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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  May 24, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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great, muzun, keep it down, ligov, uh, did you fall asleep or something? ligov, i'm telling you, are you drunk? yours, i remember that one wood grouse is following you from the previous block, georgivich, well, we remember about this wood grouse, uh-huh, well, the case got off the ground there, uh-huh, a suspect appeared, uh-huh, that is, a suspect, details.
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i’m interested in the details, i’m interested, yes, georgivich, georgivich, where are you, why, igor, i’m sorry, i’m still with this renovation, i’m studying the prices, the service market, and what do you have, and this is the wallpaper, and listen, well, these cheerful, yes, i really like it too, it seems to me that they give such a... a sunny mood should be in the bedroom, this is for the bedroom, in the bedroom, yes, in general, you know, i already want to start this renovation and finish it quickly, i mean now the man is single, it’s inconvenient to invite a lady over, so i want to freshen everything up, listen, so have there been any progress? well, who is that mysterious stranger, beautiful, intelligent, lonely. woman, oh,
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georgich, listen, well, i envy you with white envy, no, well, i have a wife, of course, too smart, beautiful, but you're great, so you're saying, in the bedroom, yes, that's it, we've finished this topic, continue, yes, yes, yes, so, that means where i stopped, in the previous quarter, and this is what you have, it would be good if we have some repairs, otherwise the spiders in my duty room have already made a nest under the safe. borya, renovations are planned in my apartment, drive away these spiders with a nasty willow, don’t wait for repairs, there is such a sign, well, a spider in the house is good, a spider in the house, borya, is good for cleaning up dirt, as my wife says, well why, did you just come in to chat, or is there some reason, a reason? there is, how could there be no reason, oleg georgivich, igor, we have a murder, igor, go and figure it out, there is. well, come on, borya, what is your
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address there? so, hello, regarding the announcement, no keys or mobile phone were found on the deceased, only a passport, yes, when i found it, i immediately called the police. i don’t know, maybe this is important, when i came in, the music was playing fully, i turned it off, but didn’t touch anything else with my hands, that’s good, that’s right, but you’re the owner, don’t play around with your prints here, that means the music was playing, yes i was playing, and this mechanic of yours, like his ligov, he often came here early, you know, due to circumstances, when there is a lot of work, we work. when not, well, you know, vanya,
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write down, the bullet went straight through, i think they put him on these salaski after they killed him. wait, what does he have there, an abrasion or something? this is an abrasion, apparently, during his lifetime, and the deceased received it two or three hours before he became a dead man, he had time to stick it, lesha, lech, oh, you ’re done with the corpse there, almost, so what, let me give you i'll steal it, take tweezers and a card, oh beauty, pritul, because you can whenever you want, oh, okay, i don’t like it, hold it, hold it, apply it, okay. so yes, apparently, this field was fired from a tt pistol, uh-huh, it was a good hit, uh-huh, there’s a bag, there’s it, come on, now, catch it, there’s no shell, well, sorry,
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we didn’t have time, anya, oh, we need to look for the shell casing , sleeve? guys, what is the cartridge case? no, but also something interesting, similar to zakovskaya homemade product. 99%, i will say that the prints on the handles of this finnish woman belong to the murdered man. who wants to argue? i won’t argue, but there is always 1% left. igor, didn’t show up to you service manager, suspicious. my opinion seems to be no, well, let's twist, let's twist, citizen kasimov, can i have a minute with you, go, come, thank you, please tell me
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what kind of relationship you had with the murdered man, well, he worked for us for about two months, the relationship is normal, work, yeah, please, his phone number, tell me, you have it, you probably have it, of course you have it, right? but only out of duty, andryukh, listen, dial just in case someone answers, no, the phone is turned off or is outside the network coverage area, nikitos will work, but what can you tell about his relatives, friends, maybe some friends came to see him, you know, his relatives didn’t come here to work, but vasily himself doesn’t really want to spread the word, yeah, so okay, andryukha, go to this rigov’s address. relatives there, neighbors, well, everything like that, so i see you don’t keep surveillance cameras here, it’s impossible to establish in any way, why so, you still have material assets here, what if they steal something, or from you it's common to steal you see, it’s expensive
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to install a good video surveillance system, our service isn’t great, i can barely scrape together an employee’s salary, yeah, well, that is, you don’t have much profit here, yes, but what kind of profit is there, for bread? there’s enough oil, but at least i’m my own boss, hello, i called you about the repair, me, me, my name is ivan, and oleg georgievich, it’s very nice, excuse me, ivan, i’m late, work, well, no big deal, work - this, as they say, is sacred, well, let’s go and look at the front of the work, yes, of course, wait. what floor is yours? fifth, what? is there an elevator? is there an elevator, passenger or freight? passenger, but what does the elevator have to do with it? well, we need to understand how we will take out the garbage, as they say, on ourselves, or we will take advantage of the benefits of civilization, you also take out the garbage, as a bonus? wow,
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is this a serious company? what kind of company is it, what is its name? ivan, endko, yes, i’m a private entrepreneur, 10 years old... wow, everything is serious, well, let’s go and look at the apartment, of course, of course, let’s go, well, uh, how do you like the elevator? it’s too small, of course, you’ll have to make a few walks, well, sorry, whatever it is, come here, at least not to carry it on your shoulders, well, that’s understandable , so, here it is, uh-huh, oops. well, please, thank you, hello, dear dear everyone , have you come to wash your car? by the way, we have an action today, thank you, of course, but i’m on a different issue, criminal
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investigation, that’s right, in your car service nearby, a man was killed last night, oh well, yes, and i will need your help, but how do we shall we help you? well, your car wash, as far as i understand, is 24/7, maybe you saw anyone here at night? yes, there are few cars at night, we mostly sleep, yes, but the surveillance camera, this one, is working. what other workers are there? well, here are the files for the entire period, what time are you interested in? can i do it myself? sit down, of course, yeah, thanks, come on, come on, no, but this, unfortunately, doesn’t give us anything, so let’s move on, oops! so, this is already interesting, very, very
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interesting, i mean, and this is me on my own, i mean, thank you, yeah, listen, well, in principle, everything is clear to me, yeah, not so much. a lot, but we agreed on the price, yes, yes, yes, yes, by the way, i already bought something, here’s cement, putty, paint, glue, wallpaper, by the way, i chose it myself, it’s not cheap, so i hope it won’t fall off, everything is as it should be, you’re just an ace in our business, you think we ’ll fit into this amount, well, alek georgievich, of course, you have a lot here, you started the apartment, we will try, you know, there was no way to start with this work. and the family was getting in the way, pushing, but where are they now? i mean, is everything okay? no,
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everything is fine, the children have grown up, you know, they have their own lives, a wife, they divorced in their old age, well, we’ve parted ways, i sympathize, i sympathize, but you’re still in saku itself, i think you’ll find more, you know, i’ve already found it, a beautiful, lonely woman, that’s why i wanted to bring her to, say, a renovated, bright place, you know , this, oleg georgievich, is a very good idea, we can start right today, today i just need to get back to work, oleg georgievich, please go to work, why do you need to sit here in the dust, let ’s sign the contract, oh, come on, let’s , so, please, do you have a pen, yes, of course, there is a dot, let’s give the amount here now, yes, this is an advance. yeah, we work like this: now you sign the contract, the guys come,
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we start renovating, we’ll leave one room for you, well, of course we’ll move the things there, and then we’ll renovate the whole thing too, of course, i understand, i understand, right, your details are indicated here, yes , of course, m, can i look at your passport? it’s not possible, but it’s necessary, oleg georgievich, i ask you, if you want, i can leave it for you as a deposit, if of course you doubt it, no, no, i don’t doubt it, but you know how... they say trust, but check, this is correct, well, let's sign, yes, judging by the recording from the video surveillance camera, kasimov lied to us, he reported about the death of ligov, not immediately, first he took some two bags out of the car service, well, maybe , i was afraid that we would find something there, i don’t know, something criminal, there were weapons, drugs, so maybe he actually killed ligov, no, the expert determined ligov’s death yesterday somewhere around midnight, and kasimov’s at night there was no car service.
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exactly he, exactly, oh look, how do you like this this type of sms correspondence, i interrupted the car, driving the client, you can pick it up, it’s who is writing to whom,
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don’t you mind quickly, yes, okay, let’s go in our car, well, why waste gasoline, well, to god, we’ll bring it, we’ll take it away, no only you have only one service, we also have a service, that’s right, sit down, so, and you run to search the apartment of kasimov and ivan tverdov, uh-huh, one minute, uh-huh, now, now we’re going, give me three bolkin networks for a door-to-door search , because i can’t call him, you know, well i see, you still think kasimov, i don’t know, a search will show, so wait, what exactly are we looking for? bogdan, well, everything is criminal, the instinct will detect it, garik, well, maybe you can somehow narrow the circle for us, so let’s go already, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, comrade major, what’s the address?
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good afternoon, hello, who do you need, inter-district homicide department, captain rytanov, so who do you need, and i need to talk to the relatives of vasily ligov, what happened, why relatives, maybe i ’ll do the trick, and who are you, vasily ligov, you ligov, me ligov, vasily, vasily, and you sure? can you show me your passport? show me, please come in. ay, indeed, vasily ligov. the only information we have is that you were killed. how to kill? i'm
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alive. yes, i see that he is alive. passport is 2 months old, has it been changed? domained, but what happened to the old one? yes, how do i know if i sowed it somewhere or who stole it? i see, have you ever seen this man? no, this is the first time i’ve seen it, here’s the passport, the passport is familiar to me, listen, what a bastard, but the document has fallen off, the photo has been re-glued, he’s a freak. let's go, let's go, well, citizen kasimov, maybe tell us some interesting
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story about what, you know, what’s the matter with one. a search was carried out on a friend, during the search so many interesting things were found, based on what was found there, you personally can be charged with complicity in the sale of property obtained by obviously illegal means, what other friend is so strong, what kasimov, can you imagine, we we can put you in prison for stealing cars and resell them, that’s right, there’s not even one article, we found it from you... a complete package of documentation, as well as equipment for changing license plates, in those same handbags that you prudently took out of the car service center early this morning, after which you called the police and reported the murder of ligov, anastatiyka, damn, how did you know all this, oh, you have no idea, the stars told you, why did you kill ligovo, i didn’t kill,
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i didn’t kill, yes, who killed, tverdov, porcupine, but none of us killed ligovo. not tverdov, not a porcupine, can you imagine, in the next office, at the moment, citizen tverdov is just giving a confession, you don’t want to tell me anything, citizen tverdov, but you are a very beautiful girl, i am aware, but your job is just crap, it’s not interesting, you know, but i like it, so you, apparently, will soon change her place of work and place of residence, and apparently for a very long time, for murder for complicity , um, for what other murder? yes, i’m doing something else altogether, and i ’ve never killed anyone. just a minute. yes, andryukh. ritka, take the current information for consideration. citizen league. alive and well, what? and if i tell you everything, will you give me a plea deal? well, you know,
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this is how it will go, maybe even with justice, everything depends on you. in general, yesterday around midnight, because ligov was killed at that time, yes, you said, tverdov and i and the porcupine were handing over another broken car to new clients, yeah. did ligov know about this illegal business of yours? no, of course, who would entrust such a thing to a new person, he’s been with us for a week, that is, it turns out that you want to say that your alebi are exactly those same clients, so talk about the clients, well, what a little idiot, that’s why will depend on how many years you spend in bars on what charges, and this will count as helping the investigation, it will count, it will count, but we need to meet your friend, the porcupine, write where to find him. bogdan, guys, in general, it’s not the real ligov who was killed, the real ligov is alive, these are buyers
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who need a new mercedes, like that, you’re prompt, from order to execution in 2 hours, when i let you down, i’m already a pro, old man, you get it as luck would have it, my heart sank, a new car and not from the showroom, but we didn’t have time to drive it at all, but well done, that’s it, listen to what we have there the cops are making some kind of fuss about the documents there about the cops, if anything happens, call me, we’ll come to an agreement, and he has the documents, and he has the documents, he has the money, the cossack, take the loot, well, what’s the deal, let’s take it.
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come on, get up, well, you see, there’s a sign, parking is prohibited, why do you need such a high-speed car, you’re a sprinter yourself, he needs to go to the olympics, all that’s left is to train in our department, come on! "slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the scammer would have access to the money, suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count took seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that we can transfer the money to a secure account, i called the bank and hung up on her, whoever the scammers pretend to be, in order to get out... from you money, hang up without talking. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the disaster that decapitated iran, why
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an old american helicopter was chosen for the last flight of the president, on one side there were several high-ranking officials at once, and could this fucking chain of fatal accidents have been set up by someone? in germany, the trial of the leaders of the most incredible and absurd conspiracy to seize has begun. authorities, is it really possible that this show trial was organized only to find a russian trace in the conspirators’ case, the secret of the origin of cockroaches has been revealed, has man himself made these articulate-legged pests the real kings of the urban jungle, almost like pets, it will be your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv.
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but unfortunately, these episodes have nothing to do with the murder of ligov, who turned out to be not ligov, so all this had to be handed over to his fellow hijackers, again a non-core crime was solved, ligov is not ligov, what do we know about this deceased, who is he in fact, it is still unclear georgievich, georgievich, there are no fingerprints of the deceased in our database, there are no wanted persons in the database either, i think we need to make a request to the border state, this is a paper balokita, and this it probably takes time to involve management. okay, let's ask for management and connect. tell me, kasimov, could he have known his real address? no, kasimov knew the address of the real
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aligov, at the place of registration in all. so, well, wait, but kasimov said that ligov had some woman as a client, and well, yes, here is nina zagorskaya, there is her address and car number, well, at least something, he called, yes. good day, hello, killer, what have we forgotten here? we need nina zagorskaya, an eyesore, i recognized you, that now in the lethal are you serving? why? yes, lucky, gorynych, gorynych, it drove him to such a thing, what did he do to his hand, gorynych? it doesn’t matter, it’s none of your business, why do you need it, my wife, she’s at home, no, she’s not there, when will she be, but i don’t know, but
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do you know the name ligov? so he sent you, you want to get to me, listen, gorynych, let’s talk calmly, we ’ll get through, well, let’s go, that means they’ve been slammed, yes, it’s a pity, it’s a pity that they got ahead of me, this is absolutely not a fact, oh well, you also tried to put me in prison before, and what happened? it means the address has changed mr. gorynych, and i’m driving, i think, well, it’s a coincidence, but no, he’s the one. the fact is, reed, that our mr. zagorsky 5 years ago was involved in a very interesting case related to major theft in the real estate market, that’s where we met, but mr. zagorsky’s connections turned out to be stronger than our evidence base, well further you understand, but this base of yours turned out to be rather weak, because you still have little strength to climb
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the mountains. i didn’t kill your oligov, apparently there were still people who were willing to do it before me, probably not only he tumbled with mine, so what's wrong with your hand, nothing, nothing, bogdan, it was me who was there with the dog, sit down, sit down, i said, gorynych, dog, bogdan, call krymov, yes, nina. who are you? quiet, quiet, nina, everything is fine, quiet, everything is fine, i’m from the police, you will help me, otherwise he will kill me, quiet, he won’t touch us again, i promise you that, why didn’t you immediately call for help? , i was afraid that suddenly he would give you money for a day and leave, this has already happened and even more than once, clearly, when you rang the doorbell, he said, open your mouth, he will kill you, it was he who killed ligov, what are you saying? vasya was killed when
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it happened tonight, no, it’s definitely not him, he was here all night , mocking me, a jealous bastard, and trying to stab me with a kitchen knife, what... and she hurt or hurt, hurt, stupid, little by little, without asking you , so calmly, through the zo, the witch hurt me badly, write, nina, write, i write, resorting to domestic violence, hit me in the eye, i hit myself there, well, in general, we are handing you over
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to the local police officer, please continue your concerts. roll it up through him, you have a written undertaking not to leave the country, what should i write again or something, write, come on, subscription, ivan, how are we doing, how are the repairs going? oh, oh, i wish you good health, georgievich, listen, this thing here, in general, was robbed. what, seriously,
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or what? how? so, can you come? of course, georgievich is now, i will be there now, waiting. very funny, andryukha, i’m sorry, that’s it, that’s it, i’m sorry, well damn, here we need to, here we need to call the police, let me take your statement, well, what a statement, andryukha, everyone will laugh at me, led by general merslyakin, and by the way, they will be right, yeah. no, no, no, this is, of course, a matter of wide eyes, we can’t, we can’t betray, oh, we have to figure out how to take this bastard ourselves, but there are some thoughts about what we will do, but what thoughts, i’ve already got enough shocks for today, okay, tomorrow morning, all my
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operational talent we’ll invest it to take it, i promise you, but in general, georgievich, i really like it, it’s such a new style, modern-minimalism, that’s it, that’s enough already, go on duty, wait, listen, you just share it, don’t wait about all this, okay, what are you talking about, georgievich, so many years side by side, come on, thank you for coming, yes stop, but hello, can you, oh my god, good morning, what happened, we seem to be looking for you...
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thank you, tell me, a few days ago, when we were kissing from vasya’s entrance, some suspicious guy came up to us , wait a minute, you didn’t tell me that you visited the murdered man’s house? so, well, i understood why you came without your husband, then, what kind of suspicious guy came to ligov, i have no idea, but as soon as he appeared, vasya took him aside , they talked about something for a long time, about what? i couldn't hear it, but the conversation was tense, it even seemed to me that he was threatening him, that’s it. okay, what happened next? nothing, he left. didn’t you ask ligov, he didn’t know who it was? of course, i asked, but he waved me off and said that he was just an acquaintance. oh, bogdash, by the way, come
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and listen. what's happened? i hope you haven’t forgotten the address of the impostor ligov? i remember you... i just ask you, please, don’t tell my husband anything, okay, well, here it is, which i called this swindler, well, maybe there’s also an advertisement with this phone number there is a number, no, i’ve already looked through everything, this number appears only once, that’s a bastard, and he left his passport as collateral, georgievich, don’t worry, don’t worry, unfortunately, everything is just beginning, well, let’s put a fake passport, well, that’s understandable case, the photograph was re-glued from... it was mined so well, georgivich, or maybe we’ll call the editorial office, this newspaper, we’ll find out if there are any more advertisements there according to the passport details of this bug, let’s try, let’s do it, hello,
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good afternoon, you colonel solovets is worried, head of the inter-district police department, i need... information, whether they gave an advertisement on a passport in the name, hello, girl, hello, hung up, what a crook, you'll have to go and find out yourself, it doesn't work. but this is already interesting, let’s go in,
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well, i’ll call krymov, report, let him come here. he’s sending bulkin as an expert, there’s a camera above the entrance, i’ll go and look at the security guard, look at the videos, georgievich, well, what ’s the reaction? and shared information, well, where will they go, in short, on this left passport, they have published several more announcements about repairs, but they called from the same number, but the fact of the matter is that from different ones, it seems, they are all one-time calls, i called, they were all disconnected, and what happened, oleg georgievich, borenka, i ’ll tell you later, you here's what, look at all the phone messages over the past few weeks, i need all the cases in different areas of the city, when scammers, you pretended to be apartment renovation specialists, gained access there and committed
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thefts, of course, i'll do it, well, what do we have here, oh, bagel, great, finally, hello, great, well, apparently a killer was here ligovo is not ligova, i don’t know what else to call him, the question is, was he there before the murder or after, yeah, so, so what, i found what i was looking for, great guys. hi, well, i took a photo from a video recording, this guy was talking to ligov at the entrance yesterday, yeah, of course not filmed, but i think it will do, and have you ever seen this guy come out of the entrance, no, because yesterday a light bulb above the entrance magically burned out, you can’t see who was coming in or going out, bogdan, send all this to nikito, let him punches, i do, oh, hello, yes, bogdan,
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hello, listen, well, you're lucky, your guy jumped out, unknown, turned out to be very famous, so, citizen rushkov igor gennadievich, previously convicted of robbing a store, served 4 years, i was released a couple of months ago, i understand, nikitos, thank you, so, rita, hello to you, well, we have an address, well, go ahead, go to the address, call if anything happens. we'll drive up, and for now we 'll finish here, allow me to do it, do it, well, i have to do it like a boy, well, don't take it to heart, we'll find this scammer, they didn’t find such people, yes, oleg georgievich, this is what you asked for, lists for 10 days, thank you, borya, thank you, free, andryukh, what’s up, well, look, georgievich, pay attention, yeah, among kidnapped. not only building materials, but also the owner’s personal belongings, how
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do you have the same handwriting, uh-huh, what are you getting at, how will this help us find them, but if we assume that scammers use the newspaper not only to search for victims, but and to sell stolen things, you need to look through advertisements where things are listed, well, let’s say, but how will we understand that this is the same swindler, well, we need to call, maybe we’ll get lucky, well, let’s try, you can recognize his voice, well, yes? let's call, maybe you'll be lucky, you'll be lucky, uh-huh, no, no, no, they can dial the number, let 's call from a landline, just change your voice, no, suddenly it will recognize you, come on, come on, i 'll turn it on loud, okay, look, they sell wallpaper, i see the wallpaper is the most expensive, but they had good colors, well, yes, they create coziness, the main thing is wallpaper in the house, that’s for sure. everything is quiet,
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hello, good afternoon, both of you are for sale, in general they are for sale, but now we’re just waiting for the arrival of a new batch, okay, i’ll call you back, thank you again, so, now this one, look, here it is, hello, day, hello, criminal investigation department, inter-district homicide department, tell me, citizen rushkov is at home, lord, he’s not there, what, did he do something, and who is he coming to you?
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thank you, thank you very much, i will call you back later. all this is useless. what are you doing? we don't give up. oh my goodness. hello, good afternoon. i'm calling on ad. please tell me in more detail, what kind of wallpaper, color, brand, quality, i would urgently buy the entire batch, there is a limited batch, very good wallpaper, literally 15 rolls left. a reliable manufacturer, i can deliver it where i need it myself, great, i’ll buy it all, and it can be done quickly, but what about this rowing in which rushkov took part, there were three of them, rushkov and two more, and what about the two, what about they know who nosov slonkin is, they are still in prison, their sentence was six months longer than rushkov’s, and a lot
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they took the money, the store owner estimated the damage at 5 million, oh, not bad, so, not bad, not bad, but they didn’t find any money from rushkov... not from the other two, well, that’s understandable, maybe they just found it not officially, bogdan, yes that's it, let's pass, okay, look, you know this guy, oops, so it's vaska zhuravlev, well , yes, so what, i mean, he somehow passed right by, there were suspicions that he was waiting for that trio in a car nearby store, although rushkov firmly stated that there were three of them, and the car in which they left was the left one, and since he did not enter the store, then witnesses did not recognize the driver's face. as far as i understand, we didn’t even see the license plate number of the car, we did see the number plate, only it turned out to be fake, yes, but don’t think so, we already combed through the houses in the garage, but we didn’t find any money either there, although i’m still sure, that it was he who snatched the prey of this trio, but you understand that without evidence nothing can be done for the court, of course, colleagues,
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you still have questions, but no, it seems not, that’s it, then happy, thank you, happy, oh, in general , i think... that we need to go to zagorsk as soon as possible, think for yourself, i was expecting something more, rushkov saw zagorskaya at zhuravlev’s house, they were kissing at that moment, she spoke, which means he realized that they were lovers, but ravlev’s money was not found during the search, do you think he gave her trusted so much, but i don’t think he trusted that much, but she needs to be crushed somehow, to be told that there is danger, she will suddenly split, but no, we must first find this rushkov, and then prick zagorskaya about money, especially to me she seems to know more than she says herself think about it, she didn’t tell us about rushkov right away either, i’ll call her, ask her to come to our department, tell her that we have new developments here on the zhurovlev case, great, there won’t be a direct conversation anyway, but what does she have this is again another showdown with this horn, okay, let's go, otherwise they 'll kill each other to hell, that's it, put away
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the gun, shut up, shut up, bedding, where's the money, tell me, i'll kill you, but we don't have money, i'll kill everyone, now rushed. dog, that's what you want, dog, so quiet, shut up, undertaker for you, bastard, listen, rushkov, not only were you detained while taking hostages and robberies, but you also resisted a police officer, it’s not enough for you, i admit, it’s difficult to argue with the obvious, so what about the murder of zhuravlev? well, talk, come on, well, you feel what it smells like, i feel it, that same toilet, okay, i’m ready to report to spavinny, it was i who killed zhuravlev, and the motive,
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and the motive you yourself know, probably, well, maybe we do know, here you are... where is the money, he was still with some woman then, he said that we’ll sort everything out later, they decided, well, then you went to his car service when there was no one there, so why did you take the gun, it’s your buddy, this buddy rushed at me with a finn, but i shot at him, hid the corpse under the car,
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so that they wouldn’t find it right away, thank you, i took the keys to the hut, my mobile phone, i took the keys in order to find the money, there weren’t any money in... the hut, then i thought that the woman with whom i saw him in general, maybe he i hid these money with her, went to the woman’s house, the woman has a husband, the husband is at home, then everything flew away, off i went, and you know, bogdan, what i think is that zhuravlev didn’t have any money at all by that time, remember zagorskaya told us that when she and zhuravlev were planning an affair, he kept intercepting money from her. well , apparently, he squandered it, and for a long time, and 5 million for such people, in general, is not that much, but what is quite likely. andrey, it’s you, i’m andrey, and you, if i’m not mistaken, vanya’s company, cheaply and cheerfully, definitely brought
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my wallpaper, i brought it, only while it’s still mine, if there’s money, it’ll be yours, witty. we have a company, firmniks, well, 25 years on the market, please, it’s simple, great, bins, wallpaper, what you need, help, but no, there are helpers, let’s go.
5:38 am
hello, andryusha, why are you so sad, observant, there is no reason for fun, well, yes, i came to my bachelor apartment after duty, tired. i’ll come, in the alley to a familiar tavern for tanyusha to cry in his vest, you need to get married, you need to, but
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i can’t meet my one and only, well, i can help with that, i wonder how i have a girlfriend in mind, a good girlfriend, you say , eh, it’s sad to live alone in the world, what’s the name, vasilisa, the wise vasilisa or the beautiful, and the wise and... beautiful, i would rather only have the beautiful, the wise no, okay, that’ll do, give me the phone, hold on, adventuress, please, please, can i have the phone , call, call, give help, police, australian citizen, what happened, what happened, i don’t
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remember anything, hit, i’m in trouble, stolen and disaster, police, foreign citizens, calm down, consider yourself lucky, criminal investigation , captain rydanov, and you police, you're good, you're helping me, i'm in trouble, sit down, calm down, calm down. now, now we’ll figure it out, tanya, there’s some kind of first aid kit, please bring it, i’ll bring it now , what happened, there’s me at the gateway, lyoshka, i’ll go take a look, come on, it’s not us, honestly, it’s clear that not you, but what got you there, well... you know, it’s just my parents at igor’s house, in nature, romance, it’s quiet here.


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