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tv   Zakhvat  NTV  May 24, 2024 2:10am-3:26am MSK

2:10 am
olezha, oleshenka, here you are, vasilno, our little bee, what happened? alezha, you need to meet the artists, they have a rehearsal tomorrow morning, no, today is a legal day off, lie down, well, there’s no one else, i didn’t see my daughter during the last holidays, well... there’s business for half an hour, we have attendance you know what, the new year is just around the corner, the boarding house is empty, keep running, and it’s my fault, how am i going to pay you a salary, and there is a kokoshnik, what a kokoshnik, and how am i going to greet them, bread, salt, kokoshnik, two for you weekend, okay.
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got ready to go home, bomber, it's a working day it’s over, it’s time to go to the family, to the children, it’s like i haven’t worked yet, it’s like nothing happened, force majeure, what kind of agreement did we have, i’m slowly mining the bank, dumping my share, we don’t know each other anymore, warehouse . you’ll talk about, as you said, force majeure, that ’s what i’ll tell you, we’re sitting in the same boat, you don’t want to work with the oars, but once, again, with yours, there’s no discipline, with them it’s not like going to the bank, to the atm it’s scary to approach, weapons, you know me, i only carry weapons with me for a lot of money, but... until the end we
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now with you, just think about how this could end, everything is clear, let’s go in, let’s go in , stop whining already, forgive me, the devil got me wrong. mom called, well, call back, hello, we had breakfast, we’re training, have a nice trip with hermann, thank you for bringing her, don’t worry, mommy, dad and i will keep an eye on each other, bye mom!
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let's swim some more, hold on! grisha, this is a really bad topic, what are we going to do with it? and before you had to think, why the hell did you shoot at the collector, what’s that, they were the first to start, yes i, yes i, kindergarten, about 16:30 in the afternoon, at the address proletarskaya street, building 3 , an armed robbery attempt was made on a reliable commercial bank. as
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a result of the attack , a collection employee died on the spot from a bullet wound. one of the attackers is believed to have been wounded. the six attackers fled the crime scene in two cars. an interception plan has been announced in the city and region. the license plates of the cars have been punched and passed on to all traffic police posts. put the entire area on the ears, but so that there is a result. the identities of these thugs have been established. most likely it's grisha vyazimsky, these are morons, they didn’t even take the collector’s bag, morons, not morons, but they killed the collector, that’s also a person’s fate, if only they had arrived half an hour earlier, but what if we now had not only a cash-in-transit robbery, but also a bank robbery, and there are hostage demands, no one knows how many victims, so they got off, nothing. he
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also wounded one, they won’t get far, we’re working, there’s an extract from vyazimsky’s personal file. grigory leonidovich date of birth is february 18 , 1966. place of birth - pytalovsky district, pskov region. founding leader malaevskaya organized crime group. crime. racketeering, money laundering, murder. period of commission, from 1987 to 1995, found guilty under articles of the criminal code 105-174. motive selfish. date of arrest - 1995. punishment: 10 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony, status of punishment served. grisha,
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i moved the cars, damn it, someone will find it. grisha, we won’t last long here, we need to leave. we're sitting here for now. oh, and the rest is tomorrow, bunny, oh, hi, baby, hello, okay, here you are, what is there, look, great, thank you, please, how did you get there, no
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got caught up, yes, no, okay, i know these places well, we filmed a movie here a couple of years ago, alarming silence, action movie, didn’t watch it, no, it’s a pity , what kind of aunt, uncle, bring your suitcase, wait, wait, wait, wait, selfie, video, video, so, there will be something from a frame from frames, come out, so ses or video, let's video, video, video, i'm shooting a video, why do you want a bedtime story, from a dark dark car, in a dark out of the woods, snowy woman, yes, don’t
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pay attention to him, he’s stressed, we ’ve been driving for a long time, just chimoki, chimoki, see you, oh, dad, dad, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i scared you, you're having these nightmares again, yes, who told you, mom, yeah, mom says that
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you really love these nightmares of yours, he left so that no one would bother you with them look, oh, what a dreamer your mother is, uh-huh, okay, i'm sorry, i don't anymore... okay, i'm sorry that i scared you, uh-huh, forgive me, let's go to bed, dad, let me sleep on the cot, i'm little , and you’re so big, what are you talking about, you’re my guests, and then you’re a princess, princesses always sleep in the best places, that's it, good night, good night.
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aunt, well, it’s already an aunt, what should i do, svigurha, how long can grandfather wait, amazing, already in the image, the second bottle of these images has already started in me, drink with me, drink, lord, what a blessing that in two days i i'll end up in sayshela.
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fast everyone, yesterday at about 16:30 in the afternoon at the address proletarskaya street, building 3 , an armed robbery attempt was made on the nadezh commercial bank. as a result of the attack , a collection officer died on the spot from a bullet wound, presumably one of the attackers was wounded. in the city and region announced an interception plan. who is in the boarding house area? i'm in olshanik,
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at the boiler room. and what's there? everything looks calm. mikhalych, your colleagues have arrived. your exit. now we'll sort everything out. don't sleep. dad, is that you? yes, it's me and my friends. are you dating them? no. why? well, because, because they are very far away. well , someday i’ll definitely see them, i’ll see everyone, and what do you have there, where is it, and there
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i have a gun, well, dad, listen, you promised me this song, it’s mine, i don’t want to hear anything else, that means so if this song yours will sing... toad alina, consider that i don’t know you anymore, i understand, well done, ah, my head is splitting, good morning, i must, good, are you scaring me, auntie, can i take a selfie with you, like this or like that , or maybe, like this, how to take a selfie with you, how much can you do, well, that’s it, run, i want to go with her, listen, the young man is so capricious,
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aunty is not in the mood and uncle now run too, you can champagne, just don’t start, okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. with microphones, i apologize, i’m on business, dear artists, yesterday in the city there was a bank was attacked, a collector was killed, information appeared that in the vicinity of the boarding house... criminals could be hiding, oh, we didn’t see that, in fact, last week our hero of the day decided that when hunting,
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be careful, everyone on the floor! who allowed the singers to rehearse, everything, everything, everything, they froze, well, citizen artists, we are honest robbers, we found ourselves in a difficult situation. “if you behave well, uncle grisha will give you life, yes, yes, life, so don’t indulge, collect the phones, handsets to the center, quickly!
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it cost too much perch, a lot, we need drive everything closer to the tree, we’re all crawling to the exit, dad, i’m scared.
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who are you? i'm the director of the boarding house, who are you? such a bandit, it’s funny, so laugh, let’s go ahead, you’ve lost your breath, don’t be afraid, look around this almshouse again, who will you find all here under the christmas tree? dad, is that you? oops,
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hi, well, come here,
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where are you from, unicorn? where is dad, mom? i am lida, she is a singer here, give the child some water to drink and under the christmas tree, sometimes a wolf, an angry
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wolf runs through the forest. hello everyone, are you ready to see something you've never seen before? well, look, you're crazy, quiet, quiet, this is not filming, this is a cruel reality, i was taken hostage, well, not only me, well , in short, look, that's it, this is a seizure, there are real bandits around, we're holding on, waiting for help if what, we’ll fight until victory,
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oops, this knife for cutting meat is very sharp, yeah, you’ll give up the machine gun, of course, huh? there are five more of them, they will be back soon, let's get up quietly and go out towards the kitchen, come on, come on, come on, stand, put the automatic, away, sit down, sit down. who are you, that you swallowed your tongue or what? ok,
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now we’ll find out, so, the doctor said, look for the good in everything and write it down, look. but where is it good? i remember the mountains, i saw, i remembered how the chechkhils went to the crimea to crack, look at the tops of the trees in the sight, the sun was silvering, and when i imagined that i was climbing there, and there was this meat grinder again, there i thought about the house, and at home about the meat grinder. “ i don’t give my wife or children peace, listen, there’s a fat one, i just shed a tear, director, who is this,
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this is our fizruk, oleg andreevich, platonov, so you’re our rambo, quietly, mikhailovich.” "take me away our colleague, knocked down, we slowly get up, go be afraid, go ahead, is this the company, it’s the same, you took the oath, took it, i remember, and then they quickly forgot about me, no one needs us, walk, walk, but who is all this? "" there are no officers, that's it, i'm a good specialist, i don't need much, i don't
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get involved in gangster affairs, my task is to stuff the bank and get money on my knees, keep an eye on him, it's clear, don't twitch, i'll fuck you up, he's all scumbags, three-minute readiness to a place older than the fiftieth to receive the task.
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would you like me to tell you a fairy tale,
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the district police officer poked his nasty nose in one day. grandpa hit where he shouldn’t have, grandma hit and hit, so hard that he died in vain, what fun, 130 at the turn. 143 at the turn, fiftieth, attention to everyone, the perimeter is closed, at nine, svyazinsky, there is a cathedral, believe me, they do not stand on ceremony, there will be an assault, let’s solve everything peacefully
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without any fuss. you're a piece of shit negotiator, you didn't even ask, maybe i want something, stretch your hand, well, i'll cut it, go to hell, what do you want, vyazensky, give me think, soup from swallow's nests, weak, huh? vyazimsky is speaking to you from the cathedral, major shakov, again a major, major, where are you just churning out these majors, turn around, so, listen, major, i wanted to give a shit about your amon, about your cathedral, and about all of you, clearly, first, prepare the plane for me, and then
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we’ll figure it out as we go. and don’t even think about threatening me, give platonov the walkie-talkie, vyazinsky, can you hear me, platonov is busy, let’s get free, let’s talk, he’s lying about explosives, where did the explosives come from, we need to storm to end this new year’s bolagan, what if it’s true? collect information about
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platonov, reserve officer. platonov oleg andreevich, date of birth, september 8, 1975 . place of birth - leningrad, graduated from st. petersburg university of the ministry of internal affairs of russia. specialty in education, jurisprudence. has the order of courage, a medal for the order. for services to the fatherland with swords, from 1993 to 2017 he served in the russian armed forces. military rank, head of the combat department of the sobr, major in the reserve of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs for st. petersburg and the leningrad region. was repeatedly on business trips, where he took part in counterterrorism operations. citizens, maybe someone needs to take a leak, so don’t
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be shy? please contact me, he’s a good book guy, he turned the topic off without any hands, he left with the table, we need to find it, but you and i need to go shopping with the cops, the keys, come on, what are the keys to your office, creature, once again, so where is mine?
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plans, i forgot something at the back of my beloved ex, so, in 2 hours, so that there would be a car with money and a helicopter, with a helicopter pilot. how much money, how much? and exactly as much as we didn’t get yesterday, 200 lyams, time has passed, one, one, one, two, three, they pass by us, a little gray top will come, bite, i give, vayushki, varia. hovering on the edge, a gray top will come, bite the stuff, wash my ears, swaddle, you
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’ll get a bite, i’m for it. my soul, don’t lie on the edge, i don’t understand, murlon is in pain, santa claus, an underrat. now i 'll paint you santa claus without a mushroom, no need for the police, thank him, tell him that half the country saw explosives with hostages, too , so there won't be an assault, why is there a live broadcast
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, blish, hello, everyone, i don't like my face, huh? i don’t like yours that they told you to take time with the money but made it clear that 2 hours is not enough. grisha, let’s get involved, you have a child there in critical condition, give us the girl, how am i in your frame, boss, i’m beautiful, really, listen, time is tick-tock, tick-tock, for some reason i can’t hear the hum of a helicopter with money , i ’m trying to get you out of here, do you understand or not why you need the death of a child, you go alone without a weapon, no jokes, otherwise there won’t be enough fingers to count children’s corpses. eigla, i see you, under control. on the spot.
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why are you moving the balls, put the box up and leave,
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now, be patient, baby, be patient, come on, come on, come on! while we wait, guys. well, what's there? you can't storm it, he'll blow everything up. i told you, put hostages in the windows, it’s like we’re on a reality show. distance 300, wind - zero, according to the orientation, i see platonov, the pistol is green, we observe,
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we shoot one by one. you, you! and you’re cool, let’s go, i’ll drink, bayushki, the green stuff will come.
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let's get started, the show begins, one, two, let's go! come on, blow, sew up your ear, while i’m good,
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i have a needle of one slaton three hundredth on my right leg. and you platonov oleg andrevich, you know, yes, he our sports instructor, well, decided to the cop, left, bitch, jumped over the balcony, but i think there’s no living place there, but don’t think about it. i have to do it, i
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need this shell-shocked guy with the hell out of here, i’m glad2, i see movement, three hostages, presumably all from his own. they will now kill people in front of the whole country, look, who is your elder, who?
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grisha, you understand that nothing will happen, i’m not your daisy, it will, it won’t, you have to think about how to leave, the money is on the way, the helicopter too, you’re a bad boss, you don’t think about people, i remind you, you have 40 minutes left,
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you want to tell me something, you’ll go to the local police officer, we’re storming, commander, no, everyone stay put, kucheev is calling, i’m listening, there are living people, still alive , and a few freaks who there is nothing to lose, we have 30 minutes left, after that they will start killing hostages. damn, duty officer, they’re bothering you in the populace,
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they probably heard you, put me in touch with captain ushakov, i’m listening, captain ushakov, already a major, like you. how long ago? i'll tell you a decent meeting, i hope it will take place soon, you tell us it’s more necessary here, the major won’t work, my daughter is here, i’m tired of waiting, the chief commander, i don’t want to do anything bad, the money is on the way, like the helicopter, the time is not up yet, well, look, everything will be on your conscience, well, look, boss, i wanted it in a good way, but now i’ll start with santa claus, hold it, hold it tight, do you play the violin? no, okay, help, don’t be silent, stop, don’t kill me, don’t kill me, i can be painful for you, i know something very important, very important, i’ll tell you everything, just
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promise to let me go, promise, well, this look what you tell me, this is where the underground heat comes from. about half a kilometer with an exit - at the boiler room, i know where the entrance is, i have to believe you, it’s true, i ’ll tell you something else, girl, it’s a girl, hmm, well done, i want to go to dad, i know, bunny. “i know that they will definitely save us all soon, daddy has a gun, he will definitely save us all, i don’t even doubt it, aunt lida, and you ’ll take a picture with us, of course, i’ll take a picture as many times as
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you want, many, many, many times, you’re not at all look like your aunt"? now i think i look like to aunt motya, why does everyone call me a bunny, i’m a unicorn, you’re the bravest , the bravest unicorn in the world, don’t you understand that a shell-shocked special forces soldier is jumping under our noses, should i look for him myself, i haven’t picked up a saber for a long time . “it’s scary, but in vain,
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sometimes uncle grisha is afraid of himself, as soon as i look in the mirror i start to hiccup, yes, like that, dad, take me away, louder and more plaintively, dad, dad, take me, who’s whining like that, dad , dad, take me away from here, there is a gray wolf, he’s eating me now, come on, try, come on, dad, take me away, dad. please, listen, platonov, i ’m not angry, although i haven’t had much luck lately, but you know, i’ll let her go, dad, exchange for your skin, his daughter, the bandits just offered to exchange the girl for
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the major, don’t be afraid, baby , if dad loves you, he will definitely come to uncle grisha. oh, what fingers, oh, just a miracle, not fingers, everyone, let's read daddy's fairy tales for now, so, yeah, finally i understand what life is, look, dad understands what life is , excuse me, excuse me, can i leave? what, well, can i go, you? promised? i promised you, but are you a complete
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idiot? no, no, whatever, you just don’t need me anymore, as they say, every man for himself, well, louder, every man for himself, louder, every man for himself. i can’t hear it louder, everyone is here, are you right, santa claus, will you finish the juice? uncle grisha will finish his drink. kucheev boris vitalievich, date of birth february 4 , 1964. in 1992, he was a suspect under articles of okrf 105-174. found not guilty due to insufficient evidence, lived in spain from 1995 to 2003, from 2007 to
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currently he is the owner of a commercial bank, reliable. just now, the owner of nadezhda bank, mr. kucheev, personally brought money to ransom the hostages. as we learned, in the ninety-second year , mr. kucheev and vyazzinsky were involved in the murder of their accomplice. kucheev was acquitted. navyasinsky suffered the full punishment, he was put behind bars for 10 years, the money is for grishka, i have the money, look, boss, i made it, now a car with money will enter the territory, no, no, no cars, i know your grabs, dodge you bet, now our little man will roll up, don’t look away without nonsense, your dogs away, platonov, now you go to the companies, take
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the bag with the money, and drag your ass here, no tricks, you’re our fat one, remember with your shell-shocked head about your daughter. damn you, you still believe that
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they will save us, trust yourself, otherwise you won’t make it. come and thank me, tell me, i ’m saving you and the girl, dad, quietly, stand here, claws up the mountain, give me the bag, and where is the turntable, your boss is deceiving me, not the boss, i’m on my own, come on to be honest, to be honest, you've already gotten to be honest, where have you seen to be honest, i've lived by concepts all my life and you know what i'll tell you, everyone has their own honesty, you have yours,
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and i have mine, this the banker and his bank should have taken off yesterday, but they didn’t, is that fair? uh, i’ll do the sharing, i know where you’re going, but nothing will work out , i take my bag, leave and turn off the bomb, if not, in 10 minutes we’ll all fly up into the air, that’s clear, so honestly? and like this, and you don’t need to turn off the bomb, let it be everything is going to hell, boss, boss, through the back here, here everything will fly up into the air, a turntable, come on, go up,
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i’ll take seven people with me, well, let’s count? peniki, beniki, ate, dumplings, i won’t go without her, another hero, and i’m without her. it can't be done without legs.
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that's it, time is up, fucking pieces of paper cost your life , how did you get the idea for philosophy, maybe you'll start writing books, find a calling, say, and you think that after today you'll stay, getting ready for the storm, group wind, approach time 1 minute, what's up get ready, tenth box, give a distraction, make some noise, get ready to leave. group earth, after blowing up the box, leave, we are working, working, group earth is inside, faster and faster, even faster said, the fiftieth
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earth, there is a package in the hallway, we are leaving. group the wind is at the point, let's open the world , we go forward,
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the wind is on the roof, quickly hand down. three civilians are separated, civilians are being searched.
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come on, let's go forward, forward, more quickly, i said, quickly, the classroom is in place, you took the table, set the animals, selosta, i won't return it, i i won’t return, i won’t return, but... you and you, table targets, stand, stand, i said, needle two,
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fiftieth, target, i see, distance 300, ikle, if the green one works, two, zeros. alive, yes, yes, hurry up, i’m not there, you’ll come out yourself, yes, yes, come on, eh!
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hands, hands so that i can see, hands, right along the corridor, body without movement, we are approaching for inspection, the door on the right is closed. on the left is a door, closed, on the right is a door, closed, getting closer, towards the fiftieth, third floor, 1/2, civilian, without weapons, forward, forward. i go in, the room is on the left, vlad, clean, accepted.
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let's go, keep it straight, class. alone on the floor, not moving, civilian two hundred, unarmed.
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stop, be quiet! rest, artist, woman, take it easy, go ahead, baby, here, we’re taking the hostages out, meet us, take us out, calmly, calmly, calmly, don’t panic,
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where’s olya, where’s olya? everybody go! from here, quickly leave, hostages for
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inspection, there may be terrorists among them, hostages to the filtration point, be careful there, the guys were not patient. fields, fool, it hurts,
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why didn’t you leave, get up quickly, you’ve been rocking here forever, so that you understand what life is, lucky! and bang,
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detained at the base. so, we continue reporting from the alshamiki boarding house, a seizure was made here, all the hostages were saved, mr. snegov, what can you say, how do you feel, what?
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how does he feel, and how can the most important hostage feel, the person who almost died, because you have live broadcasts, and guys, this is trash, it was complete trash, to fall into the hands of such a beast, this is a ghoul, a real ghoul, it was incredible, thank you everyone, please, yes, slavek, she is alive. no, slavik, i won’t fly, i’m with i'm happy with you, no, i won't fly to the maldives either, why? because, because smack-smack, slavik, both cheeks, dad,
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you can, you can. see you later, tipun on your tongue, i hope we never meet again.
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look right now, they jumped from the gate and ran towards... they spoke german, here half, i’ll give the other half when we cross the border, now we calmly turn around and put all these creatures, two shots, both in the heart, you can imagine what kind of endurance is needed , a person can only behave this way with special training, i found a ruble in the closet, what’s that such, well, we must be scum, that we end everyone, yes, like everyone else, you are a dangerous person, teacher, there is a lot of darkness in you, you don’t know yourself.
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what do we do with passers-by, when a car arrives, we knock everyone down, they are driving. hi guys.
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uncle! zherdiy!


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