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tv   Operetta kapitana Krutova  NTV  May 23, 2024 1:45am-2:36am MSK

1:45 am
and we are at ease, again at ease, the city is still three cuts away, we are at ease, again at ease, there is nothing to do, nothing to unsee, nothing to unsee, nothing to develop.
1:46 am
you’re bringing the boss, now everything’s in order, the one who comes in first drinks, listen, they were just waiting for you, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, congratulations, thank you, machine, you’re great as always, thank you, i ask for champagne. you’re kidding, i’m kidding, i heard you have problems, but i don’t know what kind of problems, everything’s fine, come on, for you, for me.
1:47 am
what's happened? artamonov is my understudy, cop, can you imagine? well, it seems you didn’t mind? yes, but i was joking, and he offers her a contract, so what? like what? i see how he looks at her, do you understand? what if he gives the prime minister to her? so to put her
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instead of you, you’re our star, and she’s nobody, and you don’t know artamonov, he’s crazy, it seems to me that you’re worrying for nothing, you’re lazy, but could you talk to artamon again about what, let him take it talk to someone else, even markov. masha asked you, right? come on, this is my personal request. for what she's the one for you. listen, how much can you mock, huh? i took it at the insistence of kvortsova. she wanted an unknown artist. now you want it replaced? i don't require it. and
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masha was just joking, good jokes, you generally understand what it means to prepare an actress for a role in the seagull, this isn’t snow white and the seven dwarfs for a moment, and you’re afraid that i ’ll put her in place of skvartsova, don’t be afraid, i won’t , that’s it, nikolai arkadyevich, i ask you... let’s not spoil our personal, especially business relationships, do what i mean please, oh, hi, i found out, yes, of course, that’s how it is, okay. where to go,
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old man, just don’t show it to anyone else, and don’t advertise it. how bad is it? damn, what, not a theater? have you entered into an agreement with felatova? no, nikolai arkaevich, you know very well, i don’t have a position. you don’t have a staff, no one in this theater is capable of fulfilling their duties, okay, but i ’ll sign, we’ll look for some reserves, i don’t know, but there’s no need to look for anything,
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maybe we’ll take one of ours, who, the idea i do not have. maybe markov, well, enter something you'll have time, the role is big, it's chekhov after all, i'm chekhov's with my eyes closed, chekhov is mine, okay, the rest is all according to plan, according to plan, yes, according to our fucking plan, pilate's say, no need, i'll say it myself, okay .
1:52 am
he came in, we drank to the transition, whose, my, i’m leaving you, tomorrow, investigative committee, congratulations, gene, stop drinking, and soon you’ll sign your own death warrant without even looking. nikolaich, they called you, sit down, dash, we need to talk, you are certainly a very talented
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person, of course, you need to continue, this no, it's, it's true, to be completely honest. then in many scenes you, you are much stronger than skvortsova, if it were up to me, i would answer, yes, oleg, where, i understand, i’m leaving, ganaev was killed. that they shot him, found him in the park on a bench,
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you understand, well, there is one, you found one, look for the second. so, well, we got deeper into it, i told you, you had to put your feet up and wiretap, he said, artist, where is your koludin, he’s not mine, he was filming in the morning, in the morning, i ’ll check it later, what’s wrong with you? blind in the neck, no bullet, second shot in the heart, we'll get the bullet, here thank you, for the second bullet, thank you, what would we do without the bullet, really, guys, we’re standing there, we’re going around to drink everyone up, and who are we going to question, ducks and squirrels, me too, you too, let’s go look for witnesses, so go here,
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joke around, but what should i do, so, firstly, i have a complete certificate, where i was, what i did, yeah, secondly, you’ll go... now for the shooting, you’ll find out if there was cologin there , thirdly, call his passion tomorrow morning, clear, clear, clear, fourthly, why are you doing this, is it a holiday? what, each new trumpets are always a holiday for me, go away, how it went doesn’t matter. they might find the shell casing, but why didn’t he take it, because
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he had to go, normal guys are fighting for such a revolver, where can i get it in the museum, listen, i keep thinking, why do you need this, you know, you need to clearly know how to do the right thing in order to there were no problems, but you do the opposite. stop, taken, well done, rearrangement to the reverse point, quickly, denis, oh, hi, why are you here, let's move away, i'll be right back, i need to interrogate you, come on, on the same topic, approximately, you were there after six here, yes you didn’t go anywhere, but where can you go? we ’re completely off schedule, ganaev was killed, can anyone confirm that you were
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here? calm down, thank you, and move on, i asked. speaks to artamosha, with whom? artamonov, our artistic friend, yeah, so what? i just asked to change the actress in the second cast, but he didn’t want to, but he didn’t want to, well, they agreed, yes, i called lena, he said that everything was fine, yeah, it’s true that he was upset about something, it seemed to me that he spoke so dryly, just to the point. something like this, where is he, he told me, that where he was in the car, it was noisy, well
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, you agreed with him about something, i don’t know, about a meeting, no, lenya just said that she would call back, call back, that is, where he was going, you don’t know, no , you ask the security guard. they are always with him, which guards? his guards, roma gvozdyov and pasha toporov. let's ask. sorry, alyonya, they definitely killed me.
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yes, you can, what do you have again? it from the sideboard to the balcony into a chest with deer, and then neighbor zina called, well
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, to chat, well, we chatted, it was nothing at all, but i forgot about the chest when i went today on the balcony for cucumbers, excuse me, my memory is not the same, why is there gold in the chest, it’s from thieves, as they say... then you put it, so, denis, i’ll tell it, and you write a statement, or maybe you can give me his phone number let me tell you, i have no morals. so, so, you ask your neighbors in writing and back to the base, the two of you are near the entrance, so no axes appeared at home, your mobile phone is turned off, maybe his too, if he had it too, he would have been lying there, by the way,
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an interesting person , these are axes, he and gonaev were in the same colony, you never know what? what could have happened between them there, they say sharp, in the theater during the performance he was waving a pistol, okay, i ’ll take care of the pistol, he has a friend, they guarded gonaev together, roma, it seems, nails, in general, install it, take it here, that’s it , we’re working, hello, eh? listen, i have this to do here, and tezhov asked a man to escort him, i’m driving him away, he won’t shoot, you’re a witness, why can’t you call him on the phone, you’re capricious, a car, a summons, a lawyer, as always, uh-huh, i understand, give her the address, dash, m, it’s a matter of what the last name is, but gvozdev,
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roman eduardovich, thank you. “please, pashka and sergeevich didn’t have any problems, he worked for him, he’s actually in the theater, he covered him with him, they ’ve known each other for 10 years, you know, usually good friends torment each other , yes, he’s good, he may have already killed the plow, and here you are throwing away an empty lot, we are empty, look, the expert’s conclusion, the field was extracted from ganaev’s corpse.” was fired from pavel toporov’s service pistol, the expert wrote: here is the number, here is the signature, and you say empty, in short, empty, where the ax is, i don’t know, but maybe you helped him, well, that’s why you weren’t there that day with gonaev,
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so i was at the dentist, i have pulpitis, yes, i can call the doctor and you can ask him, is it pulpitis? did the ax call you? no, whose call is this, someone called, they made a mistake, no, you made a mistake, you and the owner are in trouble, and the phone, dry up, so you have no right, dry up. milan, they completely lost you there, hello, hello, you don’t have rehearsals today, i came for the costume, yeah,
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listen. masha is not at all adequate after the death of gonaev, i think they will put you at the premiere, well, i am also not adequate, yes oleg, where are you? i’m checking the address alone, let’s throw everything and the bullets into the department, the nail is clearly lying, i warmed it up a little, now i’ll release it on... somehow it breaks, we need to see what it’s on, i don’t have a car, at the very least, catch a private owner, we’ll pay then from the congestion of expenses, i’m now staring a lot here, he has cherry bmws, okay, well, it’s pulpitis, let’s continue where we’re going, listen,
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please tell tanya that the suit is tomorrow, wait, wait, we're partners, so what happened? - okay, i’ll tell you on the way, let’s go. dash, he knows my car, sell it urgently and buy a new one, hold on to it! two cars, he broke it, it looks like he won’t catch up with this tractor, i beg you, it’s only in the movies that there are no traffic jams.
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2:07 am
well, it sucks, they saw you in pink, the cops think you’re on business, they found a bullet. they checked your trunk, damn, you need to get out, think about it, there was a chase after me now, he left, well, yes, it seems, i’ll go to my grandmother in tashkent, they won’t get it there, so they’ll grab me at the border, and yes there is treasured tubes. it’s so dangerous, it’s better to go to sevastopol, i have a sidekick there, what a sevastopol, the city of russian sailors, you
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hide your sidekick so that no one will find it at all, but your grandmother is more reliable, your own blood, so let’s crucify you. i’ll call stashkinto, come on, bro, take care! come on bro,
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here he is!
2:10 am
but you got caught the first time, you earned two articles the first time, shooter, what are you doing, it’s a suspect, well, he was running away, even you said catch up, you’re standing, call an ambulance, come on, come on, i’m picking it up, that’s it, that's what i thought, it's unlikely he saw,
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what did you shoot the back of the eye? no, he turned around, it’s nonsense, so that’s it, i shot, of course, wait, they’ll hit you, i have a different article, it’s milder, they’ll give me probation, if he killed ganaev, nothing at all, remember, i shot, shit, thank god i didn’t torn, although the bone was cracked, there were bullets on the way out, plus a layer of fat, in general i was lucky, although formally there was serious harm to health. he’s recovering from the operation now, chezhov went after him, okay, first-year, well, dasha, you, it just happened somehow, i didn’t aim if honestly, i would never get hit like that on purpose, but because you don’t follow orders, well, how many times can you repeat the provisions on the use of weapons, you should know, i know, i know, okay, you don’t think about yourself, think about the team, a joint on a joint and
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drives me with a joint, write a report for the exit, but don’t scare me with a rapport, freely, the boss came out of the theater, immediately ordered to go to the park, his arrow there was clogged, yeah, oh, oleg ivanovich, what’s the car, i’m letting go, let him wait, is there, with whom is the arrow? didn’t say, we arrived at the park right away i went to the lake, just sat down on a little palm, and this guy with a little beard, in dark glasses , looks like a professor, but they rubbed something there for a minute, sergeevich waves to me, they say, come, then, i’m coming, and the guy in his hand is holding a trunk in a bag, but you can immediately see that it’s not a carrot,
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he’s sergeevich... he swung at me, come on, they say, finish him off, but why would i put myself under the trunk, the pepper is immediately visible as a pro, and aren’t you a pro? no, well, sergeevich doesn’t care anymore, but why should i bother, and then this asshole says: that’s it, drop the gun, get out of here, i’m in i jumped into the car and drove off to vitka’s dacha, why not call the police, an ambulance, explain everything to them, i already called for 3 years of general security once.
2:14 am
you hear, he says, it’s not old, killing a corpse, that’s not murder, i’m sorry, sales, i really didn’t mean to, somehow it happened automatically, i forgot that it’s not filming, yes, i admit, it’s not necessary, but what will happen to the old , well, whatever, an accusation, i think,
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good luck, and now we have a conversation. with you the subject, namely article 114, part two, well, in case i forgot, intentional infliction of a serious crime harm to health committed while exceeding the measures taken to detain the person who committed the crime, it was unintentional, well, of course it turns out to be a very funny term, but if you don’t dig deep, it depends on who will dig and how, with a deep study of the issue you can give up to 105, but through an assassination attempt,
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come on, it’s not me, even, the materials on the shooting were transferred to the investigative committee, and guess who will deal with them? who? gennady ivanovich shvartskhopov, well... he will approach the matter with all his heart, so to speak, with all responsibility, some delicious tea you have here, where’s the money for the artist, you’ll fly around the zone like a seagull, and dad will watch, you’ll meet there, yes, yes,
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allow me, yes, come in, dash, come in, here’s the report, sit down. have you gone crazy because of the shooting? come on, i’m so confused, we won’t hand you over, what are you really doing, it’s not because of the shooting, andrei andreevich, circumstances, some kind of nonsense, what happened? honestly, they offered me a good place; you could say i dreamed of it since childhood. dasha, dasha, you know how much they offered me at one time, but according to science i could, you’re ours, sorry if you didn’t live up to
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expectations, there’s no turning back. it’s okay, you’re the daughter of a man who was previously convicted, you understand? understand. while i have it, think about it. i thought. free. nikolai arkadyevich, my dress from the fourth act, you his. really, they saw it, the costume designers say that you approved it, yes, you saw it, you approved it, but it’s terrible, yes, i like it, and even an old woman wouldn’t wear something like that, it’s just some kind of rubbish, so masha, let’s set the record straight
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, it’s all about the fact is that this dress is possible, you won’t need it, like... what are you taking off? me from the role? of course not, the performer has the main role, there should be a second cast, it seems to me that you are perfect for this, who will play the premiere? fillatova will play, in my opinion, she does a great job. by the way, you forced it on me, remember? thank you, are you? so with me, because lenya, about leonid sergeevich, peace be upon him, you and i will not remember anymore, we agreed,
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have a good day, masha. “pass by, good man, without you, toshka, you can, but, mrs. fillatova, come in, take a seat, well, congratulations on your appointment to the role, thank you, here is the contract for the provision of services, according to the labor code, read and..." sign, listen, and you don’t happen to have an oligarch husband or a rich lover, or a mistress, no, i
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don’t have any money for a banquet, after the premiere, i don’t have money for flowers either, i was the only one, he was killed, good people, where is the world going, come on, guys, seryozha, lunch is already over, let’s
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wake up, we will work, boris sergeevich, thank you, sergeevich, there are scars on the body to do, of course, to make sure everything is true, let’s wake up.
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it was she who set me up, you can never trust women, they will find you anyway, and what will happen to me, because of you, nothing will happen to me.
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shall we call the police? which police?
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to the police you sent me to, to watch how you are identified, how you are caught. ok, just wait. let's come to me, i'll show you something. don't be afraid, i'm not a maniac, let's go, this is my wife. i was 15 years old in one day, i just can’t get used to the fact that anechka, that anechka is no more, it seems ran out to the store or to the hairdresser, she
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was in a position at the time, they decided to celebrate their wedding anniversary. in the hall some lads were walking, they didn’t share something, a fight broke out, then shooting, they hit me in the side, and they hit me in the heart, she immediately, and i was in the hospital for six months, no one bothered to look for these freaks, you remember what years were there, who to look for, am i a deputy? yes, so an aspiring film director, 3 months ago a cop called me, but he was in charge of this case at the time, information came from the zone, one zek rattled off that there was no fight, it was staged, i was decided
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remove, and vanechka was hit by accident, what are you doing, then i...
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what’s the problem, commander? i got up and taught him, oops, i understood my hands, i didn’t understand, i went, i didn’t expect, he really didn’t expect that i would find him, i ’ll fall down, naturia, it’s sanchovel, i didn’t know, i knew, i didn’t know, what’s the difference.
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well, then i stirred it up. i took some clothes with me from the closets, so that they would think it was a robbery, then i threw them out in the forest, and then i talked to the next one from those and the restaurant, his name is sancho. i don’t understand, i say, i don’t understand, this is for you to understand, and now tell me, he’s also in
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i put my pants on, i learned from him that he ordered me a gonai, one of those who laid claim to... the land from the film studio, wait, well, it was possible to come to an agreement with you somehow, i don’t know why they would kill right away, apparently it’s easier this way, but then gonaev turned from a bandit into a businessman, 15 years old, i was sure that this was an accident, it turns out that your binge is also fake. well, no one canceled the shooting schedule, but lenya, ganaev - this is not a trigger for you, is that so? fine. where to go old man, just don’t show it to anyone else, and we don’t
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advertise it, that’s a shame, i denied everything, i i saw how he signaled to the guard, shot him in the neck, well, the bullet went straight out, then he set up the guard with a pistol, so you... if you showed up in my place, krutov, i’m not krutovo, i’m not the law, guns where, boris sergeevich, you see, the internship was good for you, you threw it away, okay, let’s call your darina romanovna, in principle i don’t care. “i have fulfilled my duty, then, whatever will happen, don’t
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worry, go ahead, call, i ’ll come to her anyway, tomorrow, i’ll come, it’s so beautiful at noon, i’ll confess everything, only i have to come to you there will be..." the last request, what, i need to finish my shift, the movie needs to be filmed.
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dasha wrote a report on the civilian, so what, this does not cancel the punishment, the act was committed in advance, i don’t have any more information, but i have, your three-year ambush, since it falls under a good article, use of official position, you will not only... give away the apartment, well, also this car, the lawyer’s bill, the cars, by the way, which ones you bought with, your own , i told you that she wrote a report, like i did with her i find out, quietly, quietly, that you are yelling like that, you just need to go to schwarzkopf and tell him something for the record, like, for example, after the arrest of gvozdyov, felatova said that she shot deliberately to kill, in order to pin the murder of a gun on the poor guy. but she missed due to poor use of weapons, that’s it, kolya, you will live peacefully in someone else’s house if you ride this beauty,
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by the way, it’s like new, what year is it, let’s ride it, fuck you, hello, lost, how are you feeling, well, thank god, but truth? of course, with pleasure, we agreed, uh-huh, some kind of idiocy, some kind of moralism, today he will come here to confess, no, so that yesterday before the meeting with this confession he will come, at which i. well, where is your thinker, it’s already a quarter past twelve, he promised, promised, and you’re dumbfounded ,


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