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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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the nato secretary general said that ukraine should have the right to attack russian territory with western weapons. emergency in krasnodar, roofing. rulers, this machine just protects against splinters from the sack. the latest medical developments are coming to the special military operation zone. the operation was carried out quite successfully; we achieved everything we had planned, from the school roof down to the children. about new discoveries from the vishnevsky hospital, report by alexey ivliev. crimean broadcast time. here's a million red roses for you, as they say. the harvest is being harvested on the peninsula ifiromassic. how much does a bag of petals weigh
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? why does harvesting begin at dawn? the queen of the crimean fields, rose, loves to receive compliments, but in response, as befits her status, she is modest and reserved. rastislav skidan from the fragrant fields of crimea. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. a unit of the group of forces center liberated the settlement of arkhangelsk in the dpr, the ministry of defense reports. in addition, in other areas of the donetsk folk. republics of russian military groups southern and vostok, moving forward, caused significant damage to six brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in the kharkov region, having repulsed two ukrainian counterattacks, units of the north and west forces penetrated into the depths of the enemy’s defense. and on borshchevoy island, kherson region, the dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the thirty-fifth marine brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. during the day in the northern military district zone, the enemy lost almost 15 military leaders.
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the time has come for the allies to think about lifting the restrictions imposed, especially now that large-scale battles have unfolded near kharkov, and ukraine does not have the ability to use western weapons against legitimate military targets on russian territory. foreign ministry official maria zakharova noted that these words of the nato secretary general should be taken into account by those planning to attend a supposed peace conference in switzerland. in krasnogorsk, near moscow
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, a scientific and practical conference of military doctors and specialists for whom evacuation, treatment, medical equipment and rehabilitation are inextricably linked stages was held at the vishnevsky hospital rescuing the wounded on the battlefield. report by alexey ivliev. this patient, delivered from a special military operation zone, had burns over 60% of the body area, and sepsis also began, but for the chief of surgery. his scalpel is displayed on the large screen of the hall, where all the manipulations are monitored by academic professors, as well as military doctors from several friendly countries, and this is an opportunity to share the unique experience of operations that are carried out in few places in the world. the operation was carried out quite successfully, we achieved everything we planned, the results we'll evaluate it later. let's just say, due and
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necessary time. previously, this medical institution was simply called the vishnevsky hospital. now it is a national research center for high medical technologies. it is here that all sorts of new products are developed, tested and improved that save the lives of our soldiers. this protected ambulance by military medics, often referred to as a lens, has a huge number of advantages over its predecessors, such as improved armor protection, and the first batch of these advanced machines are already successfully operating in the special military operation zone. the equipment developers respond to the requests of our military personnel immediately, it was inconvenient that there were two isolated compartments inside the vehicle, they were combined, they asked to replace the ladder, and this request was taken into account, and now it is an ideal vehicle for evacuating the wounded from the second or third line of defense. more than 90 ...provocative wounds, mine-explosive wounds, and
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this machine just protects against fragments from bullets, or here’s the latest medical development, satim, is essentially a spacesuit that reliably protects patients. with a large area of ​​body burns during transportation, equipped with all necessary medical devices. on the medical module we have a ventilator along with an oxygen supply. the display of many of these technological innovations was timed to coincide with a scientific conference, at which specialists from the center for high medical technologies shared their achievements and their scientific ideas, so that much of what was shown could be adopted by doctors from regional medical.
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sheets of blood along with a wooden frame. the victims, aged between 12 and 15 years old , suffered bruises and abrasions; some required hospitalization. rescuers strengthened the roof. her condition is currently being assessed. the governor said repairs will begin when the storm subsides. a criminal case has been opened. the fire season has begun in 85 regions of russia, with the ministry of emergency situations monitoring 25,000 settlements. there is a high risk of fire spreading from forests. arrays for residential buildings. the cause of most fires, as usual, is human conscience, careless handling of fire and deliberate arson. for example, in the krasnoyarsk territory, someone apparently set fire to an unauthorized landfill near private houses; gas cylinders were stored in one of the outbuildings. the fire was
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quickly extinguished and no one was injured. and these are shots from the khabarovsk territory. burning dry grass near populated areas was extinguished on the ground, from the air. they were extinguishing. fires using a drainage device; in total, 17 drainages were performed using the apu, with a total amount of drained fire extinguishing liquid of 51 tons. the ministry of emergency situations calls on regional authorities to clear dry grass from populated areas in advance, renew mineralized strips and remove spontaneous dumps. in moscow at vdnkh , a sports procession of a kind of general took place.
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victims of shelling, simply scan the posted qr codes to make a donation. the funds collected will be used for treatment, as well as the restoration of houses and other needs of belgorod residents. in addition, visitors can leave wishes to the residents of the region, thanks to promotions white postcard.
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an exhibition was set up at the stand, although its main exhibits were flower vases made from gils shells. guests were also able to communicate with belgorod residents during a live teleconference and set aside time. to other topics in the far east they are preparing for the season of salmon salmon, fishing for the beloved red fish, pink salmon, whales, sockeye salmon, in kamchatka the season opens on june 1, followed by in other regions, well, the fishing of white fish, flounder and cod has already been allowed, tens of tons of fresh catch are shipped every day, the first batches are sent to different parts of the country; by the way, this season the quotas for amateur fishermen have been increased. sergey antsegin will continue. finding the coolest and most secluded place on the lyutoga river is not easy for sakhalin fishermen. catch the first red fish of the season. this is what many islanders are striving for these days. friends, first. wow, beauty! salmon fishing, the main fishing in the far east, begins from sakhalin and the right to
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first fishing is traditionally held by amateur fishermen and strictly under licenses. any fishing is happy, even if it doesn’t bite. the most the main thing is participation. nature, fresh air. for those who consider fishing not a hobby, but a profession, in kamchatka they will begin to catch whale, pink salmon and sockeye salmon in industrial quantities in a week, but so that the fishermen here do not stand idle waiting, and the bykhtovians who come from all over the country do not lose in... for fish, therefore i think we will succeed. in the primorsky territory, lasaso starts
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and poutines are also eagerly awaited, but white fish is also treated well here, so much so that instead of classic chicken , they even wrap it in shawarma. what is capable the participants of a major gastronomic festival in vladivostok demonstrate how to surprise the seaside cuisine now, when the massive season of whales and pink salmon is still ahead. this is a hodgepodge of white cabbage, seaweed, and mentai, from the standard recipe. this is, of course, far away, but according to restaurateurs, pollock is such an interesting fish from the far eastern seas that it deserves to appear on the menu in the most non-trivial form. visitors to the gastrofestival eagerly tried mentai in cedar batter, treated themselves to korean wheat noodles and russian cabbage rolls with pollock, goes with almost everything. mentai is a product that should be consumed by everyone. sergey antsidin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. the mexican city of poeblo was covered with snow and washed up.
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the roses bloomed much ahead of schedule, and then, due to the may cold, the delicate flowers experienced a serious temperature shock. now , at mid-growth, it is just time to collect rose petals to prepare precious essential oil, how weather surprises affected the fragrant harvest, why it is absolutely necessary to collect rose buds at at dawn, learned rostislav skidan. igor and regina shevtsova have been participating in the rose harvest for four years. here are a million red roses for you, as they say. even in previous years.
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it is oily for two hours, then it loses its properties. the queen of the crimean fields is a rose from a ton of its petals, this is about two of these plantations, after processing you will get only 20-30 g of essential oil. each flower has from 60 to 77 petals, depending on the variety, rainbow or doe, bred by crimean breeders from the nikitsky botanical garden. please pay pay attention to how much we collected with the young man, what hard workers we are, we collected it in 2 minutes. jokes aside, it takes collectors about 2 hours to fill a twenty-kilogram bag of petals. from the field
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straight to the vat. this is a five-meter structure, essentially a large saucepan, in which the rose will be boiled for the next 5-6 hours to produce a valuable hydralate. or popularly rose water. during cooking , aromatic smoke is produced, which, when cooled, condenses and flows into these barrels. everything and cosmetics and shampoos, creams, balms, masks. what else? after all, the price of fragrant gold has been well known since the last century. soviet crimea is the largest supplier of rose oil, up to 80% of the total
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union production. in the nineties, the industry fell into decline, but 10 years after reunification with russia it strives to regain its former positions. today, a quarter of the country’s fragrant income is thanks to crimean farmers. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezentsev and lyak shalya. ntv television company, republic of crimea. next is the weather forecast, thank you for being with us, see you tomorrow. with platinum credit card providers do not charge any fees or interest for transfers. tink of platinum can do this, get a ting of platinum credit card and transfer to any card without commission or interest. kelkov, he’s the only one. with the premiere, you can stay home all weekend and relax the way you want. and finally, give in to the impulse. by pressing play, you can be yourself. online cinema premiere, for people like you. he is
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advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the floors. i love. i recommend, breakfast, go out, look how beautiful you are, from a smile, brighter, from a smile the rainbow will wake up in the sky, share with your smile, it will come back to you more than once, hello, hello, it’s my start, please pay, please, can i smile, your smile is unique, pay
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a safe smile, convenient with savingspay, cool stuff, thank you! i love the moscow coffee shop on poi, i’ll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. irina lind. million dollar secret. today at 21:20 on ntv. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without
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damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain. in any weather. hello, evgenia neronskaya is here. in the european part , cyclones are whispering about good weather, one goes to the southeast, the other comes out of scandinavia. tomorrow the front lying between them will descend to the south, it will stretch from mozhaisk to ulyanovsk. in the area of ​​its coverage there are short-term rains and thunderstorms. a change in air masses provokes cooling in the volgovyad region and tatarstan. there the maximum is +16, so the further west you go, the warmer it gets. in the center in the chernozem region up to +26. the warmest region will be the north-west, in pskov +28, rain and thunderstorms are possible in places, local thunderstorms cannot be ruled out in the south, but the wind will begin to subside and you can expect the temperature to rise.


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