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tv   Zapasnii vikhod  NTV  May 24, 2024 11:05pm-12:00am MSK

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found in the apartment, only a cup of tea, but keep in mind that phenobarbital dissolves only in alcohol, uh-huh, you managed to take two glasses with a cup with you, yes, when the sound of the intercom scared you, and how did you manage to open the door in 30 seconds, grab everything and run away from there, at your age, it’s not bad, but your husband is cheating well now, do you want me to put you in the refrigerator with him, and palovich? please do not interfere with the investigator's work. my apologies to the investigation. carry on, dima. yes, the coins didn’t make it in time grab it, my hands were busy. yes. they thought they had gotten rid of all the evidence. experts found fingerprints on the saucer. and you're lying to the goldfinch. my fingerprints could not remain. i didn't touch this saucer. yes, that means you admit that you were at gordin’s house, right? it’s clear, that’s it,
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write a sincere confession and the court will take into account your confession and other mitigating circumstances. “i put my whole life into nosesmatics, this quiet guy, he still got a lot of drama, but i brought him to the club, taught him everything, introduced him to everyone, and now he’s on a horse, and i, and what a mess, he didn’t even let me, didn’t let me hold them in my hands, you bastard, you bastard, but
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you’ll get by.
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dima, come on, come on, you told orlov about the prints when they managed to do the examination, if even during the day the cup of tea did not arouse any suspicion in anyone, huh? i took him for a show-off, like you did then in the hotel of this classmate from olda stepanovna, yes , i took him for a show-off, when i went to knomizmat, i talked with collectors there, i found out everything about gordin, that he had the only friend, well, , about what they we lived in the same building, i thought, let me look around the apartment again, talk to my daughter, meet a friend, but he wasn’t there, well, he’s here around the morgue.
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bruce, let's go, let's drink tea, tea, tea, tea, i 'm treating, i'm treating, he's treating, let's go, tea, what are you waiting for me, this man will not calm down until he finds the killer of his wife, as long as he is alive, you really will go to the end, i’m not used to changing my decisions, flock, this is a series. from monday at 22:10 on ntv.
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dolphin. new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. this is sasha. it is important for him that his friends were nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. czech town of zate. famous for its good rest on the square of three mugs, enjoy beer zatec goose non-alcoholic, register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, zatec goose non-alcoholic, collect nice mugs, for lucky days
11:11 pm
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repay it, and also receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sberpime. plus, help you, are you crazy,
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no, no, no, he says, no need, i’ll do it myself, relax. the 해는 저물고 이 밤을 기억에, 오늘 밤은...
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these are my friends, very nice.
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here he was, they praised him, by the way, the governor himself ordered portraits from him, yeah, both of them, i’m sure you could do much better, but for some reason you’re burying your talent on the dead, maybe it’s time to come out morgue, oh, that’s who needed to kill him, so ivanovich, you’re not a cop, i’m not an artist. both of us orderlies, that’s it, our business is a mortuary one. good
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morning, dear colleagues, let me introduce you to eduard sundukov, a student at a medical college, a trainee, who in the future dreams of becoming a pathologist-anatomist. a boy has a good dream. in the meantime, work as a nurse under your strict guidance and i really hope that you will be able to pass on all your knowledge and skills to him. well, trainee, come on, training
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begins, let's go, you have ivazovsky. “we do everything quickly and quietly so as not to disturb the patient, it’s unlikely, it’s such a huge thing, it will take more than one hole drill, let's try it on first, and then, when he wakes up, you come , hang it, bring it in, he will keep
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looking at it, admire it , get well very quickly, again, you open the door, you see a picture, you immediately find yourself in art, come on. carefully. nestor kirillovich and i are neighbors in the dacha. usually he wins against me. and then i checkmate him. and what? and nothing. he grabbed my queen and his king. as soon as he locks onto me, he freezes like that. i called to the box. did he take any medications? no, we were drinking tea, doctor, what’s wrong with him, it looks like he’s in shock, so, edik, that means we take the body, i’m by
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the arms, you by the legs, we’re turning it over, we’re laying it down, what a mortal body, yeah, so, let’s go in, we’ll go in, carefully , now we’ll give you an injection. and the shock will pass, take it, come on, cold one! this is the country, hello, vera, hello, oh, hello, that’s who we were missing to complete the picture,
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hello, dem, just don’t say that you’re here on the handicraft business, i ask you, yes, yes, because of him, even the governor came to us and yelled like that. what was heard on the street, custom murder, redid the spheres of influence, they even gave us this back, hello, and this is that you have a new addition, and this was also given to us, a graduate student from a medical college, why are you coming to us, dima, and rudodelnikov’s funeral is today, and what did you finally decide to interrogate him using a weapon? no, i just read somewhere that a murderer always comes to the funeral of the victim, you watched bad tv series or something, the criminal has been gone for a long time, don’t disappoint me , your mentor, come on, what can you do? check, there are still no leads, edik, what are
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you doing there, my friend, come on, we have to work, come in boldly, boldly. welcome to our world, calm down, yes, hold it, it’s ammonia, it’s inconvenient, the intake crashed twice. nothing, nothing, you’ll get used to it, it happens to everyone, with a drink, yeah, you’ll feel better, okay, i’m going to medical school, you’re afraid of corpses, you also dream of becoming a pathologist and anatomist, i don’t dream, to be
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honest, i generally love music, music school graduated from the class of violin. everyone in the family is a doctor, starting with my great-grandfather, me since childhood i just heard that i had to continue the glorious chest dynasty, so i decided not to upset my ancestors. okay, don’t worry, we’ll work so as not to let grandpa down, come on, blow, get some fresh air, close the door, come out. a smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow, share your slykoy, it
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will come back to you more than once. “hello, me, hello, i have copuccina, please, pay, please, or can i smile, your smile is not repeatable, pay with a smile, safely, conveniently with savings pay, cool stuff, thank you, come in, isolde”? i brought these documents to soshnikov, who in neurology leaned back, very well, put it on the table, thank you, how are you, trainee, yes, everything, like that, normal, everything, yeah, but seriously,
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well... seriously, he’s like this to me i helped the soshnikovs, everything is there, but what an orderly, this is a ready-made doctor, well, let’s pretend that i believed you, well, prepare the instruments, no, i ’ll do the initial examination, we’ll figure it out further, and you sit down, boy, and you’re here with us ? aren't you tired? are you offering me a vacation? no, just with painting skills like yours, it seems to me that you could find yourself. the job is better, but izoda stepanovna, did i somehow displease you, don’t talk nonsense, so what am i, a business card for
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a tattoo parlor, why do i need him pavel, pavlovich, my classmate’s husband works in a tattoo parlor, the salaries there are much higher than ours, now there are tattoos. in fashion there are a lot of clients, but there are few good artists and specialists, so isolda stepanovna, this is it, this is all, this is not for me, at one time, you know, in the north i got this blue like that, yes, no, no , this is without me, this is not necessary, pavel pavlovich, don't rush. well, think about it, i’ve already shown your work there, everyone is delighted, you’ll always have time
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to come back to our mork, but it’s tepun on your tongue, well, i don’t mean it in that sense, you understood me perfectly, but what did you really like about it? them, right? a very professional young man, a hereditary physician, hereditary, yes, it’s a pity i can’t find this hereditary anywhere,
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let’s say it was a killer, dima, which means he had to do something, something to do a test in his head, he already did. he had to study the victim's habits, schedule, handicraftsmen, that every day he comes to paint on the embankment, but he never went there to draw on this embankment, handicraftsmen, an amateur portrait painter, and landscapes in our city are painted by levushkin, who is this artist, my mother-in-law told me, he has his own the work is not very good, he copies old masters perfectly, so he goes to the embankment, let me... if you think about it with your head, if you wanted to touch someone, you would personally go for it, the killer could
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follow him himself , for sure, the killer himself personally watched over this, the needleworker. nikolai ivanovich, hello, hello, and farewell in the ritual hall, we know, i wanted to show matvey osich your work, in my opinion, this is unnecessary, mariana, ivanov, matvey, auctioneer and art critic.
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11:36 pm
wrong, this is much better than what it was, but what did you have there? the late mr. rukodelnikov, as you know, painted a little. i play the guitar a little and so on, but you can’t rent the hall of the local philharmonic, and handicraftsmen organized his personal exhibition of renting our gallery, moreover, he agreed with private collectors and organized a grandiose exhibition by the standards of our town, an exhibition of little-known works by the great malevich, what do you need from us, they killed rukodelnikov and now all the contracts. invalid with him, his paintings are a hereditary mass, and we cannot exhibit them, our face-face exhibition is in danger of being disrupted, but if the author of these works agrees, i don’t know, i
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will be very grateful, so marya ivanovna, i know everything, matvey iosich , please allow me... to introduce the author of these works, here he is, in front of you, palpalch, so you knew, of course, lord, i can’t find a place for myself, you, i’m not an artist, what does it matter, well somehow for me, maybe not, of course, but dmitry, stukachok, you know, i probably i’m going to leave, i can’t sit still, my god, marya ivanovna, oh my god, oh my god, look at this, just look at how much
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expression there is in this, what sensuality, how accurately the author captured the essence, what tension is in every detail , i don’t know, pavel pavlovich, i allow you to express my admiration, we are strangers. title, i want to buy this, all palpalych’s paintings, you know, i think that you can pick up all of palpalych’s paintings, so this
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is the price of questions, how much is three for each of your works and 25. for nikolai’s installation ivanovich, so, now, listen, here, it means you have, that means, all mine are 5,000, there are about 20 more, and the great work of nikolai ivanovich, for fifty dollars, you know, however, here, well... go around the morgue , bargain, i’ll take it, pay in cash, and i’ll see you in the evening today galleries, i’ll be there too, matvey osich,
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let’s go, let’s see the needleman on his last journey, nikolai ivanovich, dimitri, pavel pavlovich, all the best, let’s go! thank you, you know the ritual hall, yes, yes, yes, thank you, come here, dima, no, here, come, saika. every wedding ends the same way, the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future,
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we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit, with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest rate brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. hello. hello, hello, hello, we 're approaching, accepted, the governor has arrived, a little further, please,
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in terms of economics, well done, and so, saikin, this is for you from us, for saving nikolai ivanovich from moral torment, and giving me a little money, uh-huh, thank you, to be honest, i thought you would beat me for telling the truth said. well, is it our nature to beat a human beast? well, why do
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you need okeyanka, ayanka, why, why did you take okeyanka? i really want to correct this composition, because i am its author too, yes, i want to make adjustments, it no longer belongs to you, because we sold it, it was you who sold it, and i was ashamed of my beloved woman, you would be better off keeping quiet now, but what should he do? should we be silent that 50,000 rubles are already lying around on the road? and what does 50,000 rubles have to do with it? well, because we snatched vitalik’s ass for 50,000 rubles. so it’s not rubles and euros, damn it, but now i’ll throw it away. that you are now something like
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50 euros, so from this place in more detail, and here we are , 24 kozyaki-mazyaki, these ones, in fives , they also left, 24 euro kozyaki-mazyaki, and count it in fives. yes, yes, yes, yes, i’m listening to you, 120,000, me too, you eat, help yourself, dim. i'm glad, touch
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colonel, an unexpected offer, of course, there was something like that, i mean, the governor arrived there, and i looked, they were pushing me, and he had a gun, who, the governor? edik, son, it’s you, let ’s calm down, drink some water, maybe it’s because of today’s experiences there, but you’ve been imagining, nothing has been imagining, prepare chesoshnikov for examination, eduard, you’re here too, this is very good, finally the one has come moment when i can admire.
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okay, if you please, if i say that he is ripe for... questions about the tattoo parlor, and i am ready to answer your questions, sit down,
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so edik, what kind of gun, who has it, i wanted to film the governor’s arrival, otherwise... the crowd, the police started crowding everyone, and i stepped on his foot, who is the guy with the gun, and he has some kind of bandits in the movies , well , this muffler is screwed on, that’s what he looked like, who’s the gun, oh man, all in black boots, i left him a rally on these boots for... he entered, great, but do you remember his face? i remember his look, he looked at me like that, but it’s not my fault, i didn’t step on his foot on purpose, it’s all because of this governor, hush, hush, edik, let's
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calm down, concentrate, focus on this guy's face. he has a scar running from his left eye down his cheek like this, right into his lip, uh-huh, and did you remember something else, i say that there was a crowd there, well, everyone ran, although no, there was one artist there, everyone in black, and he he’s standing in pink pants, he’s such an old guy, he’s cutting up a poster, i’ve liked his style for a long time. i mean , it’s been a long time, have you known each other or something? no, well , not personally, but i often see him on the embankment when i’m rollerblading, well, there it is, well, he draws there, clearly, no, strach colonel, let me
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come to you myself, agreed, goodbye, oh, dimka, where are you going? “i’m urgently in the ritual hall, yeah, with a feeling of deep sorrow and irreparable loss, we are seeing off the last journey of a man dear in every sense, afanasy rukodelnikov, he was not only a wonderful husband, father and brother, not only an outstanding leader, but also a huge man artistic talent, high morality and personal charm, in memory of this outstanding person, thanks to the efforts of top officials. city ​​and region, it was decided not to cancel the face to face exhibition and dedicate it
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to the memory of afanasy rukodelnikov, we need to talk to me, to you, to you, dmitry, you are your mother, can’t you understand? where are you at? the exhibition opens today, everyone will be able to visit it to enjoy the paintings of the great malevich and the talent of the untimely departed afanasy rukodelnikov, daily from 9 to 21 hours. we are glad that you were in our lives, we remember, we love, we mourn. saying goodbye is given to dmitry sakin anatolyevich, lieutenant of the investigative department, yes, excuse me, let’s go through,
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please. tell me why you are wearing such clothes to the funeral, you pulled me out of the ritual hall for this, i am asking the question here, and you are answering them, or do you want to go to the investigative department, just before the death of rukodelnikov, i received a fee for one of my works, well, we decided. let's go , let's move away from here, please, in what respects were you calm, but not in any way, everyone met at events, but how do you
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explain the fact that on the day of the murder i drew handicrafts on the embankment, in your place, i didn’t draw, but wrote, let’s get to the point, how do i know, but i wasn’t in the city that day, my dacha neighbors can confirm, they are the police... what kind of police, you know, we made a little noise for 2 days in a row, it’s a shame to have a successful deal, and i ’ve never held that kind of money in my hands, what kind of deal? a visiting businessman approached me and said that he was a fan of malevich and would like to give his sponsored boarding school for gifted children a copy of the painting head of the cross. and could i write this copy for him, indicated the amount of the ganarar, i immediately agreed, how did he contact you, but i
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didn’t specify, i heard the amount, i forgot about everything, and a week later he showed up in my studio at the appointed time, paid and took the painting , well, then i went to the dacha, great name, where does he live? i’m telling you, i forgot everything out of happiness, well , georgiy introduced himself, it’s wonderful, you can describe georgiy, i can, he’s about 40 years old, he has such a face, he has such a nose, and you know, he has such a thin scar from his left eye across the entire cheek straight to the lips, damn lips, listen, it’s easier for me to draw, let me draw everything for you.
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annual award winline heroes of rpl. don't miss the main football event. find out who became the best this season. watch the broadcast of the award on may 27 on match tv. russia is conducting exercises on the use of such nuclear weapons. in what case will we be able to use it in combat? why does the west not believe that we will use it in response to their provocations? the death of the president of iran, the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, threats against other leaders who are ready cooperate with us, is political terrorism a coincidence, who is doing this , when will he answer for everything: ireland, norway and spain are ready to recognize palestine, why right now the international criminal court is going to issue an arrest warrant for the leaders. and hamas usa are next: watch today on ntv. via superstar,
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a soldier he is, he’s a brat, his mother is just tormented, i’m all over it. all his nerves are frayed, help, and what can i do to help you, let’s send him to alternative service, and no, i understand, he’s still a little weak, but he’s very physically strong, the main thing is that we train him very easily, and you have such subordinates, that under their leadership, he just grasps everything is poured, it’s clear, well , again, under my supervision, please, tomorrow at 8 he can come, he’ll come running, he’ll crawl, great. lord, thank you , go, thank you, thank you, grigory gavrilovich, yes, take the coffin,
12:00 am
yes, dianochka, hello, i’m working, ah, exhibition, what an exhibition, ah, no, of course i didn’t forget, i won’t be late, no, suit, s the suit is fine. yes, i already had lunch, no, no, like last time, it won’t be, don’t worry, that’s it, see you at the exhibition, kisses, bye-bye, well, hello!


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