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tv   ChP  NTV  May 25, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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in the joints, without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid, rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. hello, evgenia neronskaya is here. in the european part , cyclones are whispering about good weather, one goes to the southeast, the other comes out of scandinavia. tomorrow the front lying between them will descend to the south, it will stretch from mozhaisk to ulyanovsk. in the zone of its action, short-term rains and thunderstorms, changes in air masses provoke cooling, volgovyadsky. region and in tatarstan, there maximum +16, the further west, the warmer, in the center in the black earth region up to +26. the warmest region will be the northwest. in pskov +28, rain with thunderstorms are possible in places, local thundershowers cannot be ruled out in the south either, but the wind will begin to subside and you can wait for the temperature to rise until it is not very resort-like in yalta 19, in sochi 22. in st. petersburg, rain is possible at night during the day without precipitation and about 200, on monday up to 27. in moscow already. tomorrow
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25-27 there may be a thunderstorm just like in summer, then again no precipitation. tickets for his performance sold out in an instant, he... or, was respected and called one of the most talented comedians in russia. i am not as categorical as those people who call for revolutions, for the selection of power, for, i don’t know, raising everyone up with pitchforks. poet, stand-up screenwriter semyon slepakov, for many years was a kind of calling card for sharp humor and laughter to tears. now from the most expensive russian comedian in every sense, he has turned into a russophobe clown.
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not russian, i’m unlucky, not russian, i’m a universal evil, having joined the camp of the so -called celebrity relocants, comedian left russia immediately after the start of a special military operation, like many running celebrities, he suddenly remembered his roots , settled in tel aviv, then everything was like everyone else, like a carbon copy of the new russian israeli. an avalanche of lies, dirt and nasty things about the country that gave him his name, recognition and serious fees. a real blow for fans was another cynical work of the artist, a lullaby to a russian military man. and now he has returned to the heroes, defended the country for 9 whole months, soon we will install a fence for him a beautiful monument, criticism of the army, the country’s leadership of everything connected with russia. quickly
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brought the comedian closer to other foreign agents. friends, don't spill the water. slepakov suddenly became involved with the same runaway prankster maxim galkin, actor anatoly bely, who vilely disrupts the tours of his former colleagues, and even with musician andrei makarevich, whom, as he himself admits, he was not even familiar with in russia. another time machine appeared in russia, which began to inexorably return us to the past. we didn’t want this and now we ended up like sandrey makaresh in israel and now they are all a big russophobic family, in order to stay afloat in a foreign land, they support each other and help earn bread and butter, come and find yourself, the bear is needed more now than i kindly go, even though we’ve been 30 times, it’s hard , and you are taking your time. it’s difficult
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now for all these bitter comedians, blind, kindly, transverse, white, delusions of grandeur, that is, they thought that the elite, no, really are the heroes of the country, those who are on the front line, those who are at the mine, who in the end orders in the store, who is doing something produces, truly improves the level of the economy and the life of the common man, they were sure that foreign countries would welcome them with open arms, trying to start a career from scratch, for almost 2 and a half years sharp-tongued comedians were gushing out. anti-russian jokes, but even the foreign public has long been tired of one-sided humor, in general, finance has started singing romances, they would like to return to the russian audience, but their status is preventing them. against the backdrop of this russophobia, yes, i want to live well, receive money, including from our country, and there are enough status agents they are seriously hindered in this. there is no trace left of the former prosperity, and the jokers, it seems, have gone to the extreme, so as not to go completely crazy, some are spending their last hard-earned money.
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to go to psychologists, well, i can’t say that i have depression, although maybe i do, i don’t know, my wife and i started going to a psychologist, it was an interesting experience, that is, we literally had one or two sessions there, i so oh, there is something in this, and others are ready to do anything just to return to their homeland, it’s you who walk the streets - walk around st. petersburg, walk, so that no one understood who returned who, i’m a fantamas, the united states will always pursue the interests of its personal population first of all, but of course they won’t do this, well , to develop artists, comedians who fled russia in order to replace their own, maybe dani will do something. on the plaque, so that they continue to carry out that negative ruble, in my opinion they puke on our country, yes they will do it, but when theirs ends, when the conflict ends, they will be thrown into the dustbin of history, that without the russian public they are nothing, pricks in language, arrogant and until recently
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wealthy stand-up comedians realized too late, it was in moscow that they packed huge halls and raked in money, shovels at corporate events, and once in a foreign land their performances were canceled one after another, tickets for their concerts even in... at the very beginning of their careers , they were bought up much more actively, as a result , no one needed overly confident comedians. in order to somehow stay afloat, all these jokers became active on social networks, but even there they did not receive any return, since the subscribers could not, forgive them, escape and betrayal. the center of moscow is a four-story residential building, made according to the author's design, building facades. like a work of art, they are decorated with copper, finnish ceramic brick, jurassic marble and indian granite, and from the panoramic windows there is a beautiful view of the crimean embankment, the park-museum and the monument to peter i. in a word, shig, brilliance of pathos, it is in such conditions in the hated
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comedian semyon slepakov lived in russia. slepakov lived in russia, did not suffer, received colossal fees, apartments in a house near the park muzion are standing now. i sold it for almost half the price, because i sold it in a panic, remotely from israel, where i fled from moscow, checking promises. for almost a year, advertisements for the sale of five-room apartments were posted on various real estate websites. slepakov initially set the price at 360 million rubles. but there were no people willing to get in touch, so the bargaining began. for a quick deal, the comedian promised the buyer a substantial discount - 25%. of course, everyone who has attempted to re-register real estate, business, cars, reinvest funds, they certainly understood that sooner or later there would be retribution for what they were doing, and this was an attempt to hide from the authorities
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that are involved in control, including financial control, the property that they have, in order not to there were problems, but he spoke to slepakovia... his lullaby for a russian soldier. in this song, the comedian criticizes the actions of our army and cynically mocks the fallen heroes. after the start of the svo, russophobia became
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a kind of entrance ticket abroad and practically struck. supports the policy of our state, here for such people there will be segregation, passports of good russians will be issued, so in order to receive such a passport of a good russian in the future, such statements are made, donations are made to the armed forces of ukraine. slepakov was no exception,
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he is trying, puffing, posting another shameful video on the internet, gaining bonuses. however, there are obvious problems with the creativity of stand-up performer and agent, both of his programs with which. the showman has been traveling to foreign concert venues for 2 years now, mainly consist of old numbers with which slepakov performed for many years and made money in russia, this is another attempt to hit the jackpot. it may not be, but just recently he didn’t even think about the occupancy of the halls, tickets for his concerts were selling like hot cakes, now slepakov is his own poet, and musician, and producer, and even an advertising agent, for example, putting on a hat , the comedian calls for his concert in dallas, this is one malicious one.
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and after a few months, having settled all the issues, including the rental of your
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apartments in the center of moscow, the comedian’s wife also came to america. for their two-room apartment with designer renovations, they now receive 120 thousand rubles a month; we already did material on the runaway star owner of the property, and the gentleman was furious then, as if journalists could, in principle , afford to go to his house. they just made the latest story about me, there i am, the commissar crossbar.
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they even know joint videos that they post on their social networks. the most watched video on my channel is this roasting with alexey panin, my stand-up has received the last 60,000 views, roasting is already about 100 million somewhere. hand in hand , the critic of russia now openly supports the kiev regime, and between treacherous antics they entertain the guests of the american fava. lyokha, it’s great that you came, hurray, we’ll soon stage my test concert here too. i will be glad if he comes, but perhaps the largest club of non-lovers of the homeland was formed in the promised land;
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the quintessence of such meetings of fugitive celebrities was the anniversary of andrei makarevich. congratulate showman maxim galkin and his retired wife came to celebrate the 70th birthday of a foreign agent musician. yes, but of course, now alla is worried, because she knows that i like to drink, but andrei vadimovich, well, this is a holiday today , a womanizer, but not a pubnik. the nurse of all russia, laima, kept them company; she forgot the way home, one night she went back, and the unfunny claoness tanya lazareva was just for beauty. the birthday boy also invited his newlywed to the anniversary concert.
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slepakov prepared for his birthday, tried to remember everything that connected him with hero of the day, but it’s even, because in their homeland they never really communicated, didn’t even cross paths, now they understandably gather in groups of those who escaped, trying to at least somehow connect. began to hastily get rid of everything that connected him with russia, including real estate, for example,
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he sold his two-hundred-meter luxury apartment in the very center of moscow last summer, that is, sold it to slepakov a year ago? well, under mine, why , years ago and at the end of the years, i didn’t live as people usually do, moisten and then they resell it all, it’s not an apartment, you just go in there, there’s nothing there, there’s just walls , four walls, that’s all now, people have already bought a layout there for themselves , they got rid of the blinds and their other square meters, the neighbors, who always treated the comedian with respect, even sighed with relief. after all, they were shocked to learn that the comedian had fled the country, abandoning his loyal fans and homeland at the most crucial moment, traitors, if they have any source of income here, they need to cut it off, in my opinion such, to close all these sources of income that are not received in russia, maybe he is renting out an apartment or what, that means, no, well, i’m not talking about him specifically, i’m generally talking, someone here
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may have property, excuse me, that means not you have the right to use it, that ’s my opinion, according to... the representative of the house council, this is supposedly only on stage, slepakova had the image of a good-natured person, in life the showman turned out to be an arrogant man, the fact that he is arrogant is indisputable, indisputable, because when here i am i hold, for example, a general meeting of all residents, this is a big event, it is very difficult to organize, because there must be a turnout and all that stuff. and i had to go to his office to get his signature, he was so inaccessible, although in fairness, maybe the reason for everything was really the excessive workload of the touring comedian, a tight filming schedule, because slepakov in russia was indeed a very popular artist, in 2013 ,
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nineteenth and twentieth years even got into the forbs list. 40 most successful russian stars under 40 years old. slepakov, of course, made money not only on stage; he also achieved success as an individual entrepreneur, producing advertising and video and audio products. here, for example, is the amount that a contract with one of the well-known banks brought the comedian in 2015; for a song he composed, participation in a video, a photo shoot and layouts with the artist’s image for banners, he was paid more than 16 million rubles. as for the prices for so-called corporate events, here slepakov, as they say, was at the top price rating. 5 million rub. his private performance cost the minimum, the comedian's price tag for foreign countries fell sharply, slepakov's price fell almost twice, and he is ready to come to any country except russia. this is what the rider of a fugitive artist looks like: firstly, loyal
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fans of the foreign agent comedian will have to pay for the star’s flight from tel aviv to his destination, the comedian himself from... the accompanying person will have to buy business class tickets, and two employees will have to buy economy class tickets. the showman apparently doesn’t really like traveling by train. the instructions even state that such trips are undesirable, but if there is no other way, then i am ready to go, but only in a soft carriage or sv. semyon slepakov must be met exclusively by a luxury car, moreover, the driver cannot communicate with the star, and outside the cis countries, it is better that he does not speak russian. well, she indicated a comedian for accommodation. necessarily expensive hotels and a two-room suite with a king bed, the fine for failure to comply with the rider’s conditions is 500 euros. but , apparently, there are few people willing to shell out a tidy sum for an agent, otherwise he would hardly be puffed up he did his best to promote himself, selling tickets to his concerts; this is becoming increasingly difficult to do, since even foreign spectators
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have long been fed up with russophobic jokes. i’m not sure that this is possible in principle, since the mentality of our... countries is different, jokes only work in relation to our country, yes, they grew up here, and indeed, jokes in the west are completely different, and in fact look who goes to these comedians' concerts, there are no people there who grew up there, even if they are ethnically russian, yes, moved, churns out posters, is hysterical from the empty halls and ruslan bely, no, of course he assures on camera that the absence of spectators is normal. in nice, for example, only a few people came to his concert, i think it’s just a rich city, and my audience there is not there, well, that is, there are older, more wealthy people there.
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someone through some rumors, somewhere some person said something, it seems like at the request, i don’t know, instructions, let’s not offend at the request of the russian consulate not to hold concerts for agents like me. in in general, the white man’s nerves gave way, his patience ran out, he and his wife turned to a psychologist for help, and now on social networks the comedian charges not with humor, but loads his subscribers with effective spiritual practices. first of all, my wife and i say this as a joke, but we try. don’t be upset, in short, it’s cool that when she’s depressed, you are the source of energy that, yes, that
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supports her and so on, when i do this, then whatever mood she was in, she starts, but how cheerful he started his path in a foreign land, being at a respectful distance from the homeland, the white man even joked about betrayal, i’m a very simple guy in this regard, you hear the word mobilization, you know, i’m already. i am very mobile in this regard. immediately after the advertisement, why in their new homeland they now have no time for laughter, and why comedian bely was not pleased with danil poperechny’s sunny spain american dream, which was not destined to come true. payment for death. i'm sorry that i acted so wrongly that i ran to these papers. why has a smolensk taxi driver avoided meeting with people for 8 years? relatives of the deceased passenger. why don’t you pay, you agreed, your mother asked for you, you put a man down, they awarded you, sell the apartment, give it to the child, a settlement agreement, as a way to get away
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from punishment, i now consider myself that i betrayed my child, when words are worthless, why not believe what is written, the bailiff service for a long time did not take measures to seize the debtor’s property, the price of life in the author’s project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, tomorrow at 16. premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always tells his friends, yes. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. bring friends and get 15.00 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. i am chef kote aganezov. on my
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we studied at the university in the military, well, when i graduated it was a school, but now it’s in my opinion, it even has the status of a university and an academy, even in my opinion, some of your classmates are fighting now , i don’t know how it turned out that for bely the concept of homeland is very vague; his childhood was spent in voronezh, but when asked whether he follows the life of
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the region and does he worry about his fellow countrymen? which are increasingly being shelled by ukrainian militants, the comedian answered rather strangely, well, look, once again, voronezh is not that great my hometown, in my life i have no concept of home at all , like this is my place, well then i live recently, i lived in moscow, and moscow was my home, the specific apartment in which i live was my home, what is a homeland, a homeland is a home, a family, it is a historical legacy that our ancestors left us, unfortunately, the moral state of these people does not even allow... to comprehend the importance of this concept of homeland in general, they don’t care about the family, they don’t care about the children, they don’t care about their wives, and some of them even ran away various artists, stars, they and the family - then they abandoned them, and they abandoned their mothers, by the way, spain, where the white man fled, there is also no homeland for him yet, and apparently, they are unlikely to succeed. comedian relakant is extremely dissatisfied with local laws, the taxation system, and most of all, he is outraged by utility bills. 90 euros a
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month, right now for water, hear, dear russians, you wished us so much shit in the comments, now it happened, i pay 9.00 rubles a month for water here, and that’s normal, that’s normal, more and more often runaway artists have become complain about the nomadic lifestyle, they get to know the locals more and more when compared with russia they are horrified, since bely’s fellow countryman is also a native of voronezh. and also a fugitive humorist danilo poperechny, who left for the usa, suddenly began to complain that life in america is not a fairy tale at all, and the first thing that brings emigrants to their senses is, of course , the prices, their teeth creak even from the prices of a taxi, you can do this , yes, what are you talking about, i used to get so much for a video, like, you know, but it’s just a matter of getting to the airport, the transverse is indignant about the situation with the homeless, he, of course , understood that there really are a lot of them in the states, but after the recent crackdown on psychiatric
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clinics... the situation with homeless people has gone beyond the bounds, which is what i'm most worried about, probably, because of what kind of problem they really have there with well, crazy homeless people, but that's not what i'm saying. it would have been a surprise for me, i knew that there was such a thing, but it’s just that when you come across this on an everyday level, you’re like, oh, wow, so much so, but in general the level of public safety is recognized by a stand-up comedian, it’s scary, i realized that it’s real america is, well, that’s how you know it, draws that oh, it’s kind of free a country with democracy and all that, it is so, it is the same problematic country as ours, just in different things, and even in some. the same, just differently, the transverse himself now sang differently, but just recently he said that he would no longer set foot in russia, and transferred money to the fund for assistance to the armed forces of ukraine, i’m afraid to collect, in my opinion, 12 million rub, it was at that time,
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we had three completely charity concerts, where i simply gave all the money that i earned to this fund, in voronezh the stand-up comedian remained a grandmother, during a meeting with journalists of our program last fall, nina egorovna assured that there was no soul in her grandson... notes and sincerely believes that her danya is a real patriot. i have a very good grandson, and i’m not the least bit ashamed of him. well, do you really support the fact that he is throwing mud at russia? he doesn’t throw mud at russia, he loves russia very much. but apparently even she changed her attitude towards the comedian. at least, after their recent meeting, when the transverse came to russia, the comedian almost cried, his wife had to console him.
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dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. they never said what exactly happened when the grandmother and grandson met, but apparently, the pensioner told danila everything that she thought about him, in terms most likely nina egorovna did not feel like herself. held back. perhaps it was for this reason that he didn’t even post a video with the old woman, although absolutely everything was filmed by his wife and shared with her subscribers.
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sadness, because unlike her grandson, the pensioner
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understands perfectly well that this meeting may have been the last, i don’t know, maybe you just get older at a certain age, but i guess that i may not be here, at least now, yes in theory, maybe, maybe i think too, but to me, yes, like, this is not my problem at all, they didn’t understand anything, or they didn’t want to understand, in general, the relatives did not stay with their grandmother for long in voronezh, the next one... they have different views, my mother.


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