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tv   Zhivaya yeda s Sergeem Malozyomovim  NTV  May 25, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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for 10 years now, truck driver oleg galtsev has been spending more time behind the wheel than at home. the cabin is a second home, so basically all truckers drive barefoot, well, they rent in the parish as if they were in their apartment. in general, people don’t drive such cars, they live in them. oleg has a refrigerator, a microwave, and even a slow cooker.
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in general, of course, roadside food is a whole cultural and sometimes socio-economic phenomenon. there are, for example, settlements where the main occupation of residents is to feed travelers. thus, the village of krestsy in the novgorod region, between moscow and st. petersburg, was famous for its pies for many years. now only the most devoted fans watch them. a fence was built along the highway and it became inconvenient to drive in. horok, raisins, apples, lingonberries, blueberries. okay, two pies, right? why don’t we take anything for our wife today? what doesn't he want? no. lyudmila vasilyeva has been baking pies for drivers for 30 years, in order to have time to cook, she gets up at 2:00 am, but does not complain, her children have grown up and moved away, the business has become a real salvation from loneliness. they drive for days, they just want to talk to them another time, this pie and tea are just for communication, and i also need communication. the pies are carefully wrapped
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in a blanket in the chest to keep them warm. at first , lyudmila had just a stool on the side of the road, and now she has her own kiosk. we began to wonder, how is the cleanliness of the road in general, and are these conditions compatible with food? together with microbiologist alexander borkanov , we leave petri dishes with different nutrient media for yeast on a busy highway, mold and bacteria. in 10 minutes , everything that in theory could get on the pies will stick to them. over the course of several days , life in all its manifestations began to bloom abundantly in the laboratory thermostat. about 500 colonies on each plate from bacterial cultures. they are represented by either coca life forms or shelf-shaped ones, aspergillus and penicillium are also represented - these are molds. the highway is a good breeding ground for microorganisms.
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so buying right on the side of the road, and even something that is not covered, is probably not the best option, it may be safer to take food from home on the road, but in the summer the temperature in the car can be quite high, and how long can food be stored in such conditions and what is the best way to pack it? we conducted an experiment, took a baked chicken drumstick, a sausage sandwich and a boiled egg , one portion of each snack was packed in plastic bags, another in... the third was sealed using a vacuum sealer and placed in the car for a day, what has spoiled during this time, and what can you eat for now? the laboratory will soon provide an answer. another question that worries many: how on the road to feed the children so that they have a tasty, satisfying meal and don’t have a stomach ache later? the murzaev family often travels by car, everyone is used to it, the distance is easily tolerated, and the children really look forward to such trips, because they know that on the way they... will be allowed to eat
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fast food, which is usually almost never bought. looking at the night, we decided to pamper ourselves a little with french fries, yes pauline, we took nuggets, sauce, water, and some sweets. if you basically eat right, then on the road you can do this, no problems, but if the body does not accept junk food or travel after a very long time, we suggested that the murzaevs conduct an experiment. nutritionist marina makisha will create a healthy menu for them on the road. the main rule is to follow a routine: breakfast, lunch, dinner. here is an example of a menu for one day: each time there must be protein, cold cuts in a vacuum, canned fish or a boiled egg. this is for long-term satiety, which sweet buns will not provide, marina also advises adding complex carbohydrates, for example, whole grain breads and vegetables, to each meal. we'll definitely take it with us a whole bag of different vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes, more greens, in
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principle, this is something you can crunch on all the way, another important issue is cleanliness of your hands, after all. and let's see who we have there. initially , about 150 colonies of microorganisms were found on the hands. the water washed away only a third. napkins performed much better. and the antiseptic reduced the amount five times. looks like it's really worth the money. so,
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armed with the knowledge and recommendations of a nutritionist, the murzaevs are ready to go to sea. we will tell you about their impressions and the results of all the research in just a few minutes. necessarily. wait, there are still many interesting and unexpected things ahead. live food on air, i'm sergey malozyomov, see below. which marinade chews the meat itself? pate on shampuria. five interesting recipes, and which one won in the popular tasting. and also a sea battle. scientists compared the benefits of wild fish with farmed ones, and also found out what kind of food ours suffers from. ability to understand the latest news from the world of food science, whether to drink pomegranate juice and give it to children? answer to a question from the audience. well, at the end of the program there is a traditionally beautiful recipe of the week and a continuation of the main investigation of the issue: food on a long journey, which products, cafes
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and canteens are more reliable and how you can add benefits without unnecessary worries. hello! where are you? and it’s a secret, but what i have here is cool , i’ll show you now, but i have something better, and you have one like that there, oh, you end up here, we have a good secret place, yes, it’s not secret, everyone already knows about seabreeze, relax , guys, do you feel it too? makheev, when you want to fit entirely on the cover or on tv, look how cool everything has become, the stars are starting to lose weight, i got -26 kg then, fashionable injections, illegal pills, plastic surgery, dangerous diets,
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i don’t see anything, i’m telling my mom , i’m something, i’m blinded by something, how celebrities lose weight and then pay for their divine forms. heart attack, stroke, are you dying? the battle for the body in a new investigation based on real events. today at 13:00 on ntv. dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on go to the island and pronate. lunch and clouds among millions of hotel apartments. rest begins at o.2 represents. carefree subscribers do not notice how their minutes disappear. i
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called across russia, there was only one operator. where do these costs come from? it's good that those 2 have different rules. calls within the network do not consume the package of minutes within russia. said that only people can purr cats, your car can also purr with pleasure when it has diamond motor oil inside it, the advanced synthesis technology of motor oil ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under any operating conditions. sounds just as comfortable. teboil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. oh, i’m pleased, it’s 44.900. oh, yes, of course. oh, is the panda for sale? yes, it's for sale. psb credit card double cashback. increased cashback on everyday purchases. techno - a series of common 30 smartphones, photos of stunning clarity and video in 4k resolution,
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a new series of common 30 smartphones from tekna, a story in every frame, tekna in the whirlwind of life, success, failure, hope fills you with raglanch, there are many tasks in the rhythm of work, your break fills raglanch. meat sauce sytin hot meat delicious fills lunch warm sunset over the roofs give joy life fill first like first friend first life first trend first trend first. stories, videos, music, feed, vkontakte first for 85
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million. and there is always something more here. mom, write us a message. for what? or should we call? we found out that the phone was working. even at zero. with zero score. you didn't listen to the end. how's that? it is safe. with belain you are safe even with zero account. both messengers and cards work. enable support at zero in the beline application. girls, let's talk about safety. so we already have beline. beline is the safest operator. attacking credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts onto one halva card from sofcombank, we refinance them for 24 months and conveniently repay them. and with halva of the fathers of combank we can effectively buy in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. these are the hands of dima bilov, they think that in a month they will be able to operate a complex digital machine, and
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they think correctly, because dima is a graduate of a professional school, we will teach you to think with your own hands, choose collegeprof.rrf, leading employers are already waiting for our graduates, professionalism, you in good company, spring has come, we rejoice in the sun and the ringing of the pile, we're raffling off country houses, cars, laptops, we're waiting for you! spring streams and cash prizes! catch your bird of luck, because we are winning! every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. at the height of the barbecue season , disputes often arise: what should i marinate the meat in? in kefir, in vinegar, maybe even in mineral water? how to find a balance between tenderness of meat and pleasant taste? especially for you. we found five not quite classic barbecue marinades, one of them was even developed
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by scientists. now let's taste everything. the brand chef of the restaurant chain is a big fan kebab kirill eselev agreed with interest to participate in our experiment. he took the same meat and marinated the classic pork neck in five different ways, each of which was the best in some way. for example, the number one marinade on the internet is called the most aromatic; mint leaves are salted here in the company of garlic, vegetable oil and white wine; the meat should be kept in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, which is true for most recipes. the marinade is quite bold, like a set of products. i think the result will be good, at least this interesting. in order to collect as many different opinions about our marinades, kirill and i decided to organize a public tasting, on
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a sunny, albeit cool, spring weekend in the grill area of ​​ostankino park, where there are always a lot of people who know about barbecue, but first we tried each of the samples ourselves, in mint , for example, we immediately felt bright oriental notes. hello morocco, yes, hello turkey, this is a good marinade, this is a very good marinade, i think. i will even practice this, mint is so refreshing, gives such an additional thrill to all this, incredible, the people, as we quickly saw, liked it too. i feel mint, yes, an unusual taste, good or bad, beautiful, beautiful taste, a new epithet, beautiful taste, now the first skewers with hearts, with which tasters vote for the most delicious option, take their place in a glass with mint, but who
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will win on the internet they write: a marinade with the addition of kiwi, also made with papaya and pineapple, can soften the toughest meat. these fruits contain enzymes, proteases, that break down animal proteins. such the marinade really works and sometimes it's even too powerful. to prevent the meat from becoming soggy at all, marinate it for no more than half an hour. the chef was skeptical about this recipe. the taste of kiwi is too aggressive. that is, this intrusive rather sweet and sour taste of kiwi. will be read in fried meat, and the marinated meat literally crumbles in your hands, it was not even very easy to put it on a skewer, but it is too soft, the texture is not clear, it is no longer meat, but some other product, pate, pate for skewer, yes, ready
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the shashlik received polar reviews, some liked the softness, and others not so much, but my opinion is that shashuk should still have more of a meat texture than a cutlet texture, but this marinade had its fans, for example, for our young viewer victor, such cuts were easier to live with than others, so if you come across tough pork, kiwi may well save you. we chose the coffee marinade for its originality; we decided to make it with a freshly brewed drink, although some people on the internet advise. kirill also added onions, salt and pepper poured over a cup of chilled americana. what is the result? the chef and i only noticed a brighter crust, but we didn’t notice any coffee in the taste. however, some of our neighbors in the barbecue area tried something interesting. i hear a hint of coffee. and you like it. interesting,
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tasty, i really love coffee. it’s very interesting, because you don’t expect coffee to... emphasize the taste of kebab so much, for those who don’t mind kebab with a slight bitterness and are ready to feel the aroma of coffee in the meat, the recipe is ideal, well, what marinade can be considered the most useful? scientists from portugal conducted a series of tests and found out: if you soak meat in beer, fewer carcinogens are formed during frying, and such a marinade can be considered the least harmful, the dark drink performed better, but the non-alcoholic one was not inferior. by the way, this marinade is used not only for barbecue; you can, for example, bake chicken in it. kirill remembers the recipe from childhood. beer will give us a golden brown crust, just the kind of crust i remember in my chicken dish moms. we liked the marinade, tested over the years. in addition to beer, it also contains onions and
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spices. alcohol, by the way, evaporates when frying. a hint of flavor, but the knowledge that there is less harm here adds even more appeal. science, meanwhile, wondered how... to make the most delicious kebab. and scientists from poland, as a result of their experiments, compiled a formula for what they called the ideal marinade. it should make the meat soft, juicy and as appetizing as possible. 27% here is cane sugar, 21% wine sugar vinegar, 18 - mustard, another 16 - lemon juice, plus a little olive oil, a clove of garlic,
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salt. kirill was wary of vinegar, in general it can dry out meat, but... as a result, the whole composition worked very well, it’s so aromatic, it’s really balanced, it’s true, it’s very rich in different flavors, yes, there’s a complex composition of this marinade, and it gives its effect, tasters also noted that the marinade makes the meat soft, preserving its natural taste, although not everyone called this kebab a favorite, mustard, but here it seems delicious, it’s like... a lot of tastes that are revealed, it’s practically straight perfumery, yes, oh, what is the exact word, yes, meat perfumery, yes, as if there is no marinade at all, yeah. there are no additional amplifiers, stimulants, just meat. so, it's time to take stock. kirill and i cast our votes for the scientific marinade. it has
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affordable ingredients and produces a very appetizing result. however, mint was also one of our favorites. and it was this that the tasters confidently put in first place. i was captivated by the freshness and unusualness. a little meat in beer has fewer votes. third place. we equally divided the coffee marinade that the scientists came up with. the skivi recipe failed due to the sour taste and unkebab-like softness. however, we are sure that every marinade will have its own connoisseur. just don’t forget that barbecue is generally not the healthiest food, so you should n’t indulge yourself with it often, and it’s better to accompany it with vegetables, which will slightly reduce the harm from fried meat. well, which marinade recipe do you think is the best ? write to us through any social networks and maybe you will become one. im our next a plot on a barbecue theme, which is eternal because it is beautiful. what food is alive and
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what is not? we'll continue to find out right after a short break. how to heat food on the road? testing popular gadgets. what a joke, but the process really started. and is it worth eating at roadside cafes? are food tests ready yet? from there, we checked how to squeeze juice out of a pomegranate and whether there is a lot of diluted pomegranate on sale, as well as news about robots that will help us with fruits and vegetables and the recipe of the week, everything will become clear from a video just one minute long. i believe that food should be not only healthy, but tasty; the brestlitovsk brand works on this principle. thanks to the preservation of traditional recipes and new production technologies. acquire a special taste and aroma. uralsip is a bank for business,
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and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that a unique travel show po puchak is back with a new, exciting season, so i’m announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, all you need to do is fill out an application and get a chance to become my attempt to see the world, send your applications to, show companion called. see you. via superstar, premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. our life is a series of meetings. over
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a cup of aromatic coffee, the monarch, every meeting can become destiny. and the most familiar day with soromagic coffee-monarch can become special give wings. coffee monarch. aroma happens. seeds from martin, the quality is always top notch, first like, first friend, first post, first life, first trend, smiley, first clip, first hype, first track,
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first test, stories, video, music, feed, vkontakte first for 85 million, and there 's always something here. more of this place for you and about me right now in fix price stores ice cream for almost nothing, chocolate, vanilla, a glass, or maybe a popsicle, take it all at once, while it’s so profitable, on lucky days ascogna we give up to 50,000 rubles for the purchase of a new one mattress, sofa or bed, we take away the old one for free, askona - lucky days, attack debts on loans. i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts for one month , conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases, simple tricks. for
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back and joint pain nice active gel - an active formula for accelerated penetration into the source of pain and inflammation nice active game to reduce pain - its goal is the national lottery buy dreamleon by mail and online, register on one of the four cars can be yours, dreamsleon, second chance promotion, click on your dreams, tele2 presents carefree subscribers do not notice how their minutes disappear. i called across russia, there was only one operator, where did the costs come from, it’s good that tele-2 has different rules, calls within the network do not consume the package of minutes in russia, clean water is a holy source, fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, in life whirlwind, successes, failures, hope fills you with viclunch, in the rhythm of the worker there are many tasks, your break
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fills you. meat sauce, hot sytin, meat with fills with noodles, a warm sunset over the roofs of dachas, fills life with joy, choose your favorite brands at wildberries, high quality, beautiful and stylish, a huge selection of shoes for all occasions, shoes or sandals for going out, or maybe sneakers for every day, bargain prices prices for wildberries, go to the island, book, break away.
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according to the law, i don’t intend to retreat, you’ve completely lost your sense of self-preservation, five of us couldn’t cope with it, bring us the head of this cop, would it really be better to leave and miss all the fun, no, vakhtang beridza, if you take one more step, your brains will be on the guard’s face, understand? the flock from monday at 22:10 on ntv. good morning! this is living food in our section question from the audience , everyone wins, we get interesting topics from you, you learn new things, well, the one whose question is recognized as the most, every week becomes the owner of one of my books, share what worries you on the site www.yeda.shou, well , that’s the question i’ll answer today. aria
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yastrebova from chelyabinsk asks: what is pomegranate juice made from, which is sold in fruit stalls, should you drink it and give it to children? thank you for the interesting question, and i can say that we conducted an entire international investigation on this matter. what the right pomegranate juice should be like and how it can be used in an unusual way is well known here, where there are a lot of pomegranates growing in armenia. to be honest, some things here surprised me. in armenia, indeed, there is a real cult of the pomegranate, its image is even on local religious monuments, khachkars, on new year's eve these fruits are like symbols prosperity and abundance are illuminated in churches, and of course, many people prefer to make their own pomegranate juice. the owner of the tourist gastronomic estate in ashtaraki, karen akapyan, first meticulously selects raw materials on the market; for example, this is not very good if
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you cut it with your fingers. shrinks and the peel is already old, these are good ones, you can survive the juice directly with your hands, in the courtyard of his large family house he shows a real armenian pomegranate pomegranate, he literally presses the juice with his bare hands, wow, this is very nice, because while you press, you see already the result, yeah, but this is a very ripe pomegranate, but this method is certainly not for everyone. you can do this with each pomegranate, it takes a lot of strength, there may be problems with the frequency in the house, there are many other methods offered on the internet, i decided to test some with my daughter maryana, you love pomegranates, yes, but i haven’t tried pomegranate juice yet, it’s such a sour thing, but pleasant, but we didn’t give it to you because it’s very sour, now you’ll try it, here’s the first way: you need to peel the fruit, put
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the grains in a large syringe and squeeze it out. necessary come up with some kind of lever system where you can rest your entire body weight on this syringe. it seems to me that this method is a translation of the product. some kind, because the result was absolutely edible, normal juicy grains. the juice was obtained with great difficulty, and maryana was able to survive only a few drops, only half a glass came out of a whole pomegranate, although it was certainly tasty, sweet, really, uh-huh, well, it’s not in vain that we tried, yes, there you go, winner. let's move on to the next method, it promises less labor costs, we will put the grains there according to the recipe from the internet, and then we will try to crush them with a rolling pin, like dough, well , approximately, only bloodier, to
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pour out the juice, the bag must be carefully opened from one edge, and it is better to use a strainer, so the cake will not get in into a glass. we got twice as much juice. than last time, can you imagine what the score is, five out of five, five out of five, i also think it’s an a, it’s fun to do, and you squeeze everything out without leaving a trace, the last one we’ll test a citrus juicer, like it could also be used for pomegranates, at first we put in half, almost no juice came out, smaller pieces solved the problem, but the result was bitter in the end. after all, both the partitions and the peel were squeezed out, i think that with the help of a press, this is the easiest way to extract pomegranate juice, the fastest, not very effective, the juice
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is not very pure, the coolest, highest quality method is a rolling pin yes, i agree, i agree, here you go, this is your reward! yours too, but here’s a question: isn’t it dangerous to give children pomegranate? juice? pediatrician natalya vekhova does not recommend giving it to very young children. the acids in the composition can irritate a weak stomach. pomegranate juice is given to children in the first 3 years of life only in a mixture with other juices, for example, apple juice; if it is freshly squeezed homemade juice, then only half and half with water. for older children, if there is no negative reaction, the juice does not need to be diluted, but is there such a benefit? pomegranate juice is often recommended to drink for anemia, but in reality iron is poorly accessible body shape. if you drink a glass
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of pomegranate juice or two glasses of pomegranate juice, your hemoglobin will not rise 10 positions. yes, in general , it is better to raise your iron levels under the supervision of doctors. in difficult cases, no food will help, only. drugs, but the main value of pomegranate is in antioxidants, says dr. michael overam, from the haifa institute of technology in israel, who devoted his research to this. punicalagin is a substance from the group of polyphenols that helps reduce cholesterol levels, stimulates the production of liver enzymes that break down fats and inhibit the formation of plaques in blood vessels. punicollagen is produced in the form of a supplement; it contains the benefits of not only pomegranate seeds, but also films. one such tablet. half a glass of pomegranate juice contains 1 g of polyphenols, so it’s better to drink juice or take tablets, and this is up to everyone to decide for themselves, some people just don’t like the taste of pomegranate, or, for example, good juice is not always possible
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to get, well, is it easy to choose ready-made pomegranate juice? technologists advise looking for the presence of sediment, it is a good sign and it happens in a natural drink, better a directly pressed product, which... is made from fruit, unlike reconstituted, it is a diluted concentrate. we decided to check three samples, declared as freshly squeezed from the sales tent - 250 rubles. per liter, and two from the store for the same price, but in a smaller volume, 179 rubles each. all juices were submitted to the laboratory, and the traditional method of quality control was tested together with food technologist mars khairulin. let's start with the first sample, now we will mix it with soda. in order for the natural dyes contained in the juice to react with it and become darker, if a dye is added to the juice, the juice will not change its color. the result surprised us: the juice from the tent did not change color,
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was it really diluted? pour baking soda into samples from the store and magic happens, they turn dark. for comparison, we decided to squeeze the juice ourselves and test it. note. the fact that it is very cloudy, which we did not observe in the first sample, which was sold to us as freshly squeezed juice, right now, right now from... the changes are really noticeable. now let’s compare the color of the juice that we made ourselves with that which was sold to us under the guise of being freshly squeezed. the first became blue-black, the second remained bright burgundy. mars suggested that it was diluted and tinted, especially since the price for natural juice is too low, only 250 rubles. per liter the result of the popular test was confirmed by laboratory tests. the content of soluble solids in this sample was: only 12.4%. for
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freshly squeezed drinks the indicator is not is rationed, but it turned out to be lower than that of more expensive juice from the store. in the bottled version at 332 rubles per liter of dry matter there was 14.3%. in the cheaper one for 179, again not enough, 12.1, which corresponds to the acceptable values, but at a higher price, we clearly get a richer, less watery drink. well, one last culinary idea: you can not only drink pomegranate juice. in azerbaijan, for example, it is boiled to make the famous sweet and sour sauce narsharab. try buying it in a store and adding it to fish or salad, you simply won’t recognize them. and in in armenia, nrane soup is prepared with this juice. the owner of the gastronomic estate hripsimetumanyan shows the recipe: it contains vegetables, rice and lamb broth. we add pomegranate juice, which
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gives the soup a very pleasant taste, but people who live in places where pomegranate grows, of course, love this soup very much, and guests too, i don’t even know what to compare it with, probably with the addition of lemon to the hodgepodge, it adds such a new, unexpected, interesting note, great! they also told me that in armenia they pickle onions in pomegranate juice, if you want, you can try it, i’m sure it will also be incomparable. pomegranate is capable of transforming flavors in many dishes, but juice specifically is a controversial product, it will not increase iron levels, not every stomach will accept its acidity, and it also contains a lot of sugar that we simply don’t taste. in any case, you should drink no more than a glass a day, then you will only benefit from vitamins and antioxidants. what
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interesting and useful things have scientists discovered for us? cheap sea fish contains no less, or even more, benefits than expensive farmed salmon. researchers from british cambridge found that in herring, mackerel, anchovies, and blue whiting there is five times more calcium and four times more iodine than in red fish from aquaculture, and also in wild species, the content of iron, omega-3, vitamins a and b-12, vitamin d, by the way, turned out to be about the same, and salmon won in terms of the concentration of zinc and selenium, so it is better to include different fish in the diet, and in general eat it more often, it is definitely good for health, unlike the so-called processed food . which, among other things, worsens the condition of the brain. scientists from
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university of oklahoma in the usa found that regularly eaten burgers, chips and the like, especially in combination with excess weight, lead to damage to blood vessels, including in the brain, the consequences being a decrease in mental abilities. researchers generally note that proper nutrition can even delay the onset of senile dementia. and, for example, vegetables, fruits and berries are a must. poor diet. by the way, they may soon become cheaper due to the mechanization of their collection. chinese chemists have invented a special material. a polyelectrolyte hydrogel that can stretch 15 times and easily return to its original shape. it is supposed to be used to make, among other things, soft manipulators for robots that will pick vegetables and fruits without damaging them. large agricultural holdings around the world, suffering from labor shortages, are especially looking forward to the new development. and in medicine it is a hydrogel. useful for creating especially elastic artificial tendons. that
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was news, that's what awaits us next in the episode! how will the experiment end? proper nutrition on the road? will our heroes indulge in unhealthy fast food on the way to the sea? the denouement is very soon, along with the results of analyzes of food bought along the road, as well as the recipe of the week. a beautiful video a minute long.
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in general, complete freedom, yes, some kind of blue, so that everything is in a new style, so that it’s like wow, we will remove the window sill, here we will have a sliding partition, there will be a small sports complex, we will have green on the lodge, and here we will such a bright blue, by the way, just like misha dreamed of, more energy, childish for
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a boy with a gym on the lodge, i would n’t refuse that, there’s a living area and a full-fledged bedroom. storage location housing issue today at 12:00 on ntv. dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. it’s not easy to catch the firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open a deposit on tele2 presents. carefree subscribers do not notice how their minutes disappear. i called across russia, there was only one operator, where did the costs come from, it’s good that the phone has 2, the rules are different, calls within the network they do not spend a package of minutes in russia, first like, first friend, first
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zero account. calls, instant messengers and cards work. enable support at zero in the beeline application. beline is the safest operator. superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. in regular sneakers, your feet sweat and become tired and swollen by the end of the day. women's sneakers without heel sportchik. ideal shoes for warm season. lightweight, breathable, comfortable, like your favorite slippers, soft eco-leather, mesh inserts, comfortable lacing, perfect fit even for problem feet. soft insole. and a shock-absorbing sole reduce the impact on the joints, choose your size, from thirty-six to forty-two and color, black, white, beige, red or blue-gray. call to order sportshik sneakers without heels for rub 1,999. but call
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us right now, it will cost you only 1,499 rubles. leamax, purchases with a plus. call by phone or order on our website central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. there is a tradition in our family. we always add fresh cream butter to our dishes. brest-litovsk. traditions through the centuries. this is live food. a program in which i, sergei molodemov, find out what is harmful. and what is healthy, where and what is best to eat on road trips, right now is the time for conclusions in our investigation of the week. at the beginning of the program...
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so that the moisture is on the way, pavel advises preparing buckwheat, you just need to the main trick is to open the door slightly, pour boiling water from a thermos for 15 minutes, and you... time to make sandwiches with canned turkey and cucumber, for dessert bananas fried on a gas burner, they
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turn out sweet and tender. what else is needed for happiness? pavel’s car is properly equipped for traveling, it’s a real kitchen on wheels, but there are also many compact, inexpensive devices on sale that promise to simplify cooking on the road; we invited truck driver oleg galtsev to test it. three options: flameless heater - disposable bag for 126 rubles. a lunchbox heated from a cigarette lighter for 1,500 and a car frying pan for 2,100. with their help, oleg will heat up the pilaf and compare the result with the microwave that is in his truck. all four servings are the same , bought at the supermarket. let's start with the lunchbox: transfer the pilaf and leave for 20 minutes. now a green package. the instructions say that you need to add 100 ml of water and the reaction will begin. nevermind, it’s funny, yes, the process really started, the disadvantages immediately became apparent, you definitely need a container of a certain
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size and after heating it will become wet, and it’s also easy to scald your hands, wow, it’s hot, but what about the frying pan, like a lunchbox, you need to connect it to the cigarette lighter and do this only at stops, otherwise there is a risk of spilling lunch all over salon, we put the control sample in the microwave, all three gadgets heated the food for 20 minutes, and achieved approximately the same temperature (55-58°), and only the cheapest option heated evenly. of course, you can’t compare 73° in 2 minutes with a microwave. but if still to choose from three, oleg considers the lunch box to be the winner. the advantages for me, as for the driver, are the closed container, area and volume. but let's get back to food. it's time to find out what goes bad in your car first. or an egg, or maybe sausage? and which packaging will protect better? cellophane, foil or vacuum bag?
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we left the most popular travel snacks in the car in the heat for a day. how many microbes have grown there? vacuum packaging, yes, provides a better environment for storing food, and that is, the absence of oxygen in as a result, many microorganisms do not develop and do not lead to spoilage of the product. showed themselves best. eggs, in all three packages they remained edible, the servilat began to deteriorate a little, and most of all, for some reason, in a vacuum. the worst situation with chicken, regardless of the storage method, it could already cause poisoning. it’s still better to take a cooler bag with you on the road, it will allow you to slightly extend the shelf life of the food, or is it still better to eat at a public catering facility? let me remind you, we secretly purchased several samples of roadside food: olivier salad, chebure. pie with potatoes, sausage in sandwich dough and sent them to the laboratory. olivier turned out to be the worst. in it we also found e.
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coli and a high general contamination of microorganisms. it was no longer fresh, although the cashier assured that she personally cut it at 5:00 in the morning. the pie with potatoes also managed to spoil. e. coli lurked in the sandwich from the dressing. three out of five samples could lead to poisoning, the result is depressing. by the way, what to do if such a problem happened to you on the road? in case of poisoning , first aid, start taking a large amount of liquid, you can make an absolutely simple solution, add a little sugar, a little salt to the water, and drink in small portions more often, if there is some kind of uncontrollable vomiting, symptoms such as dizziness begin,
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nutritionist marina makisha immediately i crossed out the pie with potatoes from the list, it contains only fast carbohydrates and no saturation, even a fatty cheburek is better, it contains meat, which means protein, although there is very little of it, sausage in dough is better, we will get about 200-300 kilocalories maximum from here, and the protein will be 15 grams, which is not bad, which is not bad, that is, we will get saturation, so i vote for sausage, you can eat less bread, with leftovers for...
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the amount of bread. by the way, that’s what i do when i’m on the road and there’s nothing to buy but a sandwich, i buy it, separate the bread and eat it like this, life hack, what can we do if we want to be, no one will take care of us, so like ourselves, except for ourselves, of course, but did you like it, by the way? the murzaev family, to eat on a long journey according to the menu compiled. the nutritionist recommends it to us. eat boiled eggs, greens, salads, celery, whole grain bread, low-fat cheese, egg, peas, round two , chicken, chicken, this is my sweet, delicious chicken, come on, eat, eat, the experiment was successful, crunch on vegetables along the way it turned out to be pleasant for adults and children;
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the murzaevs say that from now on they will always do this. silder, who didn’t come in this time, he was just a bit dry, i’ll give him a second one chance, we’ll find some sochniki and next time we’ll also take the road, but still smaller, we realized that we’ll take more salad, cucumbers, we ate bulgarian tomatoes, as it were, because we’re adults, yes, but children don’t really care about it, which is difficult to eat, you have to cut it and bite it, it can splash, and it is best not to disturb your usual routine on the road, try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time you always do it, watch your safety. clean hands , reliable products will help you avoid unpleasant symptoms, read reviews about establishments, do not take perishable things with you, then only the best impressions will remain from the road, exactly what we expect from travel. watch next saturday, at the same time, live food at the dacha, we answer questions from viewers about what grows and is eaten in the garden,
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is it harmful to cook jam in a copper pot? dishes, is there a love hormone in strawberries, is it true that tomato peels stick to the stomach and intestines? we have selected the most popular topics. okroshka is now not only with kvass, kefir and mineral water, five unusual recipes for the main summer soup, as well as news from the world of food science. live food is broadcast, as always on saturday at 11 am on ntv. that's not all for today, now there will be a recipe of the week and a traditional quiz, and i, sergey malozyomov, will return to you next saturday, together we will look for what kind of food is really alive. recipe of the week, this time unusual
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potato cookies. cut the root vegetable into cubes. boil until soft and mash, add butter, salt and pepper, mix, place the finished mass in a pastry bag squeeze into portions onto a baking sheet, bake at 180° for about 35 minutes, you get a crispy snack with an appetizing crust, by the way, this is a healthier alternative to chips, you don’t have to put a lot of harmful salt, there’s actually a lot in the potatoes themselves. potassium, it has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. the main thing is not to get too carried away with such cookies, otherwise you will add a lot of calories. we remind you of this with the yellow signal of our nutritional traffic light. bon appetit and health, we and culinary specialist lena yartseva wish you. and now on yours screens the weekly quiz question. just check yourself. or respond by scanning the qr code
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with your smartphone and following the link. choose the correct answer and win one of my books, which contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, and delicious recipes. winners are determined every month, among those who gave at least one correct answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances, drawings and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our program in popular on social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so don’t forget to enter your phone number after you answer. the voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens, thanks to everyone who participated. next question in a week.
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hello, this is a housing issue, i’m oksana kozyreva. mish, is it cool to play football on such a big lodge? let me tell you again. yes, i play almost every day, right at the training base. and what happens is that your older brother moves out of the room and there is complete freedom. yes it very cool. are you, artyom, happy with this situation? very. well great. listen, what a cool drawing, such a cheerful, lively, large family, which, of course, will also gather in this room, since this is the largest room in... so today we are making not only a children’s room, but also a living room, like you look great, so beautiful, anya and misha are almost not breathing, from under
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the hand of their older brother artyom, right before their eyes comes the first frame of the cartoon, the main character of which is the galdikas family, this is my dad, this is my mother, this is my brother artyom , this is my brother misha, this is me, anya. and this is our dog vasya, the animator doesn’t really observe, that’s why i know what kind of gait anya has, what kind of gait misha has. during 2 years of training as an animator, artyom mastered the basics of different types of animation, plasticine, sand, puppet. he composes the music for his works himself and ambitiously aims at auteur festival films. a few months ago, his eldest child moved into a separate apartment. in the house, now mikhail, i go to the pool, dance, i go to the football section, but i also like to draw at home, play on the computer,
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a fifth-grader has enough time for everything, although hip-hop gradually began to lose to football. misha is a fan of spartak and is going to join the ranks of his favorite team. you have to practice very well, be a very experienced football player, and show yourself everywhere. train a lot every day, third-grader anya studies english, dances in a dance club every day, trains shitsu vasya, oh, my little cutie, ekaterina and evgeniy, professional chemists, in the kitchen of their three-ruble ruble in khimki, are chemistry over a banana dessert, in france they saw a very beautiful presentation in a cafe. and we decided to repeat it at home, it turned out no worse, tasty, beautiful, sweet, and what i love most is that my favorite mice cook it for me, effectively surprising each other.


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