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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  May 25, 2024 7:00pm-8:21pm MSK

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live on central television. so, this week in washington, another red line was erased, which separated the world from a new round of escalation of the ukrainian crisis and a new increase in the already inflated stakes in this conflict. on wednesday, congressmen carefully studied the map of russia and
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the united states simply avoided a direct answer. he stated that such decisions should be made by the ukrainian side. and here i would like to note that the day before, new york times journalists, citing their sources in the state department, reported very interesting information. allegedly, after a recent trip to kiev, blin became an ardent supporter. in order to lift the ban on strikes against russia with american weapons. according to the newspaper, the position of the head of the state department has changed due to the critical situation of ukrainian troops in the kharkov direction. however, blinken himself immediately rushed to publicly refute the new york times information. well, in fact , politicians and officials, as we know very well, sometimes demonstrate real miracles of political balancing act and can change shoes on the go and even in the air. and about that's enough...
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the same scene in the american parliament, where congressmen were looking for targets for american missiles on the russian map, eloquently testifies. and notice how dramatically the roles have changed. if earlier blinken and biden pressed the republicans, trying to push a package of military aid to kiev through congress, now the republicans are belligerently criticizing the white house for indecisiveness and demanding that another red line be erased. and yes, the last word of course. not behind congress, but behind the white house, so what? the american president thinks about this and what they say in this regard in the pentagon, and also why americans believe that they are hiding the truth from zelensky, his own subordinate. our reporter alexey petrushko will tell you about all this and what is happening in the battle zone now. tuesday, may 21, russian iskanders accompanied by covering forces.
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covertly advance to firing positions, equipping the launch vehicles with a special warhead, this is how the ministry of defense comments on the exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, the russian military deploys iskanders for combat situation, at the same time the dagger-carrying mik-31 and tu-22 aircraft are preparing to take up combat duty in the sky, and if you imagine that this is exactly what the red lines of moscow and minsk look like in action, then it’s not difficult to...
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blinkin in kiev, where instead of giving the green light to american missiles to strike russia, the secretary of state struck a chord, now... like a guilty student in front of
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a map of the kharkov region, an unlearned lesson is answered: isn’t it time for ukraine to untie its hands? we do not condone attacks for outside ukraine, but ukraine will need to adopt its own. the russian federation, directly from its insanity, and most importantly, they have strategically prescribed for themselves the destruction of the road to the russian federation everywhere, this is through
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belarus, through minsk. these degenerates there in the west don’t understand words. and here it is important to trace how the red lines of all participants in the ukrainian conflict intertwine. nato, as the western press wrote, may send its bayonets if... a third country, in particular belarus, enters into combat actions are on the side of russia, but it is logical that all participants in the north atlantic bloc are now closely watching the negotiations between putin and lukashenko taking place in the palace of independence in minsk. this first visit to belarus as russian defense minister andrei belausov is now being viewed almost under a magnifying glass in the west. in turn, moscow and minsk are conducting nuclear exercises in response to statements from london and paris, which, for example, also spoke about the introduction of troops into ukraine, and therefore the president. russia and belarus is monitoring the west’s reaction to the maneuvers being carried out on the territory of the union state. one way or another, well, we can say that the conflict in ukraine is approaching a certain fork in the road, and is this either a fading of fighting with the subsequent fixation of the demarcation line in negotiations, or growing to a more
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serious scale and unpredictable consequences? as for me, now a critical moment is coming for ukraine, they are working hard to prepare recruits, holding the front until new support arrives. from the usa and the eu. what about zelensky? the owner of the bank, how the economist wrote this week that he literally tore the metal. the government official, who wished to remain anonymous, suggests that zelensky already felt that he might not know the whole truth. at least that's what he shouts to his generals. according to american journalists, zelensky is forced to shout at the ukrainian generals by these official chronicles taken during the okupah. after the front collapsed near kharkov, it turned out that it was him all this time.
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on the president's behavior, how can he not lose his temper? we are aware that the legitimacy of the current head of state has ended, as for the negotiation process, if it comes to this, we, of course, need to understand who we need and can deal with in order to reach the signing of legally binding documents, but maybe perhaps what upsets zelensky most now is this picture on the ukrainian streets? cities, when after the entry into force of the new law on mobilization and raids by military commissars, all potential predators hid in their huts, the scorched earth where these pass, that’s all, no one goes there, it’s a prison, purely a prison, only a big one, god grant that some kind of negotiations begin in our country, purely my
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opinion, it’s all like, because agree on everything, like, this is how these shots that have become prophetic are brought to life from the series servant of the people, kiev, zelensky, no one else, hey people, alexey petrushko, daryakova, denisa nikin, central television. well, today it became known that to the chorus of voices that call on western leaders to allow kiev to use western weapons on russia, joined, as far as i understand, yul, nato secretary general. yes, indeed, stoltenberg called on the alliance countries to lift restrictions on strikes. weapons on russian territory, i quote: the time has come for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have placed on the use of weapons transferred to ukraine, especially now that there is heavy fighting in kharkov near the border, denying ukraine the ability
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to use it weapons against military targets on russian territory make it very difficult the introduction of military action, this is what stoltenberg said verbatim in an interview with the british magazine economist. and the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova , noted that those who plan to attend an allegedly peace conference in switzerland should pay attention to these words of the secretary general. macron explains this rhetoric. and this week also gave reason to remember such a term as a black swan, this is the name for an event that is difficult to predict and which at the same time leads to global or political and economic shocks. on may 19, such a black swan was the death of iranian president ibrahim reisi in a plane crash. a high-ranking iranian delegation was returning after a visit to neighboring azerbaijan when the helicopter, on which, in addition to the president, was also the head of the iranian mit, disappeared from the radar, and the pilots stopped communicating. after several
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hours of uncertainty, which was filled with disturbing rumors and speculation, it became clear that the presidential helicopter crashed into a mountain in poor visibility conditions, and none of the crew members or passengers survived. sudden the death of the head of state always gives rise to a lot of conspiracy theories and a catastrophe in which the leader of the country died from, perhaps, the explosion itself. almost immediately it became clear that a rather old american bel-212 helicopter was used for the fatal visit. these machines began to be produced back in the late sixties, while iran , as we all know, has long been living under strict american sanctions, so even for a presidential helicopter it was a rather significant problem. with repairs using original spare parts, but why in this in this case, to move the head of state, they did not
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choose vehicles from, let’s say, a more friendly country, and this, as i understand it, is far from the only oddity in the death of the iranian president, which is hinted at by various types of legal experts. indeed, vadim, despite the fact that this version of the disaster due to bad weather conditions looks the most realistic, there are still strangeness in this story. for example, the newspaper türki points to them. according to her , pilots for the president were always appointed from the ranks of the islamic guard corps revolution, this time for some reason the helicopter was flown by an army crew. well , besides, shortly before departure, for some reason, the composition of the passengers who took off with ibrahim raisi changed. in general, you can build any conspiracy theories you like and try to discern someone’s evil intent in the death of the iranian president, especially since... indeed, ibrahim reisi had plenty of enemies. it is no coincidence that the white house
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hastened to declare that it saw no traces of external intervention in the disaster. well, a high-ranking israeli official, on conditions of anonymity, told reporters: it’s definitely not us. so, is this an unpredictable black swan or a damn chain of fatal accidents, it could still be rigged by someone? klim sanatkin will continue the topic. three days, three cities, millions of iranians say goodbye to the head of state, ebrahim reisi. tehran, who came to the square behind people in the forty-degree heat, water is poured on them, they hit themselves in the chest on the head. from loss,
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the same human river in the hometown of president reisi meshhet, hundreds of thousands of iranians in the city of qom, where the head of state was buried. iranian regime, and is a manifestation of its weakness, especially within. that is why it was important for iran to show mass participation at the funeral, to demonstrate that the people are in power. there are unconfirmed reports of an incident involving a helicopter carrying the president in the julfa area. on the hard landing of the presidential helicopter, the helicopter carrying iranian president ibrahim reisi and
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his foreign minister crashed on sunday in the mountainous northwest countries. search and rescue teams combed the area of ​​high mountains and dense forest in rain and fog for more than 10 hours. as you can see, i am located exactly where mr. raisi’s helicopter crashed. yesterday after the discovery of platinum on the way back to tabriz, the incident occurred due to fog and... and the fog at the site of the helicopter crash had not yet cleared and official versions had not been published, when versions of who were heard in different parts of the world and especially in iran itself . may be behind the death of the president, these versions have been heard and during the farewell ceremony, when people shouted: “death to israel.” death to israel, death to america, death to america, i don’t think the americans are behind this, usually in such situations suspicion falls on the side
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that benefits from it. i don’t think that america benefits from this accident or the elimination of mr. racey and his foreign minister, who is actively in... which was the most massive attack in recent years and sharply worsened the already difficult relations between the two countries. if one can judge by experience and events of the past, it is impossible rule out any israeli involvement. but i don't think tehran is ready to say this publicly. even if it turned out that this was some kind of conspiracy by external forces, tehran would
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remain silent about it. so don't expect tehran to claim israel is guilty. hardly? just funny, israel has nothing to do with this, it was a helicopter crash, this happens, unfortunately the weather was very bad, they made the wrong decision to return to tehran, despite the bad weather, and it became cause of the accident, but how then will raisi's death change and whether it will at all change the position of power in the middle east within iran itself, it is important to understand that raisi had no control over iran's foreign policy, in particular regional policy.
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hamas will remain loyal to iran, and iran will remain loyal to hamas. iran will try to help hamas in any way possible. i don't think this death will affect the war in gaza. it seems that the international criminal court does not think so, whose british prosecutor karim khan the very next day after after the death of reisi, he wanted to put the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu and the leaders of the hamas movement on the same bench. the international criminal court is a very interesting organization. of course, this is a court of international law, it was established by the un charter, but it does not have a mechanism
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for enforcing its votes and decisions. this is more of a statement than a plan of action. yes, it’s unlikely that such a plan of action will suit you. residents of the destroyed jewish settlement of neros, where there are still unhealed wounds after the october hamas attack looking into the bright eastern sky, the burnt-out eye sockets of empty windows. today , different options are offered for resolving this eternal military conflict, and one of them is unilateral recognition of the state of palestine, but as often happens, bedali also has a downside, which may be dissatisfied with such a solution to this issue. this week it became known that spain. norway and ireland dealt their diplomatic blow to israel and recognized the palestinian state. these steps, although largely symbolic, were approved by the palestinians and condemned by benjamin netanyahu, who called them a reward for terrorism. the israeli prime minister himself refused to develop a post-war plan for managing gaza; in the square in the center
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of telyaviv there is still a symbolic table set for israeli hostages taken by hamas. as if hinting that until their return there could be no talk of peace. two states, two peoples, diplomats are again trying to blow off the dust with the old peace formula, with the help of which they have already tried to reconcile arabs and jews. the solution looks like ideal for everyone, but not for those who have been watering this land with the blood of their enemies for more than half a century. any diplomacy is powerless where each of the contenders for this promised land sees himself as a winner, and as a winner. gets everything. my guess is that the war will last a couple more months before we finish off the main hamas formation. this is the necessary time, and after this there will still be war. but with less intensity, because it will take time to clear gaza of hamas militants. it seems events which will follow the black swan, the unexpected death of the presidents can still
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cover the entire middle east with a wave, but so far little has changed in the fate of israel, which is attacked by hamas militants, in the fate of the residents of the gaza strip, where israel continues its ground operation. usenko and mark zlenko, central television. well, today it became known about a new aviation emergency, but with the helicopter of another politician. what known details will we learn from yulia bekhtikov right now? yes, vadim, prime minister of armenia pashinyan said that due to bad weather conditions, his helicopter made an emergency landing. judging by the footage that appeared on the prime minister’s telegram channel, the helicopter was flying over the mountains. nikola pashinyan clarified that everything is fine with him.
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we will continue the story about the events of saturday of this week immediately after a very short pause. and this is what will happen next, don’t switch. in germany , the trial of the leaders of the most incredible and absurd conspiracy to seize power has begun. should i show this one? the trial was arranged only to find a russian trace in the conspirators’ case. curse of the clan kennedy, why america's most famous family is simply haunted by murder and tragedy, and whether it could be a mere coincidence that the brain of the nephew of the us president who was shot in the head was eaten by a worm. the origin of cockroaches has been secretly revealed; has he really made these arthropod pests the real kings of the urban jungle, almost pets himself? in remote places of the perm region this mysterious phenomenon is called a cat, women begin, against their will, to speak in a supernatural voice that can find lost
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things of missing people and even predict the future, but what is it really, an ordinary village legend, an obsession or some kind of power that actually gives people superpowers. real! football is yes, it’s different for everyone , what seryozha does is a new hero on the field, it’s rubino, it’s when one for all one, it’s discovering new talents, it’s playing a level higher, no no, two more levels. russian football cup, real football means taking your own. every wedding ends
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much, much more, the chancellor of germany. next to him are eight men and women, looking at whom it is simply hard to believe that they were at the head of the conspiracy and planned to bring the prince to power through the violent overthrow of the government. yes, vadim, but nevertheless, according to the prosecution, it was they who planned to organize a coup in germany and , moreover, to restore the monarchy there. on a quiet june morning in berlin, a group of armed conspirators gathered. seize parliament , arrest leading politicians, well, in order to in order to, so to speak, awaken the sleeping cells in the german provinces, they planned to publish a video recording of the captured chancellor olaf scholz. it was on this signal that three hundred armed brigades of reich citizens, as the conspirators themselves called themselves, were supposed to take control of local authorities. german interior minister nancy feser responded to this attack.
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on tuesday. she stated the following: the militant reich sburgers are driven by hatred of our democracy, the security services will continue repression until until we completely expose and eliminate the militant structures of the citizens of the reich. end of quote vadim. it certainly sounds very menacing, but it is no coincidence that we called this conspiracy almost the most ridiculous in modern history, because in the dock in frankfurt, germany, the people sitting in the dock are not some thugs, but quite typical german burghers. quite advanced in age. well, by the way, one of the suspects, while the investigation was going on, died of old age, never making it here. but at the same time, these same old robbers were so confident in their future victory that at their secret meetings in the prince’s old hunting castle they were already discussing the design of uniforms for the new police, the new reich. what motivated them, was it really only dementia and courage? i tried to understand.
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former chancellor angela merkel is under house arrest. the german provisional government asks russia for military assistance to stop attempts at counter-revolution. you might say it’s fantastic, but the biggest news in germany right now is the trial of people who are exactly that. this was what they were going to bring to life, among them aristocrats, high-ranking officers of the bundesfer, politicians, judges, they call themselves a patriotic union, and these are their ideological supporters. the federal state of thuringia, the city of gera above the crowd, the flags fly highest, black and white, the red tricolor of the german empire. all these people consider themselves reiksburgers, citizens of the second reich of the state founded by bismarck and deny the very existence of modern germany.
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it was in their midst that the plan for this coup d'etat arose. scale, quality and organization planning, all this was at the highest level, which surprised me. the city of batlabenstein, in addition to the town hall , a couple of cozy streets, there is a building here that the german authorities would probably prefer not to remember at all. in the hunting lodge , whiteman and heil gather to discuss who will take what position in the future government after the victory of the reiksburgers and the patriotic union. this is the minister of justice of the proposed government, birgit malzack winkiman, with her face covered, leading her out of the house when it turns out that she was not the only one. judge in berlin, but also a party member an alternative for germany, versions will appear in the german media that this whole impending coup could not have happened without the hand of the kremlin, says evgeniy schmidt, a member of the bundestag from that same alternative for germany. they will try in
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any case, because now the word russia is associated with everything negative that can be imagined, that is, in any case , they will try with all their might to somehow promote the russian trace there. and this is the minister of defense. letting things go on the brakes due to increased attention to this kind of absurdity is a danger coup by the citizens of the reich is greatly underestimated, the excessive emphasis on various quirks leads to the fact that the potential manifested in
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planning, armament and readiness for action among the citizens of the reich as a whole, as well as in the patriotic union, is overlooked. and this is the one who is called the head of the conspiracy of the heir to the ancient german aristocrat. the royces are taken out of the house. his name is henry xiii. prince royce. and it is he, according to the german media authorities, who, on the one hand, is a revanchist who dreams of returning germany lost lands after two world wars, on the other - the one who wrote a letter to the russian president asking for help. this woman’s name is vitalia b. prince royce’s closest friend, she is a citizen of russia and a citizen of german law enforcement, tried to help her aristocrat friend contact the embassy of our country. in this one. the story in the german version is generally too much of russia, and his name is ralf nemeer. here he is with sergei lavrov, an energetic german businessman who sympathizes with the ideas of the rijksburger movement, henry 13 prince royce, no less than he advised his russian girlfriend, is the one he
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trusts to deliver the secret letter personally into the hands of the president of russia. they probably hoped that russia would help here in establishing a monarchy and overthrowing our present government. i think. this is ridiculous. ralph nemeer will give the letter to law enforcement agencies, they will make inquiries, and it’s really unclear whether to cry or laugh. heinrich reuss, on the one hand, is exactly the person who spoke about conspiracy theories at a business forum; on the other hand, he still an influential and respected aristocrat. at the time of his death, emmail kant is a real world celebrity; he will receive the high honor of being laid to rest in the tyuniksberg cathedral, where until then only senior government officials, including the thirty- second master, were buried. estonian order of heinrich reus von plauen. a distant relative of that same heinrich, who is now being tried in germany for terrorism and is suspected of having connections with russia. the latter, of course, is rather a standard accusation, but the royce family really connected with our country, and for a very long time. we drive along a picturesque road to
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balga castle, which fell into disrepair under the germans. historian albert adylov says that at one time it was here that a relative of the current heinrich royce, also heinrich, commanded. all men of the clan have been called by this name for centuries.
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a message came from krasnodar about an emergency, as a result of which children were injured, right now yulia will tell you what is known at this moment, in krasnodar a roof collapsed on the students. cola all this happened during last call. the ceremony was not cancelled, despite strong winds and storm warnings. at about 1:39 am, when students began to gather in the courtyard of school number 29 for the ceremonial assembly, the roof and rafters collapsed on them. the victims, who were between 12 and 15 years old, suffered bruises, cuts and abrasions; some required hospitalization. and on other topics, protests over the law have resumed in tbilis. on bynoagents. hundreds of people took to the streets of the georgian capital,
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including students from local universities. they walked through the center to the ministry of internal affairs building and demanded release those previously detained in the riots. people in the crowd waved the flags of the country, as well as the european union and the united states, whose authorities sharply opposed the georgian law on foreign agents. washington and brussels are worried that this law will suspend the activities of non-governmental organizations, most of these structures. receives funding specifically from western countries, while the states themselves have a similar law, unlike georgia, where criminal penalties are provided. the ruling georgian dream party said that washington infringes on the sovereignty of the country. we will, of course, be following the news from belicia especially closely in the coming days, because it is possible that it is on the southern borders of russia that someone stubbornly wants to create a new hotbed of political tension, but... now on to other topics. starting this week, the vatican
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no longer believes in miracles. recently, an official representative of the holy see announced a change in the rules for recognizing some inexplicable mysterious phenomena as supernatural. now only the person himself has the right to recognize, or not to recognize, pontiff, the pope will be able to exercise this right only in exceptional cases. i had to change my approach to miracles because... numerous, let's say, abuses in place, because over the past years the bishops have churned out so many different catholic miracles that in some parishes belief in supernatural phenomena was valued, probably, more than the gospel itself, well, this is quite understandable, people are often inclined to believe in various supernatural things, and science really cannot explain some phenomena, or doesn’t want to, in this news weeks is just a similar story. that’s right,
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vadim, published in the perp region, there is a legend that some women are engulfed by the so-called cat. they gain a voice, with which they begin to predict the future, find missing objects and convict thieves. sometimes this mysterious voice makes women, against their will, loudly scratch and swear. well , people from all over the country come for advice to the bearers of this gift, even before, when the borders were open. came to one, even from europe. well, our reporter alexey semakhin decided to find out what it really is, usually a village legend, obsession, or some kind of supernatural force that actually gives some women superpowers. bashkiria, 2024, in the town of oktyabrsky it seems that there is a smell of the middle ages, here twenty-five-year-old karina sochitkova performs an exorcism ritual with the help of fire. magical
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cleansing looks like this: first the clients are doused with alcohol, set on fire, and then they start chasing the devils away, whatever you want, little devil, they picked up the cemetery, right? go to your girlfriend, go back, go away, portal, go away, they take me there, i don’t see him, go into the portal, the mother of fire, as karina calls herself, boasts that she has already sent more than 200 demons that have settled into people into the portal using this method, i’m probably the only one in russia in terms of this, that , how the fire massage was revealed, uh-huh, that is, there are a lot of fire massage practitioners in russia, so far i’m the only one, uh-huh. in terms of cleansing and such exorcism through a fiery massage, oh,
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don’t bite, this mysterious phenomenon among the finnish -ugric peoples is called hiccups, and a certain essence that is sweating into a person is called ikotka, it is here in the perm region on the banks of the kama that those who are either endowed with such a gift, or an obsession, live, i am no one, no one, it was not she who just said all this, it is the one... who lives inside her, the essence with supernatural abilities, this is what her real voice sounds like: some kind of toad, or something, come back, what is this, here it is again... what is called a hiccup wakes up, this old woman, her name was anna dmitrievna, she recently died, this is the essence, who lived in it, they say, may have found a new victim, go away, in kudymkar, i
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kudymkar people are afraid of this, well, according to my feelings, they are afraid, marina belavina, she is religious and... the representative of the mythological map of the komi-permian district agreed to become our guide in the search for ikotka, here in the village of vaganova lives olga startseva, a living witness of the transmigration of souls , and the cat, she says, was with her mother, her mother loved it very much, but the cat didn’t like sauerkraut, so when the cabbage was brought, she shouted: “oh-oh-oh, well, somehow, well , not like mom says to catch this infection her mother could only do it in one way, it is believed that the cats were in kvass. it is believed that in these teapots into which kvass was poured, the sorceresses added the cat, poured kvass into a glass for the traveler, and the one who came to the house drank the kvass and accordingly, along with kvass , kodka also penetrated into it, and from that time immemorial , komi-permians, before drinking,
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always blow on the water, or on kvass, yu, ogyu, well, yu, ogyu, and for what? i need to refuse. you just offered me three times, they refuse, so as not to get caught. hiccups, and then they blew on the foam so that the foam would go away, so that nothing could be seen, you understand, so the cats thought that they were like midges, yes, whatever - flies, yes, and this is nadezhda shadrina, her sister raisa, who died when she was not yet twenty, here is her photograph: probably, it cannot be said that she also suffered from a cat, because the entity that settled in with her had the gift of prediction and remarkable power, this is not with our aunt, if , for example, the father lit a cigarette, the men came to the holiday, that’s it, she starts going behind the stove speak in a thin voice, in such
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a thin voice, she said when she has a fit... well, incredible powers appear, it seems that the animal is running towards the catcher, in the village of shadrina, it turns out there lives a man who claims that he has a cat, but only the non-speaking one, who seemed to have passed on to him from his deceased mother-in-law, well , how does it manifest itself, ah, how do you do something like this, like this, and they told me in return that i have babies, he asked us not to show ours faces and even change their voice, that’s why sorcerers will cause more damage, sorcerers? we don’t have a village here, if only there are some left in the north, there are enough sorcerers in our district, in soviet times they even tried to treat kathu, but it turns out that official medicine failed in the face of this northern version of possession. and the cat is schizophrenia, yes, is this a diagnosis of official medicine? no, you can’t say, because
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doctors also have different attitudes towards this phenomenon, well, that is , this is an unstudied phenomenon, this is an unstudied phenomenon, and it’s definitely impossible to make a diagnosis here.
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the process of exorcism is more like the work of a psychologist, but this is also connected with god: no one will take or pull out
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the evil from you, you cannot free yourself from the devil on your own, this is also the work of the person himself, but let’s return to the perm region, here no one has ever even tried to carry out the so -called mystical purges, and this scene from the sensational series is just the director’s fantasy, cat. cats are entities, they cannot be bred, they were brought here to us from somewhere , from somewhere, uh-huh, they are not, not from our world, according to svetlana tukacheva, a resident of the village of kupros and the cat was given to both mentally and physically ill people so that they would live longer, and what happens, and the cat is not an obsession at all, but a cure for all diseases, there were mentally ill people, before they did not receive a pension for them, they were known to have an extra mouth , by agreement...
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everything, i say, i don’t think it will come to you, but when you are without cameras, without like, this is not a threat, she heard that you want to see her, she remembered you. and how can one not believe in a higher power now after this? evgeniya, igor kirilov, denis gerasimov and anton yanchenko, central television. how cool is that? indeed. now, according to tradition, we must pause for a while so that immediately after the pause we can talk about the events that everyone is discussing, or... they will definitely discuss in the near future, in general, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so stay with us, don’t switch, the curse of the kennedy clan,
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why america's most famous family is simply haunted by murder and tragedy, and could it be a mere coincidence that the brain of a nephew shot in the head the president of the united states was eaten by a parasitic worm? the mystery of the origin of cockroaches has been revealed, has it really made these non-legged pests the real kings of the urban jungle? people themselves are almost pets, well, now important information about an event that will happen tomorrow: on may 26, russia celebrates entrepreneur day, but literally anyone in russia today can become an entrepreneur, especially if they take advantage of support measures within the framework of the national project for small-medium entrepreneurship, which implemented by decision of the president of russia, now in russia for...
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comprehensive assistance for opening and scaling a business. in the my business centers you can get consulting, financial,
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legal, marketing and educational support. such centers are open in all regions of russia, and any service is provided free of charge. well, in addition, a set of tools for starting a business is available on the digital platform msp.rf. well, right now we’ll stop for a couple of minutes, we’ll be back very soon. irina allegrova, the fifth member of the jury, everyone’s favorite irina olegrova will also give marks, let's go, i didn't understand anything, but you reached my heart, guys, this...
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tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month.
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40% discount on popular products. order in the app. where is the cheese, the cheese is here, try chiba pizza, even more juicy toppings with tender mozzarella baked chicken, mega cheese, chicupizza from a hot thing, every wedding ends the same, the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, but first let’s open a deposit for interest at sea? with sberbank , everyone can profitably increase their savings. open a best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. you won't believe where nadezhda kadysheva disappeared. i as soon as i hear a voice, i say: “god, i got up, i felt good.” what bill will lyubov uspenskaya present to philip kirkorov for calling her a beggar? i want
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to say one thing, who is the beggar? where am i and where is the money? i'm not talking about money at all. who does dmitry debrov give concerts to? maybe i ’ll take a guitar and this is a new attribute of my entry into society. whose nose did olga buzova rubbish? if people get confused and go to... from a commercial that promises victory against trump in the election and come to the conclusion that there are direct references to nazi germany. well, what exactly did the democrats dig up on trump this time? eh, yulia. well, vadim, in fact
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, they dug up practically nothing, but a notable scandal broke out. the controversial video appeared on donald trump's account. the short video consisted of fictitious newspaper headlines that described his hypothetical election victory. and in one of the frames under a black and white photograph of trump, the question appeared of what will happen to america next, to which the answer immediately followed: strength will increase significantly thanks to the creation of a unified reich. at biden's headquarters, of course, they immediately latched on to the term reich, in which they expectedly saw a direct reference to hitler’s germany, well, trump’s headquarters hastened to declare that the ex-president had nothing to do with this video, and indeed his quote - he created a random account on the internet, and published by an employee who simply did not see this unfortunate word. and by the way, i wouldn’t be surprised if the very employee whom they decided to make a scapegoat
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actually saw the ill-fated word, but simply did not understand its meaning and did not appreciate the possible consequences. and in this regard, sometimes it really seems that the independent candidate robert kennedy jr., the nephew of the very president who was shot in dallas, looks like...
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look, he is somehow too brilliant, they drove him into a corner and called the police. however , not everyone believes in this story, many see it as an election stunt, and the fact that kennedy is playing on the tragedies of his family, well, what did you
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expect from a man without a brain. alarming news. according to the new york times, back in 2012, kennedy claimed that he had there was memory loss due to part of his brain being eaten by a worm. and he didn’t say this somewhere, in court. sworn during the divorce proceedings that a tapeworm that had settled in his head actually made him mentally disabled, just like that he ate low-quality bacon, it was a pork tapeworm or taya solium, according to a publication in the new york times, this particular parasite was found in kennedy’s head, that what is known about it is that it can reach a length of two or even three meters. but this is in the intestines, not so in the head turn around, so the worm settles there differently, in the form of larvae, which form special protective sacs or cysts around themselves. if the new york times reporters were
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correct, moscow kennedy might just be riddled with something like this. and if you made a mistake, and the worm was of a different type, and its cysts were larger, it is better for the faint of heart to close their eyes for a couple of seconds. this is what an operation to... remove worms from the brain looks like. it measured 11.5 by 8 cm. this is the holder of the world record for removal from the most. large cystic, neurosurgeon kolok sharma is one of the best specialists in this matter, because he works in india, where he has to extract worms from people almost every week. kennedy was probably diagnosed with neurocicercosis; the main symptoms are epilepsy, neurological deficits in the affected areas, increased blood pressure, dementia and memory loss. we don't know if the parasite actually ate part of kennedy's brain, but some evidence suggests it did. here are some
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examples given by political scientist peter kuznik, robert kennedy, jr., the most famous in country anti-vaxxer and covid dissident. he says that covid was bred to infect people of the caucasian and negroid races, and that the jews and chinese have the strongest immunity. all the troubles come from those close to power, they created a mortality crisis, they created dependence on wars, they created an epidemic of chronic diseases.
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the solution needs to be immersed in their family, these are truly unique people who, instead of talking about the weather, preferred to talk about history at dinner, they raised their children as leaders, and grew out of general harmony fell out. this is her biographer, lis pentakov, she knew her already when her brain was broken and her mental abilities were reduced to the level of a two-year-old child. joseph kennedy was horrified; he told the family only half the truth, that rosemary had become worse than her. i had to be admitted to the clinic. for 20 years he kept it a secret that his daughters had a labotomy. while she was hidden from america, this is what happened. bend your fingers. 1944, the end of world war ii, the eldest of joe kennedy's sons, the youngest, dies during a secret mission. in the skies over england. the plane exploded, turning into steam. my uncle's body was never found. 1963.
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elder, father of the current presidential candidate. i thank you all and now we go to chicago and let's win there. then bobby, as his family called him in america, as his son now participated in the presidential race, according to many forecasts he was supposed to win it. did senator kennedy shoot? my father , a week before he was killed, said that the first thing he would do was remove the cleaners and convert. siru into what it is
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must be in an intelligence gathering organization . he conducted his investigation and believes that sirhan sirhan, who was accused of murdering his father, is not the real killer, he was programmed by the cia, making him a false target, the real killer shot from a closer distance. historian jeremy kuzmarov is confident that both brothers were victims of a conspiracy by the secret services, possibly the pentagon. here is a rare audio recording of john kennedy talking.
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his cousin michael dies in a skiing accident, his cousin edward loses his leg to cancer, the whole kennedy group is mowed down with illegal substances, only along the line. one of his sons, a granddaughter, dies from an overdose , robert jr.’s late wife also suffered from drug addiction, left me with six children, even robert kennedy jr. himself had an addiction in his youth, i think, because it was difficult for him to cope with
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the death of his father. in 2005, another one will happen, rose morey will die at the fort atkinson memorial hospital, after that fateful labotomy operation 64 will be performed. most of them will be theorized by americans conspiracy and even look for answers in mysticism. according to one of the mystical versions of the curses of the kennedy clan, this is a punishment for exactly what was done to rose marie in this family. according to another, this is how the kennedys are paying for the death of marilyn munro, who is believed to have been the mistress of both john and robert, of course, the elders. and supposedly, it was robert, being the attorney general, who spoke about the brothers’ relationship. the journalists didn’t recognize the actress, he gave her an overdose, but there is also a pirated version that leads to the island ireland, where kennedy is from, supposedly the great-grandfather of the president of america got rich when he found a treasure trove of gold, cursed of course,
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or maybe the curse passes through names, it’s hard not to notice that the kennedys pass them on from generation to generation, we have a lot curses, when in order to leave his wife less money, it is known that they did not open his head, supposedly his immunity dealt with the worms, but then perhaps
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this is the first time in history when kennedy killed the parasite that attacked him, and not vice versa. anton chichulyunsky, oleg baranochnikov, yuri rabakon, central television. in general, it is clear that problems with the head are not a reason to abandon political ambitions, but conspiracy theories aside, let’s return to the real events of this day, that is, to the news, which we, of course, continue to follow. well, vadim, the floods are over, and the fire season has begun in 85 regions of russia. the ministry of emergency situations has special control over 25 thousand settlements, where there is a high risk of fire spreading from forest areas to residential buildings. the reason for the majority. as usual, it is a person’s conscience that this is careless handling of fire and even deliberate arson, for example, in the krasnoyarsk territory, someone set fire to an unauthorized landfill next to private houses; gas cylinders were stored in one of the outbuildings. fortunately, the fire was quickly extinguished and
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no one was injured. but this is footage from the khabarovsk territory, burning dry grass near populated areas was extinguished on the ground, from the air. well, this week scientists finally established why cockroaches began to rule the world. the loud and even scandalous title of an article in the reputable american publication washington post does not at all refer us to some kind of conspiracy theory, but only emphasizes the seriousness of the problem. well, indeed, cockroaches have become real invaders who, without declaring war, can occupy an expensive hotel room, the kitchen of a fashionable restaurant, and, of course, ours. own home, this is perhaps the most hated species of arthropod by people, and it is no coincidence that in almost all countries it bears the name of the main enemy, which i mean, yulia will explain. vladim, well, i ’ll try, let’s plunge into what is called history. the first mention of those very cockroaches,
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which are now considered constant companions of humans, appeared in europe in the middle of the 16th century. this was after the seven-year war. a hitherto unknown beetle. instantly spread throughout the continent, and so in those countries that opposed prossia during the seven-year war, they began to call it prussian or german, well, in germany it’s the other way around, they began to call it russian, something like that, yes, and at the same time, when scientists tried to find the natural habitat of these red creatures, all attempts ended in complete failure, nowhere in the world does the red domestic cockroach have a home in the wild, finally, now that scientists... its hairy paws spread
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salmonella and intestinal worms throughout your kitchen stick. his saliva causes your allergies and asthma. it is omnivorous and can feed on human skin cells. he is an acrobat, rock climber and the fastest sprinter on earth. he will squeeze into a hole four times narrower than his own body and withstand the blow weighing 900 times heavier. scientists know all this. about cockroaches, but they didn’t know the main thing, where they came from, because there is no place on the planet where red cockroaches live in nature, but researchers from texas were finally able to solve this mystery, our film crew goes to the town of college, where one of the largest universities in the usa, and this is professor edward varga, now we will see his laboratory. let's go to etsektari and look at our cockroaches. few people are able to look at these mustaches pests without disgust, or at least
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calmly, but the entomologist watches them almost with love. here we have thousands of cockroaches, you can see adults, also teenagers, here are kids. now we will catch a couple for experiments, and professor vargo will show us how his team found out that people created these red monsters with their own hands. in this clutch there are approximately 40 small cockroaches, which... the pedigree of the domestic cockroach is about to hatch ; using dna analysis, scientists have dissected the history of the development of this species, which is 315 million years old. we found, that the red cockroach evolved from a natural population of the asian cockroach about 2,000 years ago. according to our assumptions, part of the asian cockroach population began to live in buildings built by people and adapted to these conditions to such an extent that they lost the ability to live in their natural environment. that is now. this species can only live with humans and is completely dependent on us. cockroaches began to conquer the world by traveling on
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merchant ships, with the camp kitchens of large armies, and now they even fly on international airlines. cockroaches have become immune to many of the substances with which they were poisoned. their resistance develops very quickly. we believe that if we can better understand the genome, we will know why the red cockroach is so adaptable. cockroaches have taken over the world thanks to their incredible fertility. if one pregnant female settles in your apartment, then after 2 months there will already be a thousand such neighbors. but one more circumstance makes these beetles unique: all other insects, animals, birds choose for themselves a comfortable habitat, only cockroaches do equally well in the far north and in the hot desert, so maybe they... have some kind of superpower? yes,
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scientists from the united arab emirates found a real superpower in cockroaches. during the coronavirus epidemic, professor navitkhan wondered why people need vaccinations, masks and antiseptics, but cockroaches are not affected by anything, neither covid nor strep. they have no acquired immunity, no antibodies, which means they must have some powerful molecule that protects against infections. so we started exploring potential antimicrobials. they found this molecule in the brain of a cockroach; just five micrograms of this substance in a test tube kills more than a million superbugs, that is, those against which all existing antibiotics are ineffective. it turned out that this superdrug is synthesized in the intestines of the cockroach, and only then accumulates in the brain. we don't take bacteria from the intestines of cockroaches, we look at what molecules they produce and try to develop new antibiotics. there are more than 2 thousand molecules that could potentially be useful, perhaps it will be cockroaches
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that will ultimately save humanity, because superbugs already kill half a million people a year today, but in 20 years this will be 10 million, who would have thought that the love of cleanliness, a cleaning hygiene product , is to blame for everything? home with an antibacterial effect, until recently advertising all over the world was trumpeting that this is a panacea for all infections, but... today , british scientists are saying the opposite to find out why our film crew is going to manchester. professor medical microbiologist mark enrade studies how cleaning antiseptics affect microorganisms in the home. he explains that the same process occurs as when taking antibiotics. yes, the drug kills pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones. thus, immunity is undermined. the bacteria can make you sick. multiply more actively,
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because with antiseptics you also destroy beneficial bacteria, which previously were competitors of harmful ones. just imagine, 3 kg of your weight is bacteria, this is the microbiome. 100 trillion cells that accompany you everywhere. and their composition is unique to each person, like a fingerprint. but now scientists have found out that every home has its own special microbiome. now in this house our students are making masks for germs on all surfaces. next, we will conduct a genetic analysis of all the bacteria and see what chemicals they secrete. geneticists at the university of chicago analyzed seven houses in this way, and then placed new families in them, and in just 3 days the microbiome of the house changed completely. for the last 150 years we
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have been trying to destroy all microbes in our environment using antibiotic sterilants. we tried to build a wall, but now we are starting to understand that these microbes are very important to the ecosystem, they train our immune system to be strong. a house that is too clean for a healthy person can even be dangerous, the body is still in search of threats and thus begins to attack itself, autoimmune diseases arise, but then how to clean the house? and then british scientists propose a completely revolutionary idea. it is assumed that if you spray healthy bacteria to the surface, it will be possible to get rid of the pathogenic bacteria that live on it. a cleaning product with a probiotic is like taking home medicine after antibiotic therapy. to understand how this works, microbiologists suggest imagining
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a golf course. if you sow it with the right lawn grass, then weeds will not grow on it, but will you take the risk? turn your home into a field for a bacterial experiment. tatyana proskoryakova, anastasia lunkova, yaroslav felatov, vladimir sharykin, central television. well, i don't know, or british scientists are once again delusional, or simply want to force their residents to continue saving not only on heat, on water, but on cleaning the house. in general, this ends our time on air, and in a few seconds the program “you won’t believe” will tell you why philip kirkorov called uspenskaya’s love a beggar. those who again brought olga buzova to tears, who are interested, and we will see you in exactly a week on saturday at 19:00. stay with us, stay with your central television, see you later, bye.


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