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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 22, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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what happened, guy, where is this handsome guy from, why did he cut up the meat, i don’t know, there a guy fell out, where he fell from, from his apartment, i have nothing to do with it, who has anything to do with it, i don’t know who, okay, let’s go show you who’s there and where it fell from. this is
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an apartment, pavement, you can stay here.
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hello georgievich, well, as cherdyntsev says, we have a murder, good morning, good morning, beauty, listen, the krasnodar strawberry is gone, unfortunately, but there are apples, to my right, come here, what is it, excuse me, where you... ran, girl, i i understood you here before, so , come on, stand there, fuck off, you chicken, okay, not a chicken, but senior lieutenant potapenko, inter-district homicide department, i don’t care, i said, fuck off, oh, you’re a heathen, i understood, come on, come here, what are you doing, it’s okay, go, let go, what are you doing, and unfastened, i said, unfastened my bracelets, went to catch the criminal, i already caught one, i said, unfastened, so,
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let's get acquainted, sheep, labanov, boris petrovich, can you hear me, take off your bracelets, please let go, your name is tatyana, i understood correctly, yes, that you will write a statement, it’s a family matter, we ourselves, we have to decide this ourselves, family issues, please let us go, what are you doing, take off your bracelets, you’re crazy, take them off, come on, calm down, calm down, that you such that i... calm down, take off your bracelets, until you calm down, i won’t take off your bracelets, you understand me, calm down, calm down, once again, you calm down, yes, that’s it, in the car, in the car, in the car, what stand there, goat, sheep, tatyana, think, write a statement, what a family.
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oh, igor, listen, it’s like crazy, right, mokshin, sergey konstantinovich, 7 years old, born in izhevsk, registered in this apartment, november 1, 2009, hold it, lesh, what do we have about the corpse, death occurred an hour and a half ago, as a result of a stab wound. and from a large loss of blood, so what did they kill with? i think with a kitchen knife for cutting meat, well, look, the wound is 4 centimeters long, and the depth is no less than 12 centimeters, the rest is after the autopsy, so citizen dremov, let me tell you again now in detail, in order,
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how it all happened, i went down to my girls, here this one flew out of his door, wheezing all over in blood, rushed at me, grabbed me with his hands, and then passed out. i left, was there anyone else in the apartment at that moment? yes , i was scared, i don’t know, maybe someone was, maybe not, but he didn’t have time to tell you anything before he died? he wheezed, i didn’t understand anything. so, that means you’re saying that before he died, he jumped out onto the stairs, at that moment you were passing by, yes, he grabbed you and stained your clothes, well, that’s what happened, but why are your hands covered in blood? so he's all in blood, he fell on me, i say, unconvincingly, somehow dremov, what do you have? we completely examined the girl’s apartment, there is nothing suspicious there, especially not a murder weapon. the attic is locked, so the killer certainly couldn't have escaped this way. so, it’s clear , well, split up, ella, you ’re going door-to-door, pasha, and you’re going into the courtyards looking for witnesses, yes, where are you going, what, are you kidding
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, or something, looking for witnesses, there’s an elevator, i didn’t think of something , thank you, and you, dremov, will you come with us to the department? sergeant, take it, this is what we have, the neighbor or something entrance? stand, stand, police, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, it was i who called you, who did you call,
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the police, you’re from the police, i don’t understand, are you the owner of the apartment or something, well, who, passport, quickly ! wait, why did you call the police? well, i returned from my shift about 30 minutes ago, the frame was broken, the door was open, and the main thing is that nothing was missing from the apartment, this really surprises me, but it just doesn’t surprise me, did you know the neighbor who lived behind the wall? no, personally, no, we have a balcony nearby, but... the front doors are different, but what happened? yeah, it’s okay, they killed him, right? that don’t touch anything here for now, the supergroup will arrive now, we’ll work, i ’ve collected almost everything, there are a lot of prints, yeah, we need to break through, by the way, the question is,
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if he was killed here, why are there so few traces of blood in the apartment? yes, it’s strange, yes, pash, lech, but go out to the balcony, why? well, come out, come out, i’m coming, a state of passion, by the way, i could go out onto the landing, this happens, yeah, wait, why isn’t pashka calling me, but i’ll never get through to you, well , i don’t know, by the way, you studied phone number, what’s interesting there, yes, there’s a lot of interesting stuff there, a lot of all kinds of contacts, incoming and outgoing, sent to nikita, i hope i’ll get through to you by the time we return, hello, oh, pasha, hello, how are you here, let’s move to the next one. the front door, apparently, he climbed onto this balcony and left through the apartment. it seems so. well, is it accepted? that's it, i'm waiting. pasha found out that the killer left through the neighboring apartment. how is this possible? well,
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i climbed from balcony to balcony. hmm, the stuntman is for me too. so it’s better than jumping four stories onto the sidewalk. by the way, he most likely he wanted to leave the door, but he heard that someone was there. for excellent work, we came out on top in the city in terms of arrests, well done, well done, thank you for this, comrade general, i think that next month the main team of the group will receive a good bonus, you know, i will be glad if ella also something- she will receive it, but even though she has only recently arrived with us. “the girl is good, she quickly joins the team, i’m pleased with her, but it’s
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all at your discretion, who is her teacher, who is the teacher, you, you, comrade general, you , by the way, i wanted to talk about ale, oleg georgievich, what happened, she talks a lot with my wife, yeah, she talks a lot about operational work, detention, how she interrogates killers. well, she ’s interested in this, well, it’s great that she likes her profession, well, but my wife just blows my mind, get her out of the homicide department, take care of the girl, but it seems to me that ella is an adult and can decide for herself what’s right for her for us, she will still remain a girl, i understand that you will take another department? no, are you by no means my niece? won’t forgive, no, no, no, but what should i do? take care of the girl, well, don’t send her to dangerous detention, overwhelm her
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with paperwork, we will kill two birds with one stone, she will be safe, your papers will be in order, i understand, okay, general merzlyatin is listening, yes, yes, i know this one well employee, what? okay, i'll figure it out, what's your little bastard doing? good morning ollevich, it’s not good for everyone, margarita, do you mean today’s corpse, the murdered mogshen? no, i mean you, but since you tell me human. not indifferent, then myself, too, and i don’t really understand you, oleg georgievich,
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in general, this complaint was received against you, yes, from a certain citizen labanov, oh well, he demands to initiate a case against you and dismiss you from the police for supposedly an unreasonable attack on him, what can you tell me about this, alek georgievich, i can say one thing, that there is a reason to complain about yourself and write this complaint. and also at the management level, so what, excuse me, listen, here he is, yes, come on, answer
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him, answer, yes, seryozha, you already know, in in general, meet and solve the problem, let me tell you everything at the meeting, okay, yeah, where, when, okay, i’ll be, allow it, yes, oleg georgievich, i, i promise you, everything will be fine, yes. i'll go crazy with you, ah, van, look at how beautiful it is, and the killer is ours, apparently, he didn't run far for the murder weapon, he used mokshen's own kitchen knife, and i know such a set, by the way, it's more likely he killed everything with a missing knife like this, so the murder could well have been spontaneous, it’s strange why there is no weapon anywhere murders? why did he take it with him? well , how do i know, the examination will show what
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you have? well, all the neighbors were interviewed, no one saw or heard anything, the residents of the apartments, mokshen’s adjoining apartment, there was no house at the time of the murder, but in general, they say, he was especially unsociable, did not communicate with anyone, well , at most, hello, goodbye, they say , some suspicious friends came to see him, but no one knew him personally, that’s all, okay, they rushed to the meeting, georgich was already tired of waiting. what can i do to please him? the main thing is not to upset the old man. so what do we have to kill by personality? there are some clues, what kind of kindergarten is this, and excuse me, excuse me, nikit, come on, well, i’m waiting for your thoughts, well , mokshin, and mokshin, yes, our murdered one, 3 years ago he was convicted of fraud, well, that’s a lot explains, well, for example, where in
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the apartment of the murdered man there are fingerprints of people previously convicted, citizens of lavovo, nickname lavrik. durova nickname durik cat nickname nickname cat, jackal, well, yes, they came to visit him, but what about the suspect dreomov, his prints are in the apartment mogshina, no, there are no fingerprints, and, by the way, contacts between dremov and mokshen have not been previously established, oleg georgievich, it seems to me that the guy is not lying, but which of his accomplices is the killer, we checked his biography, we didn’t find anything dark in it, it works hypermarket cashier. we do not have his innocence, we will not let him go, that with mokshin’s criminal contacts, with kotov, lavrov and durov,
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mokshin often called on his mobile phone, he also called yakov kopeikin in the criminal world. his nickname is yashka kopeck, i established that the mobile phones of kotov, lavrov and durova at the time of the murder were in the area of ​​​​the cossack baths, but this is quite far from mokshen’s house, so they decided to take a steam bath, but theoretically they could not be localized by kopeikin, the phone was turned off, uh-huh , well, georgievich, here ’s a candidate for you, such a person often happens among acquaintances, especially if the acquaintances have criminal inclinations, so... igor, okay, and who else did mokshin call on the phone, do you have any information? yes, he often called his sister, nina from the city izhevsk. and they contacted her and informed her about the death of her brother. georgievich, honestly, tried to call three times, but she didn’t answer. is it too weak to try a fourth time? well, okay, let’s do it especially for you, i’ll even
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put it on speakerphone, let’s enjoy the long gutkas. come on, hello. nina, yes, hello, major krymov is worried about st. petersburg, the police, the inter-district homicide department, i’m talking about your brother, what happened, did he get involved in some kind of crime again? nina, unfortunately, i have bad news for you, your brother was killed, god, how can this be, only the man got a normal job, he just came to his senses, and what kind of work did he have, but he didn’t really say what kind of life this was, he killed his brother, he broke his leg, you broke your leg, but here you go fell 3 days ago, some bastard unscrewed the light bulbs, i was returning home, fractured, well, then get well, please accept our condolences again, we will try to find your brother’s killer, goodbye, goodbye, it’s a pity, such a gorgeous version fell off , i mean, what version, well, pash, well, what’s there? it’s unclear, mogshin has his own apartment in
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st. petersburg, you can kill for such an inheritance, no, well, of course we will contact our colleagues from izhevsk, but... in general, it’s unlikely, pasha, let’s get on with the kopeikin, come on, nikit, that’s not the address, okay , well, everything is clear to everyone, and you, young lady, will take care of the important clerical work of reporting the department, well , how is it, uncle says that real opera, no, no, no, it’s not only a shooting chase, it’s also accounting and staff culture, comrade general talks about this to us all the time, yes, yes, yes, constantly, like this, that orders from superiors are not discussed. clear, lieutenant dmitrieva, clear, comrade colonel, well, in general, further, you know everything yourself, i really have nothing to add, goat, of course, the main thing, imagine, labanov turned out to be the godson of our boss’s daughter, oh well, wait, rishsky, or something , well, wow, i can’t, i can’t bear to watch how they offend you, no matter how i tried to help, but it’s not working yet,
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yes, seryozha, i know that you really want to help, i know that you can’t, don’t worry about that we'll figure something out listen, maybe i should go see his wife one more time, so i could talk to her. option, yes, yes, hello, nikitosik, great, my, good, listen, not for service, for friendship, help. please, punch one person, 33, 34, 35, 35, if from left to right, then
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it turns out this, uh-huh, that’s it, let’s call, i’m on the street, maybe i’m not an igor for a change, this is my topic, who is needed, kopeikin yakov lives here, yes, but he is not there, and who are you? i'm a neighbor, but i went to the store, this is from the police, open the door, please, i don't have the keys, kopeikin, stop fooling around, open the door, i told you. hello, why are you so sloppy?
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the police, thank god, the cops, that it was not destiny to open the door, but i thought again the bag with my bondos, mokshina is looking for what you’re carrying, what kind of bag, tell me, let’s go in order, well, yesterday the bandos came to me, but.. . not the ones in the nineties, in sports adidas, but such a decent suit, tie, trousers, all the things, the faces are painfully characteristic, exactly bandos, there was a genetic bag with them, a bag of you, that it was necessary, they were looking for seryoga mokshin, he staged some kind of grandiose scam, so they are looking for him, but why do you need me, also because of seryoga, well, in general, yes, they killed him, i didn’t hear, it’s his bag with his freaks, surely i ’m telling you, sure, yeah, that means it’s a bag, why did you turn off the phone, why didn’t the bandits bother me, i actually went out of town to leave, i’ll call georgich, come on,
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sit down while you rest, georgich, a new version has appeared, yes i remember this bag back in the nineties, igor, he loved hanging out at shooting ranges back then, yes, he had his favorite one, honey goose, that's right, it's on nekrasova not far from the market, by the way, it still functions as a shooting gallery, can you imagine? so you think the bag might be there? but if this bag is not in the office or apartment, i think this address is worth checking, that’s it, good luck to you, everything is ready, well done, but that’s not all, here are the cases for 2014 for 2015.
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captain chatting with the fish. dolphins are not fish, and his dolphin is returning. andrey, there is still time to wind down the operation. well, i can’t, i’ll just sit around doing nothing. what's there? yes , it looks like murder to bring everyone clean water. here in yuzhnomorsk, which doesn’t happen here, but here is a murder with a crossbow arrow for the first time. just like that, andryukha, they take them down one by one. i think this is a clue. dolphin, new season. you will be contacted, no matter what, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. forest fires are a dangerous and
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formidable element, stop defeating the fire, the calling of the strong, pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, air forest protection rosle khoz, a reliable shield of the russian forest. how did you find me? we have our own methods, what do you want, talk to i want to protect you, and now at the same time, you protect yourself, but you don’t need me, listen, but often he does this, what he does, well, your hay fever is clearly not due to lack of sleep, don’t you think, that’s all ... normal, what's abnormal? well, for example, enduring your husband’s beating is good if you don’t care about yourself, but he ruins your life, but now i am
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not only for you, but also for me. so it’s your own fault, you shouldn’t have interfered, listen, why are you defending him, i love him, her love is an infection. paw, what are you doing? milk again? on in fact, you would have been a corpse long ago. you are not better. look.
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good afternoon, gentlemen, you are a little early, we still have half an hour of paid time, and we are behind you, citizen of the bags, so, calmly, paw, kefir, trunks to the floor, i always said.
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it’s not worth it, stop it, no, it’s not necessary, right? hello, kids, i’m talking about rita potapinka, and my dear, i promised colonel solovets that i would delay the proceedings in the potapinka case as long as possible, but this is all i can do for margarita, with all due respect to her, well, try your best, you i’ve always been fair, good, good,
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tell me how... you, how am i, i’m bad, absolutely disgusting, what is this, but they don’t take me on any tasks, so they forced me to do everything with paperwork, but this is also necessary what to do, uncle lyosha, well, talk to georgivich, but i can’t do that, so listen, colonel solovets and major krymov are your immediate superiors, i can’t influence them, jadlesh, comrade lieutenant, you understand everything, that’s right, the conversation is over , understood. how is all this familiar to me? well, why are they like that, huh? why, why? because? don't you understand? because your uncle loves you very, very much. he's worried about you. look at it this way. your uncle, like no one else, understands the whole risk of our work. you know how to calm things down, that’s where you’re right. would you like to invite a lawyer, mr. mishkov? why, mister colonel?
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“if i were guilty, then, of course, but otherwise i’m as pure as a baby’s tear, don’t be related, i know your past very well, i’ve already served time for my past, there’s no crime in my present, well, at least according to department of your homicide department, that is , the murder of mokshin was not your doing, not mine, okay, but why were you then looking for him with your henchmen, looking for him because mokshin cheated me,
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yes, you can look at the video recorder on my car, it’s all there apparently, by the way, the date and time were set, at the time of the murder, we were all in the cafe, a bunch of people saw us. okay, we'll check, what kind of scam did mokshin pull on you? well, firstly, i found out later that he was mogshin, he introduced himself to me as lavrentyev. it all started with what i saw outside the city advertising banner, construction and sales of cottages on the shore of lake yakorinnoye, this is in korean, exactly, that’s what i bought into. by the way, there was a telephone there. company, i called, we met with this swindler, he showed me all the project documentation, we arrived on the shore, here is the watchman, here is the barrier, here is the marking for construction, everything is fine, well, i
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paid, by the way, here are the contracts, here are the expenditure orders, well... at first glance, it was quite okay, at the second glance, not so much, i started making inquiries, the land was not taken out of the land agricultural purposes, but the district administration knows nothing about the construction of cottages, so what about the company, the company told us that lavrentyev went abroad to rest for 2 months, that’s when i realized, all this is kidalovo, well... they questioned us without self-harm , carefully, and what did you find out? but they found out that they were all hired 2 months ago, the office was rented 2 months ago, everything was registered under the last name lavrentyev, when you realized that lavrentyev is mogshin, oleg
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georgievich, i’m not asking how you found out where the guys and i are at shooting we trained, we also have our own methods. citizen lobanov, lieutenant colonel austin osb. and i came to talk to you about the criminal investigation officer potapenko. come on in. pasha, i don’t understand anything anymore. help? well. come on, i won’t refuse, so what is this? so, this, this is here, here, and this is here, in general, everything is as i expected, nikita punched through the documents that mokshin used, supposedly businessman lavrentyev, they turned out to be fake, passports
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with that number and series simply do not exist, so it’s necessary go to this company, communicate in person, maybe something interesting information, well, let's go, wait, and i hope it's not very dangerous, no, everything is fine there, i think, without incident, maybe... i'll go with you then, that is, you're worried about your comrades, well, yes, well well, in principle, i intended to take you with me, pasha, let’s do it this way, you will go to the district administration, talk with plotkin, who deals with the land issue, and ella and i will go to mokshen’s office, yes, well, unfortunately. or maybe, fortunately, i don’t know either mokshen or lavrentiev, so this one person, can you imagine, he just used two different surnames, now i’ll show you a photograph, look, an unfamiliar face, my god, murder, it’s
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him, who, well, this dead man is yours, he was 2 months ago contacted me, make no mistake, it was as if he... picked me up after work right at the exit from the administration, can you imagine, he offered me money, but what are you talking about? yes, but for what? wanted me to sell them the original forms of documents on land allotments and construction permits, can you imagine, in general, i sent i him, i didn’t even doubt that you did exactly that, thank you, you know,
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nothing, lyub, as i understand it, you and the boss had something, well, yes, but what? he is masculine with money, who knew that he was a swindler, really? but in this case, i have an intimate question for you, you understand, we are interested in finding the killer as quickly as possible, please be more specific, well, 3 days ago the boss fell for my hints, wait, but you told mishkov, that the boss went on vacation, well, yes, the boss himself asked to talk to the clients, although in reality there was nowhere didn’t leave and even showed up at the office, darling, excuse me, please, where was your date, at my house, i live alone, and you know what... everything happened somehow quickly, he
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didn’t even stay the night, although i offered him, he called a taxi and left, but he didn’t say where he was in such a hurry from a pretty woman, no, but he said some important business meeting, well, maybe you remembered the address or name when he ordered a taxi, a bar with such a funny name, berry-profit, or something, thank you for your help, the investigation, you are always welcome, special thanks for your civic position, there are few such honest people, please contact me, all the best, all the best, all the best, great, igor, yes, i talked, i talked, well, he’s kind of shady, of course, this lotkin, although nikita says that he did not communicate with mokshen on the phone. what is the face, there is a face,
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now we’ll do it, now we’ll deal with this, who is what, why does the tooth hurt, are you ulabanova? yeah, i decided to talk to him normally, i turned out to be a rare scumbag, i had to explain everything differently, well, seryozha, but now you will have problems because of me, labanov immediately snitched on the riga man, so now i will be fired after you, well, no, no one will fire you and me, seryozha, so, so, i went to lobanov, his wife is probably already at home, and no matter what, i’ll take the conversation on record, and then to hell with it, whatever happens, okay? they stabbed him hard, yes
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, i know, of course, he was a regular with us, uh-huh, so what, he was alone or with a friend, usually with his friend, we’re going, what kind of friend , well, he’s so fidgety, and he’s also his called yashka, what did she say, look carefully, no...
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judging by the fact that they did not communicate on regular phones, they hid their acquaintance, it means that it is plotkin who is that same unknown partner of mokhshin. of course, it is strange that plotkin hid his acquaintance with mogshin, but the fact that... but he is a murderer is not at all a fact, at least he was his partner in fraud, but this proves his involvement only indirectly . listen, georgivich, what if we encourage citizen plotkin, so to speak, to active action? for example, what is this? well, i don’t know yet, let’s think. but plotkin hardly knows his sister nina from izhevsk. what are you leaning towards now? what if, under the guise of nina, i call him and tell him that i know everything about his machinations. do you want to say that if he is involved, then... he twitches, well, and if not, then he will most likely contact
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the police about blackmail, well, let's try, just hide your number and turn it on loud, quietly, hello, plotkin, this is nina mokshina, sergei’s sister, i don’t know any sergei, wrong number, not mistaken, plotkin, they called me from a pizer and said that sergei was flunked, but i found him interesting. i left an envelope about your dealings with cottages, what do you want from me, you’re a fool, i want money, or should i take the envelope to the cops, what do you want, a million? euro rubles, okay, are you in st. petersburg or where? i’ll be in izhevsk in the evening, where will we meet? write down the address, zahodskaya street 12, there is an old factory, no one will disturb us, wait for the call, well done, great, but rita will come towards you,
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well, this is not fair at all, i’ve already got the papers i learned how to translate, went to the police, weren’t you a young opera yourself, have you forgotten everything? no, i haven’t forgotten, but if something happens to you, your uncle will rip my head off, the old colonel will be abruptly kicked out of retirement, then i’ll take the old colonel pies from our canteen every day, but seriously, we’ll give him we won’t say anything, i ’ll put on a bulletproof vest, we’ll record the conversation, well, okay, what can you do, shut up, i said, shut up! don’t let me go, please, i beg you, give me a capture group, what a capture, wait, don’t go yet they will, he will kill her, ready, help, help, well, he threw the knife, get out of here,
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lie down, lie down, don’t twitch, it hurts, calm down, next time he’ll kill you, there won’t be a next time... what are you doing, that’s it now you can call, igor, but he can’t get past her with his bulletproof vest, but don’t worry, georgich, everything will be fine, this plotkin is in the sniper’s sights, he will twitch, get a bullet in the forehead, or are you worried that if something goes wrong , then merzlyakin will not forgive us, i will not forgive myself if something happens. are you nina? me, nina. i thought you were older. i'm well preserved. money? envelope. i hope
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i never see you again, very mutual, phew, grab, stand, hands on the car, everything, everything, everything, everything is fine, calm down, that means you still deny your acquaintance with moksha, yes, yeah, eh what about a recording from a bar, a casual acquaintance. we drank some booze, told a couple of jokes, but i don’t even remember his name, hello, lesh, can you use your own words for this very stubborn citizen, please, fingerprints were found in the apartment of the murdered mokshen this citizen, a swindler, not only that, the same prints were found on the balcony of a neighboring
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apartment, that is, the killer left the crime scene through the neighboring apartment, well, great, yes, that means... you say a casual acquaintance? plotkin, we will still prove your guilt of murder, of fraud, but a purely heartfelt confession, well, you probably know, reduces your sentence and eases your conscience, so, okay, in general, the scams with cottages really are came up with mokshin, came up with a scheme to raise money. "well, i i fell for it, handed him the necessary papers, only with forged seals and signatures, so that they wouldn’t undermine me, but why did you kill him, it became so scary, it really became scary, he said that people
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of the bag were looking for him, i thought that he will rat me out and decided to play it safe, so, that is, it turns out that you constantly communicated, but..." you didn’t talk on the phone, no, mokshen told me that in this way the police would not calculate our connection in any way, it’s just that at each meeting we set the date and time for the following , you can’t say anything cleverly, well ok, where is the knife with which you stabbed mokshin, in the neva, in the next apartment, why did you get in the way, i wanted to go out through the entrance, but mogshenus? i managed to open the door, there was someone on the stairs, i put the knife in my bosom through the window of the neighboring balcony, what if there were neighbors at home? but i didn’t realize anything, i don’t kill people every day, hello, i’m
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just here for a second, you can, yes, of course, you probably won’t take the money, oh, well, that shouldn’t have been done either, but i wrote a statement, here you did the right thing, you know, i talked to... and didn’t know that happened at our house, but now everything will be fine with you and your colleague, please take it, excuse me, please, yeah, love sometimes does terrible things to us, it just drives us crazy, i understand, this is if you fall in love with the wrong topic, redusk , you would soon tell me, hello, wait for me, let’s do this to you: with this you will celebrate the beginning of a new life, we agreed, why are you silent, tell me what happened there, but yesterday i wanted to go to sveta,
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well, well, i came in and saw that she was with vitalik kisses, with this sucker, well, yes, yes, i warned you about flowers, remember, light, light, yes, yes, i know, she and i kissed here for the first time, and so why did you bring me here, you’re nostalgic, yes ? “like that, well, now let’s remember your love, i’ll be right back, kolyan, let’s go, what is it, let’s go, i say, let’s call the cops, let’s go down , they’ll hang us, and they’ll definitely hang us, call, i said, that’s it.” call. we'll show
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you your travel cards, i'm ready to accept payment, what do you have? i left his house, it’s okay, pay for the fare and move on, please. okay, take the ticket from the dacha, thank you. hello, comrade major, yes, i’ll be late for an hour,
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i have personal circumstances, no, no, everything ’s fine, i’ll be there in an hour, in general, the girl abandoned her, so we came to drink beer, so to speak, late love, great, hi, great! konstantin kolesnik 20 years old, third year student. who did you study for? it. what? information technology? yeah, but a programmer, obviously. so, what did you kill with? rebar, one hit head, strong. any prints? well, what are the prints on the fittings? traces, anything interesting, no? no, nothing, no. what about the time of death? yesterday from 8 to 9:00 pm.


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