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tv   Pozdnyakov  NTV  May 24, 2024 12:55am-1:11am MSK

12:55 am
i gave you the suit as a sign of reconciliation , by the way, nikolai ivanovich said hello, thank you, well, i’m glad that everything somehow worked out for you, that’s what, what’s that, and i also asked you to say something, how ... this is called, this is called kitsch, well, yes, with a claim to installation, like, installation, yeah, well, that's it, yes, well, you'll have tea with us, i won't refuse, now i'll show you what this is an installation, one, two, three,
12:56 am
damn it, you have to get out, get out, there are cops, cops, a raid, they announced on you, surrounded you, we will make your way through the central one, yes, he has you wrapped around his finger, he pretends to asians, presses for pity, and at night the ghoul, you’re about to lie down, he wants, like you leaned back, but he glued the flippers together, well, the emergency exit, can you imagine, he had an affair with the daughter of the local mafia boss, hands up! final episodes: tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. transition to a new technological one. the treasure
12:57 am
requires appropriate competencies, do we have them, which enterprises in a wide range from pharmaceuticals to microelectronics can count on help state, how rich the arsenal of support is and how many zeros are in the average check at the regional level at the federal level, as if it so happened to refuse and not offend, we’ll talk about this with the head of the industrial development fund, roman petrutsy. roman vasilievich, this year is the tenth anniversary year for the development fund. industry, how do you approach it in terms of results, socio-economic effects? to date, we have crossed the threshold of 1,600 funded projects and 1,150 unique companies have become ours clients, first of all, of course, we solve industrial policy problems that have been relevant over the past 10 years since the introduction of the first sanctions in 2014, and this is one common word, well known to everyone, import substitution, or, well, technology.
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the overwhelming number of the fund's projects are aimed precisely at this, and here there is a symbiosis of industrial policy goals, which ultimately flow into socio-economic effects with the support of the fund, projects contribute to the creation of tens of thousands of jobs, our target is these are high-performance workplaces, there are certain specifics about how to count them, but according to our analytics, for each high-performance workplace. and the tax system, with the capital of the fund in addition to jobs, of course, this is a contribution to today of 370 billion rubles. at the end of last year, we counted taxes paid to budgets of various levels, this is more than 220 billion rubles, decapitalization was announced at the russian congress, i will also tell you about it now, 300 billion rubles. recapitalization of the fund over the horizon of 5 years, but in addition to this in budget.
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projects, already 730 projects have fully returned the money to us and we have used it to finance new projects, a scenario is possible in which we will use the already proven mechanism last year on the initiative of this was done, we sold part of the fund’s portfolio of already launched projects, where the project ended investment phase, but there is one and a half to two years left until the end of the loan, in principle we can let them float freely, remove control, yeah. such projects
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were sold to banks under the obligatory condition maintaining for the client a unique preferential rate at which these funds were provided, and the downside of this story is the fact that we must compensate the bank. indeed, the palette of tools for supporting industry today is very wide, of course, our own is the industrial development fund, in addition to this , regional industrial development funds are our great helpers today, well, today in every region there are already, and in almost every region more than
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in 80 regions have created such regional funds, and of course they are our local ambassadors, they bring clients to us by the hand, seven out of ten of our clients are brought by a regional fund. they promote our product in the region, help enterprises prepare projects, but besides this they do a lot of things themselves. over the past year, regional funds with their entire friendly team have financed more than 800 projects in the manufacturing industries, well, you ’re not creating competition for each other here, no matter what at all, we have a clear division into small projects of a small scale, this the domain of regional funds, but even if it is a small project, in any case it is a point of growth for the regional economy.
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seeing the huge demand from industrial businesses for long-term debt financing for investment purposes, the ministry of industry and trade introduced a cluster investment platform mechanism, under which the enterprise itself also receives debt financing, but from the bank, and from 2 billion rubles to 100 billion rubles at a preferential rate below significantly than commercial lending, here, of course, a great help is web state corporation, it can either provide funds. or acts as a guarantor for such projects, by the way, for several projects of the ov fund, the ov provided a guarantee to us, our risks in this part are closed, the conclusion of special investment contracts continues, the mechanism launched at the beginning of the sixteenth year continues to develop, the year before last 14 contracts were concluded, and of course
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it has not gone anywhere support in the form of subsidies from upromtorg, a huge set of tools to support enterprises through subsidies, there are our great friends and colleagues in the department subordination, this is a technological development agency that provides grants for the engineering of critical components, and we must not forget regional support measures, in each region there are support measures for the manufacturing industry, and here this information is absolutely open, i recommend using the navigator in search of such information measures to support the state industrial information system. in any search engine, type the navigator of support measures and the enterprise that fell on a clear page with filters, criteria, by selecting the region of the industry, will receive a full palette of tools available for its financing, who and under what conditions can take advantage of preferential financing from the fund? and our
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classic client is an established enterprise, as a rule, a medium-sized small business, although there are large businesses too, we are also our clients, but most of them are medium-sized businesses. according to our analytics, 40% of our borrowers are officially included in the register of the federal tax service as small medium-sized businesses, but returning to their state at the current point in time, this is a company that has already done something, is already producing something, is thinking about the next step in its development, has normal entrepreneurial competencies in the desire to make money, is absolutely good, has an honest desire, and this is our ideal , not 200% profit, but still, in this sense, we are theirs...
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the system itself for submitting an application to the fund, it, let’s say, tells the client whether he is ours or not, this is a fairly understandable web form with verifiers , where for example, the amount... in cell the application amount cannot be set to 10 billion, when the maximum check for this program is billion, it will tell you, it will not allow you to go further until you get into our parameters, so by submitting this application, with 99 percent probability our client, and there is already a question for to the client himself, whether he will reach the point of consideration of expert advice in terms of answering the questions that will be asked to him, from the point of view of the examinations carried out on this project, a lot of examinations are carried out, the most important, probably, is the examination that what the fund does is the compliance of the project. goals of industrial policy, we are a development institution that operates with public funds, it is very important that we use them wisely,
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we direct them to where it is really needed, these priorities are now expressed in sectoral import substitution plans, in the list of critical components for industry, in the list of auto components that we would like to localize, in the list of vp’s wives, in the list of technologies for concluding special investment contracts, this is what industrial policy has identified as necessary in country here now yeah. the project itself , the incoming fund must meet these goals, this is scientific and technical expertise, which presupposes a fairly deep understanding of the industries of their sub-sectors, i am not ashamed to admit that i finance from microelectronics to pharmaceuticals, 10 client managers of the fund, but cannot have all of these competencies, and we give this examination to a specialized expert, and we do not know the name of who does it, we receive this examination for the signature of the manager, returning to what comes next does the foundation itself, production.
1:07 am
from the portfolio, yeah, so, in fact, the filter is quite good, clients, thank you very much, they are doing projects as agreed, so you say, a very wide range of projects, and do you see any trends in this regard, let’s say there, i don’t know, there have been more applications for pharmaceuticals, or is it the other way around for... microelectronics, which is now in the lead, but what do you think, when did the number of applications for pharmaceuticals increase? in the spring
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of 2020, there were simply a lot of them, here - let’s say, i remember with particular pride that stage of the fund’s work, in the spring of the twentieth year, in the second quarter we approved more than 100 projects related to scaling the creation of production of everything that was needed to fight covid, we worked in fast and furious mode, yesterday... application today expert site tomorrow money, big some of the projects were provided without any security at all; now, after 4 years, only one project, and not with any malicious intent, did not work out of the hundred that we financed then, what is relevant now and which applications are greater, of course mechanical engineering, and the lion's share is auto components, power engineering, this is what is now approximately 30 to 40% of the fund's portfolio, yeah.
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we have sent more than 60 projects to this industry, if i’m not mistaken, we are building a new technological structure, right? so, are there enough so-called breakthrough technologies offered, in fact, by your clients? absolutely yes, the fund has such projects on almost every expert council, energy microelectronics construction, i remember now kaliningrad, the largest plant in europe,
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has been quite stable since the first days of working with the tool; i would call it such a good, solid car, moving on four reliable wheels. roman vasilievich, thank you very much for the conversation. thank you very much kiril for inviting me.


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