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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  May 24, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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news from yekaterinburg, there, in two courts at once, the circumstances of the death of six-year-old daler babiev are being clarified, his guardians are accused of the death of the boy, and if the case of alexander naumov is now being heard, then the case of his wife is only being prepared for the trial, meanwhile, veronica’s preventive measure was again extended today, reporters asked. is naumma involved in the death of daler and her husband veronica stated that he had nothing to do with this, does this mean that she will take the blame herself or, according to her version , none of the spouses are guilty. aleftina marchenko i figured it out. apparently , veronica naumova is having a hard time in the pre-trial detention center, she has lost a lot of weight, has deeply sunken eyes, doesn’t know where to put her hands, fingering the chain with a thoughtful look, doing everything to give the impression of a modest, grieving person, as if... it wasn’t she who regularly tortured
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a six-year-old boy, taken into custody, and then could not restrain herself, beat the baby to death with a steel shoe horn, hid the body, kept it for six months, received payments , continued to live as if nothing had happened, they have already begun to judge, you think that he is guilty of skirmishes, in general she considers herself innocent, claims at all trials that she didn’t know how it happened, the child, according to her, choked in the bathroom, but investigators found enough evidence of her involvement, as well as... alexander’s guilt, her spouse. probably now the woman is simply trying to shield him, and it looks very strange. the man recently told reporters of his intention to divorce her. he probably has his own defense tactics. meanwhile, the trial in alexander’s case has already started. they gave their testimony the day before other pupils who saw and experienced all the horrors. nine-year-old gnat and fifteen-year-old dazh, the sister of the deceased daler. during the survey, the girl became ill and had to.
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they even asked to take the defendant out into the corridor to leave the building, they sent me away, why what, because they were interrogating dasha, that is, just a break, no, while he was being interrogated, they sent me away, like she fears for her life, her health, she voiced this herself lawyer, no, this was voiced by the judge, from the looks of it the naumov family did positive impression: the children are neat , fed, provided with everything they need, they study well, there are three children under their care, three relatives, the supervisory service staff is happy. visited regularly and apparently they were quite happy with the picture, they came when ler was no longer alive, veronica told them that the baby was visiting the neighbors, not seeing anything suspicious in this, they said goodbye and left, she allegedly told her husband alexander the same thing , when he returned from a long business trip, at least the man says so, he knew nothing about the brutal torture the death of a boy, you don’t dream about a dead boy, that’s it, let’s not ask such questions again, repeat them?
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also unknown, the baby was found on the third day of the search, but the body was severely decomposed and the medical examination could not establish the exact date of death, veronica herself hopes for this, but the results of a repeat study will soon become known, and while her lawyers are asking her to soften the preventive measure, she feels bad feels behind bars, but we asked for a more lenient measure of restraint related to fear, the main indications former pupils also intend to give, they were forced to torture the younger ones. for example, being put in
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a cellar; for disobedience, veronica could be deprived of food for several days, and now they are glad that the guardians will finally get what they deserve. aleftina marchenko, oksana goncharenko, ntv television company. ekaterinburg. so, veronica naumova declared that her husband was not involved in dalera’s death. she will soon have to repeat these words under oath at the hearing of his case, which is being considered separately. with the version of alexander naumov himself, you can right now familiarize. in our telegram channel, we have posted a full recording of his words, type chpntv in the messenger search bar or point your mobile phone camera at the qr code that you see on your screen. subscribe to stay updated on what's happening. let me remind you that in the achpnttv telegram channel, you can leave your comment or even offer us news. editorial communication 24 hours a day. active participants in the fight with the shooting in biryulyovo must now choose a measure. suppression, let me remind you that it all
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started with the fact that three friends, they, svo participants were returning from training, they saw a man beating a woman at a bus stop, naturally, they stood up, it began...
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there was amkhad baygiraev, he serves in the chechen special forces in moscow, he was on vacation, according to him, he and his friends saw how at a bus stop, someone was beating a woman, they stood up for her, but at some point the number of opponents began to increase, in a matter of minutes their number was already five times higher, at that moment, it was the same one who stood up for amkhata a random passerby, he also received several stab wounds, he was hospitalized and now the special forces soldier wants to actually express his gratitude to this random person for now.
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by decision of the chertanovsky interdistrict prosecutor, the criminal case of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm from hooligan motives and hooliganism was withdrawn from the police and transferred to the investigative committee for a procedural
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assessment of the actions of those involved in the attempted murder committed from hooligan motives, where it was accepted for proceedings. well in these minutes of the meeting. continues, the suspects still claim that none of them took part in that very fight, they ask to be released on bail, one even stated the amount of 500,000 rubles, but nevertheless , the first two defendants in the court have already been sent to a pre-trial detention center. marat, thank you, ilya, i’ll remind you that ntv correspondent ilya usheninin was live. a call from an unknown person changed the life of a capital pensioner. zoya grigorieva learned from him that all her property, though. taken over by scammers, she needs to be protected urgently savings and real estate, naturally, they were swindlers, but they so professionally confused the elderly woman that she began to follow all their instructions. dayana shlyubkina will tell you what this led to. zoya
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alekseevna, 84, at such an old age, is now afraid to approach the door of her own apartment without a lawyer and a package of medicine. the pensioner's health has deteriorated sharply after she bought into...
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scammers want to withdraw money from the bank, allegedly i am in the hospital, seriously ill, i need money for treatment, they immediately began to put pressure psychologically, without giving them time to come to their senses, the first target of the criminals was half a million rubles, which the pensioner had saved over many years, they were convinced to transfer a round sum to their special reserve account in order to save them from certain swindlers, and then they took on the most valuable apartment. in general, until i signed the transfer act, only after that they gave me medicine,
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the new tenants, says the pensioner, she had never seen before, but judging by their behavior, they are clearly well acquainted with scammers, as soon as they saw the pensioner losing consciousness, they immediately took advantage situation in exchange for urgently needed medicine, a signature on the acceptance certificate for the transfer of the apartment, seeing our film crew on the doorstep they were less talkative, hello tv company, tell us which ones... why did you leave a woman on the street for 84 years? now zoya alekseevna is left without money and without a single apartment; she has to live with a friend in a country house. meanwhile , the pseudo-employees no longer contacted the pensioner; law enforcement agencies are already actively looking for them. after the emergency, a criminal case was opened under this article. fraud for each participant in the scam could face up to 10 years in prison. zoya
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alekseevna herself will soon face trials in which she will have to prove that she did not intend to sell her home. deana shlipkina, nadezhda zybkina, larisa kopinskaya, mikhail odinokov and anton kuzmin, ntv television company. the russian guard and the central spiritual administration of muslims of russia signed a cooperation agreement, it will be aimed at... spiritual education, patriotic and moral education of military personnel russian guard, as well as members of their families who profess islam. the russian guard has been interacting with the central spiritual administration of muslims of russia for many years; this agreement is a new stage of effective cooperation. the large muslim community plays a vital role in the lives of the troops. i would like to express words of gratitude and note the special role of the central spiritual administration in consolidating muslim efforts. minds to achieve national interests during a special military operation. let me remind you that in
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march of this year a similar agreement on cooperation between the russian guard and the russian orthodox church. and then, a lot has been said. the accused of murdering two comrades, ruslan sabirov, spoke before the court for a whole 2 hours. the crime was committed while hunting. the three of them arrived in the forest , but only sabirov survived. his version of what happened a few minutes later. hands up the hill! final episodes, today at 22:15 on ntv. pairs, roman burger and roman
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brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. rustix is ​​celebrating a year and is definitely waiting for anyone, gives real crispy chicken, invites everyone, gives out gifts himself, puts everyone in the mood for their birthday, celebrate with us hits for a ruble and other prizes in restaurants and the app rostix. dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence, why? the body malfunctions. can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer, the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which
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electrical signals constantly flow. as we age, the brain experiences changes, cells. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azektinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain restoration. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids, there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend your youth. 8800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the work of everyone our organ, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year
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, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy, which contains... all phospholipids that promote brain recovery. brain therapy is produced in japan. the aging of the brain can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985. 8800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brainterapy. via superstar premiered in sunday at 2 live there is another emergency and we continue our broadcast. a former employee of the drug control department, ruslan sabirov, spoke in court for 2 hours. the crime he is accused of has nothing to do with his service. it all happened while hunting. sabirov
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went into the forest with two acquaintances, but he came out alone. his comrade. were killed, sabirov immediately stated that he was sleeping, well, when he woke up, he saw the bodies, what he talked about today, has his version changed, yulia blitsova will tell you about it. this is one of the last opportunity to convince the court of his innocence, for which ruslan sabirov carefully prepared, the former deputy head of the drug control department in the ryazan region is accused of double murder. having taken the floor, during the acceptance of the parties, he spoke for more than two hours, in the hands of the stops of the wheels, the defendants... why the injuries on telegalikhin were clearly inflicted by a left-handed person, on telesynov by a clearly left-handed person. it must be said that sabirov did not admit his guilt from the very beginning,
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although investigators are convinced that the former drug policeman brutally dealt with by your friends. on the weekend, friends went hunting to shoot ducks, set up a temporary camp, set up tents, and drank. at some point , a conflict arose between the men, then sabirov began waving a knife. forensic experts established that stanislav shchegalikhin received it. 14 blows to the neck, head, evgeniy lesunov, 34 blows to the head and body. due to a sudden personal unpleasant relationship, the accused inflicted more than forty wounds on two men. the victims died on the spot from their injuries, after which sabirov fled the scene. but ruslan sabirov has his own version. he claims that he was sleeping peacefully in the tent, but was awakened by screams and noise. at that moment, when i was getting out of the sleeping bag, i was stabbed with a knife. apparently he attacked him. says, having escaped, he ran towards the road, but then returned to his place. lesunov from chegolikhin were already dead. he tried
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to help them and turned their bodies over. among the material evidence included in the case are blood stains from the victims on sobirov’s clothes. but if everything around was covered in blood, could “he won’t get dirty,” the defendant asks. for a visual demonstration, he brought a sample of a stain found on the jacket. the spot is the cook.
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the only place for murderers is in prison, we ask all caring people to help us restore injustice. according to relatives , the fact that ruslan sabirov immediately left the scene of the murder, went directly to ryazan, passing the traffic police post along the way , only called from home, first to his colleagues, and then to the police, is distrustful. he explained it himself. because his phone was dead, if his ex the drug police officer is found guilty, he may face up to 20 years in prison, or life imprisonment, this is the maximum punishment
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under the article. yulia oletsova, oksana gonchurenko and alexandra ermakova, ntv television company. enoagent semyon slepakov is forced to learn new professions in order to somehow stay afloat abroad. the comedian who fled from russia does not want to share the income from performances of 50,000 with anyone. dollars per evening, therefore he plays the role of a multi-station operator, now slepakov is his own poet, and musician, and producer, and advertising agent, his own concerts, it’s becoming more and more difficult to gather an audience with just publications on social networks, people have to simply call people to persuade them to buy a ticket, other stand-up comedians who fled russia also complain about a similar fate, it seems that comedians realized too late that without the russian public they are nothing, against the backdrop of this russophobia, yes, i want to live well.
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i felt all the delights of working as a participant in such competitions. first things first after the advertisement. from comedy to tragedy
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, everything in the world is bad, there’s no point in saving up money, our new meeting may not happen, no matter how long paid comedian slepakov to perform at makarevich’s anniversary, remember how it all began, sit here now and feel sorry for the empty halls and canceled concerts of the relocants, kindly go, even though you’ve been 30 times, it’s hard, but you’re patient, times are difficult now, who kindly remains.
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savings, open the tab. best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. i came to interrogate you in the case of the murder of the chief of the rechensk menace. while these people are in their places in life. nothing will change for the better in the city. the flock from monday at 22:10 on ntv. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. about our correspondent stanislav kostikov knows firsthand that dogs can bite. he returned from a competition where dog handlers of the federal penitentiary service.
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distractions, shooting from a pistol, throwing various objects, shouting commands. the dog must not succumb to tricks and carry out the task in cold blood, and although the situation is simulated, the injuries - blood from sharp fangs - are real. listen, this is a grip, right? it's through the jacket. increasingly, belgian officers are being used in detention services. shepherd dogs due to the efficiency of the canine department's work , they were nicknamed clothespins. the main quality is tenacity and focus on results. light weight of the dog. interference, tested for myself. there was a place for me at the competition, but only as a conditional criminal during an escape attempt. obliged to help detain me is this shepherd named izma. let's see how she copes. everything, everything, everything, everything, everything,
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i give up. izma, i must say, is a professional of the highest level, although she was named after a witch from a cartoon, her character is not vindictive, even affectionate. after a tough one , he calmly smiles, one might say, and most importantly, you’re sorry, it’s nothing personal, the work was just gnawing at me, now the detention is giving you a pat, as if the weapon of these dogs has a keen sense of smell, meet labrador tiona, excellent in combat training, and don’t let excessive playfulness bother you, this is the owner of a cute face, a terror for drug dealers and a champion of the department for searching for prohibited substances, her owner sergei popov recalls how on the eve of the competition the dog helped detain the drakdiller group. how do you think your
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dog worked competently and 100% effectively in these real conditions? i immediately found it and smelled it, well, of course not, she had to work, but i’m the one who rates it 100 points, and this jumpy, at first glance , clumsy dog ​​named eureka. an irreplaceable master of his craft, a highly specialized specialist in the search for explosives. why eureka? the documents are like this, everything is according to the documents, everything is official with us, just like the documents were made for him, during the appreciation of the ruble, probably they did, perhaps, the presence or absence of explosives is determined by evrik with great precision, the work is jewelry, you can smell the box, you can’t touch it, the cost of an error is too high, in real conditions a bomb can detonate from any contact, without a dog here. we can’t get by, no technique has yet interrupted a dog’s sense of smell, or won, so to speak, so we still need dogs, more than 200 employees of the criminal correctional system are fighting for victory in the championship, the vast majority of them are men, irina for naydenov and her psazhuk, competition with
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representatives of the stronger sex only spurs them on; the duo became leaders in the tournament for searching for drugs on the bus. i can’t explain, well, a woman works better with a dog, that is, this is a fact, we can say that the winners of the competition will be determined. according to the sum of points at six stages, in addition to valuable experience and acquired skills, champion cynologists will receive sports categories, their pets will receive delicious prizes. stanislav kostikov, anton kuzmin and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company, moscow region. more news on our website in the telegram channel chpn tv. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today in our program there are bets.


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