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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 22, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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yes, i’ll be late for an hour, i have personal circumstances, no, no, everything is fine, i’ll be there in an hour, in general, the girl left kolyano, so we came to drink beer, so to speak, to commemorate our past love, great, great, hello , great, hello, what do you want, konstantin kolesnik. 20 years old, third year student, what did he study for, it, why information technology, and well, a programmer, so what did they kill with? reinforcement, one blow to the head, strong, some prints, what kind of prints are on the reinforcement, traces, something interesting, no, no, nothing, no, time death, yesterday from 8 to 9:00 pm, tell me more, well, i’m telling you, i went away to relieve myself.
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well, i saw the body, what were they doing yesterday from 8 to 9 pm? the police were there. wow, how did you end up there? stupid story, drunken bar fight. yes, they were the first to start. what department? fifteenth. we sat there all evening from 80 to 1 am. it's clear. okay, i'll check now. by the way, i know these places. i lived here in a dormitory, when i was still a student, we ran through this wasteland to the metro. great, listen, it wasn't there yesterday. you know these well places, maybe you'll go around the places, it was a glory, ask for witnesses, and we'll have a coffee while we're at it, and something hot, okay, that's it, thank you, no, thank you, so, in general, your alibi was confirmed, while you can be free, you wrote down your passport details data and phones, that’s right, that means you won’t have to leave the city, you’ll have contact, maybe we’ll call you again, freely, freely, guys,
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damn, i lost it, well, what versions will there be, well, to me you’re robbing, no cell phone, no wallet no. well, what a robbery, student, why rob him, we need to consider other versions, firstly, it doesn’t say on it that he is a student, and secondly, the drug addict doesn’t care at all, they kicked out the first one they came across, well , they had a slow day, well, with robbery, everything is clear, it’s on the surface, you have to look for something something more interesting, okay, pasha, go to the institute, go to the department, yeah, find out everything there, okay, okay, bogdan, well, let’s take you and me for a ride to the dorm, it’s not far from here. hello, nikita, what kind of relationship did you
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have with kolesnik? well, we are neighbors, we crossed paths a couple of times, and we drank beer. did you study together? yes, at the same faculty, only he’s getting an older course. i see, but how can you generally characterize him? well, quite a serious person, that is, the head of his group, and also the chairman of the student council of our dormitory, and the chairman. but that didn’t stop him from drinking beer with you, but what’s wrong with that, what’s wrong with that, he’s the same person as you and i, but that is, all of himself is so correct, but with human needs, that’s how he is , and he had conflicts with enemies, well, how to say conflicts, it’s better to call it a real mess, but in more detail, they sell us dope here, and the wheeler took it all at once and covered it all up, yeah, who exactly did he get, there was this student, vitka
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afanasyev, but schmuck the last thing, so he took it when he bought it, then your cops, oh, sorry, policeman, they they gave him a criminal sentence, but he’s sitting now, well, no, i saw him here recently, i asked, are you sitting, and he, you know, angrily answers me, he says, he was in prison, and now they’ve released him here on bail, so you say, angrily answered, yes, okay, thank you. so, do you know a wheelwright? who didn't know him? everyone knew him the guy was noticeable and noisy. what does noisy mean? now let’s take the key, let’s go, we pretended that we were fighting for what was right. hello, can you give me the key, please, now, excuse me, now, now, now, 320. yes, i remember, i remember. lyusenka, hold on. thank you, don't forget your muso there.
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bear it well, but just like that, so after all, what does noisy mean, right, that is, he was pretending, in reality? a gangster-looking citizen appeared at the hostel, shouted, wanted to break through, i was stopped and not allowed in, but why? gangster-looking, because he didn’t serve in the army, gangster-like, because he has a muzzle like that of a trespasser, and i didn’t finish the report,
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so this siiv shouted that he urgently needed a wheelwright, yeah, well, that’s more interesting, that he was still talking, but he didn’t say anything else to me , but i called the wheelman down here, they went out onto the porch, i watched through the window, and so the trampler began to jump on the wheeler, grab him by the chest, but i came out and intervened, the fine officer got into his jeep and drove away, the number was recorded by me, but it’s simple a gift for the investigation, okay, thank you, tell me that maybe you heard what they were talking about? i didn’t hear it, but they were arguing very strongly, the penalty officer demanded something from the wheeler, he refused everything. so, okay, i left here, what next? well,
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kolestnik left for college, i didn’t see him again. you need to find this guy in a jeep, then put him in a punishment cell, yeah. and throw it in as it should, that’s exactly what we’ll do, well, thank you very much, you’re an ideal witness, i’m an ensign, yes, all the best, well, all the best, stood up yes, everything is fine,
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of course, go ahead. i can’t believe it, kostya, such a wonderful guy, the future is bright. did he have any conflicts at university? yes, of course not. headman, correct, well-mannered. it is on such young people that we can say that the country is still standing. well, maybe you’ve noticed it lately? asked, maybe lately you 'll forgive me for asking? i'm sorry, i, have i
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noticed anything unusual, like calls or strange visitors? yes, i’m telling you, nothing like that, every day university, then work right away, but what, where did he work, here we earned money as a system administrator, looked after the equipment, a very smart guy, he was never late, you know, throughout the whole time, well , he asked for leave from work a couple of times, a year ago, i i remember when my mother was sick, by the way, yesterday, yesterday, yes, they called him, he came up to me, apologized, said that he had business, but of course, i let him go, and what business i didn’t say, you know, i didn’t tell him i asked, in the end, all sorts of situations happen, maybe... something personal, yes, yes, i understand, let’s do it let's do it, i'll leave you my business card, yeah, if you suddenly remember any details, call me, good, good, great, and hello, well, well, you asked to break through fanasiev and kolesnik, yes, that happened, so here i am
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i report that i didn’t find anything interesting about kolesnik, an excellent student, an activist, i was never involved, but i have a presentiment but, of course, there is one thing, the call that pulled kolesnik from work on the day of his death was made from whose mobile phone? afanasyeva. so, this is really interesting. nikito, thank you, quite okay version, but you need to check it first. so, okay, it’s already 12, let’s go to the meeting.
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well, where are they in nikita’s technical sheet oleg georgievich, yes, please georgievich, come in, come in, so igor, what’s going on with us with ella, and what’s happening with us with ella, i don’t understand you. i ask if she seems strange today, yes, well, i don’t know, maybe she didn’t get enough sleep, maybe she had a fight with her boyfriend, maybe
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she got pregnant, or she had a fight with her guy because she got pregnant, or maybe she got pregnant, there’s another version, that’s it , sorry, actually, sort it out with her, but delicately, yourself you know, if there are problems in personal affairs, it can affect the work process, georgivich, can i talk to her, no need, let rita, women understand each other better, but not always, that’s it, that’s enough, so let’s dress the one who was killed , where i am aware, i listen to versions, we have two versions so far: the first is the drug dealer’s revenge on the murdered man for bringing him under criminal charges, we believe that he had practical opportunities for this revenge, so we have him on subscription, it makes sense, if he has already testified against him, it’s stupid to kill, but in court they will the facts already recorded in the criminal case were used, on the contrary, it was beneficial for him that he remained alive and gave at trial... other testimony, well, in the end, you can, i don’t know, persuade, bribe, intimidate, georgievich, but what if the drug dealer is naive
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believed that if he killed, there would be no testimony, it could have been so, it could have been, okay, good, good, you defend this version so convincingly, you develop it well, what is the second version, the second is not yet fully developed, but the watchman testified that the wheeler had some kind of pretzel come to the hostel in a jeep, gangster-looking, but the driver didn’t let him in, who was this pretzel, what did he need? we don’t know the staircase yet, but we definitely have the license plate of his car, so everything will become clear soon, this is very good, but it seems to me that these two versions of yours are not independent, why? because it seems to me that they can be combined into one, that is, you think that a drug dealer could have sent a bandit in a jeep, you mean that, okay, just register two for now different, and then we’ll see, okay, and don’t forget to figure it out in one piece, freely.
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elochek, my friend, are you feeling unwell? no, no, why didn’t you come to the meeting? it happened, it happened, come on, look me in the eye, come on, come on, look at... did someone offend you? tell me who, i 'll rip his ears off for you. listen, rit, we need to have a serious conversation. well, come on, i’m listening to you, just not here, let’s go outside. elga, i’m not going to walk around the room, i ’ll ask directly. you are pregnant? if this were so,
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everything would be much worse. how much worse can it be? reed, i lost my id. this is just a joke. maybe it was stolen. no, it would be better if you were pregnant. that's for sure. okay, tell me everything as it happened. everything is in order. remember, you advised me to attach it.
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well, but the deputy card, no, they didn’t take it, it ’s not bad, okay, let’s go to this cafe where you sat yesterday, why, well, why, then we’ll start to figure out where it went from you, here you go, we just wanted coke buy, they say you’re trading, fuck you, don’t talk to the police like that, you killed the wheelwright. that he died? damn, you're playing unnaturally, besides, the facts speak against you, but what facts, like what? yesterday you called the wheelman, called, wanted to talk to him, oh, how sweet, about what, you wanted to tell him about your difficult fate, ask him to take the testimony, no, i’m not an idiot, i borrowed a decent amount of money in order to pay him off, he doesn’t seem to take a bribe, well , it was worth a try, the amount was good, and
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everyone loves money, even the most decent ones, that is, your creditors will be able to confirm everything, of course, so what did you do yesterday from 8 to 9 pm, at restaurant, domino is called like since i was waiting for kostya to offer him money, he didn’t come, i thought that he had decided to defiantly deceive me, but you say that he was killed, if we check the video surveillance recordings, then you will be there, of course, rest this clown, i’ll go in a cafe, i’m checking the video recordings, but there’s no need to tell me where to put me, let’s go, firstly, fill out an affidavit, and secondly, i just don’t believe you, you could have hired someone for that money to kill him yourself sit in front of the camera in a cafe and flash, like i have albie, but i would have such a... a hole in the head didn’t come, but everything is clear to me personally, this girl
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got into your bag, well, sasha could n’t help but see it, look, he’s sitting next to her, i don’t want to... upset you, but i’m forced, and not along. well, well, olebia afanasyeva was confirmed, he really was in the cafe. clearly, your colleague is proving to me that georgic is right. really one version. what do you think? in theory it may be, but in practice there are too many inconsistencies. well, let's say this bandit came. where the wheelwright studies and works, he could have waylaid him anywhere, it makes sense, i didn’t voice this at the meeting, but this version doesn’t stick in my head, it doesn’t stick, look, afanasyev, it’s okay if he killed himself, this guy’s state of passion, yes, but here’s hiring someone purposefully, is he going or something
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to dig a hole for himself, usually defendants quickly delve into the intricacies of the judicial system, well, in any case, we need to catch this bandit, so we’ll catch him, we’ll ask who hired him, why he needed a wheelwright and his motives in general, so what? we were sitting, then we rushed, we have the car number yes, it’s just a matter of small matters, hello, i’m coming to you, oh, sea, come in, sit down, i’m on business, great, i’m coming to you personally, i didn’t want to contact you through your duty room. what happened? complain to me about your opera, against whom? lieutenant dmitrieva works for you? i recently got a job, it works fine, you apparently don’t know everything about her yet, damn, don’t delay, tell me what she did, and i’ll figure it out. this morning, she and another opper, he didn’t introduce himself, came to my
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office on pushkinskaya, you guys showed the papers with a seal, seized the equipment and left, wait, that's for sure... ella, come to me, urgently, yes, well, yes, there is such a car, a jeep, yes, registered to igor gusev, well, let's get him through, yes, igor gusev, there is a criminal record for extortion , served time, yeah, so, according to the crime database, orc is listed as an active member
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of the zinensky organized crime group, well, that means we have to go and take it, so, wait, here’s the laptop of your murdered wheeler, i hacked it, so you’re a hacker with us, yes , it’s time to go to prison, nikita, is there anything in this life that you couldn’t break, so, well, in short, then your wheeler is an avid online poker player. and what do they give us? well, what gives, decide for yourself, but i can say one thing, lately he has won more than 25,000 dollars, it’s normal, so, maybe i should start too? try, so, the money is in his bank account, well, well, it’s not for us anymore, the money, let the investigative committee deal with it, by the way, i also have dudes i know who also play online poker, they have one peculiarity, what a special feature, in real life they also play, that is, you want to say, murder somehow related to games, why not? nikitos is great, the prize is getting closer, great, guys, let's go to the owner of the jeep, let's get him first, come on, come on, yes, oleg georgievich,
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allow me, you little fellow, have a seat, hello, hello, rita, you're free, oleg georgievich, me, apparently, in the subject, i can help. well, since you're on topic, fine, stay. so, well, bor, do you recognize it? whom? in front of you is lieutenant dmitrieva. no, dmitriva is completely different, i’m not blind, she’s much more beautiful when she’s younger. and she's a bit of a crocodile. rit, since you're in the know, maybe something will you explain? so quiet, quiet. sorry, georievich, that's just me.
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i asked you this morning, why didn’t you report right away, oleg georgievich, well , she was scared, she was scared, but we already know who and we were just going to nekita to break through, you understand what will happen to you for this, no uncle will help here, and so okay, besides, we need to catch them before they come to someone else, entrust this to you, if you need people, let me know right away, everything is free, yes, okay, bogdan,
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it’s clear that he’s not at home, i i think that if gusev has already fulfilled the order, he got the money that’s why he dumped afanasyev somewhere, that ’s not good at all, but no, that’s unlikely, yes, nikita, that’s all. got it, thank you. what 's happened? gusev's car was reported. thirty-second kilometer of the coastal highway, there is also a farm nearby. so we wait, we need to go and see who he’s hiding behind. look, reid, i'm so embarrassed, i feel like a real idiot. how was this possible? well, okay, if it got lost or the whole machine spun. and so my id is in the hands of a fraudster. and he's taking advantage of mine name, commits crimes. this thought makes me feel completely uneasy, i understand that it’s certainly a serious matter, it’s worth worrying about, but definitely not that much, you think,
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this hasn’t happened to us, just like it happened when i was transferred here to the department from krasnodar, i remember one captain's service record was stolen, can you imagine, it was a thing, he has more experience than both of us combined, he's a good guy, and somehow a tourist farm let charlatans out of money, so a murderer almost strangled me in my own office, how did that happen? we are living people, anything can happen, the main thing is to draw conclusions and try not to make mistakes, i think there, it looks like we are not the first, well, that means we’ll be second, so what? so there’s no stick, wait, wait, wait, don’t call me names, what kind of stick? follow me,
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look, you're experienced, then i'm a coward, you're a fool, listen, well, let's go? that’s enough, that’s enough, that’s enough, that’s enough, calm down, tell me, igor, what kind of person are you, and what kind of stupid moron do you have to be to play with obshchikov’s money, i’ll return it, yes of course you will return it, what do you think, we we'll fill it up, no, you'll sell the apartment, i understand, everyone stand, police, stand, police, why stand, we are already standing, communicating with our
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comrade. they wounded him, we are helping him , yes, igor, they weren’t the ones who wounded, the gray-haired guy came to save me, what are you talking about, you fool, why are you justifying them, i don’t know what you’re talking about, do you think you’re the smartest, or am i not a goose? i’ll split you up, but it’s better to shut up and don’t bother me, be glad that i didn’t come for you yet, don’t look at him, look at me, you’re his thunder... no, i’m not a killer, but why did you need him? i lost the common fund in poker, tell him more about it, i i came to katran to play poker, took a drink, sat down, looked, some green guy came, well, i think it’s ok, now i’ll beat a student, and he turned out to be a pro, in general, i was drunk, got angry, in the end i lost everything and the common fund, why? came back, the money back
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about... yes, the common fund had to be returned, i wanted him to install a meter for me, in a couple of months i would give it to him, but he said that i was a fool myself, well, it’s hard to argue with that, so go with us, that we will all go, or something, but if your friend claims that he was not beaten you, but we didn’t find a weapon on you, that means he’s going alone, you can put your hands down, come on igor, i’ll see you soon. by all indications, it was an order, the killer was naturally not found, the suspect in the cases, who is driving the ship, does not live to see trial. you are in my complete submission, without these attempts of yours to be heroic. the killer is hunting for a girl-witness, we have to act on our own, we’ll catch him right there right away. dolphin. today at 20:00 on ntv. dangerous
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exit. premiere. today at 22:15 on ntv. to make money from my savings, i i open a vtinki deposit with a rate of 17%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17% ready. tenkof is the only one. attacking credit card debt? i 'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts in one place and conveniently pay off 24. rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine of dyed hair, ate, hair like after a salon, every wedding ends the same, the newlyweds
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6:11 am
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do you glue it yourself? for any ideas - methyl wallpaper glue: quickly mix, simply apply, professionally glue. there are many wallpaper ideas. the glue is always methylane. yes, one magnet of cosmetics may 24, 20% discount on everything, even on yellow price tags, the price is what you need, this is the security service, tell me the code from the sms, let's do this, if you manage to trick me, i will return the stolen money to the client, order a sim card mobile protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. tinkov, he is like that one. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if
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your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. in any weather. good morning, the weather in evgeniy neroskaya’s studio today. in the far south east on the islands, a land cyclone is responsible for the bad weather. it will cover vladivostok with dense clouds, and it will rain from blagoveshchensk to yuzhno-sakhalinsk. rainy in siberia. in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, in altai in the kemerovo region , thunderstorms and +18:20 are not excluded. the urals are getting colder. it will peak on friday. and the european territory has exclusively summer plans. even the northern regions are hoping for warmth. to arkhangelsk to murmansk, it will arrive on thursday, you have to wait literally a day, in the northwestern part it’s already up to 25, in pskov without precipitation, but light rain in kaliningrad. in the center, precipitation has stopped, atmospheric pressure is rising, thunderstorms today in the chernozem region, in the south there are rains only in the mountains, in
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crimea it is sunny, in sevastopol - 23, in the lower reaches of the volga it is already under 30. in st. petersburg, about +20 without precipitation in moscow no rain and 22-24. i have everything about the weather by this time, see you later. hi, listen, i got it, yes, i ran your couple through the facial recognition program, i can’t say anything about the man, i found out who the girl is, so citizen marina nikhvantova, twice convicted, once for theft, the second time for fraud, well , great, this is very good, just what we need, the address is there, it is, but it’s unlikely to help you, registration in a hostel, so you need to go there urgently go,
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so he’s a pure blond, in short, i know this pretzel, el, your offender is paris, but now he’s just changed his appearance and the photo is not of very good quality, in the world his name is igor ivanovich tumakov, he’s never been convicted, but to be honest, the camera has been crying for him for a long time, so we have to go to him, yes, like me i didn’t recognize it right away, what kind of oper i am now, you will be a great oper, but let’s just sort this matter out.
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he said he spent all his money on what? i bought some newfangled laptop, gadgets, some kind of watch, an iphone, in general, i googled the cost of all these toys, well, it comes out to about two million, listen, well, it could just be ordinary. he says that he personally saw all these tchotchkes, so he left there, and this changes things, but what about his alibi? says he was at the farm, his friends had been keeping him there since yesterday evening, which means after all, he turned off his song about the fact that they came to him, they just called an ambulance, of course, he’s sitting there, writing all the layouts, but i put pressure on him, said that if he doesn’t sell out all his friends in deals, then no one will hang him for causal place, for the fact that the common fund lost, well done, the conscientious guy turned out to be right, this... okay, listen, we have a meeting with allovets soon, what will we do, all our versions have fallen apart, which means
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we need to look for a new version, everything is there let's discuss which direction to move, well, let's go, rice, listen, why does he have such a strange nickname paris, it’s somehow atypical for a criminal, i’ll tell you more, he’s never been convicted, and in general this guy with a very interesting biography was born in...
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not just two, but two . so, the task is this: you go to his apartment, ring the doorbell, knock, do everything possible so that he sees you, of course, but he won’t open it to me, everything is correct, he will see you, you will understand that you have figured him out, he will scream through the window, is that the first one, wait, why are you here alone, and i’ll think of something, well, okay, so, look, his entrance is around the corner, uh-huh. it turns out that you don’t have other versions, unfortunately, not yet, bad, bad, tell me, friends, what kind of phones and laptops are these that cost 2 million, well, apparently i’m behind the times, but no, really , there is such a technique, very expensive, really... few people use it, well, you know the blueberry phone, but is it humanly
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possible? well, how can i explain it to you? well, look, there are wealthy people who drive mercs and audis, and there are wealthy people who drive ferraris, and so in st. petersburg it doesn’t matter whether you’re on mercy or a ferrari, but a ferrari costs 10 times more, it’s the same with gadgets, now everything is clear, by the way, these things weren’t with the corpse, we didn’t find them in the general area either , someone took them, maybe even a criminal, in principle. all expensive things are easy to track in the buying, yes, but who will take all this to the buying, it seems like billionaires don’t take their mistresses there to stock up, but i have a very good idea, tell me, i read gusev’s testimony, he describes the watches he saw there at the wheelwright, i googled it smart watch is the latest model, but you know, yes, it’s a watch, a computer that’s on your hand, you can connect to the internet, you can contact...
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i’m waiting to see who it is, but look through the peephole, you’ll find out, evalya, paris, sophini , let's see, elok, these, they are the ones, take away. come on, what's the matter, i'm
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an employee of the homicide department. yeah, and i'm the president of australia. take me away. well, here they are your crusts. here you go. ritka, thank you very much. you helped me out so much. i told you everything will be fine. yes, this morning they brought me such a thing, it’s not like that here, not everyone once, and generally for the first time, a very expensive thing, yes, dear, do you even know what happens when you collect stolen goods? i don’t have a buying shop here for stolen goods, but a repair shop. of course, i understand perfectly well that people can sometimes bring me stolen things, but i can’t refuse everyone because of this. don’t worry so much, we have no complaints against you, especially since you are such a conscientious citizen, will you help catch a dangerous criminal? yes , this is work, if you don’t have to take risks, well, we
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’ll be there, don’t worry about how long it takes will come in two hours, so what, paris, jumped, what?
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threaten me, no one has threatened you yet, when i start, you’ll crack like a nut here, that’s clear, okay, in any case , i didn’t use xiva, it wasn’t in my hands, you’re a scoundrel, and i’m smart, yes no, paris, you’re just cunning and sneaky, and smart is a little different, okay, young lady, let’s do what needs to be signed, don’t leave the subscription, i want to go home, no, paris, you won’t be able to go home anytime soon, i’m here something on... in the archives, here are collected eight episodes of city, a certain couple, here are their sketches, they look like you, but this couple used ids in the name of lieutenant mordvina, you haven’t changed your ids, these are your past
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episodes, but there’s no way to change your face, in short, paris, you’ll both be in prison for eight years.” . okay, great, well, i did it, yeah, cool thing, it’s the first time i’m fixing something like this, this will be the first time, now we’ll write out a guarantee, we’ll stay where we are, hands back, fast, great athlete, yes, what kind of university is yours? for such a criminal, one sells drugs white medium. day two, he kills a classmate because of some kind of iphone and a gold watch, and what does the watch have to do with it, i didn’t even know he had it, i saw it, took it, our colleagues are now conducting a visit to your camp, they found yours there clothes with the blood of a chariot driver, so let’s just tell everything how it happened, okay, don’t waste our time, i
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saw in the movies that if the killer of the customer rats out, then they give him a shorter sentence. is this really how it works? what are you, a killer? well, it turns out that i am. so, from this place, please, in more detail. i was hired to kill wheelset for 150 pieces. who hired? my classmate, gleb loktyev. he is a major, his father is a deputy, not in the duma, in our st. petersburg. so, why did he want kolesnik dead? in general, we are on course. the chick is studying, nadya krossovskaya, she is very beautiful, everyone wants her, gleb is a show-off guy, we need the best girl to go with him all the time, well, he is a rare goat and nadyukha quickly abandoned him, and how do you know about this, yes our whole course was just talking about this, sometimes they organized a circus like this in classes, which is simply impossible, well, in short, one day gleb
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gave a damn because she sent him in front of everyone, but then kolesnik came running, and he was deeply in love with her, looking for reasons to drink. that is, what happens is that the charioteer stood up for her? yes, he stood up for it, he immediately came running, gave him a grade two, prescribed it for him, that’s the most interesting thing, that nadyukha started getting into trouble with the chariot driver, well, gleb found out about this, he was infuriated, he offered me to kill him, wait, i can’t understand, you’re the one what does this have to do with it, why do you, are you some kind of buddies with him or something? no, what kind of buddies we are, he’s a major, his dad’s he’s sitting in the duma, and i’m a simple guy, my mother is sick, i myself work as a security guard in a store at night... i don’t have time to do anything, that is, you just so easily and simply agreed to murder, well, yes, who knew that i ’m going to puncture myself on such a fragile thing, where? let's roll, let me, yes, just let's quickly, i have a lot of work, olya georgievich, well, i'm talking about
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dmitrieva, come in, you'll forgive me, but, but you understand that if this is all formalized the way it was , in fact, they will trample her from the authorities, what are you proposing, what am i proposing, excuse me, i’m suggesting... that if we get a little chemical there, there’s a lot of old cases, and i’ve already thought about it, now bulkin will come and we’ll talk about this topic, seriously, seriously, that means i’m not the only one who thought about it, i have an idea to do all this with dmitrieva as an operational combination, right, and bolkin will formalize all this later retroactively, you don’t understand, i understand, it’s also impossible, well , of course it’s impossible, rit, but we’re an opera. “so it’s possible, if you’re careful, but you yourself say that this couple has a lot of other things to do, so we will assume that we took the gang, and
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dmitrieva was used as bait, well , why not the operational team, so go and instruct it, excuse me, citizen loktev, the woundless homicide department, and what happened, you were detained on suspicion of organizing the murder of konstantin" . kolesnika hands, cool prank, guys, cool, well , since you’re so fashionable and so advanced, then you’ll google your rights, okay, you should have hired a smarter killer, let’s go, it’s true, what’s your name, nadya, nadezhda , unfortunately, this is true, sorry for inconvenience caused, please allow me, come in, beauty. well, we basically sat here and thought, there is one option, yes, but on one
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condition, if you draw up the documents in such a way that not a single lawyer, not a single inspector will find fault with anything, we will do everything as it should be, but if so, then there is a chance, it means, rit, help or fill out the crimean documents, that’s right, but the young colleague doesn’t want to say anything, don’t be afraid, everyone is here, thank you very much and i give my word of honor, this will not happen again . i will be very careful about my documents and identification. well, shall we believe it, girl? oleg georgievich, of course, we will believe it. that's it, march to work. may i go? go already, go. thank you. so, we haven’t talked about the most important component yet. what haven't we discussed yet? about penalties. according to the law, i think that lieutenant dmitrieva should go to the grocery store and bring large bags here, you don’t have
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to worry about this, but first let’s fill out the water documents, i agree, we wish you the best morning, further on program, details of an emergency, learning to wipe headlights in first gear, emergency program in the studio marat seddikov, word of victims from an unemployed resident of perm is growing, ksenia zhdanyuk figured out how to get rich quickly, she bought several expensive smartphones and sold them to her detriment for much less, that was enough. so that ksenia will be talked about as a person who sells gadgets at a very good price. the scheme is simple and uncomplicated.


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