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tv   Za granyu  NTV  May 23, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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a diagnosis, but semyonovich said: don’t get under the hood, woman, men, don’t slow down, get a medical examination, health is important here now, beyond the border, because of the mountains of garbage, their neighbor’s plot was chosen by rats, toads and vipers.
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this is the same thing as toads or frogs, and you think, and there are a lot of toads, well, frogs jump towards us too that all these misfortunes are due to the fact that the neighbor stores garbage on his property, of course, they are rubbish there, tell us in more detail what it looks like there he has 13 acres, the yard on the street there are mountains of garbage, mountains, rain, snow, sun it's hot, the stench is incredible. these are all
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problems. wow! yes, you're right, it's a dump. yes, a vegetable garden. i propose to evaluate the scale , everything is absorbed into the ground and flows through the rest , but i probably won’t find another term. igor, the picture is depressing. not that word. there and in the house. some kind of dump. i apologize, of course. it’s exactly the same there in the house. it was on the street, but they cleaned up the street... they apparently found out that this same thing was coming and they cleaned up the street a little . olga, i can’t even believe that one person can do this? you know, this is beyond the bounds, it is simply cruel to people, to neighbors, you know, even animals, insects, birds, they are very sensitive to cleaning their homes, even rodents have latrines, those rodents, who can't get out. into
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the open air, they dig tunnels and close them these latrines, here is one continuous latrine, at everyone’s discretion, in general, you wouldn’t wish such a neighbor on anyone, you wouldn’t wish it, but of course, on the one hand , it harms the neighbors, but perhaps the neighbors should somehow help him, maybe clean up or maybe ask why he does this, maybe he attracts attention to himself in this way and for some reason he needs this attention, yulia, by the way, have you tried the neighbors? i tried, i said, vasya, clean it up, take it out, i’ll clean it up, i’ll clean it up, i’ll do it again, and he says that you’re pestering me, i’ll clean it up, the city from garbage, only a promise, yes, yes, yes, yes, how old is he, 60, yuri, the living creatures on your neighbor’s property also complicate your life, of course, yes, rats, mice, moreover, two snakes were found in the yard, it's like it's all very unpleasantly dangerous. zulfiya, how
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dangerous are such conditions for health? well, they are dangerous a priori, because even according to international standards, a landfill organized should be located at a distance of 500 m from residential premises, a minimum, this is generally the minimum distance, and there are a lot of factors that can affect health, that is, if we take all these gases that are released, and they increase the incidence of respiratory tract diseases, rodents spread infections, including leptospirosis, tuleremia, well, that is, these are very dangerous infections that can be fatal in an hour , and their bite from vipers is also... dangerous and especially for allergy sufferers, that is, it can be anaphylactic shock , death, there is such a stench and you can catch any infection and asthma, whatever you want, all this, now there are some health complaints? well, i have bronchial asthma, it’s chronic, but against the backdrop of this
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environmental situation, i think it’s getting worse zulfiya, and with a chronic disease, such a neighborhood is especially dangerous, well, especially for bronchial asthma. because these gases, which are released during garbage rotting and decay, they damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, for an allergy sufferer this is actually the most unpleasant moment, because damage to the mucous membranes leads to an exacerbation of the range of allergens to which a person can to react. yulia, since you have a private sector, you probably have a farm, a vegetable garden, yes, there is a vegetable garden, there are chickens, there are piglets, on... the ground in the garden, what can grow? fresh, we don’t eat much, only salted, we’re marinating about this very thing, that is , you have a harvest, you’re afraid, of course, yuri, you didn’t try like a man to call vasily to account, you tried all over the street,
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we talked, we talked, what was the result, no , everything will be minimally cleaned up, everything seems to calm down, everything, again, again, contacted administration, employees came, yes. well, it’s nothing like that, they treated us with participation. sergey, why do neighbors’ statements go unheeded ? the issue of implementing land control lies on the shoulders of the municipal authorities. it makes sense to contact law enforcement agencies regarding simple negligence on the part of authorized local authorities, which are obliged to respond to such cases. of course, you need to contact the prosecutor's office about this, and i believe that if there are any pains, so to speak, drinking cases regarding this fact in the investigative committee, because yulia has problems with...
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he calls collecting garbage his job, because it brings him income. in our studio vasily. hello, vasily, hello, how do you manage to get money from garbage? i sort bottles and donate jars. how much do you get on average? 300 rub. in a day? yes. how many bottles and cans do you need to return to get 300 rubles? bottles usually cost a ruble, and jars cost 90 rubles per kilogram. what do you spend your earned money on? products for housing and communal services. more? that is, if you do not return bottles and cans, then you you just won't survive, right? i’ll survive, but why are you doing cans and bottles if your pension is enough? well
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, this started too long ago for me, so i want to quit, but i’m not able to quit yet, it all started because... my wife was leaving with her son and simply because i had nothing to do, and i collected, started collecting bottles, there were no jars, and then the stores would accept them, they could be easily handed over. the first time you did it out of necessity or you just liked it as a hobby, it was just boring i thought it was a way to take up time, but that’s just why it went like this for me and it went, went, went, that is, you started doing it out of boredom, now you can’t stop, well, something like that. you sigh heavily, do you regret it? yes, of course, i regret it and somehow he’s already scolding me and my neighbors, it’s very difficult for me to get rid of this and well, i mean, you had a desire to quit such a part-time job, but
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you didn’t find the strength to overcome this craving for collecting. , well, i lasted about a month and it got even worse, vasily, if you’re collecting you rent them out to banks, it’s your right, do it? they bring in income there, please, if no one can restrict you in this right, but the site, so to speak, smells bad and there are snakes and rats running around there, so pay attention to this, i think you will be able to clean up somehow . igor, how do you like this? a way to earn extra money, there’s nothing wrong with that, to be honest, but just from cans and bottles, sorry, there won’t be any stink or dirt, so he’s collecting something else and something else, and if these are mountains of garbage like that appeared, they weren’t made from jars, from bottles, well, yes, we saw not only jars , bottles, but also some kind of shoes, something else, bags with something, so it’s somehow strange here, it seems to me, but do you believe vasilev that he wants to give up such a hobby, but a person cannot? when he wants, he acts, he would have done it already, got rid of this garbage, we can all say. roman,
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you also think that these are just excuses. i can’t say that, because i have the feeling that he is such a lonely person, he has apparently gone through a lot, and i still don’t understand why for so many years no one seemed to have found some kind of key to this man. vasily, you said that you hand over cans and bottles, but... it’s where i rest, i go out there in the morning, when no one is there, and i take these
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jars and bottles, which are accepted, carry only bottles and cans or something else, i try not to carry anything anymore, he carries garbage bags, everything is the same, he only bottles, then he chooses bottles, and then he puts it all together, i choose where you choose, vasya, where did you get all this from? , do you even know what yours are? beats and also takes it out, and the rest, as it stood, is taken out on whatever, samoslavs, which
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he talks about, well, once i saw a car, the car was parked on the lawn, and he carried it there and sat there, beat it with a hammer or whatever he beat it with. , once in 10 years, yes vasily, and you won’t deny that there is an unpleasant smell coming from your area, of course it’s unpleasant, you feel it yourself, no, i don’t feel it, i really could get used to the fetid smell, i could get used to it, then he may simply have reduced sensitivity olfactory receptors, that is, he can actually smell less than the average person, this happens. vasily, is your house tidy or trashy? no, that’s not okay either, you gave us a tour, let’s see the plot: the brick house of sixty-four-year-old vasily rakotyan with a stone arch and a bright green fence... looks like any other on this street in the city of svetlograd, stavropol territory, but as soon as the owner opens the gates ,
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mountains appear, rubbish, over which the man can barely make his way. you can see summer in the yard a house, but the entrance there has been inaccessible for a long time, a summer kitchen, it has been blocked for a long time, there is iron here, hand over the iron, hand over this. there is garbage, there is wire, what you need, and jars, bottles that they used to accept, now they do not accept anything , everything is just going to fight. inside vasily’s house the situation is no better, the table and sofa on which the man used to sleep are littered with garbage, in the living room among boxes, rags and bottles there is a plasma tv and an icon valuable to the owner, here is his wardrobe, this is a good sweater, you can wear it, here these shirts, you see. for the hangings, there is a good one, a good atrichod, and
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the pensioner calls this small room a bedroom, there are carpets and rugs here, but he never found a use for them, says vasily, because the floors are not even visible because of the garbage, right above the sleeping place a huge cobweb hangs from the ceiling, this is where i sleep, because here there is winter heat from the radiator, the most comfortable place is here, just like that... since i drive like this and take cover and sleep. vasily cooks his own food on a stove lined with dishes, and washes himself in the same kitchen.
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previously, his garden always had a rich harvest, says vasily. now there are hazel trees, apple and cherry trees growing here, and a man planted potatoes right in the middle of the dump. here are potatoes, they grow very little, but he grows, he found a place where he planted potatoes. vasily, you can’t hold back your tears because you’re ashamed, that is, you admit it. that there is a problem, and i want to get rid of it, what ’s stopping you then? well, i need to now, uh , just hand over the worthless bottles first, and then all the jars, then just immediately deal with the garbage and bottles at the same time, why are you how do you share the solution to your problem? first i need to return the cans and bottles,
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and only then solve the problem with garbage, clean the house, and so on. everything can be done quite comprehensively, why couldn’t you turn to someone for help, to your neighbors? yulia told us that they have been trying to come to an agreement with you for 10 years, and you haven’t made any contact, why didn’t you do anything? well, in general, a neighbor gave me a lot of trouble, which one, well, who lives on the prot, in the thirteenth year i didn’t work, he took money from me 5,000 and nothing me...
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i don’t, i don’t know about the bottles, but his son is sick, and he had a card, like the pension went to the card, he took it from him and withdrew all the money, he earned money, they set up a career, he worked there as a watchman , say who took the card from him, well, the same neighbor, of course, then when the trials and gossip began, then they took the card from him, and why were there trials, well, for these same cards, that he took his salary him? why didn’t you, as neighbors , help vasily in this matter, well, he didn’t complain, they live in a vegetable garden, they were friends, good ones, and they became friends, why did vasily’s own sister turn away from him? my sister doesn’t want to communicate with me, i was there last year this year, she didn’t let me into the house, for which another man’s neighbor is ready to attack him with his fists,
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i’ll hit you on the head, my only question is why he wasn’t attacked . a statement has been written, we can wait for some bad event, we will continue in a couple of minutes, a burn for pain, for discomfort, ames - for stomach problems, via superstar, today we will sing the songs of our empress, irina olegrova, the fifth member of the jury, everyone’s beloved irina olegrova will also give marks, let’s go, i’ve been waiting for you, i ’ve been waiting for you, i don’t understand anything.
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may 17 to june 17, all you need to do is fill out an application for a chance to become my travel companion to see the world , send your applications to the address, the show fellow traveler calls for health, see you, beyond, this is... beyond: sixty-four-year-old vasily rokotyan from stavropol territory turned his site into a breeding ground for snakes and rats. for many years , a man carries from the trash heap to his home everything that comes to hand: plastic, unnecessary bags, various clothes and something else , some boxes and, well, in general, garbage, which i dispose of everything at home location on. his neighbor, seventy-two-year-old yulia pashchenko, complains that local residents are suffocating from the neighbor’s dump. the stench is stored, stored, stored, useless.
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says, vasya, well, take it away, vasya, take it away, i’ll take it out, yes, i’ll take it out, yes, i’ll take it out, but my son me there, yulia, you told me that he is an aggressive person, yes, but now i look at vasily and cannot understand how this man can be aggressive, he is ashamed, he turns away, looks at his landfill, which we recorded on video, he’s in tears, yuri, do you think he’s really ashamed, or does he want to seem so... harmless in public, i think that maybe he has some kind of discomfort, but i honestly don’t believe it. vasily, how many years have you been living in such hellish conditions, after i was 13, when i was kicked out of work. a who did you work for? you worked as a turner, but why were you fired? a neighbor took out two loans in my name, he didn’t pay off the loans, and i had to pay off both loans, how many receipts i had, and he didn’t
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give me a penny. svetlana, huh? you believe in what vasily is saying now, here, of course, the whole situation is beyond the bounds, there is simply nowhere to go, but in fact, to be honest, i absolutely believe him, and in judicial practice this is not the only case, and it is completely legitimate it was possible to file a lawsuit against to your neighbor, and it would be possible to prove in court that these funds that vasily received from the bank in his name, and... gave to his neighbor, vasily, and you have no relatives who could help you, your brother died, my sister doesn’t want to communicate with me, because of this rubbish, you haven’t communicated with your sister for a long time, i was there this year, she didn’t let me into the house, your parents are long gone, your mother passed away in the tenth year, well already 14 years old, my father died back in ninety, first my wife died, and then, and then the mother died, the wife died from what,
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what happened to her? she died in 2008, how long were you together, my son was born in ninety-four, in ninety- seven, i took her from the lighthouse, bought a house, then i didn’t collect anything, there wasn’t anything close , no bottles, there was nothing, i lived with her very little, because i brought her, then i started going on business trips, so when i say, when i arrived there was no one at home, she was already leaving there, vasily, and you have the only son, yes, i have a son... he is sick, he has cerebral palsy, and where is he located? in balakhonovka, is this in a boarding school? yes, how old was your son when he went to boarding school? 14 years old, well, do you at least visit him there? the last time i was in september of that year. why do you visit your son so rarely? well, it's about 300 kilometers somewhere. well, when you lost your mother, your wife, did you try to take your son? well, i wanted to take it, but they told him, until you have it, like in order in the house, then we...
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we can only give you back, are these jars, wheelbarrows of garbage worth more to you than your own son, no, i this is what i wanted to do in the thirteenth year, you always want to do something, but do nothing, i just don’t understand what objective reason prevents you from starting to act, in the thirteenth year i really was left without money , i continued to pay loans for a stranger, igor, how you take vasily’s position, the man doesn’t care about anyone, you understand?
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no one else, he doesn’t care about everyone else, i’ll look at it this way, there’s always a reason not to do it, over the years he could, in his wheelchair, if he wanted, take out all the garbage, clean everything, return his son, my own son, who lives in a boarding school, and he goes there once a year, and then probably goes there less often, which means that this desire is not there either, he is still a young, healthy man, you need to pull yourself together , start to continue to live, to fight, because ... to open up, to die in this stench, it just doesn’t make sense, because there is someone to live for, listen, vasily, you have, he has no one but you, you know, even your calls, at least start with this, if it’s difficult for you to travel such a distance, if you don’t have money, but start fighting somehow, you know, svetlana, but how it seems to you that if vasily puts his home in order, he has a chance to get his son back.
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of course, there are very real chances, of course, everything there is beyond the bounds, but the house is a good one, this is a house like this from a boarding school for sick and disabled children. i think it would be a pleasure for a healthy dad to give his child into his care. vasily, well, you really don’t create the impression, so to speak, of a person who is incapable of even basic cleaning in his home, tidy up the house, put things in order, live a calm, normal life, you know, well, giving these bottles, making all the noise so to speak, this tin, you can have good money per month for retirement, so you need help with the person and really sort out his loans so that he can help you live in peace. at least for my pension, they last sent me a month ago that i still owe 70,000, there are 70,000 left to pay, but i need to find out the reasons for which this loan was taken, where this money went, which he transferred to his neighbor, the receipts can be
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used as a way of misleading, in essence, by and large, there are signs of composition here crimes, and i think that this issue will need to be sorted out, but in the end, if he didn’t even take this money, he can go bankrupt and free himself from this unbearable burden that... he carries so that he can live in peace, at least for your pension. yulia, yuri, did you know that your neighbor has such problems with loans, did you offer him to somehow solve all this, about his situation, no, i didn’t know, no, they didn’t know, no one has ever dealt with garbage removal either offered help, they simply didn’t offer it pull it off, if let’s say you’re working on a glass jar, well, take this bottle in a bag and hand it over, you ’ve actually been at his house for the last 10 or 11 years.
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that he is ready to improve, is ready to solve his problem, or he is now saying this here in our studio, in reality everything will not be like that. timur, i think that deep down vasily wants, would like to solve his problem, but all these calls of ours are quite sincere, naturally there is a need for him to come to his senses, but why can’t he, but he really can’t, i see a person who has already driven himself a little into the problem, there was probably an injury, the death of his wife, the illness of a child, this is very significant.
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this will show, you won’t find it enough, he ’s sitting there, quiet and fluffy, yes, he has a problem, well, then you solve it, and if a person doesn’t want to solve the problem, he will never solve it. vasily, you need to take decisive measures, yes, it’s difficult, but you just need to get angry with yourself in order to do something, it will be hard to tear yourself away from yourself, yes, but you need to at least stop, don’t carry cans in order to start getting rid of it, i’m trying to get rid of the bottle now, i hire cars and take it out. sergey, this could end with vasily losing his plot of land. in this case, we are not talking about deprivation of ownership of a land plot, if the house belongs
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to vasily, of course, the only thing that can be done is to oblige him to put it in order through the court. they will hire an organization by court order, which will remove all this and then issue him an invoice. this is the practice. vasily, from your site to your neighbors’ site rodents are running. vasily, our next guest has accumulated a lot of complaints against you, and not all of them relate to garbage, in the studio nikolai klachkov.
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nikolay, why are you so aggressive because a kid with bricks and sticks is running after them, a kid i don’t know, 8 years old , grabbed the kid’s bike across the middle, ran away from him, he ran after him down the street, he lives opposite my mother, and i have daughters, 7 years old girls. they are running around there, this garbage is there, there is rubbish of vanism and he built their huts, well, they understand how children do. i broke the hut there. basil, why do you behave so aggressively towards children? so, when they gave you bream, what did you do next, and the child’s father came and he also wrote a statement against them. vasily, children are a saint, you are a grown man, you should not behave like that. i say, piece. why are you throwing bricks at children? this happened once, this is it, just one time? they began to do the same thing, the hut is everything, well, i already took the money. more and more they threw bricks at the children behind the hut, well, they just
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began to do this, what children must do for an adult man to throw a brick at them, maybe there was one time, but i never show it again , just one time, and the big kid who was running away was dragging a bicycle in front of him, well, i’m more than a year, i haven’t been close to anyone for more than a year no ba oh well, well okay, my only question is why there was no attention on him for...
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steppe vipers, toads, rats and cockroaches. they are crawling and running from sixty-four-year-old vasily rakotyan - i’m sure. neighbors, because there is an accumulation of garbage, rubbish, all this multiplies and multiplies there, and people, neighbors suffer from it, he himself is no longer happy that he filled the whole house and yard with garbage, vasily admits, but he can’t stop, i’m just not anymore, i’m just used to getting up early in the morning and go to the park and collect these jars and bottles, vasily not only poisons the lives of his neighbors with stinking mountains of garbage, but...
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all the old people live, your mother lives opposite vasil, yes, but yuri says that he also lives opposite his there is another plot there, it’s in two houses, that’s all, he has
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two plots, yes, two, one opposite me, and the other, two plots and two houses, yes, two plots, he could rent out one, there is also a house on the second plot, there is, there is also garbage there, there is not garbage there, there is a landfill , my wife and i lived in that house, and then my wife died, it was unregistered.
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i’m trying to get rid of this, please tell me, if you’re trying to live, you’re not giving up, then these bags are full, well, i’m at home now, you see, i’ve already cleaned these houses, well, where’s the happiness in these bags near the yard, on the street he cleaned, on the street i removed it, both here and there, if you want you to have friends or for people to help you, well, turn to us, he’s trying to get rid of this, you’re not trying, vasily, victoria, how do you like these shots, nikolai came out first. added to the previous story, now i’m also talking about this second house, but i don’t even know, it’s beyond words, it’s an understatement, i’m
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shocked, i’m just shocked, how can you live like this, there are hedgehogs there, you said they brought them, where are the hedgehogs, the first hedgehogs will run away, dmitry, how do you like these shots, what you saw are beyond the bounds in general, it is possible to pass it, but in extreme cases it is possible. to sell the cost there from 50 thousand to half a million comes to a hundred square meters in this location, so even if you put it in order, well, i don’t know the containers, well, let’s say about five by taking out the garbage, well , that is, the sale of that plot of one of the two will cover both garbage removal and arrangement means to solve the current situation, but this issue is necessary, perhaps the loan will be closed, vasily, and you have never thought about solving your situation this way, well, i... i’ve been trying, only since april i started trying to take everything out, he doesn’t try to do anything, i say, every morning he uses his wheelbarrow
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to drive a stroller, his baby stroller carries this garbage to this place. nikolay, what way out of this situation do you see? there is no way out, he will continue to wear it. vasily’s situation has attracted the attention of a local public figure, and he calls not to scold the pensioner, but to try to help him. alexey kurochkin in the studio. hello, alexey, how did you find out about the dump on the site? vasily? one of vasil’s neighbors approached me and said that there was a problem on the street, the situation was flagrant, i went to the place and indeed, there was a lot of garbage in front of the house, then i saw, having already gone inside, what was going on there, and i tried call on the local authorities to help somehow. to cope with the situation, to which i received replies from rospotrebnadzor, i also did not respond to the fact that the fire situation is, well,
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terrible, it’s just that at any moment it could all break out, and the residents, the neighbors, will suffer, and after that i made the social video itself, sent it to our administration, published it in order to somehow draw attention to this problem, so that vasily could still be helped, because vasily’s rot... can be done by society, but to understand and solve, to help, so that the situation changes, to this also requires effort, an understanding of the current situation, but how do you think we can help vasily? well, look, i heard that she has a second plot, you can take it, sell it, the administration can attract a regional operator, help simply improve the situation with garbage, that is, this is a second raw materials that can be taken for processing free of charge, but again, it has been in use for more than 10 years... it’s difficult for him, he’s alone, one might say, here’s society, neighbors, naturally,
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are conflict-minded towards him due to the fact that they... . a situation in which no one would really like to find themselves, i was at both sites, there are debts for the same garbage removal, which already amounts to 12.00, so we need to help vasily pay these debts now, which is what he is doing, here are his people. they help, and this garbage seems to be to sell the plot, i heard some numbers, what’s there 50 thousand per hundred square meters, yes, but there are 7 hectares on the second plot, that is, 350,000 - there is no gas, no electricity, it’s all turned off, the house is in disrepair, no one needs it, the plot is on the city authority, it’s also connected, that’s all it costs money, it will cost more than 350. you are very loyal to vasily, yes, but you don’t feel sorry for the neighbors, it ’s also a pity for the neighbors, we came to this program to highlight the situation, finding some solution is not easy it’s a conflict to attack
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vasil, so you have to do it, for example, the local administration. she forced him to clean up in front of the house, then the administration simply said, everything that is behind the fence does not concern us, that is, both he and the neighbors remained in the same situation as they were, they removed a drop in the bucket, he managed to clean up, we talked to other neighbors of vasily, who are also in despair, let's look at the plot, anton denshchik lives across the street from vasily's landfill house, the man claims that local residents have been fighting with their neighbors for 10 years. hoarder anton himself fears for his children, because with his own eyes more than once i saw snakes, from here, a snake crawled out of the gateway, we also have rats and mice running around the street, i have children, minors , and i worry about them, as if the neighbor’s children are small, everyone walks here, we are afraid that they will pick up something from this neighbor,
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she is forced to stock up on traps from... well, we take out the garbage in the morning, he naturally climbs in these bags, collects garbage, whatever he needs, scrap metal, cans, sometimes even takes the bags, and the packages remain either torn or the men who collect the garbage wait until it's cleared up before they pick it up. tatyana shapovalova lives not far from vasily’s second plot and says: the man’s mother kept the house perfectly clean, but now the entire neighborhood is choking from the stench. an old grandmother lived there, everything was perfect, everything was painted, everything was cleaned, she was a wonderful clean housewife, you see, cups, spoons, and some jars, not just bottles,
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he drags everything here, there really is a problem , but it also needs to be solved. and vasily himself with he can’t cope with it, he can sell the plot, but he can do all this, but he needs help, he can’t even cope with properly filling out the documents for sale without involving social services and everything else. alexey, are you sure that if you help vasily clear his area of ​​garbage, that this will solve the situation? i'm not sure if this situation will change after helping him clean up, for this i think it's social. services to a lonely person and must control him, vasily, i’m ready for this, he wants it himself, we can talk, persuade him, do you think he can be persuaded to at least do something, well, i think i’ll try, he’s inadequate, who should i persuade him, no, why, let’s say, the trash in front of the house was cleared, if he throws it at the children, i’m with him in january talked after this situation, as he promised, he cleaned up the front of the house, naturally, if a person has been going since 2003, more than 20 years, he can also
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take it out in 20 years, the neighbors will be fine with that, i think, no, you... you you know, today we heard a lot in this studio, and i personally feel very sorry for your neighbors, here you are sitting, you seem to understand everything, nod, agree, but you have turned the life of your neighbors into hell, people shouldn’t live like that, i understand, you have some of your own experiences, your own problems, traumas, life, in your opinion, she was unfair to you somewhere, but you, vasily, live in... society, you must respect the people around you, you must not show aggression towards children under any circumstances, under any circumstances. i, vasily, in this situation really want to help your neighbors, and for the sake of your neighbors, we will take care of garbage collection your plots. but you must promise that
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you will not interfere with this. you won’t say that these are the things you need, a car comes and takes out all your cans, bottles, garbage, bags and other rubbish, often. important: you will be able to accept the help of medical specialists, have your health examined, communicate with a psychologist, undergo a medical examination, do you agree to this? i agree,
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will vasily keep his promise, will he allow assistants onto his site to remove the garbage, i have to turn to lawyers for further assistance and solutions to problems under the law. watch after the commercial too. from whom did a resident of the novosibirsk region not hear in childhood that she was not a relative in the family? when i was 8 years old, my neighbor told me, but she didn’t believe anyone, because my parents claimed that it wasn’t true. at the age of 20, my mother’s sister said this. and only 6 years ago, after the death of her father, her mother admitted to her daughter that they really were. she was adopted, her husband did not forbid talking about it, i broke my promise, because i am not eternal either, they took us away, there were many of us, they told me, i
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metal to recycle, well , there are too many of these bottles, they used to accept them, but now they don’t accept them, so a lot of them have accumulated, they just need to be thrown away , of course i know that i caused a lot of trouble to my neighbors, basically everyone hates me, the local residents are already tired of the stinking mountains and living creatures and are begging their neighbor to dismantle his landfill, people can be understood, says the local community.
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anna, for your part, you can work with vasily, literally right out of this studio, i am naturally ready to make some contribution too. sergey, for your part, what can you do to resolve this situation? well, we need to sort out his credit, so after the program we will ask, help, if necessary we will draw up appeals.


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