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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 21, 2024 11:35pm-12:01am MSK

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hospital, this is criminal liability, isolel stepanovna, well, maybe we should somehow, maybe we should think together somehow, and well, maybe we should somehow not get into a fever right now, and hamlet dionisovich, if you want me to at least somehow- i redid the inspection report, then i won’t do this, please. and also, i’ve never
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been anyone’s backup dancer before, so off i go. so, what is it? ver, what happened? pash, i was suspended from work, temporarily, all because of this zverev, whom you found dead, and what does he have to do with it? isolde spent. viewing,
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it turned out that he was given the wrong drug, so he died, it turns out there was a medical error, who was his attending physician, me, but i definitely didn’t prescribe this drug to him, pasha, wait, calm down, if you didn’t prescribe him anything, well it means you’re out of business, well, it’s someone else’s mistake, here she was messing up, not you, well, i don’t know, maybe the nurse there couldn’t have made a mistake. yes, i trust her as much as i trust myself, well , well, well, someone else, and who else, pasha, there were no strangers in the department, only the patients were doctors, pasha, well, well, we’ll figure it out, calm down, why are you, nikolai ivanovich, nikolai ivanovich, knock-knock, palovich, hello, hello, great, and i came to isolda stepanovna.
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conclusion, well, and so to find out something else, that something, like we didn’t have any criminal cases, they called from the department, they said there was a corpse in neurology, it’s possible there was a medical error, if so, we’ll open a criminal case, article 105, from 6 to 15, in general, the story is serious, the doctor was unlucky. this program is with you today artyom kolodkin, summing up the informational results of the outgoing day. well, first, the most discussed news, and discussed on all continents. exercises began today in the russian south to practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. this was reported by the ministry of defense. they noted that training was being carried out. in
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accordance with the instructions of the supreme commander-in-chief. at the first stage, missile formations practice combat training tasks, obtain special ammunition for the iskander complex, equip them with covert launch vehicles designated area for preparation for launches. aviation is also involved in the exercises, in particular, the crews equip kinzhal aeroballistic hypersonic missiles with warheads and fly into the patrol area. the military department emphasizes that quote: the exercises are carried out in response to provocative statements by officials of western countries and are aimed at maintaining readiness to respond to ensuring the country's sovereignty. meanwhile, today eu countries approved a plan to use proceeds from frozen russian assets to provide ukraine with weapons. this was announced by the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic.
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belgian company euroclear, according to the scheme, the european commission can count on approximately 90% of the net profit from frozen assets after taxes. the depositary chose to keep the rest for itself, in case of possible risks associated, for example, with lawsuits from russia, the european commission plans to receive from euroclere from two to three billion euros this year, most of this amount will go towards weapons for kiev, and the rest. for support european military-industrial complex. at these moments, iran says goodbye to its president ibrahim raisi and other senior officials who were on board the crashed helicopter. members of the iranian government cannot contain
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their emotions. these are the shots we received shortly before the start of the release from the city of qom, sacred to shiites. the funeral procession moves slowly through the streets, which are now crowded.
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we haven't slept since yesterday, raisi was a good president. this is a big loss. i hope other fighters will take his place. meanwhile, the investigation into the crash continues. investigators focused on two versions: weather and technical malfunction. it's no secret that iran's aircraft fleet is under sanctions, but even despite the disasters and loss of life, the west is not going to ease the embargo. our minister of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov, drew attention to this today.
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the us will not lift sanctions against iranian aviation. well, now the footage that we received from the kremlin a little over an hour ago, vladimir putin held a meeting with chairman. the speaker of the lower house of parliament told the president about how candidates for ministerial positions were approved; according to the amendments to the constitution, now the procedure for appointing ministers, with the exception of the security bloc and the russian foreign ministry , is assigned to deputies. volodin also said that tomorrow morning he will fly to tehran to participate in the farewell ceremony for iranian president ibrahim reisi. in turn, vladimir putin asked to convey condolences to the iranian people. russia is also ready to provide expert support in to determine the causes of the disaster, putin said. mikhail mishustin also expressed condolences over the death of russia today during the conference on the digital industry of industrial russia in nizhny novgorod.
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during the conference, the head of government toured the innovation exhibition. mezhustin got acquainted with the latest developments in the it field, met with digital ataches, and also the prime minister. visited the volga car stand and was presented with a new line of cars. the prime minister noted that the new cars look modern, however mishustin also drew the attention of the new minister of industry and trade.
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in the uk, an investigation into the largest medical negligence of the 20th century has been completed, involving the mass infection of britons with hepatitis and hiv through donor blood transfusions in the seventies and eighties. today, when the results of the investigation were made public, rishi sunok declared a day of shame and promised that all victims who survived would receive compensation. elizaveta gerson reports from london. thousands in britain last week.
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this investigation concerns cases of almost half a century ago, the consequences of which are still felt today. britain, not having enough of its own at the end of the last century, bought blood for transfusions from the usa. in the united states, in turn , homeless drug addicts, prisoners in prisons and other people at risk were paid for blood to be sent to britain. plasma from blood.
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in the 1980s, american blood was not tested for hepatitis until the end of the first year. since the beginning of this bloody history in 1970, britain has had 12 prime ministers, and the current one, rishisunoka, it didn’t exist in the world back then. for 21 years , the local health care system continued to commit crimes against its patients. for 28 years they were rejected. there have been calls for an investigation since 2018, and during this time there have been four
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prime ministers in britain, an investigation was carried out, and what is the result of this long work, there will be apologies, memorial plaques and compensation for survivors who suffered at the expense of taxpayers, and not a single person won't go to jail. compensation is expected to be an impressive 10 billion pounds, they will pay ordinary british citizens from their taxes. as before, they paid for infected american blood. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, natalya markevich, anastasia konorovskaya and vladimir vepritsky, ntv television company, london. a new musical and political scandal broke out between north and south korea. the authorities recently banned their citizens from listening to and watching the video for the song “friendly father,” dedicated to north korean leader kim chin-in.
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this is moscow, this is moscow, you know what i love most when your look lights up with this special light, come to fall in love,
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be surprised, be inspired, your moscow. vinline heroes of rpl annual award. don't miss the main football events. find out who became the best this season. watch the broadcast of the award on may 27 on match tv. time for match tv news especially for ntv. in the studio alina gobueva. hello. in the next 5 minutes, we will discuss the most exciting events from the world of sports, and also study the most interesting odds from the winline bookmaker. the nizhny novgorod team were defeated at home with a score of 2:6 and became the first team in history our football, which conceded six goals in two games in a row. this happened under sasa ilic. the serbian coach arrived in nizhny novgorod
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four rounds before the finish; in his new place, to put it mildly, not everything works out for him. that they would make colossal attempts to correct the situation, but they pulled themselves together in time , scored the fourth goal, and generally calmed the game down. and at the bottom of the first league standings , sokol and volgar came together in the fight for survival, on the bumpy saratov plastic, the outcome of the meeting, in fact, the preservation places in the best league in the world were decided by the only goal of artyom maksimenko. the striker from sokol
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jumped out to match zlatan ibrahimovic at minimum wages. 1:0 and volgar leaves first. and in germany, the best player of the championship was determined, it was baer midfielder florian wirtz, a football player who, at only 21 years old, played 32 matches in the bundesliga. in them, he managed to score 11 goals, make 12 assists and greatly helped the team win the first championship in club history. moreover, xabi alonso's team produced an amazing series, she went through the tournament without any defeats at all, but at this end, all bayer players, it seems, are not going to stop, they have a chance. this year to take two more trophies. in the final of the german cup they will play against kaiserslautern, and in the decisive match of the europa league they will meet with atalanta, for which our alexey miranchuk plays. on the eve of the final round of the italian serie a, the question of the bronze medalist still remains open. inter and milan are at the top, but three teams are vying for third place. two of
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them came together, these are bologna and juventus. humble bologna had phenomenal seasons last year. qualified for the champions league for the first time. in this game , for the time being, everything turned out great for thiago motta’s team. the hosts scored two unanswered goals in the first half, one early in the second. but then the old signora woke up and gave her opponent a real thrashing. in the period 76 to 84 minutes, juventus scored three times. chiesa, milik, yeldy created a small football miracle. result 3:3. if you bet on a crazy draw, you would triple the pot . playing in goal as the best way losing weight. tested on the goalkeeper of the latvian national team. krister sgudlevskis lost 7 kg during the match against slovakia, and his team won. the kazakhstan national team retained its registration in the elite division of the world championship, beating the polish team. to solve the problem , the kazakhs had enough of a draw in regulation time, but they held the meeting together and won 3:1.
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moreover, the success turned out to be strong-willed, because in the middle of the first period the poles opened the scoring for the most part. but this puck remained the only one for them; kazakhstan had its debut and very important goals at this world championship were scored by metal striker nikita mikhailis and his club partner, defender valery orekhov. another goal for forward boris roman starchenko. 3:1. kazakhstan remains, and poland is relegated from the elite division. well, in conclusion, don’t forget that tomorrow unix and lokomotiv will determine the second finalist of the unified basketball league. decisive seventh. you will learn the names of the laureate on may 27. on this day, watch the winline heroes of rpl award on mach tv. this was matchtv news
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specifically for ntv. happily. annual winline heroes rpl award. don't miss the main football event. find out who became the best this season. watch the broadcast. awards on may 27 at matchtv. the czez city of žatec is famous for its good rest on the square of three mugs, enjoy the žatec goose non-alcoholic beer, register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, žatec goose non-alcoholic, collect good mugs. i have
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a tube in my throat, without it it’s hard for me to breathe, well, this lyhstomy, they installed it for me when i was just born, when philip is sick, we we wake up 30 times, so many times, because we are just otsiation, it accumulates again, we are just otsiation, it’s an endless process, for me. there have already been 10 appeals, i am very afraid of them, but i need one more to breathe freely, wizards, help me, the operation to close the trachiostoma will allow philip to breathe fully, send an sms to number 9112 or make a donation on the website, give it to philip future. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. even against prostatitis, try hit combo 3 for 150 rub. vrostix. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv.
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blow straight into neurology, and this conclusion, where will it go, wait, come on, come on, come on, come on, dima, come on, uh-huh, chik-pukki, yes, yes, come in, i’ll be here for a minute, for stepan yes, please, nikolai ivanovich, they say viera pavlovna was suspended from work, yes, i know, i just can’t understand what happened, but she couldn’t confuse it, she couldn’t, but , unfortunately, i’m telling the facts straight and i, stepan, well, maybe some kind of mistake happened there, but you know, how it happens, well, maybe we’ll think about it some more , nikolai ivanovich, i... “i understand your concern and worries, i pavel pavlovich saw this zverev before he gave up the oak, well, no, i mean he died, he says, he was
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somehow intimidated by someone was afraid.


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