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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  May 25, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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this is it, i, of course, also couldn’t stand it for a long time, although yes, well, i lost about 2-3 kg on this keto diet, dana borisova’s experiments were closely watched by her daughter polina, then the favorite diet of all the girls, and my teenage daughter, this i’m on a hunger strike, that’s it, i shut my mouth, i won’t eat anything, i walk around hungry all day, nothing makes sense, there’s no weight loss, then i have a breakdown. in the end, plus two or three more arrive. having experienced another setback, the tv presenter in despair went under the knife, but it turned out that not everything was so simple. i decided, well, instantly, everything will turn from a voluminous girl into a slim girl. well, that is, roughly speaking, i had 9 kg extra. and over the past year i had two liposuction operations, one i had done last december, which means they removed my stomach. hips, and they thinned my back, double
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chin, i had an operation, there was a month and a half of rehabilitation, i liked myself, my bipolar condition began to worsen, spring came, in the spring in the fall everything was much worse, that’s it, they literally increased the dosage of my antipsychotic drug, and i'm somewhere...
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i think 100 times about what something is, i experience the idea: a step to the right, a step to the left, i will get better, because of these breakdowns, well, apparently, my case is not curable, and of course, now my suffering is less, as in the days of addiction , but honestly, i suffer a lot from all these problems with weight, with weight gain, with weight loss, it will be endless, for dana borisova, the fight against extra pounds is running in circles, okay? that today on television there are not such strict weight rules and a tv presenter can easily go on talk shows, but there are professions where the body is literally a tool, and any extra kilogram is like death, now i don’t even know how i’m giving this interview, because i have a very strong barrier and i can’t open up to people, well, i’m working with a psychologist, everything will be fine, i hope.
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there was a business from scratch, it became as dreamed, every third business develops from an ecosystem outline, based on real developments. hello, hello, this is our own game, we continue our anniversary tournament, today we have the seventh game of the second round, in the second round. the 17 best players will play two games each
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with different opponents. let me remind you that the winner will receive 1 million rubles. today the first gaming table is playing with us, yuri khashimov, lawyer from moscow. at the second gaming table, evgeny masherov, researcher, moscow. third game pillar. igor mokin, translator. moscow. igor, evgeny, yuri, according to tradition, at the beginning of the game we get acquainted with all the topics of our today's competition, here are the topics, they are wonderful, as usual, the most wonderful topics for you, dear players and for you, dear tv viewers, we are starting the first round. first round of topics: argentina,
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from o to o, title in quotation, palaces, castles, fauna in photos and... eureka: questions on the topic argentina are presented by the russian geographical society. please, evgeny, choose. argentina for 300. evgeniy, you get the auction right away. we are playing it with you, exactly at face value. here's the question. translated from the indian language, kechu is a word. means plain, pampa, pampa, absolutely right, the main natural area of ​​​​argentina, we play further, evorica for 300, immediately a pig in a poke, igor, on your right, yuri, on your left, not
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i know, everything is so delicious, igor, thank you, igor, the theme is ancient rome, 100 or 500, 500, attention to the screen, artist. octavian augustus, it is no coincidence that she occupies a significant part of the picture. probably statues of emperor augustus. right. igor, choose. from o to o, for 500. please. this african river does not flow into any lake or sea, but branches out.
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three commanders of the northern forces, grant, sherman and sheridon, grew up in this state. no wonder it was jokingly nicknamed the yankee state. oh, that's right. frames for 300. first the palace of the president of ingushetia became a significant building in this city. the grand opening took place on october 31, 1998. magas, that's right, from about to about 200. for his installations, dutch artist bernaut smilde creates exactly this right indoors using a special installation. it’s a pity that the works
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are short-lived and can barely be photographed. cloud. right. this is what it looks like. in this andersen tale, a soldier dealt with three scary dogs by placing each one on the blue checkered apron of an old witch. flint. evorica for 400. spanish engineer enrique vega, after years of extreme heat, invented a device out of thin air that extracts just that. moisture, water, water, absolutely right, it works on the principle of an air conditioner, the title in the quote for 400, this is about singing very close, a lyrical opportunity flashed through, thank you very much for the clean and
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some kind of lyrical air, no, the title is in the quote, eh. .. for a pure and some kind of gift, this is nabokov’s hero who writes poetry like this, palaces and castles for 500, the governor’s palace in this city was built in 1897 for the first italian governor of eritrea ferdinando martini. asmera, and the current capital of eritwe. the title is in quotation 500. the thorny bushes catch on the ports, the branches are torn from the head, in those forests the old people say, the mistress of the copper mountain lives, no, from the text it is clear that this is
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a stylization, yes, this is tatyana the fat one, the goose lives. rat mm, palaces, castles 400, auction igor, bet - 1. let's play. on this rock above the moorish castle the flag of great britain flies. on the rock of gibraltar? right. further. fauna in photo 500. this family of tropical birds is called for the unusual shape of the beak. broad-billed or broad-billed. further. argentina 400 please, this football club is named after
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the laplata bay, only in english, because football came from england, river plate, that's right, in spanish the bay is called the lapata river, the silver river, that's right, the fauna is in the photo 400, living near a chinese island, he learned to exist among this... from the 1950s it is not clear whether the girl is pulling
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him somewhere, or whether he is pulling the girl. i guess it's an elephant. right. eureka 500. this native of prussia, who accepted russian citizenship, in 1838 invented galvanoplasty, a method for producing exact metal copies. any items. jacobi. absolutely right. let's argentina 500. let's see what happens next. this argentine president, elected last year, calls himself an anarcha-capitalist. his name is javier miley. absolutely right. title in quote for 300 please. leaning on the railing, they looked sadly. shining with the phosphorescent light of the sea on the luminous stream behind
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duncan's stern, at the beginning of the sentence: the captain's children grant, that's right, 200 palaces and castles, kats castle on the rhine was built by the counts of katsenlenbogen, and the castle of their opponents, the electors of trier, received this mocking nickname, pan. well, since katz is a cat, probably a dog, no, the castle is called mouse, that is, a mouse. argentina 200, please, i wrote a piece overnight on behalf of the victims, recalled vladimir shakhrin. name the victims. jamaican national team. that's right, argentina jamaica 5:0. title. varvara, yes, what are you
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really afraid of, it’s still far away, the thunderstorm, bravo, yuri, ostrobsky’s play, the thunderstorm, and the fauna is on photo 200, the largest truly land animals of this continent, wingless mosquitoes, bells, and, well, probably australia, no. antarctica. absolutely right. igor. eureka 200. thomas jennings invented the method of dry cleaning clothes in 1821 and was the first such person to receive a patent in the united states. possibly black. argentina 100. this is a financial indicator. 2023 was 211% in argentina. inflation? yes. palaces and castles for 100,
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please. in 1730 , two palaces were built for her in moscow: the winter aningov and the summer annengov. anna ioanovna. absolutely right. title in quote 100. baby, the son came to his father and asked the baby what is good and what is bad, that’s what they call it, what is good, what is bad, in the photo for 100 please. recently it turned out that at least three species of fish of the genus buffalo are capable of living to this more than respectable age, if not caught, of course, up to 100 years, that’s right, and eureka 100, an analogue of a photocell created by australian
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scientists, still produces much less energy than solar panels, but it works at this time. in the dark, completely that’s right, thermal radiation, which is emitted by all bodies, is used to obtain energy. well, let's summarize. after the first round: 1.100 for yuri, 1.700 for evgeniy and 4-300 for igor. ahead, the second round. what if the bank only has banking services? without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing extra.
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do you feel it too? makheev, the most famous fight, russian talk shows. it's all blah blah blah. for 10 years he has been shouting against us from all channels. russia is obsessed with this concern 10 years already. i'm already tired of this. for the first time, american bombs are under american bombs. bombs in donbass, how he will be greeted on the other side of the screen, the tenth year, you just remembered us, so i and how he will speak when he sees everything with his own eyes, we will show the american kuzka’s mother, tomorrow at 6:00 pm on ntv. dolphin, new season, from
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monday at 20:00 on ntv, catch. pyro firebird is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, you will recognize its taste from thousands, this is fagot, ham, pilaean from succulent pilae, okaraca, aromatic without hot spices, fagot sirloin ham, the taste that you recognize from a thousand, the first. like, first friend, first life, first trend, first track, first fest, stories, video,
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music, feed, vkontakte first for 85 million, and there is always something more, pain, spasm, what's the difference, double action spasm fights pain, relieves spasms. order medicine with discounts on via superstar, premiere, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. sometimes a habitual way of life can destroy one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do our favorite things. clariol gel is ready to resist them. its special formula is aimed against papillomas, warts and dry calluses. with it you can forget about the problem of unsightly growths. i found a way out for myself. this is clareol gel. i use it at home and my
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convenient, now even a gym, even a swimming pool, attention, a special promotion for the fastest, call right now 8.800 200 exactly 7 5 6 7 and get clareol for only 1 ruble 8.800 200 exactly 7 5 6 7 free call within russia dolphin new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. i came to interrogate you in the case of the murder of the chief of orechensk. as long as these people are in their places, nothing will change for the better in the life of the city. the flock from monday at 22:10 on ntv. this is our own game, we are in the studio, we are playing the second round, whom, italian artists, football, questions
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from, musical instruments, what is what and coffee? yuri, start, let's see who the questions are from today. hello, i'm actor vadim andreev, i have a few questions for the participants in my game. questions from vadim andreev for a thousand: i made my film debut in 1978, playing student pyotr gorokhov, in in the film directed by vladimir rogovoy, screwtape, my hero’s english teacher, was called beatrice bernardovna senyakina, the students called her that for short, maybe bbc, right, please, italian artists for 800. the auction is 5300 for you, 1,100 for yuri,
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1,700 for evgeniy. 2.0 please. let's play. on july 18, 1610, this artist died, not having lived 2 weeks before the pope's decree about his. perhaps this is caravaggio, for sure, he was convicted of murder in a fight. igor, musical instruments cost a thousand. you receive a question from ural bank sip. we only play it with you if you answer correctly. the cost of the issue will double, in case of an error you will not lose anything. celebrates its thirty-fifth anniversary and introduces a profit card with a high percentage on the balance with cashback of up to 3% on purchases. order a profit card online and it
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will be delivered to you free of charge the next day. here's the question: on december 29, 1876 , spanish musician pablo casals was born. that is why on december 29th we celebrate the day of this beloved one. for 400 in 1957 the moscow locomotive won the ussr cup and the minister of railways
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at joy awarded all the team’s players this honorary title. honored railway worker. that's right, well, more precisely, an honorary railway worker. and questions from vadim andreev for 800. i studied on the course of this wonderful film director, i was lucky enough to play in her film carnival, where i played the role of my mother-in-law vadim arturavich, name the director, tatyana leznova, that’s right, questions from vadim andreev for 600. in the series american cartoons about this hero, his faithful friend donkey was voiced by edie murphy, in russian. guys
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performed jokes on the topic of the day. the musicians had the bayan and these two instruments in their arsenal. balalaikin. exactly. questions from vadim andreev for 400. i had the opportunity to play the role of stalin in the film by yuri kara, the main one, about the fate of this outstanding designer. who is he? korolev. exactly. question from vadim andreev for 200. i do a lot of dubbing, and this hollywood actor speaks in my voice in the films jackal, nine yards, the fifth element, name the actor. bruce willis, right. italian artists over 600. his last work was a portrait greek composer marius varvogles.
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italian artists over 400. in 1504 he moved to florence, where he created about 20 paintings of madonnas. before you is the madonna with the goldfinch. rafael, that's right. musical instruments z600. hot in the bag: 11,500 for you, 1,700 for evgeniy, 400 for yuri. evgenia. evgeniy, topic, mail. the maximum bid is thousands. this model was installed above the entrance to the main post office building in kuibyshev. then the object was lost, but in 2012, when the city had already become samara again, it was returned to its rightful place. i would
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she said that the eagle should be a state eagle, let's see, no, this is a model of the globe, wrong, evgeniy, what is 600 of what? alexander ladygin at the end of the century before last proposed making them from tungsten and malebden, the spiral of incandescent lamps, from which for 800, the author gave the main character of this story his middle name douglas and his grandmother’s ninth surname, spalding. wine because of dandelions? that's right, reid bradbury, adandelion wine, protagonist douglas spaulding. football for 800. this season this russian midfielder moved
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from dynamo moscow to... spanish real socied has already made its debut in the champions league. this is arsen zakharyan. coffee for a thousand, please. in family breakfast at lavergne, this 18th-century swiss painter depicted a woman and her daughter dipping a sponge cake into café au lait. ah, this is not leotard. absolutely right, the author, the famous chocolate maker. yuri, what is a thousand of what? the figure of a lake monster, reminiscent of the famous nessie, rises in the middle of the virgin lake bumbunga in this country. quite distant from scotland, the figure is made from old tires in australia? right. coffee for 800,
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please. last year, researchers from copenhagen showed that adding milk to coffee enhances these properties of the drink. coffee polyphenols and milk protein work together effectively. invigorating properties? no. antioxidant. right. coffee 600. once from the sport of moha on the red sea. the best coffee was busy, but the times of brisk trade are long gone, now in moss that less than 15 thousand people live on the territory of this country, in yemen, it’s true, football is over 600, this ajax striker is in the middle in the eighties, he became the top scorer in the top division of the dutch championship four times in a row.
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for the crossed hammers depicted on the coat of arms , the footballers of this london club were nicknamed hammermen. westham united. right. musical instruments 400. a set of bone flutes dating back about 12,000 years was recently discovered in israel. the instruments imitate precisely these sounds, possibly for use in hunting. voices belly. the singing of birds is accepted, the bird is an animal, no doubt, but what of what for 400? in 2021 on in southeastern sweden, archaeologists found at the bottom
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of a swampy well a short sword called skramosax, about 1,100 years old. the handle was made of this material and, oddly enough, was well preserved. ah, made of wood, apparently. that’s right, and coffee 400, this winter at the kaliningrad zoo they began to use coffee cake for this purpose, which is much more environmentally friendly than traditional salt. anti-famine material, that's right, 200 italian artists, in andrei verochio's painting of the baptism of christ, the angel on the left, like...
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the norwegian violin has nine of them, but they play only on four, the rest serve only as resonators, strings exactly, what are 200 of what? british designer helga stencel creates unusual compositions from various products, helga turned an ordinary chicken egg into his portrait, this is neelis presley, for sure. coffee for 200. november 1 marks the day of this method of prediction: fortune telling on coffee grounds. you are right, and this was the last question of the second round. let's sum it up:
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2001 for evgeniy, 5,300 for yuri and 16,100 for igor. the third round is ahead. at the megamay megamarket. choose buy with free delivery at the megamarket. megamarket. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show the fellow traveler is back with an exciting new season. and that’s why i’m announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17. send your applications to the following address:, show along the way. calling the second one, see you later! via superstar premieres tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but
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smiled, it means recognized, smiled, it means real, they recognize, love, remember, truly appreciated. central television today at 19:00 on ntv. has a pipe or radiator leaked, or has the heating element damaged the roof? a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands to repair. enough! save money and nerves! order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from leamax. sealant, rubber glue in one bottle. quick elimination of cracks, seams and... leaks, spray the spray on the surface, the elastic seal blocks access to
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moisture, closing any leaks, is not afraid of low or low temperatures, safe for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface, call and order fixpro three in one from leamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a super price. dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. this is our own game, we are in the studio, and we
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are playing the third round, here are the themes, the first ones, black and black, codes, under water, names and dreams, evgeniy, start, codes for 900, in the story conan duel there are dancing men, a flag in his hand the figurines meant just that. end of the word exactly, the first 1500. at the end of the 1870s , gold miner zakhary tsybulsky donated 140 thousand rubles for the construction of the university, and deservedly became the first honorary citizen of this city. polish surname, perhaps irkutsky? no. tomsky, absolutely
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right, ciphers 1200, since 1930 he worked in shanghai, where he obtained the cipher codes of german military advisers to the army of chiang kai-shek, maybe, right, names for 1200 auction. your bet is 5,000. the royal persian name kuruz is traditionally rendered this way in our history textbooks. cyrus. bravo. names 1500. at the birth of the poet irina odoevtsa. received this name, similar, but
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much more rare. arina, no, i’ll risk it, iroida, that’s right, there are 900 names. singer mitya famin admits that he can’t stand this diminutive name and doesn’t respond to it. if he is mitya, maybe he doesn’t like the name dima? yes. the first for 900. in 1773 , an educational commission was created in this state. in fact, the first ministry of education in europe. this cannot be the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. right. black is black 1200. according to one version, this day received a nickname in honor the terrible traffic jams in philadelphia after thanksgiving. black friday. further.
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underwater 900. cat in the bag anyone you know, evgeniy, evgeniy, thank you, the topic is old technology, 300 or one and a half, one and a half. pay attention to the screen, in front of you is an exhibit from a museum in vyborg. what kind of device is this? but this is a telephone. absolutely right. ciphers 1.500. this math professor. he himself developed ingenious ciphers, but used them solely for fun in correspondence with children he knew, or maybe turing? no, i think it's charles ludwich dodchson, aka lewis carr, and the first 1,200. the first european
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water supply system, kindergarten and elevator in the lower volga region appeared in this settlement. protestants named it in honor of some this is a german settlement, these are sectarians, a biblical city and borrowed the then advanced european technologies. thank you! so, code 600. in this film from the gorky film studio, foreign resident mikhail. tulyev hid encryption tables in the table lamp stand. the cache turned out to be unreliable. resident error. right. underwater 1200.v as part of the experiment, professor joseph dituri spent 93 days in an underwater
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hotel off the coast of florida in the spring of 2023. it was found that this indicator. he became a little lower than he was, height, possible options, my first thought was the percentage of hemoglobin, but i apparently overdid it, let’s continue, under water 1500, this scientist was not only an astronomer, in 1690 he developed a project devices. this is edmund halley. black is black over 900. african american composer harry freeman wrote 23 operas, including one theater piece.
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no wonder he was nicknamed black, by whom? vagnev. eugene. black black 1500. chernogorsk. he's haratas. the second most populous city in this russian republic. in my opinion, this is khakassia. right. dreams 1500. do not disturb children's sleep. let a light swarm of smiles guard the peace of the night. the song was written to the melody of alexey rybnikov.
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for the project of a health institution where they would be treated with sleep and music, the architect konstantin melnikov came up with exactly this name from two consonant words: beethoven naveeva, and from two consonant words, sleepy sanata, exactly, dreams 900, cat and mouse. who will you give it to? igor. igor. thank you. the topic is not only about birds. 300 or one and a half. attention to the screen. name the constellation swan, right,
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black, black over 600. on january 1, 2024 , an indian satellite went into space, and among the tasks of the mission was measuring the mass of these objects, black holes? yes, names are over 600. dreams are over 600. scientists have long established that sleep is necessary for all living beings that have this
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system. nervous. further. 600. recent maps of the seabed have revealed that between tasmania and antarctica there is a chain of such seamounts vulcans. right. names for 300. this well-known female name, consisting of only two letters, is translated from greek as a resident of ionia. and me, yes. you are receiving a question from the general sponsor of the ecosystems for business program, kontur. contour clients can be sure that their personal data is safe. company experts. refers to the encryption of information, the circuit stores all important data on reliable servers located in russia,
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the word cipher, zero, is derived from the arabic name of this number, zero, exactly right, how come in arabic, zero, sifr, sifr, yes, the first in 300, in philippine mythology, the divine bird amihan pecked at a bamboo shoot and from the stem into... it was they, the first people, the local adam and eve, no matter what their names, who walked, black black 300. recently, australian scientists created a drug based on black phosphorus nanoflakes. flakes applied to an open wound help destroy up to 99% of what are obviously pathogenic microorganisms, right. bacteria, fungi, everything, even viruses, but that’s why i didn’t specify how correctly, organisms, but under water 300, in
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last december near the japanese city of kushimoto, it was installed at a depth of eighteen meters, secured with sandbags, and the tree, you’re right, there are 300 dreams . in 1900, he published his first major work , the interpretation of dreams, which at first was almost not in demand, well, probably our sigmund freud, he was the last question of the third round, i summarize: 8200 for yuri, 9600 for evgeniy, 2800 exactly for igor, the final round is ahead. everything was done by myself, the deputy began to handle it, every third business
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develops with an ecosystem circuit, based on real developments, from comedy to tragedy, everything is bad in the world, there is no point in saving up money, there may not be a meeting at shainova, how much did they pay comedian slepakov for performing at makarevich’s anniversary, do you remember how it all began, sit... for water, why did he need help psychologist? yes, all these hot comedians have delusions of grandeur, the jokes ended today at 16:20 on
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ntv. dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where invest donated money? investing in the future. we agree. but first, let’s open a deposit with interest at sea. with sberbank, everyone can profitably increase their savings. build a deposit into the best percentage brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift in sber , more profitable with prime! all goods have already arrived here! summer sale on ozone! icom skin cream for 529. destra sneakers for 1,399. max extreme t-shirt for 299. attention, samurai, oops,
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eleven-year-old daughter were strangled in her room. and this is completely unusual.
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igor. grod petrov. yuri. puzzles. eugene. horse people. igor. the theme chosen is wings. dear players, please place your bets. wings theme. the inserts are done, that's the question. polish winged hussars have been known since the beginning of the 16th century. according to a number of military historians, the wide wings behind the back not only protected
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from saber strikes, but also served as protection against these turkish weapons. time! time's up, well, with protection against what else? yuri's answer is lasso, this is the correct answer. lariat, salmon, rope, noose, everything
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would be accepted, bet. 8200. answer from evgeniy. that's right, bet. 7,000 exactly. igor's answer. correct answer. 8,000. igor wins our game today. but even this brilliant victory is not guaranteed by igor. you have the right to advance to the third round of our tournament. well, yuri, evgeniy, igor, thank you very much for. game, dear friends, thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye!
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the nato secretary general said that ukraine. should have the right to strike russian territory with western weapons. emergency in krasnodar. the roof fell from the school roof down onto the children during the lineup. this machine just protects against fragments from bullets. the latest medical developments are entering the special military operation zone. the operation was carried out quite successfully, we achieved everything we planned. and new discoveries from the vishnevsky hospital. report by alexey ivliev. time for the crimean broadcast, here's a million scarlet roses, as they say, on the peninsula they harvest oil-bearing roses, take a plant from a flower, how much does a bag of petals weigh, why harvesting begins at dawn kings.


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