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tv   Smotr  NTV  May 25, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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this meeting happened, yes, i’m very happy, seriously, you knew about me at all, only what you said, nothing more, my father always avoided answering, so for 46 years i thought that i really didn’t have any relatives anymore, it turned out , you were looking for me, right? i’m not alone, i’m very glad, you know, it seems to me that you have something in common in appearance, there is, there is, i guess we’re letting you go, we won’t keep you for long because you have a lot to tell each other, friend ask a friend something, get acquainted and become real brother and sister. goodbye, this is
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my youngest son, glad to meet you, i have six of them, wow, all the boys have one grandson, great, as i understand it, you live in the samara region, yes, we live in samara, yeah, well, basically i’m from i didn’t leave the khabarovsk territory, well, the only thing is that i moved to khabarovsko, and now we are still in nikolaevka all the time. “we looked for you everywhere through any people, tried to somehow find them, we still succeeded, we are very happy about this, to be honest, it’s great, so unexpected, seriously, understand, in 46 years i was absolutely sure that i had no one, it turned out to be a huge family, however, look for each other, no matter what, and wait, no matter what."
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hello, the military program of the ntv channel smotr is on air. sergei kuznetsov is with you. watch in this issue. on the occasion of the centenary of the zerzhinsky division, the cineological center, a separate operational division, specialists,
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dog handlers of the russian guard and their charges protect public order at important sites, fight terrorism, find dangerous objects, and perform many other tasks. the most important tasks, how service dogs are bred, raised and trained at the legendary odon canine center, see our program. a unit of the russian guard blocked the terrorist in the warehouse . a special forces team was deployed to neutralize him. in order to avoid losses among personnel, it was decided to let the patrol dog of the canine team, which is part of the special forces detention groups, first into the building. a dog named jaeger acts confidently in a difficult environment, dark room, clutter metal structures, many distracting smells. despite this, the jaeger immediately
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heads to the shelter, where the terrorist is located and immediately attacks him. the precise actions of the patrol dog allow the special forces group to freely enter the premises and distribute themselves so that the entire perimeter is under its fire control. stay, keep your hands up, go away. the huntsman's next task is to escort the detainee. the dog always follows the criminal, ready to instantly attack him if he tries to commit flick. such preparation is the result of long training and enormous work by the dog handler. because without discipline there is nowhere,
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this is obedience, well, following commands, and secondly, i raised in him such... a certain independence, so that at some moments he would make decisions himself. in the course of carrying out tasks by units of the national guard, dog handlers and their charges operate in a variety of, sometimes rapidly changing, environments. therefore, when training special forces service dogs, special attention is paid to developing the animal’s skills to work in any conditions. yes, let's say there are obstacles, yeah, not every dog ​​will overcome it in order to detain a criminal, here - you give him a choice, either to detain or not to detain, well, the dog is brought up to play, and he wants
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this, so he tries under any pretext to overcome obstacles, accordingly, and to catch the person involved, the dog handler of the special forces unit of the russian guard is not only a high-class specialist, but also a trained special forces fighter. every special forces soldier must know his place in combat order, understand all the intricacies of working in a group, be ready at any time to help your friend or replace him. we, dog handlers and dogs, act directly.
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svo, they are the overwhelming majority among dog handlers in special forces units. moreover , many took part in hostilities from the first days. for my part, i can say that during the inspection and additional engineering reconnaissance of the area, engineering ammunition and mining equipment were also discovered. and not just me, in general, in principle, the group’s dog handlers.
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used in the most difficult conditions, it happened that faithful four-legged helpers died, saving the lives of people. in any case, the first priority is the life and health of people, and a dog, so to speak, the death of a dog, is the lesser evil that can be allowed in this situation, the conduct of military operations in the performance of service and combat missions. our program constantly talks about dog handlers of the russian guard, the armed forces, and the fsb border service. we know well with what attention and love all defenders of the fatherland treat their four-legged helpers. but
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every dog ​​handler understands that situations are possible when, in order to save people’s lives, one must sacrifice one’s ward. our interlocutor, a career officer, a graduate of the canine department of the perm military institute of the national guard of russia. i entered there by, well, one might say, this is not a dynasty, but it is in the footsteps of my older brother, he also graduated from the same department of this institute. an example of a brother, his stories about how interesting and in demand his specialty is. i think this can be said to be complex i made the decision because military
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romance, my brother’s example, and working directly with the dog interested me even before enrolling. but i didn’t know where to study this, and my brother’s advice, so to speak, told me. today our interlocutor was convinced of the correctness of his choice. after graduating from the institute, he was sent to serve in the legendary odon and became an officer in the canine service of the vityaz special purpose center. i like working as a dog handler because it is such a rather non-standard job, that is, a unit fighter, he has tasks know tactics, shoot to complete your tasks. and the dog handler, working with the dog, must take into account its psychological state, its
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psychological characteristics, work with each dog individually, select certain methods of influence on it and training, and this is what makes the work of the dog handler interesting, that it is not formulaic, the practical training shown is carried out based on real experience gained by a specific.
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but then gradually it all faded away, and like a person, an animal gets used to everything,
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special forces are a military brotherhood, a big family, two huntsmen, a dog handler and his service dog, also brothers in arms, and a dog, like any beloved pet, a member of the family, the fact is that the dog handler himself bought a two-month-old puppy, since then the dog... lives in the family and goes to working with his owner to raise and raise his partner’s four-legged fighting friend required years of training and enormous patience and work. to raise a good dog, you need to spend a lot of time on it, that is, not just, well, come , feed, work out for a couple of hours, leave, again came, fed, left. everything goes home, no, you need to spend the dog, especially the initial period, with it, roughly speaking, around the clock,
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that is, since the puppy was two months old, i took him, he lived at my house, that is, that’s it, raising him around the clock, he went in the morning to work, you practice the command next to you, that’s it, you go around the corner of some building, practice landing, laying down, that’s it, you grow up a little. you start working on a special course, that is, detention, escort, search. over the 4 years of joint service, the two jaegers even became similar. don't know, why is this so, well, sometimes i notice some of my habits in him, well, i also learn from him, don’t miss something on central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, the disaster that decapitated iran, why the last flight of the president was an old american helicopter was chosen,
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several high-ranking officials were on one board at once, and could a fucking chain of fatal accidents be someone... in germany, a trial began over the leaders of the most incredible and ridiculous conspiracy to seize power, is it possible that this show trial was organized only to find a russian trace in the case of the conspirators, the secret of the origin of cockroaches has been revealed, is it really that man himself has made these articulate-legged pests the real kings of the urban jungle, almost like pets, this will be your central television.
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helpers are not just an owner and a well -trained animal. the dog handler and the patrol dog solve problems together. to be honest, well, we watch a lot, that is , before we do something, we look and i don’t know, there is such a thing, no, after practicing some lesson, we may not succeed, well, i’ll make a mistake somewhere , the huntsman will make a mistake somewhere, and in a day or two, when i don’t know, all this will settle down in my head, we begin to work out everything, it’s as if we are a single whole, just giving him a command.
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it is available here, supported, and
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used in the process of training service animals. here they not only train, but also breed and raise service dogs. derzhinsky's division has its own breeding nursery. and many cynologists’ dogs were born here too. we also prepare puppies with their subsequent transfer to other units of the russian guard, where there is no breeding. the main attention in the selection process is given to german shepherds, as well as belgian shepherds.
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equipment with special means for heating the insulation of puppies in the cabin there are ultraviolet lamps, heat
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lamps, heating of walls, floors, and all the cabins have this completely. an ultraviolet lamp is needed to kill germs, harmful bacteria, and viruses. a heat lamp is needed to keep puppies warm. here completely. puppies spend the first month after birth with their mother. at this time, it is especially important to maintain the most comfortable conditions in the box until the babies and mother get stronger. underfloor heating and a heat lamp work in the box even on cool summer days. warm floors are needed to support comfortable room temperature, because outside, as a rule, even in summer , it’s +15, and for a small puppy, as i said earlier, you need a temperature of 26-28° for him to be comfortable, but too...
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a lot of time they don’t give the new addition a chance to have a quiet life, after the birth of the puppy , about a month later we are weaned from the mother, let’s put it in a civil way from the mother, educational training begins literally from a month ago, that is, the puppy already understands from the month that this is first, it's a service animal, yes we want to see it must understand that he cares. that he receives food not because he is a piglet, the puppy’s initial stage of training takes place during feeding, the first commands that he learns are calling. educational training of the puppy continues until the age of six months. during this time , the dogs are already beginning to master the surrounding
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space. at 2 months they go out into the world, into a walking enclosure, learn basic commands, well done, by six months the puppy already knows the basic techniques of the general training course, these are sitting, laying down, standing, moving nearby, approaching the trainer, returning to their place, each service dog has its own temperament, the nature of its abilities, according to dog handlers, they can be determined already in...
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more active dogs go to patrol and search, and more balanced, calm, let's say , sanguine people, if by the type of nervous activity, this is of course a preference for minor dogs. at 6 months, classes begin to prepare dogs for a special training course. further specialization determines the types of activities the dogs can do. for every dog ​​profession we need our own teams. mastering some commands. not only is it not necessary, but it is dangerous, and partitioning, i will say, is only for the patrol profile, why is it not possible for the mine, because , as a rule, he works with gritty substances, and this can have a slight effect on his fate, so the puppies’ classes are carried out according to directions, for patrol dogs we develop the skills to bite, pull and tear,
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for... that is, special pillows, grips, rags, biters, we play with the dogs, teach them to grab, pull, tear something, yes, then for the ministry of internal affairs they have dogs a calmer service, we start with cones, with elementary, let’s say, training items, so that the dog can identify and designate there, so by about 10 months we are already starting specific training. upon reaching ten months of age, the puppy is handed over to its dog handler. puppies are transferred to a training platoon, their parents remain in the nursery in order to give birth to new offspring after some time. in the kennel, breeding dogs live in spacious enclosures. the center's instructors constantly work with their students, take them for walks, look after them. parents' health.
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training with them is necessary so that the offspring are healthy, so that the breed of service dogs with all the necessary qualities continues. dogs are divided into so -called food dogs and play dogs. for the player , the priority reward for completing a task is a toy. most often this is a ball, for the foodie, accordingly, food, look. part, that is , the first part we call the dog to us and move it to a position towards me. in my class, we divide it into two, into two the instructor shows everything to his student. this is a service dog with the highest level of training. the exercises
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are performed perfectly, all dog handlers see how their pet should act after training, and we take food with our right hand. we pull the dog into the stones position, we move it, there is, the dog should be with its front paws near the toe, the dog does not jump, we stroke the dog, calm it down, the general course is necessary to develop obedience in the dog, the dog handler and the dog look closely at each other, begin to interact, repeat again...
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it’s hard, but you are patient, times are difficult now, who has any grudges left for kindness? the moral state of these people does not even allow them to comprehend the importance of this concept of homeland in general, how much money is enough for him, what is left from the sale of an elite apartment in moscow, traitors, if they have
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andrey, but there are no such coincidences in life, sergey zherko, it’s hard to be dead, by the way, dolphin, new season, if you sit too long with this investigation here, then how will we then play back the story of our death, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the watch program says goodbye to you for a week, see you on the ntv channel.
8:00 am
hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia beshtereva. in the kherson region , drone operators destroyed a ukrainian baba yaga drone in an air battle. with its help , the enemy wanted to drop mines on the positions of the russian military to prevent this, our fpv device gained altitude and rammed an enemy drone. several reconnaissance drones were also destroyed by the crew for rk tor in the area of ​​responsibility of the west group. using a radar station, the fighters detected aircraft that were approaching. to our positions and fired missiles.


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