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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 24, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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ukrainian military intelligence is involved in the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole - statement by the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov. the ukrainian trace was also confirmed in the case of the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia. how did this turn out? kostroma paratroopers destroyed defensive fortifications in the ssu. and hungary is reconsidering its role in nato because it does not want to participate in the alliance’s military mission in ukraine. the prc army sent dozens of fighter jets and warships to the taiwan strait , alerted ground and missile forces, why large-scale...
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negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko will take place. the leaders of the two countries are expected to discuss regional security and economic issues. the head of state arrived in belarus the day before. in the morning , alexander lukashenko personally met him on the plane. the first negotiations between the presidents took place right at the minsk airport. during the meeting , the presidents touched upon current issues of further development of relations between our countries, strategic partnership, as well as the progress and prospects of interaction within the allied framework.
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in the evening to talk informally, to communicate, after negotiations with our arab friends, i had such a big meeting with members of the government, they talked about my visit to you, in almost all areas, we went over industrial cooperation, energy, agriculture, regarding security issues, we will discuss all this today, including issues. here, too, there is something to talk about, everything is stable with us, everything is going well, and here we will talk, of course, about exercises, secondly, enough exercises, this is connected with direct participation of our belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere, in these events, well, in general, we have a very big trip.
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at a meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis, which are held in beshkeki. according to bortnikov, unable to achieve their goals on the battlefield, the ukrainian authorities turned to total terror. more than twenty
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people were detained in the case, including the direct perpetrators. the preparation, financing, attack and departure of the bandits were coordinated via the internet by members of a group banned in russia. terrorist organization. director of the fsb. tajikistan and uzbekistan. the investigation of the terrorist attack involves kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, and continues, but we can already say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack. i want to assure that all the circumstances of the crime will be established. everyone involved in it will not escape punishment. russian artillery destroyed the defensive fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces in the city of chasov yar. the strikes were carried out by crews of the rszzo
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grad of the kostroma paratroopers. corrected drone unit fire. iskander missile system of the west group of troops. we all began to prepare, two of our comrades went to the northern part of the support with hand grenade launchers to meet the tank, there most likely the enemy’s plan was to blow our roof off and then finish us off with birds, but fortunately nothing
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worked out for them. at the stronghold, the russian military captured several ukrainian militants and also discovered western-made hand-held grenade launchers and anti-tank mines. american grenades. for this battle, the attack aircraft were presented with state awards. in the case of the assassination of the prime minister of slovakia, the ukrainian trace was confirmed. as stated in the court ruling, the man who shot robert fitz did not agree with the policy of the head of the cabinet of ministers on the ukrainian issue. he wanted slovakia to send weapons to the kiev regime and considered fitz, who opposes military aid and ukraine’s membership in nato, a traitor to the european union. the seventy-one-year-old russian shooter clarified that he did not intend to kill the prime minister, he wanted to harm the health of the slovak leader, so that he can no longer perform his duties. interviews with witnesses have also been published. they claim that the suspect was irritated by fitsu's good relations with russia and the leader of hungary
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, viktor orban, who is also against arms supplies to ukraine. the assassination attempt took place last week, robert fitz was shot four times. the prime minister is still in hospital. his condition is serious but stable. what happened to fitso can happen to anyone who does not agree with western policies. to this in conversation with georgian prime minister irakli kabakhidze hinted at one of the european commissioners. the head of the georgian cabinet of ministers himself spoke about these threats. the european union immediately stated that the words were allegedly taken out of the context of the conversation at the time of discussion of the law on foreign agents, which the west does not like so much. georgia, it has already been accepted. the president vetoed it, but parliament could easily override it with a majority vote. the united states is actively trying to do everything to prevent the law from coming into force, despite the fact that in america itself such rules have been in force for a long time; they are much stricter. them however, the us has already announced that it will reconsider its relations with georgia. the americans
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plan to introduce sanctions and visa restrictions for those politicians who supported the bill, and they will be extended to their family members. budapest is reassessing its country's role in nato because it does not want to participate in the alliance's military mission in ukraine. viktor orban stated this. according to the hungarian prime minister, a statement by western politicians. indicates that europe is preparing for a war with russia, while many eu leaders consider sending their soldiers to ukraine and transferring long-range weapons to kiev as an excessive step; zelensky, as well as his western sponsors, demand that they supply kiev with equipment that can hit targets on russian territory. as i see it, the next stage of the war, which will already mean that ukraine will be given equipment capable of reaching russian territory.
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the new package will include missiles for the hymers missile system and artillery shells. and great britain said it would transfer reconnaissance drones and electronic warfare systems, boats and naval vessels to kiev. drones for a total of $190 million. and off the coast of taiwan, the second day of military exercises of the people's liberation army of china began. large-scale maneuvers started three days after the inauguration of the new head of taiwan, who, as soon as he took office, declared support for the independence of the island and thereby called into question
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the principle of one china, which is important for beijing. the seriousness of these exercises is also evidenced by the fact that for the first time the armed forces of the prc entered the waters near taiwan. at the same time, the administration of the island support of its main ally, the united states, continues to prepare for war with china. ksenia nekrasa will tell you whether taipei will decide to take more radical steps. ships and aircraft of the prc army are moving into the area specified by the command. taiwan strait, surrounding the island to the north, south and east. the chinese military simulated air strikes supported by multiple launch rocket systems along the entire coastline. in the joint sword maneuvers, beijing simultaneously used aviation, navy and ground missile forces. read more about military equipment of the prc army fighters and amphibious destroyers told in a special video. are used in
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taiwan so that on the other side of the strait it is extremely clear what its independence will mean for the island. this is a serious punishment for the separatists, and a serious warning against interference and provocation from external forces. their action will be met with decisive resistance from 400 billion. in the south is the headquarters of the pro-american taiwanese democratic party. from the east, we are blocking the escape routes of the separatist forces and
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the logistics routes to supply the island with the us side and its allies. to observe the maneuvers, taiwan's military scrambled f-16 fighter jets and deployed its mobile missile systems while political leaders inspected american stinging drones at one of their military bases in an attempt to boost soldiers' morale. “i will stand on the front line with my brothers and sisters in the national army to jointly defend national security. at the same time , taiwan itself is preparing for war with beijing almost every month, provoking the mainland to response actions under the clear guidance of washington. in addition to regular supplies, american instructors are already working in full force on the island, and the us congress is preparing a new delegation to taipei, to which beijing has already responded by demanding the states."
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a heated debate, the republican said at a rally in new york. trump said that biden's team proposed setting up tables so that opponents could sit during the discussion. however, ex-president donald trump , as expected, did not support this idea more than once. mental abilities of the current president, and the biden team only added fuel to the fire. the democrats actually signed that their candidate is incapable of staying on his feet even during an important event.
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alexey veselovsky knows what else trump talked about at his first rally in new york in 8 years. this is trump's first rally in new york in 8 years. trump wants to prove the opposite, he wants to win new york over biden. last republican to win new york in a presidential election there was ronald reagan, and it was 40 years ago, in the bronx - this is the area of ​​​​the city where trump decided to hold his rally. the republicans haven't won in 100 years. this is one of the most pro-democracy enclaves in the country.
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rectify the situation. i want to proclaim today that we will change the situation in new york very, very quickly. we will bring safety back to our streets, success to our schools. we will bring prosperity back to every neighborhood in our nation's greatest city. new york democrats are unhappy that trump decided to enter their territory, they tried to organize a counter-rally, but so few people came to it that this protest practically went unnoticed, and donald trump'. has already announced that he is planning another rally, this time in the heart of new york, in the prestigious madison square garden hall. it looks like trump is serious about breaking through the democrats' wall of brezh. alexey vasilovsky, aviaabramov and vladimir vypritsky, ntv. usa. iranian authorities have released preliminary results of the investigation into the plane crash in which ibrahim raisi died. as stated
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military investigators, the helicopter caught fire after colliding with a mountain. there are no bullet marks on the body. discovered. the iranian general staff also said that one and a half minutes before the crash, the crew of the presidential flight contacted the pilots of two other helicopters that were accompanying it. air traffic controllers also did not find out any suspicious aspects. the vessel moved along the route, there was no deviation from the trajectory. the general staff added that some facts of the disaster have yet to be verified, but the main ones can be spoken with confidence. also investigators denied the report that the crash site had been found. the wreckage of the helicopter was discovered by an iranian drone at 5:00 a.m. local time; the search for the presidential plane lasted all night due to fog, cold, and difficult terrain. the day before , a funeral took place in the iranian city of mashhad, lynx’s hometown; according to authorities , 3 million people came to say goodbye to him. russian
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airlines are threatened with fines and even suspension of operations for errors in tickets. next is business. news with us marina pimenova, marina, well, what happens, what are there so many errors? the ministry of transport cites a figure of less than a percent, even much less, it is 67%. the ministry of transport has decided to punish russian airlines for errors in tickets, we are talking about the information that enters the reservation system. as the kommersant newspaper learned, the ministry has prepared amendments to the code of administrative offenses, according to which the airline will face a fine of up to 100,000 rubles for the first such violation. and for a repeated one up to 400,000 or suspension of activities for 90 days. the ministry of transport itself explains the need for measures by complaints from passengers, calling them more frequent they clarify that every year the central office of rostrasnadzor alone receives approximately 700 such complaints about errors in tickets. in total, over the past year, russian airlines transported 105 million passengers, that is, errors
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account for the same 67%. although the newspaper’s interlocutor, close to the ministry of transport, says that if you look across the country, there are more complaints. at the end of the twenty-second year, the merchant recalls, all 53 russian passenger airlines switched to domestic reservation systems. head of the all-russian association of passengers, ilya zotov says: yes, there are complaints about errors in tickets, but they are isolated and may not be the fault of the airline, but because, for example, the airline’s websites or the reservation system were unstable. the russian stock market has been showing this since friday morning. subtle movements in the oil market are happening now, about the same thing. the dollar continues to balance at around 90. exporters are preparing for the peak of tax payments on may 28.
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so for part of may the average price of strawberries in russia is 588 rubles per kilogram, if you compare with the same period last year, the price increased by almost 20%. bookmaker in one of the retail chains warns that in the near future wholesale prices may increase by another 20%. the reason is the weather and the characteristics of the season. strawberries from the krasnodar region are running out, and the harvest from other regions will arrive only in 2 weeks. as the hydrometeorological center previously said, the beginning of may in the european part of russia became the coldest in the entire history of observations. the berry union clarified that due to the may frosts , a large volume of the first harvest of strawberries and black currant.
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adult patients with rare diseases should be provided with medications using federal funds. this idea was proposed by the all-russian society of rare diseases. the fact is that the presidential circle of good foundation donates expensive drugs only to children and adolescents under 19 years of age. after this , vital medications must be sent to the authorities of the region in which the patients live, but not all entities can cope with such costs. as a result, citizens are forced to go to court. ksenia ignatova understood the problem: our corner, so to speak, several cabinets in their house are filled with medicines at once. and cabinets, masha and anton drink these drugs and will drink all their lives. brother and sister levchenko are sick with a rare genetic pathology: cystic fibrosis, a disease that affects the glands, external
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secretions and causes serious problems with breathing and digestion. since childhood , the state has provided anton and masha only with maintenance therapy, but 5 years ago , specific targeted therapy finally appeared in the world. it is lifelong, the annual course costs more than 20 million rubles. of course we we thought that they... would never, never be available to us, but in 2020, i think, they created the presidential foundation for the circle of good, then these drugs became available to us with the help of the foundation. the foundation helps children and adolescents under 19 years of age, which is why only masha was prescribed this therapy; she was 17 at that time. the girl began to breathe easier, her mood improved, and vitality appeared, but as soon as she got older, she went from under. organization of the introduction of the regional ministry of health and treatment was interrupted. the department refused to purchase the expensive drug trikavto, in 8 months without targeted therapy
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, the girl’s health indicators rolled back. levchenko's family had to go to court and he took their side. the stavropol ministry of health ordered the medicine to be issued. nadya ponfilova from kazan may soon also be left without a vital drug. the girl has finil kitonuria, a rare hereditary disease, her body cannot cope with it. now my tests are very good, now the panfilovs have a month and a half of medication left in their refrigerator, then unknown. patient organizations explain that the situation is paradoxical. if we
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treated a child, a teenager under 19 years old, and then said: sorry, there is no money, look for funds, get by as best you can, then all the gains, quality of life, and the patient’s status, yes, the clinical course of the disease, it can. deteriorate very sharply and cross out all the costs that the fund had previously borne. currently , local authorities are obliged to provide expensive treatment to adult orphan patients, but as the circle of good foundation notes, assistance only half of the patients receive it. the regions are not able to bear such financial expenses. therefore, of course, only federalization, only provision from the federal budget, is the only salvation for our patients. according to representatives of society.
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now we’ll take a break for a short commercial, and in a couple of minutes live we’ll congratulate the schoolchildren on their last bell, don’t switch, this is sasha, it’s important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help at any moment, but vanya will never force himself wait. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. to organize terrorist attacks, holt hired a ghost. an excellent fighter, how to catch him? mayer
10:27 am
thunder game. it’s not easy to catch a firebird pyro in the cinema, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, you’re silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only tasty, period, i mean -good, the best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i’m a new program vtb loyalty, vtb, choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothes, products, sporting goods, get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, tomorrow, come out , look how
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beautiful you are. a smile will make everyone brighter, a smile will wake up the rainbow in the sky, share all your dough, it will come back to you more than once, hello! me, hello, no, start, please pay, please, but you can smile, your smile is unique, pay smile safe convenient with sberpay, cool stuff, thank you, dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. mom,
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a million-dollar secret. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. live news, we continue broadcasting. today the last bells are ringing in russian cities. according to tradition, it is given jointly to students of the final and first grades. schools hold assemblies and concerts. excellent students are awarded, the last school vaz sounds for eleventh graders, balloons and white doves are released into the sky. today , celebrations are taking place almost throughout the country, with the exception of settlements in the omsk region that were damaged by floods. there the holiday was postponed to june, in the border areas of the kursk and belgorod regions, as well as in a number of donetsk schools, the holiday is held in an online format. latest calls have already been made in the far east,
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according to eleventh graders, they... finish school, but many are sad to say goodbye to their teacher friends. the school gave us so many opportunities, knowledge, friends, and still so many memories. what the school gave most of all was kindness, we have very good teachers, they are all kind, responsive, and you can always find an answer to any question from them. well, in moscow the holiday is in full swing. our colleague alina repina is now working in one of the capital’s schools; she is in direct contact with the studio. alina, hi, well tell us how the last bell goes for graduates, and does this particular school where you are now have any traditions of its own? interesting? yes, yuri, hello, we are in one of the schools in the south-west of moscow, preparations for the last bell began here at about 9:30 in the morning, on the porch in front of the school, we pulled out the speaker, turned on the song “it’s school time”, tatyana
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ovsienko, in general , everything is as it should be, at 10:00 they began to carry out probably the main tradition called the living corridor, this when eleventh graders walk along the corridors of their school, they stand around. nicky is from other classes and gives them flowers. to us, adults, already calloused people, this may seem like some kind of formality, but when you are 16-17 years old, it is perceived completely differently. four eleventh graders from this school told me about this today. hello guys, we agreed in advance that they would come up to us for a live broadcast and we would chat, but it turned out that the live broadcast should coincide in time with the live corridor, and that you thought? when i told you about this, you said, what a mess, you can somehow manage to do both, and we ended up doing both, here are the flowers for the guys, you walked along this living corridor, how were your emotions, please tell me, it’s very exciting, i’ve actually
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been dreaming about this very moment for all 11 years, so that all the first-graders look at you and think, probably, that they will live like this someday, in general, my dream has come true, cool, class, it’s very exciting and you can feel the continuity of generations, because before that's all de... everyone wanted to be astronauts in 2000 , economists and lawyers, now bloggers, everyone wants to enter, enter, as they say in advertisements, to earn a lot, well guys, tell us very briefly, who do you want to become? i would like to become a moshine designer,
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an economist, a prosecutor, a doctor, a pediatrician, so hurray, i know that you are afraid of something in adulthood, because graduation is of course such a transition from childhood to...
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