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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 23, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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we took money to st. petersburg to the bank twice a month , that is, this was your usual route, of course, we’ve been working like this for 2 years, nothing like this has ever happened, but how many attackers were there, two, both in a cop uniform, or rather in a traffic police uniform, i was alone i remember, if necessary i’ll describe it, yeah, they remembered, okay, so they stopped your car, what happened next, well, i went out alone and he shot me twice, yeah, and then? i don’t remember, i lost consciousness, and that means he didn’t finish you off, but you don’t believe me, one second, doctor, what can you tell by about the wound, i was born in a shirt, a little to the left and that’s it, i wouldn’t bandage anyone here, but that is, in principle, such a wound can make you lose consciousness, of course, i’m not lying, and they didn’t finish me off because they thought i was dead , citizen, calm down for god’s sake, no one is accusing you yet, i’m just obliged to ask such questions, the service is like this, if you have no more questions, let me...
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i like it, not well, that being alive is good, i could just be a gunner, that's what i'm talking about, lesh, what do you have, they'll have to do it right i don’t like it alive, and i can’t do it either, when it cools down, there are a lot of shell casings, there are also a lot of bullets in the corpses, yeah, they shot from a makarov pistol and a kalashnikov assault rifle, so there will be something to follow. just delay, okay, yes, i know, do it quickly, yes, in general, girls, go to the office where the money was taken from, turn there, press, even if the gunner was not this wounded driver, probably someone from there, don’t worry, you’re burning, we’ll twist it and squeeze it to the desired state, well, come on, i’ll ask him a couple more questions, then the driver, yes, no, you don’t just think, olya, prepare a list of all our
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employees and two coffees. i can’t believe that this still happens in st. petersburg, fortunately all the liability of the collectors was insured. yes, this is really very good, but as you can see, vadim, the 21st century has not come for everyone. tell me which other of your employees knew exactly.
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the third person was injured, we have been transporting money along the same route for several years, twice a month, why did this happen now, this is vadim, really very logical and correct the question you are asking is, tell me, have any of your employees recently had conflicts in the workplace, financial difficulties or some kind of family problems? i don’t know, nothing immediately comes to mind, well, there’s no need to immediately, think about it!
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i’ll take a look and hold on, so now we’ll go to a meeting, then we’ll go to mikitos, we’ll figure it out, he’ll help, girls, girls, aren’t you local, she’s beautiful, and you know, it’s not customary for us to go to neighborhoods with such telephone numbers, but you know whyshchiki means, no no, hands, vitaly lead to the nearest cafe, come on boys, we'll go to a cafe ourselves somehow. or you yourself, let’s go, hear you, scythe,
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come on, lie down, rest, quietly, quietly. let's go, let's go, let's go, well, ritka, you're cool, oh well, you can do it too, great, borya, great, hi, andryusha, you've packed your things, what kind of things, borya, what are you talking about, they say?
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forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element; it is the calling of the strong to stop and defeat the fire. observer pilots, paratroopers-firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, aviation forest protection rosle khoz, a reliable shield of the russian forest. hey, well what are you doing? what, you, basically, sit here, while i fetch the doctor, and what is that you have hanging around here? emergency exit, premiere, what kind of thing is this? it smells like kerosene, papandos in
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full, this is a setup, we need to get rid of the corpse, i’m an officer, i’ll shoot myself, yes, come on, come on, stop the hysteria, now, why, kolya, well this is the way out, i know what to do, today at 22:15 on ntv. potapav will not be there, he is in court, and rydanov is sleeping off after 24 hours. okay, report on the double murder on the highway. three employees one company took the proceeds to the bank. yes. the villains who attacked them on the road turned out to be traffic cops. they shot from a pistol and a machine gun, but the driver miraculously survived. now, this is very interesting. yes, we think so too, that’s why i... assigned guards from the police department to him, uh-huh, you need to work with him, uh-huh, if he’s not a gunner, then he’s a valuable witness, because he’s seen criminals in person, by the way, the lieutenant is right in what he says, so, when the results of the examination of the cartridges are ready, gosh, the examination has already been carried out and the results are ready, there is something interesting, so what, the weapon
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has already been fired somewhere, well, this is a service weapon and it was fired at the shooting range of the ministry of internal affairs, wow, how do you understand this, a week ago in novgorod there was an attack on the pps crew, they were lured into an ambush, but... two sergeants were killed on the spot, the third died in the hospital, that is, now the criminals may probably have weapons, our villains are complete scumbags, now they already have five corpses, but maybe that ’s not all, there may be corpses that are still just not found, class, what, oh, sorry, i accidentally, someone’s class, and someone’s head they will tear you off for not revealing it, everything is clear to everyone, but it’s much clearer that there are five corpses, that’s right, they are armed, you understand what else they can do, we understand, georgievich, we will look, in general, report to me on this case two times a day, even if nothing happens, there is where the operational plan is, we haven’t had time to do it yet, we were going after
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the meeting, okay, where do you think we should start, well, judging by the new information on the weapon, it left novgorod, so it’s possible assume that the killers come from there, or at least one of them. i agree, yes, if live with your novgorod colleagues, maybe they have some experience, that’s it, go, work, work, called, georgievich, called, hello, hello, come in, come in, georgievich, why are they all so mysterious, come here, and are you so irritated, you’ll drive me crazy, i didn’t invite you to sit down, wow, i obey. so, why are the miami police looking for you? what police are looking for me? what city, sorry? miami, usa, are you deaf? tell me, have you ever been to the states? no, of course, georgievich, what america, what miami? i have
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only been abroad to the baltic states twice. why are they looking for you then? yes, how do i know, it’s probably some kind of joke, a misunderstanding. i'm not kidding. general mirzlyakin himself came on your occasion, you know, himself. didn't understand. look, rodanov, if you did something, i ’ll take you, you understand, yes, yes, what are you, what are you , this is some kind of nonsense, that’s it, go, bye, free, that’s it, go already, i’ll do it myself to figure it out, some kind of apocalypse, or something...
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well, of course, it’s very funny, just to be offended, but what’s normal with such a flask, listen, i have to you. this is a serious matter, information is urgently needed. listen, georgivich, i’m still waiting for you to retire. for what? well, you and i will meet just like that, have a good drink, have a snack, and remember your stormy youth. we don't have to wait long, soon, let's separate it, i need a fir tree, one is called a fish, the other is like a cat. wait, i haven’t asked where from yet?
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i know, well, give orders to your eagles, they’ll hit the bases, there should be an end to the locals, thank you,
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andryukh, urgently take ella and rita, hit the bases and look for the defendants by nicknames, that’s it fish, no, this is not a joke, it means that the tobys from novgorod, convicted of robbery, may have contacts in st. petersburg, that’s it, you’re working, georgich, after all, no, venechka, thank you, wait. by the time i retire, come on, okay, let’s hurry up, tych, tydyts, popog, you, we know each other, no, but they told me about you, so i think that we are strangers. i would notice such a young lady, who whispered to you about me? cat, cat, well, so
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red, something like that, look, if you’re lying, i ’ll find you, and if i’m not lying, cat, you say, well , how is he doing there, cat? money is somewhere raised, shows off, in short, there is something, and you have, you offend, good afternoon, criminal investigation, let's go talk to us, hello, but we have documents, we have them, well, let's go, if you invite,
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well done, just so tenderly , gently, what about it, well, let’s go, what, let’s start? you already understand that we need another character, well, let me go, boss, but not the horseman, not just the horseman, we need a cat, you need a cat, well, go to the pet store. don't be a homie, if you want to be accused of distributing drugs, we 'll figure it out for you quickly, but i have others there are no options at all, if you think about it with your stupid head, there will be, everything will depend on the assistance of law enforcement agencies, possession of drugs, this is half the term , cut short, you need a cat, boss,
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you will have a cat, you know where it is.. . i , at first he wanted to talk to me, but i, i shaved him off, they say he’s completely gone off the rails, i don’t need people like that, i, i, i’m not like that , he’s inadequate, i don’t communicate with people like that, but before you. i had something to do with him in novgorod, oh, boss, well, that was a long time ago, and he’s cold, he’s tough, he might kill me, i’m... not like that, well , let’s say, let’s say, if, as you say, you shaved off the cat, how do you know where he is? so, i rented a hut for him, because i thought, well , he’s screwed, he started to get mad after that, waving a gun, shouting something , give me the address, write it down, what? boss,
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you won’t tell him that i leaked it, but don’t say, don’t say, write, write the address, well, girls, we’re working according to the old scheme, yes, they’re good, you have a real war coloring. this is a boot, who else is he, why the hell is he got stuck, shut up, some women, it looks like a scoundrel on call, but what about us? maybe the address
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was mixed up? come on, we need those too.
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in the morning, cops from the states come to us, panic, what this time, what this time, tomorrow with bursting into tears. you’re unlikely to master the language before tomorrow, you think, and rydanov speaks english, no big deal, he’s never had any contact with foreigners, except maybe when we were looking for this laptop of a drunken finn, well, that’s a different story, but english, here you will need a translator, you think, of course, okay, we’ll find out everything in the morning, but so that he’s not there
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i’ve done this, i won’t just give it to them, what are you saying, he won’t give in to sobbing himself, that you ’re not going home, i’m on duty. but you can, but i want to wait for ours, well , i’ll still try to remember the language, well, try, of course, but god help you, yeah, i’ll try, i’ll try, so, well, well, like that, if, well, here so, if hello, my american friends, there was no need to open it, the ram, the ram itself, the goat, the goat itself, the moron, the moron, you yourself said open it. just think, the woman has arrived, fall for the scam, the woman, listen, you are preoccupied animal, if we sit down because of you, i’ll kill you,
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understand? what does it mean if you sit down, you will definitely sit down like a dear, don’t even doubt it, you will sit down, you will sit down, you will sit down, especially since we have already found the most important thing, i called the experts, yeah, yes, i understand, well, gentlemen , good luck, the carriage has arrived, let's go to the department, we'll sort it out, on the 18th we were detained, look, everything is in the report, come on, stop lying, what is this, are you crazy or what? so, well, i didn’t expect this from you, georgievich, what are you talking about, no physical violence, only psychological pressure, and you go there, okay, it’s good that he says, he confessed, he’s lying, supposedly during the raid...
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they gave us everything right away, uh-huh, but where is the stolen property then, they handed it over, then we went to the tavern, okay, it ’s too late, tomorrow we’ll sort it out, if it turns out that the pawnshop is your alebi, you’ll go to jail only for robbery, that’s it, friends, let’s go home, this doesn’t concern you, sit, rita, without your hands, oh what are you doing? the fish is lying, yes, there is a coincidence, two pams were confiscated from them, wait, but in our case one pistol worked and machine gun, georgievich, well, perhaps they got rid of the machine gun or hid it until better times, well, let’s say, then, we tried to restore the chronology of events, first they shot the money carriers on the highway. and an hour later they carried out an armed raid on a pawnshop, well, in general , there is more than enough time to move from the highway to the city, no, it’s unlikely, well, look, they take 15 million rubles on the highway,
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and an hour later they rob the pawnshop and they take only half a million worth of things, but this is nonsense, it’s not them, nonsense, convincingly of course, but such you are destroying a good version, but i can briefly say, for now , only in words, yeah, about those two poems that you gave me for examination, i can confidently say that people. i contacted my novgorod colleagues about the attack on the pps patrol, they have almost nothing, except that these assholes are not from novgorod, they just came, got weapons and
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left. that’s it, that means we’re done with the cat and the fish, we hand them over to the apers who work at the pawnshop, and as lieutenant dmitrieva correctly put it, we start all over again. solovet is listening, where? now we will. we have a second robbery, again two corpses, if there are no results in the near future, we will all be to blame, so why are we sitting here, let’s go ahead and leave, oh, clear sea, where do these corpses come from, by budding or what? well, look, what's there? listen, i’m certainly not
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an expert, but i’m almost 100% sure that this is heroin, and for a very specific amount. so, then, we can assume that these two, if they were killed because of dope, why didn’t they take the dope away, didn’t they find it or something? listen, well, i don’t have one at all. feeling like there's something here we were looking, maybe we just didn’t have time to find it, someone scared us off, maybe so, well, what can you say, the results of the examination will, of course, come later, but i can say for sure that the gizas who collected here and gizas from the highway of the same series are lesh , but not this, this, this means the shooters, most likely the same ones, great, they’ve arrived, well, the main command will kill georgievich, and then georgievich will come and kill us, but if we don’t speed up and catch these shooters, then so on and there will be one more thing, the lock of the front door is opened with master keys, yeah, this is the window it was open before i arrived, and also, there were two barrels shooting here, one of them was
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t, and the other was p. here is gilzha. yes. thank you, science. yes. please. we'll keep thinking. it’s not any easier now. yes, i'm an honest cop. being an honest cop is not very profitable. i no longer have a wife; i was kicked out of moscow. and very dangerous. i simply cannot guarantee that by evening i will not be put on the wanted list or killed. but captain morozov. you, morozov, know how to make people angry. for a long time. made your choice, there is a good cop proverb: you don’t know how act, act according to the law, and don’t intend to retreat, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of ours couldn’t cope with it, bring us the head of this cop, maybe it’s really better for you to leave and miss all the fun, no, vakhtang beridze, you’ll take one more step , your brains will be on the security guard’s face, i understand, the pack starts on monday at 22:10
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your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels. revmoflex evalar. movement without pain in any weather. so, about the weather for today: yakutia is getting ready for summer, verkhoyansk is up to +20, there is very little left. in the south of the republic it is already above twenty, but the southern regions of the far east took a cool break at the end of may. from yuzhno-sakhalinsk to blagoveshchensk, the temperature is below normal, the weather is cloudy and windy, and there is still rain on the islands. and in siberia, the rains will stretch in a wide strip across the south, from omsk to irkutsk. but if in in the eastern half it is at least warm, a little above twenty, then closer to the urals, the arctic cools everyone down, in the urals it is not higher than 10 ° and also rains, on european territory there is continuous sun, here two anticyclones at once bring summer closer, in the south, near the caspian sea, in the ozovo region is even hot, on the black sea coast it’s about 25, in the middle
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zone the weather is calm, in the volga region it’s really cold, only 10-15, but in the center in chernozem the warming up is in full swing, the successes are even brighter in the north-west, in st. petersburg +23 sunny, in moscow it is also cloudless and about twenty. ellie in the next front door no one saw anything, but they heard popping noises, what’s wrong with you? there is a witness, she was just walking home at that moment, she heard shots, and then a window opened on the second floor, a man jumped out, jumped and ran away, the window was just in our apartment, great, well done, she was attentive, the man was dressed in red a jacket and black jeans, this is already a lot, let's go through the yards, maybe we'll pick something up, oh ivanovich, what are you doing? andrew, friend! hello ivanovich, give it to me, listen, i don’t have time, i really need it, i have nowhere to live, ivanovich, there’s no time, you don’t know anything, so tell me what you have, what? well, today i’m going to the station, i asked for money for a bubble,
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i come home, and there’s this bastard sitting there, he kicked me out, he took the bubble, you’re going to live there, instead of me, hand it over, help, let’s go, let’s go, we’ll solve your problem, and then what he was wearing, well, this... a red jacket, black trousers, come on, show me your clothes, let's go. it is he? yes, he seems to be. where did i tell you to stand? by the way, i am also an operator. i 'll talk to you later. opera. georgievich, we took it
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his. andryush, please tell me who agafya is, wait, now. agafya. i got drunk, i don’t know who you are, monster, but fima, fimayama, my last name, fima varlamov,
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you killed people on the highway in the apartment, on which highway, so listen, fima, alcoholic, let’s get sober, we’ll eat sober, we remember the drink, we remember novgorod, come on, come on, what kind of novgorod, you girls... are scratching, but they remembered novgorod, yeah, i turned on the fool, the conversation doesn’t fit in, uh, no, no, no, no, don’t write anything there, like doesn't fit, fits, that's it, i now i’ll tell you everything, i’ll hand over everyone, but i need guarantees, i need guarantees that i’m being assigned to the right cell, and that the cartridge is not enough for me, there, of course, the cartridge, what cartridge, my boss, well, well, that’s him for us he gave it to the nimble grandmother so that we could take the game with gerich, now this is an interesting movie, come on... tell me first, but, but i need guarantees, you tell us everything, and i guarantee you guarantees, of course, look, there, there, there it is, we are quick to the patron, yes, he gives us money, we quobly on
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we're sitting in the kitchen, counting money, then the cops burst in, the cops, well , they're bursting in with garbage and let's pour it on, for good measure, there's about three people, they're probably goyish, they're firing at their advantage with machine guns. a sharp one in the forehead, a shot in the stomach, well, i’m behind the sofa, let’s shoot at them with a gun, and what are they, they’re with machine guns, i’m looking out the window, that’s it, traffic cops say, you know? i believe you, yes, i just don’t understand why you were drinking vodka in the basement, it’s the end of me, the end of me, you understand, the patron will kill me, he will kill me right away, no drugs for you, no money, and i was thinking in this basement, why am i going to wait until everything calms down, and i quietly left the city and went on my way, and there was this homeless man with vodka, well, why did i squeeze the vodka out of him, drank the vodka, i’m scared,
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only you give me these guarantees, that i also have testimony about the patron, you will live, a warm cell, that he won’t get me there, everything will be fine, but we promised, there will be guarantees, you will have a cell, you will get a nut for your money. regarding the double murder in the apartment, we have the following: a certain roach lived there, who was involved in the supply of large quantities of heroin, then two people came to him, varlamov and a smart guy with 10 million, to buy this heroin, they, by the way, worked for a crime boss nicknamed patron, then they sat down to divide the money, at that moment some unknown people burst in, opened fire, as a result about... shustrov was killed, arlamov managed to escape, we found him in one of
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the basements, a tt pistol was confiscated from him and he testified about the cartridges, yes, the killers were in uniform, their weapons were the same ones from which they were shooting on the highway, that is, they took the money that varlamov brought, and drugs, they took the money, but the drugs remained in the closet, perhaps they did not know about the drugs, or they were not interested in drugs, or they simply did not have time to look, well, in any case, the killers knew that the money in the apartment would... go away from the city, they now have a lot of money, and then the general will disperse us, i’ll retire, in general, if we don’t take them quickly, i’ll wave you on the road, wave my wand, maybe i’ll earn money for a new car, so andrey, it’s not funny , not funny. did you check who might know about the transportation of money from
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offices? they checked, but there are a lot of names there, yes, we still need to find out from varlamov who could have known that he would bring the money today, make lists for both cases, are there any coincidences? yes, yes, nikita is already doing this, we need to hurry up, help him, that’s it, free, radanov, stay, goodbye, friends. i have a new american question for you. i can’t tell you anything on this issue. i'm in shock myself. now listen to me carefully. the general said that, well, according to preliminary information. you were married to a us citizen. rdanova agafya darmidortovna. what? who was i married to? you know very well that i have never been married, especially to agafya darmedontovna.
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“i don’t see anything funny, casanova, and nikitos, these are all the lists, well, that ’s not enough for you, understand, we are looking for intersections between two attacks, if the bandits worked on a tip, then there must be someone who gave this tip, wait, how to find him, firstly, i understand that you don’t know all the participants in the drug scheme, and secondly, wait, you’re thinking correctly, only you me interrupted, but i think it’s unlikely that we will find among
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the employees of the bookmaker’s office someone who was an accomplice of drug dealers, we need to expand the circle of suspects, it could be anyone, mom, dad, grandmother, neighbors, expand, expand, please, girls, please , but this will take a long time, but it’s interesting, so, in short, i’m getting coffee, does anyone need something, uh, wait, wait, nikitosik, wait, wait, elka, well done, what ’s wrong? was right about the neighbors, so igor vasiliev, born in the eighth year, was fired from the bookmaker about six months ago office chance, has a car. but according to traffic police reports , it was not he who violated the rules in this car, but a certain alexey alekseevich sergeev. wow, so he is somehow connected with drug dealers? no, no way, he lives in the next apartment. oops, we were there today on the road. so, what, coffee? nikitos, you
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know, i love coffee very much. yes. let's check the tickets, were they in novgorod or not? come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. yes, that means. and as oleg georgievich says, there is no coincidence in our work, elka, in my opinion, we found, in my opinion, yes, let's go, thank you, good luck, well, well, well, what, sergeev is not
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at home, the neighbors say that he has been gone for a month, and lives, he is alone, so, here, kremov called, says vasilyeva. there’s also no home, what are we going to do now, what are we going to do, we’ll go to the department, we’ll figure out where to look for them, let’s go, andryukh, don’t fall asleep too much, we still have to catch the criminals, i ’ll give you three sentences, if of course we catch them, well, in general , morozhkin is also not registered at his place of residence, you know, i think i had a similar business, but a long time ago, of course, also from frosty weather, we made several passes, there was no way to get to them, no clues. and do you know what you got caught with? for live bait? yes, they caught the courage, they couldn’t stop, and most importantly, the scoundrels worked according to a similar scheme, leads to old places of work, names, passwords, addresses, appearances, and so on. any idea where they might go next? but so far only guesses, but when you were at sergeev’s address, i went to the shopping
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center where he worked, it turns out he was fired from there with a scandal, showed up for work, drunk, made a row, and flew out of there, even without compensation. do you think they will go for a third trip? well, what are our options? maybe they are already halfway to novgorod or somewhere in yekaterinburg? well, you have to try. i agree. me too. no, girls, andryukha and i will go, because men, as a rule, work as collectors. andryukha, get up, don't sleep. i'm not sleeping, i'm in the know. for the day, a triple portion of cheesecakes to recharge. yes, yes, that's all. but yes, yes. this is possible, georgievich, you are our beloved pensioner, well, where did you go, i don’t understand, your job is to sit in your office, sign papers and give orders, just shut up, american spy, andryukh, you’re lucky, you’ll
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go on vacation to miami, go surfing, girls in bikinis, just don’t forget to invite us, okay, leave me alone from me. with our america, here we are, and so, attention, we are working, the police are on the ground, quickly, stand, hands up, hands up, i said, threw, threw the gun, as you came upon us, by the smell, sergeev, by the smell , but it doesn’t matter, what matters is how much you spend with your friends for lattice of time, until the end of life, or
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still a little less, don’t throw garbage, for those corpses that you hang for us, no one will slap us with less than a life sentence. wait, sergeev, don’t be rude, don’t. perhaps, of course, the court will not soften it, but options are possible. maybe you'll get lucky after all. 10 extra years of freedom is better than nothing, but being a prisoner is not a life sentence. everything will depend on which of you begins to testify first. whoever breaks first gets a chance, and the rest are in the air. aren't you tired? in the end, you will be the organizer, all the corpses, everything will be pinned on you, and you are so young, handsome, you will proudly rot in
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the zone, your accomplices after your imprisonment will drink to your health, no offense, we'll get the hell together, i think the polkan was chatting, in short, igorok knew when... where they were taking the cash register, he also wanted to get even for the fact that he was knocked out of the chance, the boss there is a moron, let's get to the point, petrukha figured out how to get the guns, but i just knew a tasty house, on the contrary, i knew that there for business, i once heard them talking about money in the apartment, that is, like this just because of money to put so many... people, why, we wanted to go abroad, clearly, you will go abroad, write,
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try like this, well, why don’t you go home, andryukha, ritka, imagine, i have great-grandmother died, okay, i sympathize, but why didn’t you tell anything about her before? yes, the fact of the matter is that i just found out myself. they sent documents from america. agafya darmidontovna, rydanova, my great-grandmother, such miracles happen. and what does america have to do with it? yes, at the beginning of the last century she emigrated to america with her family, and now all the property that belongs to me is inherited, that’s why they were looking for me. and big and... property in the inheritance, well, big, small, 5,000 dollars, wow, minus taxes, minus the services of the lawyer who was looking for me,
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the bottom line is, well, the thirteenth salary, this is the inheritance, listen, what to do, rita, if you’re not too busy, maybe let’s go and remember my great-grandmother, let’s go and remember her with a kind word, listen, right? they won’t kick you out of the authorities for having connections with america? what are you saying, no? of course, where can you get away from us, who would have thought, thank you, our northern bear, i don’t speak a word of english, where am i, where is america, we wish you the best morning. next in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we will talk about the intricacies of the inspection, the car in first
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gear, on ntv, the program of the emergency in the marat seddikov studio, the details of the incident in biryulyovo, there was a mass fight, investigators worked all night at the scene of the shooting, collecting material evidence, questioned eyewitnesses, at least two people went to the hospital... with stab wounds, they were naturally interviewed first. amkhat baygiraev, one of the participants in the conflict, speaks with two friends in cars returning after training in the gym, when suddenly at a bus stop they noticed how a certain man was beating a woman, they decided to stop to help, and he said: this is my wife, i then ask this women, is this your husband? she says: no, she’s shaking all over, she was shaking straight away, and we pulled him away, well, then everything was like in a bad movie, the offended one called friends and him to help from all sides. aggressive comrades began to gather, first 10 against three, then 15, 20, the number of attackers, explains bogirae at that time...


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