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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 24, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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kostroma paratroopers destroyed the defensive fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as continuous surveillance. about the work of orel uav crews in the donetsk direction in the report by maxim berezin. in the case of the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, the ukrainian trace was confirmed, as it turned out, the iranian authorities published the preliminary results of the investigation into the plane crash in which the country's president died. the chinese people's republic army sent dozens of fighter jets and warships to the taiwan strait.
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ground and missile forces have been alerted, why are large-scale maneuvers are a response to the political statements of the new leadership of taiwan, ksenia nekrasova will tell you. and eleventh graders say goodbye to school today. last calls are being made all over the country. hello, welcome to the information service. ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. vladimir putin arrived in minsk on an official visit. on the morning of the plane, the russian leader was met personally by alexander lukashenko. the first negotiations between the presidents took place right at the airport of the belarusian capital. during the meeting , the presidents touched upon topical issues further development of relations between moscow and minsk, strategic partnership, as well as the course and prospects of interaction within the framework of the union state are key topics between.
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will be glad that we are discussing these issues, i have very interesting proposals for our region and further there in the caucasus, we discussed this very seriously recently during a visit to azerbaijan, i think that, as usual, we put security issues at the forefront , and tomorrow we will discuss economic issues together with our government colleagues, thank you very much, thank you for the opportunity to come here in the evening...
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huge damage to the enemy, despite the fact that it is located hundreds of kilometers from the line of combat contact. ayudi, huh... this is the combat work of d-30 howitzers, which knocked out tanks in the special operation zone. the crew deploys the gun in a matter of minutes, and the firing rate is eight rounds per minute. in the kharkov region , mi-35 and k-52 helicopters hit decoyed armored vehicles. after completing the task, the crews released heat traps and returned to departure airfield. and in the southern donetsk direction, attack aircraft of the marine corps of the pacific fleet captured a strong point
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, but fortunately nothing worked out for them. at the stronghold, the russian military captured several ukrainian militants, and also discovered western -made hand grenade launchers, anti-tank mines , and american grenades. for this battle, the attack aircraft were presented with state awards. our reconnaissance drones are successfully operating in the donetsk direction. with their help , operators identify the location of ukrainian militants and transmit coordinates to the artillerymen, who carry out precise strikes, maxim berezin monitored the work of the fighters. the reconnaissance drone operator arlan controls the cameras with a game joystick, as if he were playing a flight simulator, but the enemy is quite real, trying to intercept the uav. ukrainian rap is operating in the sky in the donetsk direction; the drone flies at an altitude
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of approximately 5 km directly above the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew is continuously at the observation point for 10 hours, this is the battery life uav. operators must not be distracted by... in the view of orlan's cameras, camouflaged armored forces , communication points, hidden guns, all this must be found and destroyed. the control center in an inconspicuous building is a group of artillery reconnaissance uavs that strictly adhere to camouflage rules. every time they look for a new take-off site for the eagle, the crew, so as not to attract attention, does not drive military vehicles. the ukrainian armed forces also have aerial reconnaissance that flies far beyond the front line. the crew has been working for several hours, a soldier with a call patrol is in control on board,
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the bema's partner, there was infantry, that's what it was, the coordinates were transmitted, the artillery worked, it was ordered, the eagle literally freed the hands of the artillery regiment, aerial reconnaissance has significantly increased the effectiveness of hitting ukrainian armed forces targets, that is, it allows for more effective counter-battery warfare, well, to hide the enemy’s control point, that is, it is more effective to defeat him in the interests of the general. the target coordinates are directly transmitted practically to the position, but we have already aimed and accordingly, we are already looking, there is a gap, as you see, there is a hit, orlan’s day patrol is ending, a drone with a night infrared camera will take his place,
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you cannot stop observing, in the dark the enemy feels freer, comes out of cover, more targets appear for the southern artillery groupings of troops. mushanov, kovetsky folk. in the case of the assassination of the prime minister of slovakia, the ukrainian trace was confirmed. as they say, in the court ruling, the man who shot robert fitz disagreed with the policy of the head of the cabinet of ministers on ukrainian question. he wanted slovakia to send military aid to the kiev regime and considered fitz, who opposes arms supplies and ukraine's membership in nato, a traitor to the european union. during interrogation, the seventy-year-old shooter clarified that he did not intend to kill the prime minister. he intended to harm the health of the slovak leader so that he could no longer perform his duties. interviews with witnesses have also been published. they claim that the suspect was irritated by fitsu's good relations with russia and hungarian leader viktor orbán. who is also against arms supplies to ukraine.
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the assassination attempt took place last week, four bullets hit robert fitz, the prime minister is still in the hospital. his condition is serious but stable. meanwhile, viktor orban. stated that even the pro-war leaders of the european union consider sending their soldiers to ukraine and transferring long-range equipment to kiev as an excessive step. supply kiev with equipment that can hit targets on the territory. only after the elections in the european parliament and the united states. in the meantime, the west is trying to pump ukraine up
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with weapons. today washington may announce allocation of additional military assistance in the amount of $275 million. the new package will include missiles for rszz, hymers and artillery shells. and britain said it would transfer its reconnaissance drones and electronic warfare systems, boats and maritime drones for a total of $190 million. iranian authorities have released preliminary results of the investigation into the plane crash in which ibrahim raisi died. military investigators said the helicopter caught fire after colliding with a mountain. there are no bullet marks on the body discovered. the iranian general staff also said that a minute and a half before the crash , the crew of the presidential flight contacted the pilots of two other helicopters that were accompanying it. the air traffic controller did not identify any suspicious aspects either. the ship was moving along the route from.
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off the coast of taiwan, the second day of military exercises of the people's liberation army of china began; large-scale maneuvers started three days after the inauguration of the new head of taiwan, who, as soon as he took office, declared support for the independence of the island and thereby calling into question the principle of one china, which is important for beijing. the seriousness of these exercises is evidenced by the fact that for the first time the armed forces of the prc entered the waters near taiwan. at the same time, the island’s administration, with
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the support of its main ally, the united states, continues to prepare for war with the prc. ksenia nekrasova will tell you whether taipei island will decide to take more radical steps. upon an alarm signal, warships and aircraft of the prc army move to the area specified by the command. taiwan strait, surrounding the island north, south and east, chinese. beijing immediately involved aviation and navy, ground missile forces, the prc army spoke in more detail about military equipment in a special video, fighter jets, destroyers, landing ships and dongfeng ballistic missiles, and of course, not just like that, a series of posters about the power of the chinese military were accompanied by traditional characters. which are used in taiwan so that on the other side of the strait it is extremely clear what
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its independence will mean for the island. this is a serious punishment for the separatists, and a serious warning against interference and provocations from external forces. after the new head of taiwan, as soon as he took office, publicly declared support for the independence of the island, beijing's reaction became expected; on the first day of the maneuvers, the prc naval forces were inferior. less than 40 km from the island. to observe the maneuvers , the taiwanese military scrambled f-16 fighter jets and deployed its mobile missile systems while political leaders inspected american stinger drones at one of their military bases in an attempt to boost morale. soldier. i will stand on the front line with my brothers and sisters in the nation's army to jointly defend national security. at the same time, taiwan itself is preparing for war with beijing almost every month, provoking the mainland to respond under
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the clear leadership of washington, in addition to regular supplies, american instructors are already working hard on the island, and the us congress is preparing a new delegation to tai bay, for which beijing has already reacted and demanded that the states refrain from such visits, so more so now that the taiwan strait is so turbulent. chinese army training. last 2 days, while, as the command emphasized, the chinese military is on duty around the clock and is in constant combat readiness, and this signal was addressed not only to the taiwanese leader. this was stated by the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov. he emphasized that the customers planned
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to cause damage to the relations of the cis countries with the help of regional national factors. head of the department. the last school waltz sounds, into the sky release balloons and white doves. today , celebrations are taking place almost throughout the country, with the exception of settlements in the omsk region that were damaged by floods. there the holiday was postponed to june, in the border areas of the kursk and belgorod regions, as well as in a number of donetsk schools , the holiday is held in an online format. the last
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bells have already passed in the far east; according to eleventh graders, they are glad to finish school, but many are sad. school gave us so many opportunities, knowledge, friends, still so many memories connected, the school gave the most kindness, we have very good teachers, they are all kind, sympathetic, you can always find an answer to any question from them. adult patients with rare diseases should be provided with medications at the expense of federal funds, this idea was presented in the all-russian...
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several cabinets, chests of drawers and cabinets at once. masha and anton take these drugs and will continue to drink them all their lives. levchenko's brother and sister are sick with a rare genetic pathology. this is cystic fibrosis, a disease that affects the glands, the external secretion and causes serious breathing and digestive problems. since childhood , the state has provided anton and masha with only supportive therapy, but 5 years ago , specific targeted therapy finally appeared in the world. it is lifelong, the annual course costs more than 20 million rubles. of course, we thought that they would never, never be available to us, but in 2020, i think, they created the presidential foundation for the circle of good, then these drugs became available to us with the help of the foundation. the foundation helps children and adolescents under 19 years of age, which is why such therapy they prescribed it only to masha, she was
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17 at that time. the girl began to breathe easier, her mood improved, and vitality appeared, but as soon as she became... older, she moved out of the care of the organization introducing the regional ministry of health and the treatment was interrupted. the department refused to purchase the expensive drug trikafta . over the course of 8 months without targeted therapy , the girl’s health indicators went backwards. levchenko’s family had to go to court and he took their side and ordered the stavropol ministry of health to issue the medicine. according to the mother in the region 20 adults with the same diagnosis and only seven of them, along with her daughter, achieved results. the patients do not receive treatment, including anton. nadya panfilova from kazan may soon also be left without a vital drug. the girl has finilkitonia, a rare hereditary disease. the body does not absorb protein from food; amino acids from protein accumulate in the body, turning into poison, which poisons a person and destroys the brain. from birth, the girl was on a strict protein-free diet and
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took a special mixture. you can imagine this, nadya tried bananas for the first time. and doctor’s sausage only 2 years ago, when i started receiving special treatment, an expensive imported medicine - pygvaliase, the circle of good foundation began purchasing for it, at first i had 2.5 mg, then 10, and i also drank this mixture, i need i was supposed to drink a mixture, 2.5-10 mg, when it was already 20, i could already eat everything, my analysis gradually dropped like this, now my analyzes are very good. now the panfilovs have a month and a half of medication left in their refrigerator, further unknown. patient organizations explain that the situation is paradoxical. if we treated a child, a teenager. 19 years, and then they said: sorry, there is no money, look for funds, get by as best you can, then all the gains, quality of life, ah,
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the patient’s status, yes, the clinical course, the disease, it can very sharply worsen and cross out all the costs that were before this was carried by the fund. now the local authorities are obliged to provide expensive treatment to adult orphan patients, but as the circle of good foundation notes, only half receive assistance sick. we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you, only in alfabank,
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