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tv   Leningrad 46  NTV  May 24, 2024 3:25am-4:51am MSK

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and also take two packs of the north, take lard, lard, lard, let's go, let's go, don't lag behind, where are you, yes, hello, yes, so it's german, we're enemy of the meat trader's skin, well, how am i then, where do we go you’re a trophy, seven cans, take it from him, of course, take it about lyokha, hello, well, your legs haven’t grown back yet, let ’s smoke, give him the money, tailcoat.
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here, just take some good pears from him, pick some apples, i understand, and take some garlic, but where is it, and what a curious teacher you are, you’ll see today, no, nothing, that’s what a windfall it turns out to be, all the money is for pennies, well, what can i tell people, besides the employees, could anyone know about the route for the time of bringing the money? well, how will you find the ends now, well, this is a savings bank, money is brought here every day from stores, what?
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you understand, young man, okay, thank you, this is very valuable information, hide, come on, come on, e!
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well, great basota, healthy vidal, well, let's guarantee, grown-ups, great, great, great, come on, it's cheaper, bad luck, yes, quiet, quiet, there's enough for everyone. don't be expensive, just give it to me, uncle, and there will be sugar, spank you they asked me to swear, okay, leave the little one, white sugar, to stand, i ’ll hand it out later, to be honest, you’re a greyhound, a student, how’s it going with you? yes, it’s normal,
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there was a raid recently, we made fun of the cops, and then went into the basements, uncle laurus, take me into your gang, i’m good at carrying through windows, and... in general, clever, how old are you, clever, they forgot to ask you , oh, who told you about the gang, sparrow, i'm a tailor, okay, learn the abc book, we'll talk in the spring, siwa, we'll give it to everyone, great, boys, great, come on, street kids, children, children, birds free, children of war. life can be managed in different ways, the main thing is whether you have some kind of goal or not,
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teacher, hey, basotho, leave me, left, left, tea! is it hot? according to witness testimony, the criminals who attacked the collectors spoke german. the driver identified stefan gras, a german prisoner of war and an active participant in the anti-fascist movement. we made a request to the krasnogorsk camp, where he was trained. we are still waiting for an answer. comrade lieutenant colonel, i believe that the germans after their escape they didn’t go into the forests, but stayed in the city and robbed a cash-in-transit vehicle. you yourself understand what you are telling me now, i understand, no, you don’t understand, in leningrad, which survived the siege,
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it cannot be that captured germans were running around the city killing civilians, there was no such thing as a war. “i want to know what you did to catch the escaped german gang, why a military operation was not carried out on the same day, captain karasyov, immediately strengthen the patrols, i do not have enough personnel, so contact with the military, why don’t you use this resource, so that there are people at every intersection, to carry out a clean-up in all areas of the city, every barracks, every basement, every one. destroyed buildings, contact the heads of the district departments, you are the head of the city security department, but you behave like a private detective, i did what i thought was necessary,
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the search activities did not yield anything, which means we are looking poorly, seek advice... he has experience, he knows the city very well, in short, i give you a day, in a day i will report on the results, there is, let me go, and you only these pieces, yes, yes, only these, thank you, thank you, please, poltava kholvy, this piece, here, here. no need to fiddle with your fingers, i apologize, and forgive me, and sweets, bear in the north, i apologize, of course, evgenia semenovich, how old, how many winters, hello, haven’t seen you for a long time, auntie is simply beautiful, zenochka, as usual to me, balykka of my favorite grand priest,
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delicious fish and cake, sorry, but there’s a line here, i’m sorry, listen, there are people standing here, some of them, by the way, from the front, this what the... i'll give the second one when we cross the border, uh-huh, good job, you put in the collectors, i don't have much time, when i left, semyon, lived, this is the kent i told you about,
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this is a deposit, lived, take it, this is my brother, but... what, well, or you’ll regret the money, keep in mind i ’ll find you in america. i asked a question, when are we leaving? tomorrow. take it with you, we won’t go out to the housing, what you take you will eat and you will, wait, they call you, as they call you ivan, so, vanya, you will leave all your trunks here.
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oh girl, please, 400 g, no, 500, 500, i see and what, here come the pole, let him stand behind the cash register and see how much money he has in his wallet, fat guy, girl, please, it’s light here, it’s light, it’s light, so, one, oh, one, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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one old thief taught this when he was a child, and that’s all he supplemented with, why did you send the fat guy, you’re taking me for a fool, yes, but don’t be upset, a tip is a tip, hothead, waste the client, we’ll do it, you hear me, lavar, i’ve got someone leaning on them, what’s the point, kid, maybe we’ll take it to you, no, we’ll see, we'll see. oh, thank you, come again,
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be sure, happily, goodbye, for you, and for me, please, icons, i looked at about four tickets, congratulations, people, hello, lyudmila aleksandrovna, i’m very glad that you returned to our university, in general , i want everything to be the same as before the war, yes, even better. therefore, the right building, hello, where the bomb hit, we are repairing it, although there is no money, and we have recruited more students, yes, i really want all of our people to return, because continuity is important for anyone, very, very, very it’s important, sasha, igor didn’t come to you, he came, but he didn’t have a residence permit, i couldn’t see him...
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crimes, is this kind of humor? no, at our
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first meeting you were open with me, and i wouldn’t want to lie to you, i have to check all the versions. okay, check it out. a report was drawn up at the crime scene, where , among other things, you wrote. there is a lot of stolen jewelry. how is that? it's so that i never. i didn’t consider them my own, so i almost never wore them, so i can’t say exactly how many were stolen, interesting, nothing interesting, mulyarov was able... to buy my daughter’s health, for which i will always be grateful to him, but he couldn’t buy me, lyudmila aleksandrovna, if i offended you, then you can write a complaint against me, here’s another paper to fill, it’s autumn now it’s warm, there’s already snow in moscow, you’re a muscovite, yes, you were here on
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a mission, then you were wounded. for now, they left you here in a leadership position, so how do you like leningrad? it’s unusual, i don’t know the city, people are kind of quirky or something, but a special approach is needed, why did you find me, our employee, who you, just don’t lie, you promised. i wanted to invite you to the cinema, you are a strange person, comrade captain, yuri, you are strange, yuri, a few days ago my husband was killed, you are inviting me to have fun,
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is this a moscow manner? i didn’t mean to, goodbye, so what, interpret it? laurel, i bet he’s a rich little guy, lives in a hut with his family, i, in short, waited for him a little, i saw a service carriage roll up, this little guy vusyakov comes down and...
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where did he find a ruble in the closet, what kind of citizens, they all seem different , but the arrangements are the same, i mean, well, they hide all the money in their underwear, but we take clothes, help, we take, we take, listen, help,
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go, helen, dear, how could you check everything you need, i don’t want to forget the keys anywhere, and if we had already arrived at the dacha, i told you, i needed everything, and what is this, well, i need scum, now a pig is rotting in the grave, i only thought for a minute there would be no one there, laurel, i only left for a minute, half-way back, the car was there
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, shut up, shut up. they put a smart guy there to stand, shut up, that's it, well, your smart friend, he's messed himself up, you'll have to clean up, no, what are you doing, okay, okay, listen, here, you stupid one, now what, we’re finishing everyone off, yes, for god’s sake, we need to hurry up like everyone else? what are you, a fool? no, lower the sleeper, amba! down, let's go, the locomotive is waiting, don't raise your head, creatures, lie
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peacefully, that's it, baby, don't be afraid, that's it, that's it, stay here and don't be afraid of anything, that's it, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, baby, don't be afraid. sonya, my daughter, you are a fool! calmly, suddenly come back, helen, lie down, i beg you, lie down. shaize, damn, where are we, we'll be on the road soon
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, we need a stop, okay, let's go. stop, stop, listen, semyon, and there’s one of them in german he says, what's wrong with his leg? their main guy is russian, what makes you think, well, what makes you think that he’s russian, that he showed you his passport, don’t turn around. he’s looking at you, so that’s it, semyon, now we’re calmly turning around, putting all these creatures down, uh-huh,
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what’s that, quietly, it seems to me that they suspected something, it seems that’s all, that’s all, that the money needs to be taken? go take a look.
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did you know the murdered man? what are you saying? this is a bandit, he came with them, they didn’t share something there, no, no, we don’t know him, okay, let’s do it anyway.
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i am a responsible trade worker, i manage grain warehouses. what, what does that mean? what? let's calm down and try to restore yesterday, step by step. excuse me, excuse me, come on, come on, where could the criminals notice you and take you home? so where? after work, i went to the eliseevsky stores, bought some groceries, then went home, didn’t go anywhere. what products exactly? lord, does it really matter? it is important. well, okay, i bought fish, i bought bolic, caviar, i bought caviar, well, something else, excuse me, what, sonya, caviar
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wanted. tell me, i’m suspicious, understandable, comrade captain, go back to interviewing witnesses, calm down, calm down, calm down, for god’s sake, don’t cry, that’s it, tell me, please, maybe you can still describe one of the attackers, but no, i’m telling you, they put us face down on the floor, pointed a weapon, and your daughter, why are you doing this, lenochka, calm down. for god's sake, please calm down, but don't cry. everything will be fine. when i looked at the abducted man’s handwriting, i shuddered. wow, a responsible trade worker in eliseevsky he went to the store, bought a balychka, and some crusts. by the way, the bandits most likely spotted him there, and then herded him all the way to his apartment. yes, i understood that there, that’s what kind of incense they
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sewed onto... all the crimes, wait, but the victims said that this guy called for their return, then he returned, apologized for a long time to the elder, as you said, he apologized to the elder, to elders, i won’t believe for the life of me that this murdered boy went to this business with the same chanthropy as him, which means he was led by someone very serious, such a person, he doesn’t forgive leaving the nix, but who is he, the eldest, dance, comrade captains, well, our artist, from the words of a girl, painted a portrait of one of the robbers and wow, danilov, it can’t be, oh, just the style , to the wardrobe,
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tell me, but chukovsky is not there, he was somewhere, there’s a hare light to the side again. yeah, their name is olya, who, well, their daughter’s name is olya, yes, their names are olya and katya, excuse me, should i take them to the lockdown?
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yes, how much 50, take it, i don’t need someone else’s, you take it, that’s it, i don’t need anything extra, thank you.
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even though the germans were armed, they couldn’t do anything, but stefan, and stefan remained alive, killed all the criminals, he didn’t waste an extra bullet, two shots, both in the heart, you can imagine what kind of restraint you need to have, a person can only behave like that with special training, i ’m telling you this as a former intelligence officer. are you saying that stefan is not who he says he is? it turns out that in general it looks very much like the work of saboteurs, which means we need to dig up stefan’s past. i need to send a request to the krasnogorsk camp, i’ll try through the mgb. stop. petya, what? but there must be someone who led them to the criminals? messenger, exactly. if stefan is a saboteur, then he should have had his own people in the city. we need to find
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the leader of this gang. so here are yours, here you go, thank you, please, the next one, and for me, a beauty, one and a half kilograms of pecha, cut it, well, why cut it, in a piece, okay, i say, to me.
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piece, piece, come on, it seems, ours, yeah, zharodey, vitriol on sukhiri, got it, attention, wait, laurel, just don’t look right away, the janitor is standing there like a monument, passing by the residents are walking, no one says hello, he is holding a broom like a banner, it looks like they are waiting for us here. wait here, we’ll check now, great, uncle, are you new, i
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haven’t seen you here, why keep the trash can, hands, hands on the mop so i can see, family? “i’ll chaval you and you won’t see your family again, i don’t understand what they ’re talking about, we’re waiting, they’ll put me in prison, how many cops are in the house, i can’t hear, four, what sign should i give, freak out, hold on, hold on to your mop, uncle, how about your life"?
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misha, what happened, guys, i'm sorry, what! mom, the button came undone, let me fix it for you, lesenka, oh, klavnevanna, hello, natasha, my sunshine, yes,
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hello, do you remember me, i remember, baba klava, how the girl grew up, lord, don’t come in at all, yes, well , how do you live, how are you, good, okay, we live well, i work at the institute, and how is your husband, alexander, and sasha was killed, lord, what a misfortune, but what about you and natasha now? , yes, we are fine, fine, but igor didn’t pawn him to you, because when he left me, he disappeared, you don’t know anything about him.
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soviet homeland.
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we know that there are still greater tasks ahead, that only the first step has been taken, the fields, gorgeous, surprised, yes, oh, yura, how they cook fish in this restaurant. “you ’ve never eaten such fish in your life, jellied meat, yura, please take some borscht, you know, with donuts, here you go, thank you, seryozh, i just didn’t understand what kind of shit we’re going out for, yura, today is november 7th, i have i went out to talk about leningrad truth, i received a huge fee, why can’t i treat my comrade, comrade, can you go ahead?
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and there is no god, because god is love, yes teacher, but there is only life, everyone tears out of it as much as they can, and since life is getting better and more fun every day, now let’s drink to someone, so to you, love for stalin, brascats felt. because he took you all and is leading you to final
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, irrevocable happiness, for stalin, come on, for stalin , so for stalin, spinning, spinning with the heat of your head, spinning, spinning behind your head, twist the twister wants to fall. come on, young lady, somewhere is a street, somewhere is a house, where is this young lady that i’m in love with? this is the street, this is the house, this is what i’m going to fall in love with,
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what exactly, we’ll find out, okay, hello, hello, they called and said that we need to come. hello hello. may i allow you to call me? good afternoon, captain. major of the mgb, zhukov, vasily fedorovich. he has information about stefan. nice to meet you. stefan graz is actually a german saboteur who fell asleep in the ussr at the beginning of the war.
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the rss sturmbamfer has several awards. his real name. helmud horst. workers and engineering workers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, those employed directly at work in hot hours, mining enterprises, loading and unloading operations, workers and engineering workers of
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non-petroleum industry enterprises, those directly employed in oil production and mining operations, we also work in engineering and technical...
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helmut, if i wanted to turn you in, what i would do then, if i saw you in the ruins, bring me something to eat, i haven’t eaten anything for 2 days, here’s some bread, now i’ll bring you something else.
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i had to remove it, it's too dangerous, okay, what do you want from me? you owe me help, leave the city and get to estonia, as it turned out. through finland it is too dangerous, in estonia i have somewhere to hide, but i do not have such an opportunity.
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think, think, otherwise your real biography may end up with the dead. helmut, smersh has not existed for a long time. but great soviet russia also has other punitive bodies. why are you smiling? it was you who lost the war, not me, of course, you lost everything, germany is dead, why are you smiling? remember, seryozha, germany will never die, no matter how you russians don’t i wanted to. i have one plan, it's dangerous. the opportunity to get out of the city, everything
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is clear to everyone, yeah, who wants to try, i’m the captain of the ribs, captain karasev on the carpet, yes. sorry!
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you, i didn’t expect, i didn’t expect where you were going, to college, they hired me, to ours. say hello to the rector, i’m not to blame for your
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troubles, i’m not to blame for the funeral that came to you, i’m not to blame for the fact that our daughter got sick and mulyarov saved her, i’m not... “go on, go on, go on , it's not my fault that you killed him and that you became different man, this morning i saw you bring natasha to school, she has grown, changed, are you following us?" "i want you to know, for sure, as long as i am alive, i will always be next to her . what do you
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want? i want to see my daughter, and don’t try, you hear, don’t even try to refuse me. okay, today, where? in the park at ratonda, at three. i’m waiting for you, something happened. , i’m
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very scared. the fact is that igor, he, he was following me, sat down next to me on the tram and demanded to meet my daughter, i realized that he was him. won’t leave us alone, i’m very afraid of him, you see, he didn’t say how to find him, today in the park near ratonda at 3 o’clock, i will have to come there with my daughter. you are an amazing and brave woman, i feel like some kind of traitor, god, what am i doing, listen, you did what you had to do, don’t be afraid of anything, hear, we will do this, our people will lead you to the park, then we’ll do everything ourselves, do you hear? yes,
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i hope. nothing bad will happen, right? we will try to exclude this possibility. there are still three entrances to the park. it’s easy for danilo to take something for us; we’ll need about 10 people, no less. great. take the ridiculous one, blow it. do you remember the tattoo on the hand of a criminal in the forest? here. the guys found out that this was semyon likha, the brother of stepan likha, who had just showed up. this is my chance to take stefan, i agree. you are responsible for the operation according to danilov, i take the risk. well, what's
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there? two are in the bathhouse, two are drunk, well, let's go to the men's steam room, yes, how hot is it there?
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now i can pin the murder of the vokhrovites and the driver on you, and this is an execution article, a collection bag of money, you need in the house of this citizen, he was found in a closet , he would come to you, this man, your last name, this is a german officer, he killed your brother, what? he has a tattoo here, cat, we found the body of semyon and four more corpses in lesulomeev, born in 192, you don’t live next door, with this, he... asked that
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he and his people be taken to finland, like you we met him, he’s one man, they kept a low word on him, who, but he’s shady, i only know that during the war he worked for the germans, what’s his name, and where, and where, i want to see that his body for you.
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well, it’s okay, you’re a smart guy, you’ll come up with a new trick, laur, i want to ask you everything. ask, just tell me honestly, why did you pick me up at the market, and yesterday you were so stupid for stalin, but i’ve been drinking for him since 1941, i just can’t stop, and what surprised you? and i thought that teachers only drink tea with bagels and snack on jam, but teachers are people like everyone else, but what do you teach? you believe in god, i don’t know, but your cross is kind of strange, you
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searched me, but not me, my guys, out of habit, what kind of knots are these, as a souvenir, this is captivity. this is a camp, this is a penal battalion, i don’t know, maybe you ’re right, maybe there’s no love, and there’s no god, there’s no salvation, there’s only life, you have to live it, you have children, yes, a lot, you ’ve seen it yourself. well, the family had a brother who volunteered for the front, didn’t come back, there are no thieves
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of families, it’s like a thorn in the heart, you’re open to the whole world and love can shoot you, it’s easier for you to understand, someday, so you’re a teacher about heartfelt affection there , or throw friendship out of your head. if anything, i'll tell you i’ll decide the first, you believe, i believe, and i won’t be sorry, but what’s hard for me, i gave in to something, just to splurge or breathe some fresh air, it’s not time for you, it’s time, let’s go where you meet, at the rotunda, and at the rotunda, well, about the market after all. what's the trinka, i 'll tell you, somehow, maybe you can tie another knot, don't take your eyes off him,
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you answer with your head, yes, hello, sergey, yes, hello, did yura rebrov find out? well, of course i found out. listen, maybe we can meet and have lunch, but i’m really bored in your city. with pleasure. and where? on the intersection of a factory and textile workers. so, when at three, good, good, it will be. okay, but there may be more than one kvazkov organizing surveillance on you, how long is it to the restaurant? 20 minutes, great, leave a little early, walk slowly, and the guys and i
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will meet you, okay, who called? this is the same captain who is in charge of the case of the escaped germans, i think that it is he who will help us move to estonia, he invited me to dinner. the cache is in the old factory, i know it, go to the corner, everyone should be extremely collected,
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in some places, there are! yur, what a coincidence, sit down! seryozha, are you driving yourself? what, nadyurlik? don’t twitch, captain, sit peacefully, seryozh, what does this mean? that's it, yura, that's it, there's no headlight, let's go.
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danilov set up a meeting near the rotunda, our employees, under the guise of a married couple, will accompany mulyarov and his daughter to the park, well , then we connect, there is another exit there, it’s cordoned off, our two, okay, we need to narrow the capture zone as much as possible, we’ll do it, we’ll do everything. are we really going to let him in with the girl,
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but he’s a child, under no circumstances, if we let him in he'll be a mess for his daughter, and besides, i'm sure he's probably armed. ikol, don’t forget, after all, he knows us by sight. you wanted to meet stefan grass, aka helmon horst, meet us, was there an ambush waiting for us at the meeting place? yes, if in
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half an hour i don’t show up at the meeting place, a military operation will be announced, and you simply won’t be able to leave the city, and we don’t need you, we need your id, it will help us, it’s like we need to go to estonia, we have id of an employee of the ministry of internal affairs and you, as a cover, will sit behind the wheel, drive, something goes wrong, you're dead. and if i refuse, that’s your right, i agree, i’ll be back in 10 minutes, faster, please.
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i’m surprised, i’m surprised, i just can’t understand one thing, you’re a russian person, you survived the blockade, you saw how you died of hunger. and the bombing of your people, how cars with children were walking under the air, yura, yura, captain, you are not at the rallies, do you want to pin all the horrors of war on me? you helped the enemy, i helped the germans, i coordinated their bombings, i distributed anti-soviet leaflets, i had access to the highest police leadership, i saved several german agents. “yura, i did everything so that hitler would be
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here, why? i’m tired of surviving, but the war is understandable, before the war, so what, we didn’t live, we survived, we survived now, you know, this year, what a harvest, you know, you know what will happen to all of you, you are a country of winners, but you pray that you..." will not be canceled, the blockade will seem like paradise to you, of course, you are a sensible person, you are able to reason figuratively, i hope you will understand me.
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yes, seryozha, i will leave with you, what? i have no chances. mom, is this a maple leaf? yes, bent. let's go slower. oh, how are you not cold?
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just like that, come on, wait, let him out of sight, but what’s there? there he sits by the bench,
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stand quietly, citizen danilov, hands! let's go, thank you, what should i
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do now? you may have to come to court as a witness, they will call me, comrade rebrov will contact you and tell you everything in detail, okay, mom, mom, look, what beautiful leaves, hello, hello, here you go, these are for you, fairy tales, thank you , that's it, sorry, goodbye, goodbye, yes ok. it doesn’t work, damn it, what about you, changing the carburetors, oh, well, kolya, right?
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follow me, we remove the ambush, the designated time is up, we remove the ambush, they will not come.
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“either you kill me now, or later they will kill me, no one will forgive me for complicity with a german agent, so i know what awaits me here, that’s what awaits me, well, right, right, captain, we need to look to the future, the war is lost, but it will not be the last, there will be another, a war for minds, for work, for talents, and the germans are the best here,” this car was made in germany before the war and no one here would ever do something like this, it’s clear, you are a smart person, a bright head, they are used to appreciating wonderful and necessary people, i agree, estonia has its own people, they will help, of course.
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the volga is not the largest river, the largest is the op. horst, the war is lost, i suggest you surrender, are you kidding? “i’m a german officer, i swore an oath to hitler, if you’re a german officer, what
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the hell, you’ve been like a rat for a year and a half, hiding under a false name, by the way, hitler, yours is dead, like kvozkov, you’ll have to kill me if you can do it, come on!"
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love, and if you remain a fool, what a broom, pick it up, cut it off, the trump cards of the peak, put the trash on the peak so that you don’t swear anymore, thank you, here to you. start. laurel, the teachers showed you. when, where? the cops were in the park. they were about to take him to the foundry. but their car broke down. so, he ’s sitting at the local police station, waiting for the convoy. well, let’s figure out what
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we can do. what, laurus, they closed it, have you forgotten where i pulled you out of? svka, who asked you,
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i myself will decide to pull you out... we’re going to, why did rebrov go to meet him halfway alone without backup, most of the people were busy in the capture operation, my fault, the host outplayed us, and what’s through, our people were in his editorial office, now in his apartment, the rib is not there. so, let’s do this, vasily fedovich, consider that it’s time to start a military operation, i agree, sing, contact the military, there are reinforced patrols at the exits from the city, although i’m afraid of the captain, this won’t help, how can this be, comrade lieutenant colonel, here yes, kolya,
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rebrov was unlucky with our city, well... that means, the duty officer, two civilian guards, that’s it, let’s go, sowing, you’ll save the exit, cover the escape, good, barmali, natasha, in 10 minutes we’ll eat, go wash your hands , okay, part one: little children, no way for us, you don’t want to go to africa, go for a walk in africa, there’s a shark in africa, gorillas in africa, big angry crocodiles in africa, they’ll bite you, beat you, offend you, don’t go, children in africa to walk, in africa there is a robber, in
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africa there is a villain, in africa there is a terrible barmaley, he runs around africa. and eats children, ugly one, bad, greedy barmaley, daddy and mommy are sitting under a tree, daddy and mommy say to the children: africa is terrible, yes, yes, yes, africa is dangerous, yes, yes, yes, brother, they brought my friend here today, how do you know? otherwise his wife is pregnant, well, she’s worried, in short, as i understand everything, vacate the premises, please, and what is this, just ask, i wanted, i wanted, i just wanted to ask. but daddy and mommy fell asleep in the evening, and tanechka and vanechka ran to africa, to africa, to africa, they walk along africa, they pick dates, well, africa, that’s how it goes africa, we saddled a rhinoceros, rode around a little, what kind of africa, well, africa, with
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elephants on the go, played leapfrog, let's go africa, what kind of africa? she came out to them, she was burning, she was burning for them, she spoke, she was talking, she was burning for them, she was saying, there is a shark, a doodle, opened its evil mouth, a doodle, a doodle. don’t you want to get straight into the mouth, but the doodle shark for nothing, for nothing, ma shark, doodle, with a fist, with a fist, we hit the doodle shark with a heel, the shark got scared, and drowned out of fear, it serves you right, shark, serves it right,
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and it suits the hat.
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