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tv   Operetta kapitana Krutova  NTV  May 22, 2024 1:55am-2:41am MSK

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for the first time, a modern scientific complex appeared on the edge of the earth, so that one day here russian scientists would be able to answer the main questions about the past, and therefore the future of all humanity.
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oh, great, hello, great, hello, great, denis, hello, hello, you promised a photo, well, you promised, of course, give me a smile, thank you, hello, ilya, good morning, i’m just coming to you.
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well, i don’t know, an examination, a lie detector, alas, you can’t rush, one awkward move, everything goes down the drain, you need to prepare, it ’s already the third month, well, it can be longer, yes, uh-huh, excuse me, i have to run, oh, wait, just a minute, here, and there on the other side, yes, just in case, i ’ll call, yes, hi, hi, you forgot, um, thanks for bringing me , but you're welcome, your, my, drill review. i need to clean it tomorrow, but
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did it ever fire? cigarettes are fired and weapons are used. i haven’t used it and i hope i won’t use it. dash, has someone offended you? no, all is fine. okay, i'll be filming at 4. by the way, i met udaltsov there, well, with gold. but he thinks about the neighbor. yes, a normal neighbor, we checked we him, and so on, down to the bottom. how is it below? doesn't matter. i understand, well, bye, bastards, scum, scum,
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they couldn’t wait 2 days, 2 days, why, the end of the quarter, that’s why, we are so full of numbers that you, two 762 cartridges, have a shot in your knee. and what does it say about a strong hostile relationship with the killer, well, thanks to sharlock, what should we do without such valuable information, what else, gray hair, well, blood on the door handle, old, why old, well, withered fingers on the glass, knew him, yes , lives here with his wife brother, drove sancha, in the nineties he spun on the sand, now i’m hijacking it with the help of a former authority, my wife and i said, no, she’s already been on these for like 2 months, what’s his name...
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two, damn it, stop, motherfucker, nish, why is everything falling out of your hands, but it’s not my gun, oh my, there are only buttons here, you don’t have any uniform at all, or did you drink yesterday, no, just insomnia, excuse me, well, somehow boris sergeevich, about the next one, get out of here, well, i need to cook, go away, he said, excuse me, and the gun is somehow more confident, or something, with both hands, hold it, boris sergeevich, well , how are you more comfortable with one, or something, well, convenient alone, keep it alone, we have three more big scenes before lunch, be tougher with him, you ’re torturing him, not telling jokes, and you ’re also a little more frightened, what’s his name, zhen, zhen, somehow a little more frightened, that’s it guys, come on, come on, yes, excuse me, now, motor, camera, scene 72432,
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get ready, this is the button, start, i don’t know anything, i didn’t see anything, what are you doing? are you blind-deaf, not mine, i wasn’t at home, ask your wife, i swear, i’ll complain if you live, damn it, sorry, stop, damn it, so, let's leave, come on, break, 5 minutes, so don't leave, but i just thought, he's under the gun, he'll say anything, well, where's the guarantee, what? he won’t lie, you ’ve heard enough from the police, why the police, it’s just logic, that is, you propose to rewrite the script approved by the channel, but right now take it and rewrite it, i beg you, denis, i understand, you’re tired of everything, but you’re here not the only one who, let’s film it as written, okay, and in the evening you will tell me how and what they teach you in the police,
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agreed, agreed, okay, well, let's go to the set, wow, please fix the actor's makeup, why, but i'm okay here, i mean, there's blood? okay, he left around 9 pm, said home, well, of course he could have dropped by somewhere, had dinner or at a gas station, whatever, but who did he work for you, formally a legal adviser, but different? so what do you think? what i think? i don't think anything. listen, lenya, stop making a girl for yourself. give these young investigators a report. your sanchuk was a bandyugan, so he is remained. and you all know why? i don't know anything, i swear. we didn’t have
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any topics right now, or rather we did, but without the help we would have sorted things out. wow, this is closer. what is the topic? normal. business, they smuggled in some burnt goods, sashka went to look into it, they promised to replace it, diesel fuel. well, as for his personal life, he was shot in the knee for a second before he was killed, it smacks of jealousy, his wife was in the maldives, but everything was fine with him, maybe he went to the left, i don’t know, i’m sorry, he didn’t tell me, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, you know , you and i will have long conversation, didn't say anything. well, we called him all evening, he didn’t answer the phone, and those solariums, that’s the point, we didn’t really
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attack them, it was just one terminology, we didn’t attack anyone else, well, it was about the artist at this one from the maria olegovna theater, why, well, that's a big deal, no, why did he take the loot, but didn't change his testimony, well, that's wrong - it was we who pinned him in sanch's car, well, just a little, we just broke his nose, so what happened next, well, well well, they threw a battery onto his car from the roof, what kind of battery, steam, but they didn’t hit, sergeyech, but he’s not an artist, he’s got the guts of a tank, he’s only a hero on the screen, do you know where sancha got
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shravn from? no, when we were young, we drove a rat into a corner, an ordinary, gray one, and it jumped on his face, almost 2 meters from the ground, what am i saying? any other thoughts, well , the trigger was pulled the other day, well, remember this guy, think about it, he just came out, they immediately slapped him, i remember, you think there’s a connection, well, sancho was talking with him, maybe there’s a connection, well, we need to dig around, dig around , artist don’t touch it yet, i’ll find out about it myself.
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and the main commander arrived, the fsb, the devil is in, the press, television, kolya is blown away, because it’s kolya’s damn earth that they’re dying all the time, that’s it, it’s over, denis, our internship, we’ll write for a long time persistently for a couple, but what happened there, murder, perhaps, is worse than a candidate for deputy. they slipped a pig's head under the door, this particular wood grouse, well, he panicked the whole country, because he really looked like a pig, can you imagine how much writing, i can imagine, by the way, what does the bottom mean? to work off, where did you hear that, well, here you have it, well that means you take a person, put him on the floor and kick him in the kidneys, just kidding, funny, hit him in the kidneys with a baton, just kidding again. once again it’s funny, oh, yes, what is it, the paste is out,
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damn it, by the way, here’s an interesting thing, a chemical trap, so to speak, for identifying rats in a friendly group, oh my, kolya, damn it, it’s good that it’s not charged, now i could walk around with a red face for a week. ugh, what 's going on normally? yes, it bangs normally, this is where the cartridge is inserted, yeah, cool, by the way, but what about by this murder of friends, did you find someone? yes , i have no idea, bastards, even if my head hurts, but leila was closed, the octagon is shining, so she was just defending herself, such is life, well, of course these are not stones, but there is a red carpet, e.g. i put on something new, well, it’s not a problem, we’ll buy it, thank you, but i have
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one more request, shoes? no, we have a new play in the theater, the seagull, and if artomonov doesn’t screw it up, then the play will definitely go to the mask, to the mask, well, it’s like an oscar only in the theater, mm, so what? there was a distribution recently roles, my main one, great, well, you know, the fact is that the play is usually rehearsed by two groups of artists. just in case, if the leading artist gets sick or something like that, well, what’s the problem with artomonov, you know, he took katka markova for my role in the second cast, complete mediocrity, but media, managed to shine in...
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mine, but in -secondly, well, he can be interesting, mostly he just talks through the means, and maybe kill someone, a person, deneska, what are you talking about, he’s only on tv for a match, in life, two socks are both from a hole, and what, there’s nothing, he says, let me drive around the house, well, i gave it, that’s it, i didn’t come back, so why did i give it, he’s so healthy, try it, don’t let me, you know him, well , at least i remember how old he is, he’s already big, an adult, has a short haircut, special
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features there are, i don’t know, scars, tattoos, i didn’t see them, well, he’s so ordinary. dressed in what? jacket and jeans, excellent signs, yuzhechka, i need to remember something else, well, the laces on his sneakers were red, well, that’s a completely different matter, let’s make a statement, that’s it, we’ll look for it, thank you. let's find, call, goodbye, let's go, um, goodbye, jur, wait, please, help, my mother and i saved up for this bike for a whole year, we saved on groceries, yura waited so much, on
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the very first day, well, how can it be, we will try, sorry, sibo, goodbye, all the best, goodbye, well, this is in your movies, there are fights, chases, conspiracies, oligarchs, but here you will find 90% of this, bicycles, dead fish, sometimes it’s harder to find a bicycle than to solve a murder, i don’t know, this is dashkina earth, i just accepted the application, maybe he will find it.
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look, i won’t correct your mistakes, basically, you are completely crazy, you filter the market, gennady ivanovich, like a living thing, but not alive. just admire it, be stunned, uh-huh, like the real thing, who does this, well, there are craftsmen in the area, this is the fifth time in a week that they put this in ice, i don’t understand, i don’t
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know, maybe stickers, what is this, these are all signs , well, yes. when i claim your land , i write everything down, what’s the problem, well , call me again, i’ve been writing about it since the elections, why should i spend the night here all the time, because it’s too much for you to write down where? are you doing my scanvor, otherwise everyone is nervous, i ’m nervous too, quiet, quiet, guys, what are you doing, well, dasha, i can help you with what, well, with the bicycle, with this at least, how can you help here, assistant , where is a thousand? damn, sorry. that’s what happened here, here it is, but nothing will work out,
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wait, we haven’t tried it yet, i told my mother, there was no need to contact the police, no one will look for my bike, why are you a mess, now i’ll come up with something. so there is an idea, sit on the bench, bye, yurok, look, he, yes, how did you find out, like that, country knows his heroes. you never saw him here again? no, clearly. so, wait, wait, wait. oh, wait, wait, i saw that he
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used to trade at our market, but now he’s disappeared, you know where the market is. well, of course i do. ilya, great. denis, my name is. oh, and what did you trade? yes, all sorts of nonsense. cinema, music, games. i see. thank you, natalya vyacheslavovna, how am i doing? well, there are some clues, right? yes, very serious people, we need to do a couple of examinations. well, god forbid. well, that's it, goodbye. goodbye. yes. i see, thank you, please, only you i shouldn’t have shown this to the boy, now
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i can’t make an identification, well, you can warn me, like me, you quickly catch it, no, you can’t, an experienced lawyer will quickly split it, there is. the video, the video hasn’t been shown in the courts yet, well, nothing, the main thing has been established, we’ll delay it, we’ll split it, okay, on the market, which means, yeah, now, hello, murat. you can talk, you’re not in a hurry, but no, murat said, he’s constantly charging here with his feet, let’s wait a little, okay, of course, listen,
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what happened in the theater then, i did something wrong. do you remember what i told you about did you tell your studio about the zero option? yes, of course, here, our teacher was your matveev, petrovich, yes, wow, no, well, he got excited, so he gives, you still worry about this, this is important to me, if you want, i’ll call him right now, and whatever you tell him, i’ll tell him everything now. no, you’d better say that you have sanya there, they don’t bother you, but they don’t seem to be, don’t worry, i ’ll figure it out myself, i wonder how, hello,
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i don’t need the vavelik by chance, but i bought this for my boy, it turned out to be big, actually zero, a sports tourist just from the store, generally speaking, i'll buy it inexpensively. this is not serious, there is no structure here to excite. i mean, no, the victim himself gave the bike for a ride, when he left without waiting, what a crime is this,
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someone like this will come up to you... you know, as professional athletes say, i don’t win with doping, vodka, cognac, this is your magical taste ,
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well, do you understand the difference now? a researcher, in general terms, and you can’t give an order, he has an independent procedural face, so excuse me, i’m going to the store, otherwise it won’t work, russians don’t abandon their own people in war, get treatment, but what about cigarettes? forget it, just be careful, everything is under control, but i swear to you, i came back, but the boy was no longer there, well, i ran around, looked, and the bike was in my hands, so what if it disappeared, and you probably wanted the money to go to the orphanage take it, yes dim, well, you are an understanding person, you have a criminal record, you don’t need to explain much, there is enough evidence here for three, plus
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a search, and i... by and large, am only interested in one thing: how many times have you taken it for a ride? well, tell me that you don’t have disks traded? what about disks? yes, because these pirates are filthy, they ruined my entire business on the internet, and that means you were only selling a license, right? in short, the investigator is waiting, and the arrest or subscription depends on you, dear, let's go, like that! denis, i can tell you something, but you, in turn, will agree on a subscription, it works if the story is truthful and interesting, we heard about the murder of the trigger, of course, you know who did it, no, but i saw him that day with someone, tell me.
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and guarantees, and you want me to give you i wrote a receipt with a notary, i assured that there will be a conversation, there will be a guarantee, well, in short, i copied him near the market with one guy, they stood and talked near the car about something, what kind of guy is sancho, he doesn’t know his last name, i was just chasing him , i i remember in the zone, i was just sitting down, and he came out then along the way, okay, let’s check, i’m with the investigator... i say, but the search is in any case, i said that there’s nothing there, and we ’ll look, come in, you’re free, the person realized, will you interrogate? everything is fine,
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everything is under control, well, you bastard, i got caught, you know me, you’ll recognize me now. i'll show you where to run, hello, hello! citizen,
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boss, citizen, boss, are you feeling bad? it’s not me, it’s him, it’s him, i know, come on, sit in the cell, wait, thank you very much, imagine, mom!
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genna, get up, come on, come on, come on, hold it, drink, what are you doing, everything is under control, light a cigarette, give me, under what control, gena, a search warrant, at least write it out, here are the details and address. there’s no question at all, who’s doing the search? you, gen, zapikankin, of course,
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yeah. the main thing is to sign, the rest fill in, they say with crime, tol, there is a casserole until the morning.
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schwartz the bastard got drunk again, he is strict about this, he says he is going to go to the investigative committee. it's all about the road, what's this? this is a bonus, so to speak, for finding a bike. clear. listen, even, i talked to the deep russian drama, he is waiting for you today. i asked, denis. well, what are you afraid of, he won’t bite you. i still have a search. yes, this is kolya and i, right, kolya? no, i have a pig head. i have people called, yes i will help, you go, tell all the points, come on, where are you going it’s an official secret, so let’s just be abrupt, then my people have been called, come on, come on, okay, here’s the resolution, there are no keys,
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but the mother must be there, don’t take the casserole, let him sit in the cell, yeah, what to look for everything is as always. oh, you’re already here, denis, meet, so to speak, the witness on duty, ksenia, can you, kisa, denis, have you found out, well, let’s proceed to the sacrament of the ritual, call, hmm, the prosecutor’s sanction is not needed, isn’t the investigator’s order enough, the prosecutor can be notified afterwards. well done, i've already learned it, hello, police we open it, the owner, maybe there’s no one there, just, no, the owner, if, yes, what are you doing on ceremony, break it to hell,
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you have the right, here you need an angle grinder, i beg you, there’s a cable, some kind of machine, or something , yes, there is, there is, well, you never know, i told you about you, then what’s the difference? who's saying what? where are you? why did you give up your dream? i was a child. of course, i'm to blame for you. “i’m sorry, but the main thing is, don’t repeat your mistakes, don’t listen to anyone, go to the end, i’ll try, but i’m smart, let’s get this out of the way places, so you, varya, feel sorry for me, i consider varya, yeah, stage, well, of course, you’re an actress, come on, come on!” so ​​you, varya, feel sorry
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for me, of course, it’s a pity, so you love me , so why shouldn’t i love you, well, thank you, you’re so sweet, i love you to death, you know what came into my head, denis, click, listen, librarian, i’m stealing books from them ? i registered, that’s how we met, well, now it’s like a freelance employee, i don’t know, maybe there’s not enough adrenaline, let’s go, knock-knock,
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who lives in the little house denis, yeah, it’s us? they came in successfully, that’s who prints money for us, wow, what the hell, what the hell, you’re a cat, yes, come on with a photo, that’s all, colleague, okay, hello, passenger, get up, police, colleague, hello , what illusions?
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oh, where, there, where, there, let's go, kohl, look, wow, yes, here is the budget of the entire republic of the congo.
2:35 am
mr. ganaev called me. lenya, why? shared your interpretation of the seagull? it must be said that he thinks quite radically. lenya and chaika? these are truly miracles. so i think miracles. and you don’t know what do sorceresses initiate them? i don’t understand what you’re talking about, right? yeah, all the best to you,
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this has never happened to me, there’s something so extraordinary about me, as if i’m starting to live again, or i don’t know what? what's the matter with you? but, varya, it would be some kind of sin. there is such fear in me, such fear in me, as if i were standing over an abyss, and someone was pushing me there. there’s nothing for me to hold on to, what’s wrong with you, are you healthy, are you healthy, it would be better if you were sick, otherwise it’s not good, some kind of dream comes into my head, and i’m not going anywhere from it, not bad,
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very good indeed, really an actress serving somewhere, in some way yes, maybe a cup of coffee, unfortunately, i have business at my place of duty, it’s a pity. i say why don’t people fly like a bird, you know, sometimes it seems to me that i’m a bird, when you’re standing on a mountain, i just want to fly, i’d take a run like that, raise my hands
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and fly, hello. hello, what is this? congratulations on your debut, i called matvey and said that all was not lost, i decided to celebrate. kolya, by the way, allowed it. yes. thank you, but all this is in vain. i mean, we need vodka was. alcohol. well, tell me how it all went, well, how it went, i was worried, of course, but matveev calmed me down, they sat down, read, it’s wonderful, yeah, this artamonov of yours came in, praised me,
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are you serious, and this should be noted, take it. at the beginning, yes, but not for the brudershaft, the joke, uh, funny, and what, schwartz, didn’t even show up, no, he just asked for a smoke, denis, denis, you promised without the brudershaft, denis, well, oh, that was a good brut, well, yes, it’s okay, i
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’m prepared, i have a take. "so the trigger met ancho, from where information, promptly, they are drinking beer together now, where in heaven?


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