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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  May 22, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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in the hospital with stab wounds, three friends, members of the svo were returning from training, they saw that at a bus stop a man was beating a woman, her comrades naturally stood up for her, well, literally a few minutes later the number of participants in the brawl was already close to twenty, eyewitnesses filmed what was happening on video , these shots are in the story of pavel kuznetsov. on the one hand, instead of turning on a mobile camera after seeing a mass fight and shooting on the street, eyewitnesses would be better off calling. beats up four, entry first there are fists, then knives, and then the sounds of gunfire are heard. shoot, i’m telling you, they’ll start shooting now, at some point the crowd scattered, the participants jumped in a car at full speed and fled the scene of the crime, all this disgrace was seen by dozens of passers-by from the residents of western beryulev, what happened, what was the reason for the fight, at first no one . everyone fled here, but this
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happened just before we left, investigators worked all night at the scene of the shooting, collected material evidence, interviewed eyewitnesses, how at least two people went to the hospital with stab wounds, they were naturally interviewed first, amkhad baygiraev, one of the participants in the conflict, speaks with two friends in cars returning after training.
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himself, the intercessor suffered the most, receiving several stab wounds. boygiraev and his comrades quickly grabbed him, got into the car, took him to the hospital, and are now ready to thank the stranger. i want to say thank you to this guy who came up, we don’t know him at all, if not him and the boys, we were already gone, to be honest. it is now known in what is he able? yes, it is known, after the operation, uh, they say, uh, everything is fine, everything is fine, he will, yes, he will live. amkhad baigiraev himself,
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a hero of the northern military district, a member of the chechen special forces, came to moscow on leave and could not get past the beating of a woman with his friends, just as he could not leave his colleagues in trouble on the contact line, here are unique footage in which baigiraev, with the call sign fast, is pulled out of - under fire from a seriously wounded soldier. well done, fast, our man, the talib squad is working. actually, thanks to amateur footage of the street conflict, operatives quickly identified the attackers and visited them.
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there are no police officers, although they are quite intercessors, so if you have questions for them , you could think about rewarding real men, defenders of the homeland, who did not pass by injustice. pavel kuzentsov, alexey berlulev, natalya popova, nadezhda zybkina and anton lukyanov. moscow. and in the near future, the defendants in this high-profile case will be brought to the arrest procedure. we will monitor developments and report all the details in our telegram channel. to find it and subscribe, you need to type chpntv in the messenger search bar. the qr code that you see on your screen also works. let me remind you that under any publication in the cpntv telegram channel, you can leave your comment or talk about your problem. the trial of
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the sensational case of beating a disabled woman is beginning to be heard in dmitrov, near moscow. victoria bakumova is not heard, while the woman works in a taxi, she needs to be raised. in march of this year she stopped on the road, on sergei kshnyaykin reacted very strangely to this maneuver, he was driving behind victoria, the man jumped out of the car, broke the window of the taxi, attacked the woman with his fists, she is still undergoing treatment, stanislav kostikov will tell you what punishment she demands for her offender. the dash cam footage shows just a few seconds before the most terrible moment in the life of a taxi driver with a hearing disability, victoria obakumovo. looking around, she was carefully looking for a place to pick up a client, when she stopped and suddenly appeared from the darkness aggressive stranger, it is unknown how it would have ended if
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a random passer-by had not stood up for victoria, it was he who called the police and tried to reason with the rowdy before the squad arrived, this is a girl, this is a girl, please, the consequences of the attack on... in the footage taken by relatives victoria, the interior of the car is covered with broken glass, the woman’s face is covered in blood. after meeting with the hooligan, doctors spent several hours removing shrapnel from the wounds. the attacker sergei kshnyaykin turned out to be the general director of a cargo transportation company. a powerful man who i was used to doing whatever i wanted with impunity, then i planned to pay off, victoria recalls, and offered 50,000 rubles. it was not possible to resolve the issue on the spot; the next time the victims and the troublemaker met in court. sergey, tell me, are you all road spores? in a metal cage, surrounded by stacks of folders with materials from various criminal cases, he is no longer so arrogant and self-confident; he has probably never been seen so quiet. they say they offered money to fix the car, but why
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did they do this anyway, what was the reason for this? aggression? then it seemed to kshnyaykin that the taxi driver in front was deliberately driving slowly. there were supposedly some road hooligans in the cabin, but even when he saw a fragile woman behind the wheel, he didn’t stop and continued beating. after the attack, victoria is working with psychologists, she is still tormented by nightmares. i was undergoing treatment, i have fear, insomnia, i feel better, but not always, my head hurts, often from yesterday until this morning i did not sleep at all, that is, i was very worried, i thought how our meeting would happen later only time, kshnyaykin not only beat victoria, but... her earnings together with her husband are also hearing impaired, she is raising three children, now, apparently, compensation for damage will fall on the shoulders of the defendant. at the court hearing, the state prosecutor filed a petition to include the materials of the criminal case and consider the statement of claim in the interests of the victim,
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who is a disabled person of the third group , to compensate for the material damage and moral damage caused to her by the defendant. during the court hearing, kshnyaykin did not even looked towards his victim. although he apologized on camera, while his lawyer is building a defense strategy, victoria is looking for strength to get behind the wheel of a taxi again. due to her injuries and damage to her car, victoria bakumova is still unable to go to work. the woman does not believe in the sincerity of kshnyaykin’s apology and intends to seek a fair punishment. under the article of hooliganism, the defendant faces up to 7 years in prison. stanislav kostikov, andrey grivtsov and nadezhda zypkina, ntv television company, moscow region. a series of murders of girls entrants in the altai territory, which happened a quarter of a century ago, has now been uncovered, all this time the criminal lived and worked, rose to the rank of deputy head of the administration of one of the districts, a quiet , calm official, vitaly manishin
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never aroused suspicion, well, now it turns out that he killed the girls began long before the series about which all newspapers wrote in the late nineties as an unstoppable criminal. and on what grounds did you come to such conclusions? because i tried to feel the pulse, uh-huh, uh, there was no pulse, just counting the barnaul maniac, detectives believe, has 11 victims, and he sincerely confessed to each of these murders. and at that moment, what were you doing when she was scratching? kicked with my feet, i held him with my hands and so as not
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to scream, most of the dead were minor applicants to a technical university, photographs of girls who disappeared under mysterious circumstances... were then published in all newspapers, their bodies were soon found in the forests, not far from barnaul. all crimes, as they say, had a common style. manishin came to the university in his car and sat for a long time, peering into the faces of the girls. that’s what people called him, hiding, as psychiatrists say, behind a mask of normality, he lived an ordinary life, worked as a veterinarian, at some point even received a position as... the head of the district administration, in these footage he gives an interview to a local tv channel, talks about water supply problems in
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one of the villages. the whole day is carried out by two units of delivery and two containers, they are stationary on the territory, on the streets, filled, a person is engaged in delivery all day long water. manishin managed to play the role of an ordinary person deftly; colleagues and friends said with confidence that he was completely quiet and calm. he didn’t look like a merciless killer, one incident, a personal conversation somehow touched upon that in 2000 he was presented with some kind of claim because the car was stained with blood, and he says, well, they were animals, i proved, never betrayed himself anywhere with any negative behavior, the dark side of the life of the former village official became known when forensic detectives from the analytical group to investigate crimes... from previous years , they found in the archives a match between manishin’s biomaterials and dna samples that were available in
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one of the murder cases. the investigation was essentially started anew, all the witnesses were interviewed , and so the trace of the accused was found. it became known that for the very first time he dealt with a young seventeen-year-old girl back in 1989, while a student, he tried to rape, but after receiving a rebuff, he strangled her. having managed to avoid punishment, he acted more boldly. every day new, terrible details appeared in the criminal case. it was established that in june 1999 manishin committed a similar crime against a twenty-two-year-old applicant to a higher educational institution who came from the republic of tva, and in july 2000 against a seventeen-year-old applicant to a secondary specialized educational institution. the bodies of these victims were hidden by him in the same place in the kalman region. the last victims of the serial killer were women who wanted to get jobs in educational institutions, as well as a fifty-three-year-old mother. one of applicants, so in the criminal case of polytechnic students, 69 volumes have accumulated, which
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will soon be considered in court, the process will be held behind closed doors. daria vesovay, oksana gonchurenko and mikhail odinokov, the television company was dead. and then, the high-profile case of the murder of animators on the don highway begins to be heard in krasnodar, a nineteen-year-old girl and a thirty-year-old man stopped on the road to change a tire. at that moment , three men approached them and made an offer. help, who the strangers turned out to be, you will find out after the advertisement, in the district hospital in the neighboring region there was a clearing flood, a sewage system burst, patients are being taken to us, including to the morgue, hello, paint the ceiling, where did this sniff come from, alexander lvovich and his colleagues will work at night so as not to disrupt our schedule, emergency exit, premiere, so, gentlemen, passengers, we pull the stop valve and shoot out of the car, rip your organs, you creatures, today at 22:15 on ntv.
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is unique, pay with a smile, safely and conveniently. cool stuff with sbi, thank you, everything is normal, i have never had such normality before, i have the norm to wake up earlier than before, rise above myself and circumstances, find the strength to do what i put off, devote time to the most important thing, when sports - life is normal, everything is fine with me, find energy at, meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. hello, great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i wouldn’t even get out of bed, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it was
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natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for myself, a... women for their men, men hurry up, women hurry up to try prostatricum gold, no one should be disappointed, when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men , hurry up, women, hurry up, try prostatric gold. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast. a high-profile case about the murder of animators is beginning to be heard in krasnodar. the criminals face life imprisonment
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; relatives of the victims are counting on such a punishment for them. nineteen-year-old student tatiana matyka and thirty-year-old. brutally killed as soon as they withdrew all the money from their bank cards. later, during the investigation, all the accused shifted the blame onto each other. sergey putyukov will continue. there is not the same remorse on the faces of the accused. three members of the group appeared in court almost a year later. aram tatasyan, anatoly dvoinikov and demyan kivarkyan dealt with animators kirill chupko and tatyana mastyka in bloody blood. they planned the attack on the m4 don highway in advance. the car in which the artists were traveling. into a pit near the village of berezanskaya, accomplices were nearby, at first they kindly offered their help, then they kidnapped and killed. they searched for the missing animators for several days. demyan kivarkyan, who is considered the leader of the gang, every now and then complains about poor maintenance and demands that public defenders be replaced. he will delay as long as possible, he will declare challenges by a lawyer, the person behaves impudently.
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the life of daria, the widow of kirill chupko, was divided into before and after, now. alone, raising a five-year-old son, recalls with horror the tragic events of april last year, it is impossible to hold back the tears, that evening the husband and a colleague were driving from the event, and on the way back they punctured a tire. in the last telephone conversation, the husband said that there were people who would help fix the car. since then, kirill has stopped communicating. he said: don’t wait for me, go to bed. this was the last one our conversation. i woke up at 6 am very abruptly, i have never woken up like that at 6 am and... i saw kiril was not around, his phone was inaccessible, tanya too, until the last she believed that her husband would be found alive 4 days of searching more than 500 caring people police volunteers and...
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threatened, then he offered to kill them, first take the money, and then he said, well, they need to be used for launch, so that there are no witnesses. the operatives tracked the artists’ route in detail, leaving the village of krovovskaya towards ustlabinsk, kirillo and tatyanov got in touch for the last time, and after that the criminals in their car began driving around neighboring settlements to withdraw money from the animators’ accounts at various atms, kirill was killed first, most likely tatyana fulfilled all the demands of the kidnappers, hoping that
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she got along well with children. almost everyone knew thirty-seven-year-old kirill chubko in ustlabinsk. together with his wife daria, they owned a small agency of animators. together we often traveled around the districts, entertained the children, and together we planned to open a cozy coffee shop in the center city, which daria later did herself in memory of her husband. aram tatasyan and anatoly dvoinikov admitted their guilt and actively cooperated with the investigation in the hope of reducing their sentences, which cannot be said about the gang leader dimyani kirken, who continues to deny his crimes. guilt. by the way, detectives have established that he may be involved in at least one more similar crime. 11 years ago he could have avoided responsibility by faking the accident. sergey
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potyakov, mikhail vlasenko, yulia bleytsova and valentin lyubimov, ntv television company krasnodar region. the high-profile trial in the otp case on bolshaya nikitskaya has ended; taxi driver farit nurmamedov hit an entire family. the moment of the accident hit. in the lens of the surveillance cameras, the driver himself assured that he was simply very tired and, as they say, passed out while driving, however, when he was asked to take an alcohol test, farit for some reason refused, what punishment did he receive and what now happens to those who fell under the wheels of a foreign car , alektina marchenko will talk about this. busy bolshaya nikitskaya street, center of moscow, friday evening, suddenly a black foreign car breaks out of the humming stream of cars, moves straight onto the sidewalk, seven people in one instant find themselves under its wheels. among them was farid rasulov, the man saw the car, but did not have time to react, to describe it now is even difficult, very difficult, boom
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and after 5 seconds i’m on my feet, i see my wife lying there, my niece lying there, my granddaughter lying, my the children were there, while eyewitnesses to the incident called an ambulance, the drivers got out of the mercedes; the passenger, safe and sound, it turned out that the car that had run over the people a business class taxi, driven by a thirty-two-year-old farid.
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3 years have been assigned, he will not be able to drive for another 2 years and 6 months, which means he will have to look for other options for earning money that do not require such high responsibility for the lives and health of other people. aleftina marchenko, anton kuzmin, nadezhda zypkina and valentin losev, tv broadcaster, moscow. but that's not all, see below. the best day a student from tyumen, regina
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valitova, can tell about what real luck is like was when she was traveling. this is the diploma on her car collapsed lamppost. the car was in pieces, but the girl was not hurt, but this adventure did not end for regina, what happened next, why she calls this the happiest day of her life, you will find out after the advertisement. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in economical packaging 96 capsules vacation is a joy to the point of tears. and yandex travel is also profitable.
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that his friends are nearby, maxim always tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment.
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not to the house, i remember how they were taken away, i i say, our brothers and sisters, not in an abandoned house, no, these are just other people’s children, i ’m hiding the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, live on ntv, another emergency incident, we continue our release, but very many events happened in regina's life in just a few hours. she was very nervous before defending her thesis, she was driving to the university when a lamppost collapsed on her car , the girl miraculously survived, but the adventures did not end there. there would be no happiness, but misfortune definitely helped here.
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twenty-three-year-old regina valitova, of course, she was waiting for a bright and unforgettable event to happen in her life, it really happened, right on one of the streets of tyumen, when the girl was going to class. the event really turned out to be bright, even for the passengers of the bus that was driving past, people sincerely sympathized with the student and the fact that the girl miraculously survived after such a blow, but for some reason regina herself did not look at all scared, and then her lover also rushed to the place , then happiness happened, alexander decided right at the scene of a terrible accident calm the girl down in this way, and if she didn’t die, you can apologize, actually , he planned to do everything wrong, he was just waiting for a beautiful box for a ring with light, he wanted to propose on a ferris wheel with champagne, but so that it would be completely romantic, but the situation did not unfold according to the script, we had to act according to the circumstances, an opportunity arose, we did it now, we love
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each other, alexander and regina have been together for several years, they are raising a one and a half year old son, they have long been planning to legitimize their relationship, the head of the family, of course, wanted to do this so that everything would be unforgettable for regina, after all, for a twenty-three-year-old girl this is really important, now both of them will definitely not forget, i called him right away, well, to say that a problem fell on me, he i arrived, everything, well, i figured out the principle of the situation, and then stood in front of the car and made an offer, however, the epic fall of a pole on the roof of a car turned out to be unknown from above, and already a consequence of another emergency. nearby, traffic police inspectors found a truck transporting fruit to the pavilion. apparently, the structure touched two pillars at once, after which one of them collapsed on the regina fret. i felt the impact, it turns out, i bent over on the right side, and because of this, i probably survived, because the driver’s seat was completely broken, there. well, after
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the accident, traffic police inspectors restricted traffic in this area to find out why the poles suddenly fall so easily here, and at the same time they will check the truck driver, who accidentally helped the birth of a new family. ilya usheninin, valentin lyubimov and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today. thank you for your attention. today in our program. china and india have created a completely different supply chain for russian oil. kept coming. wild west world. washington and brussels set about shaking the russian economy. what a dirty trick the big seven has prepared for the summer. we are working to limit prices to deprive russia of resources. parade.


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