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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:25pm MSK

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unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces and atacoms missiles were destroyed tonight in crimea. continuous monitoring of the work of orel uav crews in the donetsk direction. in the report by maxim berezin. god forbid. what if soldiers from western european countries or nato enter ukrainian territory? the hungarian prime minister said that now many, even the most militant eu politicians , consider sending their troops to ukraine an excessive step. they did everything to further intensify the differences and humiliate serbia. the un general assembly approved a resolution recognizing the events of silver silver in 1995 as genocide. and today is the last time in russian schools for eleventh graders. the bell rang. hello, you
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are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, the ministry of defense reported today that over the past night, air defense systems on duty destroyed three american atacoms operational-tactical missiles in crimea. and on the approach to the peninsula, naval aviation of the black sea fleet discovered and liquidated three unmanned boats. in mmc of ukraine. in the area of ​​the svo in the kharkov region, the crew of mi-35 and k-50 helicopters. hit strong points and camouflaged enemy equipment. the detonation of ammunition on the ground confirmed the hit. the strike was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles. in the area of ​​the settlement of chasov yar , kostrans paratroopers, using the grad salvo fire system, inflicted fire on the defensive fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces and destroyed an infantry platoon. the enemy took refuge in buildings equipped as strong points. and today the ministry of defense published a video from may 22, when units of the southern group of troops were in the dpr. kleshcheevka was liberated.
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the footage shows how high-precision shells struck uaf strongholds on the outskirts of the village itself, and fpv drone operators destroyed a group of ukrainian soldiers trying to take refuge in the basement of a destroyed house. meanwhile, in the donetsk direction, the next location of ukrainian units was revealed by reconnaissance drone operators. the coordinates were transmitted to the artillerymen. maxim supervised their work berezin. intelligence operator. ukrainian rap is operating in the sky in the donetsk direction, the drone is flying at an altitude of approximately 5 km directly above the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew is continuously at the observation point for 10 hours, this is the battery life of the uav. operators must not be distracted in the field of view of orlan’s cameras; camouflaged support units of the ukrainian armed forces, communication points, hidden guns, all this must be found and destroyed. the control center is in an inconspicuous building.
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artillery reconnaissance uav group strictly adheres to camouflage rules. for the eagle every time they are looking for a new take-off site, the ukrainian armed forces also have aerial reconnaissance that flies far beyond the front line. the crew has been working for several hours, a fighter with call patrol controls the board, a partner is looking for the movements of the infantry and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces on the monitor. during the day they try not to show themselves, hiding their guns and vehicles in the greenery. finding such a position from the air is not easy. in this video, orlan discovered a camouflaged howitzer and artillery. promptly worked at the specified coordinates, the unmanned group paid special attention to the headquarters and support personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, usually their they are equipped in residential buildings, basements, ruins, but the command post is often given out by trenches and communication antennas. are there any results after 4 hours of work? yes, there is a result, kbes were discovered, there was infantry, coordinates were transmitted accordingly, the artillery worked, well... it was ordered,
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the eagles literally freed the hands of the artillery regiment, aerial reconnaissance significantly increased the effectiveness of hitting ukrainian armed forces targets, that is, it allows for more effective conduct counter-attack combat, well, hide the enemy’s control point, that is, more effectively inflict fire damage in the interests of the general units, the coordinates of the target are directly transmitted practically to the firing position, but we have already aimed and are already looking accordingly, there is a gap, as you can see, there is a hit. orlan’s day patrol is ending, a drone with a night infrared camera will take his place, surveillance cannot be stopped, in the dark the enemy feels freer, comes out of cover, more targets appear for artillery and the southern group of troops. maxim beredin, maxim ushanov, sergei pakhtyukov, ntv donetsk people's republic. hungary is reconsidering its role in nato because it does not want to participate in the alliance’s military mission in ukraine, such a statement was made by the country’s prime minister viktor orban, according to him . nato is deciding how the alliance
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can take part in the conflict, but hungary is against it and is thinking about how to maintain neutrality while remaining a member of the bloc. according to politicians in brissel, they know about this and even came up with it for...
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russia, ukraine and russia usa, and on the latter, as orban believes, everything depends european security system. the un general assembly approved a resolution on the so-called genocide in srebrenica in 1995. the document was promoted by representatives of bosnia and herzegovina, rwanda and germany, the authors were mainly western countries, voting results: 84 countries for, 19, including russia and china against, dozens abstained.
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“we fought for the bright image of our country, unfortunately, they did everything to further increase the differences and humiliate serbia. the same opinion was voiced at the un and from representative of our country. a number of delegations , led by germany, decided to abuse the powers of the general
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assembly and, under the guise of a resolution establishing a commemorative day, adopt a political declaration. the russian post-pret called voting day a sad page in history." the states are introducing visa restrictions for georgia because of the adopted law on foreign agents, as us secretary of state antony blinken said, the world will affect those responsible for undermining democratic processes in the republic. according to him, the law will suppress freedom of association and opinion and prevent independent media from obtaining information. according to blinken, washington saw clear signs of intimidation and violence against dissidents, which contradicts the desire for euro-atlantic integration.
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in which president ibrahim raisi died. the main conclusion was that there was no external influence. no traces of bullets or shells were found on the wreckage of the crashed helicopter. it caught fire only after hitting the mountainside. dispatchers who monitored the movement aircraft also did not notice anything suspicious. the helicopter did not deviate from the planned route. one of the pilots did not die immediately. he managed to contact the crews of two other helicopters that were carrying members of the presidential delegation, but the pilot did not receive help. the search operation was delayed due to fog and difficult terrain. russian airlines are threatened with fines and even suspension of operations for errors in tickets. further business news and denis talalaev. denis , are there really so many mistakes? well egor, in the ministry of transport cites a figure that is less than one percent,
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even much less, it is 67 thousandths, no, 67, 100 thousandths percent. i got lost here. the ministry of transport has decided to punish russian airlines for errors in tickets, we are talking about the information that enters the reservation systems, as the kommersant newspaper learned, the ministry has prepared amendments to the code of administrative offenses, according to which for the first. such a violation of the airline faces a fine of up to 100,000 rubles, and for a repeated violation of up to 400,000 or suspension of operations for 90 days. the ministry of transport itself explains the need for measures by complaints passengers, they call them more frequent , they specify, is small every year, only the central office of rostrasnadzor receives approximately 700 such complaints about errors in tickets. in total, over the past year, russian airlines brought 105 million passengers, that is, errors account for the same 60.700%, although the newspaper’s interlocutors, the newspaper’s interlocutor close
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to the ministry of transport, says that if you look across the country, there are still more complaints. at the end of the twenty-second year, the merchant recalls, all 53 russian passenger airlines switched to domestic systems reservations. the head of the all-russian association of passengers, ilya zotov, says: yes, there are complaints about errors in tickets, but they are isolated and can occur not only through the fault of the airlines, for example, because the website was unstable or... so for part of may the average price of strawberries in russia 588 rubles per kilogram and when compared with the same period last year, the price has increased by almost 20%. moreover, rbc's source in one of the retail chains warns that wholesale prices may rise by another 20%. the weather and the peculiarities of the season had an impact.
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strawberries from the krasnodar region are running out, and the harvest from other regions will arrive in only two weeks. as the hydromidcenter previously said, the beginning of may in the european part of russia became the coldest in the entire history of observations. the russian stock market went down. now oil is getting cheaper and the ruble is getting cheaper. another attack of strengthening. probably exporters continue to prepare for the peak of payments. on may 28, the dollar is again below the level of 90, and, as we see, confidently lower, and the euro during today's trading fell even below the level of 97. in japan, a dog named kobosu died at the venerable age of 18. it’s unlikely that anyone will recognize him as a good friend until they see what kobosu looked like. yes, this is a shiba dog from those very doge memes. as befits a meme , they were used for just about everything; on the internet at the beginning of 2010, this photo
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seemed to be everywhere; at some point it turned out to be so famous that in 2013 it became the face, or rather the muzzle, of the dogcoin cryptocurrency; it gained particular popularity when elon musk said that dogecoins will be accepted as a payment method companies tesla and starling, dougcoin is now one of the ten largest cryptocurrencies in the world with a capitalization of $23 billion. well, that's it. schools have rung the last bell, according to tradition, it is given together by students of the first and last grades, schools hold assemblies, concerts,
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award students who excel in their studies, the last school waltz sounds for eleventh graders, balloons and white doves are released into the sky. today, celebrations take place almost throughout the country, with the exception of settlements in the omsk region, which suffered from the flood, the holiday there was postponed to june, in the border areas of the kursk and belgorod regions, as well as in a number of schools in the donetsk region, the holiday is held in an online format. in crimea, like a year ago, the holiday was moved to school assembly halls for security reasons. this year there are more than 9.00 eleventh graders in the republic. the last calls have already taken place in moscow schools. our correspondent alina repina attended the ceremony and asked eleventh-graders what they expect from adult life. we spent the whole morning today school number 875 in the south-west of moscow in '.
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emotions, of course, are completely different, here are the flowers for the guys. you walked along this living corridor, how were your emotions, please tell me, it’s very exciting, i actually dreamed about this very moment for all 11 years, so that all the first-graders were coming. looks at you and probably thinks that someday they will also come, in general, my dream has come true, great, great, it’s very exciting and you can feel the continuity of the generation, because before all 10 years we gave flowers, finally the eleventh year and they give it to us, it’s amazing, just an amazing class of flowers, guys, very solemnly, i really understand that this is the last call, yes, yes, an unusual feeling when everyone is shouting, congratulations, congratulations, just unusual, indescribable emotions, so
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super, guys, we are preliminary with the students . .. the participants scatter and go to the school assembly hall, and there will be a festive concert dedicated to the last bell, and then the students will begin an informal program, today we talked with the senior heroes, where will they go after the concert, they said that they are planning a picnic in one of the moscow parks, well, i would like to wish that
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this picnic too, all the last calls of the guys all over the country go well, so that the dreams that... the guys told us about today come true, well, to us, already adults all that remains is to be nostalgic for my youth and my last calls, today i remembered how mine went, you too remember with us. alina repina, svetlana kostyunina, valeryan kushnir and roman kulazhenkov, ntv, moscow. well, today in russia there are ceremonial events on the occasion of the day of slavic literature and culture, the holiday coincides with the orthodox one, when believers honor the memory of saints cyril and methodius, who created.
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next, watch the emergency program, marat tsedikov is with us, mara, over to you, and egor, now news is coming from yekaterinburg, this concerns the high-profile case of daler babiev, a six-year-old boy, for whose death his guardians are accused, these are two separate proceedings, alexander naumov is already on trial , his wife’s case, is just about to go to trial, and at the same time they are giving testimony that were constantly changing, today veronica naumova... stated that her husband had nothing to do with the boy’s death, let me remind you that daler’s body was found in the garage, experts established that it had lain there for about 6 months, meanwhile naumova received appropriate payments from the state, well , the case also became resonant because the naumov family of pikuns was considered exemplary, newspapers wrote about them, they made reports, we
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’ll tell you how today’s confession of veronica naumova will affect the course of the process. a few minutes, yes, thank you, marat chp, further, well, i say goodbye to you until 16:00, see you, badik, go out, go out and start a business, with sber, our idea will fly, open an account and connect online services. trade from sberbank for 0 rub. help at the start from sber experts. all services in your internet bank. analytics for your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all the services to develop your business. business is a blast! this is sasha. it is important for him to
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in the studio of marat seddikov. we're live. news from yekaterinburg. there the circumstances of the death of six-year-old daler babiev are being clarified in two courts at once. his guardians are accused of the boy's death, if it's alexander's case. nahum is now listening to him, but his wife’s case is just being prepared for the trial. meanwhile, veronica's preventive measure was extended again today. journalists asked naumova whether daler and her husband were involved in the death. veronica stated that he had nothing to do with this. does this mean that she will take the blame herself, or according to her version , none of the spouses is guilty? aleftina marchenko i figured it out. apparently , veronica naumova is having a hard time in pre-trial detention, having lost a lot of weight. with deeply sunken eyes, he doesn’t know where to put his hands, he fiddles with the chain.


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