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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  May 23, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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on ntv there is an emergency program in the marat seddikov studio, we are live. and a loud revelation in ufa, an employee of the department for combating organized crime led a double life. it is now known about several crimes committed by the former senior detective. one of them amazes with its scale and sophistication. alexander goneev kept a seventy-year-old pensioner in a rented apartment for several months. she was sure. that she is being hunted by hired killers, whom galina grigorievna ordered from her daughter-in-law, but while the elderly woman was locked up, goneev persuaded her to pledge all her property, since 15 million rubles were allegedly needed for the special operation. tamara simonova has all the details of this exciting story. her neighbor is trying to bring seventy-year-old galina to her senses; only after a mug of herbal tea is the pensioner able to tell how she was deceived out of tens of millions, and not much else.
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if they get caught, there may be a second attempt, which they will not be able to prevent. while alexander goneev pretended to be looking for killers, cameras were installed in galina’s house, allegedly for her own safety , a gps tracker was hung on her neck for surveillance, calling anyone was forbidden, as well as leaving the house, and then goneev said that to catch the villains it is necessary to collect 15 million rubles, and the best way to do this is to mortgage all the real estate and the car, i say how to mortgage, he says:
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don’t worry, it’s for 2-3 months, all interest will be paid to the ministry of internal affairs, the house is 2 million , a three-room apartment is 3 million. i say, well , it’s somehow not right if i have everything in common somewhere it costs 20 million to hide a pensioner from prying eyes, goneev convinced the woman that it was unsafe for her to stay at home, she needed to move to a safe house as soon as possible. the pensioner packed her things, told neighbors that she was going to the hospital and disappeared. she lived in a rented apartment for 3 months. goneev. brought her food and medicine, forbade her to go out, and then suddenly disappeared, after which galina decided to return home and tell her neighbors about what happened. on the 10th-11th we return to our home and galina grigorievna suddenly, miraculously, she’s at home, there’s no car, we come to her right away, how are you, what’s going on, she’s shaking, spots appeared on her face from somewhere, this didn’t happen, the state she’s in now...
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is, this has never happened before, he was a thriving, healthy person, the neighbors contacted the police, it turned out that alexander goneev had already been detained, although for receiving a bribe, he was fired from the ministry of internal affairs and sent to prison for the duration of the investigation. the accused received a bribe in the amount of 8 million rubles. from the founders of the carrier company for illegal actions in in relation to competitors, also for general patronage of the organization’s business activities and information about planned inspections by law enforcement and supervisory authorities. ganeev was also charged under the article of fraud on an especially large scale. in addition to real estate and a car , he convinced galina to borrow money from friends and transfer large sums to him. goneev was not inspired by anything. while the pensioner was sitting in a safe house, he took out her jewelry, collectible alcohol, even took bed linen and a kilogram shrimp. i would never have thought that it was possible to leave an elderly woman who had lost everything in her life on the street.
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he stroked me like a kitten and i ran after him. galina was recognized by the victims in the fraud case, but the main question now is one: will the pensioner be able to return the millions she owes to the banks? tamara simonova, oksana gonchurenko and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. this is a car. famous actress marina orlova announced a scandal in her family. she says that she lost the land that her ancestors received in the mid-19th century. supposedly her husband. my sister was dealing with legal issues of the family, while orlova was on set, the woman sent money to build a house, but when she returned, she realized that she was left with nothing. is there a chance to get the family plots back? daria vezovaya will tell you about it. the dramaturgy of this plot from the life of actress marina orlova, admittedly, is more reminiscent of a detective series, an investigation in which she and her sister elena are conducting. the orlovs are trying to understand how it happened that the family nest is in pyatigorsk belonging.
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the property of the parents of the orlov sisters was registered in half in their name back in 2018, a year later they decided to build a new house on the site of one of the dilapidated buildings, they hired builders, the actress says they paid for the work, a former relative sergei nosov, according to marina, with whom the sister lived for only 2 years, in fact i didn’t invest anything, but for some reason, apparently, i decided to try on the role of a negative hero; i filed a lawsuit for the division of property, declaring my rights, if you’re talking about rights... so here they are all the same, there’s something i don’t understand, you’re still going to teach us, but don’t forget, baby, otherwise i ’ll quickly show you what rights you have. there is one very important episode in this action-packed story, the orlov sisters say: to declare he was able to claim his rights to the house only thanks to the registration certificate, which states that
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the building is already a residential building and was put into operation even before his divorce from elena. the actress has no doubt that the document is fake, because it states that there are all communications inside, like come in. live, in reality the walls are still bare, it is written that the house has a central sewerage system, which it seems to me that no one on our street has it at all, that there is light, electricity, heating, radiators, in general everything is there, look how beautiful we are there are batteries, yes, there are italian chandeliers and so on, by the way, the bti employee himself, where the technical passport was issued, admitted that he personally did not inspect anything, he wrote down everything essentially under the dictation of sergei nosov, it says there that there are... all communications, why did you write that? if they are not there? well, according to the man, he doesn’t inspect the sewers, but we don’t, for a long time. sergei nosov himself does not believe that his star relative has anything to do with this house, despite the official ownership, he says that while marina orlova was traveling on business trips and filming
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tv series, he invested too much in it to just give it away. we built a house for ourselves. during the divorce, we decided to divide it, what we had acquired over many, many years. too young to start now all over again. orlova’s sisters now intend to find out on what grounds elena’s ex-lover was able to receive this paper in the first place. it is not excluded that nosov could have used his past status, as before, according to them, he worked somewhere in the security forces. we believe this document is forged, because elena is the copyright holder, marina is the copyright holder, they did not order it, they did not submit the information, but surveyors, any other employees, bti employees, who issued it.
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the qr code you see on on your screen, let me remind you that under any publication in the chpmtv telegram channel you can leave your comment. a high-profile trial begins, followed by many residents of krasnodar, this is a trial in the case of a fatal accident. then there was a heated discussion on all social networks. this accident, the fact is that a drunk policeman was driving the foreign car that rammed you, alexey gritsov was so drunk that he couldn’t even speak. later it turned out that gritsov had been drinking with friends until the morning, and then in this state he offered to send them all home. what
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drunk driving could result in consequences, alexey gritsov knew very well; as a traffic police inspector, he wrote out protocols for violators many times, but for some reason he decided on his day off. that after a fun time with alcohol, he was allowed to get behind the wheel, well, don’t you feel sorry for the guy, 21 years old, he still has time to live, the father was deprived of a child, why did they still drive drunk , the person does not want to comment, these shots became one of the proof guilt in court, it is clear that gritsov did not even try to slow down at full speed, he flew into a domestic passenger car, the driver of which was turning into a gas station, and this was the consequence of being drunk, provoked by gritsov . you can judge from these shots how strong the blow was, the driver, twenty-one-year-old andrei samovik , died on the spot, even before the doctors arrived. life is divided into before and after, so we have more andryukh. the father of the deceased, alexander samovik, comments behind the scenes: he had to go through a terrible thing, he watched as rescue workers
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removed his son’s body from a mangled car. alexander samovik, deputy chairman of the public council at the local department of the ministry of internal affairs, so when he arrived at the scene of the accident, he immediately turned on his mobile camera. to record what was happening, he recognized the alleged culprit, inspector gritsov and his companion, who were in a very strange state, my son, in heat, what are you, who was driving, quickly, who was driving, just for you, what to me it doesn’t matter, what difference does it make to you, the investigators established that alexey gritsov was having fun with friends, they walked almost until the morning, then the policeman offered to send everyone home, a hefty dose was found in his blood alcohol, he admitted his guilt only during interrogation, in the first minutes after the accident he assured the investigators that he was in the back seat of the car, if you were in the car like... you say in the back seat you have nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be afraid of, not there is nothing to be afraid of, then sign
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the protocol, he is accused of violating traffic rules while driving a vehicle while intoxicated, as a result of which a twenty-one-year-old young man died. several years have passed since andrei’s death. months, in his room everything is exactly as it was during his life: the samovik family has four children , all boys. the guy's father proudly remembers his eldest son; the guy dreamed of connecting his life with the military. which will tell you how this happens in dreams. investigators collected the evidence fairly quickly, and the case came to trial
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almost six months after the tragedy. at the first hearing, the court began questioning witnesses. an ambulance attendant and a friend of alexey gritsov gave their testimony. it is known that he himself actively cooperated with the investigation and repented and fully admitted his guilt, apparently in the hope that he would be able to count on a mitigation of the sentence, the maximum punishment that faces the former traffic police inspector - 12 years in prison. residents of a voronezh high-rise building cannot understand why utility bills are rising monthly while the quality of these very services tends to zero, the reasons for the changes after advertising, hey, what are you doing, just sit here while i fetch the doctor. what do you have sticking out here? emergency exit, premiere, what the hell is this,
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it smells like kerosene, full of papandos, this is a setup, we need to get rid of the corpse, i’m an officer, i’ll shoot myself, yes, come on, come on , stop the hysteria, now, why, if, well, this is the way out, i know what to do, today at 22:15 on ntv . a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste? pleasure, love, recommend. hunting is your thirst
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1:40 pm
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1:41 pm
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he was visiting his friend, at some point he decided to rob a woman, for this osyapov brutally beat her, kamilla nizamova died from these injuries, but the killer calmly went to his home and then took a very active interest in progress of the investigation. it is extremely difficult to discern a human face behind the one painted on the mask, even in those moments when we are on trial. it is filmed by twenty-seven-year-old sergei osyapov, for his mother, who lost his daughter, he truly became the living embodiment of death, a person, in any case, she cannot exactly call him, this fascist, this is not a person, now i will provide a mother like a child, he her cooked it there, you know, he cooked it, what did the mother have to go through and how
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did she endure that picture when she discovered her daughter’s body disfigured by boiling water in hers? apartment in the shower, one can only guess, but the woman found strength in herself, because she now has to raise her grandson herself, who was left without a mother, he gets up on his knees on the bed and cries, mother doesn’t come, she says, and rimma really wanted to look at the eyes of the one who, for the sake of a trifle, essentially dealt with her daughter, while trying to clumsily cover his tracks, and even duplicitously lamented her death after he discovered it... i knew her, i knew her, you knew her, but why you did that, what did she do to you? as it turned out, during the investigation, during interrogations and checking evidence at the crime scene, the deceased kamilla nizamova
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really did not do anything for which sergei osyapov could hate her, in his case we are talking about any... at home he collected things that he had his eye on when he was tearing a chain from the victim’s neck, realized that the woman was not breathing, then he tried to cover his tracks, dragged the body into the shower stall, turned on the hot water, watched the video... the video showed that if you turn on the water, no bodily injuries will be found, despite to the suspect’s reported attempts, and
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the fact that the body really turned out to be disfigured by boiling water that poured onto the victim’s body all night, this did not become an obstacle for the experts, they established exactly what was the cause of death, and it became clear that the woman was literally beaten to death with a list of injuries that the prosecutor announced at the trial , shocked bodily injuries in the form of severe closed. traumatic brain injury with severe brain contusion, traumatic intracerebral intraventricular hemorrhage, which , due to its danger to life, is classified as serious, to harm to health. however, the defendant, who found out his guilt during the investigation, suddenly declared in court that he was only partially guilty. he promised to give an explanation of this position in his last word, but in the case there is enough evidence without osyapov’s confession. there is, for example, a recording of surveillance cameras, which...
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according to them, the house was seized by an organized crime group, which does not allow them to choose another management company to replace the chairman. in essence, people pay for services that are performed only on paper. it is not even possible to use a hygienic shower, because there is no hot water water. in general, it’s nothing but inconvenience, and i don’t understand how to continue living. the life of the residents of the high-rise building turned into a nightmare after they replaced the management company with the homeowners association. it seemed they had chosen him as chairman. a proven woman, but she suddenly transferred powers to a certain alexey ivanov, with the advent of a new manager, the level of service at the house dropped to zero, and prices for utilities soared by a third,
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the self-proclaimed king of the high-rise building zealously began to extort money from the residents, and to intimidate he walks around with a rival shovel, then with a holster, and in order to pay more willingly, he records videos like this: don’t wake up, such methods of influence are in ivanov’s corporate style for the most... inspection, everything happens in ivanov’s favor. in april, our colleagues from the man in law program with andrei kunitsin spoke about this situation. with the appearance of the film crew, the problem seemed to be resolved. the
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state housing inspectorate stated that the homeowners' association would be dissolved and ivanov would be expelled from management. however , as soon as the journalists left the city, strange processes immediately began. for reasons unknown for some reason, gzhi specialists suddenly abandoned their promises and lifted the ban on actions from the hoa. when this decision was declared invalid already. in the office, from the general tension that is called the air is ringing, trying to defuse the situation, gzhi specialists said that they were ready to comply with the court decision, but only after june 1. however , people, taught by bitter experience, no longer believe the words of these employees. why should we wait for the first one, we are here now. once again, we are suffocating, we have no water, we have no
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elevators, we... the pensioner emerged victorious from the fight with a bear. olga prokapenko has been involved in nordic walking for a long time and says that her sports skills helped her survive. experts who watched the video say the woman behaved absolutely correctly. secrets of surviving after advertising. yes, i'm an honest cop. being an honest cop is not very profitable. i have
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more wives. no, they kicked me out of moscow in a very dangerous way, i just can’t guarantee that by the evening i won’t be put on the wanted list or killed, but captain morozov, you, morozov, know how to make people angry, you made your choice long ago, there is a good cop proverb, if you don’t know what to do, act according to the law, and you don’t intend to retreat, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of us couldn’t cope with him, bring us the head of this cop, can you? if you take one more step, your brains will be on the security guard’s face, i understand, the pack starts on monday at 22:10 on ntv. just an asterisk, my legs are just numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad
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another emergency incident on ntv live. we continue our release. the behavior of a fearless pensioner from the magadan region is discussed far beyond the region. met the bear one on one and did not flinch, the video was taken by discouraged eyewitnesses, see how it happened, watch right now. nordic walking is not an extreme sport, a resident of the village of arakutan also thought so, until early in the morning, breathing in the fresh coolness in the forest, she met a bear. what is she doing, he’s going to fuck her now. adult pensioner the predator was separated by two meters, no more; she did not expect such close contact. the brave one... picked up a handful of stones from the ground and began throwing them at the wild animal, the bear
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was offended and retreated, who is this fearless woman with sticks and everything is calm, there are women in magadan villages, even after such an emotional shake-up, the walking did not change. running, when we talk about the fact that a person running away from a bear attracts a wild animal and turns into a victim, a manifestation of calmness, leaving a person in a calm state, from the territory of contact, yes animal, just made it possible not to provoke the animal into attack; magadan game managers receive new messages about the appearance of predators every day for the whole family.
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apparently the predators have gone into the forest, there is an ethnic cultural park nearby, there are also a lot of bears here, harmless in the form of sculptures, the tourist reported about the real ones. after a walk on an atv, we called the hunting authority, made an application that we had spotted the bears, that’s it, he went back there to the path, to inform people so that people should go down there, we made a post in telegram, so that more people can see, specialists from the relevant departments go to every message, potentially dangerous places are examined not only from the ground, but from the air, soon the bears themselves will go deep into the taiga and will not disturb the peace of people, game managers say, this will happen as... only with the onset of warmth will there be enough food in the forest; in the rivers, salmon is a favorite delicacy in salads. daria masalova, valentin lyubimov and mikhail odinokov, ntv. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. on
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that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today in our program. holy place. the niger authorities are expelling us troops, and russia has already taken their place. why is the west rapidly losing influence on the dark continent? we should not be considered subhuman. napoleon complex. france has tested a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. what does a militant prepare for? macron find 10 differences. neural networks write articles and fake celebrity voices. what professions have artificial intelligence mastered and who may be left without work. i will tell you
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news. watch it now.


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