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tv   Zhdi menya  NTV  May 25, 2024 6:20am-7:21am MSK

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i thought at least there would be money, i’ll take a ticket and leave here forever, i’ll go to the world to see the sea, here’s the money i received for oksana’s car, let me go, get twice as much, we don’t need anything extra, we’ll only return that one to oksana.
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well, has justice prevailed? yes, i can’t even believe that you dealt with everything so quickly. well, i told you that our department has super professionals, and one of them tried very, very hard. are you asking for a kiss? for what? he honestly deserved it. oksan, i’m also ready to teach you paint. it's time to come to an agreement. by the way. i'm absolutely free tonight, well, actually, i'm not very capable , it's not true, you're very good, very capable,
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imagine, hello, good evening, there's a program on the air, wait for me, every day we get new ones. search applications, which means that the business we are doing is important. it’s a pity that our broadcast is so short, i want to announce as many searches as possible, tell as many stories as possible, let’s not waste a minute, so we begin: adopted children do not always want to know the truth about biological relatives, and this is their right, which no one can violate. but as
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our program shows, things can change over time. now in our studio there will be a girl who took 17 years to start searching for her biological parents. yuliana, come to us, please. hello, hello, please have a seat, hello, young lady, where are you coming to us from? arrived with such an alien name, why yuli yana, you know, this is a combination of two names, yulia and yana, no, this is just a banal teenage story, i used to be yulia on my passport, and after 18 years, in principle, my mother always wanted to give it another name, well, she wanted olya, but i said, no, no, no, here, but she i was waiting for me to be 18 years old so that... we chose a name together and chose the one
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that i want, so they just added two letters, you added it, but here, you can be sure that there is no other such name, exactly so we tried, please tell me, and if briefly, i can address you as yulia or yana, and yulia or yulyana, as if for work i’m yulyana, for my people i’m yulya, for you for yours, now tell me where you came to us from, i came from bashkiria myself, from ufa, from there, all my life. i lived there, almost, tell yourself, please, how old are you, if it’s not a secret? and 35, i'm alone, i'm single, excuse me, what are you doing? i ’m currently doing turnkey apartment renovations, i have my own company, but i’m multidisciplinary, as if i’m not only doing renovations, but also working everywhere, tell me, what do you think? led us to you, and
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honestly, i have repeatedly tried to contact you, write a questionnaire, but something tugged at me, or my acquaintances dissuaded me, why do you need this, yeah, but still my soul does not stand still, but there is some feeling that there is someone for me, namely my dear one, it is my sister, and i have had this feeling since childhood and have not let go, but well, the feeling is not the same as a desire that i want a sister for myself, but, just the feeling that she exists , where did this feeling come from, i don’t know, you heard something, i don’t know anything, nothing i heard, the only thing is that... as if from childhood i suspected that i was not my own, i was physically different, as if i was fair, all the bashkirs-tatars here seem to be different genetically, you asked your mom and dad something there i asked some questions,
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well, there were several prerequisites, not only the difference, as it were, the fact that i was light-dark, but as a child i often lived in the village, it was somehow neighbors there. well, these things are painful and strange, why i don’t know, as if my parents don’t know, the whole village knows about it, so i approached my mother, found out, she denied it, so then one day i heard a conversation when i was little with my mother, with some, well , friends at home, so they were discussing my birthday, how can i say, in my ear? so it sunk in that she would hear everything, why are you telling such things in front of her? well, naturally, i put it away under my crust, which i know from my passport is march 10 , 1989, and they said to each other that my date is december 17 , 1988, that is, all six digits are different, you memorized the numbers too, yes i did
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i remembered, then i approached my mother, and what , why were you talking about the second birthday, she said, well, you know, with us everything is like that with two and double. me at birth, so they recorded me incorrectly, my grandfather was incorrectly recorded, like this happens, i say, for all 3 months, yes, that’s what happened, and then, well, in adolescence, i had an unpleasant conversation with my companion, that’s where it came to light, that i’m really adopted, was it you who started the conversation or a very, no, very, well, there was an unpleasant incident, how would i teenager. maybe something, word by word, something else, well, he told me this, but after these words it was as if the stupidity had at least left my head, so i’m even grateful for such an act that although it was so tough, i somehow re-educated myself
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after that, why did you change, what do you think, did you feel that you were one average family, all the wives. they pull and i have to run after my fathers, this is where it turns out, he basically told me that i owe him everything all my life, although he seems to i was never around, and this upset me a little and my attitude towards my mother changed with a completely different look, this kind of teenage nonsense that everyone owes me went away, i’m like the navel of the earth, as if yes, and then, well with a different look... at your mother, you felt sorry for your mother, yes, yes, of course, i rethought everything that happened, everything that happened, as it turns out, it was really hard for her, what a heroine she is, well, she really went through a lot, so if somewhere she couldn’t cope with me, there my relatives helped,
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they ran with me like a relay baton, they kind of raised me, something else, well, i’m grateful to everyone, that is, i’m not offended at all about my life... everything happened well, i’m very grateful, please tell me did you manage to find out anything about your biological family? well, in fragments, tell me everything you know? well, this is such rubbish, this is information from different people, well, in principle, there can be some kind of coherent story behind this, absolutely, well, yes, for example, my aunt told me that i was... taken from the orphanage at the age of 3, oh, with house babies, then it was still a baby house, and that my mother came to me from the age of 2, she got to know me, my mother told me that when they entered the orphanage, yes, that where were all the children, i myself ran up to her and grabbed her
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finger , just like that, she didn’t let me go, it turns out that this is the only thing that she told me so vividly, well , no further information, well , she’s a biological mother... due to her youth, she probably gave birth to me and abandoned me, that is, this, perhaps the biological father is just some business traveler from moscow, his name is boris, so... here is such a rare name, beautiful, for some reason belya berda, this is a lot, of course, yeah, this is a lot, and you know what kind of people come to our program, with what questions they don’t know anything at all, and we begin to search, doesn’t know his first or last name, and you’ve already named so many interesting things, you, this is a very solid reason for searching, continue, if there’s something else you want to tell us, but not... something else, on the contrary, i
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only had a stronger attachment to my mother, well , what the refusenik told me, but why? then look for someone else, something else, i have a mother who is raising me, something else, so i tried to help her in whatever way i could, then she passed away, when 10 years had already passed, i after all, i had already mustered up the courage to write the questionnaire, and before that i couldn’t afford it out of respect for her. but tell me, please, did you never tell her that you want to find a biological one, i didn’t want to hurt her feelings, she was sick and she shouldn’t worry, she has diabetes and i didn’t even ask all these questions, i already here after her death, she simply snatched everything from her aunt, so in order not to disturb you, you attached a photo in your application, let’s take a look. this is you, yes, this, by the way, is the only child’s photograph that i have, that is
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, this is another question, i am a very good photographer, all my relatives have such children’s photographs, but i have more than one, this is the only one, so then i they said that in those days it seemed like they were taken from the house of people, you know, it was this photo that one girl responded to, her name is irina, it seemed to her that maybe you sisters. let's watch. dolphin. new season. from monday at 20:00. on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. and in the store. with delivery favorite promotions magnet cosmetics toilet soap 999 in stores magnet
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hello to me.
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you see, here i am, my heart almost stopped, i read and can’t believe my eyes, i think, is this story really taking place, my mother’s name was isgigilova raisa iskhakovna, she was originally from the chelyabinsk region, we have four children in our family, i am the... eldest sister after me, a brother and another sister, the time of my sister’s birth, in general i don’t remember this moment, i remember just a small incident, mm, i’m standing, crying, i don’t know why, and mom is standing, holding a blanket in her hands, i once
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asked, i say, mom, why was i crying at that moment, mom said: i don’t know, well i say, what about you? i say, i was holding a child in my hands, she answered: well, probably it was a niece, when i learned about this incident from a relative, everything fell into place for me, why my mother left our sister in an orphanage, i don’t know the answer to this question, because... but it’s completely different on our mother, i don’t know why she did this, but she spent her whole life, she spent her whole life looking for someone, i remember once she even asked me to find a detective, i remember, she gave me contacts, i don’t
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know how it all ended , she... was a very secretive person, she lived and seemed to be thinking about something all the time, even when we watched the program “wait for me”, and there, too , well, there were stories like this, that a mother left her daughter in an orphanage, or a child in an orphanage, i said, well, how, well, how should you leave your child like that, i remember that she burst into tears . before her death, my mother was ill for a very long time, i remember she asked for a notepad and paper, we brought it to her, she probably wanted to write something to us, but most likely she did not expect that she would die so quickly, because when we already received it things from
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the hospital, took out a pen. notepad, there was a notepad not even disclosed, well, of course, we asked ourselves this question, what did she want to write to us that she couldn’t say it all, but we couldn’t think about it, she knew about this incident, it turns out that only my aunt, and no one else really knew. yulia, what do you think, is this your sister or not, or maybe the coincidence doesn’t look like that, but i don’t know, you know, in general she also doubted, uh-huh, ah... she said that her mother’s sister, her aunt, knows best, uh-huh, so we went to aunty, let's see what aunty said, i'm raya's sister
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with magilova, who left the child in an orphanage, this happened in 1988, around december. she and her eldest daughter irina came to visit me here khunakbaeva, i didn’t even suspect that she was pregnant, it wasn’t even noticeable, and somewhere around the seventeenth or eighteenth she got sick, they called an ambulance, the ambulance arrived, they won’t make it in time, the news says before giving birth at home, and at home she gave birth. then they took me to the maternity hospital, discharged me, they stayed with me until march, at the beginning of march the days
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got warmer, she took both babies from heaven, left, we didn’t have these cars before, it hurts, the train was moving, kumerta uchali left by train. well, then i don’t know where she went, i have my own problems here, i just gave birth to my fifth daughter in april, at the beginning of eleven, i took my fifth daughter, there was no phone number, and we lived like that, then my mother died, then somewhere 6 years or so later, we met her in our homeland. and no one knew except me that she gave birth, then i confessed to my older sisters, they were also surprised and asked
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heaven, she didn’t say anything, don’t ask, she says, i won’t say anything, here we are it was a heavy burden all her life, it turned out, we didn’t know that she passed the child... then she probably wanted to pick her up, but then i think she found out that she was adopted, she died there 3 years ago, well, thank goodness she dried up on her own, she was worried i kept everything to myself, probably didn’t tell anything all my life, what do you think was the last desire to see home?
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rufina, i’m very glad that you found us, we have a big family, we will be very glad to see you as our guests, it’s a pity that there is almost no heaven, she would be... very happy, rufina, we we are very glad that you were found, come, you have a lot of relatives, i have only
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five children, all grown up, all here in school, we are waiting, guests, be sure to come, in the third century, we are very glad that you were found, yul, what do you say now? it’s hard, the name still matches, it matches, yes, rufina, yes, the last name matches, but you doubt it, i don’t know, i don’t know yet, it’s normal, it’s normal, it’s normal to doubt, with us - unfortunately, this happens too, that everything coincides, it turns out that they are namesakes, simple and cheesy, yes, but it happens that there are few coincidences, ah... actually these are relatives, have you heard that you have more than one sister? yes, i just, here you are, we started showing your
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photos to your sisters, let’s take a look. do you think she looks like us, like mom? well, if you look at the photo of mom, then i think that the shape of the ears, it looks like you see here, our sister liana was a copy of mom, well, here, probably yes, if she looks like mom, then she will most likely look like lianna, it’s a pity that liana is no longer with us,
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but how old were you? well, if we consider that she was born before the new year, 2 and a half i was, then they also told me that larisa remembers that there was a case that some sharp object fell on rufina, one of her cousins ​​dropped it on her and her mother swore very strongly, she says, it might even be she... maybe she even has a scar on her face or something, somewhere, i don’t know, on her temple, maybe under the eye or above the eye, somewhere there might be a scar, what do you think, she’s our sister, i think so well, at least i want to believe that after all we found her , our dear sister, we are very glad if
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the girl in... the photo will turn out to be our sister, our little cow, even though fate once separated us, you and i were found, i hope we will continue to communicate with you, we will meet, and i hope that this story will have a happy ending, i would i also wanted to meet rufina and communicate to get in touch, maybe she lives very far from us, but i would like to see each other and be friends, like we are friends with irina, with our brother, with our family, so that we can maintain contact and communication, yul, tell me, well, we just heard the story about
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a sharp object that fell on your face, right? i felt that i had a sister, but that there were several of them, no, these girls, as your heart tells you, these girls, your sisters, i will already accept them as sisters, are they so kind? that's right, that's the way it should be, then let's get acquainted, yes, yes, irina, regina, come to us, please, hello, hello, hello, this is irina, i'm regina, hello, that's it.
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we are all so different, yes we are all different, it seems to me that the eyes are the same, the eyes are similar, well , here it seems to me, i didn’t know that it’s just someone is looking, i put together a simple questionnaire and i think, well, if someone is looking, well, they will respond after so many years, it turns out that someone needs it after all, it makes me happy, they themselves were shocked, of course, i thought, this only happens in movies, thank you. thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you for your program, it’s unusual for now, so you immediately began to brew, like family, like sisters, and you know, it seems to me that in your case it is not necessary to find out the relationship, there is a test, a result, or rather a dna test, we we can open it or we can not open it, as you wish, well once we've done it, let's open it.
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who would doubt 99.9, 99.9, hello, straight tomba, girls, thank you, you said there that you also have a sister, who is no longer there, yes, you have a sister, no longer there. how many relatives have appeared, this is a wonderful family,
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thank you, congratulations, thank you, viia superstar, premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. the two components of phophagliv help not only restore liver cells. but they also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. one of my friends is preparing for a new one parties. costumes need to be more modest. dad. our internet has run out. and minutes too. and dad will now activate the megafamily service. combine up to three numbers for free. and get bonus gigabytes every month, only in megaphone. what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible. rbit. we make comfort accessible. i'm the chef cat aganesa. on my blog i share simple and... quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important, and the story is now definitely delicious, first like, first friend, first post, first life, first trend,
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first smiley the first clip, the first hype, the first track, the first test, stories, videos, music, tape, vkontakte are the first for 85 million, and there is always something more here, this place. about you about me on fire tastier burgering,
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what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, afept can help, it helps restore memory and attention, write to keep your head working, dolphin, new season with monday. at 20:00 on ntv. buy mini oven gf grill with a 24% discount on yandex market. sausages are just space. and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where the best meat for the sausages that my family loves comes from. cosmically delicious, cherkizovo. oh tex, great. biotex two in one, beauty protection in one jar. biotex is ready for the summer season in a new design. this is a dream, this is a qr code. buy tickets, register and win a car. the day has just begun, and i’m already tired. here the prospectus appears. i'm
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a prospect. i help you be active every day. my strength is returning. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i'm reading investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, i agree, but first we’ll open a deposit, with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sberbank shares as a gift, it’s more profitable with sberbank prime. tekno, common 30 series of smartphones, stunning clarity photos and high-resolution videos. 4k new series of common 30 smartphones from techna, a story in every frame. teekna. pay less, barney bear cake 7990. delivery from
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25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app. pyaterochka, helps out. allergy, i wanted to ignore it. i am a zodok, i help both children and adults with various types of allergies. available on yandex market. irina lind. million dollar secret. today at 21:20 on ntv. i've been waiting for you forever. finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. i have repeated more than once that we help only those who want it, we
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don’t persuade anyone, we don’t run after anyone, our editors already have a lot of work, here’s another search that we haven’t completed yet, i was 16 years old, i had just turned 16, when i gave birth to my daughter, he came to our disco, a prominent, handsome guy, he he paid attention to me, after some time i found out that i was pregnant, the guy said that i don’t know you, and do as you want. in the spring, on april 21 , 1993, somewhere from 8 to 9 in the morning, i gave birth to a girl, this happened in the penden region. sosnovsky district, sosnovsk village,
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in the maternity hospital of this village. i had to write a waiver from my daughter because my mother insisted on it. in my mother’s family, we had five children, i, the eldest, my mother and stepfather abused alcohol. it turned out that i mostly watched the younger ones, when my mother forced me to write a refusal letter, the phrase was said that i don’t need you at all, that is, i already have five of you, but after. how i gave birth and they didn’t show me my daughter, i
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wanted to steal the child and escape from the hospital, but i remembered my mother’s words, i remembered that my younger sisters were at home, brother, i have this thought. got it out of my head, i am partly to blame for what happened to lena, me, my sister lyuba, and my younger brother andrei, all because it turns out that we had two mothers, the mother who gave birth to us and the mother who raised us , throughout my childhood, i remember how lena played with us. how lena went to study in kuznetsk and how we waited for her when she
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would bring us food, so i consider myself guilty of what happened when i was still in the maternity hospital before being discharged, i accidentally overheard a conversation between two nurses, they were discussing me and my daughter. and defended this the phrase that she should not go into the baby’s home, there is a family from the village of sosnovoborsk, where i gave birth, and who are ready to adopt my girl. after finishing school, i went to study at a pedagogical school in the city of kuznetsk, and got married. but i don’t have any more children, i’ve given birth
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only once in my life, my girl, you’re already an adult, you’re 30 years old, if you’re watching this program, what if you know that you’re not part of your family? and did you recognize yourself in this story of mine? through the transmission , contact me at any time, i am very i want this, i’m really looking forward to it, if anyone is watching this program and knows this girl we are talking about, please contact the program,
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wait for me. only misfortune comes alone, and it is true that often the trials of separation form a snowball that is difficult to stop. the story of natalia nikolaevna mazurik began with the death of her mother. and what troubles happened next and whom she has been looking for for many years, we will now find out. natalya, come to us, please. hello hello. who are you looking for? i'm looking for my brother, seryozha, on at the moment he is 46 years old, yeah. my dad graduated from military school. and at the dance, after
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graduation, we met my mother, where they got married some time later in the seventy -first year. in the direction they left for the village of nikolaevka, khabarovsk territory, where they lived there for 4 years, their family life did not work out, they decided to get a divorce, my mother worked in a store and she met her stepfather there, his name was. solevanchik joseph, but everyone’s name was igor prostov. in seventy-six , they went to their mother’s homeland in the village of kulishovko, rostov region, and there they signed, but they couldn’t live with their parents, they rented a house in rostov-on-don, and there
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the three of us lived, where 11 months later my brother was born. he was born on july 4 , 1977, and in general how they lived, they loved each other, it was a good family, yes, i really liked him, yeah, he treated me like his own daughter, everything was fine, well, it so happened that in around the time of birth, my mother developed complications with... 2 months later she died, bleeding began, and the donor was infected, my mother was infected with hepatitis, there in the maternity hospital, yes, oh, they were held responsible for this, no, at that time it
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all went unpunished, when my mother died, why seryozha was taken away and taken away... and who did you end up with? i stayed with my grandmother, with my grandparents, yes, then my dad took me to his place, yeah, but why did he take me, his mother came from this khabarovsk region, they took the child together, took him to their place, he was completely he was still, yes, 2 months old, he was in a great mood when he left, why did he leave so abruptly? that is, you say that he he treated you like a daughter, he wanted to take me, my grandparents didn’t give me away, because this is not your child, so you won’t take her, but he took her, called his mother, they left together, in what terms did he leave with his grandmother , with his grandfather, with other
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relatives, they quarreled, and he didn’t want to give them any information about him, but what was the reason for the quarrel? i don’t know, it was 5 years ago, i don’t know, well, maybe you asked someone’s relatives, no one said anything, they had a brutal fight, i don’t know why, they, they were right at the funeral, you can say that we had a fight, well , wow, it means there was some serious reason after all, when my dad, my dear dad, took me to his place, he is a military man, we moved to the amur region and... why seryozhe to me sent information that your brother is growing up, everything is fine, yeah, but he sent the last letter. he turned exactly one year old, he sent me a photo of her sitting in a wooden chair, and said: here is the last photo, we
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can’t communicate anymore, i got married, we want to change the child’s last name, first name, so that he doesn’t knew you, so that he knew this woman, well, his mother, kaba - this is his own mother, more information, and in the middle there is a man, this is joseph, next to me, as i roughly remember, this is his
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dear sister, below i am, this is on my lap, brother, listen, of course you were only 5 years old, you yourself were still a baby, but do you remember anything about him, do you remember the child? i remember that i looked after him, i nursed him, i pushed the stroller, i remember all this, in rostov-on-don, where we lived in this house, i remember this, in this photograph, this is my mother and i, this is my mother with seryozha, these are her last photographs, my grandfather, this is my mother’s father, also seryozha, of course, i understand that you were little. you can’t know all the details, but really all this happened because of that very quarrel at the funeral, and this resentment
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lived for many years not only in your stepfather, but in seryozha himself. let's see the plot. valery zolotukhin's last love, irina lind. love is the engine of the world. he was the only man in my life whom i loved. how does she live after the departure of the national artist? so many? she did a lot for in recent years, especially for valerie, has it been easy for her to share her beloved with his legal wife? it always seemed to me that this would not be forever, for example, i was not at all afraid that he would leave me, why does the actress think that valery zolotukhin was ruined by yoga, now i, too , have stopped standing on my head, how she raised her son alone, facial expressions, gestures, sometimes it just gives me chills, it’s like, well, what’s there to argue about and... how many years has he been fighting for the inheritance? my task as a mother, i didn’t take care of this at the time, but at least now, but i have to do something for my son.
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relatives, especially those who will look for me. i knew about my sister from my grandmother, who my grandmother told me that after the death of my mother, my father took me, and my sister was taken by her own father, all my information practically ended, i was born in the village of kulishovka, azov district, rostov region, my father is sergeev joseph ivanovich, and my mother...
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my mother made up her mind, gave birth to me, and as they told me, she lost a lot of blood in those years, it was the seventy-seventh year, somehow she was transfused with the blood of a jaundiced patient, well, after 2 months it turns out she died, well, considering that rostov region - this was the mother’s place of residence, he went to the only place where he could...
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all ties were severed, and because my father was considered guilty of my mother’s death, i was raised with the understanding that on the other side i had there are no relatives, that is , the very topic of the mother and her relatives on the other side, it was somehow banned in our country, i knew about the presence of a sister only from the words of my grandmother. we literally had one or two photographs in our album that showed some girl, well, approximately six years old, that my sister’s name is
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natasha, she is 6 years older than me, well , actually this is all the information, and from the words of my father, he always presented it that this is a daughter from her mother’s first husband. you know, i really want to meet my relatives, perhaps what i was told in childhood is completely untrue, and i expect only positive emotions from the meeting, i believe that 46 years is a time period that has long been closed. there were some moments that interfered with this meeting, i want to see my sister, i hope it will be nice meeting, can you imagine, your brother
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sergei lived with the feeling that he was to blame for his mother’s death all his life, how hard it is, i don’t even... i don’t know whether it’s good that he found out about it or bad, i don’t have any assessments, well, that ’s what my father wanted, apparently, so that he knew, so it’s not easy for him either, well, he said correctly, 46 years, enough time to forget about it, your brother is here, let’s go meet him, sergei, come to us. what
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now, did you even know about me, only that, said, nothing more, my father always avoided answering, so for 46 years i thought that this meeting happened, yes, i’m very glad, i really don’t have any relatives anymore. get acquainted and become a real brother and sister, thank you very much, goodbye!


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