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tv   Leningrad 46  NTV  May 22, 2024 3:25am-4:51am MSK

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i was suddenly drawn to my homeland in russia, i can’t understand the meaning of this massacre, it was all six, shantrap, a trifle, but the guy has taken all of them, comrade captain, i looked at the apartments, interrogated the residents, there was only an old grandmother and... the granddaughter is not deaf my, well, come on, at least bring this granddaughter, we’ll look at him, so - come on, come on, sing, you can carry out the corpses, is that all you have, or what? yes, all i can say is that no more than an hour has passed since the death, judging by the cartridges found, they were fired from machine guns and nogans, they will need to be found in the card index check, yeah, well, go ahead and take it away, okay, just, what do you think about this, but what is there to think about, raspberries are famous?
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you don’t need to introduce these gavriks, they didn’t divide them into plundered ones and created chaos, come on, come in, come on, come on, uh, did you see anything here, oh, what kind of people, crazy, that’s right, citizen, boss, and what - they told us, you’re deaf and dumb, you’ll become deaf and dumb here after everything, but what happened, who decided on your friends? yes, what kind of friends they are to me, well, play cards for small things play, well, smoke a little, beryukov, hmm, no, but what, you understand that you are our main suspect now, as the only one left alive, probably already hid the rye somewhere, i will be a person because of what - to deprive a ring of life, who then, yeah, i ’ll tell you, but they’ll put me on pen, no, i ’ll sit in my little room to my mother’s in the south, i’ll wave, what? oh, i saw, oh, you can’t prove it, we’ll prove it,
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we’ll prove it, there are four corpses on you, beryukov, this is a tower, you know, so think, yes, yes, the tower, vitya, vitya the musician came with his people i was looking for a roach, what does vitya need from a roach? he was very angry with the roach because he ruined his man, but he didn’t go into the region alone, he became friends with the guest performer, what kind of guest performer, what kind of guest driver, what kind of driver, the prince, it seems, who took the bank last year in odessa, so since, take a witness, make a selection, compose a scripture, the most detailed, i understand, the most detailed, come on, come on, come on, let's go, another ticket for grief. in the city, he’s already
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establishing his own rules, he’s not afraid of anything, and oh, if the musician declares war on the prince, here we have this will start with you, every day we will collect the harvest of blind man’s buff. who opens the gypsies to your vobla, are you going to let me stay, my brother came to me, but there is nowhere to live, i don’t remember that you have any relatives staying with you since your dad was closed in 1930, you see, he found fruit, come in , great, hello. vobla, why did you show up, you
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know, i don’t like guests in my house, we have to save ourselves, we have to wait it out, i’m with you on a wet matter. i won’t go, take the money and leave, gypsy, you know me, i’ll deal with crap i didn’t have any business, if they didn’t give me enough , we’ll give you more after the case, and you, i’ll see, are a serious person, well, titya, but just look at the area,
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if you bring the cops to the hut, you know me, we live, oh, gypsy , remember our golden years, huh? how you and i were running around with the shooters here, but i don’t remember, it was a long time ago, you don’t sleep that night, you worry that you’re giving birth, go to the apartment, smoke there, so evgeniy came home and shook himself. undressed, lay down, but for a long time he could not sleep, evgenia negin, no, the bronze horseman, klava, and you know that i am in captivity
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was? how is it, when in 1943, they were supposed to send germany to death camps, but our village was liberated and sent to a camp near kuibyshev, too, but we were lucky there too, right on the second day we came to recruit for a penal company, then kynnixberg was wounded. “i thought i wouldn’t dig myself out, it was god who led you,
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look!” “i cut him out of a tin can right in the trench, such was the shelling, it seemed that we would never get out of this cop, yes, the time comes when you can’t live without faith, and also klava, i just wanted to live, you know, just live." return home, read books, teach students, teach them heroism, love, mercy, love your daughter, love your wife, i knew that they were waiting for me, everything will work out, igor,
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you know, now it’s worse than in the war, i don’t understand , where are our own, where are strangers, from everywhere, with foam, like a puppy, with foam, with foam, why should i fight with them, or what? give up these thoughts, who are you, a victorious soldier, well, yes, in captivity, but you. i have redeemed everything in full, tomorrow go to all doors, knock, seek, go to the district party committee, the party will help you, i am a non-party member the head, the party will help everyone. so before your captivity you were a member of the party, no, out of conviction, no, i wanted to, but didn’t have time, that i didn’t
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have time, the war began. and well, what brought you to me, comrade danilov, after returning from the hospital, my room turned out to be occupied, i was evicted, no, i don’t pretend in any way, because i understand that we all survived the war and those who fought and those , who was in the rear during evacuation, our government for a year or two. take care of everyone, but i have to somehow live, work, and i’m trying to get a job, i’m a prisoner, a penal company, but i’m redeemed, redeemed with blood, i calm down,
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creature danilov, no one is accusing you of anything, if you are free, it means that the authorities believed you, who are you by profession, a teacher, great, so... teacher, teacher of the russian language and literature, wonderful. but you see, the city now needs your hands, a lot needs to be restored, no, i’m sorry, please, i’m ready for any job, anyone, wherever they send it, great, well, the party will take care of you, don’t worry, comrade danilov, here you go what, come to me through a couple of days, thursday, yes, i will talk to my people at the factories, we will try to do something for you, thank you. goodbye, goodbye, thank you,
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so gypsy, he wanted to tell me, maybe he wanted to, how can we agree, i have a simple agreement. if you want to live, tell me where the roach and the guest are, but no, my guys will get there with you to the end, thank you, okay, let your people be on the corner of the red commanders bypass in an hour, yes, what is the address, exactly, i understand, you see ? captain, it’s as if they promised you an increase in food supplies. better, mine called
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the man said where to look for the prince, let's go. take the croaky people, deliver this guest performer to me alive. we will kill him slowly so that paskuda remembers who he attacked. cum on the spot, bon appetit, thank you, although i’m an atheist, i’m ready to exclaim, lord, this is a real ear, you know, it seems like an eternity has passed since i gave her an ear, okay, you ’ll be poor, during the war the country cared about valuable personnel. yes, now, well, for us, for those who will restore this city, wow,
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yes, you’re right, well, let’s try, so what, ludmi shanna won't come to the table? he definitely works with his daughter, yes, you are lucky with your wife, you know, danilov came to see me today, i made inquiries, is he an ex-husband, a sweetheart, and what did he want, you know that he was in prison, then he fought in a fine to dig, but no, this is actually something new, i asked for help with the work, and what do you think, well, you know,
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there aren’t enough people with head and hands, well, yes, yes, yes, this city needs people, so you i thought well about what, he told you that he was captured, was wounded, but the truth may turn out to be different, completely, completely different, you send him to the factory, and tomorrow there with... it will break down, or the equipment will generally fail, you need such responsibility, captivity is a betrayal, whoever betrays you once will betray you again, i would these bastards pressed, pressed and drove out of the city, i think so. oh, comrade shevtsov, konstantinovich, hello, my god, you
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are a sorceress, yes, yes, and don’t mind, come, kiss me, oh, you are my sunshine, mom, let’s go play, let’s go, sash, 20 minutes, well mom, yes , yes, honey, it’s dear look. hands up the hill, gypsy, sold, quietly, well, i’ve finished playing , i’ll show you, come on, bitter one, not in the hut, come on in the yard, i ’m off, let’s go, where’s the musician? oh, i don’t envy you, prince, oh, i don’t envy you, well...
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tony, take two people, go to the right, nikolai, there, two behind me, stary after me. stand, don’t twitch, weapons on the floor, well , stand, i said, that’s it, quiet, quiet, no weapons, well, against the wall, floor on the ground, weapons, what are you doing, damn it, i’ll cut him, i’ll cut him, he said, calm, calm , don’t be stupid, don’t be stupid,
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hoblostvol, quiet, that’s it, quiet, quiet. calmly, take it off, let the guy go, now he said, well , he said, put it away, everyone be quiet, come on, come on, take it off, don’t move, calm down, everyone, calm down, like that. move away, no need, no need, lyudmila alexandrovna, i ’ll clean it myself, olya, you’ll wash it there, go to your room, okay, okay.
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whatever you don’t do, don’t ruin igor, he’s already having a hard time right now, let them improve his life. well, you ’re a whore, you saw your ex-hubby and that’s it, love has returned, now you want to go to bed with him, sasha, oh you whore, you creature! you
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will still tell me what to do, who you are, and who you are, i will bring you to this house brought, out of mercy, you should kiss my feet, what are you saying, what? he wanted, well, run, run in all four directions, you think i won’t find another, young, without children, without the daughter for whom you asked so much, she jumped into bed with me, got out of here, got out, said, i don’t want to see.
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whore, his calculation was accurate, the musician’s people came for the prince, he didn’t go there himself, and that yes, this musician, the prince, is in a disadvantaged position, they took his people, wait, then, set it on... for shraymon, yeah, if the musician goes to another business, then he will use a proven distribution channel, he is too careful to trust someone he doesn’t know, like that, yes, what ’s wrong with that? calmed his nerves, but how can i say, in fact, he thought that kuzmin would appoint him in place of kuzmin, then i appeared, you know, i don’t need careerists, you never know what he thinks,
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here i still decide, and for a reason i i appointed you, karasev, i need results from you, you understand everything, that’s right, let me go, go, eat.
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you're igor, don't, don't. that the hand is so cold, so precious, something happened, no, i came to talk to you, i beg you, leave the city, right today immediately, why is my husband, mulyarov, he won’t calm down until he gets rid of you. do you hear, he has great connections, one letter, an anonymous letter, and you can be imprisoned for sabotage, for more, wait, wait,
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listen to me, he’s a cockroach, a fat, disgusting cockroach, how could you even, shut up, hear, shut up, never don't talk to me like that. he is good, he is generous, he saved natasha, he loves her, he loves me, and you you will destroy yourself, we, i beg you, dear, leave, leave. i ask you, immediately today, leave, leave,
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i’ll leave you, leave,
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i ask you to hand over all the weapons you have, no problem. which one of you is playing? and what? only those who play go upstairs. well then, i will. what's in the bag? follow me, please.
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yes, no one will cancel the cards, what are you talking about, good evening, here you can spend your hard-earned money, and you didn’t mess anything up, uncle, this is not a market for you.
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serious people relax here, they have pennies, okay, the radicure is not bad, sha! let's play, just keep in mind, our bets are serious, you can lose everything in 5 minutes, but it’s okay, i ’m a fort, i love it,
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i bet. i raise, i compare, two, one.
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called, let's open.
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gentlemen, calm down, i am a non-local person, a free bird, i have nothing to lose, so i hope for your prudence to stand up! everything is in place so that i can see your hands, arms, i said, i have nothing to lose, everyone should stand still, now my people will take your money, if no one moves, everything will go well and we
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will leave calmly, this is for you. .. that's it, no, not everything, that's all now. hm. let's leave,
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we're frozen, watery, i told you so. comrade sevtsov is very busy, he won’t see you today, i also told you that my appointment was made today, on thursday, well, yesterday it was made, today it was cancelled, he personally told you this himself, comrade, don’t waste your time, maybe maybe you 'll come in again, remind him, listen, work, where are you going, it's forbidden, hello, comrade sevtsov, why don't you see me, today is thursday, you promised to see me,
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what are you allowing yourself to do, you promised to see me help me with my work, you collected money for me, i didn’t tell you that after captivity you were convicted by a military tribunal? without me, you know very well that everyone who was captured was convicted by a military tribunal and sent to the camp, but upon arrival at the camp, on the same day i wrote a statement about sending me to the front in order to atone for my guilt with blood, get out of the office, get out, this is no place, dubious hero, you said that the party would take care of me, you promised to help me with my work, i’ll call the police on you now will provide you with work for a long time. rat of the district committee, i’ll put you in jail, you bastard,
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i’ll crush you, but who cares,
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70 70 is a little expensive, i’ll take it, please, thank you, wait, musician, there is information, faithful people whispered, i’m listening to you carefully, a cunning train from sverdlovsk will arrive here soon , what composition, cunning, jewelry from the hermitage, sure thing, thank you, i’ll think about it, i’ll think about it. take your time, lieutenant, let him move away a little, then you’ll get going, but he’s
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plodding along like a turtle, how does he even manage to engage in speculation? yes, in this matter you need brains, not legs, let’s go slowly, otherwise scotch will go to the tram. nature is very lenient towards us, we need
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to repay at least something, we need to tell the paros that the musician is here, or maybe i’ll try it myself, i ’ll try it for you, let’s let you and me go to the janitors , they’ll transfer you, i’ll run to look for the phone, and you keep an eye on the musician and keep your head down, i understand, yeah, lead him, admire him, god has mercy. i’m not here, you know, they brought money, of course, you heard, they brought the katran around? i heard that you come to such a place with a weapon, to the captain's phone call karasev urgently, urgently contact captain karasev. i have a feeling,
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you know, that i’m being watched by who? i haven’t noticed it yet, there’s this feeling inside, as if it’s always looking at the back of your head, this feeling has never let me down, it’s very unpleasant, i think it’s better for us not to meet for a while, they don’t need old shriman, they need vitya the musician, yes , comrade captain, i understand, there is.
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if so, yes, what? can. comrade captain, it’s good that you’re so fast, they’re standing there by the water, you’re friends, right?
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i'm asking you, what are you thinking about? every person is counted, the degenerates are killing employees, our comrades, that i will tell their families how i am in... i will inspect them among
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belodnya, they are slaughtering, killing two experienced operas, war has been declared on us, i demand that everyone understands this, i will ask. just like in wartime, everything is free. what do you have? comrade lieutenant colonel, in short, captain, in short, i’m talking about the murder of our
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guys, it’s suspicious, i knew them well. although they were young, they were already experienced, they took risks, yes, but in order to so stupidly expose themselves to gangster bullets and sharpenings, i don’t believe, i don’t believe that the bandits killed them, a knife in the heart, kolya didn’t even have time to get a weapon, and sergei in the back, which means he trusted him, if he turned away, they would n’t let a stranger get so close to them. are you saying it was one of our own?
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was dying of hunger, a walking corpse, who fed you, fattened you up, who from bandit grub, by the way, or what, tolya, the war is over, goodbye, mom, i didn’t ask you, of course not... strength, you only ate for two cheeks and poured liters of vodka into himself, in short, why did you call, the other day there was a special car interesting comes here to leningrad, do you remember
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in 1945 the hermitage collection was brought from sverdlovsk by special personnel, but not everything was delivered. “there’s just one thing left, the royal taverns will be there, you’ll get me information, and we’ll be done with you, you won’t remember about me, and if not, or if you suddenly decide to turn me in, i’ll cut you up instantly, you know me?” “i know, vitya, i know, you didn’t feel sorry for your pregnant woman, let alone me, what, oh, didn’t you
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know, or what? lyalya was pregnant, what are you talking about? you’ve wasted your whole life, vitya, everything you had, your talent, music, your beloved woman. all the days, i am with you together, we have the same paths, to go in work and in song and in love, smile,
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masha, the song is louder than yours, we are happy to meet you. vobla, we’ll be sitting here for a long time, but nena, what do you need, there’s food, there’s vodka, freedom, i want to go outside, i want to breathe some fresh air. look, and we ’re sitting in this cone like rats, shaking from every rustle, we have to wait it out, but
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we’re just dragging our feet, we’re in trouble with this prince, we need to solve it, sooner or later the musician will find us to answer for everything anyway, but i don’t want to lie down in the damp earth for his sins, what are we going to do, but i didn’t sign up for this kipish, i’ll take mine i’ll leave the piece, but we... must ask the musician for forgiveness and bring the prince’s head to him on a platter, so vobla, decide, come on, everyone who is brave enough to decide for the prince is out of breath, in words all the forts , you can’t catch him that easily, and he doesn’t show his nose here, you have to pile on everyone so that he doesn’t leave, i would like to find out where he is going to visit and take a look. lyusenka, is that you? hello,
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klavdiya linichna. and igor, with you? oh, no, the police are looking for him, someone wrote a report against him. what are you talking about? klavdia yelenichna, here is the money, here is not much, but enough to buy bread.
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buy the fluffy belomor kurish our brand pleaserovy partygarchik pilomorchik you can of course friend sorry for smoking the treats are heavy.
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so what, maybe then the work for us is piecework, they pay well, yes, today the carriage was unloaded and free, hmm, but they’ll take it, without they say they don’t take registrations, you think the patrol is bugging us, but they’re scamming the old ones. and we are ours, we’ve worked and are free, don’t be sad,
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soldier, we won the war, we’ll break through here. thank you, hello, hello, hello, olga sergeevna, can you tell me where to find it, and olga sergeevna is in the other room, thank you, also this. malkova, olga sergeevna? yes, what do i owe it? police captain nemezov, ob. i'm listening to you. i need information about the upcoming re-evacuation of valuables from the hermitage collection storage. we know she must go to soon. i don't understand. we need
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to strengthen surveillance and security along the entire route. “sorry, this is classified information, and i have to inform management, i see, olga sergeevna, you continue to pretend that you don’t understand what i’m talking to you about, but we’re talking about your husband, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, olga sergeevna, it will be much better if you figure everything out yourself.” why, when you were admitted to armitage, did you not report that your husband was sentenced to 10 years, and most importantly, he recently escaped from the camp, that i knew nothing about this, i don’t maintained no contact with him, he has been banned from correspondence for 10 years, yes, we have
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reason to believe that you and your husband are preparing an operation to steal armitage valuables. no, this, this is some kind of mistake, this is not true, i assure you, why should i believe you, when was the last time we received information from my husband, in 1937, when he was in transit, who else was informed about the revacuation of armitage valuables? no one, i swear to you, what kind of security is there for the special cargo? as expected, during the trip special storage, cargo will be greeted by a security group, is that the same? escorts the cargo to the hermitage, when does the cargo arrive? august 20 at 6 am sorting room, okay, let’s say i believe you, now will you bring me the entire list of evacuated
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valuables? yes, yes, of course, stop. in addition to this list, you will tell me the entire route of the cargo, as well as the names of the accompanying persons, and most importantly, this conversation between us should remain between us, yes, of course, we wake up, comrade, foreman, your documents, where are we going, where?
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so where are we heading to belgorod, it’s clear, but you will also remove disabled people, there will be an order , we will obey, please come through, everything is in order, everything is in order, happy life, citizen, your documents, here you go, where are we going, to minsk, give me a popper, striped moldings, please, oops , what? for such a fashion, uh, ostapinka, calm down, i’m the boss of the citizens, i’m restoring social justice, look at me, get off your feet, from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs, ba, where? here my dear,
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come here, my beauty, don’t be afraid, that ’s how my dear, but what kind of post is she, what? let him go, comrade danilov, you understand, we have an order to expel everyone who spends the night in shelters at train stations without a registration and does not work. but you’re an educated person, a front-line soldier, you’re with the shintropa, you’re done in no time, maybe you should come to us, where is it coming to you, to us, to
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the police, it’s very difficult for us with the personnel, you’re serious, but where? more seriously, the day before yesterday two of our comrades were killed. i’m completely out of my depth, i just returned home six months ago, they sent me here, but write a statement, we’ll give you a room in the staff dormitory we’ll organize it, so when to come, tomorrow, come tomorrow. thank you,
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how many times in my life have i met the desired, eternal swore, how many times have i kissed. well , hello, prince, you seem to have taken everything from me, only left me with my life? let's talk, do you think that if my shovel was returned, i will forgive you, you are a lawless man, you
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fell into a place with a weapon in which, by definition, it cannot be, the ferret, when he saw the roach, he thought, he lost his mind, there are more roaches? no, i heard, they shot him with his sidekicks, wasn’t it your frequent doings, prince, maybe, but you yourself, you can’t finish a single task without a mess, people have become so hardened, during the war, during the blockade, people were killed for sword rations, and... today life is taken for a loaf of bread, in short, we’ll say what you want,
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work together, i want, so what, what should two fort men share in this city, you’re very fast, prince, a good offer. i need to think about it, think about it, think about it, let me know, good afternoon, so, let’s go out, i’m dumping out,
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well, you nit, you decided to push me out of the city, you creature, it was i who went through the war to to my wife and daughter, to understand that my life will depend on a bastard like you, who is he, well, stand up. “get up, i say,
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the soldier is talking to you, and what, what are you going to do to me, barefoot, if you touch me with a finger, they’ll put you in prison, i’m not afraid of prison, scum, if you were a teacher, then a citizen, calm down, sit down, let’s go out, we get out, sit down, scared, called about the arrival of a train from the museum collection, and what about the fact that captain nemezov was with her yesterday and was interested in this train, that yes, but the order was to be guarded. colleague. the special cargo did not arrive to us, maybe
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this is some kind of mistake? what a mistake, he was in her custody yesterday? what do you think? i don’t know, this is the case when you don’t want to think, you need to, petya, you need to, you need to think through everything, who will guard the special car during transportation upon arrival, report to me, i understand.
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fifth, when the entire hermitage collection was being returned, then there was security, no one would pay attention to this carriage, the cargo would be in the specialists, you were right, i was carrying jewelry of the romanov house, the route was unknown, but from the sorting station to the city, by essentially there is only one road, somehow there will be an escort car, right? in the car there are hermitage employees and cargo, in the back there is a truck with security, it seems that’s it, who is this, why are you twitching, tolya, strangers don’t walk here, great!
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look, there’s something i don’t understand, i know him, he ’s a cop, a prince, you’re the one who’s going to take him , you’re going to take him, but his face is on all the pillars here, what the hell are you doing, are you ratting me out or something? , this is in vain, you will wash yourself with bloody tears for this. this is our man, you, vitya, apparently did not understand who you were dealing with, so that i, an honest thief with dealt with the cops, but you don’t have a problem with it, he... will turn you in, yes, if i wanted, you and the musician have been soaring for a long time, you ’ve stolen the trunks, that’s it, i’m telling you again, the prince, he’s one of his own, his own , calm down, well, how long
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are you to him. it’s not just interesting how much they buy cops for now, for a stew, for a chocolate bar, or maybe you pay him a redhead, okay, i’ll go, i did my job, and deal with all sorts of rabble, moralize myself. and as we agreed, you don’t know me, i don’t know you, tolya, where are you going, i still don’t know you
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didn’t let go, i didn’t understand, because what are you doing, the first thought came to mind, what if you? now finish it.
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hello, wish the lieutenant colonel there in the room, you can’t even imagine it, woe, what grief, well , calm down, absolutely, great, found something, in the linen department a large sum of money, a pistol and a knife, experts have not yet... but judging apparently, the guys who were watching schreimann were charged with it. this is petrushka, comrade lieutenant colonel. nemezov was the person who informed the bandits about everything. nemezov's parents died in the first
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winter of the siege, no other relatives. it’s my fault, i didn’t understand, but i should have understood. kuzmin should have understood too, he worked with him for so many years, now we won’t know why he betrayed us, he defended the entire blockade, but now, don’t tell our people anything yet, let the experts work, you understand me, it’s ridiculous, must know, before we do anything else , and we’ll scare off the bandits, so keep everything to yourself, petya, it’s necessary for business, i understand, comrade captain, how can it be, so quiet,
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kolya, quiet, i’ll find this bastard, i swear , i'll find him. the food trucks will arrive here, the yard will be blocked, as soon as the brews appear, we remove the goods, the guards are still coming to their senses, we get into the car, onto the embankment, everything is normal musician, there is only one cop, the car into the river for raspberries, beautiful, but risky, what are you talking about? well, the main thing is surprise, don’t lose your temper, at the station there will only be those accompanying the cargo, remotely. it’s easier to leave the marshalling yard, we got to the water, there’s a barge, in
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the city it doesn’t cost them anything to block the roads, you’re wrong, maybe you’re right, if it’s serious the chaos will begin, we don’t have to jump out, we need a demolitionist, why do we need to set up two distracting explosions on the tracks, when the car is opened, we’ll explode the explosives, everyone will rush there, and we’ll calmly take the cargo, well, i haven’t forgotten my profession yet, but what’s possible, only now what can i tell you, prince, if something goes wrong, i’ll let you go first, whip it, let’s go.
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sasha - i want to talk to you, just promise that you won’t shout angry. "i want to talk about danilov, yes, about danilov, i understand that he insulted you and you did that's right, you hear, but you understand what will happen if he is convicted on a criminal or political charge, he is imprisoned, then he will no longer bother us, but this will first of all hit our daughter, okay, i'm an ex- wife, but she will be like this forever will remain a daughter, a criminal." with such a profile, no institute will shine for her, you understand, but he insulted
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me in front of my comrades, well, forgive him, be merciful, well, for my sake, in the end it may hit you, oh well, for your sake? “i’ll withdraw my testimony, they’ll give him the usual the hooligan will be sent 101 km away, but only if you want, yes, no, say, i want. repeat, i want, i want.
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so 7 minutes and so that i can see the fireworks, like on victory day, i understand, i understand, alive, alive, alive, alive, good afternoon, please show your documents, come here, you can start unloading, let's go. now you will have ferirka. careful,
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careful, eh. why the hell are there so many security guards today? we jumped.
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well, let's go back, hey, mother, there are guards all around, for the homeland, for stalin.
4:45 am
“captain of police rebrov, comrade lieutenant colonel, why couldn’t it have been done in advance to report our participation in this operation, this is a very good question, petya, comrade major, don’t explain to us how this happens, moscow is introducing a little man into the band of the vitamusician, and we seem to be out of business, captain rebrov knew
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what you have in blood works in the organs, we decided not to risk the operation, what do you think, the cops will knock off your sentence for spanking tolya nemizov, nitan, kolya, kolya, what are you doing, yura. can you hear me, yura, hospital, car, come to me, quickly, yuri rebrov is one of the best soskars i know, he worked in odessa, then to moscow, he learned that the musician
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had received information on the composition of the sorometage collection, well, now. "we decided to take all the bantha on the spot, we just could have killed him, he was forced to take a risk, most of all i want to interrogate the musician to find out why nemezov agreed to work for him, the operation is not over yet, wait, everyone get up, get ready car!" citizens, for violating the passport regime, you are subject to eviction from the city, now you will be sent to the crosses, where each person will be assigned a resident point for further accommodation, sergeant, on the way out, on the way out, that’s it, they promised that
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they would allow us to take our things. report your return to me, okay, calmly, civilian, calmly, we go out in threes, the first three have left, vasya , vasenka, well, we have small children, let him go, help him, fool, bastard, hands, hands, hands,
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i said, stand, wait, i’ll shoot, lord, what have you done? he's here, come here.
4:50 am


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