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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  May 25, 2024 5:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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becomes, but i assume that i may not exist, at least now, yes, in theory, maybe, i also think, yes, like, this is not my problem at all, they didn’t understand anything, or didn’t want to understand, in general, the relatives did not stay with their grandmother in voronezh for long, the very next day they rushed off to sochi, and then back to the states, apparently his comrades may soon follow the example of the transverse, for example,
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just to fly, for example, she is very afraid to fly with this great difficulties to arrange this meeting for us, there she is with her granddaughter, me, with my mother, mother, mothers, i hope, let's see, they were so confident in their stardom that they forgot about the main thing, and the audience, without whom they are nothing, their wallets are empty. humor, as it turned out, is a very subtle matter, not everyone can understand it, mentality, traditions, habits, each country has its own jokes, what can you say, and its own jokers, of course, too, but foreigners watched it once. on the russian comedians who have come in large numbers in order to understand how they came to such a treacherous life, it is clear that again the performance of fugitive comedians has already few people buy a ticket, so they have to bend over backwards in order to somehow work off their stay in a foreign land and feed themselves and their families. it is not surprising that many khakhmachi residents have long regretted their departure and do not mind returning back, only here they no one is waiting anymore either.
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right now, leonid konevsky, not all women are destined to find happiness in love, and a shocking detective from the bright past, there were only a few similar cases in the ussr, are mother and daughter strangled with towels, will they be left without retribution, will he kill me, ghosts in the movies. in real life, cut off my head, for the first time on the screen there is a case about an elusive killer, here he is, who was shot twice, a man, scum, here is my opinion, in the film from the series of investigations were carried out, try to shave off your mustache, watch it right now,
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according to the scale of industrial production , culture of science, it is no coincidence that novosibirs is called the capital of siberia. siberians are famous for their kindness and hospitality. 68, novosibirsk region, that morning timofey, on the way to school, as usual, went to pick up his classmate, lyuba. nobody responded pulled open. lyub, silence, lyuba was lying on the bed with her mother, had they really overslept? timofey touched aunt masha’s hand, but she was cold and frozen like wood.
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the boy became scared, he rushed after the adults, help arrived soon, but it was too late, they were strangled with towels, a double murder, incredible cruelty, it is especially tragic when the life of a child is taken away. there is no destruction, which means most likely not a robbery, and what to take in a single mother’s modest room, maybe the neighbors heard something, everything was quiet, but this is completely unusual, in a communal apartment everyone is in sight of each other, which means an experienced criminal has been here, two cups of tea, tea was drunk by a mother and daughter or a mother and... the prints are fuzzy,
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which means doctilloscopy will not help, then no one expected that the search would take a long time 6 years, during which time i will die. there are innocent people here. novosibirsk detectives began an investigation into the brutal murder of arkhadskikh’s mother and daughter. the first to come under suspicion was maria's ex-husband, lyuba's father. it was possible
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that it was he who dealt with his former family. according to sergei's neighbors, arkhadsky was different violent temper. he often chased his wife away, beat him, but then suddenly he filed for divorce and disappeared without a trace, where is he, maybe he ended up in prison, and now he has returned and carried out reprisals? it turned out that sergei arkhadsky lives in a neighboring village, the detectives found the man in the yard, he and his new wife were busy doing housework, was this the same monster who chased his previous wife around the yard? sergei repented, yes, he threatened maria more than once, she was just unloved and he was forced to marry her because of her pregnancy, he would kill her, and then he met
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another woman and went to his new beloved, come in for tea, the detectives checked, at the time of the murder the ex-husband had one. an alibi means he is not the criminal, but who? girls, are you also on tritopol on plyushchikha? yes, what time? in the third. in the third. in 1968 , the film three poplars on the ivy was released. nobody expected such a resounding success. the popularity of aleg efremov and tatyana daronina has grown to the skies. i lowered the sky without you. oh, how can i survive for a few hours?
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leaves are falling. here in empty gardens, and somewhere taxi's are always in a hurry, in hairdressers women asked to have their hair done like a freak, girls, do you believe that she will still come out to him? we hope? in fact, many believed that the ending would suddenly change, and nyura would decide to choose a romantic taxi driver.
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three poplars on plyushchikha is a film about a failed romance. that not all women are destined to find happiness in love, this happened in our history. novosibirsk detectives decided to study in detail the life of maria arkhadskaya after the divorce, they suspected that it was there that they would find a thread leading to the solution double murder. it turned out that after the divorce, maria was actively organizing her personal life. she decided. to find a loving husband for myself, and a kind father for my daughters, a month before the murder, little lyuba was afraid to be alone in an empty apartment, the impressionable girl had recently
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watched the film v, and now i saw a terrible monster in the corner of the room. that evening lyuba could not stand it, she ran after her mother, managed to notice the house where she had disappeared, banged on the door, no one opened it. the girl tried to look out the window, but nothing happened, too high. mom, in despair, lyuba grabbed a stick, waved it and shards of broken glass began to fall. oh, you are such rubbish! victor instantly jumped out of the house and viciously grabbed the girl. next, a half-dressed maria ran out and stood up for her daughter, don’t touch her. the gentleman got furious, get both of you out of here, he threw you out. then he filed a complaint against maria with the local police officer, she responded to him for threats and
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obscene insults, yes, i ’ll pull out all your legs, as a result, the love affair grew into a real war, so the collective farm watchman, with the telling surname potrashkov, became another suspect in the murder of the arkhadsky mother and daughter. the detectives checked potoshkov’s alibi and the slender version crumbled to dust. at the time of the murder, the man was on night duty, this was confirmed by his colleagues. so, not him, but who? how many varts does it take to screw in one light bulb? how do you think? three, one will screw in, and two will sing about how good the old light bulb was.
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eh, light bulb, old light bulb, why are you hanging like that? in the sixties , bard song flourished in the ussr. singer-songwriters sharply differed from the official stage. a year has passed, but i remember everything. popularity among students and workers, everyone tried to pick up the guitar.
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a man with a guitar appeared in our history. a friend was worried about maria’s personal happiness, and two weeks before the tragedy she introduced her to a decent man, driver anatoly musulev. and she says: he really is such a good man, he doesn’t drink, which means he’s literate. viktor shavrin, in the late sixties, senior investigator of the prosecutor's office of the kemerovo region, this a business bachelor lived in a neighboring village, it turned out that he still sings, but how spiritually, the memory disappeared, after her, he was not so simple, he used to be for...
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maria still found a flaw in a new acquaintance, he had already been four times married, and managed to change his last three wives in 1 year. anatoly made excuses, i have no luck with women, so he immediately liked maria, he went to see her off, he surprised her, in a week i’ll come to get married, i’ll think about it, a week later maria arkhaskaya and her daughter lyuba were brutally killed. was it really the new gentleman, musulev, who did this?
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he rejected the suspicion, why should i kill? i was going to get married, but it seems she already had someone else. i didn’t come to get married, but she sent me away. and here experts provided invaluable assistance to the investigation. they were able to obtain sweat samples from the towels used to strangle the victims. murder. musulev's version. musulev suddenly got scared and admitted that every fourth man had one, but
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that evening he came to maria with the most serious intentions. but the answer was unexpected: no, i need to think more, the woman explained, she had only known her for a week, is it possible to get married without even knowing the person, let’s be patient, musulev didn’t want to tolerate it, he began to pull off maria’s clothes, she desperately resisted, and this infuriated musulev, a towel came to hand, he threw it around the woman’s neck, lyuba the killer woke up from the noise i realized she would give him away. the investigators could not believe their ears, such cruelty, not a person, but some kind of beast. musulev's case was sent to court, which rendered a verdict. the death penalty. the detectives were sure that everything
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was done correctly, but events... began to develop unpredictably. the law protects everyone who has a good lawyer. this aphorism was relevant in soviet times. hello, are you a lawyer? without a doubt. tell me, how much do you charge for a consultation? 50 rub. for three questions. so, which one is yours? the third question is, is this robbery? in fact, in the ussr , lawyers were provided free of charge, and legal advice cost only 1 ruble. but good lawyers with private practice were much more expensive. ok then. so, my third question: my neighbor called me
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a mustachioed greedy guy. this is how i should be, what i should do. this is my job. also appeared in our history lawyer, government, free, but successful. anatoly musulev's lawyer turned out to be a decisive and smart man. he filed a cassation appeal with the supreme court of the russian federation. he
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reviewed the case and made a new decision. the sentence is cancelled. release musulev. since there is no evidence of guilt other than his own confession, and he was sentenced to capital punishment by the regional court of novosibirsk, so he was acquitted, but why did he confess? musulev and his lawyer explained that out of fear, the police were pressing and the man could not stand it and took on someone else’s guilt. novosibirsk detectives returned to the investigation. again and didn’t know, the search would end only after 6 years. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. the catastrophe that decapitated iran, why was an old american helicopter chosen for the president’s last flight, why were several high-ranking
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officials on board at once, and could the fucking chain of fatal accidents have been set up by someone? in germany, the trial of the leaders of the most incredible and absurd conspiracy to seizure of power. was this show trial really organized only to find a russian trace in the conspirators’ case? the mystery of the origin of cockroaches has been revealed? is it really possible that man himself made these articulate-legged pests the real kings of the urban jungle, almost like pets? this will be your central television. today at 19:00. dolphin new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen at an affordable price.
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air tickets on avias. magnit, doctor's sausage, velikoluksky meat processing plant, 159,999. magnet - the price is what you need. you know, i'm actually not a taxi driver. you know, but i i’m actually not a comedian, i’m a real businessman, but how much do you pay for the bill? in psb , account servicing, cash withdrawals and transfers of up to 10 million rubles are free. hey, what are you up to, it’s not italy here, but the delicious spot italy, roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings and ice delux papaya mango. eat, italian style, delicious period. detrolex imagines when i'm running all day, the heaviness in my legs, the pain and swelling can catch up with me. ditralex helps millions of
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happy women control varicose veins. ditrolex acts on the cause of symptoms laricosis at any stage. detrolex is tested by experts. the choice of millions. profitable again. not again, every day. advantageous on the price tag means low price. olive global village 1499. five helps out. for 37 years, desherak has been preparing the broth base using fermentation technology that lasts more than 100 days. dogerac is the secret of taste in the broth. this is a security service, call the code from the sms. let's do this, if you manage to outwit me, i will return the stolen money to the client. order a tenkov mobile sim card and protect your bank accounts from telephone scammers. timkov, he is the only one. irina lind. million dollar secret. today! at 21:20 on ntv. guardian angel, spiritual patron of each of us. introducing a medal with the image of an angel, plated with pure 999 silver. the guardian angel
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cannot be seen with the eyes, but his presence is always felt. give yourself or your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with your heavenly patron. phone number for ordering: 8 800 600 68-05. special. the value of the medal is given by its unique characteristics: pure silver plating 999 fine, with a color image of a praying angel on the obverse, a brightly shining crystal and a prayer to the guardian angel minted on the reverse. enlighten me today and save me from all evil. order your guardian angel medal, plated with pure silver , for only 499 rubles by calling the toll-free number: 8 800 600 68 05. and dolphin, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. you won't believe
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where nadezhda kadasheva disappeared. i hear a voice like that, i say: “god, i got up, i felt good.” what bill will lyubov uspenskaya present to philip kirkorov for called her a beggar? i want to say one thing, who is the beggar, where am i and where is the money? i'm not talking about money at all. who does he give concerts to? and solidarity impulses, the whole country is chanting, elpla, unido, while we are united,
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the chilean people, and another 74 - this is bam and the big taiga submits to us. pam, 3,200 km, from the village of ustkut to komsomolsk on the sea. bam is new cities and towns. bam is thousands of new settlers who have found their home in siberia. the first volunteers went to the construction site of the century straight from the seventeenth congress of
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the komsomol. 606 people, boys and girls, only 18-20 years old, according to today's standards, children, but then they were adults, courageous enthusiasts who took on the most difficult task, this was the case in our history, 74, kemerovo region, city of leninsk-kuznetsky. recalls: in 1974, he, a young lieutenant, was entrusted with leading the criminal investigation department at the age of 24, although he already had experience, he joined the police immediately after school. at the age of 19, i became a junior lieutenant, and they entrusted me with a pistol; when i came home, i put it under my pillow and slept on it. then the police came there are many young employees and some were immediately
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trusted. a serious investigation, and here we are, well, boys, there were 19 of us, young people, they received us together, vladimir shmalts, in 1974, a policeman of the lenin-kuznetsk city department of internal affairs, one of the first assignments was the disappearance of a girl, nineteen-year-old natasha turenko. she disappeared on the way from the city to her native village. none of the young detectives had any idea. this case is connected with the tragic story of six years ago, when they died at the hands of an unknown criminal arhadsky mother and daughter. the whole village was looking for natasha turenko, what happened to her?
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a day ago, two collective farmers were driving in a car , suddenly they noticed that the road was blocked by a truck, the hood was open, something must have happened, they stopped not to pass, this driver appeared, and what are you saying, there’s a car, help, no, don’t , the collective farmers
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were surprised, as it was not necessary. let's pull it or help fix it! but the truck driver suddenly took out a crowbar: “don’t come closer! you’re crazy!” the collective farmers left and he finally exhaled, lucky, they didn’t notice the sticking out from under the branches a woman's leg. in those years, no one had heard of maniacs; the most vile beast of chekotila had not yet entered the path of murder. but in the kemerovo region in seventy-four , a maniac was already prowling, and the women did not know about the danger, they themselves trustingly walked towards their death, excuse me, can i contact you, yes, please, when is the next bus to the city, the day after tomorrow, like
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the day after tomorrow? why should i spend the night here in the forest? in the seventies, in rural remote areas, transport ran very rarely, at best once a day, or even less often, in what way? the problem is, there are hitchhikers, like hitchhikers, it ’s somehow inconvenient for a stranger to get into a cabin, but spending the night in the forest is more convenient, in the seventies everyone hitchhiked, grandmothers to the paradise center, men to work, guys on dates in neighboring village, oh, i got a darling, why are you on him, he violated something, so i’ll catch you a ride? or is it better in the forest? true, i’m in the other direction, but it’s okay, at least i’ll get somewhere. thank you. in our history, too, everyone hitchhiked, and this is what the maniac took advantage of. valery zolotukhin's last love,
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irina lind. love, the engine of the world. he was the only man in my life whom i loved. how does she live after the departure of the national artist? she did so much. share your loved one with his legal wife? in recent years, especially, was it easy for her ? it seemed like this wouldn’t be forever, for example, i wasn’t afraid at all that he would leave me, why does the actress think that yoga ruined valery zolotukhin, now i, too, have stopped standing on my head, how she raised her son alone, facial expressions, gestures, sometimes it just gives me chills, it looks like well, what’s there to argue about, and how many years has it been struggling ... the consequence is my task as a mother, i didn’t take care of it at the time, but at least now, but i have to do something for my son, irina lind and her secret on million, today at 21:20 on ntv. via superstar, premiere tomorrow
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at 20:20 on ntv. one of my friends went into the wrong area, but i’m getting used to the role here, i’ll be there soon. eh, boy, do you have a call? yes, i myself have zero account, but if i find it, and he will find it, you have a megaphone, you can call in instant messengers even without money, mega strength of connection at zero already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember, it is on a megaphone, it has mega power, if you need anything, call, megaphone word, mayonnaise magnet 79,999 magnet price. what is needed, the cycle calendar is useless, it grabs so much that it becomes dark in the eyes, these symptoms can be caused by adhesions, that is, fibrosis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrosis, reducing pain in the lower abdomen. langidase against adhesions
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katas work, connect support at zero in application belay, bililay - the safest operator, once at the car mechanic semyon semyonovich was 55 years old, the heart speedometer showed the maximum 200, his wife wondered if you would go for diagnostics, but semyonovich said: don’t get under the hood, woman, men, don’t slow down, undergo medical examination, health is important here now, viia superstar, premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. today we’ll talk about male strength, but first about its absence. i mean that sooner or later men’s sexual function begins to fade away, this is always the case reason for emotional distress. those who have gone through this know how difficult it is for men in such a situation, it is necessary that it be sweet so that all men live a full life. the emperor's secret is the optimal product for today with a natural
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male power. the emperor's secret natural remedy is a happy opportunity to forget about failures, to feel again enjoy long-term intimacy with your loved one. if you want to know more, call 8 800 100 exactly 30 27. 8 800 100 exactly 30 27. and find out details about the emperor’s secret. the call is free and anonymous, good luck to you and good luck in love. central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. they want to kill me, let’s figure it out, what’s there to figure out, they want to kill me, let them kill me. to kill means to be killed, you yourself volunteered to glue it together with a flipper. what doesn't work here? yes, i see, as soon as i glued the fins together, i immediately started giving out orders left and right. stir the water. leon, yes, underwater archaeologists are desperately needed, to raise
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a wave, to blow up andryukha, in the middle of our eyes, and i’m driven away, now i’m going to deal with the investigation in yuzhnomorsk, in order to pin down the most dangerous fish, it’s all somehow strange, don’t you think, it seems for a setup, i repeat once again, less amateur performances, only sergei zharkov is capable of this, he is always ready, what’s your name, dubrovsky, all for the sake of dolphin. they wanted to kill vasilisa, just like andrei. dolphin, new season, is he really alive? from monday at 20:00 on ntv. we all we hitchhiked, that's all, so, let's say, i lived 4 km from here, yes, i went out in the morning, once, i stopped the car, got in, and drove off. the maniac has calculated everything, there is no need to sit in ambush, watch around the corner, women. parents,
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a woman went out onto the road, raised her hand, the car stopped, hope got into it and disappeared, the parents thought, she stayed in the city, the husband decided, she stayed with her son... several days passed, the husband did not believe that there was anything wrong with hope... that happened, i explained to the police that they didn’t have phones, but they missed her, she’s already an athlete, a skier, if anyone is looking at her he would attack, he would regret it, the man didn’t know, his wife actually managed to torture the maniac and kill his lair. that night was terrible,
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as soon as he went to bed, she appeared in the corner. pale as death, in bloody clothes, where are you? her eyes were closed, she was looking for him blindly, like gogol’s lady, he pressed himself into the bed, maybe he wouldn’t notice. are you here! she tried to approach, but could not, something invisible was preventing her. finally, she spoke. cut off my head! and suddenly she disappeared. he jumped up and grabbed an axe. need to fulfill it desire, otherwise she will never leave him alone. and at this time, kemerovo detectives were combing the entire region and building.
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the russian spy says to pronin: “i infiltrated a long time ago, but yesterday they sent me to hunt for some potatoes, so i decided to confess.” and major pronin tears up the protocol and angrily shouts: “get out of here, like the volkhoz, so are all the spies.” there were no fewer anecdotes about major prony than about chipaev. wow, where is ktishka? while we
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were chatting, her girlfriend took her away? because he's out for grabs.
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i looked carefully and see there is a trace here. pronin explained, women they obviously disappear on the road when they hitch a ride. there is even testimony that a suspicious truck was seen nearby. well, get out of here! the young employee suggested: let me figure out what kind of car this is. the head of the criminal investigation department doubted it. is this really possible without leaving his office, but pronin showed up 2 days later with a satisfied look, here he is, he calculated, says that there is a fuel tanker in fmk6, on this fuel tanker on this route there is such a thing, miracles of deduction, it turned out that pronin
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compared the routes trucks and places the disappearance of women, all the drivers disappeared, only one remained, and at that moment events began to develop rapidly. that day , detective yuri denisov was working in his office, when suddenly there was noise in the corridor. i told you that i didn’t tell you, you’ll go, i wanted you, the women were talking and started swearing. i kicked you out, i said, be quiet, behave. well, it seems they didn’t stop, they started again. yuri. denisov in seventy-four, the eldest of twin sisters and one of them an inspector of the criminal investigation department of the lenin-kuznetsk city department internal affairs. the women began to complain. my husband tried to rape my sister, but she doesn’t want
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to report it to the police. the second woman made excuses, i’m afraid of him. he will kill me. the inspector became wary when he found out.
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one of the detectives asked the owner of the apartment to open the box, looked inside and discovered an interesting detail. are you missing christina? do you want me to take you to a magical land? want. crable, crabble, boom. these are buttons. what are you doing? are these the inhabitants of a magical land? there was a box of buttons in almost every soviet house. before throwing away the old item, the buttons were cut off. it’s good, this is the princess, this is the king, wow, and these are
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the king’s guards, and this is the evil witch, for sure, but the good sorceress will help us, by the way, not only women kept spare buttons, sometimes men too. fans always tore them off, these are petka and chipaev. well, that’s it, my fantasy has worked, i can rest. in our story, the button became evidence. one of the buttons in the box seemed familiar to the operative. there was a piece of fabric left on it. it seems that a coat of the same color flashed in orientations. i took the button with me and returned to denisov. they flipped through all the papers,
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just not laid out like steel, all these were orientations, they leafed through them, they found them. and here it is, in a sweatshirt made of jersey fabric, it seems that the missing natasha turenko was wearing. how can i check this? the detectives urgently went to natasha’s parents. and they looked, got a gloss, you know, they always give you an extra gloss like this when they sell it, they got a spoonful of this jersey, we saved it like that, it was exactly the same material, the same color, it became clear, we need to immediately detain anatoly musulev, suddenly he already felt the danger, ran away, or is killing someone right now. dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. what we bring back from
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we will sing the songs of our empress.
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at 20:20 on ntv. the suspect musulev did not run away and was not even afraid of the detectives. he says: “listen, guys, let’s hurry up, finish, i have a date in the evening, i don’t want to be late, we were absolutely stunned there.” he reacted calmly to the evidence, explained, i bought this coat for a bottle from an alcoholic. gave it to my wife but it didn’t suit her, she gave it to her sister, that’s all. the slender version was collapsing before our eyes, but at that moment a torn mink collar was also discovered in musulev’s house. it belonged to the missing nadezhda rasypnova. and that was not all. we found earrings with
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the earlobe torn off. the evidence confirmed that it was musulev who was killing girls and women, then the maniac began to confess, he took the detectives to the village of krasnoyarka, where the body of natasha turenka, mutilated beyond recognition, was hidden nearby.
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then the geek led the police to the burial nadezhda rostsypnova, the unfortunate victim ended up in two places, there was a stream, that ’s where it came from, from some pipe or something and somehow into the river, that’s where they took the woman’s head, the explanation was creepy, she asked for it herself, cut off my head, they asked him, but...
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the most amazing thing is that in life musulev gave the impression of an intelligent person. well-read, musical, he studied photography and even wrote poetry, he wrote down some of his confessions in the form of couplets, why he killed, i myself don’t know what moment you are, she’s no longer there, and only in poetry do i hint where the new one is for you look for the skeleton, he succeeded, he... how, how can i tell you, his style of writing poetry coincided with that of an aspiring poet. women were easily attracted to him, which is why in just one year of work at the club he
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managed to get married four times and was about to marry for the fifth. i think the detectives made inquiries about musulev’s past life and were shocked. it turns out that this man should have been shot 6 years ago. when i found out that he was sentenced to capital punishment, i was shocked how the supreme court freed him, he strangled a mother and child with a towel and managed to evade responsibility, if it were in our time, based on the marks on the towel, an examination would now be carried out, and by now they would have definitely established that these are his marks. a terrible miscarriage of justice allowed the killer to desecrate this earth for several more years, and detectives are sure that he has many more victims. during the search, strange
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encrypted notes were discovered, a date, a schematic drawing nearby, or he drew a sun there, there, or this grass, it meant something, you know, it was in the summer, it was on the grass, in the forest, or there is a christmas tree. drawn, you know, or a typewriter, but musulev refused to confess, he demanded that if my life was saved, i would hand over two corpses every year, but he was not given this opportunity. musulev was a versatile bastard, and not only that.
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several on death row ended up, even if by mistake, not the most law-abiding citizens. in our project, we talked about dozens of criminals who were mistakenly given short sentences or even released; they continued to kill. which is the error worse? however, this is a completely different, rather philosophical story.
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right now leonid konevsky and the new detective, the truth will amaze everyone, what happened in the ancient city, i was attacked. a story that shocked the country, he did n’t have long to live, and a love that changed destinies, leaving an unhappy woman to die, for the first time on the screen, an unknown case from a cycle of investigations, the logic is male and female, interesting, boy out of the box, watch it right now. varovichi is a city in the novgorod region
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rsfsr, railway station, production of fireproof products, paper, woodworking and other industries, second year, novgorod region, bloody head, the police called an ambulance, but the doctors could not help, the unfortunate woman was dead, the murder weapon was an ordinary thick stick, there are many of them in in this barn, it means the crime was unintentional, the killer grabbed it too... to get
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caught, there are signs of hypothermia, leaving the unfortunate woman to die, special cruelty, and what were you doing 2 hours ago? it’s a common thing to suspect someone who called the police, especially since the cleaning lady, aunt valya , turned out to be an experienced person, she once served 5 years for attempted murder, the former prisoner didn’t even have to explain anything. the forensic expert found signs of rape, which means we need to look for the male perpetrator. no one suspected then that the truth would amaze everyone.
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vladimir lavrov now remembers well all the circumstances of the old case. this is where the barn was located. the barn, as my memory serves me right, stood across it. vladimir lavrov, in eighty-two, deputy chief for operational work of the borovichi police department. a young woman was found murdered in this barn. and the most amazing thing is that everything happened almost before people’s eyes. this is almost the center of the city, because literally thirty steps away is the administrative building of the city executive committee. in the evening and even at night it is quite crowded. has no one
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heard how they kill a person? the detectives decided to look nearby for witnesses or even the criminal. nowadays young people meet and communicate on the internet, but in in the eighties there was nothing like that, everything happened in the real, not virtual. world, and it was great, a guy is waiting for a girl, and if you don’t call, you won’t find out whether she’s already come out or is still making her beauty, but when she appears, what happiness, i’m silent about your beauty in poetry, and feeling deep embarrassment, i want to correct this omission, this
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couple is in a hurry to go to a movie show, in the ussr it was customary to go to the cinema for every new film, almost all first dates took place there, mostly in the last row. and this couple older, most likely they are having this conversation now. honey, would you like to go to the museum with me? lyosha, can’t you pronounce the word restaurant? in our story, restaurants interested detectives. there were three five- storey establishments near the crime scene; they checked the first two, but the girl was not seen there. all that remains is to visit the most popular restaurant in borovichi. now we are near the rainbow restaurant, place.
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dignified, but then two arrogant types appeared. they sat down at the table and began to unceremoniously look at the visitors. and what a pussy. waiters noticed tattoos on the fingers of problem customers. someone even recognized them, brothers sparrows. the waitresses were afraid to even go serve them, only lyudmila bravely
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volunteered to take the dangerous table herself. what will you order? the men ordered alcohol and food, the older one slapped the waitress below the back. lyudmila withstood the onslaught, i’ll bring it now. soon she returned under her nose, the younger sparrow immediately disappeared somewhere, and the older one suddenly began to seat lyudmila at his table. sit down, don't break down. and in front of put his hand under everyone's skirt. stop it! breaking free, lyudmila fell to the floor, dropping everything from the table. the visitors gasped. borabey sr. rushed out of the hall and disappeared. unhappy lyudmila was left sitting on the floor, covered in salads. the detectives understood that the heated criminal could easily attack another woman. the rainbow restaurant is a couple of minutes walk from the scene
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of the murder of the unknown woman. we had, for us, two brothers of operational interest. there was noise in the hallway, so i, boys, entered the room. the trio realized they were caught. it turned out, lyudmila is not a victim of harassment at all, she is the mistress of both brothers at once. that's how
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the three of them live. and that evening they concocted a successful business. an hour before the murder. the roles were assigned in advance, the older brother imitated blatant harassment, lyudmila pretended to be a violent protest, stop it! and at this time, the younger sparrow was cleaning out the pockets of the purse of onlookers. at the time of the murder of the unknown woman, the criminal brothers had an alibi. a case was opened against vorobyov, and the waitress lyudmila was also arrested. but the suspicion of murder was removed from the sparrows, detectives continued the investigation, they didn’t know that the cruel killer also once started with a crush, and it was at a very tender age. in the apartment of distillery worker nikolai
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sergeevich marchenko, the whole family is assembled. and 30 km from the city, to a polar state farm, he brought a water tv. joy 7:00 pm, it’s time to watch tv, it’s time to turn it on, well , here’s the soviet method of repairing equipment, it worked almost flawlessly, no, the equipment is reliable, it served for decades, but sometimes the contacts came off, we say hi.
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the second program, but i want the first, here is the second tv, yes, it was in 1982 that in some soviet apartments a second tv appeared, a small one for the kitchen, so as not to quarrel over what program to watch, and a box for me, yeah, it was a similar box that played its role in our history, the most famous american boy. russian talk shows, that's all, blah blah blah, for 10 years he has been shouting against us from all channels, russia has been obsessed with this concern for 10 years, i'm already tired of it, for the first time for my mother. the end of bombs under american bombs in donbass, how it will be met
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side of the screen, the tenth year, you just remembered about us, that’s why i’m here and how he will speak when he sees everything with his own eyes, we will show the american kuzka’s mother, tomorrow at 6:00 pm on ntv. via superstar, premiere tomorrow in 2020. together we can do a lot, together we are able to change the world for the better, together it is easier for us to get down to business and turn it into the work of our whole lives, together we become stronger, ready, all systems are ready, and we can reach stars vtb and opening together, to be closer to you, switch to profitable products take advantage of all the benefits of vtb. vtb and the opening together with together for you magnet price what you need shish kebab mirotor 3199 mom, write us
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a message why, or call us, we found out that the phone works, even with zero, with zero account, you didn’t listen to the end, but this is how it is safe, with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and cards work, enable support for zero in the application. girls, let's talk about security, so we already have beline, beeline is the safest operator, the national lottery, you can’t even imagine what may dreamleon is capable, tadam, cool, yes, and now we hang it in a car, which will be guaranteed to be drawn every week in may, dreamleon, second chance promotion, click on the dream, super prize from 100 million, buy tickets by mail and online, register for one of the four cars can be yours, you are silent like a fish, shirimprol,
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common 30, photos of stunning clarity and video in 4k resolution, a new series of common 30 smartphones from tekna. history in every frame. looking for the stay of your future dreams? it’s enough to make your eyes go dark. these symptoms may be caused by adhesions, i.e. fibrosis. longidaza promotes the breakdown
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of fibrosis, reducing pain in the lower abdomen. langidase against adhesions and inflammation. there is more cashback in the app. sutochnaru, let's find a place to stay. the megamarket has millions of products at competitive prices. for example, a makita network jigsaw for only 6,490 rubles. yes, yes, dacha! kitchen! at 25.990. shop at hof. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. yes, i’m getting used to it here. i'll be there soon. uh, boy, do you have any, should i call? yes, i myself have zero account. what if i find it? a because he will find it. you have a megaphone, you can call via messengers even without money. mega power prinule connection is already included in the tariff for free. our subscribers will not be left without communication. remember, he is on a megaphone, he has megapower, if anything happens, call. the word of the megaphone,
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the meat-cutter of the old farm, for him we chop the meat finer so that the taste is more tender, finely chopped, the meat-cutter of the old farm, tasty meat-cutter, you know, but i’m really not a taxi driver, you know, and i’m really not a comedian, i’m a real businessman, and how much do you pay for the account in psb, account maintenance, cash withdrawals and transfers from face to ten. not even breathe, the main thing is that no one noticed, saw how they walked around, how
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they gathered for lunch, and then there was silence. he carefully got out of the box, that's it, opened it with a penknife, collected all the money in his pocket and even grabbed some change, pleased with himself, he went back to the box when everyone had left for lunch, he broke into the cash register, took possession of the money when the store opened , he got out, alexander mikhailov, in eighty-two. senior inspector of the special commandant's office of the borovichi police department. when they discovered the opened cash register and there was a commotion. and no one paid attention to the little boy who slipped past the adults. thus began the criminal career of a third-grader from borovichi. eighty-
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second year, the city of borovichi. detectives continued to investigate the brutal murder of a girl in the store yard. who is she, why is no one looking for her? and then citizen viktor sysoev contacted the police with a statement about the disappearance of his wife, galina. and judging by the photograph, it was she who was killed from the sarai.
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didn't expect such a reaction, big guy suddenly began to cry and began to talk about how he met galina a year ago, even healthy, strong people sometimes get seriously ill, this happened with victor, a man in the prime of his life was suddenly struck down by a stroke. the elephant ended up in the hospital, unable to move his leg or arm. all the criminal cronies had disappeared somewhere, the paralyzed leader was not at all interested in them, the nurses avoided him too much, it was even difficult to move him, and he would probably die soon, so he lay there , useless to anyone, a helpless big man, only one
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galya felt sorry for him, she walked to your grandmother into the next room, came over and changed it. then she fed him and began to look after him every day, everything would be fine, viktor sysoev began to recover, his arms and legs gradually began to move, his speech returned, and he was discharged. galina ran to his place and home, and he could no longer imagine his life without her. “will you marry me? but how? elephant told me that he retired from criminal matters not because of illness, but because of his wife.
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as established for the investigation, there was only one way out. the soviet union is the most reading country in the world. in every was in the apartment not only a sideboard with crystal, but bookshelves. every year muscovites purchase about 100 million books. there must be a great number of people who are in love with a book and cannot imagine without it. of course, some books were there simply for beauty, or to store savings, but the bulk of the books were read and re-read, and
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each family also subscribed to magazines. for moms , some with advice on housekeeping, knitting or health, for dads, others, about technology, hobbies or detective stories. where did he go, what are you looking for, magazine man law, man law, the magazine of the ministry of justice, which was read by the whole country, excellent detective stories were published there, not only soviet ones, but for example, georges semenon, look elsewhere, then in the ussr it often became a separate reading room, well, where else could one get privacy if in an apartment. ..
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i have to see her, she was always next to him, goodbye, brother, i will destroy those who did this, no matter what it costs me, he will return from the other world, killed means killed, you volunteered, but i’m tired this afterlife is to hell to find the criminals, they they sent a black mark, you don’t remember the fin, to save your... his dolphin, they wanted to kill her, just like andrei, but such coincidences don’t happen in life, sergei zharko, it’s hard to be dead, by the way,
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dolphin, new season, if if you sit here too long with this investigation, then how will we play back the story of our death, from monday at 20:00 on ntv, via superstar, premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. ice delux is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a fiery of tastes, try your favorite ice delux flavors and a new product, i only get mango in delicious point, badik, come out, come out and start a business, with sber our idea will fly, open an account and connect services for online trading from sber for 0 rubles. help at the start from sber experts, that’s all. services in your internet bank. analytics for your business and transfer of all proceeds without commission. open an account with sberbank and use all
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the services to develop your business. business is a complete blast. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angia norm helps improve microcirculation and reduce risk. keep your blood vessels normal. magnet - the price is what you need. anniversary cookies, with retinue up to 35%. i am something good, something better. am i useful? oh yeah. and you control me, regularly. oh, i’m the new vtb loyalty program. select the categories you want each month, such as clothing, groceries, sporting goods. and you get it.
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and so close, nothing should happen. interfere. tanka atali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tanka atali premium is free right now. find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. via superstar. premiere tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. the eighty- second year can well be called the women's year, all thanks to svetlana sovitskaya, the second female cosmonaut in the world. on august 19 , 1982, the ship, piloted by leonid popov, flight engineer serebrov and researcher sovitskaya, left the earth and headed for the salyut 7 station
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. she ran into the control room and reported that she had been raped and beaten. called police, the victim's name was natalya kolesnikova, she said, she was walking home from visiting, three guys met her, one of them called out to her, girl, can i ask a question, and received a strong blow to the face, he hits her in the face, somewhere in this, means location.
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the detectives were amazed, women in the ussr rarely reported rape, they were afraid of publicity, and this girl, although she was disgraced, boldly went to the police. she didn’t have any hysterics, she was in such a mood to detain the criminal, she was not afraid. it soon became clear where such a persistent character? natalya kolesnikova worked as a guard in a women's colony with... among inveterate dangerous criminals, thank god, the woman remained alive, she saw the criminal, she described him. edisher batiashvili, in the eighties, senior investigator of the prosecutor's office of the novgorod region. judging by the description, he was a guy in his early twenties, with fair hair, strong arms and
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nerves of steel. i concluded that the man lives on the right side of the river, that is, he went home, the detectives did not know whether he walked along this road childhood, often at night and is not afraid of anything. 15 years ago, he appeared at home at 2:00 in the morning, as always pleased with himself, in his hands a pillowcase stuffed with goodness, his mother hardly lifted
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her head from the pillow, the circles under her eyes and bluish lips gave her a very bad look, but she was still happy with her son, oleshka , you have arrived. i was touched, my son cares so much , two towels, a woman’s robe, this is for you, mother , about her, sick and weak, he will grow up to be a good person, she didn’t know how much she would make a mistake, so... the operatives tried to solve the attack on natalya kolesnikov by we were hot on our heels, so we decided that we urgently needed
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to get the oko back on its feet. many believe that komsomol members mostly sat at meetings or went to construction brigades. nothing like this. there was enough to do, go through the weights first, this is not a sports competition, this is a selection of candidates for the oko. the operational komsomol detachment, to help the police, only the best were selected there. these guys are members of the komsomol detachment, working closely with the juvenile affairs inspectorate of the krasnogvardeisky district. they work during the day or they study, and in the evening they go out on raids, you know how to fight, second class in boxing, and if five people attack you, what will you do, run away, i’ll run away, well done, you
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’re suitable for us, the warrior had to have not only strong fists, but also to think adequately. a vigilante also appeared in our story. the backbone of the borovichi komsomol operational detachment consisted of guys from the local pedagogical school. future teachers were distinguished by discipline and rigor. and their leader was oleg khrulev. had the first rank of fields athletics, boxing. the young man was active and energetic. vasily alekseev, 1980s, senior inspector for juvenile affairs at the borovichi police department. you could always rely on khrulev, he actively participated in raids, everyone knew that someday oleg would come
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to work for the police. he really wanted to restore order, and he had authority among young people. they sent for oleg, who quickly got ready and arrived at the police station. and here events began to develop unpredictably. commander druzhinikov was talking to the duty officer, when the victim natalya kolesnikova was brought from the hospital after an examination. she comes into my office shaking all over. i ask what happened, she says who is in your waiting room. it turned out that the girl was about to faint. it is he! after they brought her to us from the hospital, and the criminal was already sitting in the waiting room, of course, and for her it was a shock, the detectives were confused, maybe natalya had mistaken herself, they invited oleg to come in, then
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the victim attacked the offender, immediately hitting him the ear is stuck, which means... was strong, they dragged both of them to the corners, oleg was silent, it was clear that he was no less shocked than the others, and natalya didn’t recognize it, it was oleg, which means he ended up on the floor, such a woman attacked her a few hours ago, when we found out that this is his doing, so that they understand that he is still so insincere. komsomol member, athlete, activist, beats the detectives were shocked: the best police assistant, rapes women at night.
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what, are you going to get out of here? oleg, as he put it,
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took a threatening stance, made threats against him and demanded that he leave. the frightened guy disappeared, and oleg found a heavier stake near the barn; he didn’t want the girl to remember it. the detectives understood the guy. they talk about the murder of galina sysoeva, the same wood grouse that the local police were dealing with. this means that khrulev is not only a rapist, but a murderer. with a komsomol card, a badge of an activist of an operational detachment with a lot of certificates and diplomas. a real werewolf. khrulev was sent to a cell, but the story did not end there. arranged only by soviet children,
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because they did not sit at computers, played in outdoor games. oh, chengachguk, big snake, dear chengachguk, can’t you be a little quieter, otherwise the damn neighbors will go on the warpath. soviet children really... loved to play literary heroes; they were a well-read generation; many had mastered fenimore cooper, julvern and dumas by the age of 13. from childhood, a person carries the joy of the first meeting with a book, and carries this holiday throughout his life. dartanyan, partos, mysterious.
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drunkards and accomplices, amidst noise, knocked out the window through which food is distributed from this corridor there was another door, a door to a small corridor leading to the exercise yard, there was a padlock hanging on this door, they knocked it down, soon the fugitives found themselves in the courtyard for exercise, there were obstacles with... there were serious proceedings in this case
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and they were brought a number of employees are held accountable. the entire local police were put on alert. where do fugitives usually hide ? from friends and family, so all the addresses were checked, but there were no traces anywhere. only one of khrulev’s friends attracted the attention of the police. sergey madyanov he denied everything too diligently. no, i didn't see anyone. surely he knows where the fugitive is, so as not to scare him away, they decided to wait and watch. it was taken under control, there was an ambush nearby.
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in the farthest corner a secret lair was discovered, in which two fugitive criminals were snoring peacefully, not moving, clothes, these friends immediately supplied them, fed them, brought them everything. this time khrulev’s killer was sent to the novgorod pre-trial detention center, where there was much stricter security. sidorov also ended up behind bars and really regretted his... stupid act, to his short sentence for hooliganism, another 3 years were added for escape, everyone ran, i ran, like a gentleman of luck movie, remember, it’s the same here, everyone ran, i ran, it seemed that now the criminal was isolated, but this story had many unexpected turns,
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the victim natalya kolesnikova suddenly returned to the criminal investigation department, stunned from the threshold. i want to withdraw my application, i am marrying khrulev. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the american congress is already looking for targets on the map of russia for american atacoms missiles, for which cities the pentagon can allow kiev to use western weapons, and what other red lines will be erased by a new round of escalation of the ukrainian crisis. in remote places of the perm region. this mysterious phenomenon is called kotka. women begin to speak against their will with a supernatural voice that can find lost things of missing people and even predict the future. but what is this really, an ordinary village legend, an obsession, or some kind of power? really gives people superpowers? this
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will be your central television. today at 19:00 on ntv. dolphin, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv, what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help on application, it helps restore memory and attention, on application to keep your head working, to make money on your savings, i open a deposit with a rate of 17%, i can top it up from any bank, by phone number without commission, open a deposit in tenkov with a rate of 17%.
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call, the word of the megaphone. hunting is your thirst the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel; it fights greasy stains at low temperatures for a short time.
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smiled, it means you recognized, smiled, it means real, recognizes, loves, remembers, appreciates, truly, psb is a bank for the real. we found out that the phone works even with zero, with zero account, with beeline you safe even with a zero account, calls,
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messengers and cards work, connect support with zero in the application, belaine is the safest operator, toufon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition, restoration, preservation of youthful eyes, toufon - triple action for eye health, once car mechanics semyon semyonovich 55 years old, heart speedo. showed the maximum 200, his wife was puzzled, you should go for a diagnosis, but semyonovich said, don’t get under the hood, woman, men, don’t slow down, get a medical examination, health is important here now, hello, dear students, hello! today i was waiting for the elevator, this girl arrived in it, when i asked if you were going up or down, what did you tell me? so,
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the topic of today's lesson is logic. by the way, in the fifties, soviet schoolchildren also studied logic. however, after a few years this necessary subject was removed from the program. logic happens. male, right, well, yes, and female, interesting, one might say, classic examples of amazing female logic in some heroines of soviet films, why you are here, i have been chasing you for 3 days, yes, to say how indifferent you are to me, women's logic is more complex, richer and absolutely unpredictable, because men and women
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originated from different monkeys, this is undoubtedly, in our history the unpredictable women's logic shocked men -detectives. the victim , natalya kolesnikova, said: “i want to withdraw the application, i am marrying khrulev.” "the detectives were speechless, the victim was getting ready to marry her tormentor, suddenly changes his mood 180° and says that i'm sorry, i i fell in love with him, and i want to marry him, like a prison romance, what’s happening, the victim natalya kolesnikova flooded the prosecutor’s office with letters demanding that oleg khrulev be released from responsibility, she wrote that she loved him with all her soul,
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she immediately realized that she needed to act, she called to the duty room of the pre-trial detention center and reported that there was someone running on your roofs, by the time they realized it, khrulev had already disappeared, where did he run this time, to his fiancee, and what does he want, to marry or finally kill her, natalya was taken into custody . and then she finally decided to tell the truth. his mom asked me. it turned out that
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oleg khrulev’s mother came to the victim, cried, asked to withdraw the statement, to remove at least one article from her son. my mother simply did not believe in the second crime - the murder of galina sisoeva. she hoped her beloved son had nothing to do with it. nothing bad about oleg. mother, his mother did not speak, the loving, affectionate son obeyed her, but why did he turn into a cruel killer? khrulev served in the army in the northern fleet, dreamed of staying there after midshipman school, but an accident happened on the ship accident. they got into a fire. you can imagine what happened to these young guys there, some of them are alive there, some of them are not alive. maryak khrulev not only suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, he also received a dose of radiation. doctors concluded that the guy’s body
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will gradually deteriorate, and this process cannot be stopped. and this was the impetus for his anger, he understood that life was short, and here he went into a rant. khrulev began to easily get involved in fights, he wanted to hurt others, so that he would not suffer alone, playing cards, he didn’t like something, this means that in the actions of his partner, he took some scissors nearby and simply cut his buttock. i brought these scissors. khrulev became more and more furious and began to rush at defenseless girls and torment them. and so the detectives began a real hunt for him. novgorod was blocked, all the fugitive's friends remained in borobich. this forced him to get his own food. he got caught robbing a bakery.
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a patrol passing by noticed an open door. stand! the murderer and rapist oleg khrulev was again put in a cell, this time he failed to escape. khrulev hoped the court would take into account mitigating circumstances, certificates, diplomas, police assistance in the komsomol operational detachment. after all, he is disabled and does not have long to live. but the court did not commute the sentence. the highest measure. no illnesses justify cruelty and atrocities towards others, on the contrary, doomed people often try to bring as much good to the world as possible, they begin to more keenly appreciate life, both their own and that of others, and this is a completely different story, this was the program as usual on saturdays the investigation was conducted, well, right now on
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live television on central television, discuss and the people they talk about. this week the american congress carefully studied the map of russia, but looked for targets for american atacoms missiles on it. thus, washington erased another red line that separated the world from the global conflict. which cities can the pentagon allow kiev to hit with western weapons, and which other red lines will be erased by a new round of escalation of the ukrainian crisis. let's try to figure it out right now. and, of course, we will not only talk about the main events of this week, but will try to explain them. kind evening. good evening, my name is vadim takminev. today is saturday, may 25, in most cities where they are watching us now, the exact time is 18:57. and we begin. the catastrophe that beheaded iran. why was an old american helicopter chosen for the president’s last flight,
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with several high-ranking officials on board? in remote places of the perm region, this mysterious phenomenon is called a cat; women , against their will, begin to speak in a supernatural voice that can find lost things of missing people and even predict the future, but what is it really, an ordinary village legend, an obsession, or some kind of force that really gives people superpowers?
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the ukrainian crisis and a new increase, without dividing the world from a new round of escalation of the stakes in this conflict that were inflated to the limit. on wednesday, congressmen carefully studied the map of russia, trying to understand which settlements american atacoms missiles could reach. at the same time, the head of the us house foreign affairs committee michael makol called secretary of state antony blinken to immediately lift the unspoken ban, which seems to prevent kiev from doing so. strike the territory of russia with american weapons, but there were always enough hot heads in the american congress, in this regard, it is very important how they responded to mr. makol’s proposal.


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