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tv   Utro  NTV  May 22, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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you don’t have to worry, but first let’s get the paperwork done okay, i agree, we wish you the best morning, then in the program we’ll find out the details of the emergency, learn how to wipe the headlights in first gear. an emergency in the studio marat seddikov. the number of victims of an unemployed resident of perm is growing. ksenia zhdanyuk figured out how to get rich quickly. she bought several expensive smartphones and sold them at a much lower price to her detriment. this was enough for people to start talking about ksenia as a person who sells gadgets at very high prices. good price. the scheme is simple and uncomplicated.
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zhdanyuk published her advertisements on social networks on free classifieds sites, she is a small supplier of equipment from well-known brands, prices are more attractive than those of competitors, headphones, watches, phones of the latest models, one condition - money in advance. to date , we have identified 45 victims, the damage is about 10 million rubles. these are the statements that we have today in the preliminary investigation authorities. i must say that some people still received orders. elena trutneva, k for example, i received it twice.
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i decided to improve my english, well, the pronunciation is crippling, oral folk art, by the way, to translate, our columnist anastasia oldenburskaya recommended, she said: “if you want something down right, do it yourself.” it also turns out to be an english proverb, you ’ve heard it, you probably want something done well, do it yourself.
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you can’t see the devil, i recently changed the light bulbs, the headlights are clean, but they don’t really shine, alas, my eyes are cloudy, it’s expensive to buy new optics today, but on a low-blind car driving is not an option, how can i do it? headlights the former transparency on the internet on this topic is full of advice, in the top of the most budgetary means - soda and lemon, cut, open, pour , rub, wash off, it seems there is a result, it seems there is no, some kind of garbage, maybe try toothpaste we take... a tube and masking
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tape, we paste it over, because our toothpaste is abrasive, so it can easily damage the paint and varnish, we don’t need it, we apply it and rub it, interesting, we have to wait, it’s dark, my hand gets tired, damn it, well at all manual polishing is apparently not an amateur, because after 10 minutes there is no result, well, it seems to me, no, and my hands are already tired, well, frankly speaking, i don’t like the result, i’ll try sanding with a machine and headlight polishing paste, don’t rush, improper polishing can completely kill the headlights, let me teach you how to do it correctly, vitaly, without exaggeration , is an automotive ophthalmologist, the reasons why the light dims? there are several of them: first of all,
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car enthusiasts themselves, wiping headlights dry, leave many scratches on the surface headlights, also sandblasting, reagents, ultraviolet radiation in the form of sunlight, and of course, time. even 20 years ago, lenses, that is, the front side of the headlight, were made of glass, then it was replaced with high-tech plastic. however, many people still call the transparent part of the headlight glass. an important caveat so that the viewer does not get confused. all modern headlights are made from polycarbonate. the material becomes cloudy over time and becomes covered with scratches. you can restore the surface of the headlight by polishing yourself, if you have the desire and the right pasta. any abrasive polishing paste contains aluminum oxide; if you see cerium oxide in the composition, this paste is not used for plastic headlights, it is intended for glass. when choosing a polishing paste, focus on professional compositions; they do not contain filling components, that is
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, polishing oils that only mask defects for a short time. well, let's get started. the first stage is grinding. sanding is the process of leveling a surface today. try to adjust the headlights yourself order, so for the initial alignment we will grind it manually, because an amateur using a grinding machine can damage the surface of the headlight. under the guidance of a master, i sand the glass. this is done only when wet, without strong pressure, with multidirectional movements. done, the glass has become frosted. the next stage is polishing. well , now we need a polishing machine. for polishing, we use a one-step paste; it will remove scratches and give the headlight a final shine and transparency. one-step polishing pastes cope with for any task, for example, when using a hard polishing wheel, we can easily cope with the removal of deep defects; when we use a soft polishing wheel,
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we can easily achieve maximum shine on the surface. these pastes have a wide range of uses; they can be used to polish varnish or restore the transparency of headlights, also gently without pressure. at low speeds, rub the paste over the surface and control the temperature. if the headlight overheats, it may crack. final stage: change the polishing wheel to a softer one. and we complete our polishing. final touches. and now, as they say, feel the difference, before and after. the best for today. 22:15 big premiere, action-packed series , emergency exit, if you gave an oak, glued fins together or played the box, then you are in good hands, i am for a humane attitude towards detainees, watch in today's episodes,
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partial flooding occurred in the regional hospital of the neighboring region , the sewer system has broken, the sick are being taken to us, including to the morgue, hello, sneak pasha, pasha, pasha, where did this guy come from? alexander lvovich and his colleagues will work at night so as not to disrupt our schedule. emergency exit, premiere. so, gentlemen, passengers, let’s pull the stop valve and get out of the car, you’ll turn your organs on the creatures. today at 22:15 on ntv. good morning, in the studio. i ’ll tell you about the weather for today: the far east takes a rainy break a week before the onset of summer, in the south the primorye region will do without precipitation, but in the amor region, in the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory on sakhalin, it will rain all day and not hot +15-19. sunny weather only in transbaikalia, but it’s cool there too,
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especially in the mornings, when the temperature drops to almost zero. in siberia, there are cold nights in the far north, however , may is not at all gentle there during the day, and the southern regions are little by little preparing to welcome summer. from irkutsk to krasnoyarsk +20 and above, albeit with rain. it will be rainy in altai, but it will be warm. and now the altai mountains are painted in soft lilac shades. this is how the moral plant blooms, but you can admire this incredible beauty only once a year and not for long. flowering continues one and a half to two weeks. closer to the urals , cooling begins in the urals. today in yekaterinburg it is still 15, but tomorrow it will not be higher than 10. and the arctic air penetrates into the volga region from kirov to kazan, 11-17. tomorrow it will be even colder, in the black earth region the weather is similar to tropical, hot, humid, thunderstorms are thundering in places, well, in the center after the rains it’s freshly sunny, the temperature will gradually rise, in the south it’s already like summer, especially in the lower reaches of the don, where it’s up to +28, at sea coast so far 20-25, in
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st. petersburg +20 without precipitation in moscow without rains, and in the afternoon 22:24. look further, morning is the best! we are surprised by road stories on the main road, we test creams with sergei malozyomov, we get acquainted with the world of show business, yes. pay before ten, but it’s better earlier, so that you don’t have to rescue the car even from the impound lot, from the debtor’s parking lot, traffic police inspectors and bailiffs went out on the roads in search of debtors, and you’re a debtor, you forgot, that’s why you didn’t pay, a unique opportunity to improve your memory metropolis. those who frequently violated the rules rarely paid fines. in the presence of enforcement proceedings over 3.00
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the vehicle will be seized. this old minivan is unlikely to return to its original garage. the foreign car has been seized and can be sold at auction. the ford owner did not pay his bills and even after the trial missed all deadlines for voluntarily paying fines. after the initiation of enforcement proceedings, a request is sent about the property status of the debtor in the case of positive answers from the state traffic safety inspectorate that the debtor has a movable vehicle in the form of an automatic vehicle. bailiffs a decision is made to ban registration actions that are included in the traffic police database. inspectors stop the car, and bailiffs check the driver using their databases. machines pay corporate fines on time, and often it turns out, well, yes, i try not to violate them, but there are a lot of cameras. it is these devices that can reveal dozens of other people’s innermost secrets in a matter of seconds. the cameras simply read the license plates of cars in traffic. and they immediately identify the cars of those deprived of money, alemens and malicious defaulters for speeding. such by the way, in the capital there is little, not a lot, but there is a little bit, mostly these 250 rubles,
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which for speed, well, are small, the excess is small, information about debtors from cameras goes to the traffic police in real time, inspectors can stop the car already after 2 minutes, the duty department hands it over to us, and we are already standing, looking at it, there’s a car coming along the back, the guy says to stop the car at 20-25, so we stop them and deliver them to the department, then the bailiffs arrive and everyone is already doing their job . first, the bailiffs write off the money from the accounts, if there are only financial romances on the card, there is a risk of seizure of both movable and immovable property, but it can only be imposed in an amount that is a multiple of the total debt and it is better to check them regularly, for example, at government services or through other services, when the former is written, and it’s clear that the bailiffs can seize for violation of the rules even a telephone, a car, even a steering wheel with wheels, if the debtor documents that the tires are his property, you have everything paid for, everything has not been paid for, there are no unpaid ones, there is no debt,
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check, you can pick up the car from the receivable parking after the arrest, you will have to present the original order of the bailiffs on the lifting of all prohibitions at the end of the judicial proceedings, after evacuation there are only 10 days to think about it, then the vehicle will be appraised and sold, inexpensively, but everything will be closed debts of the defaulter, such joint raids will take place in the very near future throughout the country, you will not be avoided, you will not be able to escape from us. live food is on air, a program in which i, sergey malozyomov, find out what what is harmful and what is healthy, what we spread on bread and how it affects health, this is the topic of the week’s investigation and right now its final part, we are convinced that seafood creams and pastes can be exquisite and... tasty, they are not only sold in stores but served in restaurants, but are
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they any good? together with nutritionist lydia ionova, we will evaluate four popular options: if we compare this spread, which is called antarctic krill, with krill meat itself, it turns out that the calories here are in four times more, four times less protein, and how much more fat, do you think? in... writing the composition in incredibly small letters. look, if i were in a store and
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forgot my glasses at home, and i would have no chance at all to understand what it consists of, even a magnifying glass helps me with this. the popular capelin caviar at first glance seems a little better, there is caviar in the first place in the composition, though not only capelin, but also herring. apparently, this is a consequence of the deficit, but if you look closely, it turns out that the calories in the end... are no less than in the cheap analogue, that is, the fatty filling also reigns, and what can be said about riet, that ’s the name of the pate with pieces, i admit, i buy this regularly, yeah, appreciate the aroma, oh, mm, it smells like fish, and we know that it’s more of a fish than this caviar, yes, oh, well, actually, look, it’s just a different composition, fibers, yes, there are fibers, and uh, the worse it smears, i can assume, the less fat,
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the riet turned out to be less caloric than krill and ecor mousses, but if you compare its composition, with the nutritional value of the tuna itself, then the spread loses again: per 100 g of such fish there is only 1 g of fat, and in the diet there are as many as 20 of them, and as a complete source of omega-3, it is not worth taking as a spread to get the daily dose, you need to eat two cans, which will be a clear overkill in terms of calories. by the way, a study by swedish scientists showed that people are generally poorly aware of the amount of paste that is actually spread on bread. we decided to use our own experience to understand the scale of the problem. vladislav and kristina chernov kindly agreed to host us at their wedding, and we asked their guests to spread the bread and crust mousse as they liked, more of it, right, of course, so
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please, hello, i don’t know how to spread, of course. the piece of bread itself weighs 20 g, the heaviest sandwich weighed almost 70. this is 245 kilocalories, a quarter of the daily diet for a thin woman. lydia ionova says that even if you smear moderately, but eat regularly, say, three times a day, you can then feel the consequences on the scales. by calorie content here we will have 620 kilocalories, and here 510, that is, this is worse than burger fat. here it’s only 26 g, and here it’s 41, this is a hidden killer, and the burger also has five times more protein due to the weighty cutlet, capelin caviar itself is also rich in protein, but why is there so little of it in the mousse? we decided to measure the ratio of fatty sauce and healthy caviar and washed them through sieves to
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separate them from the filling and weigh out of the seventeen original grams... this product, which calls itself caviar, left 4 g of its own caviar, the remaining 13 are fat, and this is monstrous, yes, we think that we are eating caviar, on this day 100 years ago, shahnur vahinak aznovuryan was born, whom the whole world knows as charles aznar, the most famous chansanier of the 20th century, he visited more than once in russia and here he was loved as... his own, how the son of armenian emigrants became one of the greatest artists in france, why he called himself a writer first and foremost and what he considered the source of his life force, this is today's show business news. he is far from the usual image of a french superstar, was not a tall, stately handsome man, did not have
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a strong voice, and in general he turned out to be french only in the first generation, he was born a year after his parents... armenians emigrated to france from georgia, but it was charles laznovur who became for several generations of viewers the personification of france and his songs knew how to penetrate souls in a way that no one before him could. aznovur has been performing on stage since he was 5 years old, playing the script. he began his singing career, like many then, with performances in cabaret, where edith noticed him one day in 1946 piav invited her to go on a tour of america with her. aznovur himself did not like the sound of his own. and the public was cool towards him at first, until he came up with a repertoire that was ideally suited to this timbre. in the fifties, aznar was already a big star; in the famous parisian olympia hall he gave three concerts a day for several weeks. in 1964, aznovur performed in the ussr for the first time. many, many more times.
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again. moscow has changed a lot since then, it’s natural, after so many years, i felt then in sixty-four, first of all, that the audience greeted me with great warmth, very often, due to the fact that at that time there were practically no records of mine in the ussr, at concerts i was asked to perform almost every song several times. then he came to russia several more times, we especially loved him for the poignant eternal love he wrote for the film “43.” aznovor was distinguished by his amazing efficiency and left a large collection of songs. and almost all of them are about love. his concerts were always announced like that. 2 hours tenderness on. more of a writer than a songwriter, i spend hours searching for rhymes to avoid clichés, and after 800 songs written, i can tell you that
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the number of words in dictionaries is low. he dedicated several of his songs to armenia, and znovor never forgot where he came from, loved this country very much and often came there to visit relatives. i am a typical frenchman, which does not prevent me from being a typical armenian, aznar said. according to him, it was his caucasian roots that were the source of his life. he always felt proud in his soul. after the earthquake in spitak, osnovur created a charitable foundation that collected funds for victims and helped recovery. he himself came to the site of the tragedy many times, organized concerts and wrote the song “armenia for you,” which was performed by 90 french singers and actors. when aznavour's funeral took place in paris in 2018, he was seen off on his last journey together with the current and former presidents of france. prime minister and president of armenia. the coffin, wrapped in the french tricolor, was carried through the honorary courtyard of the cathedral of the invalids to the sound of the duduk, the national armenian
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wind instrument. aznavor lived for 94 years, during which he released almost 300 albums that sold two hundred million copies. he visited almost hundreds of countries, some many times, and actually traveled around the world several times, becoming the most famous ambassador of french culture in the world. if. fate wills it, she will do everything to guide you along the right path, aznavor liked to say, and this is exactly his case, such is the show business news today, marina kazantseva was with you, see you, smiled, it means you recognize it, you smile, it means it’s real, they recognize you. hmm, they love, remember,
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truly appreciate. psb is a bank for the present. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring is warm. sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv, we at persil are taking stain removal to a new level with deep clean technology plus, enzymes. work on the surface and inside the fabric, let the memories remain, and not stains on things, once you’ve done it, you’ve always done it,
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they’re attacking credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, we collect all credit card debts onto one halva card from sofcombank, refinance them for 24 months, conveniently pay them off, and also with halva from sovcombank we effectively buy in installments, halva - simple installment plans, the pros or you glue it yourself for any ideas, methylane wallpaper glue, quickly mix, just apply, professionally hang, there are a lot of wallpaper ideas, the glue is always methylane, what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find the vernelle scent to suit your mood, creepy and top, top... only in a magnet, for every 500 rubles in the receipt. say no, it's ruined by silicone. and yes, shauma shampoo. 90% ingredients of natural origin. for
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healthy, beautiful hair. take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to ends. when you're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet itself contains an intensive cleansing formula, effectively removes burnt-on stains. let it be for you. delicious together, and samat will take care of the dishes. mvidio and eldorado have a 20% discount on a set of household appliances. a set of combustion equipment for only 74.998 in mvidio and eldorado. professional coloring sios. permanent cream-dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine, color-treated hair. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon. things became dull after washing. use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores light, things are like new in three times longer, new, no, i wash it with affection, don’t put pressure on me, what to do, it’s locked,
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hurray, slovika! constipation requires a delicate approach, everything is quick to go out for children, moms and dads with constipation, weak, every master wants to know what kind of grout to take? tsiresit grout: a wide palette of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. ceresid is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use ciresidite grout glue together. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. no stains with gloss will darken your impressions. many housewives choose gel gloss 3+1. it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short wash cycles. there is a gloss, no stains. partial flooding occurred in the district hospital in the neighboring region, and the sewer system burst. patients are brought to us, including to the morgue. opana, hello, paint the ceiling. pasha, pasha, pasha. where did this snag come from? alexander lvovich and his colleagues will
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work at night, so as not to... oh, you end up here, we have a good secret place, yes, it’s not secret, about everyone already knows seabreeze, relax guys, the morning continues, the best thing is, we will check with our consumer supervision, we have the right to receive legal assistance, we are turning
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the home into our home. in factories in the prime of life and reproductive capabilities, but even if at that age they stop producing a strict production plan of 250 eggs per year, then they will be sent to retirement; large and small eggs can be obtained from the same chicken, once in a while no need to. however,
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quail eggs, of course, compared to chicken eggs beyond competition, farmers prove. there is more iron, magnesium, more microelements, in terms of usefulness, it is much healthier than chicken. quail eggs taste almost indistinguishable from chicken eggs, but they actually contain more vitamins and nutrients, three times more magnesium, for example, but for the body this difference is negligible, and this is a given infusion. that is, 30 quail eggs will cover the daily requirement of magnesium, it is easier and cheaper to eat a handful of cashews or a plate of buckwheat, they are 20 times richer in magnesium, the situation is similar with iron, in chicken eggs have much less of it, but for those suffering from iron deficiency it is easier to include seaweed or lentils in the menu; hundred-gram portions of these products completely replenish the norm, doctors miserably smash
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the myth that quail eggs... if the immune system is protected from the protein of a chicken egg, then with an 80% probability, an acute reaction will occur to the white of a peripelin egg, their structure is so similar. however, marketers of quail farms have another trump card, they say, quail eggs are not infected with viruses and bacteria, because quails are real firebirds, their body temperature is as much as 42. it burns like boiling water, it has a very powerful metabolism and at this temperature practically no diseases survive, i come up in the morning, drink five eggs, this is for health right on an empty stomach, so they say they can feel free not to overcook or overcook, even in a dish for children, but the temperature of a chicken’s body, biologists remind us, is also about 42°, and microbes, including the dangerous salmonella, die only at 75°c, so
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any egg, sanitary doctors insist , especially if it ends up on a fork table or an elderly person, it is necessary to carefully fry or boil, but... on the contrary, washing eggs is not worth it; when washing, especially when actively washing the egg, the shell, which is called the cuticle, is destroyed, the shell becomes permeable to salmanel, even while maintaining its visible integrity, and these tips have recently been diligently followed by lisa, who had just recovered from being infected with salmaniasis, nothing helped, i told my husband, i can’t, i feel very bad, if they don’t call an ambulance for me now, i ’ll die here, that is, it was so bad, but nothing it didn’t help, doctors shrug, because salmon has developed resistance to antimicrobial drugs, so it would be nice
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to know which of these factories is an unsanitary mess, which brands of eggs do not contain salmonella, antibiotics, pesticides, and are already peeled bottled eggs safe? drew attention to the error of the lower courts, this, in the opinion of the civil panel, the courts do not establish the nature of the information disseminated by the defendant, it is their content that does not determine whether they correspond to reality. supreme court
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noted that the courts do not indicate how they came to the conclusion that the information in defamatory articles reflects the personal opinion of the author, well, they simply write, they say, a personal opinion, a value judgment , that’s all, that’s not possible here. the supreme court called for establishing, if in specific... expressions, statements of facts, or they are of an evaluative nature, to do this en masse, but for the entire text, as some courts do, it is impossible. even in the decision of the plenum on february 24, 2005, the supreme court explained that it is necessary to distinguish between statements of facts, that can be verified from value judgments, opinions, beliefs that cannot be verified. but, by the way, there will be difficulties here. everyone understands that it is necessary to distinguish information about facts from value judgments and opinions, which is not clear here, but how? write down who has a pen at hand or a computer, this is not in the texts of laws, nor in commentaries, nor in a textbook on civil law, this is in
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the course of philosophy, which is usually forgotten. so, from the point of view of philosophy, value judgments are of two types: concerning goals existence of means to achieve these goals. evaluative. the second type cannot relate to a value judgment that justifies the action of the slanderer in the legal sense, why? because a person is free in the first type of value judgment, but is bound about goals in the second, about ways to achieve these goals. by the way, the great poet, goeta’s lawyer, said: “only the first step is free, but we are slaves of the second.” someone will say: i think that this official is a swindler, since he has an expensive watch, he could not buy it with his salary official it seems like a value judgment, i think so, this is an opinion, but just look here, the author of this statement aims to prove that the official is dishonest, for the purpose he is free, he has the right
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to prove it, but to prove it like this by disseminating information through media or via the internet in order to create the impression among others of this official as a bribe-taker, the means chosen to achieve an unworthy goal in this form cannot be considered a value judgment from the point of view of law, although from the point of view from the point of view of philosophy, it relates to this very value judgment of the second type, hello everyone, this is a dacha answer, i’m ilya a westerner, and this...
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you can’t build it so that there is gas, electricity, water, sewerage, so that you can come and live, well , it’s been an old dream of mine, i’ve always wanted a wooden house, with these openwork. often comes to visit and enjoys the gradual transformation, the foundation was poured in the fall, we did it ourselves for the first time, it’s a little awkward, but it seems to have turned out strong, we want to add a little urban comfort, it will be a bathtub, tiles, warm floors, in that wall we will make a doorway there will be an entrance in the place of our window, yuli ruslan is from surgut, she changed several cities before settling in the capital, they began from
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the one who eats him, will be the first to enter the new
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room, what are you missing here, specifically in this dining area, we are cramped, cramped, well , yes, you are actually somewhere in the corner very visible, yes, well, it turns out that we are sideways here we pass because we have a passage here, we are like penguins, like penguins, yes in this room, we have to have breakfast several times beforehand, first children, then adults, then children again, we are essentially in a historical moment, this is the last time dumplings are made in this room, right? but one thing is clear, there is not enough space, really, very little, very little, well, obviously you have larger living rooms in general, more air, from the dining room everything is right here, on the carpets, who plays games where, if there is a tv, then someone is on the sofa , someone is near the sofa, everything is here, the heart of the house, yes, yes, yes, yes, all life is here , you can say, we are spinning when we here, so that life would be more active, what would you like here, i would like this color of the lining, we don’t like it anymore, well, no matter how much we don’t like it, we want something lighter. well, it’s dark, the most important thing for us is to do something with this wall and expand this
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territory, do something so that it is common, large, so as not to run back and forth, this is not a real wall, well, maybe some kind make an opening, maybe a column, an arched column or something , it’s easy to make a bigger one here, we ’d like a big table here that’s stationary, not like that how we carry this everywhere, i understand, i feel, we need to try dumplings already, guys, go try it, go ahead, go ahead, let's try alternations, count three we eat ready ready 1 2 three this is yaroslav , we congratulate you on this wonderful appetizing note i you i’m seeing everyone forward , we’re passing anya, it’s been a long time since we’ve done any renovations in such a classic rural house, but our heroes are still cramped and gloomy here. and inconvenient, we will definitely work with this, i propose to expand
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the space as much as possible, these three rooms we just unite, not entirely simple, but we will unite them, this wall is load-bearing, rural houses were built as five-walled walls, so in order to work constructively with this wall, we will have to open it, we will have to strengthen it, that most likely it will be easier for us to demolish this one , yes, this is not a load-bearing wall, just a partition, we’ll just get rid of this wall, there won’t be any nuances here, on this side our hero,
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the heroes’ zone takes up all the space, they almost don’t have enough passage, where we’ll put it in the new interior , i decided to put the table straight here, in the place of this wall, you can grab pies from it and play board games, that is, it will be not only to eat, but to spend time in the hotel. it really unites everything that is in this space. cool, i’ve already looked at the sketches, so the stove will appear, there will be a rethinking, a new interpretation of the russian stove. let's hang up a liquid crystal tv, this is a new interpretation, friends, all the technology in a russian oven, will it be possible to sleep there? it won't be possible to sleep, but some shelves we we will provide for books, board games, board games, because our heroes love it very much, and so far they can only play on the floor, here, unlike the entire interior , there will be such an island of futurism,
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a huge sofa will stand, there will also be two armchairs and small tables, like a snow queen, small pieces of ice, on which you can also... constantly, i will soon have to change my passport, federico arnaldi, city of birth, rome, i’ll write it down myself, 29 years younger than yerevan, i love walking around this city , he's so cozy, sincere, so we quickly check in to reel in the kilometers,
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we set off, bartses, hello, here are your keys, have a nice one, shnurak lutsun, it was not by chance that i chose this hotel, it’s a stone’s throw from here to all the iconic attractions, the hotel itself, despite the fact that it’s located in the center of the city, imagine yourself as an oasis of calm, like a fairy-tale kingdom of mirrors, oh, while i was walking here along the corridor, i was already delighted, did you see the mirrored walls there, the lighting, yes, the room, there is not a single random detail here, everything is thought out , everything is very stylish, be it the lamp, the headboards of the bed, and even the tubes with shampoos and gels, in a word, this hotel not only has
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an ideal location, but also the rooms, as a super bonus, an infinity pool. a playground for sports, wow, i’m in yerevan, russified, in the sense of uneven bars, a nightclub with an opening roof, a colorful show program for hotel guests. and three restaurants, the treats of which, judging by the reviews on the internet, delight all hotel guests. and here is the main creator of culinary masterpieces, rafael kazumyan. he worked in moscow and paris, copenhagen and tokyo, but,
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having absorbed all the wisdom of european asian cuisine, raphael returned to his homeland to continue the armenian culinary traditions. we need to make the eggplant beautiful, yeah, for this, allora, come on, i’ll take it then, yes, i’ll show you this now, you will do it, you need to cut it like this, our eggplants should become striped, peeled we we turn it into straws, which we then use for decoration, then we make the filling, for this we fry the onions, create
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a duet with minced meat, in our case it’s lamb, but beef is also suitable, i’ll chop a little greenery there. we’ll take tarragon, well, inzu sprinkles, i can already imagine the charge of freshness, add salt, pepper, add canned tomatoes, and greens, a lot of greens, the filling is ready, then fry the eggplant, why fry before... what does this give us? well, firstly , the juiciness, and secondly, the caramel quality of this eggplant, just bake the eggplant, it will be so watery, if we fry it first, it will have a little more moisture. get rid of it will be more delicious, that’s the secret, i ’ve always wondered how you make eggplant this way,
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i made a cut here, then we’ll open it and make a fache, but first we fry the eggplant, then we stuff it, bake it at 180° for 10 minutes, and finally decorate . eat it, eggplant cream, cream, just cream, it melts, it’s not, it’s great, i like minced meat with tomato sauce, the fact that tomatoes still slightly balance the fat content of minced meat, yeah, but here the main role is played by green bam, grace raphael , well, i just arrived in yerevan already i managed to eat deliciously, but that’s not all, so yerevan, wait for me, i’m coming,
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i smiled, it means i recognized it, i smiled, it means it’s real. they recognize, hmm, love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb is a bank for the present, villa superstar, today we will sing the songs of our empress, irina allegrova, the fifth member of the jury, everyone’s beloved irina.
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dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. say no, it's ruined by silicone. and yes,
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star, they trust us, important announcement, alabai cheap air tickets for flights, i'm sorry, buy cheap air tickets for flights, don't confuse the service for buying cheap ones. things have faded after washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things are like new three times longer, there is no new, i wash with weasel, it’s not easy to catch a firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open contribution to dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. you all know those horrible orange-brown spots. on metal objects. rust. it is impossible to get rid of rust by mechanical means. she will appear
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again very soon. enough. miracle emulsion. anticorrosive five in one. will save your energy, time will save your wallet. it will not only remove rust, but also prevent new ones from appearing, prime the surface and extend the life of your things. treat your water pipe and you won't flood your neighbors. and the rusty battery will turn into a new interior detail. your car will serve you for many years. miracle emulsion. anticorrosive five in one costs 999 rubles. but if you... call us, we will triple the offer, three products for only 999 rubles. call or order on our website leamax - purchases with a plus. meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. hi where are you? and it’s a secret, but it’s
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cool here. i will show you now. and i have better. do you have one there? here, and we have a good secret place, right? it's not secret anymore everybody knows. rest, guys. good morning, in evgeniy’s studio, i’ll tell you about the weather for today. before the onset of summer there is a rainy pause: in the south, primorye will have no precipitation, but in the amor region, in the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory, on sakhalin it will rain all day and not hot, +15-19. the weather is sunny only in transbaikalia, but it is also cool there, especially in the mornings, when the temperature drops almost to zero. in siberia, there are cold nights in the far north, however, may is not at all gentle there during the day, and the southern regions are gradually getting ready welcome summer, from irkutsk to krasnoyarsk
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+20 and above, albeit with rain. rains. it will be in altai, but at the same time it will be warm, now the altai mountains are painted in soft lilac shades, this is how the moral flower blooms, but you can admire this incredible beauty only once a year and not for long, the flowering lasts only one and a half to two weeks. closer to the urals in the urals , cooling begins, today in yekaterinburg it is 15, but tomorrow it will not be higher than 10. and arctic air penetrates into the volga region, from kirov to kazan, 11:17, but tomorrow colder, in the black earth region the weather is similar to tropical. it’s humid, thunderstorms are thundering in places, well, in the center after the rains it’s freshly sunny, the temperature will gradually rise, in the south it’s already flying, especially in the lower reaches of the don, where it’s up to +28, on the sea coast it’s still 20-25, in st. petersburg +20, no precipitation, no rain in moscow and during the day 22:24. we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we identify the symptoms
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of the disease with your doctor. let's prepare a delicious dish with yulia vysotskaya, get acquainted with the wonderful news with sergei malozyomov. let's meet the chief director of the obraztsov theater one day. according to the world health organization, hearing loss is moderate. severe and profound, currently affecting more than 5% of the world's population, about 4.6 million people. if we also take into account mild hearing loss, the number of people with hearing loss reaches 16%. this means that more than 1,300 million people have some type of hearing problem. what causes these diseases? is it possible to fight them?
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let's talk about this with a doctor, a telelingologist, audiologist. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello, victoria nikolaevna, i’m very glad to see you on our show. and today we’ll talk about the causes of hearing loss. without hearing, of course, we lose a huge share of information in general, everything, pleasure, joy, music, and in general everything connected with it. what are the main ones? causes of hearing loss, we can divide our auditory system into two, this is very important, the first is sound-conducting, it is external auditory canal, middle ear cavities, that is, eardrum, chain of auditory ossicles. and a violation in this system is called conductive hearing loss, we can combat this hearing loss surgically, and
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the second part of the auditory system is the so -called... here’s another question, because there is congenital hearing loss and there is acquired, yes, of course, these are also two large groups , congenital and acquired hearing loss, the main causes of congenital hearing loss, it could be, well, some kind of genetic pathology, if the mother has been ill, redness and core, so you need to be careful, is this hearing loss just perceptive or sensorineural and there may be problems with...
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what methods of diagnosing and treating acquired hearing loss exist? well , acquired hearing loss includes a very wide range of ear diseases, this is the external auditory canal, the outer ear, well, as a rule, it is treated conservatively and the patient begins to hear after some type of treatment, and this is a wide range of chronic inflammatory diseases cavities of the middle ear or let's call it chronic pus... idniotitis, it comes in various forms, in this case, after correct diagnosis, the patient is recommended surgical treatment, which will be aimed at restoring
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the eardrum, and, if necessary , restoring the chain of auditory ossicles, if it is motionless, then - accordingly , the mobility of the chain of auditory ossicles is restored. yes, of course, the cause of chronic inflammatory diseases of the middle ear cavities is naturally acute otitis media. a suffered in childhood, the cause of acute otitis in childhood, as a rule, is changes in the nasopharynx, these are the adenoids in children, disorders of the structures there, in the nasal cavity, so of course it is possible to prevent, but in our practice we already encounter manifestations of chronic otitis, of course, if sanitize the nasopharynx, nose in a timely manner, treat acute moderate pus correctly... then most likely, of course, there will be no such problems, but still there are patients with such diseases, and this is probably more than half patients seeking an appointment with
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an otosurgeon, but at present it is possible to surgically correct this disease, and at the same time a sonic component is administered, which completely removes the inflammatory processes. in the cavities of the ear and, accordingly, restore hearing in the majority of the majority of patients under a microscope, they do it there, everything is so small, yes, of course, but thanks to such equipment, which now are microscopes with high resolution, there is endoscopic equipment, a navigation system, that is without large incisions, this is already endoscopic, it all depends on the shape, of course, if we are dealing with perforation of the eardrum, then everything you say is correct, with a minimal amount, a minimal incision that will not even be visible - in the future, it is performed by no one surgical treatment, accordingly, if
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we see that there is some problem with the bones, then the bones are prosthetic, the bones are prosthetic, for example, using our own materials, we can use these bones, which are located in the middle, yes, this is the hammer, the anvil is the stirrup, which transmits vibrations to the inner ear, and accordingly, if something is destroyed or motionless during these constant chronic inflammations, then accordingly it is necessary to prosthetize this or that bone, and therefore we have the opportunity to prosthetize both own materials, for example , a prosthesis is formed from a shell, or a prosthesis is formed, for example, from one’s own anvil, which is destroyed, or you can use some kind of titanium, factory-made prostheses, all this is individual, respectively. which patient is more suitable for better a... and maximum rehabilitation in terms of improving hearing, and the eardrum is also usually formed from its own tissues, this is cartilage, the posterior surface of the concha, fascia, all these materials take root, and, as a rule, through and
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3-6 months - the patient in general, the patient already forgets that there was a problem with the ear, he is completely socially rehabilitated, he can bathe, swim, which is very important for many patients who have had their ear covered for years, protected from water, when we reached the operating room, of course, various options are performed with topeda plastic surgery, this fixed stirrup is removed,
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and who doesn’t like pancakes? they love you, judging by you they love you, we love you very much, we love you here, look how beautiful it is, you get these thin, ruddy pancakes, we take off the first pancake, and what a beauty, now right here, so... we grease this one with oil while it is hot, well, in general, you understand, the process has begun, so, take an orange, first grate the zest on a fine grater, so that you get half a teaspoon, if you don’t have a fine grater, remove the zest with a sharp knife, that’s enough, now...
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add a little sugar to the butter, literally, i don’t know, a heaped teaspoon, the juice of half an orange, like just sugar, give us sugar, sugar and butter should dissolve, the juice of half an orange, so, you see what a luxurious sauce it turns out, and now we take our pancakes and put them in this sauce, fold them into triangles like this, they warm up, soak in this sauce, like this , now a little rum or cognac on top, so and it should be. fire, as they say, fire,
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fire, we get a flombe, and naturally, in this way all the alcohol leaves the cognac, and then on top, the zest of the orange that we grated will make it even more aromatic, and serve it all , i think it’s necessary to lay them out like this, and i think it’s an absolutely brilliant combination with these notes of orange, blackcurrant jam is brilliantly combined, firstly... with this
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wonderful nutty taste of pancakes, and with sour cream, of course, well look what we have rat, it seems to me that you can add a little more orange zest, well, so bon appetit, there is a miracle of technology on the air, a program in which i, sergey molazemov and my team test everything on ourselves! what did scientists and inventors from different countries surprise us with this week? right now the miracle of technology is on the air, fifth place in our traditional hit parade of scientific and technological news. in china , they started selling a backpack with a built-in fan. according to the creators, an economical electric motor and built-in batteries are used. enough for a long time, at the same time
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from the battery in the backpack you can recharge gadgets and use it to cool not only your own back, but also, for example, a laptop that overheats under heavy load. this is a miracle of technology, i am sergei malozyomov, and we are rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. what's on the fourth line? engineers from cornell suggest making home storage systems robotic. university in the usa. they showed the operation of such a prototype on a vertical wall. robots with suction cups serve as smart robots shelves by command from your phone or according to a schedule, for example, when it’s time to take your medicine. they drive up to a person, in this case with a tablet, can unload the contents into storage, and then take them back. and now it’s in third place in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. the german manufacturer
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of auto components showed a new suspension that will allow the front wheels to turn by 80°, frightening in appearance, but allowing the cars to maneuver, especially. park with much more freedom than now installed on a small, already nimble car, this system has made it possible to reduce its turning circle from almost 10 to just over six meters. you are looking at a miracle of technology and this is the news that i, sergei malozyomov, put in second place in our hit parade of discoveries and inventions of this week. impaired color vision, color blindness, may soon have become possible. treat. a new breakthrough method was tested by scientists from university college london. using special viruses, they introduced genes responsible for color perception into tissue eyes, to four teenagers with color blindness. all of them had mutations in these genes. the effect appeared in two subjects
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after 6-14 months. the restoration of color vision was recorded by tests and functional tomography of the brain. researchers do not rule out that after a longer period of time. will see progress in the remaining two patients. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week? first place - hot five. scientists in different countries have reported new successes in cloning areas. this is how researchers from china managed to obtain a clone of a rare arctic wolf. the material for dna extraction was the skin cells of such an animal. brought to the harbin zoo from canada. the surrogate mother was a dog of the bigel breed. the wolf cub is doing well, and researchers hope that the technology will help save endangered species. and in russia, scientists from the ernst federal research center for animal husbandry reported that by december they are expecting
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a replenishment of the cow they rejected by nickname flower. she is already 2 years old, and biologists want to make sure that she can give birth to offspring as usual. planning technology for cloning. used to replicate the properties of genetically edited animals, which will improve the properties of breeds. irie has announced the finalists for the second installment of the third national internet content awards. alexey garislavsky, general director of the internet development institute, spoke about the projects that were shortlisted for the second part of the award at a press conference. behind the main topic of the upcoming there will be a premium. the performers will also be families, and in general, in principle , at this award we wanted to emphasize the fact that
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family-themed content is becoming increasingly popular, in fact, this is a trend, and we see this both in the projects that come to us and in ...on air. the finalists of the second part of the irie prize were announced in the main and thematic categories, including video content up to 3 minutes, a feature film, a feature series up to 25 minutes and more than 25 minutes, a documentary project, a music track, a blog, a debut, heroes our time and others. by the way, in the last category a documentary film from the ntv channel was presented. three tankers. the solemn ceremony of the second part of the third national internet award. content will take place on may 30,
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one morning on ntv, i’m sergei mayorov, hello, puppet, petrushka, tamtamorevskaya, glove, rope, life-size puppet. this is not a complete list of puppet theater artists; each of them has their own karabas-barabas, not necessarily evil and insidious. rumor has it that the main director state academic central puppet theater named after sergei exemplary boris konstantinov, kindness itself. my colleagues, alexey kozulin and denis morozov, decided to check this and went with the dolls to look for the truth. yes, what’s strange is that it was the dead of night, but my husband, a carpenter, went to the bank that night.
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something strange is happening on the stage of the country's main puppet theater: instead of puppets, there are real people, and among them is the owner of the apartment building on ntv, singer and musician evgeny margules. it's like we're in a time machine we went back to the time of lewis carroll and found ourselves in an absolutely absurd story, where dolls and rock and roll help him. to return from wonderland, i’m just a musician who fell into, perhaps, alice’s dream, god knows, because puppet theater always implies something so unformatted and cool, i’m always interested in watching the process, how it all worked when i was little , i really loved taking apart alarm clocks to see what it was all made of, here... the same story: you are on stage, you look, how the art interacts with the dolls, you
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watch how they work, you watch how everything is invented, because here everything is invented before your eyes, it’s very cool, and i like to participate in the process, there is a statement by the character carpenter, a statement by the character walrus, they need how to complete the story, so i’m asking if it’s possible to break the rhythm here a little, i don’t know how to do it all yet. but i’m not an idiot, we caught the very beginning of the rehearsal process for the play alice in wonderland, there’s still time before the premiere, so for now puppets and props are made, director boris konstantinov teaches evgeniy margulis to exist in the proposed circumstances of the puppet world. puppeteers make very good performers. in my memory, vasya urievsky, puppet theater artist. igor rasteryaev, puppet theater artist and borya konstantinov, puppet theater artist,
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puppet theater director. i want to tell you, on my creative path i met three puppeteers, i don’t know how many hidden puppeteers, but they are all excellent guys and brilliant guys, and i really like the way they work, this is exactly the message that even a wooden fool will understand. boris konstantinov loves to attract great artists to the kingdom of dolls. recently, such names as efim shifrin and evgeniy tsyganov have appeared on the theater’s posters. for the main role in the play i am sergei obraztsov, the latter even received a golden mask. but the general public practically does not know the hero by sight. it’s time to correct this injustice, because konstantinov is the main puppeteer of the country, and even the main doll of the country.
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erudite, good-natured, cheerful, not a boss, a dream, modest, smart, so to speak, a man, i apologize, i’m quoting another great man, a man in the full dawn of his strength, boris anatolyevich konstantinov, 55, he was born in the working-class village of zhigalovo, irkutsk region. in their youth, 15-16 years old, they said that at 55 you would be playing with dolls, so what should you tell this person, well, at 10 you should start fighting, but being a boy, at 15 you would smile, probably say what nonsense you are talking about, i’m just from siberia, we grow up a little there, if you’re still growing up in the village, it takes about two years there, i had some experience, and somehow
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i ended up, let’s say, in the hall where there was a performance with puppets, i was fascinated i didn’t, i wanted the finale and run to my favorite street, to my favorite friends and continue to play there, let’s just say this puppet game didn’t impress me, i didn’t believe it, i don’t know why, maybe it wasn’t subtle, i don’t know, in this - that moment, probably fate, and so, yeah, that’s it... this boy didn’t believe the dolls, let's give him a gift, years later i ended up first in the puppet theater, and then i began to study the profession of directing in the puppet theater, at the theater academy, which taught us how to animate the inanimate, not to be afraid of the doll, but to understand that the doll is very adult, that it is very ancient, and not that it is some kind of play, some kind of game, like that...
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the history of puppet theater is as old as the world, even an ancient man played with the shadow of the walls of a cave. during ritual mysteries in ancient egypt , dolls depicting god were used assyris. with traveling groups of puppeteers , this art came to ancient greece. it was there that the idea of ​​depicting the world using a box without a front wall arose. in his day, they made slits into which sticks were inserted to control the dolls.
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looks through his nose, yes, that’s interesting, why? but because the vector is good, you, you, when you work, are hidden behind a screen in the theater, you need to stand with your back to the viewer, look at the doll and clearly understand that your nose is now looking at the viewer and catching the noise, the thought, here is the nose is a landmark, big people, big stories, let's return to boris konstantinov and his dolls: tomorrow morning, i'm sergei mayorov, see you on ntv. happily. meet me. maxim petrov, part-time volleyball coach and young father. this year the guy firmly decided to take care of his future. i have a young family.
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my wife and i are planning to have another child. financial stability is important to me. put money under your pillow. the future pension fund has launched a long-term savings program; it will not only increase savings, but also maintain your usual standard of living for many years. the program provides for state co-financing of own contributions up to 36 thousand rubles per year for 3 years after joining the program, as well as a special tax deduction of up to 52,000 rubles annually. the long-term savings program with
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the future fund is a unique financial instrument. and the main advantage of which is co-financing from the state. by taking full advantage of this product, your contributions can double in your first year of membership. it is important that the funds you deposit will be insured by the state in the amount of 2,800 thousand rubles. which is twice as much as for bank deposits. another advantage of the program is the ability to replenish it with money from pension savings formed within the framework of the compulsory pension insurance system. transferring a funded pension to the program is very simple. it's possible. do it immediately on the website of the future fund when drawing up a long-term savings agreement by submitting the appropriate application. you can find out about the current status of your funded pension at state services portal. the long-term savings program allows you to activate these savings, increase them yourself, and also with the help of the state. signing up for a long-term savings program is very easy. this can be done in the offices of the non-
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state pension fund future in 19 regions of our country. if you don't want to leave the house, remind me. will come from the fund's website. on the website of the non-state pension fund for the future, open a long-term savings program. go to the design tab. enter your personal data and complete the contract. the program of long-term savings in the npf-future will help you take care of yourself now, as maxim did. this is a state-protected, useful tool for those who want to have financial well-being and stability. the best for today is beyond. the mother of three children, who were found in the basement of a st. petersburg high-rise building, was tricked into getting them out of the hospital. and they were pale, dark circles under the eyes, small bruises, the little one was screaming, he had colic, there wasn’t even water
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on the children’s table. i called the biological father and asked: we will save the children, he brought them things, gave them to me through the window, i... in general, what are your plans for anastasia? continue their life together, register the children yourself, you understand the hand of the children, and if we offer you to take a lie detector test, you will agree, easily, he kept his own or other people’s children in the basement, the very first program nastya is lying, the likelihood is that you, anastasia, they really gave birth to all three sons from arthur, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. smiled, it means they recognized it, smiled, it means it’s real, they recognize it, hmm,
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they love it, they remember it, they appreciate it, for real, psb - bank for the present. do you feel it too? makheev! are you crazy ? so will my husband have a heart attack? sergei zharkov, captain, chatting with the fish. dolphins are not fish, and his is a dolphin. they’re coming back, andrey, there’s still time to wind down the operation, well , i can’t just sit around doing nothing, what does it look like to be a murder, to bring everyone into
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the open, it doesn’t happen here in vezhnomorsk, but this is the first time a murder with a crossbow arrow, like this, andryukha, they’re bringing down one by one, it seems to me that this is a clue, dolphin, new season, i’ll contact you, how long will it take you won't get there. from monday at 20:00 on ntv via superstar premiere on sunday in 2020 on ntv. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit at meat-cutting old farmsteads, for it we grind swords so that the taste is more tender. finely chopped, old-time meat-cutters, tasty meat-cutting. for emfreshness products, we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness only online magnet. every master wants to know what
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delivery favorite promotions magnet natural cosmetics with a discount of up to 35% in magnet stores cosmetics and applications magnet how to reduce joint pain without harm to the stomach. rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without. pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. good morning, in evgeniy's studio nero weather for today. in the south of the far east on the islands, a land cyclone is responsible for the bad weather. it will cover vladivostok with dense clouds, and
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it will rain from blagoveshchensk to yuzhno-sakhalinsk. rainy in siberia, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, in altai, in the kemerovo region , thunderstorms and +18:20 are not excluded. the urals are getting colder, it will reach its peak on friday, and the european territory has exclusively summer plans, even the northern regions are hoping for warmth. in arkhangelsk to murmansk, it will arrive in thursday. you just have to wait a day. and in the north-west it is already up to 25, in pskov there is no precipitation, but in kaliningrad there is light rain. in the center , precipitation has stopped and atmospheric pressure is rising. thunderstorms today in the black earth region, rain in the south. only in the mountains in crimea it is sunny, in sevastopol 23, in the lower reaches of the volga it is already under 30, in st. petersburg about +20 without precipitation, in moscow without rain and 22-24. i have everything about the weather by this time, see you later.
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vladimir putin assessed the results of the work of deputies following the appointment of ministers country, i want to thank all of you deputies for the fact that the work was carried out based on the interests of the state, and not based on some. interests of the artillery group of troops-center hit the concentration of infantry and armored vehicles in the ovdeevsky direction. right. the tiger volunteer detachment from primorye today received high state awards. report by maxim berezin.


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