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tv   DNK  NTV  May 24, 2024 4:50pm-5:55pm MSK

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how long have you been together with your chosen one? in 2015, we met sergei and have been living together for 8 years; we seemed to be planning to legalize the relationship, but since financial difficulties arose, we sort of put it on the back burner for now, what kind of financial difficulties? sergei has alimony from his previous marriage, as if everything is being deducted, that is, he has a debt, there is a debt in the amount of
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half a million rubles, but why does sergei avoid paying alimony, because he believes that the son is not his, he has nothing to do with him not similar either in appearance or in character, that’s how he thinks so, and his wife there didn’t let him communicate with him, well, in general, i really think that this is not his son either, because he really doesn’t look like him at all when... sergei told me , went for retraining, and came home once, then she told him that she was 3 weeks pregnant, no matter how the dates coincided, sergei himself calculated it, he told me, too, and how he and i would calculate it, he even more so said that it was not mine, according to my calculations , the dates also do not coincide, since you are you sure that... your man's child does not
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look like him, it turns out that you have seen the boy? yes, i saw a boy, what is his name? kiril, how old is he? 18, then what elements can we talk about? because he had a debt, since he was 6 years old, that sergei, that since 6 years old, that he said that he suspected that his son was not his, that’s because he didn’t look like him, and he didn’t pay child support, so it was formed for. .. position anatoly, if the child is already 18 years old, and the father has a large alimony debt, who should this go to? the debt, to whom it should be paid, this debt will be paid to the mother of the child, since it was the mother who filed the claim for child support obligations. in fact, i am surprised why , to date, no criminal case has been initiated against the father... since
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an article has been introduced in the criminal code of the russian federation, article 157 of the criminal code, which specifically provides for the initiation of a criminal case against a person who does not pay child support . child maintenance. vera, you didn’t initiate criminal proceedings against sergei’s relationship case? no, they didn’t initiate a criminal case, the bailiffs never came to you, the bailiffs never looked for him, but that’s what the bailiffs are. you came, as if you had found out that sergei and i were living together, as if, well, naturally he also received calls that he was there for forced labor, that just like that, sergei is now officially working, yes, he is working, he has a salary his piecework, as it were, well, how much does he earn, well, most of it turns out, well, what are they calculating from him, even he doesn’t...
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he’s generally awarded 40%, which the executive the rest is calculated by the court, it was work there, that is, they take it from work and they take it from the bank, that is, they take 80%, what do you live on, we live on my salary, i work in a store as a cleaner, my salary is small. this is how it turns out for the three of us that we have a daughter together with him, she is 5 years old, masha, what happens, we live on this salary of mine, sergey, your daughter was officially recognized, no, it didn’t work out for us, because, as it were, in terms of financial terms, it seems that it was not possible to formalize it, that is, i understand correctly, in the birth certificate of your daughter in the count the father, however, yes, because he... was at
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work at that time, they didn’t let him go from work, so, well, this is not the reason, the father himself must understand that there can't be anything more important than a child. how can you not come and deliver, and you, as a woman, had to influence this situation, i influenced, it was as if i insisted on it, he just had such a boss, that’s all, there was no one to work at all, this was a serious that moment for an hour to come and fit in the situation, it’s just that when i gave birth and we observed ourselves in the hospital, how would we plan for what day, then at one point in the hospital they told me that it was urgently needed. to go and register the child, as if we were living in iskitim, i myself was registered in cherepanovo, i say that sergey went, that as if masha had to register this, he told the boss, that’s how you want to say it, this, but i
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’m not letting you go, that is, it turns out that faith, through the fault of your boss, your chosen one did not become his father daughters, yes, but in a day, in a week, we could somehow change the birth certificate, well, here we are going. that no matter how much we discuss this more than once in order to include it in the testimony of faith, you are not afraid that sooner or later sergei will turn around and leave you, he cares about your daughter, as at some point he forgot about his son, no, he he won’t turn around, he won’t leave, i know that for sure, he loves masha very much, he loves me, she chases him very much, and you didn’t ask why he didn’t challenge his paternity earlier, if already when the boy was 6 years old, he began to have such doubts and thoughts, his wife. previous marriage, which seemed to be against it, so what about the fact that he seemed to suggest that dna testing be done, that’s all, she seemed to be against it. what is her name? marina. marina’s sister, i’m sure your partner doubted
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his relationship with his son only because of the huge debt for child support. today she came to us with her nephew. in the studio natalya lanko and kirill chertsov. natalya kirillov, hello, hello, hello, natalya, your sister’s long-time ex-husband i renounced my son, well, according to my sister, two years ago, when kirill was already 16 years old, sergei called and said that , apparently, he was scared of the large debt accumulated for alimony, he said that this was not my son. kirill, how did you react to this statement? his father, it’s cold, it doesn’t matter, that is, a man, well, i haven’t seen him practically for 10 years, well, for me he’s just some kind of leftist person, i don’t care what he thinks about me, just as it doesn’t matter, this same person is yours official father, he did not participate in my upbringing in any way, that is, as far as i remember at a conscious age, i
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learned everything there myself, well, literally everything, so my uncle helped me there in some issues , to suggest something somewhere, to show, but basically i learned everything myself, that is, i didn’t even talk to him i didn’t communicate at all, well, years. exactly five, that is , there was no connection for 5 years at all, none at all, before that it happened there, well, his mother, well , his grandmother called, there his sister congratulated him on his birthday, happy new year, everything, but he never, just like you do you think your father has reason to doubt his relationship with you, well, if he thinks so, then why not, i don’t know what’s in his head, so i think that he is my biological father, well, they didn’t ask my mother then why is my father doubts? “well, that ’s for sure, well, you’re his child, that’s for sure, that is , my mother says, there certainly couldn’t have been anyone else, it couldn’t have been, absolutely 100%. they just probably haven’t seen him for many years, but he ’s been around since he was 16. , he has all the facial features, it’s like i can’t even see his facial features, so i
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don’t think he looks like, kirill, who are you like? similar? i think that he resembles his father, well, precisely in some basic facial features. skulls, it’s strange to hear from vera that there is nothing in common between you, but in principle no, not from her, and you and vera don’t have a very good relationship, we once had it when i was little, so vera called me, well, to my mother, she said, let kirill come and visit us there, well , then we had a good relationship until some point, when their daughter was born , they began to force me to communicate with their daughter, which i didn’t need, but at least, if only because my father didn’t... want to communicate with me, and why should i want to communicate with his child, you were offended, naturally offended, and how did vera and your father react to this? negatively, very strongly, there was a very big scandal on the phone, swearing, insults, everything was there, maybe it was the other way around, when you
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said, it really was from your side, you, when you heard negatively about why i need her three-story mats are also needed there. this situation, and we have no more there was a relationship, i don’t want to contact either my father or his family, no way, well, for me
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there are people on the left, i believe, if your current partner, for example, leaves for another family and gives birth to a new child there, you will impose so that your daughter was friends with his new child, why impose, i won’t consider it necessary, he will communicate himself and also yana, well, in this case, kirill did not consider it necessary to communicate, do you support? yes, i fully support it, because i saw how he grew from childhood until today, which is really all my father didn’t take any part in kirill’s life, practically none at all, to go for a walk, to go play football with him there, that didn’t happen, and we lived not far from them in the neighboring area, he grew up before my eyes, i saw it all perfectly, what kind of attitude did seryozha have towards the child, although he... really waited, there is such a two-sided resentment here, two families, they are somehow against each other, and you can understand
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both kirill and faith, i understand, because if a person who with whom she lives, yes, sergei says that this is not my child, why, strictly speaking, should she not believe in this, on the one hand, on the other hand , i don’t understand such men who first pay alimony, then don’t pay, kirill, but do you have any good memories from childhood about your father, well that’s the only thing i can remember, how we were there with... when i was four years old, we were walking in the park, well , that’s all, more bad memories, yes, constant screams, a belt in the corner, well, at least, i remember, i also, probably about five years ago, i watched tv at night, my father apparently he didn’t like something, he threw me off the sofa first, grabbed me by the hand, threw me onto another sofa, he said go to sleep, when your parents broke up, did your life get better, to some extent? well, there wasn’t this burden, but how old were you then? eight, i think i remember, i came home from school there
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, left my things at home, went for a walk, i saw a car drive up to the house, my father, his father, came out and started taking things out of the house, literally everything was there, the computer, the tv, the sofa was even taken away, my mother and i slept there for the first week two on the floor, he argued, i already left you a lot, that is, the mezzanine of the old kitchen set, the stove for you...
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to my father, so that he says to come for me, as if i didn’t take it, so i called him, he speaks in a passenger car the car might have a wall or a refrigerator, my mother seems to have her own furniture, he went to live with his parents and he really only has one computer, it’s not true, but it’s not true, there was a tv that they bought together at that time , it was very expensive . what difference does it make for what kind of work, but nevertheless he said, he i bought it myself personally and he took this computer, nevertheless, he bought it as a marriage partner, but the rest he said, i left everything, and well, i collected my things in a bag, that’s all, if i’m not mistaken, it’s all on credit was bought, natalya, who generally brought money into the house, well, most often it was... not even most often, but my sister, sergei, he didn’t like to work, he
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didn’t stay at one job for long, he liked to go for walks with friends, as a nurse, well , my sister brought money into the house, who grabbed any job, yes, after they they broke up, sergei somehow tried to help his son, no, that’s it, he didn’t participate in his life at all, she filed for alimony without divorcing him. that is, being married, the lack of money was so acutely felt, yes, of course, well , the child grows up in need, he needs to be fed, clothed, treated when he is sick, but at some point... your sister still got divorced, officially they divorced in 2019, she filed for alimony after he left and did not help, she, if i’m not mistaken, filed for alimony in 2013, he filed for divorce in 2019, he filed once, not even your sister, but why didn’t she do it, well, as she says, somehow she wasn’t embarrassed by this stamp, but it still stands in
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her passport, and her new personal life she didn’t want to arrange it, but she didn’t arrange it. on her personal life, because she needed to get kirill on his feet. they divorced in nineteen. vera, when you met, you became friends with sergei. we met in '15, well, we met for two or three months and decided to live together. that is, it turns out that you gave birth to a daughter from married man? yes, he immediately told me that he was married, that he had a child, but they had not lived there together for four or five years. as if by argument, here it is. and in general, yes it works, it doesn’t work, this is actually really not true, sergey works, when we met at that time, he worked, at the moment he works at a factory, as a cleaner, well, as if you say , he has some kind of piecework piecework salary, how much he will make, he will earn approximately
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, i say even 35,000, but he has 30 they take it away and leave five for him. this is how they calculate from him, well, it can’t be the same, maybe, maybe you get what amount you received last time, 22 thousand, something like that, or 24, this is the last three or four months, before that they didn’t receive anything, i have a question for you, what do you think is the probability that it was vera who turned the father against his son, i think that the probability is small, i think that he himself... is the kind of father who adapts himself to the circumstances like this , as it is convenient for him, recognizes the child, does not wants to record himself as a child, absolutely slippery behaves through life in a way that is comfortable for him, i think that he internally has no doubt at all that he is the father of this child. kirill, your father says that he has long wanted to undergo a genetic
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examination with you, but your mother refused him this. in our studio sergey. “hello, sergey, how long has it been since you’ve seen your son? i last saw my son, probably in 2015 or sixteen, like this, well, it’s been quite a long time, why is that? because i don’t want to see him, i don’t consider him one of mine child. did you tell your son this to his face? yes, i repeatedly told my ex-wife that he was not my child. and how does kirill feel about this?"? i have no idea, i don’t even want to communicate with him, because i don’t consider him my child, but if you haven’t seen him sergey for 8 years, you will recognize him, no, i don’t recognize him, take a closer look, that young man over there is looking at me for something, i don’t know who he is, my name is kirill, chertsov sergeevich, i’m your son, well, i don’t consider you my son, and
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why seryozh, that’s because i don’t i think you you probably remember me, i remember you, wait, kiril, give me. i’ll ask, look me in the eyes, we were family friends, before you broke up with marino you considered him a son, now you say, you never considered him, before , yes, when we lived together, he seemed to consider him a son, not really me i read her son, as if he because there was a period of time, as if everything was fine, after, when i began to suspect that my wife was cheating on me. in 2000, the fourth year after my wedding, i was called up by the armed forces for advanced training, i left for retraining june 26, one day i came in the month of august, at the end of august, as if i found her with men, did we live at that time in the city of novosibirsk, in a hostel, that she
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flirted with men, after which we had a scandal, the next day i i got ready to go back to the military unit, i was returning from retraining at the end of september, she announced to me that i was pregnant for three weeks, i physically could not be with my ex -wife at that moment in life, did you tell her about this? yes, i told her about it, but i missed this moment, because i was still young, as if i didn’t particularly understand what was happening, that is, you weren’t able to... calculate right away, yes, well, i kind of thought, well, she’ll give birth and give birth, like i’ll educate there, we’ll see, then we’ll see it will happen, but they didn’t get divorced, well, until they did, i thought about saving the family. after the child began to grow up, i began to notice that we had practically no similarities, when we were taken from the maternity hospital, they unwrapped the blanket, you yourself said that you look like me, children,
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when they are born, they are all the same, there you can’t define it, it’s similar, it’s not similar, sergey, do you really think that you have nothing in common, no, i think that you have nothing in common, maybe you can’t see well there, no, i think you, why are you like that you say, it feels as if you were tuned in from the outside, did you initially? they walked and said, i’m here, i don’t even know where he’s sitting, there’s a young man here, your son, when we had a divorce, i suggested to her right after here, let me apply for a dna examination, and we ’ll decide, my child or not, she is for me i answered directly, i won’t let you do this, like you lived for 14 years with this doubt in your head, i didn’t communicate with him, i don’t care about him, that he exists, that he doesn’t exist, i have a little daughter, here’s a copy i. this is my child, plus i had dna done at birth, everything was confirmed with her, you did a dna test with the child of faith, and we were offered
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to do a test right away in the hospital, initially we immediately had this all completely for all diseases for everything , why didn’t you tell us about this, well, i thought that it doesn’t matter what he said, they asked about kinship, he hesitates. for several years, no, i said, the only thing is that he will never doubt and will not go anywhere, well , of course, if you have the results of a dna test, you won’t doubt it, i never doubted my daughter, because i know what it is my child, when we conceived a child, i asked for this child, and as if everything, it happened like that, but you never asked marina for a son, no, no, i never asked her for a son, but how did it happen then that you became father, well, because she registered it as me, and why then did i meet him at home? because there is no way out, i was married to your mother at the moment of that period in my life, i got divorced, how long does it take to get a divorce when my daughter was born, i
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got divorced because your mother contradicted that and didn’t want me to divorce her , she tried in every possible way to make sure that i didn’t divorce her, whether a genetic examination will confirm the relationship between the official father and son, or whether marina’s ex-husband rightly accuses her of infidelity, we’ll find out through. a few minutes of advertising, they want to bang me, we’ll figure it out, what’s there to figure out, they want to bang me, let them bang me, kill me, that means killed, you yourself volunteered to glue them together with a flipper, what doesn’t stick here, but i see how you, as soon as you glued the flippers together, so he immediately began to give out orders from right to left, to stir up the water, there’s a case worth a million, but underwater archaeologists are desperately needed, to raise a wave, to blow up andryukha, in the middle of our eyes, and i’m a calmer, now it’s the investigation. in yuzhnomorsk i will be training to catch the most dangerous fish, it’s all somehow strange, don’t you think, it looks like a setup, i repeat once again, less initiative,
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only sergei zharkov is capable of this, he’s always ready, but what’s your name, dubrovsky, it’s all for the sake of dolphin, they wanted to kill vasilisa, just like andrei, delpin, new season, and he really is alive, from monday at 20:00 to... premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. ascafen for headaches. great news. in shops magnit has free shipping. and also a 40% discount on popular products. order in the magnit app. you locked us all here, why should we play a game? colimbo only in the okka online cinema. martin's sunflower seeds are
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i always thought that this was... her million-dollar secret. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. this is dna. forty-one-year-old sergei chertsov refuses to pay his alimony debt to his eighteen-year-old son, because he is sure that his ex-wife gave birth to him from another man. sergey, did you marina decide to break up? i decided to break up because
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one day when she... was aware that i knew her friend’s number, she was like, i went for a walk, i called her friend, my friend yonovskaya answered me that i didn’t have her at all, after that i told my parents this news and decided that it was probably time , we already have to go in different directions, we talked to marina, where she was, they found out, but why talk to me if all the arguments came out straight away, we saw her repeatedly with other men.
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she swore at me that i was so bad, how would i always work, always provide for everyone with their money, she basically held on, as i understand, that when i introduced her to my parents, that my... parents live normally in abundance, she saw how my parents live, and that she decided to profit from this, what are you talking about, well , honestly, just get an ordinary village house, an ordinary village house, not some kind of mansion, which your parents have wealth, i listened to you, don’t interrupt, don’t interrupt me, please, i’ve coveted your house for river, oh my god, i don’t know. why mom i should have fallen for their house when his mother persuaded him to sell my mother to her dorm room there, when she worked at a factory in novosibirsk, so that, like, we’ll then be here across the river, well, we’ll buy land in our area, well, this is the land and no, she worked, she
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didn’t have any real estate, it was just a room, they gave her living expenses from the company, how gladly someone would sell it, that is, it wasn’t even her personal property, it was the property of the company. but it passes over time anyway, she didn’t work there for even 2 years, so that this room could even become her property, on what basis would someone be able to sell it, i understand that sergei did not live very friendly with your mother, not friendly at all , a lot of litter, i remember once there was even such a moment when he put a belt on my mother like that, he said: let’s go for a walk, like a dog, this didn’t happen, but this didn’t happen, because you were very rarely in. ..
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a decent salary, as if they were just taking it for debts, i have mine because they have accumulated somehow debts, it means, because they believe that i should not pay money to a stranger, but because your mother filed an application earlier when i stopped giving money to you.
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for the last 2 years i did not pay child support, because i was absolutely sure that this was not my child, and i do not consider it necessary to pay a stranger, but do you even know anything now about the life of kirill, no, about the life of his ex-wife, no , i’m not interested, these are strangers to me, and why do i need it, you know, but we asked, and let us show you the plot, pay attention to the screen, for the third year now kirill and his mother have been living in an apartment they inherited from their grandmother, a rather neglected two-room apartment on the outskirts of iskitim. everything here from floor to ceiling requires repair, and therefore costs. in the kitchen, we have only whitewashed the ceiling there, not whitewashed it, putty it, plastered it, it doesn’t matter, no, the slab is rotten, the fittings,
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a piece of the slab has already begun to fall off, that is, it was torn off, plastered, that’s all. kirill does the repairs with his own money, the guy is still in school i had to go to work to help my mother provide for her personal needs at least a little. so i worked when i was still in school, i worked there in the summer, i started assembling a computer, officially got a job, finished assembling it, well, basically myself, that is, no one helped me with my own. i bought everything myself with money. marina cannot work. 4 years ago, a woman’s kidneys failed, and now her life is supported by long hemodialysis procedures, that is, blood purification. i go to this procedure every other day. this procedure is free for me. the only thing that's on my way money is spent. well, get to the dialysis center. my mother’s sickness pension is only enough for travel, says kirill. therefore, he pays his own utility bills. buys food and medicine, recently paid for tuition at a driving school, and
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now plans to go to additional education courses, at the moment i want to take courses there as a voice actor and try to become, well, for me it’s expensive at the moment, that is, i don’t know, it’s not enough give me some money. sergei should be grateful that she managed without him help to raise such a wonderful son - says marina, but he refuses kirill. in 2013, i filed for... the elements, at first i paid the elements while i was working, then work runs began, then in 2019 he filed for divorce, filed for divorce, when we came for the divorce, i asked him what us there about the elements, he answered me, i have another child, everything, well, nothing, they will cope with their difficulties themselves, the woman assures, not for the first time, this is... all the hope, yes, here she sits, my hope is my support,
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yes, sergey, there is something to say, no, nothing, your ex-wife really had a hard time, it’s not easy now, she herself led me to this, so that i left this family, it’s her own fault, natalya, that upset you, i just know, i always , i have been since birth, i am his godmother, i have been raising him since birth, now for a second, just watching when sergei, well, no attention to my son at all, i also had a daughter 5 months younger than kirill, well, the kids are the same age, and i watched how my husband treated his child, and how sergei treated to his own, this is heaven and earth, and marina was constantly working, she has work at home, work at home, although she says that he provided everything there, but he never... worked for a long time, and we
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will take kirill to visit us there , this happened very often, then, well, the children, i repeat, grew up together, i just saw how hard it was, how kirill lacked communication with his father, when my husband literally played ball with him there, the child was so happy, what happened to him , well, practically dad, yes, uncle, he replaced his father, well, i don’t know, i looked, it’s a shame became, i just want to tell him to apologize to his mother for the insults that he said, vera said, just so that they apologize, i don’t need anything more from him, i won’t apologize, i have nothing to apologize for, also let marina, if we have to apologize so directly, even if marina did too, there were so many insults on her part, wait, well, you counted the time frame, yes i counted it, as he told me, we sat with him, talked, counted , calculated. what did he say, when did he returned, when he arrived, i told him that
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it’s been like 3 weeks already, so that nothing seems to add up, sergey, but your ex-wife’s opinion interests you, my wife’s opinion about my ex-family seems to interest you, but it’s up to you to decide in the end - i’ll still have to, doesn’t it bother you that your ex-wife is not in our studio today, no, it doesn’t bother me, i’m not interested in her, she’s a stranger to me, mana has... a serious illness, her kidneys don’t work , she’s probably been going for hemodialysis for three, four, four years now, she has her kidneys don’t work at all, in 2018 she was given the first group of disability for this disease, she, we flew here by plane, she already felt bad on the plane, they called an ambulance on the plane upon arrival in moscow, now in the emergency room, she also felt bad, she they called an ambulance, she is lying under ivs, you
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know, sergei, your ex-wife wanted to tell you a lot in person, she was unable to do it, but we have a story for you, attention on the screen, i arrived, i wanted to go to the studio, say it’s all in your face how you abuse the child, but i can’t, it didn’t work out, it became bad, because while you were sitting at home, and i... worked, i earned myself a sore so that my son would not need anything, now like this, and now you say after so many years that he is not your own. aren't you ashamed? for him, everything basically comes down to money, when he and his mother were divorcing, i remember, i was there, he says, well, when they already gave him the documents, the fact that they are divorced, he says: if you want to go with my last name, pay me money, sergey, this didn’t happen, that i told him this, pay me the money, seryozha, you
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then you won’t be ashamed if kirill really is your son, and i have something to be ashamed of, you accuse your ex-wife, that she cheated on you, that... the child is not yours, if this is confirmed, then you still won’t be ashamed, no , kirill, will your attitude towards your mother or father change if the genetic examination turns out to be negative? i think no, not at all, that is, well, my father is for me, no matter how much i saw him, well, i wouldn’t see him just as long, well, he doesn’t give me anything. do you have any questions for mom? questions will of course arise, but i i can understand her, that is, she is much closer to me than my father, that is, i will still remain on... the side, because, well, i can only say thank you to him for showing what kind of person i do not want to become . natalia, what is the probability that the dna test will be negative? zero, he will be positive, because i took him from the maternity hospital, i saw that he was a copy of seryozha, yes, he really is, well, that sergei
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svetlenky, marina tyomenky, he looks like his mother, he was very much, a copy of years before 15, from the age of 15 he began to grow, facial expressions, facial features. for his gait, he even has the same fingers as his father, will sergei have to apologize to his son and ex-wife for his doubts, or will a genetic examination prove that all these years another man should have helped marina raise the child, a dna test will give the answers all questions in a few minutes, millions grew on their songs, 22 years old, guys, to touch.
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after the wedding, when he was called for retraining as a reserve soldier, he came home for the weekend, found his wife in the company
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of men, i went into the hostel, they were having a party in full swing, well, that is, i looked at everything that was happening, got ready in the morning and, as it were, left , then a week or two later she tells me that she is pregnant, according to sergei, he offered marina a dna test, but she refused, the man is sure, so the ex-wife tried to hide her betrayal, i just don’t want to see her with this person at all, or any relationship at all, or communication, this person is simply indifferent to me. marina is outraged that sergei is not ashamed, he not only abandoned her with the child, but also took everything valuable from the apartment, and finally broke the windows, she had to go to court to receive compensation for moral damage when we came with our son to this court, the judge is for...
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sergei demands a dna test to prove marina’s infidelity, and kirill is waiting for the result genetic examination so that the father stops disgracing the mother completely. country natalya, sergei’s sister suspected your sister of being unfaithful to her husband as soon as she announced her pregnancy,
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elena kobchuk is our guest. elena, hello, do you remember how marina and sergei told you that they were expecting a child? of course i remember. sergei brought marina to meet her parents and then they announced the pregnancy. we all immediately didn’t like her, the whole family, well, it was clear from her face that she looked like a walking woman. you talked about this to sergei, you talked about it. everything to him dissuaded, but he decided to get married, sits, composes at every turn, marina and sergei had already signed on june 19, 2004, and kirill was born on may 23, 2005, that is, they already knew each other, but they just announced their pregnancy, elena, you had a wedding, yes there was, everything went well, and after the wedding
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you lived well, at first yes...
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the child was left to my mother, well, i left it, sometimes it didn’t happen, all the time, i remember when he was very little, from the diapers, well, it was rubbed here near the thighs, my mother smeared it with something and treated it, that is, my child is always clean, well-groomed, but nevertheless you left him to marina, there was something you left, well, i also sat with her child,
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and what can you say about faith, a completely different person, our masha is always well-groomed, well, my niece, kirill was not well-groomed, well , kirill was helped mainly by my mother, she sponsored the fact that he was dressed and put on shoes when i was little, because of him, because of another scandal, my mother lost her milk, that is, yes, it was in front of me, i remember this, that is, my grandmother and my mother’s line, i went and bought milk, she boiled it and fattened me up with her own money. that is, well, my mother has no milk, she fed me for weeks; she lost milk when kirill was 2 weeks old, so i don’t know why they detained me, we have the opportunity to see what kind of father sergei became for little masha. 5 years ago, sergei chertsov with his wife and two children moved to this private house 60 km from the city of iskitim. the family got their own home thanks to the birth of their daughter. we have a daughter, we get it from the state
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there was help, they gave me a certificate. for maternity capital, we consulted that we had rented housing, we consulted and decided to purchase housing, as if we initially wanted to purchase housing closer to the city, well, on a financial issue, no matter how it worked out, we had to purchase it in the city of cherepanovo. the condition of the house left much to be desired, says sergei, but with his skillful hands and the right approach, over time it was possible to create comfortable living conditions here, and although all the most labor-intensive work is already behind us. there is still a lot to be planned in general, how to add a fence to the house in this direction, 4 m towards the garden, 4 m towards the fence, make a kitchen for convenience, as if towards the garden, make a separate room for the daughter so that he can
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have a separate room for his eldest son, too. ..
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well, at the moment there is no such possibility, kirill, what do you think? well, if they live happily, let them continue to live, that is, well, i also need to make repairs at home, i also don’t have the funds for them, the fact that your official father speaks so warmly about his daughter, it hurts, no, no way at all, natalya, i’m offended for my nephew, i’m offended, yes, i’m offended, of course, well, not even, well, i think that somewhere deep down in my soul kirill is offended, well, i think so. somewhere, probably a year ago, i asked kirill a question, i said: kirill, well, that’s how father is, well, it happens, yes, that children are not needed, when they grow up, get on their feet, achieve something, they become
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are needed, i say, if it happens that your father someday asks you for help, will you help, he says, yes i will, i’m not a bastard like him, i’ll never ask no one can help you, sergey, if your relationship with kirill is confirmed, you will never communicate with him. no, well, i didn’t communicate, i don’t consider it necessary to communicate with them, i want to have nothing in common with their family at all, but even less, now you have this common debt, after some time i will pay it off, even communication is all there won’t be any, faith, what is the probability that kirill is the son of your chosen one, i think it’s 0%, also 0%. kirill, what do you think, 99, 99, i invite you to the studio. is it really almost all
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sergei’s salary is written off against the debt for child support for his step-son, a dna test will show in a matter of minutes. there is some feeling that i have someone , namely my dear one, this particular sister, and
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