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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 23, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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a gift for the king that vladimir putin gave to the head of the kingdom of bahren, which the leaders of the countries agreed upon during the verdicts in inna osipova’s report. an umbrella for a fence, about how calculations interact.
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edmund chelbynov learned about issues of improving legislation and what changes can be made to the taxation procedure. american property in russia can be sent for compensation, to whom for what? denis tools about this. hello, welcome to the information service of the mtv television company. this program today, its presenter is elmira ikhendeeva and vladimir chernyshov. russia and bahrain are intensifying cooperation in all areas; seven agreements have been signed on close cooperation in the fields of transport, healthcare, education, culture, and environmental protection. this is the result of today’s negotiations in the kremlin: i received
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the king of bahrain, hamad ben khalifa, who arrived in russia on an official visit. the meeting was very warm, at first we talked one-on-one, then in an expanded format with the participation of delegations. the king emphasized how important russia plays a role on the world stage. putin invited him to come again to the october brix summit. inosipov is being transferred. the king of bahrain khan isa al-khalifa is a guest in moscow. before that, he arrived 8 years ago.
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this is reflected in all areas of life. the king of bahrain noted the unprecedented growth of the russian economy. the trade turnover of our countries is not yet as large as we would like, but the trends are good, said vladimir putin. as for investment cooperation, the situation here is more favorable. carried out approximately 30 large projects, the total volume of packages is about 500 million dollars. we have. good
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relations in the field of culture, this year we intend to hold the days of bahrain in russia, next year, as far as i know, colleagues agreed that...
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american congressmen demanded that the pentagon and the us state department allow the ukrainian military to use long-range weapons supplied by washington for strikes on russia, one of the supporters of this idea was speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, which he personally told the magazines about.
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the kremlin called the statement of the washington hawks irresponsible, and made it clear that no weapons would help the kiev regime achieve success at the front. and among american senators and congressmen, there are a lot of hotheads who consider it their duty to continue adding fuel to the fire. well, obviously, it is now becoming obvious to all specialists that there are no weapons. are not capable of somehow turning the tide of events in the northern military district zone, and the only thing these weapons can do is a more difficult fate of the ukrainian people. and against this background, the associated press
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reported that the united states is preparing to announce an additional package of military assistance for ukraine worth $275 million. it can include missiles for the hymeros multiple launch rocket systems, as well. artillery shells of 105 and 155 mm caliber. in the zone of a special military operation , the russian military liberated another settlement - andreevka in the donetsk people's republic, and also improved the situation along the front line. moreover, the blow they struck an enemy stronghold in the area of ​​responsibility of the vostok group of troops. crews of su-34 fighter-bombers took part in the attack. the militants were hit with unguided fap-500 aerial bombs. they are equipped. a universal correction planning module, which allows you to deliver an accurate strike from a safe distance, having received confirmation of the destruction of targets, the crew returned to the departure airfield. and today, the russian ministry of defense showed footage of military personnel of the fourth detachment crane services of ukraine, who were captured
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by fighters of the russian group of troops north. this happened during the liberation of the village of krasnoe in the kharkov region. they voluntarily surrendered, because you... we didn’t have anything, we were just abandoned by everything, we were surrounded, everything just cut us off, and we asked for support, they told us, wait, wait, wait, wait, and we waited , in general, we were taken to a position that was almost surrounded, there was a command to go there, the position was not equipped, the cop was covered with a tin, with loopholes, with three loopholes on one side, that is , it was even impossible to conduct a defense, uh, in general, i fell into... the stupidity of our leadership. strike drone crews are actively working in the area of ​​responsibility of the north military grouping. one of them, in particular, destroyed the ukrainian armed forces’ artillery fire correction point. he was in the opening of the upper floor of the elevator. the target was hit the first time.
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it is impossible to achieve success on the battlefield without close and professional cooperation between various units. and a good example is the joint work of anti-aircraft gunners and artillerymen. subdivision. air defense controls the airspace, shooting down enemy strike drones and missiles, this allows crews of hail and other systems to deliver precise strikes against militants, evgeniy golovanov reports. the wasp may not fly, but even on the off-road it goes quickly smoothly, as if it were floating, by the way, and the anti-aircraft missile system can also do this, and the ability to drive everywhere on any off-road, the four-wheel drive turned on everything where it wanted, and drove there, the mechanical drive with call sign the tatar never tires of praising his car while driving comfortably like in an suv, except that there is no air conditioning, otherwise everything is ergonomic, everything is at hand, the connection is just like a water cannon radio station... that’s just when i turn it on when swimming, the wasp turns from the traveling position to the combat position in just over three
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minutes, the radar station all-round visibility scans the sky to a height of up to 5 km, the turbine is running, it has issued a load, the ace is called the younger brother of the torus, they often work in tandem, the range of detected and beaten targets even at a distance of 10 km is the same, plus every little thing in the vicinity. all we can hit cruise missiles, drones, drones, quadcopters, airplanes, helicopters, we have the ability to hit a small target if we see it, well, in direct visibility, there is a response from the missile, it protects wasps from air strikes and civilian and military targets , it’s safer to work with such an umbrella and an artilleryman. this moment in the work of artillerymen is the most crucial and the most unsafe, when
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a vehicle rolls out of a sheltered forest belt into an almost bare field to begin combat firing, and at this moment in a clear sky it can be seen from several kilometers away, while the hail is unfolding, one fighter from the crew is always monitoring the sky, now the enemy is mainly working in this space with drones, so more or less his resource is already working. the artillery is out of ammunition. oceli is ready. the hail of non- sniper weapons covers areas. if the entire package - 40 rockets - is lost, under such precipitation all targets in the affected area turn into chips and burnt scrap metal. there are all different tasks, enemy infantry, sometimes we shoot mortars crews, lightly armored vehicles, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, whatever. the target arrives, we leave in a timely manner, quickly orient ourselves from
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the first salvo in order to hit immediately, after firing the crew immediately leaves the firing position so as not to fall under return fire, they now have much fewer shells, this is all visible, so i think soon they will have nothing at all remains, they will finally agree to those same negotiations, they will understand that there is no point in resisting. the commander with the call sign sida has been fighting since the very beginning of the special operation, and has repeatedly come under attack counter-battery shelling, during one of them he was wounded, the car itself was damaged, this was back when we were standing near kiev, there was a mortar shelling, this scar came from there, if a fragment had hit a little higher and the ammunition could have detonated, it worked out, i have artillerymen and your mascot, meet this cat rapier, she was born and raised here on the front line, her mother was brought from...
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devices. the ukrainian armed forces often remake standard western-made soviet ammunition, and then drop unfamiliar ones from drones homemade sappers along the route of our equipment or infantry. all these mines that are foreign. we know all of them from production, that is, they are factory-made, the most difficult thing is when an improvised explosive device is being remade, it is not clear what was used, what sensors, inclined, or magnetic, or a motion sensor, this time there were no surprises, the sappers found an ordinary anti-tank mine, the drone dropped it into a rut, they moved along the road, carried out engineering reconnaissance on
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the road, and accordingly there was a well-established rut, for the equipment to enter, it was necessary to advance, then it would be written down, so the road was mined by the opponent, somewhere else, the road was mined anyway. the mine is destroyed on the spot. military engineers in the donetsk direction are engaged not only in humanitarian demining. the combat situation forces them to delve into the seemingly non-core design of drones, mine-laying and kamikaze drones for this type of troops. engineers have set up a laboratory underground where they are working on improving the performance of uavs, such as coptra. with the ammunition was enough to charge the battery on the way to the enemy. mines, with which we mine what we had to do in plain sight at night, but here we do it in a civilized manner, from drones, the efficiency is extremely high, but this morning, we received a notification that a tank was blown up in our name. the laboratory is part of a large underground labyrinth, built by engineers in an extremely short
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time. hidden from the enemy's eyes, the town was built in about 10 days. they... bring out a whole network of premises to different premises, from canteens and bathhouses to places for accommodation at night, there is now well over a meter of earth above you and me, so that we are not afraid of mortar shells up to 120 caliber. military engineers build company battalion strongholds, clear mines, and transport them to the front line. in less than 2 years , this unit of the engineering troops of the southern group alone equipped several hundred kilometers of underground fortifications for our army. maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergey. today in moscow a solemn ceremony took place in one of the military hospitals, there they presented awards, regular military ranks and housing documents, and they were received by participants in a special military operation who were wounded in the north military district zone, and after that they not only underwent rehabilitation, but received additional professional education and decided to continue serving in the armed forces.
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the military spoke about how recovery and training took place. i came for rehabilitation, they also gave me prostheses on time, i went through 3 weeks of rehabilitation on temporary prostheses and received permanent prostheses, and at the same time i was studying, we are doing well there the 15-week courses were held every day, that is , they constantly told us competently, everything was brought to its logical conclusion, if a person did not understand, that is, we helped him, worldwide. 48 military personnel who have completed training will soon leave for new duty stations; the ministry of defense emphasized that all of them will be provided with housing; accommodation has already been selected and prepared for officers and contract soldiers in selected regions of the country. previously , a consultation point on housing issues was opened at the hospital for those being treated there. support, thanks to this, all issues
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are resolved promptly, soldiers do not need to waste time collecting and submitting the necessary documents, this work is performed by the staff of the point. the actions of the german authorities are aimed at eroding and consigning to oblivion germany's historical guilt in committing terrible crimes against millions of soviet citizens. this was stated today by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. this is how she commented on berlin’s refusal to recognize the blockade of leningrad as genocide of the people of the ussr. and she called this position of the germans authorities is immoral and causes a lasting feeling of disgust. the german authorities stubbornly refuse officially. recognize as acts of genocide of the peoples of the soviet union, crimes against humanity committed by the third reich in the ussr during the great patriotic war; first of all, they refuse to recognize the blockade of leningrad. this follows from the recent response of the german foreign ministry to the russian embassy in germany meeting the requirements of the russian side. at the same time, the german side
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is showing outright hypocrisy, duplicity, and well, i think it violates everything, ethics, morality. zakharova emphasized that at the same time , the german authorities constantly accuse other states of something; the representative of our foreign policy department noted that russia will continue to strive at all levels and international platforms to restore the historical justice of the official recognition of the obvious fact of genocide by the third reich of the peoples of the soviet union. the un general assembly today adopted a scandalous resolution recognizing the events as genocide.
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more details. we are not a people who committed genocide, we remember, proud serbia and the republika srpska, billboards with these words today can be seen all over serbia in the churches of the orthodox church, praying for the salvation of the serbian people, and ringing the bells. a resolution of seven points, the first of which decides to proclaim july 11 as an international day of reflection in memory of the 1995 genocide. threatens to upend the entire situation in the balkans. milorad dudik has already announced that if the resolution is adopted, he will initiate the withdrawal of the republika srpska from bosnia and herzegovina, so
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how the resolution violates the dayton agreement of 1995, which became the basis for the existence of bosnia itself. the alignment before the vote at the un general assembly is not in favor of serbia due to western pressure. the belgrade newspaper evening news, citing its sources, writes: germany berback personally threatened the governments of other countries so that they would vote for the resolution. the serbs are infuriated by the fact that the initiators of the resolution on srebrenica were germany and rwanda. okay, rwanda, it's clear that she didn't play any significant role in this performance, but germany, which destroyed the serbs twice during two world wars, does it have any moral right to talk about genocide, given the fact that only in one camp with... accusing all the sins of the serbs, although in
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belgrade they have repeatedly stated that they recognize srebrenica , war crimes were committed in 1995, but we are not talking about any genocide at all, it’s just that now the west needed this tragedy in order to rein in the unwanted president of the republic serbian milorad dodik, and at the same time aleksandar vucic. they initiated this resolution not because they are very smart, they wanted to show that they will politically punish anyone who is independent and self-sufficient, everyone should just read their email or their fax and carry out their wishes and orders, second, all this is necessary so that cover up about gaza, show that they are not anti-muslim, although they have never done anything regarding the humanitarian catastrophe in the gaza sector, of course, this is also connected with attitude towards russia. it is worth remembering that in july.
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all our lives, what we have lived and experienced, what our ancestors, relatives have experienced or not, this is suddenly called into question, to the extent it is called into question... the question is
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that the executioners of the victim change places, to the extent that that the most long-suffering people of modern europe are declared guilty of genocide, and so that everything takes on a note of painful perversion, their descendants declare us a genocidal people, we liberated europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for this, they have become prophetic marshal's words. now there is an attempt to put the serbs and russians on the dark side of history. germany still cannot forgive russia for its victory. when the special operation began in ukraine, they said that they would only send helmets there, but then they began sending weapons to the east, and this shows their duplicity. serbs and russians are similar, they know what faith is and what sin is, neither the germans, nor the british, nor anyone else has this, so history repeats itself.
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american property in russia may send for compensation, to whom for what, denis talalaev about this. sberbank mortgage.
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just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you, with a discount of 300 rubles. for the first order. i love the moscow coffee shop on the waist, i’ll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. the stars aligned on sunday immediately after via superstar on ntv. this program today. we continue our release. the development of the far east became one of the key topics of today's meeting.
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basis for achieving the goals that were set by the president in his address to the federal assembly, in particular, which is very important, long-term planning for technology development is being introduced, uniform terminology is being established, approaches at all stages from research to delivery to the customer, large companies will now be involved in this process scientific organizations, large companies, there is also a general the procedure for supporting russian developers with...
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all factions believe that the tax system really needs to be improved and have proposed different approaches. the discussion was about progressive taxation; it is assumed that part of the money after payment will be directed to social purposes. these are national projects, improving social welfare, supporting motherhood and childhood, as well as projects to combat serious diseases. edmund chelbunov found out who will pay and how much. new times dictate new conditions. at the beginning of this week, announcing large parliamentary hearings on the issue of improving tax legislation, vyacheslav volodin said that we would talk about distributing a fairer tax burden, and today the speaker of the state duma explained what dictated such a step. this issue is overdue, a flat
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tax scale, without solving those tasks that are now necessary, we are developing, each stage of development requires, among other things, changes. legislation. specific proposals regarding the future progressive scale have already been formulated by the head of the financial government block. when preparing proposals, it is proposed to proceed from the principle of fairness. this is our key approach. world practice shows the use of progression in taxation of citizens' income. the principle applies in the countries of our neighbors, and where the top of the scale reaches 25% in non- cis countries. there we know the upper scale.
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in fact, and this is absolutely understandable,
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because we are all taxpayers, because the tax system is always a personal issue, it is clear that there are no objections, this is for business and entrepreneurs, those who earn more should pay more, but it seems to me that here too we need to make smooth, so to speak, upward movements, not to talk about two steps, here it is 13:15 or 13:20. and so that there are several steps. the main task of the updated law is to help citizens, small businesses and obtain additional resources for economic development, or for an even more equitable distribution of funds among regions. at the same time, the changes will not affect the majority of the population and, as anton siluanov assured, 95% of entrepreneurs will be affected; the winners, first of all, should be large families with low incomes. a deduction for personal income tax will be offered for them, such instructions were given by the president, and part of the taxes paid can be paid.
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special attention to the distribution of not only the tax burden, but also the income that the budget will receive thanks to the updated system, these funds will be directed to social needs, both parliamentarians and other speakers today noted: society has a request for a more efficient tax system, and this means that when adjusting legislation, taking into account time and circumstances, it is necessary to take into account the interests of citizens, the main parameters of the tax system must be fixed until 2030, a fair tax system: should be built on the following principles,
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it is proposed to determine these approaches: first - to be stable and predictable, to ensure revenue resources to solve large-scale government tasks in the socio-economic spheres, stimulate investment activity of companies, support healthy competition, create equal business conditions. representatives of large businesses also take an active part in the discussion of the government initiative; for example, norilsk nickel president vladimir potanin supported it.
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use of american property in russia today, the president, by his decree, authorized to compensate for the damage caused to our country and the central bank in connection with the unfriendly actions of the united states. more business news. for the mother, here’s a fairly complete list, there’s money, real estate, shares. vladimir putin allowed the use of american property, which is in russia to compensate for damage from the seizure of russian assets. the text of the presidential decree says that all this, quote, is in connection with the unfriendly actions of the united states of america. as specified in the decree, the russian copyright holder is the state. or the central bank, if its property has been confiscated, can go to court, and if
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the court accepts this application, it requests a list of us property in russia. at this stage , the government commission for the control of foreign investment identifies american property that can be used to compensate for damage, as stated, taking into account the principle of proportionality. such a list may include real estate of the united states or its citizens, securities, shares in russian authorized capital. persons, property rights. after the start of the events in ukraine , the russian central bank froze approximately 260 billion euros worth of assets abroad, of which approximately 190 billion were in europe. euroc depositories, the american congress estimated that $4.5 billion of russian central bank assets are stored in the united states. shares of the american nvidia are currently rising in price by 10.5%. the company reported financial results for the first quarter of this year that were not
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better than expected, and spoke about its expectations for the second quarter, where the numbers were again better than analysts had expected. in general, i’m not used to nvidia shares. become more expensive, over the past year they have increased in price by 3 and a half times. the company has become one of the main beneficiaries of the artificial intelligence boom because it provides approximately 80% of the market for high-performance chips to create it. the russian stock market fell all day today, but by the close of trading reached a result that analysts usually call consolidation. but the market is still influenced by news about dividends of russian companies. or the absence of these dividends? the dollar today during trading again entered below the level of 90, but the level is still so strong, by the close of trading the dollar rose higher. norway bans entry for russian tourists. from may 29, entry will be denied to those traveling for
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tourism purposes or for purposes defined as non-essential. norway was the last schengen country to russian tourists could. to get by land, they promise to make an exception for russians in certain cases, namely for visiting close relatives who live in norway, if a russian goes to study in norway or another schengen country. the norwegian authorities explained that with the new ban they want to support partners who are introducing restrictions due to the russian, russian-ukrainian conflict. in march 2022, norway suspended the issuance of tourist visas to russians; in april it resumed, but in a limited manner. in addition... the heirs of the russian farps have compiled a new list of the richest businessmen. now in russia there are only 125
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dollar billionaires who have 360 ​​children. total. as forbes notes. if this total fortune of fathers is divided among all children, then each of them will also become a billionaire. in first place is yusuf alekperov, the only son of lukoil’s largest shareholder vagit alekva. he has occupied this place for many years, he is 33 years old, his fortune is already estimated at $200 million, and his father’s capital, which can pass to him inheritance - $28.5 billion. in second place are the children of leonid mikhelson, the main owner of sibur and novatek, each... 13 billion 700 million dollars, victoria mikhelson studied art history in new york and london, now she owns the house of culture ges-2 in moscow, and about 2 % of novotek shares. in third place are the children of the founder of evrahim and suek, andrei melnichenko, each of them can inherit
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$10.5 billion. there are newcomers to the ratings. in the top 20 this year, the children of the owner of pharmstandard viktor kharitonin entered the top 20 for the first time. and son the founder of tmk and the senar group, dmitry pumpyansky, but this time the heirs of the co-founder of alpha group, mikhail fridman, seemed outside the rating. everything about the economy, well, now girls in search of grooms, of course, have flocked to the screens, i think you know how to attract the female audience, also consider other people’s money, you know, how, after all , happiness is not in money, and maybe it won’t become strangers later, yes, happiness is not in money, definitely not ours, but in general, thank you, denis, thank you, denis talolaev with an economic review, well now. a short advertisement, that's what we'll talk about after it. an amazing place where horsepower and human souls are healed. report by alexey kuvashenko. together we can do a lot.
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any atm, not just profitable, alpha profitable at the megay megamarket, choose buy with free delivery at the megamarket, megamarket, to make money on your savings, i open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%, i can top it up from any bank, by phone number without commission. open a deposit in tenkof with an interest rate of 17% per annum. tinkov, he’s the only one. this program today. we continue our release. caring russians can give animals a chance to live. this is the name of the largest horse shelter in russia. more exotic animals also find refuge here, the shelter has an amazing history, it was founded by a student together with like-minded people, for more than 10 years this
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rescue center has existed thanks to volunteers, many of them were here for the first time on vacation, came to ride horses, and then returned help again and again. alexey kvashenkin found out what does it mean to have a chance to live? it’s hard to believe, but this white oryol lavender trotter was around just recently. property, therefore does not fall under the law on the protection of animals, without the consent and permission of the owner, the owner, unfortunately, nothing can be done, a man riding a horse, such a very organic picture, from somewhere from the depths of... centuries, but have you ever thought you, what happens to those horses that people no longer need, here in
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the moscow region there is a place where such horses are not disposed of, on the contrary, they are brought in here to give them a second chance. chance for life is the largest shelter for horses in russia. the fate of any of them would be very sad if it were not for their savior, the owner of the orphanage anastasia. now there are 174 horses here, and she knows each of them, like we do, the names of her friends. here next to us, who is worth eating? khazar and his friend argenta are standing next to us, these horses came to us 4 years ago from a sports school, which is not located in our area, the horses were already quite old, the management ordered to get rid of unnecessary horses, but here they are when the two of us came to visit, we are still friends to this day. anastasia got her first horse when she was 13 years old, and about a year later her friends asked her to save the old stallion photon from being sent to the slaughterhouse. this was a turning point. imagine, a 14-year-old child, what kind of meat, what kind of horses are there, what they are slaughtered, i couldn’t even wrap my head around it, that is, because we are used to looking after
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them, stroking them, cleaning them, kissing them. and simply unnecessary animals, as a rule, are not given here, but sold, at first to the shelter bathed right at the slaughterhouse, some were old, some were sick, with a knotty disease, arthrosis, back jump ropes, these are the characteristic legs, like this, and at the slaughterhouse she was already fat.
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back joint, not only put an end to his career from the kokun, but could have served as a puncture fracture of the front leg and the fracture was a death sentence, the owners themselves handed him over to the shelter for retirement, they at least try to do something, they immediately disown him and hand him over for meat, well, they choose the worst way, and i understand such people, but not those who their friends are given in and completely given over there for meat, to be torn to pieces, of course, the shelter is not able to save all the horses, there are about 2 million of them in russia, and even in such a noble cause a rational... approach is needed, roughly speaking, for every five six rescued horses should be one or two more or less healthy horses that can carry out exercises, and that can go to photo sessions, that is, that can bring at least some profit in order to cover those horses that cannot participate in this, without the help of volunteers and curators of this project would have been impossible, now more than 100 people voluntarily take part in the life of the shelter, we called nastya, came, well,
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now we come here, at least everyone. weekends, or even more often, and what do you do in the outside world? in the outside world i am an expert in accreditation, certification bodies. moreover , most of the volunteers previously had no idea from which side to approach the horse, let alone how to care for it, completely zero, i’ve already been taught everything here, we understand that we can’t do that there, so that the horse lives forever, but we can give it a decent life, people provide help in different ways. some simply help with money, others take on the costs of maintaining the horse, in whole or in part. many are afraid that they won’t make it financially. no, finances are not the most important thing. there is always something to do for a person. if he has a desire to communicate with horses, there will always be that horse for which
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communication with people is not enough; people get more in the end, more. than horses, and what do people get? peace of mind, they heal, heal the soul. alexey kvashenkin, ekaterina katilevskaya, alexander belyaev, anton molokoedov and alsubi barsovo, ntv television company. now it's time to find out the weather forecast in our meta from evgenia neronskaya studio. it’s a sin to complain about the moscow weather; it’s sunny and warm like summer, we hope. nothing will disturb the clarity of our sky for days, only occasionally light clouds will float across the sky; summer is gaining momentum; this weekend it will show itself in all its glory. so, a huge anticyclone has firmly established itself on european territory, from the white sea to the black sea, the weather is dry and partly cloudy, and even in the north it will warm up sharply. in the republic of comit the temperature will soar to +20, in the arkhangelsk region to
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25, but this is just a summer test of the pen. it will get colder on saturday. in the north-west the warmth has settled for a long time, it is not going to leave, from petrozavodsk to pskoye 24:27, on the baltic shores the resort weather and rains will take a break tomorrow. in the middle zone, the sun diligently warms everyone, the temperature is slowly but steadily rising. polzhy is still five degrees behind the norm, but on the weekend it will warm up to 25 here too. in the south sunny, no precipitation, warmest in krasnodar, on the black sea coast, about 25°, even in the mountains. about the weather in the capitals after a short pause. if the weather bothers your joints during a change, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging
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the stomach, and also normalizes urinary levels. acids. i prevent its deposition in the joints. reimoflex evalar - movement without pain. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be plus 25 without precipitation. in moscow, the bright sun is still 21.23, on the weekend the temperature will jump up to july levels, sunday will be really hot, so let's go sunbathe, the pond after work, the sun will already set, thank you, evgenironsky with the weather forecast, well, these are the main news for at this hour we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye.
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vaska, did you save me or something?
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oh, the beast is running towards the catcher, are you, or what,
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we have a murder now, a catcher, they just informed the duty officer, akimov and sereda are already in place, so you’re the only one missing. at the time of death, between midnight and three o'clock in the morning, i think the cause is most likely open cranial grass, i can say for sure after the autopsy, and this is apparently the murder weapon, possibly. great, well, great, very young, 20, 25 years old, no more, identified, no documents on her, no phone, nothing at all,


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