office. russian shares have been trading in the red all day today, at investors are under pressure from cheaper prices. today announced that he is going to develop a strategy for the development of russian energy until the year 200. and the shares of russian exporters are now under pressure because the ruble is becoming more expensive again. obviously, exporters are selling foreign exchange because they are preparing to pay taxes. as a result , the dollar is now 9034, the euro is 98/12. russians have become less likely to repay their mortgages early. in the first quarter, they closed housing loans for 397 billion 400 million rubles ahead of schedule, and this is the minimum level since 2022. for comparison from january to march last year, russians paid 10% more. this is central bank data. the amount of early repayments began to decline at the end of last year, after the central bank
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raised the key rate from 8.5 to 16% in the second half of twenty-three. and then deposit rates went up. as sergei grishunin, managing director of the rating service of the national rating agency, explained to rbc, for the population who have free money, it is now more profitable to send it not to pay off the mortgage, but to deposits, where rates reach 15-17%. sergey grishunin also notes that due to high inflation expectations, people will adhere to something like this: consume now before money becomes worthless. egor is all about economics. yes, thank you, denis. ntv viewers in the capital. next comes the release today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. in moscow these days, more than 3,000 specialists from all over russia, as well as from abroad , are discussing the problems of endocrinology; this is one of the most developing areas of medicine, at the same time closely related to its other areas from cardiology to oncology. in
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recent years, the number of diseases of the endocrine system has been growing, for example, only in the capital it was registered. more than a million such patients, every tenth child, diseases of the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders and reproductive system diabetes, all these are the most pressing problems of endocrinology, how to solve them using the most innovative approaches and technologies and are discussed by leading scientists gathered at the national congress in moscow , doctors and representatives of related specialties. endocrinology has become so powerful.
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do not introduce advanced medical practices into the work of hospitals and clinics throughout the country. well, in the uk, the investigation into the largest medical negligence of the 20th century has ended. we are talking about the mass infection of british people with hepatitis and hiv through american donor blood transfusions in the 70s-80s. richa sunok declared the publication of the results of the investigation a day of shame and promised that all victims who survived would receive compensation. elizaveta gerson reports from london. thousands of people in britain last week they complained about contaminated tap water, today they are complaining about contaminated blood. this is a day of shame for britain, the independent, times, guardian, telegraph headlines are printed today, the newspapers simultaneously began to self-flagellate, they quote prime minister sunak. sir brian langstaff today published
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the results of an investigation into contaminated blood transfusions. this is a day of shame for the british state. his investigation speaks to our moral decay as an entire nation, from the health care system to civil servants. this investigation concerns cases almost half a century ago, the consequences of which are still felt today. britain, not having enough of its own at the end of the last century, bought blood for transfusions from the usa. in the usa, in turn , homeless people, drug addicts, prisoners in prisons and other people were paid for blood to be sent to britain. thousands of british people received the virus from uncle samm along with their blood.
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since the beginning of this bloody story in 1970, britain has had 12 prime ministers, and the current rishi sunak was not yet alive. 21 years old the crimes of the local health care system against their patients continued, calls for an investigation were rejected for 28 years, since 2018, and during this time four prime ministers have changed in britain, an investigation was conducted, and what is the result?
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company tv. london. a new measure will appear in russia to combat those who do not pay child support. the state duma has already adopted the bill. debtors will be included in an open register, which is called a black list. how will such a board of shame affect violators? ksenia ignatova i figured it out. solnechnogorsk, moscow region, another visit of the bailiffs to the alimony debtor. of course, he is not at home. only an elderly mother. contact with authorities.
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says the bailiff, the man has not paid alimony to his own daughter for a long time, so the only way to recover money from the unborn father is that he is in the yard, so we want to carry out an inventory of the seizure of the property of another debtor. comes to the department, according to him, does not work anywhere and lives on savings, not to transfer money to his ex-wife for his daughter - his principled position. my main reason, i’m wrong here, of course, legally, but this is to force my ex-wife to get a job, stop using drugs and take out loans for me, obviously paying alimony often turns into a life-or-death struggle. anna bezmelnitsina from zlatoust tells how as soon as she applied for alimony... unexpectedly with her property, then the car
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was scratched, then it was covered in paint, then they wrote a statement against me that i didn’t live at home, i was unsuccessfully struggling with alcohol, that i a fraudster, and muscovite tatyana vinogradova , after a divorce, watches with surprise on social networks as her ex-husband travels around the world, her son, again, is not paid any money, although without work. he’s definitely not sitting there, managing their common business. dmitry in thailand in the photo is just recently, yes, 3 weeks, there are elephants there, three cool hotels were visited, probably about a million and a half. according to bailiffs, in april of this year the department handled 762,000 cases of defaulters, not only irresponsible fathers, but even mothers of adults, children, disabled people parents. these people are prevented from traveling abroad, their rights are deprived of them. their property is seized, they are sued, but apparently this is not enough, at the beginning of may the state duma approved a draft of a new law on creating a register of metal evaders, in general,
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they decided to fight them with the power of public opinion, so that they understand what will be in the register, this is a very very shameful board of shame, many called it a board of shame, this is for employment, yes, who will have anything to do with him, and is it even possible to enter into some kind of civil relations with him, there conclude a contract and hire him for some work? recruiters note that employers are very attentive to studying the reputation of applicants, so the security service in a large medium-sized business can easily block an unreliable applicant, but this actually characterizes the candidate in some way, that he is irresponsible and does not fulfill his obligations, that is, he obviously, and not a responsible candidate, but there will be only one way out of the blacklist: to completely repay the debt, that is, to start provide for your child or parent.
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the official xul decided to fight enemy viral music with the help of strict censorship. from today, all media resources broadcasting the friendly father are blocked in the country, and for reposting on social networks you can get a fine, the video clip was called aggressive propaganda and psychological pressure on south koreans. we have a short pause and then
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watch. one person died and about thirty were injured due to severe turbulence on a plane flying from london to singapore. the most difficult thing in this project was logistics. built in antarctica, made in russia. what a person can withstand, the material often cannot withstand. how the most modern polar station was created: the implementation of speed here is generally simple. alexey kovoshenkin will tell you. this is the security service. enter the code from sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a sim card mobile protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. he's the only one since the prime minister. you
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a millionaire... anyone can, open a deposit on one day, at a car mechanic's , semyon semyonovich, 55 years old, had a heart rate speedometer showing the maximum 200. his wife was puzzled whether you should go for diagnostics, but semyonovich said: “don't get under the hood, woman, guys, don't slow down.” technology of the highest class, taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. apply for
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a loan at sberbank and get a chance to win money to repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. it's more profitable with sberim. sportmaster presents norsland. austrian brand of travel equipment. order and pay in installments in the sportsmaster mobile application. buy the gf grill mini oven with a 24% discount. on yandex market. a smile will make everyone brighter. the smile in the sky will wake up your radula. your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely and conveniently with sberpay, select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look at the camera, get cashback as with regular payment, pay
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with your smile with zberpay, pay less, barney bear cake 790, delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes, as long as pyaterochka is in the app, pyaterochka helps out, viia superstar. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. we're back on the air. severe turbulence on a singapore airlines flight caused the death of one person and various injuries to about thirty passengers. the boeing 777 was en route from london to singapore when it encountered severe weather. the shaking was so strong that things flew everywhere interior, and the unbelted man got it. mortally wounded, in order to provide assistance to the victims, the plane was urgently landed in bangkok, with a total of 211
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passengers and 18 crew members on board. everyone who is in one way or another involved in the exploration of the arctic and antarctic today celebrates a professional holiday in russia, polar explorer's day. one of the largest projects. implemented by our country in the polar territories, the construction of a new wintering complex for vostok station, the world's first modern building built at the cold pole of the earth in antarctica, where frosts are extreme, as experts say, this complex is an example of breakthrough engineering solutions, it will provide polar explorers with a completely new level of comfort, these are five modules with modern laboratories, comfortable housing, a coyote company, uninterrupted supply of energy, heat and water. the complex was built in a record time of 3 years. the ntv television company closely monitored the progress of the project; all materials on the topic can be found on our website at well now time to talk about those who worked on creating the complex here on the mainland
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, what efforts it took. east is a delicate matter. special report by alexey kvashenkin. the point farthest from civilization with the harshest climate is the antarctic vostok station. projects are not abandoned, every nuance was important, for example, how to make grounding, if there is a kilometer of ice under the station instead of earth, or if god forbid there are any emergency situations, like a fire, we can just as well mothball one of the units, the fire has already
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i was in the old east, april 12, 1982, short circuit, one person died, the station was de-energized, there was no heat, there were 2/3 of the winter ahead, evacuation was impossible, in winter it could be -7. sometimes even colder, wheeled hoop equipment is not able to work in such low temperatures; this first aircraft will not reach either. 40 years have passed, but the isolation of antarctica in winter is still inevitable, and the new wintering complex must withstand any threats, both natural and man-made, it took a long time to decide what to make the external panels from, the question had to be studied from scratch, this is a shell that should retain heat and not let in a large amount of snow under pressure, we came to the conclusion that for structural elements it is necessary to create new materials, conduct tests, look for solutions that have not yet been was nowhere in the world. specialists from the institute of experimental mechanics at mgsu came to the rescue. what
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a person can withstand, the material often cannot withstand, the steel that was chosen and the one that is in use, and thank god, it’s probably still there for another 50 years, maybe 100 will be used. it can withstand temperatures down to -90° stably. the metal was checked with a reserve, cooled to -120, stretched, compressed, bent and broken everything so that the station was sure. survived even in record frost. when finally all the elements were ready, it was necessary to find a site for test assembly of the module. now the site of the pilot plant of building structures in st. petersburg is filled with residential modular houses like this. there are a lot of them here, a real labyrinth, it’s not even difficult to get lost. but in the summer of 2020 all this space, the entire site was occupied by one single object, this is the new vostok wintering complex. of course, many who saw it for the first time did not imagine such
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a scale, it was of course such a culture shock. the size of the station was a big problem; how to transfer this giant to the most remote point of the planet? the most difficult thing in this project was the logistics; a lot of non-standard solutions were used there, that is, no one had ever transported anything over such distances with such difficulties. the building is modular. that most of it elements were built as independent units, typically the size of a standard shipping container. in the top photo it is itself, this is a sea container in which the snow melting plant is located, where we load snow. it is transported in a container or it is the container itself, it is not a detachable part of the container. a company in st. petersburg received an order to manufacture snow-melting machines, but ordinary ones melt snow at temperatures down to -30, in those specifications these are the warmest operating conditions. metal. accordingly, we specially selected the gaskets that we always use, there is
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rubber, paronite, they are designed for a house for forty, but they simply crack and collapse, but not all the equipment could be placed in a standard container, a competition was announced for a special sled with dimensions of six times more, the winner was to be determined by tests in antarctica. large-capacity sleds from three manufacturers took to the track, two russian and for antarctic conditions. nzk vostok required
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unique solutions from special generators developed on the basis of kamaz diesel engines to construction equipment. the chelyabinsk crane equipment plant specially developed crane equipment without hydraulic components in order to operate reliably for at least these 2-3 months down to -50°. all this together made it possible to build a polar station in just 3 years. and that
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the researchers built a modern station in the middle of antarctica, and also erected a new winter complex, is described in the documentary film vostok station russian heart of antarctica, it was filmed with the support of russian geographical society, premiere on ntv, today at 0:40. for the weather, and find out what awaits us tomorrow, evgenia neronskaya is with us. zhenya, you have the floor. we have a real summer, it’s just that tomorrow it will become a little less warm. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take it. rheumoflex, it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and
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also normalize uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. so, about summer plans on european territory. warmth will return to the north on thursday. in arkhangelsk it will be +15, but tomorrow it will still be modest, but without precipitation. and in the center, a new anticyclone guarantees sunny weather. atmospheric pressure is rising rapidly. it is already exceeding the norm; by the end of the week it will be 15 units. above average. the sun lingers longer and longer in the sky, because before the day of the summer solstice is only a month away. in the center + 2023. the rains left along with the cold front in the black earth region in kursk voronezh. in the volga region it is also raining in places, but it is noticeably cooler there, in the south it is already below 30, especially far from the sea, on the coast it is still 22-23, no precipitation, in the republics of the north caucasus it is raining, this is what the weather will be like in the capitals: in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be about 20 ° sun, in moscow 22-24 and also sunny,
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there will be no rain until the end of the week. thank you, well , that's the main news for this hour, see you tomorrow, see you later. only in alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get super cashback up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if there is no card. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! nail fungus can deprive you of many joys, so you need to fight it with the triple power of fungaril. penetrating deeply into the structure of the nail, it has an antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, returning joy
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