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tv   Zapasnii vikhod  NTV  May 23, 2024 10:15pm-11:35pm MSK

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bon appetit, oh, long time no see, hello, and i'm about to examine, at the same time , see to it, why make sure that the blind man doesn't run away, but i would like a conclusion, you don't know where the round one is, she promised to return soon, let's go with us... what yes, okay, i’m on business, a victim, here’s roman pogorelov, the owner of what’s his name , a meat and dairy plant, a poultry farm and city stores in the regions, in short, a philanthropist and founder of the life for life fund, an important pepper, yeah, well, i see , that everything here is like skipped, yes, the only thing is that it’s unclear... the protocol for examining the corpse
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says that the body was lying on its back, its arms were outstretched, the left leg was tucked under itself, there were foreign objects of different shapes and sizes sticking out of the mouth, that’s how it is, well, i’ll show you this, you ’ll like it, yeah , is there this one for the tent? of course, well, come here, why did you stand there, well , dima, well, come here, well, come, now i’ll show you, well , yes, come here, now it will be beautiful.
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oh, look, what an installation, what sticks out of the arttata, like what, sausages, sausages, well, all sorts of other goodies, yummy things, everything natural, dil, what are you, look , yes, look, dimochka, look, you see, dima, why are you here on me as orderlies, it’s more convenient there, but no, i’m great here too, yeah, but i have nothing to please you with , i carried out an initial examination, the conclusion will be tomorrow.
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like tomorrow, iztepanovna, i need to report to the authorities, they are also under pressure, well, this is their problem, really, dima, no, although the corpse has meat products sticking out of all possible places, but something tells me that this is not the cause of death mr. pogorelov.
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right in my office, then straight away it’s all nonsense, everything is on your ears, yes, i slept in the planning meeting, the bosses demand results, well, we’re tired of olda stepanovna here too. he ’s still working, i let ivanovich go there to hang out, and what’s this, let’s go guys, let’s get together, three, four, violence against animals, down with violence against animals, down with violence against animals. down with violence against
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animals, down with violence against animals, down with violence against animals, violence against animals, violence against animals looks normal, cola violence against animals.
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i agree, but first we’ll open a deposit for interest at sea, with sber everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, in sber it’s more profitable with prime, and how quickly bones’ saw became dull, and this that’s why you’ve just laid it out, but what else could we do with you. we will, hold on, no, no, no, sit, okay, dimon, what are you doing, now ivanovich will be back, we’ll go change the tool, here i am, making an inventory,
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mom, oh, i didn’t wash it, the act is ready examination? an interesting case, your pogorelov died from poisoning with pale toadstools, and only then, being dead, he was stuffed with meat products, i didn’t understand, what’s incomprehensible here, everything is simple, multiple hemorrhages of the mucous serous membranes of internal organs, microses, liver, intestines, and whatnot dystrophic microbiotic changes in the liver, kidneys, and so on and so on, in general, everything indicates that it was... poisoning and no asphyxia, thank you, please contact me, local products, yeah, not
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it’s necessary, but you don’t need to put all sorts of nasty things in the meat, then they won’t be poisoned, he’s a philanthropist, so what? the greed of the fraer ruined everything, yeah, so these herbivores probably killed him, for a reason, they were hanging out at the morgue with their posters, the hammer was quite a working version, yeah, i actually wiped the tweezers. in my opinion, i didn’t wipe it, here’s a picture of our patients, admire the pictures of the patients, the best, by the way, of all time, i don’t understand what’s unclear, the pictures are part of
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the cultural inventory, but here, first of all, there are a lot of paintings without accession numbers, this can be checked somehow. series, well, you ’ll do that, it’s your job, i agree, well , secondly, i talked to the yasnaya polyana art critic, she says, now the trends in art are completely different, we’re somehow lagging behind where they shine, let’s get up, i don’t know what trends you have there with yasnaya polyana, i won’t exchange our paintings for these scribbles, what scribbles, it’s not, for some it’s a scribble, but for others it’s priceless, then i came up with everything, everything needs to be somehow... then distribute by topic, in cardiology, for example, i came up with this in cardiology, these biblical motifs, biblical, in... where people worry, worry, let them look at the pictures, somehow calm down, there will be cupism, or
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whatever, whatever it’s called , i’ve calculated everything, here, i ’m asking you, an estimate for updating the interior of the entire hospital, so don’t let the amount bother you, i have nothing to pay my staff, i have such a high turnover, the mri machine costs 3 months disassembled, georgy gavrilovich , go! and start performing your direct duties, anyone can offend an artist. saikin. saikin, young man, what do you use in food? yes, you know, i’m actually
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not very interested in food, i’m andrei andreevich, i’m interested in the young people you sent to the hospital, i didn’t send anyone, they had a vegetarian poster in their hands, what have i got to do with it, well, how, moreover, you are the chairman of the society, our mother nature, and a vegetarian. so, so, yesterday roman lich pogorelov was brutally murdered, and already dead they stuffed a bunch of meat products into his mouth, we knew about the death, but so that, yes, horror, yes, and today your activists come to the morgue, where a burnt victim was tortured to death by sausage, they organize a picket there, cows are people too, cows too... people have killed everyone, and they have this one in their hands poster,
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we won’t be able to get away with it, there is every reason to believe that your guys have something to do with the murder of the burnt man, there weren’t any of ours at the hospital, and what benefit do we have from killing the burnt man, he’s been funding us for 5 years, why cut the branch you’re sitting on, what is he funding there, and why, so that we don’t interfere with his work, well like antitobo. the lobby is financed by tobacco companies, this is a business, nothing more, everything collapsed, what collapsed, everything you fooled, or something, so you can have a heart attack, a captain chatting with fish, dolphins are not fish, and his dolphin.
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has it really become the real kings of the urban jungle, these insectoid pests... cash, well, those are the rules, but i won’t have that much cash, here the maximum is 150,000, give 150,000 now, and the rest on the day of the funeral, no, no, that won’t do, on the day of the funeral, then you ’ll put pressure on pity with tears, give now what you have, and you’ll deliver the rest this evening, and this is
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a deposit, here’s 150 , and the rest at 6:00 pm, is that normal? they’ll arrange it, but with us everything is official, here you go, here, well, what i mean is that everything is official with us, and leave your phone number, well, for communication, here’s my business card, and i’ll dial it. an application for a new tool from a round one, well, the knife is too big for us, but there is no arc saw,
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i’ve already sold it, i gave away my last second surgery on request, you can check it. we’ll decide to sleep in a good way or as i can in a bad way, and what to eat we’ll decide, well, if not, then no, what can i do, what can you? yes, you can go look for an arc saw, or i can go and scratch the bottom of the barrel here myself, no need, no need to do it myself, i’ll look, let’s look, oh, wow, i found it, there’s another one lying around, grigory gavrilovich, what the was there a man? i
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arranged these funeral services, so he was burned, a relative, apparently not, a friend of the family, but a friend’s surname there is, there is, healthy, healthy, well... it’s clear that a familiar person, familiar, let’s go, fell, yeah,
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hey, have you come again? it’s bad, bad, understandable, bad, because a young body requires protein food, and you stuff it with it. with this greenfowl, do you hear, hey, that's enough, what are you, guy, guy, what's wrong with you, and hey, what are you, hey, what's wrong with you, what is this, have you been poisoned or something, come on, come on -ka, so... let's go, come on, come on, get up, come on, come on, come on, help me, nikolaych, there is no one,
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so, here, here, you, in general, sit here, while i'm fetching the doctor, what is this you have hanging around here? what is this? well, saikin is alive, and this is ready, papandos in full, calm down, dima, dima, dima,
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open your eyes, look at me, why is there a knife in your hand? what kind of knife, this is not my knife at all, it was in it, well, that’s it, that’s it, it was he who tortured him, goddammit, well, he, diba, look at me, this guy is dead, you realize it, i have nothing to do with it, i just wanted to help, me too. swam away, they all sing like that, he smacked him, he, he, cop, don’t croak, come on,
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tell me what happened. he's on the bench he was sitting, and i sat down next to him, and he had this whole thing in his mouth, how did he end up here, i just wanted to help, when they came here, it turned out that he had this knife sticking out in his side, that’s it, that’s it, nonsense, just, uh-huh, why did you take the knife out of... him, yes, i accidentally, well, you’ll be pouring all this into the prosecutor’s ears, shut up, pasha, please, no, well, that’s all, well, that’s all, and you kolya i didn’t notice at all what was happening, yes, look, even when we were chasing these green guys at the morgue with posters and he was with them, they filmed it all on video, and now he’s got his eyes closed here,
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well, that’s all, but in general, i’m an officer, i ’ll shoot myself, yes, come on, come on, stop the hysteria, now, well, why, kolya, well, this is the way out, they both shut up now, now i need to think soberly, yes, exactly, soberly , soberly, i,
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they want to pit vegetarians against meat-eaters, and we’re between the hammer and the anvil, and i’ll throw in another five, that’s all for sure, listen, here ’s what i came up with, let me take it back to the street quietly, oh, that’s for sure , just be sure to stick a knife in his side, yeah, put him somewhere in the park so that
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someone took it off. i posted it on the internet, well, it ’s all buzzing, it’s all over, yes, here , come, please, please, yes, here we have this room for for of course, all the penguins, winter is over, on the contrary, this is just ours pathologist.
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they need to be placed somewhere, you know, sometimes we even place them in the corridor, in our rooms, we even place them, do you understand why you ’re shouting like that? oh, no, it’s a habit, don’t be angry, we’re in the morgue, we, we sing operas here, no, no, these are dead people, you can’t tell a dead person how you disturb them, ah thunk, ah thunk, attention, attention, says
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germany, well, i did everything i could. nikolai ivanovich, yes, yes, please come. well, with a knight, with a knight, take the pawn, take the obvious move, yes, well , with a knight, take the pawn, good afternoon, hello, hello, and we have a gambit here, yes, well, take the pawn, take the pawn, these are investigators from the main investigation department. they are waiting for the results of the examination, but the examination is not ready yet, the corpse is complex, yes, a very problematic corpse,
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why don’t you beat me, why do you think it’s taking so long, but it’s understandable, huh... let’s go, let’s not disturb them. you see, we were informed that the murder took place with particular cruelty, i wanted to make sure for myself, but if the press or anyone
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is interested, do not spread the word, but what kind of talk can there be, you give, well done. what did you think, amba, right, breathe, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, executioner, the corpse must be removed, if you'll excuse me, but i'm not a young man, i also have some nerves, it's crap, let it clean up , that’s it, come on , everything is busy, they won’t give him a ride, well, maybe somehow
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he’ll be second, and if the round one brings him, but here here, then let him stay with us, since you are in your right mind, i know what to do. so there’s some clothes here, then we’ll figure it out, pull the chair out from under him, come on, go, help me throw my legs there, dima, get ready, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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i saw him, i saw him here, now he came here , you saw this, and here they are, no, that’s it, it’s a big deal, but the figure of speech is like this, and the figure, this is the speech, go sweep, that i’m here with you, yes, i’m an honest cop, being an honest cop is not very profitable, your wife i’m no more, they kicked me out of moscow in a very dangerous way, i just don’t
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i can guarantee that by the evening i will not be put on the wanted list or killed, but captain morozov, you, morozov, know how to anger people, you made your choice long ago, there is a good cop proverb, if you don’t know what to do, do it... and don’t retreat intends, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of ours couldn’t cope with him, bring us the head of this cop, can you really better leave? let all the fun go, no, vakhtank beridze, if you take one more step, your brains will be on the guard’s face, i understand, the pack is from monday at 22:10 on ntv. dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, apect can help; it helps restore memory and attention. on again, so that the head works. you. choose your favorite brands on wildberries.
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the stove. we are raffling off country houses, cars, laptops. spring floods of cash prizes await you. catch your bird of luck, because we are winning. every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. drink some water, pull yourself together and let’s tell you everything you know about this burnt man. pogorelov, what’s wrong with him, he has a daughter, it just turns out, oksana, in my opinion, and his wife died 10 years ago, so good, where was the body found, huh? the body was found 5 km from the house in a forest belt next to the river, did he have security? no, he thought that he didn’t need security, what a story there is, the driver is a security guard, but he arrived at his house at 12 o’clock, as they agreed, waited half an hour, called, but no one
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answered the phone, then the driver contacted his daughter , the daughter doesn’t know anything either, so they started searching by geolocation, they found the phone, and there was the body, of course, where was the daughter, so daughter, daughter, daughter from 9 o’clock at the university, here in stepanovna’s conclusion says that death occurred between 11-12 o’clock in the afternoon, that is , the daughter turns out to have iron albies, so check your daughter in full, friends, enemies, hobbies, if something doesn’t even seem right... i’m recording everything, now find in the file cabinet a citizen named kirill zdorov, drag all the criminal cases for 5 years in which this citizen was involved, here. dima, we’re running out of time,
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we can’t keep your dead man unknown for long, if they start looking for him, it’s a trend for us, of course, yes, on the other side grab this laptop on the way. yeah, there is something you came with, grigory gavrilovich, check, well, within the framework of etritre. how can i say, wait, you’ve already taken an inventory, but the paintings, you don’t have inventory numbers on the paintings, i saw, i think we’ve already agreed with you that this is like private property, and
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why do we need checks? why, well, for the report. well, here’s a picture hanging, hanging, there’s no inventory number, and there’s no receipt, but what happens, nothing works out, that’s what i’m talking about too, it’s a mess, after all, there’s something in them. i’ll take 300, that’s 300, well, i’ll take all the paintings for 300, this is not discussed, okay, but
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for 500, i’ll hang up your room, gavrilovich, i’m ready. i should discuss any conditions, but next time, it’s a very urgent matter, i remembered from the assignment a round bloodsucker, and there are 600 of them, think about it while there is demand, what is this? one second, sketch by the same author, free for you.
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feigned, it will soon pass, yeah, palych, well, i congratulate you. “we’re in trouble, a corpse man was drawing a picture under your couch, and i’m looking at this criminal from under the bed, his arm is sticking out, of course, than me arc saw"? melted down from the hospital, but this is some kind of nonsense, it’s a pity that gomlin denisovich left, okay, what’s the matter, oh,
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look, that’s what’s going on here, and this is something body, ivanovich,
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are you going to give me a screwdriver or not? i’ll hand over saikin right away, not according to my standards, pasha, but i don’t mind turning over the cop, i’ve already let mine go, that’s it, oh, how good, oh, again, hello, come on, what did you dig up, at first, well, kirill, we remember, over the past 5 years i have been involved in various cases three times, all as
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a witness, yeah, but as expected, the cases are approximately similar, for example, a wife, the devastating brush of a far from poor husband , for example, here ’s another daughter who cheats her parents out of money, and then, in fact, sells the apartment. a businesswoman who lost her entire business, well, went bankrupt, everyone has a family friend, can you imagine, a certain kirill, and of course, not a single woman about him, not a single bad word, no, not a single one pointed out how on the culprit, here i am, i say, when i saw him, i immediately recognized him, he was involved in a fraud case, what about the daughter of the deceased, so the daughter? oksana romanovna pogorelova is a member of
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the kara oak organization, this is a sect for vegans, so they unquestioningly subordinate everything to their leader and mentor, great kirill leonidovich, just like that, he’s also the deputy chairman of the society our mother nature, well, purely by chance, yes, sort of. ditched as a witness, it’s like pitna, and either confuse the investigation, yeah, judging by
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the phone printouts, before pogorelov was leaving the house, they called him just from this nature, our mother, that’s right, to take over dad’s business, and also to set up the chairman, dashing girl, i wish i could talk to someone with oksana, i got burned, yes, yes, i her i’ve already called my father for identification, so i should be here in 15 minutes. dima, you are just growing. sutyagin said that if i don’t find the suspect by tomorrow, he will give the case to another investigator. but this is bad. no, no, no, i'll heat it up right here. yeah, yeah, let's split it up. you know, split girl in love. it’s not like you want to use a horse as a background, it’s love. well, okay, here you are right away, pavel pavlovich, well, the guy is eager, he somehow needs to grow. come on, come on. he needs to grow up, and i have to sleep blindly tonight, we have pipes under the bed over there, superstar,
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today we will sing.
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discounts on wildberries, this is a security service, name the code from... and let's do this, if you manage to trick me, i will return the stolen money to the client, order a sim card mobile protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. he's the only one. me they want to bang, we’ll figure it out, what’s there to figure out, they want to bang, let them bang, sergei zharkov, are you under a spell or something, and we are generally dead, terrible people, dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. grigor govrilovich, don’t be offended, there was some kind of misunderstanding,
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after all, we are colleagues, like one family. i brought you a sign of reconciliation, i think it’s great, beautiful, thank you, i’m touched, and by the way, grigory govilovich, kirill zdorov visited you today, he ordered funeral services, but he was like that. he will come again, at 6 o'clock, he owes me money, gregor gorilovich, i have a request to ask you, but please, strictly between
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us, tell me what? do you recognize this as your father, roman ilyevich pogorelov? yes, that's him, did you look closely? i told you, this is my father. well, what are you saying, date, surname, signature, here , here, i’m free, well, not quite,
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please tell me, do you know the citizen, kirill leonidovich zdorov? no, uh-huh, no, that’s what i thought, no, but the fact that he ordered funeral services on your behalf is just a coincidence, maybe he’s from a company that he’s dealing with pochrons, for sure, but i didn’t even think about it, to be honest, let’s add this to the case materials, materials, case, oh, what is this? yes, but it’s some kind of nonsense , it turns out that your joint photographs with kirill are healthy, but no, well, this is
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definitely a strange coincidence, it turns out, your joint correspondence with kirill, great, but somehow, and you don’t want to acknowledge your friend, he’s not my friend, that’s right. not a friend, but a counterfeiter and lover, they chopped up my father, yes, but i didn’t kill anyone, sit, these are all the cases in which kirill zdorov is involved, and in all of them he... goes as a witness, here are his mistresses, please, either in prison, here’s another one, well, or like this they are ruined,
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before he was just involved in fraud, but now his appetites are growing, now he kills, this time he will get out. and you sit down, well, or he will remove you as soon as your father’s business is in his hands, well done, okay, fine, i don’t know anything. so, well, listen, it’s clear with my father, a lot of money is at stake, but why was boris killed? i don’t understand what kind of boris, your admirer, i have to organize this clown show again with correspondence, i won’t say anything without a lawyer , you will have a lawyer, now you will, now you will have a lawyer, a lawyer, yes, this kind of lawyer will be for you now... you’re done,
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lawyer, here, here’s a lawyer, lawyer’s office, this is what awaits you, your kirill will continue to have fun with others, you want this, i didn’t kill, that’s all kirill, dad loved him very much, creeda. jesus, i served it for dinner, dad sat down and said what kind of breakfast is this? the cumulative effect, i understand, i only took effect in the morning, so why was boris killed? boris said that he couldn’t live without me, he pursued me, he was sick of me, and he revered kirill as a guru, he fanatically pursued him, kirill convinced him that dad was the enemy of all living nature, and most importantly, that he wanted to marry me. border to separate us from our group, they and boris you... what then boris, and
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then boris saw us kissing kirill and said that he would go to the police and tell them everything, kirill convinced him that it was an accident, i asked him to go help with organizing the funeral, i stayed in the car at the gate, then kirill left the main building alone. clearly, write a purely heartfelt confession.
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birdie, saikin, respect, you planted him, and i put him down, and he said shit that for prevention, take them away.
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i didn’t even think about it, pavel pavelich, stop with your noodles, and preservatives! dimochka, you know, a real man should be able not only to catch criminals, but also to understand modern art. thank you, yes, thank you, as for contemporary art, i'm trying, i hope. dianochka, dimochka, don’t be late. yes.
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i ran, i’ll see you in the gallery, don’t fiddle with your tie, lord, otherwise you look like some kind of homeless person, not an investigator, dim, you’re so handsome, oh, yes, yes, but how long until the exhibition, i don’t know, well, i don’t care, let’s go and drop everything. and please, thank you, wow! nice, this is just like everything that was stolen from us at the entrance, what kind of uniform, little buggers,
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excuse me, can i interview your life. come to me, let me, anton, hello, please tell me how long you prepared this installation, which makes me smile, i liked your jacket.
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and a few more words about the exhibition, how our tv viewers will remember it, thanks to the motto, we found it without barriers, we were able to receive... a prize based on the number of presented projects by participating artists, thank you marya ivanovna for the story, for a whole week you will be able to enjoy the limitless imagination of the participants. nikolai ivanovich, what do you think of our exhibition? well , yes, what, what can you say? well, you know, as the curator of the exhibition, i answer the request today, but myself. still, inside i gravitate towards the last century, before they denied something specific, now they deny everything , don’t you think, or do you think that i’m some kind of old-timer? very difficult, everything
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that is difficult, yes, yes, hello, hello, meet me, from... nikola ivanovich throws away the mop, and says, and says, pasha, you just don’t get in, what mythological codes are encrypted in the paintings of paulus bohr that's it, you're so sick, just, lord, what
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a subtle sense of painting you have, i always thought, that the images in his paintings are eclectic and random, and you think that these are codes? tell me in which particular picture this is most vivid, well, what can i say, kolya means in everyone, especially in the early days, when there was no pavlibor, but just pavlibor, well, he was running around holland without pants, amazing, well, let’s not disturb you. don’t say anything, check out the ligustavs, go through vestration and triple your deposit at the megamay megamarket, choose buy at the megamarket with a discount of up to 99% for sberbank bonuses, thank you,
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how do you, do you imagine that? yes, comrade colonel, murder, with special cynicism, i understand, i’m leaving, i have a murder, are you lucky? mileyby man.


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