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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  May 22, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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well, after the accident, traffic police inspectors restricted traffic in this area to find out why the poles suddenly fall so easily here, and at the same time they will also check the drivers of the truck, which accidentally helped to be born into a new family. ilya usheninin, valentin lyubimov and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today on our program: china and india have created a completely different supply chain to keep russian oil flowing. wild west world. washington and brussels began to shake the russian economy. what nasty thing has the big seven prepared for the summer? we are working to limit prices to deprive russia of resources. parade? sovereignty:
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three european countries immediately recognized the independence of palestine, for which the eu is taking revenge on israel and threatening criminal proceedings. ireland, norway and spain announced recognition of the state of palestine. up to your ears in manure. europeans are caught up in the environmental agenda. how the green deal turned into cold, hunger and thousands of deaths for the west. the uk government risks becoming superpowers in the field of hypocrisy. look. right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i’m andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we ’re working live, today we ’ll have a little bit of an economic slant in the conversation, but we’ll start with messages from video footage distributed by our ministry of defense, firstly, a village has been liberated for...
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and a new region, let us look, naturally, there is not much footage, because these are, in general, these exercises, they are especially secret, but okrug, let me remind you that this includes crimea, the ministry of defense allowed us to show something, this is the movement of military equipment, this is how special ammunition for the iskander operational-tactical missile system is delivered, well, that is, to the place where the exercises will take place, the military takes ammunition, equips the launch vehicles with it , then moves out to the hidden area.
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launch positions from the enemy, now you will see this, this is footage of air units preparing to fly out on regional patrols, the military is practicing installation of hypersonic dagger missiles and other weapons on aircraft. the main goal of the exercises, let me quote our ministry of defense, is to maintain the readiness of personnel and equipment to respond to threats to territorial integrity and sovereignty. let me remind you that the reason for russia’s maneuvers was numerous provocative statements of the west’s threat. true, these unequivocal warnings of ours have not yet had an effect on american congressmen. a group of legislators in washington officially demanded that the pentagon allow the armed forces attack russian territory with american weapons. a letter with the corresponding request, here is the text, you see it, was published by the house intelligence committee. it is reported that an appeal has been prepared.
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and partners new capabilities, including air defense, so i’ll just stop there, but german chancellor olaf scholz for some time did not act in his usual role, the chancellor plucked up courage and during a meeting with voters shaved the former head of nato rasmussen with his interesting proposals for ukraine. in on the eve of the july nato summit, rasmuson presented a ten-page report in which he called not only to invite ukraine to the alliance at the summit, but also to give a commitment to accept the kiev bloc no later than the twenty-eighth year. among other things, in the report, rasmuson calls on the allies to expand the nato air defense shield along the entire western border of ukraine. germany, europe and nato, directly into the war in ukraine. such plans could turn germany into a war party and lead
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putin to react in unpredictable ways. no decision should be made with urta foam. however, there are even glimmers of common sense among some western leaders. but they don’t change the general course, in brussels they announced that they will not pay russia income from its frozen assets, even after the sanctions are lifted, this is stated in the resolution, which has already been published in the official brussels journal, they explain it all in the style of matroskin the cat , remember, a cow can be a state cow, the milk or calves that it produces are all ours, and in a similar vein the european union is going to act in relation to our assets, to be honest, i still don’t understand here, this explanation, well, in itself it’s already funny that they suddenly think about the time after the sanctions are lifted, somehow it’s hard to believe in it, but still explain to me, they lifted the sanctions, yes, and that is
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, they are not going to unfreeze the assets, that is, then it’s like they’re not lifting them, wait, or they’re unfreezing them, but that means they’re taking them away... as i understand it, how they believe that someday, in theory, sanctions could be lifted, then russia the next day: listen, you had our money frozen, but where is the income? they say: but we don’t know anything, no amount of income is proposed to reset the situation, or what? not income, income taxes? no, i understand everything, but i’m just like, we’re lifting sanctions, but we won’t pay income, there are no taxes on income, well, it’s clear, that means, that is, they want to pretend that...
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per year, we can have a little more about this? for more than a year, brussels has been butting heads with washington over how to deal with frozen russian assets in european banks. in the eu, in the euroclear depository, holds about 20 billion euros. the united states insisted on the complete
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withdrawal of these funds, but the europeans resisted, fearing that this would create a precedent, and now they decided to confiscate only the interest accrued on the blocked funds. a long process of work has been carried out, which has finally been crowned with success, and therefore should allow ukraine to receive significant funding, we are talking about approximately 3 billion euros, which should be available to ukraine by july, which really needs it. head of ukrainian the ministry of justice immediately told politico that 3 billion euros was not enough, russia could not be defeated with that kind of money. 3.5 billion euros per year ukraine’s need for... strengthening the military budget does not solve, tens of billions of dollars per year of additional investments in ukrainian defense capabilities are needed. the western press suggested that the united states could meet halfway and issue kiev a loan of $50 billion at once,
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and they would offer to repay it with confiscated income from russian assets. but as financial times journalists found out, washington is not eager to lend ukraine, trying to shift this burden to a larger one. it is noteworthy that in the united states itself, a law on the confiscation of russian assets was adopted back in april, but the white house has still not taken advantage of it. the us is putting pressure on. on g7 allies to approve a loan to kiev secured by future income from frozen russian assets. washington expects that it will be approved and about 50 billion will be transferred to ukraine this summer. the current rush is obviously related to the upcoming international conference on ukraine, which will be held in switzerland, and the loan itself, as well as the seizure of interest on frozen russian assets, is such an attempt to impart. for
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months , western allies have debated how far to go with russian central bank assets. the united states believes it would be legal under international law to confiscate the money and give it to ukraine, but several european countries, including france and germany, are wary of the legality of such a move. step and the precedent it will create. there is no concrete decision yet on how the stolen proceeds from russian money will be spent. brussels even states that the goals of these spending will be reviewed annually. one way or another, in reality, the announced amounts are so small that they may not reach ukraine at all, because this year alone kiev must pay almost $26 billion in external government debt. so how far should we go, i think is the key phrase. yana yanych, let’s start today with you a long time ago.
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this is the news, when there is some kind of bad thing going on for six months, and then the bad thing ends, journalists announce it, well, of course we are stupid, but we cling to it, so they, the prince, have developed a legal mechanism, which consists in the fact that it is accepted a special tax on income from russian assets in the amount of 100% of this, from these same incomes, and these incomes will be transferred to kiev, this is really 3 billion, this is very little money, there is also... all sorts of details that the income will be given received after april 15, all that is received
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until april 15, it will remain as a kind of reserve fund for possible further legal costs and the like, and this is not a lot of money, so now i’m not talking about me, i’m interested in the procedure, because those who, well, let’s say, did not really support these plans regarding the freezing and confiscation of our assets, they have always...
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in europe there were indeed quite natural fears that if you simply take it and confiscate it in one way or another with the appropriate legal background, naturally, all this will be absolutely legal, confiscate these funds, this could create distrust in the european system and the euro currency. concerns remain, as far as i can understand, although now, strictly speaking, the fact that germany, the real news is that germany has somewhat changed its previous sharply negative attitude towards the issue of confiscation, and suggests that yes , in some situations, in some circumstances, we see the possibility of confiscation of these apevs, but not now, for now, we are waiting for some negative possible philosophical very short question for janach they will say, if a thief approaches you, he will take your wallet.
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the stranger said, but pulled out a knife or a gun there and said, now give me your wallet, and i’ll somehow find a way, is russia really the european union of fences, i have the same question, but you think from what point?
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we also regard it as theft, because this is theft and nothing else, which means that all the legal stories will go on, i remind you that the reuters wrote not so long ago that it was this belgian depository he was afraid of something that we wouldn’t even sue him in europe, not in europe, not in europe, that firstly, they have money that lies in our national depository in russia, something like 33 billion, secondly
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, we can sue them in dubai in hong kong, which means in there, that means... now let's see what answer will be developed from the point of view of the russian side, because if of course there is no answer at all, i'm i don’t believe this, then of course we have something to take away, we really have something in our c accounts take away, yes, that without even any court cases, i mean there it is, if the answer is serious, everything will stop there, if the answer is not serious, there is another important point, and now with a plus sign for us, in general yesterday i read this analogy, it seemed very cool to me: the whole confiscation of sovereign assets or all the tigers around it is akin to using an atomic bomb in real life, that is, you seem to have this argument, yes, but you don’t use it, you talk about him, you kind of dangle this threat there, but not you are using, because if you are using this, this is your last argument, you may get it when the interest from these nuclear bombs is confiscated from us, this is the use of your terminology, tactical
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nuclear weapons, yes, which also requires an answer, this means that they themselves in fact , the number of arguments, they can put pressure on us, is running out, running out, they actually get from them what they have left, this is also taking away everything, there alexey nikolaevich did not agree on several points, let’s give our disagreement, there somehow articulates, well, let's start from the beginning, which means that the confiscation of russian sovereign assets abroad is impossible due to the fact that it is possible only by a court decision; in europe there is no court whose competence or jurisdiction would include permission.
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but now i’ll agree, they imposed certain sanctions on russia as a result of their political decisions, as a result of these political decisions they do whatever they want, there is ukraine, they don’t do what they
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want, russian assets are on the territory of the united states were not confiscated, this is firstly, and secondly, that we can use it freely, now you’re just talking to me about the courts, explain the difference between freezing and confiscation, i understand the difference between freezing. that everyone wanted to sneeze at the decisions of the courts, at international rights, we need to blow up so that they can take our money, they blew up a gas pipeline of a foreign country, which means that someone needs to twist the knobs there, which means that what i see from what is happening is that they did it, well that you ’re stuffing me like a little kid with some kind of flamboyance about the decision what the hell ships?
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take it, i don’t believe that i will live, maybe you will live, i don’t know, i don’t doubt this at all, not at all, that you and i will both live, no, no, no, i mean this first of all, but maybe somehow... something different. i have no doubt at all that we will return all our frozen assets and return this interest, i have no doubt about it, why? because i have no doubt, no doubt about the future victory won there in this conflict, the winner takes everything, well , this is kind of a general phrase, this is firstly, secondly, and most importantly, history is a witness to this: when a military conflict ends, all these regulatory agreements are signed.
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also, all debts were settled, repaid , and so on, that is, this is the main part that is signed in the agreement, and it is absolutely right, this is always confirmed by the sovereign position of the russian federation, we will in no case forget these frozen assets of ours and will not forget we won’t forget these, we won’t forget, we won’t forgive, i understand everything, no, no, no, no, besides this, you now tell the poles about the fact that all the issues with reparations were resolved a long time ago and in general? no one brings this up decades after the war, this is history, this is history, it’s clear, but now let’s go back to what’s good, here’s people, let’s imagine, okay, let’s take a break from these things, let’s imagine.
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assets, this is what these bases are, as they say now, that’s absolutely correct, why, because look, firstly, they have immunity, this is all confirmed by international conventions, anyone sitting here will confirm this once, international 2 years, sorry, taught us that any international convention, if necessary, western states can use it like toilet paper, this is all correct, at some point this
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can happen, but this... only until then as long, only as long as the scales, this scale weighs power, fluctuates, no, just when arkadivich said, the winner takes everything, andrei vladimirovich began to sigh so much that when i hear it, we’ll stop, let’s go to advertising now , let's continue in a few minutes, don’t miss, central television, iran, why an old american helicopter was chosen for the president’s last flight, several high-ranking officials were on the same board, and whether the fucking chain of fatal accidents could have been set up by someone. in germany, the trial of the leaders of the most incredible and absurd conspiracy to seize power has begun. was this show trial really arranged just to be found
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ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with sensational news. from europe, several eu countries, one after another, announced recognition of palestine as an independent state. norway was the first to announce such a decision; a few hours later the prime ministers of spain and ireland made similar statements. all three countries are confident that peace in the middle east can only be achieved by respecting the rights of not only the israeli but also the palestinian people. officially, the decision to recognize palestine in all three countries will come into force at the end of may, the western press claims that...
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in jerusalem, representatives of these three countries, spain, ireland and norway, were called to the carpet at the israeli foreign ministry, i will quote here, for explanatory. and this step, in his opinion , is unfair to the victims of the hamas movement. israel's main ally, the united states, so far the actions of its european partners are not commenting in any way, they still cannot get over the shock after the decision of the prosecutor of the international criminal court to request an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister netanyahu, but now you see him included in our list of extremists and terrorists. graham, after his statement , it became clear why the united states was so nervous. graham thinks he's next in line for the international criminal court. i hope that together we can find a way to express our dissatisfaction with the international criminal court, because if they do this to israel,
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then we will be next. so in the end, i hope we sanction mus for this outrage, not only to help our friends in israel, but to protect ourselves over time. well, for now everyone is in washington. they are trying to protect their ally, the israeli authorities directly oppress american journalists, just the day before the israeli authorities came under attack from the israeli authorities, journalists from associated press, associated press is a very large american news agency, a live broadcast conducted by the agency overlooking the gas sector was turned off, all broadcasting equipment, including the television camera, was confiscated by the israeli authorities, citing the new media law, allegedly the agency violates it because it transmits the image to the al-jazeera channel, and...
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i doubt that that we are the winner, andrei vladimerovich just began to sigh very sadly here, let’s do the following, but it is clear that in order to be a winner, we firstly must win on the battlefield, and in the military sense, and secondly, they must withstand economically, that is, we must also have economic victories, we must not break under all this oppression. now we have taken some assessments from foreign media, not ours, well, perhaps, in order to approach it more objectively, this is how they assess the state of our economy now? bloomberg sheds tears over sales of russian oil delivered by sea. are growing contrary to american aspirations, the agency’s analysts decided to monitor
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the movements of tankers using artificial intelligence, after brainstorming a little, i came to the conclusion: within a month , russia’s average income from such supplies increased to $1,700 million per week. china and india have created a completely different supply chain to ensure that russian oil continues to flow, regardless of whether it is below or above the ceiling price. these two countries have created their own ecosystem, independent of the services of the european union or the west. westerners are trying to track russian supplies using customs data in asian countries. according to these calculations, last year china bought 107 million tons of our oil, india - 70 million. supplies to turkey are growing to 13 million tons. russia has become richer than ever. the sanctions were supposed to cut oil costs, which are paying for the war,
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but india intervened and now buys 13 times more russian oil than before the war. the shadow fleet allows oil to be sold above the $60 price ceiling imposed by the west. according to the russian ministry of finance, in 2023, the average price for eurols was $63 per barrel. this year it has grown significantly from $64 in january to $74 in april. the situation makes washington so angry that in addition to hunting. behind our shadow tankers, they want to lower the price ceiling, i hope this will help, however, how this should affect china and india is unclear. my question: are the g7 countries discussing a possible reduction in the price ceiling for russian oil? the answer is short. the united states and its partners engaged in price restrictions are seeking to deprive russia of income from the sale of energy resources. but there was still a fly in the ointment, which has been written for months in the foreign and russian press: income from the sale of raw materials is too slow.
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absolutely so, and the rest is all sauce, which, unfortunately, is pouring out of the media or various decisions that are supposedly legitimate are wrapped in candy wrappers. will we have a problem with returning these funds to the main body of the debt that is frozen? absolutely yes, these are courts, these are peace negotiations, as arkady nikolaevich said, absolutely right, that is, we are not going anywhere in this regard, but the europeans are ahead in this regard, the americans have run to dig a hole for themselves in terms of trust in their currency systems. trust in their financial systems and, by and large, they are in a very losing situation in this regard, why france and germany resisted this process, because they understand perfectly well that the process, for example, of reducing the investment of the same china in the european economy, or in debt obligations of europe and america, but it will simply be
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a geometric progression, for now we don’t see this, we wait for now, we wait for now, or it means they don’t pay attention to it, because...
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and essentially india, well, you just need to remember that elections are taking place in india now, from april 16, i think, they began on april 19, and will end on june 6. the janata party, that is, the ruling party itself. in india, she knew very well, and mr. modi also knew very well that these elections were coming, and he needed to win them, so since last year he started, india bought 2% of its oil imported from russia, now it buys a third there , about 34 35%, she buys them at a discount, naturally they save 17% there,
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as far as i remember, over the three quarters of last year they paid 17% less, respectively, at gas stations the price of gasoline is from... in short, modi is receiving political dividends, and he is doing the right thing, because he is first and foremost an indian politician who pursues his his goals, he increased the purchase of cheap russian oil, great for india, very good, china did the same, just now, we can remove it,
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which means yan yanych’s sarcasm we are asking ourselves a question that is quite simple for me, how is it that countries that are friendly to us in relation to ...
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we already have a large part, the majority of exports and imports are already taking place either in rubles or in national currencies, this time, especially with regard to imports, when it was said here that imports had fallen, they did not fall, they just already for the most part, more than 60% is financed in rubles. or national currencies and barter, including, whatever it may be, this is the first second, even calculations, even calculations,
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now i apologize, in unfriendly currencies, they are not just going, they have recently increased, because recently they have completely the united states made a decision to return to the connection of our leading banks in payments for energy resources, and this is not only oil, this includes coal, and gas, and so on and so forth, no, it was. they probably missed it, but this is there, this was said about 2 weeks ago from the us side, to support the market, well, all the divers probably need to be reminded, they probably don’t read the data there, which is published, including by the ministry of finance, for january - april of this year, not even the first quarter, but already in april, we have growth oil and gas revenues are about 82% compared to the same period last year, this is the question of whether we win or not, whether it comes from the price of oil or not, so we all win.
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considerable problems for our business from the point of view of calculations, this is not a story of today, not of six months, not of a year, but from the very beginning it constantly puts a spoke in the wheels, and
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every time we find new solutions, because if we had not found, we wouldn’t see imports on our shelves, because everything would have collapsed long ago, which means, in response to your question, i will repeat once again in this studio, there is no need to present claims to friendly states when their banks have some kind of problems, because all this was going on, moreover, you know how it is with us antonich, things are already going on there slowly well, how is the situation in our business, for example, i know, we used to have one
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very popular soda, which was made at our factories of this company, what, well, coca-cola, what yes, what yes, and what now what - i’m now caught in the same mind while you, yesterday or something i i came in, i needed something, well, i went to a large hypermarket, so they have this. our kk, which is under different names, yes, but in general this is kk, which means that during the sanctions of all this money, i mean, i bought polish, kazakhstan or i say, that means kyrgyz, wait, i ’m leaving the sweet one, vietnamese, and of course, here’s the coolest thing - it’s taliban, that’s because it’s afghan.
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here in yuzhnomorsk, which doesn’t happen here, but that's murder. with a bullet arrow for the first time, just like that, andryukha, they’re taking down one by one, it seems to me that this is a clue, a dolphin, a new season, i’ll contact you, how long will it take? you can’t get to ntv from monday at 20:00, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, we will now have another topic, we will talk about how to properly protect nature or how to protect it incorrectly, here probably the second option is more suitable, so, but first ... vanya will have some military-technological news, or something, yes, let's we will start this part with messages from the pentagon about a new russian superweapon, they tell us, and we are not talking about nuclear technologies
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or missiles that are capable of somehow circumnavigating the globe, they accused russia of launching a killer satellite into orbit that can attack american spacecraft . the pentagon believes that last week our country probably launched a near-earth...
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“we are not violating anything, we have repeatedly advocated banning any weapons into space, unfortunately, these initiatives of ours were rejected, including by the united states of america. and here it is necessary to recall that just last monday, the united states , its allies in the un security council, rejected the russian-chinese draft resolution on the non-placement of any types of weapons in space. the document also contained a clause on the non-use of force in outer space, as well as from..."
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it all follows that the united states is considering several ways to disable other people's satellites, which means...
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and he ate another ship there, well later it really turned out that these are some bad people, they are starting it all, in my opinion, no, no, monraiker is something else, oh well, today we are talking about nature, why, because in europe the first green five-year plan ended, first of all , of course, this means green, environmentally correct energy, and then everything goes on the list, in general, we would like to summarize what our... neighbors have come to, who are trying to reorient their lives in accordance with those ideas about how to do it take care protect nature. mass farmer
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strikes this spring covered almost all leading eu countries. exhibited in germany, france, the netherlands and belgium, unrest swept across southern europe, even polish farmers rebelled. farmers were not satisfied with the abolition of benefits for diesel fuel, which powers all agricultural machinery. in paris alone , more than 50,000 farmers blocked roads, burned food, and flooded government buildings. european authorities are now trying to rewind the implementation of some.
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68 thousand people died from the cold in their apartments, the figure exceeded even the mortality rate from the covid epidemic, industry is suffering due to horse tariffs, some companies have closed, some are transferring their business to the usa, others, in particular in the german auto industry, are simply laying off employees. the auto giant intends to lay off 3,800 people across europe over the next 3 years. this comes as ford continues. euros every year, but achieving global green prosperity is still planned by 2050, although in february the european union recognized that no one has that kind of money, so georgi valeevich, are european comrades going the right way, well, you were right, you only live twice. yes, and such
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a feeling, and a feeling that european politicians sincerely believe that they, too, can only live twice, the population lives only twice, to set up such a grandiose experiment, a social, even political experiment, because after all, green energy is political topic, this is not about energy as such, in europe and thereby jeopardizing its further economic development and well-being of the general population, that very western...
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green energy today, the greenest, cheapest is nuclear . although they have said many times that it is the best energy, we see it as real green energy, that is, the atom is closed all over europe, they are closing, well, except for the french, all the other germans have closed, and are developing what they can. mistakes, colleagues, this is all, planned, planned special operations, so to speak, to fool people’s brains, but why do they need to green fog, here is europe for the last 5 years, you celebrated the five-year plan, by the way, it is no longer green, but brown, because they said goodbye to green there, the green fog that spread across europe, it simply turned people’s value system upside down. they drummed
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into me that there are values ​​of sustainable development, climate achievements of some kind, the reduction of all kinds of environmental risks, in fact, just specifically economic ones, as a colleague said, that’s right, i agree with him, political goals, greenwashing, an english word that characterizes very well what there what’s going on, some values ​​are declared, but in reality it’s completely different, it’s just a deception of society, a deception, these are some kind of criminal elements.
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europe and russia, the fact that previously europe and its economy relied on cheap russian gas, but we did not stop supplying them. i may even agree with you, no one could have imagined that there would be such an epidemic, then our special military operations, everyone would quarrel there, well, okay, this happened, why in these conditions deprive ourselves of such sources of energy, i’m not very i understand, well, europe, it is very much afraid
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of nuclear energy, because it is afraid of the united states, not nuclear energy, the french have nowhere to go because apartments are the solution. because they didn’t turn off nuclear energy, but they shot themselves at agriculture, because france supports a huge number of subsidized countries that sit on the outskirts of europe and have joined the european union. deadline, here you can predict, now we have a picture, here in your neighbor’s description it’s like this, they’re all like this they came up with a good idea and everything was so green and beautiful, but then covid
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, filthy russia, ruined everything and the green agenda is now no good, it seems to me that there are some deeper things here, either incorrect calculations, or an initial understanding that it will never take off. the unbalanced economic policy of colleagues from the european union, it consists of two things: the first thing is related to the fact that all these renewable energy sources were of course overestimated, well, simply greatly overestimated in terms of possibility, efficiency, as it were, and the share in the energy balance, that is, it is a share in the energy balance of the main energy sources up to 10, there 15% is acceptable when it is with... 15, 20, 30, 40 or god forbid 50, this is very unstable with from the point of view of the energy model, this is the first thing, the second, as they say, yes, of course, there were external factors, the economic situation has changed, the cost of russian raw materials, hydrocarbons, has changed, they will not be able to purchase more, as they say at such prices,
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russian gas itself, and for them it really is news, so to speak, yes, but news, is it necessary to close the nuclear power industry for this, of course not, this is a mistake by the leadership of the political leadership.
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this is the story, there really is an environmental problem, yes, which really exists, but there is an environmental problem that is made up, that is, which is magnified 10 times, which are somewhere in a completely different direction, when they suddenly start thrusting greta thunberg on you they begin to say that this girl is new, which means there is an environmental mission, which will tell you how to live correctly, then you start to think about how it works, you start trying to impose an environmental label on countries that are at the same level. development models still cannot provide people with basic food, one might say, but you are trying to impose on them some kind of obligations, which in any case, due to the high cost of the technologies that you are trying to impose, place them at a low level.
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we need eugenics, we need restrictions, those peoples should not reproduce, it’s better to remove them altogether, and we see the same thing, only on a new, so to speak, stage of ideological advancement, only now they are telling you, but this is for the sake of the environment, that’s all, alexander, there is also competition between financial and industrial groups, van, and this cannot be ignored, competition yes, but i i wanted to ask alexander sergeevich, a video was recently slipped into my hands once again on social networks, i saw it quite a long time ago, it means there’s a guy standing there, an american, filming everything himself, charging his, well, let’s say, tesla, tesla. beautiful, such midnight time, flashing somehow she has headlights, she is charging with her wonderful electricity, he walks around
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the gas station building, just like that, and you see, there is a diesel generator there to provide this very electricity, at this moment the whole feeling of the greenness of this agenda, it of course dissipates from me instantly, because well, well, it’s just a hoax, green fog, yes green fog, let’s use this expression, well, the funniest example of this kind was in glasgow during the next... and it’s charged from a diesel generator, it was beautiful that concerns this whole thing stories with the climate agenda, it has
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a completely normal economic justification, economic justification, although it’s quite old, almost twenty years ago, 20 years ago, those respected international energy agencies that are now talking about the green energy transition, guys, soon everything will be on electricity, there will be electricity from the sun and the wind, they talked about how the golden age of gas was coming, here was the european union together with great britain. because by the year thirty-fifth they must now to abandon all
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combustion engines, as far as i understand, from selling, yes, well, that’s it, by the year 50 they should completely complete this transition, but it turns out that according to the previous forecast, somewhere in the same mid-thirties we should there was only gas all around, that is, as if one forecast had not yet ended, look, it was superimposed on it, for the europeans it looked like this, our production is falling, which means we will buy more, we need something like that. come up with a way to buy less and so that by 1930, we were consuming less, and then, germany alone, produced about 10% of all equipment for renewable energy sources in the world, and for them it was like this, guys, let’s develop our own market and install windmills, that’s where it all comes from it started, but then it turned out that the chinese are able to build factories faster than the germans and just as efficient well, excuse the time, sergei palovich, after a pause, okay, let's start right away with you, short break. via superstar, today we will sing
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songs of our empress irina allegrova. the fifth member of the jury, everyone’s favorite irina olegrova, will also give marks. i didn’t understand anything, but you reached my heart, guys, this is a step for me.
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savings, i open a deposit with a bank account with a rate of 17%, i can top it up. without any bank by phone number without commission, open a deposit in tenki with a rate of 17% per annum. tinkov, he’s the only one. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. guardian angel, spiritual patron of each of us. introducing the medal with the image angel plated with pure 999 silver. the guardian angel cannot be seen with the eyes, but his presence is always felt. give yourself or... your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with your heavenly patron, phone number for ordering 8 800 600 688 05. the medal is especially valuable due to its unique characteristics: plating made of 999 sterling silver, a color image of a praying angel on the obverse, a brightly shining crystal and a prayer to
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the guardian angel minted on the reverse, enlighten me today and save me from all evil. show the guardian angel medal, plated with pure silver, for only 499 rubles by toll-free number 8 800 600 688 05 or on the website angelchrani.rrf dolphin new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes. clearly, we continue, well, let’s also talk about myths, especially those that are widespread in western media, there is such a myth that there is some kind of dirty energy, this is coal, oil, because of which all the plants begin to die, seals and killer whales also somehow suffocate and are thrown out are not thrown ashore, people walk around with dark faces, but there is clean green
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energy, which does not throw out anything at all, which the people who work there, they even breathe... for the production of components and batteries, almost all of this demand falls on three metals - iron, copper and nickels, their extraction leads to soil, water and atmosphere pollution, there are no less questions about the environmental friendliness of recycling used lithium batteries, only for electric cars 5 million pieces are required annually, they are thrown into the trash must be sent after 10 years. when we create green technology, we actually leave a dirty trail behind us, there are no products with zero impact. we pretend that it is environmentally friendly, but in fact we pollute, we just moved the pollution to another place. european authorities have relied on wind energy to reduce
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the amount of greenhouse emissions into the atmosphere, however, as the british magazine nature writes, wind turbines negatively affect the climate, air temperature and humidity. the noise from their work creates vibrations, due to which animals flee in panic from their usual habitats. in addition, more than 10 thousand birds die annually from wind turbines. both solar and wind power plants require covering fairly large areas with solar panels and wind turbines. this has often sparked controversy among local communities as well as biologists concerned about the impact on wild birds and other animals. hundreds of thousands of birds have been killed by wind turbines. another pressing problem is the disposal of solar panels and wind turbine blades, which are made from fiberglass. there is no safe way to dispose of them, so far they are simply buried.
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a small business that worked on traditional
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sources of mineral raw materials, but at the same time we have an internal feeling, and this is not a very correct feeling, that the western european part, eastern europe, central europe, it will be left without northern mineral resources, or it will not be able to launch them fast. this is a colossal mistake. under all this green fog we are now seeing absolutely accessible to us figures and we are analyzing them, that the albanian brown coal mines are working superbly, without stopping for a minute, providing most of western europe with raw materials, colossal lignite open-pit mines dating back to soviet times are being opened in the polish republic, and the same open-pit mines of higher quality coals are being opened. in germany and at the same time there is an understanding that a significant part of what is called foreign, well, let’s call them colleagues, green
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energy, it is gradually coming out to the media, but from the real economy goes back. you remembered about france not so long ago and about nuclear energy and the suspension of nuclear energy, this is one of the states of amazing changes in the natural resource complex: all french energy is nuclear. but at the same time , intensive agriculture, that is , planting a huge number of protein plants, excellent feed, replacing vineyards with corn, nikita sergeevich khrushchev takes a break from the volumes, as the vineyards are changed in the board, corn and wine are made. here soon, probably, probably, yes, that is, i was really unsettled, i imagined france a little differently until i saw it with my own eyes, and all this
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leads to the fact that the possibility of accumulation of normal natural water and its accumulation in water disappears, a sharp flow into the atlantic ocean occurs, and accordingly, the rivers are migrating, and the migrating of the rivers does not lead to a stop, of course, but to a significant reduction in nuclear energy capacity, and this is a problem for france, which it is aware of. but he can’t do anything on the short shoulder; on the other hand, you and i understand perfectly well that i’m dealing with the issues of regulating state non-resource use there in western european countries, and france is an image here...
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the general composition in western europe working in the field of extraction of local mineral resources, according to our estimates, the figure is closed for them, but an estimate is possible, at least 7 million people, here you just have to understand this all the time, but look, it’s an important point, they’re really shouting, some experts are always there, someone else is saying that green energy doesn’t work, that it’s pointless, the green ones have already occupied the fields of europe
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politicians are exactly that and... everyone is starting to give specific examples, remember the story with texas, when everyone there simply froze because the wind turbines stopped working, and because yes, because green energy stopped working, exactly the same problems were in the northern region sea, when the wind fell asleep, the windmills rose, there were many such cases, but every time this constructive criticism of the green fog, it meets the fiercest resistance of those who advocate green energy, and this is not about...
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all over europe, come out and say, look, they have been deceiving you for 15 years already, look at this anna lena, not only is she a fool, but also please tell me how many such people come out, for example, on the issue of migration from mainstream politicians in europe, how many people come out from mainstream politicians on the issue of russia in europe, no one, because going against the sects that control media resources, control political processes is very dangerous, once again, no, which is in europe. look, these are just numbers, and the main gynecologist in europe announced the allocation of tens of hundreds billions of euros for the development of green projects, how much money is it, how much is it to cut, cut and saw, how much income is it, yes, but life plus an important point, plus an important point - this is ideology, this is part of the ideological construct of the western field, this is a symbol of faith, name it so, part of the creed. rashit
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aidenovic, will there come a time when someone comes out, i repeat the question, you will say, the king has no clothes, it was all there, you showed it in eyeliner, guys, but a whole huge number of them come out into the streets - industrial farmers, who are throwing this crap at administrative buildings, this is a signal from the people, they will be suppressed, as a colleague correctly said, this is a sect that, well, owns large financial resources, political instruments, every politician. they are actually all green in green in europe, they are already so marginal, they are no longer handshakes, this is this sect that feels so great, they still feel great, money is being allocated, and the money is already for coal, as i said colleague, he’s already looking at the coal, already great britain is looking at the coal, life makes its own adjustments, we need to get heat, so the already green coal is slowly being rebuilt into consciousness, and
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the oil will become green and... let us immediately drive this energy into green electricity and specifically buy expensive ones there installing generators and so on, it sounds beautiful, european, in europe there is a whole industry for this, but when we actually install equipment that
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consumes this gas, processes it into energy, or even simply distills it, then we we see that the sulfur settles in the pipes, the equipment that works is exactly... it would be easier to plant trees, no, well , excuse me, again, at school they taught me
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to plant a tree, it’s good for the environment, and not to put rubles, i i don’t know how many of these devices there are, maybe an expensive thing that will break in 3 days, you also need to hire an expensive specialist who, with expensive equipment, will start tinkering with something, you know, what’s the problem, the europeans have a whole one. a well-functioning system of legislation, subsidies in this industry, yes, in russia, when we tried, we don’t even have anything like that, so everyone looked, maybe because the lobbyists of these greens weren’t allowed to go where the europeans were allowed, no, let’s pause now, we ’ll outline some of our problems, not that, oh what gennadivich said just now, although this is also very interesting, well, related primarily to the financing of the industry, namely the problems, well, environmental problems. let's take a break. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. house click. find a property that
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will suit you. this is klikatsber's house. move to a new apartment in a new building, a resale building, or build your own home from scratch. house click. where everyone can find housing for themselves. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. bring friends and get 15 rubles for each.
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an order, the killer was naturally not found, the suspect in the cases led by korablev did not live to see trial. you are in my complete submission, without these efforts of yours to be heroic. the killer is hunting for a girl-witness, here we have to act ourselves, we will pin him down right there. dolphin, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, let’s talk about us, in our country there is no such plan for 30 or 50 years for the transition to a green economy, there is no energy, but we have a national project ecology, in general , always pay a lot of attention to various problems, the president never forgets.
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in april, residents of chelyabinsk, one of the most polluted cities, complained of yellow-green dust. frightened townspeople associated the strange colored coating with chemical emissions from industrial enterprises, of which there are more than 150 in the city. the regional ministry of ecology, however, tried to reassure the townspeople, explaining the appearance of such dust by abnormal heat and birch blossoms. last night my daughter washed the car, i see some kind of raid. this color.
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it’s been dirty rain in voronezh for the second year in a row. residents of the city complained en masse about the shortness of breath that appeared on cars stained as if by cement. the same rain fell in the neighboring belgorod region. on social networks , users began to panic, calling the rain radioactive, but meteorologists rushed to calm down. white stains on cars from sand blown into the atmosphere by the wind. i didn’t go anywhere, i parked the car to wash it. dreams on the roofs, what’s going on here, this is the kind of
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snow we have. according to rosstat, in the past in 2018, the environmental monitoring service recorded 75 cases of serious air pollution in russia, which is 60% more than the year before. the main violations were recorded in the irkutsk, orenburg, kemerovo, chelyabinsk regions, krasnoyarsk territory, transbaikalia and buryatia. in the same regions , 19 cases of emergency pollution were identified. now we have it in the project already. 41 cities, in twenty-nine, which joined us in september last year, we are now conducting summary calculations, on the basis of which we are developing comprehensive plans to reduce emissions of air pollution. 98% of pollution is an industrial complex, that is, these are not stokers, these are not trolleybuses with buses, these are mainly enterprises, they have already invested over 500 billion rubles in the environmental modernization of their production.
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in a science-fiction film, when it’s at the mercy of a magic wand, well, firstly, you see, the country is simultaneously faced with economic tasks, yeah, because if you start playing the game, it’s either one or the other something else and immediately, it doesn’t work, can i ask you a provocative question, you sort the garbage, yes, i’m trying, but when
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it arrives there, no, wait, they put boxes for me, but when one car drives up there and dumps everything, well, what's the point,
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the real picture can lead to complacency, and we because everything is fine, a colleague said, there are problems, we are not moving away from them, you named the cities, all cities are industrial centers, centers of industry, by definition there are nuances associated with ecology, by definition, if you want to breathe fresh air, very fresh, go into the forest, that’s probably what you can do, we’re ready to say that to the people living there or, no, no one says that, it’s completely understandable. that it is good where we are not, yes, where there is no industry, there is no anthropogenic impact, where there is an anthropogenic impact, where there are actually economic children, especially serious industry, and the chelyabinsk region given, for example, is the largest industrial center itself, of course, what there are problems there, serious problems, this is recorded by all surveillance systems, while everything has a system plan, even if the situation is managed, this is also true, this is how
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the green agenda should enter there, well , the phrase how something green should enter there is a little discredited, so as not to harm people. these factories, well , we can’t stop them in one day and at the same time it was still easier for people to breathe, well, somehow it feels like food protection policy, environmental modernization of production, it has been going on for many years of soviet times, nothing new has been invented here, what is now there is that they have introduced a system of the best available technologies, and in fact reference books, for each industry there is a specific plan of action, what exactly to do, for example, outside of ecology, which i head, conducts just introductory calculations for now twenty new cities.
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the coal industry, the russian coal energy industry is three orders of magnitude more environmentally friendly than the european one, over these 30 years we have covered such a path that... here i can again again, so to speak, i’ll push off from the ground , well, it’s as if it’s easier for me to determine from simple examples, here’s the forest, you said, yes, if i want to breathe in the forest, i should go, well, in general, i ’ve been in the forest quite often, or in general, or driven through there since then as far as i understand, when we had some changes there, we had all this forestry there, chuk-chuk, they did everything for him there. i honestly don’t know what’s going on there now, but the fact is that our forests, as a rule, are in a completely unkempt state, there
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these trees are lying around, rotting there for years, no one cleans them up, i understand, maybe this is not a problem there on a national scale, it’s just natural, alexandrich, well, listen, i... i’ve also been here and there recently the sun suffered, there is also such a forest there, you know, right in turkey, that i will now flirt with this, it is also healthy.
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they were walking in the basement of a st. petersburg high-rise building, they were tricked into getting out of the hospital, they were pale, dark circles under their eyes, small bruises,
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the little one was getting colic, he didn’t even have water on the children's table, called the biological father, asked: we will save the children, brought things, gave them to me through the window, i dressed the children, and they themselves climbed out through the window, well, of course, what should i do, in the meantime, the father who lived with the children in basement, demanded dna tests, arthur doesn’t feel like a father, i want to prove that these are the children from him, but in general, how... what are your plans for anastasia, to continue living together, to register the children yourself, you are raising your hand against the children, and if we ask you to take a lie detector test, agree he easily kept his own or other people’s children in the basement, the very first program nastya is lying, the likelihood that you, anastasia, really gave birth to all three sons from arthur is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. via is great. the premiere starts on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. house click. find a property that's right for you. this is
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do not allow the authorities and oligarchs to powder people were brainwashed and manipulated, as is happening in europe, so sergei pavlovich, you know, when we are close to mastering the nature of such technologies, then we can talk about economically viable green energy, while we are at the beginning of this path, yeah, while we we are replacing it with some kind of strong-willed decisions, this is dangerous, georgi valerievich, so this is already a noble cause, but we have our own, risk, a noble cause, so... green energy is an area of ​​​​huge risk, where experimenters, noble, they experiment on normal ones, ordinary people, driving the economy, so this will somehow change or not, or will it really change only when this economy is profitable, and this is very, very long time ago, but for now it is a risk, which is a noble cause, when i was little, i just very good, i still remember my fright in a science lesson in the fifth
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or sixth grade, where the science teacher told us about ozone holes. our summer residents, three summer residents return home, go on trains, and boast to each other about the harvest there, one says: this year my apples grew so huge, i took one. i put a store-bought one in this bag, it couldn’t stand it, its handles came off, the second one said: yes, he said, my apples grew this year, i took one apple, put it on the dining table, the table broke, it couldn’t stand it, the third says,
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yes, it’s nonsense, i have apples this year, i took one apple and put it on the cart, he says, and that the cart fell apart, but where is it, a worm crawled out of it and ate the horse, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 it will be tv day, goodbye. ireland, spain and norway announced recognition of palestine, israel is not happy. countries that today recognize the palestinian state reward terrorists, murderers and rapists. the federation council approved the bill on creating a public one.


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