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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 25, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. in the kherson region , drone operators destroyed a ukrainian baba ega drone in an air battle. with its help the enemy. drop mines on the positions of the russian military, to prevent this, our fpv device gained altitude and rammed the enemy drone. several reconnaissance drones were also destroyed by the crew of the tor air defense system in the area of ​​responsibility of the west group. using a radar station, the fighters discovered aircraft that approached our positions and fired missiles. she. on the right bank of the dnieper, the
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marines of the black sea fleet identified camouflaged positions in the ssu and hit them with d-30 howitzers. as a result, our military destroyed enemy ammunition, armored vehicles and boats. ukraine must be able to strike military targets located on russian territory. this statement was made by nato secretary general en stoltenberg. he called on the allies to lift restrictions on the use of weapons that western countries supply to kiev. according to secretary general of the alliance, prohibiting the afdf from hitting military targets on the territory of our country means complicating their defense. the states are in no hurry to support stoltenberg’s initiative, but at the same time they continue to pump up the kiev regime with weapons. washington has agreed on a new aid package for kiev worth $275 million. it will include ammunition for the multiple launch rocket system, artillery shells, precision weapons for aviation and anti-tank mines. except for weapons.
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will receive helmets, body armor, protective equipment, as well as sets of spare parts and consumables. the united states announced arms supplies to kiev when russia confirmed its readiness for negotiations. this was stated by our ambassador in washington anatoly antonov. according to a peace diplomat in europe, washington does not want to. the united states is doing everything to prolong the conflict, increase the number of casualties on both sides, including among civilians, and at the same time hide behind the defense of democracy. the kiev regime is experiencing a critical shortage of manpower on the contact line, and the command of the ukrainian armed forces has figured out how to solve this. in the near future will cut more than half of the general staff staff, plans to abolish entire structural units, and then send the military to the front. ukrainians are already hiding from mobilization, and after the law on total dispatch to the front lines was adopted, the streets of ukrainian cities were completely abandoned. men are in no hurry to go to a combat zone, especially if they are unsuccessful. the strategy of the ukrainian
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command became known publicly. biro investigations of ukraine opened criminal cases against 28 commanders of the armed forces of ukraine. they were accused of failing to defend themselves in the kharkov direction. according to the investigation, the military leaders did not organize the work of the roth, because of this, the armed forces of ukraine suffered serious losses in manpower and equipment. and protests have resumed in tbilis over the law on foreign agents. hundreds of people, including students, took to the streets of the georgian capital.
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georgian dream stated that washington is encroaching on the country's sovereignty. politicians believe the protests are being led by radical groups, including foreigners from abroad. they are confident that the organizers of the rallies intend to push the situation to the limit. with human casualties. a special fire regime is in effect in 47 russian regions, the ministry of emergency situations reported. it is forbidden to visit forests or breed there. bonfires, and local authorities are obliged to eliminate spontaneous landfills, clear areas of dry grass and regularly update mineralized strips. in total, the fire season is open in 85 regions. since the beginning of the year , 35,000 fires have already been extinguished on their territory. this month, in astrakhan and the khabarovsk territory alone , several large-scale outbreaks that threatened residential buildings. firefighters had to work in difficult conditions; in the southern region there was a fire on a dry traverse.
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an exhibition where the latest medical developments were presented, many of which have saved our soldiers on the front line more than once. alekseev studied the most interesting exhibits. this patient, delivered from a special military operation zone, had burns over 60% of his body area, and sepsis also began. but for
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the head of the surgical department of the vishnevsky hospital, pavel markevich, this is essentially an ordinary operation. through the monitors you scalped his every move... it is here that all sorts of new products are developed, tested and improved that save the lives of our soldiers. this protected ambulance, often referred to by military doctors as a lens, has a huge
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number of advantages over its predecessors, for example, it has improved armor protection, and the first batch of these improved vehicles is already successfully operating in a special military operation zone. equipment developers respond immediately to requests from our military personnel. 90 plus percent - this is a spall wound, mine explosion wounds, and this machine just protects against fragments from bullets. or here’s another newest medical development, satim, essentially a spacesuit that reliably protects patients with large areas of body burns during transportation. on the medical module we have a ventilator along with a supply of oxygen. it allows you to provide for the wounded. the patient is supplied with oxygen at altitude; on the other hand, a computer is essentially installed, which receives all the information about the wounded person’s body temperature, pulse rate, pressure and much more. there is also a hole for hands so that doctors can perform
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an operation during transportation. the most amazing thing is that this complex multifunctional system is at the same time very simple, it is installed on a regular medical stretcher, which can be easily carried into a helicopter on an airplane, and this means that this system will be in great demand in a special military operation zone. the display of many of these technological innovations was timed to coincide with a scientific conference, at which specialists from the center for high medical technologies shared both their developments and their scientific ideas, so that much of what was shown could be adopted by doctors from regional medical centers. alexey ivliev, pavel volosatov, ivan nikonov, valentina abramenkova. moscow region. the ros harvest has begun in crimea. due to the abnormally warm spring, they bloomed 3 weeks ahead of schedule. flowers are not only sent for sale to other regions, but are used to make natural essential oils and cosmetics. the buds are collected by hand so as not to
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damage the structure. our correspondent, rostislav skidan, joined the process. i would like to start my story with the lines of any of the thousands of songs where the word “rose” sounds, but... the heroes of the material are ahead of us, here’s a million scarlet dews for you, as they say, igor and regina shevtsova have been participating in the rose harvest for four years, this they were among the first to sign up for a shift, their working day begins at 4:00 in the morning, for a pragmatic spouse, getting up early is a strengthening of the body, for romantic origins it is a source of inspiration, you have to come here 4:30 in the morning, when nature wakes up, the birds , the sun rises, you can breathe in this aroma, guys, it’s impossible to convey, there is one more weight. a reason to wake up with the early risers. the rose must be collected before the harsh midday sun. in the morning the flower is at its peak of aroma. admire the shape of the bud, enjoy the aroma. the queen of the crimean fields, rose, loves to receive compliments, but in response, as befits her status, she is modestly restrained. out of a ton of its petals, these are
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approximately two of these plantations. after processing, you will get only 20-30 g of essential oil oils but first, the petals need to be carefully collected. on this agricultural enterprise with an area of ​​30 hectares, this is the largest pink one. in russia , each flower has from 60 to 77 petals, depending on the variety, rainbow or doe, bred by crimean breeders from the nikitsky botanical garden. please note how much we collected with the young man. century in which we hard workers collected in 2 minutes, no joke, the collectors fill a twenty-kilogram bag with petals in about 2 hours, from the field directly into the vat, this five-meter structure, essentially a large saucepan, in in which the rose will be boiled for the next 5-6 hours to obtain a valuable hydrosol, or popularly rose water, during cooking it produces aromatic smoke, which condenses as it cools and flows into these barrels, light them somewhere? ski products and shampoos, creams, balms, masks, can be used both as
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finished products and as an addition, as an additive, other cosmetics, as well as medicines, drinks, confectionery, there are more than a hundred applications, there are many times more buyers, and hydrosol and pure rose ether - this is the next level of processing, but this year the already expensive crimean condensate is truly precious, the harvest survived the temperature shock, there were warm days when the rose woke up prematurely. then the cold came in may, usually we collected 20 days later, differently every year, and 30 and 40 tons maybe of rose petals, uh, this year we will wait for the result at the end of the harvest. on the peninsula, the price of fragrant gold has been well known since the last century. soviet crimea is the largest supplier of rose oil to 80% of the total union production. in the nineties, the industry declined, but within 10 years of reunification with russia. strives to return to its former positions; today a quarter of the country’s fragrant income is thanks to crimean
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farmers. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya. ntv television company. republic of crimea. and in the far east they are preparing for the salmon poutine season. it will start in june. now local companies have started catching flounder and cod. fresh catch has already begun to be supplied to local markets, and the first ones are sent to the regions batches of frozen products. in addition, this season...
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i have an excellent team, if it weren’t for the team, then we wouldn’t have what we have in the hold now, this sea battle is called the dress rehearsal for the red season, regular trips to sea help the crews get used to it to a tighter schedule in the main season, employees of fish processing plants to test all lines of high-tech equipment; in the primorye region, salmon poutine is also eagerly awaited for the start, but white fish here... is also treated well, and so much so that instead of classic chicken, it is even wrapped in shawarma.
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participants in a major gastronomic festival in vladivostok demonstrate how seaside cuisine can surprise now, when the massive pink salmon season is still ahead. this is our russian solyanka with white cabbage, seaweed, and mentai, which gives it the taste of the sea. this is certainly far from the standard recipe, but according to restaurateurs, mentai is such an interesting fish. far eastern seas, which is worthy of appearing on the menu in the most non-trivial form. visitors to the gastrofestival eagerly tried pollock in cedar batter, treated themselves to korean wheat noodles and russian dumplings with pollock, and were a little sorry that pollock was not included in the paella, although its absence was compensated for by local seafood, but there was plenty of mentai in the classic fish soup, which delighted supporters of conservative cuisine . sergey antsidin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. and that’s it for now, stay on ntv. this is moscow, this is
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moscow. you know what i love most when your eyes light up with that special light. come, fall in love, be surprised, be inspired. your moscow. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children. this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the basting engine works perfectly. equipment as part of the national fuel project, i converted my car to run on methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations. catch the firebird pyro it’s not easy, but anyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, what are you doing here,
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making comfort accessible, making comfort accessible, who? said that only cats can purr, your car can also purr with pleasure when it has teboil diamond motor oil inside it. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? te boil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. everything is normal, i have never been so normal, it ’s normal for me to wake up earlier than before, rise above myself and circumstances, find strength for what i put off, devote time to the most important things, when sports are the norm of life, i’m fine, find energy on, irina lind, million-dollar secret, today at 21:20 on ntv. oh, tex, excellent
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choice, biotex two in one, beauty protection in one. ready for the summer season in a new design, breakfast, come out, look how beautiful you are, from the smile, look, it’s you it’s brighter for everyone, a smile in the sky will wake up the rainbow, share everything with your little one. she will come back to you more than once, hello, hello, i have copuccina, please, pay, please, or you can smile,
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your smile is unique, pay with a smile, safely and conveniently. cool stuff from sberpay, thanks! tecno - photos of stunning clarity and video in 4k resolution, new series of smartphones common 30, tecna! clean water from the holy spring fills life with joyful moments! the source of joy is in you! profitable again? not again, every day! beneficial on the price tag, means low price! olive global village 1499. pyaterochka helps out. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. if only the house was in the countryside. better apartment in the center. or undeveloped. or maybe everything everywhere and at once? find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. dolphin. new season. from
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monday at 20:00 on ntv. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. movement without pain in any weather. good morning, and i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. there are few changes on european territory. the weather is stable, since one scandinavian anticyclone is simply replaced by the next, but an atmospheric front will add a fly in the ointment to the solar cycle. accompanied by rain and thunderstorms it will stretch along the line of veliky novgorod,
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tver, yaroslavl. to the north we are waiting for the temperature to drop. it will get colder in nizhny novgorod, kirov and kazan. up to 12-17°, but to the south , on the contrary, it will warm up to 23-28, however, on monday it will become cooler again. the south is not in the lead this time. in krasnodar, the maximum is 24. on the coast, the temperature does not go far from the twenty-degree mark, and in some places it can still rain. and about the weather in the capitals. freshness will return to st. petersburg tomorrow, it will be about 20° during the day, but it will do without significant precipitation. in moscow , rain and even thunderstorms are also possible. but here it is during the day.


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